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» Horus replied on Mon Jan 14, 2008 @ 1:04pm. Posted in Information for my article about raves. Help please..
Coolness: 40900
Hm yeah, summer of rave != summer of love...
» Horus replied on Mon Jan 14, 2008 @ 12:47pm. Posted in Ghb.
Coolness: 40900
Originally Posted By LACASSE.BOB
Ca faisait un criss de bout que je cherchais quelque chose écrit par Henri Laborit lui-même a propos du GHB car il a vraiment beaucoup expérimenté avec ce produit et même toute sa vie. Et je suis finalement tombé dessus dans son livre *L'agressivité détournée*. En plus, j'ai trouvé une retranscription de cette partie du livre sur internet alors voici le lien ---»

Cherches aussi "L'inhibition de l'action" je crois que c'est de Laborit également, c'est époustouflant ce que ça révèle sur notre monde d'aujourd'hui... Et plus ;-)

En voici un résumé... À lire et méditer... Y'a beaucoup à voir là-dedans!

[ www.retrouversonnord.be ]
» Horus replied on Sun Jan 13, 2008 @ 2:31pm. Posted in Information for my article about raves. Help please..
Coolness: 40900
Dude, whoa... It's what I've been trying to say, but with such better words than mine. Props.
» Horus replied on Fri Jan 11, 2008 @ 11:33am. Posted in Wtf.
Coolness: 40900
Originally Posted By FLO
qui c'est qu'a tout trempé par terre là !?!

C'est moi, je transpire beaucoup quand je rave, c'est pour ça que j'enlève mon chandail, mais ça mouille le plancher. :o)
» Horus replied on Fri Jan 11, 2008 @ 11:31am. Posted in Information for my article about raves. Help please..
Coolness: 40900
Originally Posted By MOONDANCER
Originally Posted By Horus
Originally Posted By moondancer What I like most about raves is that there are so many different people from all walks of life, all ages and all styles of music and dress come together and their differences are never considered a bad thing. Originality and being yourself is encouraged in a positive way.
That was the theory, yes. It might have been a start towards people learning to love each other. Maybe it was, for a short while. In fact, it seems to have become a way to "belong" to a "clique". The music and decorations still make for a fun time though. And there are some nice people. People who don't just "act nice because it's a rave".

What I said was an observation and has nothing to do with old school raves or raver philosophy, I don't know why you're talking about how it used to be or what it was supposed to be. This is a complete misinterpretation of my commentary. I was making an observation, not stating a theory. There's a fine line between observation and theory. We can have different experiences and observations but don't tell me that mine is wrong.

Anything we can say about raves or ravers is only true in comparison. Every subculture suffers from this need to "belong" and cliqueiness, they are all cliques just in themselves to begin with. However in my personal experience I find it's a little less cliquey in rave culture, maybe it's just me. There are many many other things which are worse in rave culture and which I may find sanctuary from in others. There is no use saying anything if we're not comparing it to something else. You're staement abotu cliqueiness is empty in that sense. She asked us what was the positive point that drove us to raves and in my case it is something which very much existed then and still does now and I think it's really idealistic to expect anything more.

I find your comment very intelligent and well-put.

I agree, there is an accepting-ness to the rave scene that is absent pretty much everywhere else.
» Horus replied on Fri Jan 11, 2008 @ 11:25am. Posted in What are you listening to right now?.
Coolness: 40900
Originally Posted By PURPLE_LEE

PsyMexico Team

Promo Erotic Dream - Unknown


01. Erotic Dream - Fractal
02. Erotic Dream - The Old Time
03. Erotic Dream - My Strange Extremities
04. Erotic Dream - Stone Lake (MG Party)
05. Erotic Dream - I´m Still Waiting To The End Of Time
06. Erotic Dream - Live Version
07. Erotic Dream - Do You Like It

Link: [ rapidshare.com ]

This is pretty good, actually. For some reason the beat seems kinda slow, but there's some good stuff in there.
» Horus replied on Thu Jan 10, 2008 @ 11:10pm. Posted in People saying the rave Since is Dieing..
Coolness: 40900
[ video]url goes here [/video ]
^ ^
Remove spaces between the brackets... ;)
» Horus replied on Thu Jan 10, 2008 @ 11:09pm. Posted in Oh Shit, here come the glowing clubbers....
Coolness: 40900
Originally Posted By ABSURD
I would like to disguise myself as a monkey with this, and faint because of the heat 2h after.

That's ... drum roll ... Absurd. Although if you did a rabbit and showed up at "Rewire" like that, you'd be the life of the party. For 2 hours. :-P
» Horus replied on Thu Jan 10, 2008 @ 9:40pm. Posted in Date Fuck Or Pass.
Coolness: 40900
» Horus replied on Thu Jan 10, 2008 @ 9:38pm. Posted in What do you want?.
Coolness: 40900
July 1st to be here and I get to move in with my yummylicious wondrous lady of luvviness.
» Horus replied on Thu Jan 10, 2008 @ 9:37pm. Posted in Wtf.
Coolness: 40900
Originally Posted By AERIAL_RAVER

The happy skeleton dance?
» Horus replied on Thu Jan 10, 2008 @ 9:35pm. Posted in Oh Shit, here come the glowing clubbers....
Coolness: 40900
I am caught between "Purty! Funky!" and "OMFG what kind of monstrous personality wears this?"

I guess with the right attitude it would be fine.
» Horus replied on Thu Jan 10, 2008 @ 9:32pm. Posted in People saying the rave Since is Dieing..
Coolness: 40900
Oh my... Why.
» Horus replied on Thu Jan 10, 2008 @ 4:54pm. Posted in Wtf.
Coolness: 40900
schlechtskrankheit is bad disease, ton is clay, so it means something like "the bad clay disease" or somesuch... Like something that would make you look like you are made of clay?
» Horus replied on Thu Jan 10, 2008 @ 4:32pm. Posted in What are you listening to right now?.
Coolness: 40900
Originally Posted By PURPLE_LEE

downloaded it for free from the record labels site

Yeah, they now seem to be charging for it though. :(
» Horus replied on Wed Jan 9, 2008 @ 5:48pm. Posted in What are you listening to right now?.
Coolness: 40900
Big thanks for the link!! :)
» Horus replied on Wed Jan 9, 2008 @ 5:46pm. Posted in SOMA 2009 Suggestions Box.
Coolness: 40900
Oui à ce que j'ai vu sur le site du TSF y'a 3 salles, je m'attendais vraiment à y voir un chillroom, ce qui aurait fait du bien... Je serais resté plus tard si j'avais pu me reposer vraiment, pis être avec le monde.

Quant à moi, vieux comme je suis, je vois pas le besoin de 2 salles, dans le vieux temps les rave avaient juste une salle pis tout le monde ENSEMBLE, pis une chill-room ou le monde chillait ensemble. Pas que j'aie pas aimé les 2 salles à Soma 2008, j'ai passé à peu près le même temps dans une pis dans l'autre. Mais pas dans les 2 en même temps...

La musique était vraiment géniale pis les salles très bien. J'aurais préféré un son qui fesse plus, mais ça, on dirait que je voudrais toujours que ça fesse plusse... :O
» Horus replied on Wed Jan 9, 2008 @ 3:46pm. Posted in Information for my article about raves. Help please..
Coolness: 40900
Originally Posted By MOONDANCER
What I like most about raves is that there are so many different people from all walks of life, all ages and all styles of music and dress come together and their differences are never considered a bad thing. Originality and being yourself is encouraged in a positive way.

That was the theory, yes.

It might have been a start towards people learning to love each other. Maybe it was, for a short while.

In fact, it seems to have become a way to "belong" to a "clique".

The music and decorations still make for a fun time though. And there are some nice people. People who don't just "act nice because it's a rave".
» Horus replied on Mon Jan 7, 2008 @ 4:00pm. Posted in Shangrila the return to the source Feb 22nd 2008.
Coolness: 40900
"Progressive electronica" yeah... That sounds pretty yummy actually, you don't see nearly enough of that anymore!! :)
» Horus replied on Mon Jan 7, 2008 @ 11:52am. Posted in mdma - how much is too much?.
Coolness: 40900
At Soma I did the 5-htp during the trip thing. During the day of the 31st, I consumed 300mg of r-ALA, a fairly significant amount.

Whereas I usually consume 3 pills for a good, long night (remember I am 240lbs at this time), at soma I used only 2.5, like this: 1.5, then 0.5 1 hour after the first 1.5, then 100mg 5-htp 3 hours after that, which got me rolling again, then 0.5 2 hours after that, then 100mg 5-htp 2 hours after that. At about 10PM on Jan 1st, my pupils were still dilated and some leftovers from my roll were felt. I had been unable to get to sleep all day whereas without the 5-htp I am able to, even though my rolls are speedier in themselves. So I kinda had a full, long night and the better part of the next day out of my 2.5 pills.

It has now been a week, serotonin depletion symptoms were just about nonexistent and I am very aware and sensitive to them. Overall I give the 5-htp during the night along with ALA two thumbs up. It does make an obvious difference not only in both the QUALITY *AND* length of the trip, but also in the downer effects afterwards.

I am now taking more or less 2 months off any E, coz that was my 3rd time in a month and I feel my grey matter deserves a bit of a rest now.

Happy 2008 everyone, rave hard and safe!!! :)
» Horus replied on Sun Jan 6, 2008 @ 12:47pm. Posted in State The Obvious.
Coolness: 40900
One coffee is never enough.
» Horus replied on Fri Jan 4, 2008 @ 6:00pm. Posted in Your 2008 resolutions.
Coolness: 40900
OMFG he thinks I am being serious... Now THAT is scary!! :)

"indirect threats" LMAO
» Horus replied on Fri Jan 4, 2008 @ 4:59pm. Posted in Your 2008 resolutions.
Coolness: 40900
- Find a way to sleep less than 11 hours a day and still function
- Get more musclebound
- Grow some arrogance, so that people who look at things with a purely negative point of view can be justified in thinking that I might be arrogant
- Learn to be negative in order to appear more normal
- Get proof of my lineage so as to remove that "bastard" label off my reputation on [ rave.ca ]
- Get on Dr. N's good side, which probably entails having him GROW ONE in the first place
» Horus replied on Fri Jan 4, 2008 @ 4:25pm. Posted in What are you listening to right now?.
Coolness: 40900
Originally Posted By PURPLE_LEE

VA - Cosmic Tone - In Action

1. Aquatica - Side Off (Cosmic Tone Rmx)
2. Space Cat Vs Sesto Sento - Getting High Power (Cosmic Tone Rmx)
3. Vibe Tribe - Lphobia (Cosmic Tone Rmx)
4. System Nipel Vs Visual Contact - Lift Me Up (Cosmic Tone Rmx)
5. Cosmic Tone Vs Noga - Its Not Like That At All (Cosmic Tone Rmx)
6. Bizzare Contact Vs Electro Sun - I�ve Got The Power (Cosmic Tone Rmx)
7. Cosmic Tone - I Volume (Cosmic Tone Rmx)
8. Ultravoice Vs Ziki - Zik Zak (Cosmic Tone Vs Visual Paradox Rmx)
9. Lish - Fresh (Cosmic Tone Rmx-2007 Edit)

really enjoyed this album....

Can I ask what the link between the gurl and the CD might be? Although the pic itself has its charm... :)
» Horus replied on Fri Jan 4, 2008 @ 1:14pm. Posted in non ipod mp3 players.
Coolness: 40900
Originally Posted By MIKE_STINGER
i got this thing. it's pretty cool!

Damn, it looks even better than mine... Is that a touch screen? How much does it go for?
» Horus replied on Fri Jan 4, 2008 @ 11:40am. Posted in Best Rave Gear.
Coolness: 40900
Originally Posted By JINXY
I like dressing up ! Themes are the best, I agree. And for those interrested, I MAKE CLOTHES !!! :D Raver clothes; phats, furry phats, furry skirts, anything you want ! ;)

I might take you up on that... I threw out all my rave clothes 5 years ago....
» Horus replied on Thu Jan 3, 2008 @ 11:37pm. Posted in Shangrila the return to the source Feb 22nd 2008.
Coolness: 40900
Full on psy! Woooohooooooo!!! :)
» Horus replied on Thu Jan 3, 2008 @ 11:07pm. Posted in What are you listening to right now?.
Coolness: 40900
Underworld - I'm a big sister, and I'm a Girl and I'm a Princess and This is my Horse EP
» Horus replied on Thu Jan 3, 2008 @ 5:24pm. Posted in dmt.
Coolness: 40900
Those are interesting.

I have used 5-MeO-DiPT (5-methoxy-diisopropyltryptamine) which was euphoric the first time but only did paranoia after that. I eventually threw it away... 450mg of the stuff... My apologies.
» Horus replied on Thu Jan 3, 2008 @ 4:57pm. Posted in Threats To Canadian Freedom.
Coolness: 40900
Clearly well-thought-out posting here :)
» Horus replied on Thu Jan 3, 2008 @ 4:22pm. Posted in Threats To Canadian Freedom.
Coolness: 40900
Originally Posted By M-A-X
Originally Posted By Horus
No "protests" will change that.

What about an armed resistance?

A simultaneous coup d'état in most of the world's countries and elimination of the heads of the world's top 10,000 corporations might do something.

That would be a tad more complicated than Al-Qaeda smashing some planes into the WTC towers, and I'm not saying that is anything like what actually happened...

Overall, I prefer waiting for them to do their "world government" and take things from there. Once power is fully centralized, it will be easier to wreck their plan.

Until then, bite the bullet, there will be pain.
» Horus replied on Thu Jan 3, 2008 @ 2:29pm. Posted in Threats To Canadian Freedom.
Coolness: 40900
Originally Posted By MOONDANCER
Obvioulsy saying I hate him is a figure of speech, I don't hate anyone and I don't know why you would be picking that out. Yes he wants to appear dumb but he also wants people to vote for him. Rigging votes becomes hard if 1 million protesters just finished burnign new york down a day earlier. I think they do get humiliated but it's not the humiliation that counts, it's the numerous human rights groups that take notice and the fact the whole world will know that the common people don't support their governments actions. People don't look disallusioned for protesting, they look strong and determined and they get sympathy.

Nope, people are way too busy working extra hours to pay their bills to get involved with all that stuff. It is, and always will be, a minority who does have the time and energy to expend on these things.

Moreover, there are no systems that might work, as concentration of money and power invariably attracts ruthless vultures. The only thing you can take care of is your own life, nothing else.

» Horus replied on Thu Jan 3, 2008 @ 1:56pm. Posted in Threats To Canadian Freedom.
Coolness: 40900
They don't get humiliated, they get SATISFIED because protests demonstrate the illusion that people have that they can actually change something. They can't. There is no "democracy" but a word in the newspapers.

See, people like Harper WANT you to hate him. That is what they relish. Hating him means you are emotional about his person and what he does, and emotion INVARIABLY clouds judgement. Thus, you cannot see the scheme within the scheme within the scheme, but you are instead caught up in how things LOOK, which is EXACTLY where he wants you and your cohorts. These are VERY DEVIOUS people here. Bush WANTS to appear dumb, for the reality of what he is is MUCH more dire.
» Horus replied on Thu Jan 3, 2008 @ 1:27pm. Posted in Threats To Canadian Freedom.
Coolness: 40900
Of course, I have pecs, therefore I am a moron. For, surely, if I were smart, I would choose to look like a corpse. That is much better.

Keep to the topic.

No matter who you elect, freedoms all get eroded all the same. They promise one thing then just do whatever. Learn history. Get perspective. The only thing you CAN have any power over is yourself, your own life, and yes your body.

Concentration of power and money attracts vultures, and only the most ruthless ones get to it. Ruthless power/money-hungry people will NEVER DO ANYTHING than what serves THEM best because that is the very motivation that got them there in the first place.

Although they will lie about it and tell people that they will do this and that for them, etc. Morons believe them. Morons believe they are trying, but are too dumb to succeed. The ones with a clue realize it is all on purpose. Deceit, power. Money.

I'll not get into arguments with someone dumb enough to think that muscle mass is invariably inversely proportional to mind ability.
» Horus replied on Thu Jan 3, 2008 @ 1:22pm. Posted in Secret Society.
Coolness: 40900
C'était réussi!! Mon premier rave en ... 6 ans? :)

Le monde était fin, la chill-room ULTRA-GÉNIALE, La musique bonne, la main room bien décorée mais trop illuminée à mon goût et ... je suis exigeant, c'est vrai, mais le son aurait pu être plus fort... Je donnerais 9/10 si la soirée avait coûté $20 ou plus, mais pour $15 c'était vraiment super. 9.5/10.
» Horus replied on Thu Jan 3, 2008 @ 1:17pm. Posted in Soma 2008.
Coolness: 40900
I had fun.


I had A BLAST.

The music was everywhere between great and out-of-your-fucking-mind-fantastic... I mean, I have raved in my life, but mostly before that electro stuff... Damn. I mean *DAMN*!!!!

There were some very nice people too!

A chillroom would have been nice. Harder sound too. But those are truly minor things compared to the goodness of the whole thing. Props to the promoters and organizers, this was surely the most fun new year's eve in Montreal. 9.5/10.

ADDED: Now how the hell do you get to trip out better than that? Where to now? How on earth do you get a better musical experience than that? Ph34r...
» Horus replied on Thu Jan 3, 2008 @ 1:02pm. Posted in Threats To Canadian Freedom.
Coolness: 40900
Protests don't work. They are based on the ILLUSION that we live in a democracy. Wake up, smell the coffee, these people do WHATEVER THE FUCK THEY WANT...

No "protests" will change that.
» Horus replied on Wed Jan 2, 2008 @ 11:35pm. Posted in best raves of 2007....
Coolness: 40900
Originally Posted By DEADFUNK
horus, when the raves were so fun and good, how old were you in these days, and, if youd went to that same party but with you age you have right now, would you still feel the same way about that "magical" party?

of course no, because the younger you are, the bigger things seems, and the longer time has passed between then and now, the more you exagerate and extrapolate from these events.

same thing happens with lots of thing, i bet your christmas were all magical and shit when you were 6, now they are not.
when you were 6, 20 something people looked so big and proud and intelligent, now that your 20 ro 30 ro something, you realise that we are not.

there are still people in raves that lives up to that mentality, about being plur in every day life, but im not, and i dont try to be, isnt plur about acceptance = being ok with non-plur people?

jtai dit pourquoi chu pas daccord avec toi, asteur blast moi si ca te tente, pasque tu sait tres bien que c'est vrai...

Je blaste personne... Jvas écrire en anglah parce qu'il semble que les anglah parlent pas françah icitte comme ailleurs mais que les françah parlent anglah.

So anyway, I started raving at 28, I am now 40. I had a pretty intense blast at Soma. I didn't "make friends" with nearly as many people as I did at any rave 12 years ago, even though by any measure I am much friendlier now. I was then generally more blasé about life than I am now, and to tell you the truth some of the music (like nuclear ramjet in the electro room at Soma) is downright fantastically trippy, and in my taste better than anything from back in "my day"...

Sorry if that isn't the answer you were hoping for...
» Horus replied on Sun Dec 30, 2007 @ 11:57pm. Posted in mdma - how much is too much?.
Coolness: 40900
Yeah OK so, I apologize for taking so long to get back to you guys, I had to brush up on my neurology. I hadn't studied this stuff in about 10 years and expected to find new ground-breaking research and science on the topic. I am disappointed, as the research seems to not have advanced at all in the last 10 years or so. Anyway, here goes:

Basically SSRI's are a pretty bad idea when taking ecstasy, and 5-HTP is a GREAT idea.

Here is why:

Oxidative stress occurs in the presynaptic cell, the one which releases the serotonin, when dopamine enters it. Dopamine does not normally enter presynaptic serotonin neurons but MDMA forces the serotonin reuptake pump to function in reverse, whereby it dumps the serotonin out. This is fine until there is no more serotonin in the neuron, and the pump, functioning in reverse, does something pretty weird: it then pumps dopamine into the neuron. This is how the serotonin enters the neuron and wreaks havoc, generating oxidative stress through the action of MAO's (MAO-B in this case).

Let me be very clear about this:


So what you need in order to protect your brain is to make sure that you DON'T RUN OUT OF SEROTONIN. Interestingly, that is also what will keep you feeling GOOD. Of course, humongous amounts of serotonin might result in serotonin syndrome, which is no fun. Potentially deadly of course.

5-htp is a direct precursor to serotonin and will greatly increase production within an hour of oral administration. So it can successfully be used DURING the ecstasy experience in order to prolong and improve the quality of the experience. 5-htp overdose can be lethal, though, so use some degree of common sense. More on that later.

SSRI's prevent the serotonin-reuptake pump from releasing the serotonin into the synapse. This is the main "enjoyable" Effect of MDMA. By taking a SSRI you basically cancel out the good effects of MDMA but cancel out its ability to damage your brain too. Of course, a case can be made for SSRI's 3-4 hours into the MDMA experience, but I don't know about you, that's when my fun is just beginning...

The second line of protection has been clearly stated by lacasse.bob who recommends the ultimate anti-oxidant, called alpha lipoic acid, as a protection against oxidative stress should dopamine enter the serotonin axon. It should be noted that no other antioxidant compares in this purpose. Now in practical use, ALA should not be taken on an empty stomach, because it can drastically lower blood sugar levels, and believe me, you don't need that while dancing the night away. Also, for some people such as myself, ALA on an empty stomach creates a very dislikable burning sensation. I have not experienced this while on E and frankly, I am sure I don't want to.

Back to 5-htp. Normal day-to-day doses of 5-htp should be about 100mg. For me, taking 250mg every single day is simply too much. Something weird happens to my digestive system and after some days I don't feel so good, I get shaky, cold and sweaty at the same time. Yes, this is the onset of serotonin syndrome. During an ecstasy experience, I would recommend not more than 100mg per dose, maybe 2 doses during the night. This compares favorably to my single-shot 250mg dose, although I am much larger than most people on this forum.

Perhaps people experimenting with this will discover that they can use much much larger amounts of 5-htp than under normal circumstances. It would certainly make sense, since serotonin is getting depleted at a much higher rate than normal, that it would be OK to use more 5-htp than normal. But the last thing we need is people going to the hospital from 5-htp though, so proceed carefully.

I plan on having capsules filled with 100mg 5-htp and 100mg Na-r-ALA (equivalent to 50mg r-ALA), and the rest with vitamin C with me at Soma. If you are interested, say hi and I might have some extra for you guys. I'm easy to spot, I look like I spent the last 15 years lifting weights, taking steroids and eating farm animals. :)
» Horus replied on Sun Dec 30, 2007 @ 10:25pm. Posted in SOMA 2008 *New Years Party!!!!*.
Coolness: 40900
Got any time slots in here?
Horus's Profile - Community Messages