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» Horus replied on Wed Nov 28, 2007 @ 7:41pm. Posted in Pole Dancing kit... for kids!.
Coolness: 40875
Originally Posted By EL_LEADER_MAXIMO
people are stupid. this is a novelty product and its not designed for actual kids. It's the kind of stuff you buy a friend for a good laugh. God I hate offended parents. Choke on a dick

Yeah that thing would do OK in a "jokes and pranks" store I guess... :o
» Horus replied on Wed Nov 28, 2007 @ 7:24pm. Posted in How old are you?.
Coolness: 40875

Sorry I just had to... Here is my score, with the answers given with perfect honesty... :)


Biological age: 40
Real age: 10

Average Life Expectancy: 75
Life expectancy: 105


Oh yeah for those of you who are too old to understand proper netspeak, ROFLMGDMFAO means Rolls On the Floor Laughing My GodDamn MotherFucking Ass Off. So there. :)
» Horus replied on Wed Nov 28, 2007 @ 7:17pm. Posted in Rice Visits Middle East, Peace Quickly Established.
Coolness: 40875
This "article" made me LMAO! Thanks! :)

Originally Posted By CAPTAIN.OBVIOUS
Peace will never exist in the Middle East.

I beg to differ.

Soon, it will be a very peaceful, and extremely quiet place where all that sand has been turned into a nice sheet of radioactive GLASS.
» Horus replied on Wed Nov 28, 2007 @ 7:04pm. Posted in Resolution _ OR _ Soma ???.
Coolness: 40875
Some of you are going to Resolution, others are going to Soma. And some, like me, hesitate.

Let's talk about why one is better than the other, what about the crowds, the music, everything...

Help me decide!!!
» Horus replied on Wed Nov 28, 2007 @ 6:26pm. Posted in Paul Van Dyk @ Metropolis Vendredi 23 Novembre.
Coolness: 40875
Un rave dans un after... ?!

Mais ça a l'air d'un bon party :)
» Horus replied on Wed Nov 28, 2007 @ 3:53pm. Posted in L'Ila aux fleurs.
Coolness: 40875
Ouf. Ça m'a donné des petites larmes là.

J'ai hâte à la bombe atomique ou le changement climatique ou autre catastrophe qui va crisser tout ce système de merde à terre pour que naisse LA LIBERTÉ.

Car selon moi y'a AUCUNE autre possibilité. Ah, peut-être des soucoupes volantes qui attrerrissent et qui disent "On va vous expliquer des choses là"...
» Horus replied on Wed Nov 28, 2007 @ 3:34pm. Posted in Paul Van Dyk @ Metropolis Vendredi 23 Novembre.
Coolness: 40875
Originally Posted By HUG123
Le 1er DJ (c'est quoi son nom?)

nick pilon

Cool, je l'aime ben, il mixe souvent?
» Horus replied on Wed Nov 28, 2007 @ 3:28pm. Posted in Ghb.
Coolness: 40875
Quoi le GBL est toujours légal? Je me procurais du GBL pur à 99.9999% Il y a plusieurs années, réagi avec du NaOH à 99.5% ça donnait un produit de qualité pharmaceutique. Je ramenais le pH de la solution à neutre avec de la bonne vitamine C... :)

Aujourd'hui ce que les gangs de crime organisé nous propose comme produit contient sûrement des quantités non négligeables de métaux lourds tels que le plomb et le mercure... Ce sont des poisons que le corps ne peut pas éliminer... ATTENTION.

Au pire, il faudrait que je dépoussière mes textes de purification du GHB impur, de façon à avoir un produit CLEAN.
» Horus replied on Wed Nov 28, 2007 @ 1:42am. Posted in Marijuana in Montreal....
Coolness: 40875
I smoked weed in jamaica and it was the same buzz as in Montreal, except weaker.

I stopped smoking that stuff though, I am lazy enough naturally XD
» Horus replied on Wed Nov 28, 2007 @ 12:33am. Posted in Ghb.
Coolness: 40875
5 à 10 grammes par nuit, sans excéder 5 grammes par dose. Pendant minimum 6 mois.
» Horus replied on Wed Nov 28, 2007 @ 12:28am. Posted in Paul Van Dyk @ Metropolis Vendredi 23 Novembre.
Coolness: 40875
Ce fut un set de 3 heures seulement, donc un assez long "warm-up" avec le son à 1/5è de sa puissance optimale. Le 1er DJ (c'est quoi son nom?) a fait une très bonne job, bonne sélection musicale, ça paraît qu'il aime ce qu'il fait, bien mixé, etc.

Arrive PvD, gros son, grosses lumières, c'était très réussi en fait. Trop de monde sur la piste de danse, on pouvait juste sautiller sur place, oublie ça danser comme un vrai raver perdu dans son trip.

La crowd venait de toute évidence de PARTOUT: Quelques rares ravers, du monde des afterhours, du monde des bas-fonds des bars mal famés, saouls, du monde de 50, 60 ans, une crowd très hétéroclite quoi. Y'avait même du monde très "dark", j'aurais imaginé que ce DJ n'aurait pas été leur trip... En somme, une assez mauvaise crowd pour faire un trip de E, mais une musique et des jeux de lumière PARFAITS pour un tel trip.

Somme toute: les grands DJ au Métropolis, à déconseiller.
» Horus replied on Wed Nov 28, 2007 @ 12:11am. Posted in Best way to recover from long night.
Coolness: 40875
Originally Posted By LACASSE.BOB
L'acid lipoique (je crois bien que c'est ca) qui est un anti-oxydant est reconnu pour anéantir totallement les effets négatif de l'oxydation de la dopamine qui se retrouve dans les capteurs de séretonine sous l'effet de la mdma... Evidemment tous les anti-oxydant sont potentiellement benefique eux aussi pour prévenir les dommages de la MDMA,

Je ne connaissais pas cet usage particulier de l'acide Alpha lipoique, qui est le seul antioxidant universel, c'est à dire le seul qui soit capable d'exercer son effet antioxidant dans tous les recoins du corps. Les autres sont limités dans ce sens-là. Ça doit être pour ça qu'on recommande celui-là.

L'ALA est très utilisé par les athlètes de haut niveau, car il a des effets semblables à l'insuline mais seulement au niveau des muscles. C'est à dire que l'ALA va "chasser" les sucres du sang vers les muscles, en plus d'être un si excellent antioxidant. Ceci signifie que de consommer une bonne dose d'ALA sans manger des glucides (sucres ou farineux) est très déconseillé car vous allez "feeler" mal. Avec des bonbons, pas de problème par contre. :)

La forme la plus efficace d'ALA est le r-ALA, que l'on retrouve également sous les formes Na-r-ALA et K-r-ALA. L'ALA sans préfixe est moins bon. Voici une bonne place pour s'en procurer pas cher: [ www.nutraplanet.com ]

On trouve aussi du 5-htp au même magasin. BEAUCOUP moins cher que chez votre magasin de produits naturels... [ www.nutraplanet.com ]

Santé! :)
» Horus replied on Wed Nov 28, 2007 @ 12:03am. Posted in Ghb.
Coolness: 40875
Originally Posted By LACASSE.BOB
pas pire pentoute...

Haha, je dirais ça oui! :)

Tsé quand on dit que littéralement "Je lui dois la vie" c'est pas rien pantoute. Alors la fameuse désinformation de masse sur le GHB je l'ai ben loin où tu penses...
» Horus replied on Tue Nov 27, 2007 @ 7:52pm. Posted in Devil Symbology and the Rave scene....
Coolness: 40875
Originally Posted By STRIK_IX
Originally Posted By Horus But the rave since has dyed, hasn't it?

DJWood is that you? Scene, Died... sorry for nittypicking, but I see a pattern ;)

It's "nitpicking" and no this is not DJwood, it is Horus playing around with DJwood's spelling mistakes...
» Horus replied on Tue Nov 27, 2007 @ 6:02pm. Posted in Devil Symbology and the Rave scene....
Coolness: 40875
W0t I missed Tiësto? Last time I saw him was at Sona, he was sooooo blasted out of his mind, he missed a few mixes and I mean, BAD. Great music choice though, had a good time.
» Horus replied on Tue Nov 27, 2007 @ 3:05pm. Posted in Anyone know any 2 room locations.
Coolness: 40875
Originally Posted By CAPTAIN.OBVIOUS
[ www.2girls1cup.com ]

Is a fantastic website for finding rave venues with 2 rooms at a decent price, unfortunately they force you to first watch a brief, but sexy video of two girls.. and one cup, shortly followed by venue information.

That is so garishly disgusting.
» Horus replied on Tue Nov 27, 2007 @ 2:57pm. Posted in Ketamine/Attention/body-damage_side effect.
Coolness: 40875
Originally Posted By DATABOY
Ca me surprendrait vraiment beaucoup que la Ketamine soit utisier sur des humains an Canada, encore moins sur des enfants. Il y a vraiment trops d'effets secondaires.
J'en ai parlé a une amie inhalotherapeute et elle m'a dit qu'ils n'utilisait pas la ketamine pour anasthesier.
Marie-Gazelle, as tu des sources?

Oui, je suis d'accord, je pense que tu parles du GHB et que tu le mélanges avec la kétamine.

C'est le GHB qu'on utilise pour endormir les poupons, car les autres substances sont trop dangereuses... HHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHHAHAAHA :)
» Horus replied on Tue Nov 27, 2007 @ 2:55pm. Posted in Ghb.
Coolness: 40875
Originally Posted By WASSUPONEARTH
Originally Posted By Horusc'est bon le GHB. Il m'a sauvé la vie en tous cas...
explications svp.

Le GHB est reconnu en usage médical dans plusieurs pays d'Europe (du moins il l'était quand j'en ai consommé de fortes quantités dans le passé) entre autres comme agent anti-dépendance, comme diagnostic de la dépression, ainsi que comme REMÈDE contre la dépression. Oui, on dit bien ici REMÈDE et non TRAITEMENT. Un remède GUÉRIT alors qu'un traitement doit être continuel pour être efficace.

M'étant renseigné de long en large sur le GHB ainsi que sur ses multiples usages, je me suis lancé vers ma première dose. Le but était les effets recherchés par les culturistes et en second, les effets sexuels. Mais voilà, dès ma première dose, me voici présentant EXACTEMENT les signes d'une personne dépressive prenant une dose de GHB. Le diagnostic était établi. Le hic, c'est que je ne me sentais pas plus mal que d'habitude à cette époque. En effet, j'avais été profondément dépressif TOUTE MA VIE. L'idéation suicidaire ne m'avais pas vraiment lâchée depuis l'âge de 7-8 ans, d'ailleurs. Ce n'était qu'une question de temps avant que je passe à l'acte et crois-moi je n'aurais eu aucunement l'intention de manquer mon coup: L'idée principale étant l'utilisation de plusieurs méthodes suicidaires EN MÊME TEMPS: pilules, saignée, armes.

Mais voilà grâce au GHB je savais que c'était pas normal et je savais que je tenais le REMÈDE à cette condition. En consultant les librairies médicales, j'ai rapidement trouvé les protocoles de guérison de la dépression à l'aide du GHB, que j'ai appliqué avec soin. 10 mois plus tard, je cessais la consommation du produit et la dépression ne revint jamais. Voilà.
» Horus replied on Tue Nov 27, 2007 @ 1:46pm. Posted in Devil Symbology and the Rave scene....
Coolness: 40875
Originally Posted By BR34TH3
Originally Posted By Horus
forgiveness and kindness

...not to be mistaken for weakness and naivety. I think this pretext of gratuitous "forgivness and kindness" has been misunderstood on a massive scale and has opened the doors all to often to some serious mutherfucking users and abusers in this community. Which in turn has contributed substantially to the current jaded as fuck state of affaires you speak of.

Absolutely. Like, totalulously. I feel like printing your post and framing it on my wall. Sadly, such is the case with every "movement" that starts out with "nice" and "good" intentions. This is why I find "openmindedness" to be not such a great quality. "Discernment", now here is a good one. :)
» Horus replied on Tue Nov 27, 2007 @ 2:44am. Posted in Devil Symbology and the Rave scene....
Coolness: 40875
Originally Posted By STRIK_IX
This thread delivers... it kept me entertained for a half hour at work...

I got a quetion for Horus. Are you a right winged christian... as in practicing?

I feel religion is something personnal, not some bullshit doctrine that's forcefed to you. Cuz' if in the end you wanna push the bible or other BS, I think you're barking up the wrong tree.

Actually, not at all, although I do think the message from the guy that got nailed to a cross, to love one another, holds some relationship with what I perceive that the Rave Movement use to be about. But the rave since has dyed, hasn't it?

I still know that there are people who do the things I talk about and they call themselves "Satanists". You guys can say they are "false satanists" if you want to, that's fine. But those people do these things and call themselves that, and I find such things to be on the repulsive side of deranged, call me a sissy if you want to, and totally in opposition to LOVE.

That's all. I don't go to church, and hate the Catholic Church for all its lies and crimes. When you think about it, there aren't many places where a gentle soul can be among siblings, where forgiveness and kindness are the rule of the game. Certainly not here on this board, where "Appearing Cool" is the rule of the game. Flame away, please.
» Horus replied on Tue Nov 27, 2007 @ 2:36am. Posted in Top Things You'd Overhear At A Rave....
Coolness: 40875
"Montre moi tes yeux" [...] "Ah, non. Bye."
» Horus replied on Fri Nov 23, 2007 @ 4:42pm. Posted in People saying the rave Since is Dieing..
Coolness: 40875
Originally Posted By BR34TH3
Originally Posted By Tamala
Kalan I hate you!

:( .. you dont like my new tattoos? bah... your just jelous!

The tats are just alright I guess, but damn what a fine bum! XD
» Horus replied on Fri Nov 23, 2007 @ 12:00pm. Posted in Best Goa or PsyTrance tracks?.
Coolness: 40875
Ah how could I forget Toï Doï??? He was at one of the best raves I have ever attended in Montréal... French guy... His website is kinda dead... I'd kill for his CD's... What you say? Buy them? Yeah, at 20 euros + 10 euros shipping each... $45 per CD... Hm...
» Horus replied on Fri Nov 23, 2007 @ 12:17am. Posted in Best Goa or PsyTrance tracks?.
Coolness: 40875
Oh yeah, I love my my shpongle!! :) The best chilling muze!!

Thanks for the invite Djwood, I am taking my girl to dance to Paul Van Dyk @ Metropolis, although it ends at 3am... W0t 3AM? I was considering going to the circus after that because it is so close to the Metropolis, but... What time does that dine & dance end?

It will be my first time changing venues while seriously tripping... :-O
» Horus replied on Thu Nov 22, 2007 @ 11:51pm. Posted in Best Goa or PsyTrance tracks?.
Coolness: 40875
Me, I absolutely worship anything by "Eskimo" and "Prana"...

If you know something more fantastic, please let me know! :)
» Horus replied on Thu Nov 22, 2007 @ 11:05pm. Posted in Mulroney owes Canadians 2.1 million dollars!.
Coolness: 40875
Originally Posted By SYNCHRONICITY
the government will always screw us over in some way or another. lust for power and control is what corrupts.

unfortunately the people that should be in power, are the ones who would never choose to do so in the first place.

That is so true.

Concentration of resources (money and power) attracts those who are primarily interested in those things. Thus, given current "human nature", the only sort of government that could possibly work is micro-government, city-states, and even then... Neighborhood-states... :-O
» Horus replied on Thu Nov 22, 2007 @ 9:17pm. Posted in People saying the rave Since is Dieing..
Coolness: 40875
Fuck peace man, war is where all the action is.

That is my sick sense of humor at work, please ignore if you are easily offended.
» Horus replied on Thu Nov 22, 2007 @ 8:45pm. Posted in People saying the rave Since is Dieing..
Coolness: 40875
Originally Posted By HUMAN_DISEASE
oh boy guess i was wrong. lol OH WELL!

I was hoping you would be right also... oOOOOOhhhhh boy...
» Horus replied on Thu Nov 22, 2007 @ 4:47pm. Posted in People saying the rave Since is Dieing..
Coolness: 40875
LOLz j'aime ça écrire n'importe quoi surtout quand c'est vrai... :-P
» Horus replied on Thu Nov 22, 2007 @ 4:35pm. Posted in People saying the rave Since is Dieing..
Coolness: 40875
My dog chewed my favorite dancing shoes. Well just the left one actually. So if you have a left-side Etnies all black size 9 in good working order, I might take it off your hands. Just in case someone's dog chewed their right-side shoe...

» Horus replied on Thu Nov 22, 2007 @ 3:24pm. Posted in Devil Symbology and the Rave scene....
Coolness: 40875
Oh man that's a priceless video... LOLz
» Horus replied on Thu Nov 22, 2007 @ 3:05pm. Posted in Devil Symbology and the Rave scene....
Coolness: 40875
OOoooh my... Never seen that but... LMAO

Lori... Lori... ROFL
» Horus replied on Thu Nov 22, 2007 @ 2:27pm. Posted in People saying the rave Since is Dieing..
Coolness: 40875
My subwoofer is stuck at max volume.
» Horus replied on Thu Nov 22, 2007 @ 1:36pm. Posted in People saying the rave Since is Dieing..
Coolness: 40875
Originally Posted By MELOODIE
Originally Posted By databoy I'ts hard for anyone with low self esteem to believe that PLUR is possible.

explain yourself,cuz i might really not agree with your point.People can have their own opinion and that as no lien with self esteem?! it's like saying that the one who believe in jesus have more self esteem than others or blablabla. I think it could be easily the opposite.The low self esteem people have to believe in something more then the one with the big one.Jesus is like PLUR ,it's the past and we have to look at the future instead of always looking back behind our shoulder.

I think you make a very valid point of low self-esteem being linked to the need to believe in SOMETHING. I mentioned a name of a historical figure to make a point about LOVE though, and that is or SHOULD BE the foundation of any social gathering or movement that seeks to IMPROVE upon what goes on in "normal" life. It has nothing to do with going to church or "believing in J...." And I happen to agree with databoy as well, it takes some self-esteem to forgive.
» Horus replied on Thu Nov 22, 2007 @ 1:29pm. Posted in People saying the rave Since is Dieing..
Coolness: 40875
Which ones might those be? Electronic Music and Drugs?
» Horus replied on Thu Nov 22, 2007 @ 1:24pm. Posted in People saying the rave Since is Dieing..
Coolness: 40875
Thanks Dahlia. Actually re-reading that post, that reference was not absolutely necessary. My error.
» Horus replied on Thu Nov 22, 2007 @ 12:57pm. Posted in People saying the rave Since is Dieing..
Coolness: 40875
IMO PLUR can and does exist. There is a legend about a guy who lived about 2,000 years ago and tried teaching LOVE to mankind. Not easy, so it seems. But in my extreme search for wisdom and enlightenment, I have come to the conclusion that EVERYTHING that happens to you, YOU have created for yourself, including someone "randomly" coming to slap you in the face. Knowing that everything that happens to me is created by myself, allows me to love everyone. All the time. Not just those who are nice to me.

Think about it:

If you say, "well I am nice to those who are nice to me", "I respect those who respect me" and so on, you are NOT GIVING anything that is not given to you in the first place. You show no forgiveness at all. Moreover, this means that ONE asshole can ruin everything for everyone, since he will force you to stop being nice to him, which will destroy your good mood - face it, IT WILL - and so on, until everyone feels like shit. Thus, the assholes always win.

Any system that allows the most destructive-minded to win is flawed In My Humble Opinion. What sayeth thou?
» Horus replied on Thu Nov 22, 2007 @ 1:37am. Posted in Devil Symbology and the Rave scene....
Coolness: 40875
I can sleep. I am evil-proofed... :D

Damn where did my other post go?
» Horus replied on Thu Nov 22, 2007 @ 1:35am. Posted in Wow.
Coolness: 40875
Who doesn't love some CS:Source?
» Horus replied on Thu Nov 22, 2007 @ 12:57am. Posted in People saying the rave Since is Dieing..
Coolness: 40875
To me, PLUR is first and something you silently, quietly DO. The first rule of PLUR is... Don't talk about PLUR. Just like any other virtue.
Horus's Profile - Community Messages