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» Horus replied on Sun Dec 30, 2007 @ 1:30am. Posted in best raves of 2007....
Coolness: 40875
Originally Posted By BETTY_HAZE
i'm a wise gal.

Or a perfect example of the extreme stupidity of mob mentality at its worst.
» Horus replied on Sun Dec 30, 2007 @ 1:24am. Posted in best raves of 2007....
Coolness: 40875
You got me. How did you do that.
» Horus replied on Sun Dec 30, 2007 @ 12:00am. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 40875
Originally Posted By TAMALA

Damn, I usually love my DHL, especially international. UPS is pretty awful though. FedEx internationally is the worst in my experience.
» Horus replied on Sat Dec 29, 2007 @ 11:55pm. Posted in best raves of 2007....
Coolness: 40875
j'ai tu dit que j'avais pu de fun? Non, j'ai plutôt dit le contraire, par exemple à propos de SS2k7.

Je parle pas contre les raves qu'il y a maintenant, non plus. Du moins, me semble. Par contre, c'est vrai que je me sens un peu obligé de vous parler de l'Élément Magique qui manque plus ou moins intégralement à la version "nouvelle" du rave. Que quelques uns le prennent comme un reproche, c'est bien dommage.

De mon côté, je fais simplement mon devoir de dire les vraies choses et peut-être qu'il y en aura qui diront quelque chose comme "tsé le vieux a peut-être quelque chose d'intelligent à dire même si ça nous plaît pas. Peut-être que les 'oldskoolers' ont encore quelque chose à contribuer." Dans le fond je m'en crisse un peu qu'on m'entende ou non. La bulle, je suis capable de la recréer à moi tout seul. C'est sûr qu'une bulle à 50, 200 ou 500 personnes, c'est mieux. Je parle ici de bulle tellement intégrée que tout le monde est télépathe ensemble. T'as-tu déjà vécu ça?

Bien sûr accepter de se faire parler par un vieux ça exige un peu de mollesse dans la carapace nommée orgueil qui est si cultivée et qui, malheureusement, constitue une barrière si efficace entre les personnes...

C'est comique on parle de barrières et de raves en même temps...

Jveux pas faire la morale à personne, mais moi je vais te poser la question à toi : pourquoi on voit pu de oldskoolers dans les rave "modernes"? Pourquoi ils sont partis?
» Horus replied on Sat Dec 29, 2007 @ 8:35pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 40875
» Horus replied on Sat Dec 29, 2007 @ 8:24pm. Posted in best raves of 2007....
Coolness: 40875
Originally Posted By BETTY_HAZE

Someday you may actually grow the ability to type, something like "I disagree, and here is why..."
» Horus replied on Sat Dec 29, 2007 @ 3:11pm. Posted in brave new world.
Coolness: 40875
Yep, yep, yep.
» Horus replied on Sat Dec 29, 2007 @ 2:59pm. Posted in non ipod mp3 players.
Coolness: 40875
I have a Cowon D2 4Gb, which has a slot for adding another SD card of up to 8Gb (16Gb eventually).

Of course, it is above $200 mostly, but it has a beautiful color touch-screen, great software, every possible setting and feature you could possibly imagine or wish, incredible battery life and of course, the best sound quality ever.

If you can afford it, I highly recommend it. In my last shopping spree, I saw it cheapest at [ NCIX.com ] for like $198 + tx + ext wty + shipping...

It is an amazing PMP.
» Horus replied on Sat Dec 29, 2007 @ 1:20pm. Posted in best raves of 2007....
Coolness: 40875
There are no more raves.

When there were raves, people tried to bring the rave "mentality" or whatever you want to call it (PLUR) or maybe even just "Being nice is its own reward" out into their daily life. A "rave" which is just a closed bubble of niceness and upon exiting which you put the armor and asshole-mask right back on, isn't really a rave.

A rave is a life-improvement experience, not an improved-state experience away from life.

There might still be ravers though, I don't try to judge people. Some gatherings can be nice. I had a decent time at Secret Society, to my surprise. Blasé? Of course. Hell, I have just re-watched "Better Living Through Circuitry" for nostalgy's sake. But it does not take thousands of people to make a rave a rave. It takes dedication on the part of pretty much everyone to make the bubble strong and powerful, though. That's what you don't get anymore, in my opinion.

I think the DJ's have taken too much of the focus away from the rave itself, it has become a star culture, just like rock-n-roll. When it is understood that the rave, which all the participants CREATE by being there, by the energy they put in it, by their state of mind while they do so, IS the star, then the DJ stops being the focus, he/she is returned to its role of simple driver, the state and the energy become the focus, the communal mind-bubble happens and there is actually a rave.
» Horus replied on Fri Dec 28, 2007 @ 2:06am. Posted in SOMA 2008 *New Years Party!!!!*.
Coolness: 40875
me and mah gurl got us sum tix :)
» Horus replied on Wed Dec 26, 2007 @ 11:47am. Posted in I wanna ..... !.
Coolness: 40875
Go back to bed. Ciao! :)
» Horus replied on Wed Dec 26, 2007 @ 11:45am. Posted in SOMA 2008 *New Years Party!!!!*.
Coolness: 40875
Hopefully there are, since mah gurl and myself don't have'em yet... Going 2 psychonaut tomorrow for that.
» Horus replied on Tue Dec 25, 2007 @ 3:43pm. Posted in Top Things You'd Overhear At A Rave....
Coolness: 40875
Ouais sérieux, c'est tellement pauvre, the since must be dieing.
» Horus replied on Tue Dec 25, 2007 @ 2:04pm. Posted in What are you listening to right now?.
Coolness: 40875
Christmas music makes me WANT to puke, hoping somehow I would get some kind of relief.
» Horus replied on Mon Dec 24, 2007 @ 5:11pm. Posted in C'est quoi le contraire de....
Coolness: 40875
snowmobiling party

happy hardcore
» Horus replied on Mon Dec 24, 2007 @ 4:21pm. Posted in I Can Has New Lolcats Thread.
Coolness: 40875
» Horus replied on Mon Dec 24, 2007 @ 4:09pm. Posted in mdma - how much is too much?.
Coolness: 40875
Well I know for a fact that 5-htp replenishes serotonin quickly. As a matter of fact, after a long night of ecstasy, taking 5-htp induces in me a "serotonin flood", you know that part of an E trip when you get to feel good, but soooo relaxed you could sleep. There is some good scientific evidence that depleting serotonin stores is one thing you really want to avoid if you are to protect yourself. 5-htp is 5 to 10 times better than tryptophan at replenishing serotonin, that is why it is used.

I am not trying to discredit you unOsev, but only to see more clearly in this matter, where science has not deemed extremely important to shed all the light possible. Can you provide more information on tryptophan being better than 5-htp? Is it just a stomach thing or a brain thing? I'm ready to do some weird things to my stomach in order to protect my brain, for sure.

I am also quite confused as to the dose and bodyweight thing, as being 240lbs makes me roughly double the weight of a normal raver... So for me 3 good pills is equivalent to 1.5 in a normal person, which is far from a humongous amount.

Do you recommend the consumptionof tryptophan during the Experience?
» Horus replied on Sun Dec 23, 2007 @ 10:25pm. Posted in What are you listening to right now?.
Coolness: 40875
Originally Posted By DRNYARLATHOTEP
Some Leonard Cohen. I need to stop torturing myself like that. Why is my Tom Waits music at work? Damnit.

Try some electronic music for a change. I've heard some of it is pretty good... :D
» Horus replied on Sun Dec 23, 2007 @ 10:19pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 40875
Made: sushi was soooo yummy
» Horus replied on Sun Dec 23, 2007 @ 10:17pm. Posted in People saying the rave Since is Dieing..
Coolness: 40875
oh man
» Horus replied on Sun Dec 23, 2007 @ 7:55pm. Posted in I wanna ..... !.
Coolness: 40875
I wanna sushi. And what horus wants, Horus GETS. :Ð
» Horus replied on Sun Dec 23, 2007 @ 2:57pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 40875
Party animal
» Horus replied on Tue Dec 18, 2007 @ 5:09pm. Posted in Yer a bunch a fookin cunts..
Coolness: 40875
Originally Posted By LUKEPERIL
I'm drunk, I hate youse all, innit. [ Rave.ca ] is neurotoxic to the umpteenth degree. Classic examples being that before/after post, the post about horus and djwood... the baton incident, I dunno man. What we need is an anti-retard filter to protect brains, like a NSFB thing that warns you that a post may leave you feeling drained and numb. I can feel the imminent stroke coming. Talk about something interesting for once, it's all devolving into in jokes for trolls.

What, there was a thread about me? Already? How did I miss that? Was it good? Where is it?
» Horus replied on Tue Dec 18, 2007 @ 4:34pm. Posted in You're probably abusing drugs if......
Coolness: 40875
Good post.
Moooooooore drugs!
» Horus replied on Tue Dec 18, 2007 @ 4:18pm. Posted in mdma - how much is too much?.
Coolness: 40875
Ouf... 5 et demie hein? C'est hardcore ça...

Je sais que passé une certaine quantité ça donne plus rien, mais là j'ai l'impression qu'avec 3 ptites pilous je suis un peu "light" et que j'aurais probablement un meilleur trip avec un peu plus...

» Horus replied on Tue Dec 18, 2007 @ 3:49pm. Posted in mdma - how much is too much?.
Coolness: 40875
Jme suis jamais rendu là... D'habitude je max à 3 pillz mais à 240lbs c'est pas super énorme... d'un autre côté, je tiens à mes neurones... ;)
» Horus replied on Tue Dec 18, 2007 @ 3:32pm. Posted in mdma - how much is too much?.
Coolness: 40875
So how can you guys tell when you've had enough E? Pupils? Nystagmus? Lip-Chewing? What's your "I'm there" telltale?
» Horus replied on Tue Dec 18, 2007 @ 3:30pm. Posted in I wanna ..... !.
Coolness: 40875
have energy again
» Horus replied on Tue Dec 18, 2007 @ 3:22pm. Posted in Eclipse Festival 2008: Electronic Music Festival : August 1-2-3-4.
Coolness: 40875
Va-tu faire plus chaud qu'aujourd'hui? :(

J'ai hâte...
» Horus replied on Tue Dec 18, 2007 @ 2:54pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 40875
Ruined: flat-dead no energy :(
» Horus replied on Tue Dec 18, 2007 @ 2:49pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 40875
» Horus replied on Tue Dec 18, 2007 @ 2:47pm. Posted in Things To Say That Won't Get You Elected.
Coolness: 40875
"I will increase social security payments"
» Horus replied on Tue Dec 18, 2007 @ 2:46pm. Posted in things you never want to do again..
Coolness: 40875
Get my heart broken.
» Horus replied on Tue Dec 18, 2007 @ 12:48pm. Posted in People saying the rave Since is Dieing..
Coolness: 40875
Originally Posted By HOST_ONE
My Since just died about 5 minutes ago, and by Since I mean Morning Boner.

I guess you are here for hugs then? :-O
» Horus replied on Tue Dec 18, 2007 @ 12:03pm. Posted in What are you listening to right now?.
Coolness: 40875
Armin van buuren Ft. J Suissa - burned with Desire (off State of Trance Classics Vol. 2)... XD
» Horus replied on Tue Dec 18, 2007 @ 12:01pm. Posted in Drugs harm/dependence chart.
Coolness: 40875
Well you can hardly count on NIDA to be objective with regards to this.

I dunno about you, but they state that alcohol is quite a bit less damaging than ritalin... Anyone see a problem with that?

I'm not going to talk about anabolic steroids, I swear. More damaging than alcohol huh? OMFG

Talk about some crazy bias right there...
» Horus replied on Tue Dec 18, 2007 @ 2:45am. Posted in People saying the rave Since is Dieing..
Coolness: 40875
C'est quoi S.L.U.R.P.?
» Horus replied on Mon Dec 17, 2007 @ 11:07pm. Posted in Antitheism.
Coolness: 40875
Ah, I love the hitchiker's guide!! :)
» Horus replied on Mon Dec 17, 2007 @ 9:47pm. Posted in Antitheism.
Coolness: 40875
Discworld? Is that like, ringworld?
» Horus replied on Mon Dec 17, 2007 @ 6:02pm. Posted in Ghb.
Coolness: 40875
2.5g d'Oxybate de SODIUM, l'idée étant que l'atome de sodium pèse presque autant que la molécule de GHB elle-même... 2.5g de Na-GHB = Environ 1.5g de GHB...
Horus's Profile - Community Messages