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» BonusBeats répondu dessus Thu 2 Aug, 2012 @ 9:11pm. Posted in ok time to come clean.
Coolness: 30980
What a troll! I don't know if I'm horrified or admirative.
» BonusBeats répondu dessus Thu 2 Aug, 2012 @ 2:57pm. Posted in I imagine this whenever one of you hobos posts something.
Coolness: 30980
You mean this

» BonusBeats répondu dessus Thu 2 Aug, 2012 @ 2:40pm. Posted in Rave.ca and their use of the word Bliss.
Coolness: 30980
Originally Posted By NATHAN

And on what do you base the fact that the site is being ruined? You calculated the number of hits on the site to how many there were in the pre-Alex-posting era? You talked to the majority of people who were active and discovered that they stopped posting 'cause Al uses naughty words? You studied the site and read through the last 500 threads to come up with an algorithm to compare the descent of general activity to the ascent of the number of Alex's posts? Did you contact the Gay & Lesbian Rights Association to find out if this site was on their black-list? ...

C'mon, show me your work.

LOL I'm Loling a lot
» BonusBeats répondu dessus Thu 2 Aug, 2012 @ 2:04pm. Posted in asylum.
Coolness: 30980
I know, it's really amazing!
» BonusBeats répondu dessus Wed 1 Aug, 2012 @ 4:33pm. Posted in asylum.
Coolness: 30980
» BonusBeats répondu dessus Tue 31 Jul, 2012 @ 1:39pm. Posted in re: Gay And Lesbian Of This Site (for alexF).
Coolness: 30980
its true that bag of fuuuu is kind of gay. Oops I mean lame! I'm sorry to every homosexual person on the planet.
» BonusBeats répondu dessus Thu 26 Jul, 2012 @ 8:10pm. Posted in Way to go Bliss.
Coolness: 30980
Do not try to twist the subject. Bigotry is everywhere and it's wrong.
» BonusBeats répondu dessus Thu 26 Jul, 2012 @ 2:43pm. Posted in Way to go Bliss.
Coolness: 30980
You are all bigots.
» BonusBeats répondu dessus Thu 26 Jul, 2012 @ 2:33am. Posted in Way to go Bliss.
Coolness: 30980
I sense bigotry
» BonusBeats répondu dessus Wed 25 Jul, 2012 @ 1:22pm. Posted in banning in threads.
Coolness: 30980
Ain't that bigotry? I sense a bigot. The Earth just stopped moving.
» BonusBeats répondu dessus Tue 24 Jul, 2012 @ 11:41pm. Posted in Future styles - music - part 2.
Coolness: 30980
Actually, if this was real, it would probably be an historic landmark in music­. However, the greatest news from Japan are still the Japanoise thing. Boring.

Mise à jour » BonusBeats a écrit dessus Tue 24 Jul, 2012 @ 11:56pm
Actually, some Japanese techno from the past 4 or 5 years have been artsy enough to be in a style box of its own, yet the style didn't get a name for itself. It's slow, sometimes melodic and dubby.

Like that

[ www.youtube.com ]
» BonusBeats répondu dessus Tue 24 Jul, 2012 @ 9:30pm. Posted in gay and lesbians of this site.
Coolness: 30980
I can't believe this bigotry crap is STILL on.
» BonusBeats répondu dessus Sun 22 Jul, 2012 @ 2:41pm. Posted in Future styles - music - part 2.
Coolness: 30980
That's yesterday's news, man! Today, it's all about the new speed dub trend coming from the supervised injection sites of Tokyo where these young revolutionary minds gather for injecting heroin and for inspiration.
» BonusBeats répondu dessus Sat 21 Jul, 2012 @ 2:11pm. Posted in gay and lesbians of this site.
Coolness: 30980
Damn, after some sleep and a breakfast... I maintain everything but let's say I used a lot more diplomacy in the formulation of my opinion. It's intense! Wires were touching.

Mise à jour » BonusBeats a écrit dessus Sat 21 Jul, 2012 @ 2:11pm
*would have used.

Anyway, wtv
» BonusBeats répondu dessus Sat 21 Jul, 2012 @ 11:57am. Posted in Future styles - music - part 2.
Coolness: 30980
I already have a plan to keep a live input on the 4th deck during some gig and record me saying the name of someone in the room, then throwing it in the mix now and then with more or less effects until the poor victim I will pick start being really paranoid about the music whispering his-her name. If that qualifies I'm willing to be a pionneer of the genre.
» BonusBeats répondu dessus Sat 21 Jul, 2012 @ 6:26am. Posted in Future styles - music - part 2.
Coolness: 30980
euh...cest du full-on comme avant, mais ils ont découvert les knobs d'effets genre les filtres et apparemment ils les tournent dans tous les sens pas mal at random. Ils devaient penser que c'étaient des vis parce que la, ils sont très excités de tourner vraiment tous les boutons. C'est de la haute technologie. Je te linke tu vas adorer ca. Il n'y a plus de track, de musique ou de buildup juste surement au moins 3 kids soit 6 boutons qui sont étourdis au point de vomir. Et d'une facon ou d'une autre quelqu'un release ca.

D'ailleurs le producer s'appelle Technical Hitch mais je suppose qu'il est trop actif mentalement pour se rappeler que Technical Itch faisait de la musique légendaire alors il a l'air un peu toto. La technologie lui vole ses souvenir. Ouf j'ai écouté TOUTE la track. You can't do it.

D'ailleurs étant DJ tu vas vite comprendre qu'il est impossible de faire quoi que ce soit avec ça sauf en enligner plus back to back sans même perdre ton temps a cuer. Ça laisse tout l'espace pour que le DJ puisse ingérer drogue, alcool et lever les bras en fermant les yeux dans une trance qui finit sûrement la majorité du temps par des vomissemments spasmodiques sur le stage. Ce style est définitivement un incontournable style du futur! Wow

Mise à jour » BonusBeats a écrit dessus Sat 21 Jul, 2012 @ 6:38am
C'est comme du full-on...moins le groove. Si possible. A une vitesse normale quand ton train de vie t'amène a devoir te rendre du marché jean-talon au centre bell a pied en moins de 5 minutes ou distance équivalente, ca te donne la motivation necessaire pour péter le mur du son. D'Aucuns suggéreraient de partir plus tot et prendre le métro, mais on n'est pas assz avancés pour saisir.

WTF cest juste absolument nimporte quoi la track. Gilbert Rozon avec un sample pack psy un contrôleur midi et environ trois millions de VST settes a randomize ferait ce que j'entend en ce moment.
Mise à jour » BonusBeats a écrit dessus Sat 21 Jul, 2012 @ 6:41am
Je sais pertinemment qu'il y a du psy bien produit avec amour par des musiciens dédiés a leur son qui n'est surement pas le hi-tech a la sauce de technical Hitch. Je lui suggère de finir son secondaire avant d'y aller pour la musique.
» BonusBeats répondu dessus Sat 21 Jul, 2012 @ 6:17am. Posted in what's the difference between psytrance and a pile of shit?.
Coolness: 30980
Let's talk about jumpstyle
» BonusBeats répondu dessus Sat 21 Jul, 2012 @ 5:05am. Posted in gay and lesbians of this site.
Coolness: 30980
If any gay person is offended by this damn thread, it's because the mere fact that there is a thread on so unreal as site as [ rave.ca ] implying that he might give a shit if someone there uses the word ''fag'' when he means ''pussy'', ''sissy'' or ''fucking idiot when he uses the forum to generate useless drama.

IF a single gay person came here, my bet is that he probably exploded from laughing too much or maybe he survived and went back to his life and ate a muffin or whatever. Or maybe he's mad because he's just a normal gay person using the word gay to designate someone acting like a ''choose word above'' like everyone else in this city. There are bigots in the world of course, but here it's mostly ex-ravers that are here for god knows why, including me that was 10 years without an account and joined...somehow for a probably fucked-up reason.

But this bigotry thing has lasted more than a week. No one cares if people are gay and gay people use the word gay pejoratively and when I am with an uncomfortable gay person (once in a decenny) you know what? I avoid the topic of sexual orientation it's really easy. You can talk about music or stamps or rabbit races or anything and people get along. Last time I saw a gay offended by the word gay I was like 12 and the dude was 16 and not quite out of the closet so insecure and not confident so it was normal. Bigotry is not exactly on point when it comes to the reality here in montreal and this thread... I don't know what's the point of it. What should happen? What's next? Because it doesn't seem like there's any point to it at all and that just got that rant out of me.

What's the point? You want I don't even remember who to say ah damn I'm a bigot I bash on gays but now I write on this faraway, distant forum that I am sorry to all the gay people for using the word gay and making their lives miserable? SO WHAT, DUDE? SO WHAT?

It's not like it was a moral fight. Fighting REAL bigotry is a moral fight, like gay-bashing. This is nothing that I can see a point to. I would really like to understand the point.

Mise à jour » BonusBeats a écrit dessus Sat 21 Jul, 2012 @ 5:13am
Also you even made gay pokes yourself then told it was not the same thing because you didnt care if people were gay. What makes you think anyone here is different than yourself? No one gives a shit about who fucks who it's a goddamn rave site the whole sex thing was kind of out of control in the rave era anyway I don't get how you can be a fucking bigot RAVER, man. That's like trying to be a cashier at the dollarama and being a jellyfish at the same time. So why all the fuss? At least if the drama could be 1% in reality it would be enjoyable.
Mise à jour » BonusBeats a écrit dessus Sat 21 Jul, 2012 @ 5:13am
Also you even made gay pokes yourself then told it was not the same thing because you didnt care if people were gay. What makes you think anyone here is different than yourself? No one gives a shit about who fucks who it's a goddamn rave site the whole sex thing was kind of out of control in the rave era anyway I don't get how you can be a fucking bigot RAVER, man. That's like trying to be a cashier at the dollarama and being a jellyfish at the same time. So why all the fuss? At least if the drama could be 1% in reality it would be enjoyable.
Mise à jour » BonusBeats a écrit dessus Sat 21 Jul, 2012 @ 5:26am
I mean, gay people really don't need some DJ to ride the Internet on a white horse defending their pride when nothing remotely significant happened in the first place to generate the holy fucking retarded crusade against bigotry in the crucial place that [ rave.ca ] is to gay people. And I'll even go as far as to tell you that you're the bigot by acting like a gay person could not say fuck you to the face of someone bothering them. So that whollllllleeeee thing, it's not needed. It's condescendant. It's really fucking embarrassing. I don't even KNOW you and it pisses me off to that level. (and I have to admit, obviously I'm kind of under the influence but that doesn't change the fact that I fucking mean all that)... Okkkk, good night to all gays and lesbians and heterosexuals of the planet.
Mise à jour » BonusBeats a écrit dessus Sat 21 Jul, 2012 @ 5:35am
One last thing. The part where you fuck someone's mom on the regular. I don't know where to start on the topic of respect. Maybe that now that you've written that on the Internet with such a big sense of respecting the PERSON YOU SLEEP WITH ON THE REGULAR, he could give his mom a call and have her read your feelings for her expressed with so much care, in such a poetic way by simply logging in the Internet and I would bet 2$ with you that fucking his mom on the regular like everyone knows will no longer be something that you can taunt people with. I supposed she probably dumped you already if you're careless enough to say that. If not, I think you just walked into a hole while looking out for bigots to bash on.
» BonusBeats répondu dessus Sat 21 Jul, 2012 @ 4:05am. Posted in ☆ Dj School Montreal ☆.
Coolness: 30980
Too. Pirate drugs too. It would all about getting high on music and all dying of starvation under the light of drugs and music. Thinking about it, I'm sure it would be a little lame to end that way maybe but I'm sure we wouldn't really care anymore so it might be a beautiful dream after all. Who knows. Because DJ's would be too high to mix the music properly so it might become a really sketchy worldwide party. Still better than the Apocalypse according to the Bible.
» BonusBeats répondu dessus Fri 20 Jul, 2012 @ 10:24am. Posted in Future styles - music - part 2.
Coolness: 30980
Euh, je seconde. C'est sûr que c'est satanique et meurtrier de toute façon et ce même si c'est ''happy'' alors laisse le hi-tech tranquille et surtout arrête de l'invoquer il pourrait en arriver carrément dans tes headphones par surprise. C'a l'air nasty.
» BonusBeats répondu dessus Thu 19 Jul, 2012 @ 12:02am. Posted in Future styles - music - part 2.
Coolness: 30980
I would say Dub Country (beware of that style!!!!! OMG)
» BonusBeats répondu dessus Tue 17 Jul, 2012 @ 11:39pm. Posted in Future styles - music - part 2.
Coolness: 30980
Happy Hardcorecore
» BonusBeats répondu dessus Tue 17 Jul, 2012 @ 4:30pm. Posted in ☆ Dj School Montreal ☆.
Coolness: 30980
That's actually a great article, and to the point. Producers are great, but when I'm on a dancefloor, I trust a DJ more. The thing is, since producers are DJs now, its like the art is getting lost. I'm not hating on producers, but there's clearly a confusion out there with too many ''live acts'' consisting of the guy DJing only his own tracks.

I'll take Function as an example of a great techno DJ. When he came at the Mutek after party, he made a set going in all directions: techno, acid techno, house, breaks, dark, banging, smooth. It was amazing.

On the other hand, take a Max Cooper live act. It doesn't get any lamer than this. I once was a fan of early Max Cooper tracks, but I don't get why I should endure a 2 hours live act of it. I'd kill myself before. It's always on the same emotion, same energy level, same structure, same trademark going on and on and on.

Maybe thats why a DJ school is relevant.
» BonusBeats répondu dessus Tue 17 Jul, 2012 @ 1:19am. Posted in Who is Host1? Fuck That Guy.
Coolness: 30980
Originally Posted By BLISSS
Average homo height

I'm just wondering how you can say this here and then open a thread calling someone a bigot. It's not against you or anything, just a question.
» BonusBeats répondu dessus Mon 16 Jul, 2012 @ 10:14pm. Posted in Dee's Bday Drama Thread!!!!!!!111111.
Coolness: 30980
Originally Posted By DRGONZO
Kire delivers, unlike the rest of youse!

That part about the brother made me head desk.

I love head desk.

You're the one not delivering here.
» BonusBeats répondu dessus Wed 11 Jul, 2012 @ 10:40am. Posted in Dee's Bday Drama Thread!!!!!!!111111.
Coolness: 30980
So that's all the drama your birthday can generate? My cat makes more drama when it's raining outside. It's true. When he sees that water is falling and that he will get wet he comes to me and acts all offended for a bit until he forgets about it. It's supposed to be a drama thread so I'm adding the real, in-your-face drama that your birthday fails to provide.
» BonusBeats répondu dessus Sat 7 Jul, 2012 @ 3:39pm. Posted in gay and lesbians of this site.
Coolness: 30980
Whoever bag_of_fuuuuu is, he's clearly fucked-up.
» BonusBeats répondu dessus Fri 6 Jul, 2012 @ 5:21pm. Posted in gay and lesbians of this site.
Coolness: 30980
From a purely moral point of view, I suppose you're right.

But this is reality here. How can you say that this site's main perception is homophobia, excepted with some unclear and useful quotation from "a lesbian friend" that is turned into a general statement without any basis to it?

I repeat as you quoted me.

One guy has apparently destroyed the image of the whole montreal electronic music counterculture by using the word fag too much on this site and you ask him to publicly apologize to the gay and lesbian community for making us all look like homophobes.

That makes no sense. It's really the same intellectual shortcut the government just used! Gay people are able to make the difference between an homophobic person and an homophobic community without public apologies. Come on, gay people are normal people, therefore they're intelligent.

On top of it, is Basdini so homophobic that lesbians would come lurking on the site just to read his comments, I guess in the hope of being offended, then go and make a bad image of the whole community? I'm not even convinced that he is actually an homophobic person. For real­.

And I come on this site for the enjoyment of drama mainly and I never noticed that homophobic aura even though a lot of insults are thrown all day long. I mean, If I was gay, I would enjoy the drama as much.

And I agree with you that homophobia is something that we need to speak against.
» BonusBeats répondu dessus Fri 6 Jul, 2012 @ 3:12pm. Posted in gay and lesbians of this site.
Coolness: 30980
So, according to you, one guy has apparently destroyed the image of the whole montreal electronic music counterculture by using the word fag too much on this site and you ask him to publicly apologize to the gay and lesbian community for making us all look like homophobes.

Sounds a little too much like Jean Charest telling that the whole student movement was a bunch of crazed out revolutionary communists because one guy would not publicly condemn the isolated violence used by some random protestors to me.
» BonusBeats répondu dessus Thu 5 Jul, 2012 @ 4:43pm. Posted in ☆ Dj School Montreal ☆.
Coolness: 30980
Real story, in the end I was with my friend Claudine and we ran on front to see him, and when he cut the music we actually had a tear in our eye. Didn't happen to me since the rave movement days, seriously, This was off the hook.
» BonusBeats répondu dessus Thu 5 Jul, 2012 @ 4:26pm. Posted in ☆ Dj School Montreal ☆.
Coolness: 30980
+ 789464 for artistic and creative DJing
» BonusBeats répondu dessus Thu 5 Jul, 2012 @ 1:47pm. Posted in Basdini and his use of the word fag.
Coolness: 30980
This thread feels like potential.

Mise à jour » BonusBeats a écrit dessus Thu 5 Jul, 2012 @ 4:29pm
OK, I missed the bliss vs masa thread so this one is kind of has-been finally.
» BonusBeats répondu dessus Thu 5 Jul, 2012 @ 1:42pm. Posted in ☆ Dj School Montreal ☆.
Coolness: 30980
Did you see Jeff Mills at Mutek this year? It was a-m-a-z-i-n-g it renewed all my passion for techno.
» BonusBeats répondu dessus Wed 4 Jul, 2012 @ 12:53am. Posted in ☆ Dj School Montreal ☆.
Coolness: 30980
True. I completely agree but the important ones are the ones that will grow from it. It's like real school. Everybody should have full access, because some of them will be able to develop their potential harder/faster/better/stronger ;) The others will find something else.

You can't pick which one will become the next Adam Beyer from the next DJ Fred 2000 just by looking at them when they get through the door. Would be nice to be able to do so, but, no. You can't tell :p
» BonusBeats répondu dessus Wed 4 Jul, 2012 @ 12:44am. Posted in ☆ Dj School Montreal ☆.
Coolness: 30980
J'aurais sûrement skippé la fois où j'ai littéralement pris un dancefloor plein et vidé le Blizzarts au complet en moins de 15 minutes aussi :) Qu'est-ce que ça peut faire de mal qu'une école ait été fondée pour transmettre la technique, surtout que la technique en tant que telle est la partie facile de la patente. C'est sûr qu'il n'y a pas de cours pour t'expliquer exactement COMMENT choisir tes tracks (car c'est ce qui fait le style et la touche personnelle, les choses qui séparent les bons des mauvais), mais peut-être que ce n'est pas fou d'apprendre POURQUOI les choisir avec un soin borderline maniaque. Pourquoi pas aussi apprendre le côté objectif de la chose, comment downgrader à plus smooth (beaucoup de DJs ont du mal avec ça) et autres trucs techniques pour savoir blender correctement/se servir du crossfader correctement/changer de style de façon drastique ou smooth? Moi je trouve que cette école est plutôt une bonne idée. Je ne sais pas combien de temps ça m'a pris tout seul dans ma tête avant d'avoir un niveau assez bon pour que ça vaille la peine de me présenter devant du monde et encore, avant qu'on me remarque assez pour me donner 20 000 watts ca a pris plusieurs années. Et je dis ''tout seul dans ma tête" c'est faux car j'avais tous les gars de 64hz pour me coacher quand je mixais dans les afterpartys.

Même avec l'oreille de faucon de Nicolas et Jean-Simon qui ne manquaient pas un glitch et ne manquaient pas de me faire remarquer que mon mix chiait totalement lorsque l'occasion se présentait (assez souvent au début) par exemple en me bumpant des decks.
Tsé, je l'aurais peut-être pris, le cours.

Cette formation peut sûrement aider un bon DJ à débuter et elle n'empêchera en rien un DJ de marde de faire des sets pas écoutables de musique générique à 2c, même que ça va le démasquer avant même qu'il atteigne un vrai party et qu'il force le monde à s'emmerder

» BonusBeats répondu dessus Sat 30 Jun, 2012 @ 9:18pm. Posted in retarded protestors targetting F1.
Coolness: 30980
Originally Posted By BLISSS
Who are you Bob Marley? Quick go bang on a pot Masa! Your liberties are theatened!


This message is immediately followed by a message talking about bringing arguments in an intelligent manner. WTF?

I mean, I know that modern-day Quebec and Pinochet-era Chile are two different realities, but the whole pot-banging part of the actual movement seems to me like a pretty nice way to protest in a country where freedom of speech allows people to protest without them having to riot against the police or army or whatever. I actually think that all those people banging on pots are the sign that the political life in Quebec is (at least) alive and I'd rather see that instead of bloodthirsty rioters turning the place into a warzone with REAL police interventions
and REAL political turmoil. Seen the riots in Greece last year?

With that vision, I really enjoy seeing a grandfather with his grandchildren banging on pots to protest a stupid law that wants to restrict their liberties because some dumbass, corrupted government is not able to deal with a bunch of students on strike without penalizing everyone's freedom of speech and reunion. So, well, yup, I encourage everyone to go bang on a pot if there's another occasion to do so collectively.

It's way better (according to me, of course), than to wake up one morning and get a plastic ball in the face because you didn't go bang on a pot when such a peaceful way of protesting was still an option. Of course, it's just me. If you like tear gas a lot, just wait, don't do nothing, at all costs DO NOT BANG ON A POT and one day, sooner than later I promise, you or your kids will have your lungs full of them.
» BonusBeats répondu dessus Sat 23 Jun, 2012 @ 2:49am. Posted in Want to party?.
Coolness: 30980
I still wonder if Notcoolenuf4here truly partied that night.
» BonusBeats répondu dessus Sat 23 Jun, 2012 @ 1:42am. Posted in To all my homeboys.
Coolness: 30980
I want to stress the fact that the first five babies are fucking sexy.
» BonusBeats répondu dessus Fri 22 Jun, 2012 @ 6:08pm. Posted in To all my homeboys.
Coolness: 30980
I second that
» BonusBeats répondu dessus Thu 21 Jun, 2012 @ 11:11pm. Posted in To all my homeboys.
Coolness: 30980
BonusBeats's Profile - Community Messages