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» Horus replied on Fri Feb 29, 2008 @ 8:47pm. Posted in Drugs Are Amazing.
Coolness: 40895
Originally Posted By SCREWHEAD

IQ of 174 is about 0.0099% of the population, and the kinds of people who have it are likened to Goethe or Newton.

So what exactly have you done for the world? What has your INCREDIBLE intelect acomplished? What have you invented/patented/discovered?

Oh, that's right, nothing, because you're just a burned-out egocentric drug-addicted juicer trying to apear supperior to people on a RAVE MESSAGEBOARD.

The scary part of all of this is that you honestly seem to believe the bullshit you spew out.

Why don't you take a picture of your PHDs? Or scan us your last IQ test.

Oh, you're probably going to counter with how you "don't have anything to prove to us"

That's right buddy.

Oh and what I have accomplished is so far beyond belief that I won't bother mentioning it. Let's just say that in history Einstein will be a footnote to the volumes that I am. In all humble honesty. :)
» Horus replied on Fri Feb 29, 2008 @ 7:36pm. Posted in Drugs Are Amazing.
Coolness: 40895
Originally Posted By WIZDUMB
you sir are a bonifide genius

i am green with envy

Actually, above 160 is supergenius territory. But don't be jealous. It is very lonely territory I tell you. No one understands you. And when you say to people how their views are misguided coz you have been there, done that and seen the error in your own ways, rectified, again and again until finally things become clear, they get all angry. So even when you try to be nice to them, they get mad at you.

But after a while you get use to it and know it's not a reason to stop loving people. When you become smart enough, all you can do is *LOVE* people. Very hard.
» Horus replied on Fri Feb 29, 2008 @ 7:34pm. Posted in Rave.ca through the imaginary DJWood-izer.
Coolness: 40895
Originally Posted By MICO
I don't get it.

That's OK. What you need to do is read all the words, one by one. When there is a "." you can take a break. Go like that post by post, and you should eventually "get" something.
» Horus replied on Fri Feb 29, 2008 @ 7:32pm. Posted in Drugs Are Amazing.
Coolness: 40895
Originally Posted By MASA
You, Mr. Horus sir, are sadly not a pariah (except maybe among us).

Nor are you, in my humble opinion, very "intelligent".

Just because only half of the people who ingest "several kilograms" of [obviously not pure enough] GHB die, you seem to think it's intelligent to tell them to consume as much of the stuff as they can.

I, for one, don't.

Hm, LMAO let's pass comments on my intelligence. Opinions huh? Wahahahaa... XD

I did not tell anyone to consume as much GHB as they can. I said GHB & LSD are safe ALTERNATIVES to Alcohol and give a much better trip. Go look it up! :)
» Horus replied on Fri Feb 29, 2008 @ 7:30pm. Posted in Drugs Are Amazing.
Coolness: 40895
Originally Posted By SCREWHEAD
I'm educating, that's all.

And what, exactly, are your credentials on the topic at hand? Are they better than, say, 8 years work in the field being discussed? Because it seems to me that you have absolutely nothing inteligent or factual to bring to the table, you're just typing away because you can't stand the FACT that you're being shown to be an ignorant fool by someone who is much younger than you.

There's a diffrence between talking because you have something to say, and talking because you have to say something.

Figgure out which of the two you are.

An IQ of 174 and 14 years of reading the U.S. National Library of Medicine's research papers on average 10 hours a day should do. I'm not goint to talk about University or any petty thing like that. ;)
» Horus replied on Fri Feb 29, 2008 @ 7:22pm. Posted in Drugs Are Amazing.
Coolness: 40895
Oh Tamala I'm not trying to impress you or anyone, LMAO.

Do you guys think I'm low enough to try to be POPULAR among you? I'm educating, that's all. Showing you how easy it is for you to retort to mob mentality, and lower yourselves to derogatory thoughts and feelings toward others. How you are totally unable to simply discuss facts for the sake of spreading knowledge without getting all emotionally bent out of shape and turn everything into a popularity issue.

The left half of the bell curve is the most easily swayed in its opinions. They don't know squat. So they unite and create a consensus. But to give themselves the all-important impression that their consensus is RIGHT, then they must wage war on those who contradict their consensus. Then they can make themselves believe that they are RIGHT and the other is WRONG. Because they can unite together and make their voices louder than the one who goes against the grain.

But I know what I know. Call me what you will, I literally could not care less what you say of me. XD

And Tamala you aren't stupid, far from that. But you seem to be infected by it, sadly. Stop thinking in the terms of the collective and you will reconnect with your true intelligence, ah, but then you will be a pariah. Destroyer of preconceived ideas.
» Horus replied on Fri Feb 29, 2008 @ 7:16pm. Posted in Drugs Are Amazing.
Coolness: 40895
Originally Posted By WIZDUMB
do you try to suck or does it come naturally?

That is your subjective perception. I don't suck, but you and your peers think I do. Which is exactly the kind of stupidity which I am glad to demonstrate to you! Stupidity is not natural. It is acquired through peer contamination. It is a disease. Which can be cured by the one infected if he will turn his will against it instead of using its ability to make one popular as a defence for its protection. Anyone who demonstrates stupidity - objectively perceivable stupidity and certainly NOT consensual "stupidity" which is only another way of saying we're too stupid to understand you - is a victim of it, quite simply. Sad, but true.

Someone with a good eye for the future can see that life will soon amount to less than nothing for those who don't do this.
» Horus replied on Fri Feb 29, 2008 @ 7:12pm. Posted in Rave.ca through the imaginary DJWood-izer.
Coolness: 40895
Originally Posted By MICO

That is "que?" in Spanish.
» Horus replied on Fri Feb 29, 2008 @ 7:10pm. Posted in Drugs Are Amazing.
Coolness: 40895
So I'm saying nothing quoting famous scientists and the sum of scientific literature on the subject at hand?

NOW that is fantastic!
» Horus replied on Fri Feb 29, 2008 @ 7:04pm. Posted in Drugs Are Amazing.
Coolness: 40895
Little means so many things. You think it has to do with age. That's just another way of being little.

The LD50 of sodium oxybate for a small 50kg (110lb) human is of the order of several kilograms. Which would be impossible to absorb, because even if you were to take enough stimulants to somehow stay awake long enough to gulp down even ONE kilogram, such a dose of stimulant would surely turn off your digestive system and moreover might kill you long before the GHB does.

Oh, and let's see. What else has NO DOCUMENTED TOXIC EFFECT at 1000 times the maximum recommended dose? What else? Wait... More... Hum... Yes, GHB has been studied for DECADES in laboratory and medical facilities. No negatives. Oh, and Henri Laborit who perhaps might be thought of as *slightly* more worthy of trust than you, never stopped talking of all its positives. Yes, the positives of exogenous supplementation.

Oh, but we go on about the evil of GHB and how *I* am an asshole, etc. YOU have facts? LMAO you have popularity. Which of course only demonstrates your mediocrity. Like a politician, to be popular among the majority you must be at best, average.

Oh and look at the superbly brilliant, wonderfully thought out genius post by Moloch! Now that is a work of art!

If intelligence were a question of popularity you would be smart, and G.W. Bush would be a humanitarian, and I would be dumb.

Sadly such is not the case. But my teaching goes on. Even here, in this most desolate place among all, where human qualities are as prevalent as edelweiss are in the sahara, I keep on teaching, demonstrating, showing. Subliminally, through your extreme opposition to what I am, my brilliance has its effect, no matter that you hate it, protest scream and virtually kick every bit of the way. And so it is.

You are welcome.
» Horus replied on Fri Feb 29, 2008 @ 6:54pm. Posted in Drugs Are Amazing.
Coolness: 40895
Originally Posted By STRIK_IX
I wont cook you shit, cuz I dont do that. I am not brainwashed by the system... I am leaving this company that pays me EXTREMELY well because the ethics behind pharmaceuticals dont go with my way of thinking, I'm also pursuing my passion instead of going for the money and teh benefits.

That doesnt take away from the fact that you ARE talking out of your ass, that you know 0 about what REALLY goes on in teh pharmaceutical indusrty, I've been there, done that... for almost 8 years now.

Comparing GHB to Vitamins is just utterly idiotic...

So... What you are basically saying is that anyone who uses anything other than the cleanest of food and water is an utter idiot.

Or... Use drugs, so long as they are NOT something which your body makes... ?
» Horus replied on Fri Feb 29, 2008 @ 5:16pm. Posted in Drugs Are Amazing.
Coolness: 40895
Originally Posted By STRIK_IX
I wont cook you shit, cuz I dont do that. I am not brainwashed by the system... I am leaving this company that pays me EXTREMELY well because the ethics behind pharmaceuticals dont go with my way of thinking, I'm also pursuing my passion instead of going for the money and teh benefits.

That doesnt take away from the fact that you ARE talking out of your ass, that you know 0 about what REALLY goes on in teh pharmaceutical indusrty, I've been there, done that... for almost 8 years now.

Comparing GHB to Vitamins is just utterly idiotic...

So... What you are basically saying is that anyone who uses anything other than the cleanest of food and water is an utter idiot.
» Horus replied on Fri Feb 29, 2008 @ 4:57pm. Posted in Drugs Are Amazing.
Coolness: 40895
Originally posted by STIK_IX
And FYI, Centrum is harmless, what goes in it is harmless, appart for the pure vitamins which are highly toxic (these are diluted, ~1-2% of multivitamins are actually vitamins, the rest is mostly lactose or microcyrtaline cellulose as filler).

Also, as much as I dislike the politics behind pharmaceuticals I know for fact that the OTC products are quite harmless to people with no allergies. We spend years developping these products and are heavily regulated. Horus tells us that we use lotsa solvents, while that is true and highly poluting (something which is really pissing me off, but that's a whole other subject), there are no traces of the solvent once synthesis is achieved, we keep what we need from material and reject the rest, what goes in your pills has been through solvent and dried at very high temperatures to make sure the solvent evaporates, the vapors are filtered, the product is tested using chromatography to ensure there isn't any impurities or any residue from the orignal material or solvent... a pretty safe process if you ask me.

I could go on for days Horus, I have 8 years experience on the matter... next time you wanna look brilliant while talking out of your ass, make sure you know who you're dealing with.

You were still trying to decide which CEGEP to go to and I already knew all that, o little one. I am about a dozen light-years ahead of you yet your pride makes you think I'm behind you coz you fail to see what I talk about.

One day you will evolve a little, you will see a greater perspective, and realize, gee, it's true, alcohol and weed have LESS to do with the human body than GHB does.

Tell me what is the LD50 of Sodium Oxybate?
» Horus replied on Fri Feb 29, 2008 @ 4:30pm. Posted in Drugs Are Amazing.
Coolness: 40895
Originally Posted By SCREWHEAD
Next Horus is gonna tell us an intricate story of how crack changed his life for the better...

But it DID!

(you DO mean male butt-crack, right?)

Stop dreaming about my butt crack, you aren't going anywhere near it.

Strik_IX, you are obviously oblivious (no captains here though - HEHE) to the fact that EVERY CELL IN YOUR BODY ALREADY CONTAINS GHB AND THAT IT IS NECESSARY FOR THE CONTINUED FUNCTION OF ***ALL*** OF YOUR CELLS? This is a medical fact. That you can synthesize it with solvents (oops, ethanol is also just another solvent really) should be totally moot point. Do you have any idea what kind of shit they use to make, for example "Centrum" vitamins? Well you don't want to know.

Bottom line is, either you know something about chemistry and you understand all this or you don't. AND YOU OBVIOUSLY DON'T. So don't use your ignorance of chemistry to demonify things. Next up you will tell us that carbohydrates are bad for us because they are so closely related to gasoline. And they are.

So just stop eating OK? =D
» Horus replied on Fri Feb 29, 2008 @ 2:51pm. Posted in Rave.ca through the imaginary DJWood-izer.
Coolness: 40895
Originally Posted By EL_LEADER_MAXIMO

He's talking about the auto-resizing of images on this website.
» Horus replied on Fri Feb 29, 2008 @ 2:50pm. Posted in Drugs Are Amazing.
Coolness: 40895
Alcohol is IMO the 2nd worst of all drugs with pot a close third-worst. Of course those are both eclipsed by cigarettes which are obviously pure poison.

But seriously why would anyone drink when a hit of GHB is $5 and a hit of acid is $5? Cid & GHB >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ethanol
» Horus replied on Thu Feb 28, 2008 @ 8:57pm. Posted in Worst food in the city?.
Coolness: 40895
Scores, McD's, KFC, honorable mention to Nickel's since I found a cigarette butch in my fries. Cigarettes totally disgust me to begin with, never mind in my FOOD.

But I'm with Databoy (sorry man) if you've eaten oustide of Montréal/Québec, like Ontario and further west, then you know how bad food can be. Although any greasy spoon type of restaurant in the West Island reminds me of Manitoba food. Or US food for that matter. Bleh.
» Horus replied on Thu Feb 28, 2008 @ 8:05pm. Posted in Rave.ca through the imaginary DJWood-izer.
Coolness: 40895
» Horus replied on Thu Feb 28, 2008 @ 8:03pm. Posted in He's perfectly sane.
Coolness: 40895
I think he has something against people who keep in shape? :D
» Horus replied on Thu Feb 28, 2008 @ 6:45pm. Posted in People saying the rave Since is Survieving.
Coolness: 40895
What sizes do you have? Any XXL?
» Horus replied on Thu Feb 28, 2008 @ 6:43pm. Posted in mdma - how much is too much?.
Coolness: 40895
I have used it quite a bit... I use to have the ultra-pure crystals to crush and snort - painful but such a NICE BUZZ! Anyway after a few years of having fun with E, the feeling gradually decreased quite a bit.

I took 6 years off it and after those 6 years off, my first trip was most excellent, thank you. Very VERY good. Like a 3rd time on E or somesuch. YIPPEEEEE!!!

So... If you are one of those whose pleasure of taking E has decreased markedly I can only recommend that you take a long break from it... GHB & Cid would be a good substitue IMO... And when you have reset them neurons you can trip out again! :)
» Horus replied on Thu Feb 28, 2008 @ 6:39pm. Posted in Drugs Are Amazing.
Coolness: 40895
Speed is fun, c'mon. WHO doesn't do speed in raves etc? It's the most common thing, really. But there is a difference between real crystal meth and crank.

I've had good speed a few times, I enjoyed it thoroughly. But then again, I don't get addicted to stuff. I can see how it would be bad for someone with an addictable personality might have trouble with that stuff. But once in a while, what's the harm?
» Horus replied on Thu Feb 28, 2008 @ 12:02am. Posted in Funniest Drug Myths - What's the Dumbest thing You've Heard?.
Coolness: 40895
Hm, I think snorting MDMA would probably do the same only much worse? [checks nose]
» Horus replied on Wed Feb 27, 2008 @ 10:07am. Posted in You're probably abusing drugs if......
Coolness: 40895
Originally Posted By NUCLEAR
I've put MDMA up my ass many years ago and I can assure you it's a way better and cleaner trip... It's uncomfortable for about 10 minutes but after it's great. You are bypassing your stomach which means you never get sickness problems and the trip feels much cleaner and there is no come down really. I'd recommend it to anyone who is not anal about it.

I'd recomment it to anyone who IS anal about it.

Uh, OK. I'm gone.
» Horus replied on Thu Feb 21, 2008 @ 12:37pm. Posted in Heroin.
Coolness: 40895
Originally Posted By ADRIANNA
it took a year away from my life and landed me in the hospital, twice...haven't touched the shit in 6 years now...and seriously my life is WAY better now because of that...so yeah, drugs are supposed to be fun, if you agree with me don't do it...

» Horus replied on Sat Feb 16, 2008 @ 10:28am. Posted in things you never want to do again..
Coolness: 40895
I never want to get drunk again. Yuck.
» Horus replied on Sat Feb 16, 2008 @ 12:13am. Posted in Look Here, Something to Criticise!!.
Coolness: 40895
Originally Posted By FLO

Exactly! Partay! :D
» Horus replied on Sat Feb 16, 2008 @ 12:11am. Posted in Look Here, Something to Criticise!!.
Coolness: 40895
Originally Posted By HOST_ONE
who are you?

I am what was there when you were not. I am what is after you are forgotten.
» Horus replied on Fri Feb 15, 2008 @ 10:41pm. Posted in for the conspiracy buffs.
Coolness: 40895
Originally Posted By M-A-X
Well, I always thought that Freemasons conspiracy and new world order theory was pushed a bit too hard, specialy with 9/11 events. But still, I think, something very strange happened on 9/11, I have difficulty to belived that a 757 crash/fire transformed the WTC into dust. If you saw Loose change movie, you probably know of what im talking about...

I'm totally with you. And I apologize for what that does to your reputation... :-P
» Horus replied on Fri Feb 15, 2008 @ 10:40pm. Posted in Look Here, Something to Criticise!!.
Coolness: 40895
Originally Posted By VERSION2MINUS1
To me patchouli, like Tiger Balm and Vicks Vaporub, is in the same category of stuff that I was indifferent to before but years of overexposure makes me dry heave whenever I get a whiff of those.

Hey now, Vicks Vaporub 0wnz. After a few hours, it's the only thing that keeps me going.
» Horus replied on Fri Feb 15, 2008 @ 8:55am. Posted in for the conspiracy buffs.
Coolness: 40895
Originally Posted By WIZDUMB

Yeah dude! You _GET_ me! :)
» Horus replied on Thu Feb 14, 2008 @ 7:38pm. Posted in for the conspiracy buffs.
Coolness: 40895
Originally Posted By WIZDUMB

Exactly!!! XD WTF!!!
» Horus replied on Thu Feb 14, 2008 @ 5:50pm. Posted in Look Here, Something to Criticise!!.
Coolness: 40895
This thread is becoming amusing, in a dreary sort of way.

I seem to recognize someone from "American Beauty" in Host_One's posts. I won't say whom... :D
» Horus replied on Thu Feb 14, 2008 @ 5:14pm. Posted in Look Here, Something to Criticise!!.
Coolness: 40895
Just when it was obvious this thread had gone to hell, here comes an intelligent post.

Cherish it guys.

They are rare. :)

I like the WTF style, myself, but intelligent posting does have its niche interest IMO.
» Horus replied on Thu Feb 14, 2008 @ 5:10pm. Posted in i would kill for this right now..
Coolness: 40895
Dude, that really does look amazing. Not much room for various positions though, before/after sleep... :(
» Horus replied on Thu Feb 14, 2008 @ 5:07pm. Posted in dmt.
Coolness: 40895
Originally Posted By GUMATOR
some people here think that take drugs are cool in a kind of way....but man youre out ive been working for some assholes who fabric speed and e i assure you 100% that the laboratoir iz damn infect ....u no what man those people are cash cropers and really dont give a fuck if you go 2 the hospital there bad people with dirty karma.......so in a retard language i say 2 you lache pas mon homme gel toé !!!!!!

That's why drugs should be legal. That way you could go to the store and choose the brand you like, you know the one that was purified 3 times. Less side-effects... :)

GUMATOR do you drink alcohol? C'est la pire criss de marde, sérieux. Pis la cigarette... Y'a juste le Guru qui est pas pire... Mais tu vas pas trop loin avec ça...
» Horus replied on Thu Feb 14, 2008 @ 5:03pm. Posted in Look Here, Something to Criticise!!.
Coolness: 40895
Originally Posted By DJBLISS
Guys for fucks sake,

Its Valentines,

Kiss and make up

If I kiss you, will that make everything OK?

» Horus replied on Thu Feb 14, 2008 @ 4:57pm. Posted in What are you listening to right now?.
Coolness: 40895
Rocky - Thread of light.

Damn. I mean DAMN. Some great beats on this. Track #7 is driving my neighbors into a frothing rage at the moment! XD

Purple_Lee has kindly posted a link to dl it earlier in this thread. This guy knows his 'zik IMO.

Do you guys ever get the stuff he posts?

Anyway, thanks a million Liam.
» Horus replied on Thu Feb 14, 2008 @ 4:54pm. Posted in Look Here, Something to Criticise!!.
Coolness: 40895
Originally Posted By DATABOY
Your words hold very little weight

» Horus replied on Thu Feb 14, 2008 @ 4:53pm. Posted in for the conspiracy buffs.
Coolness: 40895
Originally Posted By STRANGEDAHLIA
you toad 5 years old with your breast ?

We wantssssssss!! Preciousssssss
Horus's Profile - Community Messages