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» Horus replied on Thu Dec 13, 2007 @ 1:14pm. Posted in What are you listening to right now?.
Coolness: 40875
BT - Ima
» Horus replied on Wed Dec 12, 2007 @ 8:05pm. Posted in Marijuana in Montreal....
Coolness: 40875
Originally Posted By DATABOY
Immagine if we put as much time, effort and resorces to produce the fruit and vegetables that we eat...

Those would be called "organic food"
» Horus replied on Wed Dec 12, 2007 @ 8:04pm. Posted in The Future Picture Thread!.
Coolness: 40875
oups j'ai dû tchecker pour 22500 lolz...

» Horus replied on Wed Dec 12, 2007 @ 7:24pm. Posted in The Future Picture Thread!.
Coolness: 40875
» Horus replied on Wed Dec 12, 2007 @ 5:08pm. Posted in what drug is stuck in you head? (now).
Coolness: 40875

The best good trips and the worst bad ones ... :o
» Horus replied on Wed Dec 12, 2007 @ 5:08pm. Posted in What are you listening to right now?.
Coolness: 40875
Underworld - A hundred days off

Who doesn't like underworld?
» Horus replied on Wed Dec 12, 2007 @ 3:20pm. Posted in What are you listening to right now?.
Coolness: 40875
Shpongle: Nothing lasts... but nothing is lost
» Horus replied on Wed Dec 12, 2007 @ 3:13pm. Posted in BME Pain Olympics NOT WORK SAFE!.
Coolness: 40875
Originally Posted By DMTIO
I guess being that our world is becoming safe enough that nobody really needs to be intelligent to survive, natural selection is finding other ways.

Seriously... more stupid people should chop off there balls. End there gene line right there.

Great post! :)
» Horus replied on Mon Dec 10, 2007 @ 3:14pm. Posted in Drug experience overall, positive or negative?.
Coolness: 40875
Originally Posted By SCOTTYP
I seriously doubt it dude. The most successful music people I know are not heavy drug users at all..

Celine Dion might be considered quite successful, yes.
» Horus replied on Fri Dec 7, 2007 @ 3:21pm. Posted in Indica - The 25 Groovin Beats of 2007.
Coolness: 40875
Genre un link vers le site en question? :)
» Horus replied on Fri Dec 7, 2007 @ 3:16pm. Posted in State The Obvious.
Coolness: 40875
aerial_raver's DNA looks to be a well-done splice job.
» Horus replied on Fri Dec 7, 2007 @ 3:11pm. Posted in After-Hours à Montréal un vendredi soir/samedi matin.
Coolness: 40875
Non non merci databoy et tous les autres... Je voulais parler des afters et non pas de pourquoi certains afters m'intéressent moins que d'autres. Ceci dit, et comme rappelé ci-haut, je suis pas en guerre contre qui ou quoi que ce soit et j'irai probablement à une soirée trance au stéréo et peut-être même à illumina même si c'est au Circus...
» Horus replied on Fri Dec 7, 2007 @ 2:10pm. Posted in After-Hours à Montréal un vendredi soir/samedi matin.
Coolness: 40875
J'ai exprimé une préférence, j'ai pas dénigré personne que je sache...

Quand je dis que j'aime la crème glacée aux pistache, ça veut pas dire que je suis en guerre contre la crème glacée aux fraises...
» Horus replied on Fri Dec 7, 2007 @ 1:19pm. Posted in Fuck You.
Coolness: 40875
The USA are insane... A state or county made a law (or by-law I'm not so sure on the exact terminology) forbidding wearing low-crotch ("gangsta") pants, you know the ones that have the waist to about ass-height and the crotch to about knee-height... People get arrested and fined for wearing those...

HOW insane is that?
» Horus replied on Fri Dec 7, 2007 @ 1:15pm. Posted in After-Hours à Montréal un vendredi soir/samedi matin.
Coolness: 40875
Originally Posted By JUJU
gay places are the ones with the best vibe - Stereo all the way!

Funny, I think the same reason why you like the gay places is the one why I prefer straight places. :o)

OTOH, if I were single, I'd probably make it a point to attend every party you are at. :D Oops, sorry, how un-gay of me... :-D :-P
» Horus replied on Thu Dec 6, 2007 @ 2:55pm. Posted in effects of the writers guild strike on tv shows....
Coolness: 40875
Holy hell, Heroes: 11 episodes, that's exactly the number that I have seen this season, which likely means no more heroes for now... :(

On top of that, the heroes: evolution is postponed. Sniffle. At least we have battlestar Galactica... :-/
» Horus replied on Thu Dec 6, 2007 @ 2:46pm. Posted in Lsd, passé date?.
Coolness: 40875
Originally Posted By DAF
ce dégrader jusqu'à pouvant devenir nuisible si on le consomme?

Peut-être... À voir la molécule, elle doit se dégrader de plusieurs manières différentes, donnant des choses certainement très hasardeuses. Malheureusement... :(
» Horus replied on Thu Dec 6, 2007 @ 2:34pm. Posted in Lsd, passé date?.
Coolness: 40875
Oui le LSD est une molécule très complexe et fragile. Ainsi, la seule méthode de conservation vraiment bonne exige une dissolution dans un liquide ne gelant pas (je pense que certains alcools diluent le LSD me semble, mais c'est vague) et gardé au noir à très basse température. Exposé à l'air, non en solution, et à la lumière et à des températures plus hautes que -10 -20, il se dégrade avec certitude.
» Horus replied on Thu Dec 6, 2007 @ 11:59am. Posted in Mush + LSD.
Coolness: 40875
Du bon LSD ça fait des années que j'ai vu ça...

Pis les semences de gloire du matin? Y'a un truc facile (que j'ai oublié) pour en extraire le LSA, proche cousin du LSD... Mais autrement, tu en laves 4-5 sachets, tu les passes au moulin à café pis tu avales ça sans trop grimacer... Trip psychédélique... Disons que c'est une solution de "mal pris" mais c'est cool comme trip... ;)
» Horus replied on Thu Dec 6, 2007 @ 1:29am. Posted in Mush + LSD.
Coolness: 40875
Originally Posted By WASSUPONEARTH
has anyone ever candyflipped?

Now that sounds like F-U-N
» Horus replied on Thu Dec 6, 2007 @ 12:05am. Posted in The Picture Thread....
Coolness: 40875
Lee you got some seriously great images in here... :)
» Horus replied on Wed Dec 5, 2007 @ 8:49pm. Posted in Échange de cadeaux.
Coolness: 40875
Une pill, c'est toujours un beau cadeau.
» Horus replied on Wed Dec 5, 2007 @ 8:48pm. Posted in State The Obvious.
Coolness: 40875
CaptainOblivious is annoying.
» Horus replied on Wed Dec 5, 2007 @ 7:56pm. Posted in What are you listening to right now?.
Coolness: 40875
Cream Ibiza '07 Mixed by Eddie Halliwell. I like Trance OK? ;)
» Horus replied on Wed Dec 5, 2007 @ 6:57pm. Posted in Back Up Mutha Fucka... Haunukkas Here!!!!.
Coolness: 40875
LMAO good one! :)
» Horus replied on Wed Dec 5, 2007 @ 5:00pm. Posted in USA: deux chiffres importants..
Coolness: 40875
Ouf, quel vidéo! Un 45 minutes bien investi... Ça donne l'heure juste à mon avis... :)

Merci M-A-X
» Horus replied on Wed Dec 5, 2007 @ 3:17pm. Posted in Eclipse Festival 2008: Electronic Music Festival : August 1-2-3-4.
Coolness: 40875
This is the real thread! Accept no imitations! :-P
» Horus replied on Wed Dec 5, 2007 @ 2:37pm. Posted in After-Hours à Montréal un vendredi soir/samedi matin.
Coolness: 40875
Originally Posted By AWIANE
alcohol yuck? wow....

Hm... OK, toi tu dis que les After c'est dégueu, ça a l'air OK mais dire que l'alcool c'est yuck, c'est pas OK... Hm... Je détecte de la fausseté ici et des intentions voilées...
» Horus replied on Wed Dec 5, 2007 @ 2:31pm. Posted in Man cuts off his own arm....
Coolness: 40875
Originally Posted By ALIENZED
inanimate objects are evil?

Well, a case could be made that harvesting machines are not quite "inanimate"...
» Horus replied on Wed Dec 5, 2007 @ 1:33pm. Posted in The Future Picture Thread!.
Coolness: 40875
221450 est déjà pris, alors voici 221500:

» Horus replied on Wed Dec 5, 2007 @ 1:28pm. Posted in Qu'est ce qu'une relation authentique avec autrui ?.
Coolness: 40875
Originally Posted By MOLOCH
Originally Posted By raisinlove Malgré tout ceci, les garçons ne comprendrons jamais les filles :(

Dude, parle pour twa.

Haha moi tou j'les comprends. Pis j'les aime pareil! :o
» Horus replied on Wed Dec 5, 2007 @ 1:26pm. Posted in C'est quoi le contraire de....
Coolness: 40875

» Horus replied on Wed Dec 5, 2007 @ 1:24pm. Posted in State The Obvious.
Coolness: 40875
If you can read this, there's a good chance that you're not blind...
» Horus replied on Wed Dec 5, 2007 @ 1:19pm. Posted in Qu'est ce qu'une relation authentique avec autrui ?.
Coolness: 40875
Originally Posted By MOOHK
la radio et la télévision ne sont pas des instruments de communication, mais des outils d�information. On ne peut pas discuter avec la télévision ! C�est plutôt le contraire, on la subit assez passivement.

when you say "we cannot dialogue with the television", are you speaking with a voice of authority? can't i dialogue with the television? who defines the terms of an exchange? what if, for example, i were to have crticial thoughts in response to what i view? and what of, my critical responses? why do you assume my passive reception? what if i got up and changed the channel? what if i smashed the televison? what if i continued watching?

what about public radio? public television?

Even if you have "critical thoughts" regarding what TELEVISION or any other medium has just "told" you, these critical thoughts will be based on the very terms on which said media is expressing itself. Thus, even if you go and prove everything they say as fales, you will do so using the terms which they have thus DICTATED you to think about. Mind-conditioning is achieved even if you smashed the television, although that is a good step towards not being subjected to such brainwashing again in the future.
» Horus replied on Wed Dec 5, 2007 @ 1:04pm. Posted in We've got something wonderful going on here!! (something ultra cute).
Coolness: 40875
Nice! I think both sides realized a fight would be baseless... Bears are kinda like big dogs, no?

Here's another one for "cute" and animal lovers...

» Horus replied on Wed Dec 5, 2007 @ 12:46pm. Posted in Demonoid Shuts Down Again.
Coolness: 40875
They shoulda moved somewhere else.

For a while I was able to access the website trhough a proxy tunnel exiting in a random country, but now that it is offline, I am missing it... :(

What to do? Any good replacements?
» Horus replied on Wed Dec 5, 2007 @ 12:41pm. Posted in After-Hours à Montréal un vendredi soir/samedi matin.
Coolness: 40875
Beer? You must be kidding? Afterhours are alcohol-free. Alcohol = yuck.
» Horus replied on Wed Dec 5, 2007 @ 11:50am. Posted in if you like conspiracy theories.
Coolness: 40875
so conspiracy theories are sorta like celebrity watch i think..... its all too obvious the governments are lying, and we have all the evidence we need. so many bodies on subway air vents and bloodspilt and somethings wrong. i'm sure osama bin laden is talking to a cia agent in an american hospital and that bush is investing in a dictatorship's oil intrests and on and on, but really why fucking flatter them? proof that the american government has undemocratic, racist, and tyrannical business going on is in the exsistance of the militarybordereconomictradepolicy and i really don't care if it was not this president it'd be another. why do people waste their time... its distracting and pointless entertainment, these deaths are real. we'd realize something has to be done but for weeks we go over and over and over the details of the terrorist attacks. i do not need any more convincing and nobody else should either. its not even about special access to information i'm talking conclusions you must draw from the toronto sun. do you get what i'm saying? we must busy our hands with something though. because the only thing we are left with is the fact that nobody-is-doing-anything-about-our-governments-murdering-people everyday and its that simple and how can you get out of bed, how can you justify weak ill attended protests outside the american consulate.you cannot[...]

I like this and agree... :|
» Horus replied on Wed Dec 5, 2007 @ 1:34am. Posted in State The Obvious.
Coolness: 40875
Rave music is rythmic.
» Horus replied on Wed Dec 5, 2007 @ 1:32am. Posted in Drug experience overall, positive or negative?.
Coolness: 40875
Originally Posted By LUKEPERIL
-I saw through reality on DXM, and became telepathic temporarily.

Looks like you did some good experimenting. MDA makes me scary telepathic. Like it?
Horus's Profile - Community Messages