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» cinderella_soul replied on Fri Mar 17, 2006 @ 1:27pm. Posted in weekend of 10-12th of march.
Coolness: 56190
paul wall.. you produced and helped 'deliver' a baby recently?
» cinderella_soul replied on Fri Mar 17, 2006 @ 1:23pm. Posted in Protest Against Police Brutality.
Coolness: 56190
I was lying on a picnic table, at night, in a park, and my feet were not even on the table. I hadn't been feeling well and the grass was wet. Cop comes over in a motor vehicle and orders me to get off. I sit up and ask him what the reasoning of why I had to get off. I just wanted to know why first. He took that as a defiance and came and pulled me off the table. As far as I am concerned I was calm, relaxed, and just asking why.
He, later, explained that it was for sanitary purposes, which I figured as much. But really, who eats directly on the picnic table and even if they eat on a plate,,, am I really that dirty-- my feet were not on it. I, personally, wouldn't mind eating on a table that someone was lying on. There's germs everywhere. The whole time he was running his motor vehicle. Anyway, he wanted to give me a ticket. He took my name, address, phone number. I told them I felt that it would go against my conscience to obey and then ask why. I never ended up getting a ticket.

Okay prob not brutality but it was very aggressive and you think that asking why would be encouraged.
» cinderella_soul replied on Fri Mar 17, 2006 @ 1:10pm. Posted in why????.
Coolness: 56190
GOOD for YOU. Screw joining the club, join the revolution!! I stopped watching television when I was 15, 1995. I realized how bored and thus boring I was. So I got creative instead: dance, writing, learning about myself.
Very rarely, I watch it.
» cinderella_soul replied on Fri Mar 17, 2006 @ 10:30am. Posted in Protest Against Police Brutality.
Coolness: 56190
Originally posted by PURPLE LEE...

Police in my mind are a nessary evil since we as race can not police ourselves....


Yes, it's another role (police) that is played in society, where our ever-so precious NEED for AUTONOMY is sacrificed as a result.

WE are the PIGS that are being led to slaughter.

We necessarily do need to absolutely learn self-control, be autonomous, the existence and well being of the human species depends on it.

I do agree that there is police brutality in montreal. The existence of the police is a form of brutality in and of itself as wel.l.
» cinderella_soul replied on Fri Mar 17, 2006 @ 10:17am. Posted in Little Game.
Coolness: 56190
feeling a glimpse of the real, while oppressed by governmental systems.
» cinderella_soul replied on Fri Mar 17, 2006 @ 10:15am. Posted in why????.
Coolness: 56190
I agree with what you said yknot.
Lee: we do have to wonder why.

What's WoRsE is that people underestimate the idea that they are watching it for any other reason than that it is funny. They don't necessarily know why they think it is funny. It JUST? is and that I guess is good enough for "THEM".
» cinderella_soul replied on Fri Mar 17, 2006 @ 10:08am. Posted in why????.
Coolness: 56190
Originally posted by BASDINI...

we are free to rebel yet we chose not to
the greatest victory of propaganda is that you stop believing it is propaganda

(so) true.
» cinderella_soul replied on Fri Mar 17, 2006 @ 10:07am. Posted in E T Laws.
Coolness: 56190
I wonder if any of you would have an easier time locating this law that was so-called established. When on gov. site in states, in federal code of regulations and found nothing relevant to this. Typed it in google, looked through many pages and did not find any government documents related. wanted to see if it was really a law/regulation as per us gov.

In any case, giving people monetary fines for things is nothing new. It's no way to absolutely get anyone to stop doing anything rightly in ref to aliens or anything else.
It would, however, be in any now-a-day governments interest to entertain the thought of life on other planets, especially, of places where us humans could supposedly live. After all, the "governments" are destroying the planet at an UNPRECENDENTED rate, I think, and if you could get the humans thinking that we don't neccessarily have to be responsible for the mess that is in the here and now, more power to "THEM".
» cinderella_soul replied on Thu Mar 16, 2006 @ 9:10am. Posted in Atagartis March 11th.
Coolness: 56190
^ weren't you the guy selling cd's..?
» cinderella_soul replied on Thu Mar 16, 2006 @ 9:07am. Posted in weekend of 10-12th of march.
Coolness: 56190
^ Tu vais a ce party.. breaks and dnb...
Je doubte que je sortirais cette fin de semaine..
I doubt that I will go out this weekend. But this is your spring break, eh.
you're so cute liz.

;;;paul wall.. she'll hit on you?! Talking from experience, I think not. lol
» cinderella_soul replied on Thu Mar 16, 2006 @ 8:37am. Posted in I want to blow up Q-92..
Coolness: 56190
I've generally disliked radio, not to mention tv and the mass media since I was 15, 16. I listen to it from time to time mainly to analyze the content and hear what they are promoting to the masses of humans.
I dislike being pushed into listening to it by circumstance. I mean if I am on the street and they're playing it or at the job, for example.
I resent hardly even volunteering myself to listen to it and then having a song stuck in my head, repeating itself. I figure the least I can do is understnad the nature of the song lyrics or the music itself. But it still sucks.
Like others have said, people,, often,listen to it to comfort themselves from actually listening to their selves, as a self-medication, to avoid the silence that appears too heavy to bare.
» cinderella_soul replied on Thu Mar 16, 2006 @ 8:21am. Posted in Planete.
Coolness: 56190
Everytime a space shuttle flies through our atmosphere and into outer space, we pollute our current environment, not to mention the repersussions we may have on the solar system..universe. Even if we were looking for other life forms.. at what cost-- the destruction of our own. Appears to be futile...

To answer the original question, which others have already answered to my satisfaction...

Chances are we would live the same, but not neccessarily. I hardly even want to entertain the thought. Since, it is in everyone's interest to reform themselves on this planet and learn from events and consequences of the past, collectively.
» cinderella_soul replied on Tue Mar 14, 2006 @ 10:39pm. Posted in Atagartis March 11th.
Coolness: 56190
walking with the mother,,,, somewhat on its own..
» cinderella_soul replied on Tue Mar 14, 2006 @ 8:19am. Posted in yes!.
Coolness: 56190
it was rad to see all of the humans moving so funkily.. happy birthday. mr. flower.. it was byob.. full of beer on the floor but still le fun. Had some nice convo's... and had fun reliving "put your ass on my face" classic from when I was 14.
» cinderella_soul replied on Tue Mar 14, 2006 @ 8:01am. Posted in i went.
Coolness: 56190
glad you enjoyed yourself without it. What party did you go to?
» cinderella_soul replied on Tue Mar 14, 2006 @ 7:59am. Posted in Interesting info.
Coolness: 56190
the 2.2 % of the lump sum number is per month..?. yeah I could have read it more succintly I suppose.
» cinderella_soul replied on Mon Mar 13, 2006 @ 10:13pm. Posted in Atagartis March 11th.
Coolness: 56190
I liked how there was fruits and related healthy/tasty articles to have included with entry. So important considering the activities people tend to engage in and they may not think to have nutrients. The vibe, the dj's, music, people, so fun... the guy behind the counter's drawings...

and even a 4 month old baby.. I had to believe my eyes, when I saw the mother and the baby walking together.. the baby having ear muff's on...

Overall, wonderful, gald I went.
» cinderella_soul replied on Sun Mar 12, 2006 @ 11:44pm. Posted in Atagartis March 11th.
Coolness: 56190
it was in a very large loft on pitt street near charlevoix metro. It seemed like i might have been an industrial building. Coming up the stairs, to the third floor we could hear no music, quite good insulation.
» cinderella_soul replied on Sat Mar 11, 2006 @ 5:20pm. Posted in 2012.
Coolness: 56190
I like that you used the word exponentially.
» cinderella_soul replied on Sat Mar 11, 2006 @ 5:18pm. Posted in NASA finds water on Saturn moon.
Coolness: 56190
hmm.. I pretty much took it as jest.. but I also took it as a trampoline to spring into thoughts of a very real nature..

sceintific concepts.. nothing is created or destroyed and that the whole impact the parts and that parts impact the whole.
It probably seems like humbug to you because it is treated as such.
» cinderella_soul replied on Sat Mar 11, 2006 @ 8:59am. Posted in weekend of 10-12th of march.
Coolness: 56190
when is spring break for you?
» cinderella_soul replied on Sat Mar 11, 2006 @ 8:54am. Posted in NASA finds water on Saturn moon.
Coolness: 56190
Originally posted by TREY...

Originally posted by to discover...

it would be INTERESTing to see if the more we destroyed the planet earth, the more elements that support life would appear on that planet or others....

so your saying if i step on a bug today that somehow bacteria will magically appear on Uranus.


not exactly. But working with what you said.. here it goes.. i don't believe in magic.
So in order to illustrate the concept briefly I will bring an in all likelihood valid scientific concept into play.

Nothing is created or destroyed it just changes form. Our planet is part of a larger system and it would serve to reason that modifications for better or for worse can alter the system around us. (The microcosm impacts the macrocosm and vice versa.) I think it is theoretically possible that perhaps, in completely destroying this planet we might alter the immediate system around us so that another planet could support life-- let's say. But I wouldn't count on completely destroying this one to see if that happens. I don't believe in moving to another planet, inless it is by natural means, something somewhat beyond my comprehension. PS aircraft is not a natural means in my mind. Even stepping on a bug has some type of impact that may eventually affect the larger system which governs us (the solar system).

I'd also like to add that I am not saying this because I believe in moving to another planet in the event that we cannot manage to succeed in living on our own. That thought for me is one of escapism.
» cinderella_soul replied on Sat Mar 11, 2006 @ 8:42am. Posted in 2012.
Coolness: 56190

et vous, à part dire des conneries (lol) qu'est-ce que vous faites?

c'est bien que tu etudies les plantes, moi, je n'ai pas encore rentree profondement dans cela. Mais, j'aimerais bien, alors, si t'aurais des choses a partager, parvenez moi les, si tu veut ca serais de bievenue:)

Moi, j'essaille de decouvrir avec la logique et l'etude de l'histoire et autre chose, qu'est ce qui pourrait rentre dans un systeme de lois universel appliquable a tout. Je suis concerner avec la justice, la justice universel et de preciser qu'est ce que ca serait.

J'etudie l'ame, ca nature, de differentier entre des consequences relativent et absolue.

J'essaille de decouvrir comment qu'on pourrait reorganiser la planete terre, le gouvernement pour que il a de la justice universel, de la vraie bonheur.

J'etudie notre language pour voir ces limitations et c'est bonne chose et aussi de changer les elements qui sort de facon automatique/dogmatique pour rentree plus de conscience de ce qui est dit.

En grande partie, j'etudie, tout ce que je peut qui concerne la progression spirituelle, la justice, le bonheur-- des questions philosophiques je suppose. J'essaille d'appliquer de facon reguliere ce que j'ai trouver comme etant bon.

Je vous dit tout ca de facon generale, j'ai des idees plus concret mais j'ai decide de commencer de facon ordre generale.

Je sais que j'ecris relativement bien en francais, mais, dites vous donc je m'exprime mieux en anglais --plus de pratique.
» cinderella_soul replied on Sat Mar 11, 2006 @ 8:26am. Posted in 2012.
Coolness: 56190
Originally posted by BETTY HAZE...

i agree totaly with basdini et mr. Frog !

i study philosophie & politique more that i can...l'evolution de la pensee humaine n'a cesse de progresser...

Sur la planete terre sans mentionner le reste de l'univers il a un movement absolue interne envers la progression.

L'humain et autres, DOIT progresser, c'est dans ses genes/ames.

Pourtant, meme si il a une obligation pour progresser veut pas toujours dire qu'ont progressent entierement. Autrement, dire on peut cesser de progresser, et ca sa engendre un extinction eventuellement (temporaire, si pas absolue).
Tout peut etre envisager comme une progression si vous le permettez.

Que il a des especes humaines qui ont vecu la terre mais qui ont souffert une extinction, (not sure of word in french)) et que un autre especes est revenu peut etre vu comme une progression.

La progression c'est une condition de l'ame, une characteristique.

Mais, juste parce que on evolue veut pas dire qu'on progresse et meme si on a "progresser" de facon technologique veut pas dire que les humains ont progresser.
On detruit la terre de facon systematique beaucoup plus que le dernier siecle. Mais, la guerre, ca continue depuis des siecles. La guerre c'est un exemple, de une partie de notre vie ou on n'as pas progresser tellement de facon spirituel. On a pas encore appris a communiquer a tout cout, sans se fier a la guerre. Qu'on a pas appris, de toute l'histoire que la guerre apporte tres peu en terme de la vraie bonheur jusqu'a present, excuse moi, je pense que ca peut devenir une regression ou une manque de progression.

Ce texte n'est pas totalement diriger envers toi en particulier uniquement.
maybe I shouldn't even have hit the reply button, but oh well. French is my second language so bear with me.
» cinderella_soul replied on Sat Mar 11, 2006 @ 7:47am. Posted in Fuck, can anyone help me?.
Coolness: 56190
I don't know you, atleast, I don't think I ever met you and I sure the ^*&% didn't know all of those things about you to tell if they were true or not.

I was thinking, as others were, I am surprised through all of that he is still thinking about his bike. -- That he wasn't concerned about losing his child. -- and a little appauled at how the child was wrapped into the seat.

I was ready to give you a legal argument to get the bike back. lol
» cinderella_soul replied on Fri Mar 10, 2006 @ 7:02am. Posted in Alibaboun.
Coolness: 56190
Thanks for wishing me happy birthday!
» cinderella_soul replied on Fri Mar 10, 2006 @ 6:57am. Posted in NASA finds water on Saturn moon.
Coolness: 56190
it would be INTERESTing to see if the more we destroyed the planet earth, the more elements that support life would appear on that planet or others....
» cinderella_soul replied on Thu Mar 9, 2006 @ 7:03am. Posted in i need sum advice!.
Coolness: 56190
I encourage you to not take any. You have developped resistance to it and stayed away, by taking it you may change your attitude towards, justify why you took it and might take it again. In any case, I imagine you have been doing well without it and imagine if you got into it again. Plus, the drugs, can potentially lead to other negative consequences later on in life, if not right after. It's okay that you're tempted. It's courage to resist the temptation and not submit. Do yourself a favour and not do it....

I love you!
» cinderella_soul replied on Wed Mar 8, 2006 @ 10:04pm. Posted in Atagartis March 11th.
Coolness: 56190
What's that up in the clouds????

it's a bird,
it's a plane,

naaahhh, it's a psy trance party..
» cinderella_soul replied on Wed Mar 8, 2006 @ 10:03pm. Posted in Atagartis March 11th.
Coolness: 56190
Yeah, dancing the body temp gets hot enough-- if I want a hot box I'll smoke pot. Should be at the above party... looking forward to seeing/being with you there.
» cinderella_soul replied on Wed Mar 8, 2006 @ 7:11pm. Posted in weekend of 10-12th of march.
Coolness: 56190
Well, I don't do crack and I certainly don't do it everyweekend. lol. now, that i've taken what you said literally, perhaps too literally--

Happily for me i havent' been going out all that often and have cut down on not good things.

However, this weekend I want to go out and since I have met alot of people in the raving community and have lost touch with some and with others have not gotten there numbers... I thought this might be a good way to communicate with them.

Incidentally, someone who I met at the chill just called me and asked me if I wanted to go to a psytrance party, the one I think that I was semi-decided on going on. But that has yet to be confirmed.

I wonder why you made that comment. What was going through your mind. Even the injust are curious.. I however would love to know.
» cinderella_soul replied on Wed Mar 8, 2006 @ 2:00pm. Posted in Atagartis March 11th.
Coolness: 56190
This is where I think I am going to go...
» cinderella_soul replied on Wed Mar 8, 2006 @ 7:13am. Posted in new law,south dakota,usa!.
Coolness: 56190
Je pense aussi que c'est une POSSIBILITE que on pourrait adopter une lois qui rend un avortement illegale comme la lois passer dans les etats unis.

Mais, je ne compte par sur ca, parce que ca n'as pas encore arrivee. C'est "toujours bon" de discuter une telle sujet et de trouver le juste milieu d'une chose, meme avant que ca devient un probleme qui nous affectent de facon federale.

La question reste, pourquoi l'avortement devraint ou devrait pas etre illegale?! La loi devrait etre basee dans la logique et on peut raisonner.. alors...

C'est bien de nous preparer en etant un peuple de resister ou de supporter une telle chose en bonne fois. Souvent, des lois sont passes de facon vite et on se sente comme si on aurais pu etre plus preparer , on aurait du faire de quoi de plus.

Que l'etre humains est nee avec la capacite de choisir veut pas dire non plus que il ne peut pas apprendre ce qui est bon et mauvais et d'accorder des lois a cette fin. Juste parce que les etre humains peuvent choisir ne veut pas dire qu'on ne devraient pas rendre aucune chose illegale.
» cinderella_soul replied on Tue Mar 7, 2006 @ 9:59pm. Posted in new law,south dakota,usa!.
Coolness: 56190
I believe it is possible to exact universal judgements on things based on the objective consequences of an action.

Mind you, I do recognize that we live in times where laws can vary from culture to culture, country to country. But that does not mean that the reality of right and wrong exists only in so far as what a country says it is.

Suppose we were to find out that abortions, killing fetuses, was altering human genetics so that babies who come from THE HUMAN SPECIES gene pool were born with deficiencies or something of the sort. Then, it is nice to think that you are making laws for one particular state, nation, city, but those decisions would be affecting the rest of us wether anyone likes it or not. So we ought to have a say in the matter point finale.
» cinderella_soul replied on Tue Mar 7, 2006 @ 7:48pm. Posted in new law,south dakota,usa!.
Coolness: 56190
For me the issue, is how they try and apply a treatment (a law) on the effect (the abortions) rather than dealing with this problem at its cause. (ie. reducing those elements which contribute to unwanted pregnancies). I think it is lame that people will actually have to prove that their lives are or would be in danger if they kept the child. Often, this would mean heaving bureaucracy, not to mention time and money, on top of a already traumatic event. Money, which alot of people do not have.

So the moral of this story, en bref, and over-simplified, but still relevant, is if you come up with a really convincing story (true or not) with a lawyer to prove it (or not), you can get yourself an abortion.
» cinderella_soul replied on Tue Mar 7, 2006 @ 7:15pm. Posted in weekend of 10-12th of march.
Coolness: 56190
I have not chosen where I want to go yet. Maybe, the chill. But more likely somewhere that is free. I have paid enough. I am entitled. In any case, I have vacation starting next week, after the upcoming weekend. So what are you other humans doing and maybe we can hook up, not feeling obliged to stay with eachother the whole night.

Perhaps, there are some people who use this site that I have met or otherwise that might want to hook up.

Let me know...

Someone tried this and got no responses. I have no expectations.

Love everyone!
» cinderella_soul replied on Tue Mar 7, 2006 @ 7:11pm. Posted in Alibaboun.
Coolness: 56190
Can anyone tell me who makes up diskfunctional records or where to get more info on them.... ???
» cinderella_soul replied on Tue Mar 7, 2006 @ 7:09pm. Posted in Alibaboun.
Coolness: 56190
I might go. This would be a nice weekend for me as I have the excuse of celebrating my birthday. Plus, vacation next week, all week. But I'll probably opt for something free!
» cinderella_soul replied on Sun Mar 5, 2006 @ 7:28pm. Posted in Moods.
Coolness: 56190
I agree that it would be easier to have a drop down list. But I think people ought to choose and try to think of the mood they are in. I'm not sure I would even come up with a thousand so it would however be nice to have a list to choose from. Could you not put a list somewhere on the site but have it so people can choose.
» cinderella_soul replied on Sat Mar 4, 2006 @ 9:52am. Posted in Paradoxes de notre Temps.
Coolness: 56190
L'article c'est t'un texte qui represente la vie de facon objectivement. C'est pas le texte qui va neccessairement apporter les changement qu'on a realment besoin. En lisant le texte, a etre devant l'ordinateur ca n'aide pas nos yeux a developper. En lisant ce message, les gens seront toucher de differente facon necessairement.

Pour refleter ce que vous disez christelle, un texte peut seulement "toucher" jusqu'a un certain point. Ce qui touche beaucoup plus profondement c'est l'action.
cinderella_soul's Profile - Community Messages