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» Horus replied on Wed Dec 5, 2007 @ 1:24am. Posted in How did you parents find out that you did drugs?.
Coolness: 40875
I was 17 I think, I used PCP and would come home and the next day tried to do simple things like putting away stuff from the dishwasher and I would drop like one object out of three that I would be holding. My dad saw, and knew. PCP is crap anyway. Amphetamines, mush and GHB are MUCH better. :)

Then later on in life I told my parents about "consciousness expansion" using drugs. Dad liked.

I haven't spoken to any member of my family in about 5 years but yet AFAIK I'm the only drug user of all. Probably the most sane and smart too.
» Horus replied on Wed Dec 5, 2007 @ 1:12am. Posted in Mush + LSD.
Coolness: 40875
Well I just think it would be TOO MUCH like coke & speed, but, hell, I have not tried it. It might make a nice mix, just take LESS of each than you usually do I guess? Then report... ;)
» Horus replied on Tue Dec 4, 2007 @ 7:31pm. Posted in 2Girls1Cup - The Essay.
Coolness: 40875
I love how the teacher didn't even "touch" the last 2 paragraphs, as if it were literally the stuff which was filling said cup.
» Horus replied on Tue Dec 4, 2007 @ 7:26pm. Posted in Mush + LSD.
Coolness: 40875
They are both the same type of drugs. It is like asking what speed + cocaine would do...
» Horus replied on Tue Dec 4, 2007 @ 7:24pm. Posted in After-Hours à Montréal un vendredi soir/samedi matin.
Coolness: 40875
Originally Posted By AWIANE
le stereo est probablement le moins degueux de toute la gang. voici mon choix pour toi.

Comme ça les after c'est dégueu?

Un peu comme 2 girls 1 cup, pire ou moins pire?
» Horus replied on Sun Dec 2, 2007 @ 6:00pm. Posted in After-Hours à Montréal un vendredi soir/samedi matin.
Coolness: 40875
Le red lite c'est à Laval... J'habite à Montréal et franchement moi conduire après avoir fait la fête ça me tente sérieusement pas. Surtout que j'vas être avec ma blonde pis que je vais avoir le goût de poursuivre mon trip avec elle le matin... Anyway, pas de redlite...

Le Stéréo ben, disons que les gais m'aiment un peu trop... Faque c'est soit MP3 ou Circus pis là à ce que tu me dis, le circus c'est pas pour moi. Sans blague le monde au MP3 le dimanche matin est VRAIMENT GENTIL SÉRIEUX alors je pense que je vais prendre ma chance pour un samedi matin... Pis c'est proche de chez moi en plusse... :)

Le système de son buche solide en plus :)
» Horus replied on Sun Dec 2, 2007 @ 5:42pm. Posted in Lost.
Coolness: 40875
Originally Posted By BR34TH3
If it weren't for that big black electrostatic monster of d000m thingy.. definately.

Yeah, that is bad trip stuff right there... :o
» Horus replied on Sun Dec 2, 2007 @ 5:39pm. Posted in After-Hours à Montréal un vendredi soir/samedi matin.
Coolness: 40875

Je me doute que c'est pas tout le monde ici qui fréquente les after-hours mais bon... Vendredi prochain, je vois pas de party qui me tente particulièrement, alors je prévois aller dans un after... J'aime pas mal le MP3 le samedi, mais on me dit qu'il y a plus de monde le vendredi, alors chu pas si sûr...

Ceux qui vont dans les after-hours, c'est quoi le bon choix le vendredi et pourquoi? Le Stéréo c'est très GAI, pis c'est du house non? J'aime pas trop le house anyway, pis le Circus y'en a qui disent que la vibe est mauvaise, d'autres le contraire, on sait pu...

C'est quoi l'heure juste? J'amène ma blonde ça sera sa première fois alors jveux pas trop manquer mon coup...
» Horus replied on Sun Dec 2, 2007 @ 4:57pm. Posted in Resolution _ OR _ Soma ???.
Coolness: 40875
Heh, quand tu pèses 240lbs de muscles et qu'il fait comme dit databoy 40, 45 degrés dans la salle, tu sais d'avance que tu vas suer comme un tabarnak juste à rester assis, encore pire en dansant.

Mais anyway, il demeure vrai que les gens qui fondent leur estime d'eux-mêmes sur la grosseur de leurs muscles ne sont habituellement pas les mêmes personnes qui fondent leur estime d'eux-mêmes sur la grandeur de leur âme ou la puissance de leur esprit... :o

Anyway si vous voyez un gros beef à Soma, venez me dire allô, j'va être ben content de vous voir... :)
» Horus replied on Fri Nov 30, 2007 @ 11:46pm. Posted in Lost.
Coolness: 40875
Holy hell I thought this one was over, they got "rescued" and to tell you the truth, if I were on that island and a rescue party were coming, I'd hide somewhere deep in that jungle... Anyone else feel the same way?
» Horus replied on Fri Nov 30, 2007 @ 5:26pm. Posted in mdma - how much is too much?.
Coolness: 40875
Or... You could read pretty much all the new research on MDMA and brain damage and conclude that it happens in one of 2 ways: through oxidative stress, which can be remedied by a good dose of the extremely health-enhancing antioxidant called Alpha Lipoic Acid, OR through the depletion of serotonin reserves, which leaves dopamin free to enter the serotonin receptor site (or release site?) where it causes damage, which is likely the cause of the abovementioned oxidative stress damage. This is easily remedied by smart use of 5-hydroxytryptophan, which is a natural amino acid, and a direct, one-step-removed, precursor to serotonin and proven to quickly replenish stores or prevent depletion in the first place.


Update » Horus wrote on Wed Dec 5, 2007 @ 1:22pm

How do you guys figure you have enough? Me, I look at my pupils and when they are fully dilated is when I know I don't need any more. Is that a good way to measure? How do YOU do it?
» Horus replied on Fri Nov 30, 2007 @ 4:41pm. Posted in State The Obvious.
Coolness: 40875
lasers are bright
» Horus replied on Fri Nov 30, 2007 @ 4:35pm. Posted in naps....
Coolness: 40875
Originally Posted By DATABOY
Sudden fatigue during the day can be a syptom of dehidration. Just drink a glass of water.

Dude, you don't ceaze to amaze me. This is true folks, I have noticed that on a few occasions... :)
» Horus replied on Fri Nov 30, 2007 @ 3:41pm. Posted in naps....
Coolness: 40875
My sleep cycle is all fucked up too... It's like I'm on a 26 hour clock... Sleep 9-10 hours, then stay up 16 hours like normal, so I tend to get to bed one day say at 11PM, but the next day I feel sleepy at midnight and then the next day it is 1AM, then 2AM, then 3AM, then I crash and burn, need naps, feel groggy/fucked up for a few days and manage to start the cycle over.

AaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAArgh! :(
» Horus replied on Fri Nov 30, 2007 @ 2:05pm. Posted in Battlefunk Galacticrunk 4 t3h W1n!!!111!111.
Coolness: 40875
Damn that's another thing I do that's illegal. Good thing I stopped counting'em... LOL
» Horus replied on Fri Nov 30, 2007 @ 1:59pm. Posted in Drug experience overall, positive or negative?.
Coolness: 40875
For me it's not about the drugs, it's about how you USE them. Are you using them to run away from your life? If so, you are in trouble, even if that was your first dose ever.

Are you using them to gain better understanding of yourself, others and the world around you, through an alternate point of view on reality which can only be attained through a chemical intervention on your more-or-less natural, but usual thought processes and information management? If so, you may be one of those who like me will say "My experience with drugs was only positive".

I have some memory loss, but I remember all the important stuff. When I find that I forgot something, I am often amazed at how unimportant it was. So yeah, I bear the blissful scar of not remembering everything. Only the meaningful stuff. People tell me I look and behave like someone much younger, that I appear MUCH younger than my chronological age. So no damage there, I guess. I have no energy or ambition though, but that set in like 5 years AFTER stopping all consumption, even alcohol, so that would be totally unrelated.

Overall, I think some people can do great by smart use and others will destroy themselves no matter what.
» Horus replied on Fri Nov 30, 2007 @ 1:50pm. Posted in Ketamine/Attention/body-damage_side effect.
Coolness: 40875
Shit there is probably some PCP which is/was also sold as mescaline on the streets being passed as K. :(
» Horus replied on Fri Nov 30, 2007 @ 1:45pm. Posted in mdma - how much is too much?.
Coolness: 40875
If you use Ecstasy, 5-htp is your friend.

Anyone like MDA even more than MDMA?
» Horus replied on Fri Nov 30, 2007 @ 1:39pm. Posted in MDMA like getting hit hard in the head.
Coolness: 40875
Yeah they are assholes. You know the "large doses" of amphetamines they use on rats for this study? They are usually 20mg/kg of bodyweight. So if you weigh 50kg, that would be ONE SHOT of a full gram of the stuff. Hm, yah. Injected, too. Know anyone who does that? I don't think I did. And if I did, I missed their funeral...

What I am trying to say is those studies are so biased, so one-sided, that to give them any value whatsoever is the first mistake. Of course the general public swallows all of this stuff as God's Word. In the words of Nuclear Ramjet, we must think for ourselves.
» Horus replied on Fri Nov 30, 2007 @ 1:32pm. Posted in How old are you?.
Coolness: 40875

Ne t'en fais pas, t'es pas vieille. À 30 ans, j'ai vraiment "FREAKÉ" à mon anniversaire, "réalisant" que j'étais pu jeune. Pis à mes 40 ans j'ai réalisé que j'étais encore jeune. Ça m'a pris juste 10 ans à me croire vieux... :-P

Faque vous autres les très jeunes qui pensez qu'à 30, 35 ans vous allez être des "finis"... Comme beaucoup, qui rentrent sur le "pilote automatique" à 30 ans pis qui ont déjà l'air vieillot, avec une coupe de cheveux qui date de 15 ans, pis des vêtements qui ont l'air recyclés d'une autre époque... C'est juste PAS obligatoire... Entéka...
» Horus replied on Fri Nov 30, 2007 @ 1:22pm. Posted in Drugs sex and more drugs..
Coolness: 40875
Laughing non-stop for a night hurts me more than sex non-stop. But I enjoy both. :-P
» Horus replied on Fri Nov 30, 2007 @ 1:18pm. Posted in Resolution _ OR _ Soma ???.
Coolness: 40875

LOL tu l'as dit mon cher! :) J'savais que t'étais sympa après tout... ;)

Ah, puis je blâme personne d'être sceptique envers les culturistes... Mon travail c'est comme consultant auprès de ces gens là et je suis le premier à le dire : la plupart sont brillants comme une brouette remplie de terre. Sérieux... Mais bon, c'est une autre histoire... :)
» Horus replied on Thu Nov 29, 2007 @ 4:58pm. Posted in Battlefunk Galacticrunk 4 t3h W1n!!!111!111.
Coolness: 40875
Originally Posted By HOST_ONE
yeh, I'm not down with television company's cracking down on me though, I support television by paying for it...thats all! :)

Oh my bad, apologies.
» Horus replied on Thu Nov 29, 2007 @ 4:53pm. Posted in Battlefunk Galacticrunk 4 t3h W1n!!!111!111.
Coolness: 40875
Originally Posted By HOST_ONE
Yeh I pay for my services therefor no
jail time for me, something I could do without.


Hm, dude, once TV shows are on the air, you can DL them, no legal problem. It's like recording it, that is OK unless you will sell the recordings...
» Horus replied on Thu Nov 29, 2007 @ 4:52pm. Posted in Top Things You'd Overhear At A Rave....
Coolness: 40875
- Tcheck le gros criss de beef man, il fait peur!
- Ouain, kossé qui fait icitte?
- Il doit sûrement être gai
- Yé perdu, c'est pas le Stéréo icitte
- Tu penses tu que les filles aiment ça?
» Horus replied on Thu Nov 29, 2007 @ 4:48pm. Posted in State The Obvious.
Coolness: 40875
This thread rocks.
» Horus replied on Thu Nov 29, 2007 @ 4:46pm. Posted in What are you listening to right now?.
Coolness: 40875
Shpongle - Divine moments of truth ("Are you shpongled?" album)
» Horus replied on Thu Nov 29, 2007 @ 4:38pm. Posted in Battlefunk Galacticrunk 4 t3h W1n!!!111!111.
Coolness: 40875
Originally Posted By HOST_ONE
Yeh I'm glad I have satellite, they always end this show and bring it back, with some crazier fucked up scary plot.

I think i'm gonna check out Razor with my nerdy ass gf one of these nights ;) she loves BSG, so do her parents, LOL

You mean you actually watch it while it plays on air?

That is so '90s.

I download all mine in HDTV, no ads, 5.1 surround sound... :-D
» Horus replied on Thu Nov 29, 2007 @ 3:32pm. Posted in Resolution _ OR _ Soma ???.
Coolness: 40875
Well I am most certainly not into house or bad sound, or over the top lights, nor gay tourists and certainly not into grossly overpriced tickets. Being fondled, I like, but by security workers, not that much.

I am "older" in a way and a fairly large bodybuilder at that. Which does not prevent me from being a carrier of the true vibe, although I do get the nose-up from younger ravers whose prejudice is that if you have big muscles, you must be a show-off and a mindless brute at that. Which makes me uncomfortable, really.

Therein lies the nature of my hesitation. Jury is still out.
» Horus replied on Thu Nov 29, 2007 @ 2:19pm. Posted in Drugs sex and more drugs..
Coolness: 40875
The natural supplement called 5-htp will replenish your serotonin levels quite nicely BTW. Just saying. But yeah, using responsibly should be the first rule of using... :)
» Horus replied on Thu Nov 29, 2007 @ 1:57pm. Posted in Drugs sex and more drugs..
Coolness: 40875
Originally Posted By AERIAL_RAVER
***Can someone actually KNOW what it's like without taking it? ***

I think I do.
I get truly high when the music is right.
I mean, my eyes turn backwards and I see and feel stuffs. Hard to describe. Dreamworld.
Like, you feel warm and loving, peaceful and full of energy, radiating that happiness...
Yet I don't do drugs. It happens when I dance, that's all.

And I'm just human, nothing special, so I'm thinking, if I can get high without drugs, maybe you guys can too.

Yep, I feel like that without any drugs at all. That's just "feeling real good"...

For me, taking E takes me back to the realization that I am made of pure, solid LOVE. That I am perfect and so are everyone else. That the BEHAVIOR which is learnt is but a slimy covering of our perfectly beautiful nature.
» Horus replied on Thu Nov 29, 2007 @ 12:44pm. Posted in Drugs sex and more drugs..
Coolness: 40875
Indeed, perfection is everywhere, if you know how to look for it! That was beautiful, moondancer. :)
» Horus replied on Thu Nov 29, 2007 @ 12:37pm. Posted in Drugs sex and more drugs..
Coolness: 40875
Conclusions? We are discussing states of consciousness here, not philosophy... I must misunderstand what you mean?
» Horus replied on Thu Nov 29, 2007 @ 11:27am. Posted in Battlefunk Galacticrunk 4 t3h W1n!!!111!111.
Coolness: 40875
LOL why is it you mention the only 2 TV shows I watch? I think it is pretty funny.

Haven't watched the season-opening BG one yet, but damn, I hate how that last Heroes left us hanging! OMG! :P
» Horus replied on Thu Nov 29, 2007 @ 11:24am. Posted in Drugs sex and more drugs..
Coolness: 40875
It does not suck. Most people who have done E will tell you it has changed them, it has made them better people. With its help I have opened up doors within myself that I had shut tight as a child, and allowed me to get back in touch with my inner child, that part which is pure and innocent. I do not know any people who are more in touch with that part of themselves than myself, except maybe some 4-year-olds, and I have never used much Ecstasy. But I have used it wisely, IMO.

I find it hypocritical that anyone would say "oh that must suck for you" and ESPECIALLY FROM SOMEONE WHO HAS NEVER USED ECSTASY "I do not feel the need to use drugs to find that place". Especially in a place like this where about 99% of people use the substance.

I never stated that it was a NECESSITY every time or even to get back to that place... Yet how do you know which place I am talking about if you have not used the substance? I ask all those who have used it: can someone actually KNOW what it's like without taking it? What do you think? Isn't the answer obviously NO, unless you are being hypocritical too? ;)
» Horus replied on Thu Nov 29, 2007 @ 12:15am. Posted in 2Girls1Cup + Grandma.
Coolness: 40875
That is much funnier than what SHE is watching, now that was absolutely horrible... :'(
» Horus replied on Thu Nov 29, 2007 @ 12:11am. Posted in Drugs sex and more drugs..
Coolness: 40875
Originally Posted By AERIAL_RAVER
***I come to realize, that all of us on here and in life are all about a few simple things drugs,money and sex... why is that anyone????***

Drugs: nope, hate that shit.
Money: enough to live and have good food, and go out sometimes. But don't need much more to be happy.
Sex: yes, with someone I love.

There's other ways of enjoying life than sleeping with everyone and doing drugs. (and in my opinion, this is more looking for trouble than enjoying life lol)

I so agree with everything except the drugs part. A little Ecstasy goes a LONG way to finding that place within you that makes life take on MEANING.
» Horus replied on Wed Nov 28, 2007 @ 11:47pm. Posted in Ghb.
Coolness: 40875
Fais-toi en pas bob, je parle juste de discuter les techniques de purification du GHB pour ceux qui ont l'impression que leur produit n'est pas ce qu'il y a de mieux, pas de me mettre à en vendre...

Originally Posted By MEZION
Mix explosif : GHB + Mush (Pris en même temps)

explication: J'avais pris 2g de Mush, trip nice jusque la :)
J'avais du GHB avec moi au cas ou qqun commence a Bad tripper histoire qu'il feel mieux et que le trip soit smooth, mais finalement on décide de reprendre du Mush ET de GHB et meme temps.
Résultat? Feeling d'avoir un "organsme mental" (j'vois pas vraiment comment expliquer ça autrement) et physique (ouais, assi sur une chaise a parler et BAM t'as l'impression de te faire l'amour a toi même, genre chaleur corporel et extase). C'est dure à expliquer plus que ça mais bon, c'étais vraiment incroyable!
J'ai déja pris du GHB a la fin d'un trip de mush et ça faisais juste mettre tout happy et finir en beauté, mais la WOW c,étais puissant comme feeling!

J'ai toujours pensé que ça ferait une combinaison extraordinaire. Voilà que tu confirmes mes suspicions... Je peux juste imaginer après une nuit sur la E, un trip Mush & GHB pour finir la matinée en beauté... Surtout dans un rave extérieur, dans le bois... :o
» Horus replied on Wed Nov 28, 2007 @ 11:40pm. Posted in Drugs sex and more drugs..
Coolness: 40875
» Horus replied on Wed Nov 28, 2007 @ 8:14pm. Posted in How old are you?.
Coolness: 40875
I wouldn't know, since I'm only 10. Obviously. :)
Horus's Profile - Community Messages