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» Trey replied on Thu Oct 21, 2010 @ 9:35am. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 102885
MADE: Walking Dead S01E01 leaked! first 5 minutes is a good start (see movie thread for links)
» Trey replied on Wed Oct 20, 2010 @ 4:31pm. Posted in cuteness overload.
Coolness: 102885
sOYEZ prêt for cuteness Overload.
(the dog's FB page)

[ www.facebook.com ]
» Trey replied on Wed Oct 20, 2010 @ 2:50pm. Posted in cuteness overload.
Coolness: 102885
» Trey replied on Wed Oct 20, 2010 @ 12:42pm. Posted in Yet Another Thread Aboot Bacon (YATA Bacon-desu !!).
Coolness: 102885

whaaaattt?? blasphemous!! where's my pitchfork and torch?

[ www.nataliedee.com ]
» Trey replied on Tue Oct 19, 2010 @ 4:51pm. Posted in Comment on the last movie you saw.
Coolness: 102885
Originally Posted By JOJOBIZARRE

They should to a tv series about surviving a zombie apocalypse.

You didn't know about Walking Dead? Someone should buy you Walking Dead book 1 and 2!
I can't wait for the tele series. I wonder how they're going to film the SPOILERS scenes, especially those with children.

Also there's RDR Undead Nightmare. Cow-boys, 6 shooters, and undead bear!

Update » Trey wrote on Thu Oct 21, 2010 @ 8:48am

[ www.megavideo.com ]

or you check the torrents for the leaked episode.
It's 10 days away, a higher resolution should be released.
» Trey replied on Mon Oct 18, 2010 @ 9:27am. Posted in Les 10 meilleurs films de raves/party...vrai ou faux?.
Coolness: 102885
Kids (1995)
with Chloë Sevigny and Rosario Dawson.

(Nasa parties, Limelight, Tunnel, Caffeine) "Kids" not a rave movie per say...
just that 'rave' was growing just as we were growing up.

Update » Trey wrote on Mon Oct 18, 2010 @ 9:55am
oh I just remember "Party Girl" (1995) with Parker Posey.

Again not a rave movie.. but she's a promoter who gets arrested for throwing an illegal party and she gets a job at a library to pay her fines. She organized her DJs friend vinyls with the library decimal system. It's a light comedy. That's all I can recall.
» Trey replied on Mon Oct 18, 2010 @ 9:02am. Posted in The Picture Thread....
Coolness: 102885
[ www.sugarpost.com ] Metal art

» Trey replied on Sat Oct 16, 2010 @ 11:51am. Posted in 24 Hours to live.
Coolness: 102885
that's the synopsis for CRANK 3.
» Trey replied on Fri Oct 15, 2010 @ 8:07pm. Posted in I nedd a job for myseilf/j'ai besoin d'une job pour moi....
Coolness: 102885
Originally Posted By DAWKER30
Mon Sep 6, 2010 @ 6:02pm

anyway, parlant de ca, juste un question .. me demande ben combien le party a ben pu couté?! car si cest vraiment pas trop cher ou kke chose du genre... jpeux toujours m'associé pour les couts:) j'attend de vos nouvelles!

Dire que j'aurais du sortir mes fat pants de pouwell

He doesn't have income but wants to help finance a party?
» Trey replied on Fri Oct 15, 2010 @ 7:52pm. Posted in RAVE NEWS! Canadian Rave Scene Articles!.
Coolness: 102885
Originally Posted By NUCLEAR
Trey: You should let us know who the girl is so we can all hit on her...

I wasn't hitting on anyone, just exchanging a couple of IMs, and poor insecure guy took it all wrong. That PM is over 5 years old too. Noah, these articles are entertaining. Any chance you will write a non-fiction article? Spill out the dirt, names, and drama.
» Trey replied on Thu Oct 14, 2010 @ 2:02pm. Posted in GIF Thread!.
Coolness: 102885
the dolphins gif made my day.
» Trey replied on Thu Oct 14, 2010 @ 1:53pm. Posted in Canadiens 2011 Thread.
Coolness: 102885
uumm.... 'cause...you know... getting penalties doesn't help.

With Montreal trying to hold on to a 3-2 lead, rookie defenseman P.K. Subban was called for slashing with 2:12 to play in regulation. The Bell Centre crowd was livid, but coach Jacques Martin put the responsibility for the penalty on the shoulders of Subban.

"With two minutes left, when you're making a check your stick has to be on the ice," Martin said. "These are things he will learn with experience."

Boucher pulled Smith for an extra attacker to make it a 6-on-4 and the Lightning capitalized, with Vincent Lecavalier finding Stamkos in the lower left circle through a maze of bodies -- and Stamkos one-timed a blast into the wide-open net for the tying goal.

Also 44 - 48
48 Shots At

seriously you can't let your goalie do everything, got to help him once in a while.
» Trey replied on Thu Oct 14, 2010 @ 2:27am. Posted in Canadiens 2011 Thread.
Coolness: 102885
I don't think it was Price fault... It was the players getting bad penalties.
» Trey replied on Thu Oct 14, 2010 @ 2:24am. Posted in RAVE NEWS! Canadian Rave Scene Articles!.
Coolness: 102885
my inbox... <3 ravers.

"u hit on XXXX once more and ur legs get broke. you talk shit, your legs get broke. fuck it, u talk to her PERIOD, ur legs get broke. understood? btw im her bf. case u didnt notice."
» Trey replied on Thu Oct 14, 2010 @ 1:49am. Posted in Canadiens 2011 Thread.
Coolness: 102885
wtf.. 0-2 to 4-3
» Trey replied on Thu Oct 14, 2010 @ 1:32am. Posted in The Picture Thread....
Coolness: 102885
» Trey replied on Wed Oct 13, 2010 @ 3:39pm. Posted in What do you want?.
Coolness: 102885
some Cthulhu items.

[ missmonster.bigcartel.com ]
» Trey replied on Wed Oct 13, 2010 @ 3:10pm. Posted in The Picture Thread....
Coolness: 102885

» Trey replied on Wed Oct 13, 2010 @ 2:30pm. Posted in Comment on the last movie you saw.
Coolness: 102885

Big Tits Zombies (aka Big Tits Dragon, Japan 2009)

starring Japanese AV Idol (porn star) Sola/Sora Aoi, this light comedy horror doesn't take itself seriously. With the budget of a high porn production, it has ridiculous zombie acting, horrible set ups, cheap sound effects, weird CG blood, and absolutely minimal storyline.

But hey, it got titties (but not enough screen time tho), cute Japanese girls (with their costumes), a katana, a chainsaw, a sombrero, and zombies! It has some moments, like this [ ] Cookies for ancient Japanese folklore undead appearance.

[ www.demonoid.com ]
» Trey replied on Wed Sep 15, 2010 @ 6:19am. Posted in Westboro Baptist Church Burns the Koran.
Coolness: 102885
Borderlands is a good game, but it's always the same enemies.

Condensing my post was a bad idea.
Let's put up some graphs so we can know what the fuck we are talking about shall we? I will said for now I am an atheist (left on the graph).

Originally Posted By BETTY_HAZE

trey: reductio ad absurdum ;)!

You guys just links wiki articles and mentioned forms of arguments without elucidating why you said them in the first place? I'm not saying it is bad in practice. It's just I have to guess what you are talking about. Instead of addressing the issue at hand, you're erroneously accused me of wrongful argument tactics?

I'm going to take a shot in the dark, and assume "Reductio ad absurdum is a mode of argumentation that seeks to establish a contention by deriving an absurdity from its denial, thus arguing that a thesis must be accepted because its rejection would be untenable." [ www.iep.utm.edu ]

errr...are you implying that: my argument is piss poor 'cause I'm saying that, in a God Hypothesis, the chance of god is highly unlikely is the truth since it's impossible to be false". I think you're applying this to an atheist gnostic. Would you feel better if I said that the probability of god existence is really extremely low instead of impossible? Just as saying water will not freeze at 0c is really extremely low instead of water not freezing at 0c is impossible? ( that is on Earth in standard pressure).

I don't believe in god because I'm highly confident (99.9%) with all the empirical arguments, rational thinking, naturalist laws pointing that way. Then you would accused me of being (Atheism) Agnostics since I didn't say 100%. If I don't believe, if I know ( 100%) for sure god don't exist, then you would accuse me as having the same position as FAITH position.

You would (you did) put me in the same category as a Theist. However I already proven that is wrong because I didn't make a leap of faith to have this conviction (see the quote from Atheism, a very short Intro). There is plethora of proof for a naturalistic world and so far none for the existence of god, then we what reason can we have to supposed god exist?

Originally Posted By basdini
"lack of empirical evidence is evidence of non-existence."

this line is priceless,
every first year university student knows that this is pretty hollow...

[ en.wikipedia.org ]

did you even read what was in the article 'cause in that very article: "Evidence of absence is evidence of any kind that shows, indicates, suggests, or can be used to infer or deduce the non-existence or non-presence of something. In some sense "absence of evidence is sometimes evidence of absence". For instance, absence of evidence that there are malignant cells is evidence of absence that there is cancer."

Since you like Wiki link so much, here's one for you.
[ en.wikipedia.org ]

When I said there is evidence of absence, I mean this (I can't said it better myself). I hope this is enough:

"absence of evidence is not evidence of absence". Things are not quite simple, however, as this slogan makes out. Consider the simple question of whether there is any butter in my fridge. If we don't open the door and have a look inside, there will be an absence of evidence for the butter being there, but this would not add up to evidence for the butter being there, but this would not add up to evidence of absence. If we look inside the fridge, the absence of evidence which really does add up to evidence of absence. Indeed, it is hard to see what other evidence there could be for something not being there other than the failure to find any evidence that it is there. Something which does not exist leaves no mark, so it can only be an absence of marks of its existence that can provide for its non-existence.

The difference between the absence of evidence when we don't look in the fridge and the absence once we have looked is simple: the former is an absence due to a failure to look where evidence might be found; the latter is an absence due to a failure to find evidence where it would be found, if the thing being looked for actually existed. The latter kind of absence of evidence really is strong evidence for absence. Think about it: the strongest evidence that, for example, there is no elephant in your fridge is that you find no signs of one when you open the fridge door.

Originally Posted By psykotropik

However, it is presumptuous to dismiss the possible existence of these things entirely. Science is not omniscient.

Yes. but why do you dismiss the existence of Smurfs entirely and not god? For the typical Atheist, it's the same thing. At least we have signs of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

No one said Science is omniscient... Maybe you are associating science as the doctrine of the Atheist as religion is to god? That's a huge no no. This here [ www.gly.uga.edu ]

" Science is the concerted human effort to understand, or to understand better, the history of the natural world and how the natural world works, with observable physical evidence as the basis of that understanding. It is done through observation of natural phenomena, and/or through experimentation that tries to simulate natural processes under controlled conditions. " "The examples above are observational science, but there is also experimental science. "

Science is a system, a way, for us to gain knowledge so we can understand the universe and proposed models of reality. That's why science has theories, and some are thrown away 'cause they don't work. Some do, such as the Sun will rise to the East and set in the West.

Originally Posted By whitelight

Believing only in what has been "proven" through empirical evidences is a belief system. It's your choice if you put faith in the words of scientists and on scientific experiments.

I can't "prove" the existence of God any more than you can prove that everything true can be proved by scientific means.

I can prove to you that gravity exist if I push someone off the Empire State building. When human are extinct, gravity will still be there. We don't need faith to "believe that". Or do you actually think is that by believing in gravity is what makes gravity possible? It's your choice not to believe in factual knowledge, but don't come crying when you don't believe you will get burn by putting your hand through fire.

Originally Posted By basdini
I do however believe it is the height of arrogance on the atheists part to say that it's been proven in their favor, Think about it for a second, if an atheist could really prove that god doesn't exist it would be the biggest news story ever, you would be able to point to countless articles in scientific journals where the results were shown, but i can't think of a single one.

Atheists don't need to prove anything, they lack the belief, that's it. Dpif and other people clearly explain why. We can agree what god is by what the Theists tell us what god is. god just happens to be omniprescent since it conveniently suit their purpose. There is no purpose in denying or lacking belief in God, there is no agenda. Some Atheists might also be against religion, there are some who are Theists and are against religions.

What you perceive as arrogance is your prerogative. You give the unfavorable quality of atheists being arrogant. Typical. This is a common tactic in politics and debate, instead of addressing the issue at hand, one simply attack the opponent so whatever he has to say, no matter how insightful or reasonable, it gets unheard because that person has a negative characteristics. Dawkins seems arrogant, even to me, but that doesn't disqualify him from making good arguments.

"One of the most curious is the assumption that atheists are arrogant. Why? Because making assumptions without even caring enough to bother to ask questions in order to learn more is itself a sign of arrogance. " -Austin Cline


If god exists and we find god, then we surely charged god with crimes against humanity.
that's it.
» Trey replied on Tue Sep 14, 2010 @ 10:23pm. Posted in omg. i think im gonna puke....
Coolness: 102885
Originally Posted By BLISSS
guys, i don`t care either way, its a fucking internet message board you know what Im sayin,
we have discussions, sometime chill, sometimes dramatic, but its just an internet message board

yeah I insult the odd bloke, but I get insulted too, jen fais pas un drame non plus,

The difference between this message board and others is that this one, [ rave.ca ] , pertains mostly to umm... the party people of Montreal. This medium (the internet) is filled "I'll say anything I want to because it's anonymous and I won't fear the repercussions or deal with the consequence". But this doesn't give you, and me, or anyone free reign to be umm.. irritating.

Since most of us who post or lurk live in/around Montreal, and the thing is, I would assume, most of you guys/girls go to the same parties, listen to the same music generally, drink around the city. Basically, everyone will bump into someone one way or another. So what you say here, can indirectly affect people attitudes towards you in person.

you may not care, but don't be surprise if people give your the cold shoulder.

(look I'm just trying to helpful. Nothing against you. Personally, I don't care)
» Trey replied on Tue Sep 14, 2010 @ 8:36pm. Posted in The Picture Thread....
Coolness: 102885

» Trey replied on Tue Sep 14, 2010 @ 8:31pm. Posted in Westboro Baptist Church Burns the Koran.
Coolness: 102885
Should I read all the previous posts and dissect them? or go play PS3?
» Trey replied on Tue Sep 14, 2010 @ 6:04am. Posted in Comment on the last movie you saw.
Coolness: 102885
Ya I know what you mean.. I can't say anything about Chloe Moretz cast without spoiling.
I'm not concerned about the Cinematography, (nor the acting). I'm worried about the dialogue/script/screenplay: "let me point that out to you and ill even said it out loud".
» Trey replied on Tue Sep 14, 2010 @ 5:40am. Posted in Comment on the last movie you saw.
Coolness: 102885
"Let the Right One In" Sweden 2008

It's the story about a 12yo boy who has no friends and is being bullied at school. He finds solace with a 12yo girl who just move in next door. It's nicely done, artsy, beautiful story about friendship.

Find a torrent and watch it (that is if you're smart enough to appreciate foreign film and read subtitles.) Yes torrent 'cause the DVD/BR release screw up the translation so bad that it missed the whole story. So get the Film Festival release.

Hollywood ALREADY made a REMAKE of this... "Let Me In" will be release next month. They cast the girl from Kickass. Definitely don't watch the trailer of the remake. Everything will just be spoiled (including the Swedish version). I hope the remake will add to the story (for the audience who didn't read the book) and not be a cheap mainstream popcorn thrill.

» Trey replied on Sun Sep 12, 2010 @ 11:55pm. Posted in Westboro Baptist Church Burns the Koran.
Coolness: 102885
Originally Posted By BETTY_HAZE
believing that there's no superior entiity can't be proved as much as a god can't be proved.
admitting no proof of a superior entity is not atheism.. [ . . . ]

i'm humble enough to think that i don't know if there is one or not.. and living with the angst that goes with it...
now tell me, if it's not a belief; what is your proof that there is no god?

If you aren't sure if God exists or not, how can you be sure whether or not there is a blood fairy with a chainsaw in your fridge? Think about it for a second.... because... hmmm? The lack of empirical evidence is evidence of non-existence.

Why are you putting the hypothesis of God/Creator in a different, a higher standard than the dragons, Cthulhu, and Shiva? Right, 'cause Theism have so pervaded our societies and histories, that believing in God is the default view.

You are confusing ordinary beliefs with religious beliefs. Atheists use the word belief because it's way more convenient than: "I am nearly 100% sure, I am almost certain, etc..."

... the real fault lie between faith positions and ordinary beliefs lies. It is not about proof, but about beliefs that are in accord with evidence, experience, or logic, and those that lack or are contrary to evidence, experience, or logic . Atheism is not a faith position because it is belief in nothing beyond which there is evidence and argument for: religious belief is a faith position because it goes beyond what there is evidence or argument for. That is why faith requires something "special" that ordinary belief does not.

Atheism, A Very Short Introduction ( Oxford University Press)

""What is Agnostic? (from guardian.co.uk )
Theist version: An atheist is certain there is no God, an agnostic is not certain.
Atheist version: An atheist believes there is no God, an agnostic doesn't know.""

If you're not certain, is it because you lack faith? If you don't know, it is because you didn't research, discuss, and think about it? how can you make up your mind about anything? Why does Agnostic only comes up when the Abraham god comes into view?

(This post is as short/condensed I can put it.)
» Trey replied on Sun Sep 12, 2010 @ 10:37pm. Posted in omg. i think im gonna puke....
Coolness: 102885
Originally Posted By SCREWHEAD

[ www.bbc.co.uk ]

[ blog.okcupid.com ]
» Trey replied on Sun Sep 12, 2010 @ 1:32pm. Posted in Advice from Mr. Hawking.
Coolness: 102885
Originally Posted By PSYKOTROPIK
Oh. Well, I think that there's a much, much higher chance of humans finding life on another planet than there is of us running into a shuttle from another planet.

I was thinking about sentient intelligent lifeforms. Anyhow basic life is already found on another planet: Mars. Well at least in its past.

Originally Posted By dynv
Don't you think that with we now know about planets that there's a good chance there's another sentient specie out there close to, or even surpassing, our technical capabilities?

I think the chance of another intelligent alien life with extra-solar space faring capabilities in the same time line as us (and happens to be next door) is highly improbable.

see this --> [ www.google.ca ] FERMI Paradox

and this: [ science.slashdot.org ]
» Trey replied on Sun Sep 12, 2010 @ 3:29am. Posted in Advice from Mr. Hawking.
Coolness: 102885
Originally Posted By PSYKOTROPIK

Good point. I'd say, chances are that contact between two planets with complex ecosystems would be disastrous for the larger organisms on both. The viruses and microorganisms would have a field day.

It wouldn't be like that.. Humans aren't made for space, so some branch of humanity will probly evolved by genetic whatever-scientific term into living in long deep space travel in zero G. Aliens, if they exist, could very well take the same paths. The first encounter is likely between these deep space scouts who will look more like each other then their respective species 'cause they were adapted to do the same job so to say.

Then again, these "aliens" could have been humans that were send off a long time ago and we forgotten about them. They could have evolved into something totally different that we might as well mistaken them for aliens.


Hawking is just spewing the 3rd point 'cause he wants to bring Astrophysics into mainstream or whatnot by using "fear" as method. Hide from aliens, wtf? At least get their numbers..
» Trey replied on Sun Sep 12, 2010 @ 3:10am. Posted in Hand Sanatizers = Crunk Juice!.
Coolness: 102885
Originally Posted By DATABOY

Strait to the brain... they've probably been doing it for years in Moscow. I think it was host_one that started a thread about kids in Russia that injected anti-depressants and started to loose limbs, their flesh would literally fall off. Definitely one of the worst vid's i have ever seen.

[ www.dailymotion.com ] this Tianeptine drug users video ? I remember that. warning: not for squeamish.

lemme wiki this shiite

Tianeptine (under "Coaxil" brand name) has been intravenously injected by drug users in Armenia and Russia. This method of administration reportedly causes an opioid-like effect and is sometimes used in an attempt to lessen opioid withdrawal symptoms. As tianeptine tablets do not fully dissolve and often the solution is not filtered well, particles in the injected fluid can block small blood vessels, leading to thrombosis and then severe necrosis.
» Trey replied on Sun Sep 12, 2010 @ 2:54am. Posted in Westboro Baptist Church Burns the Koran.
Coolness: 102885
bloody hell I read

" Westboro Baptist Church Burns The KorEan "

Originally Posted By BETTY_HAZE

and as we already argued here i think atheism is a form of belief as much as the belief of a superior entity..
truth can only be possible through agnosticism..

Atheism is NOT A form of belief... I don't understand how people can't grasp the concept of "a person who denies or disbelieves the existence of a supreme being or beings."

» Trey replied on Fri Sep 10, 2010 @ 9:15pm. Posted in omg. i think im gonna puke....
Coolness: 102885
hahaah, the girl's family are so unscrupulous. They paid their neighbour, an elderly woman, to fake a rescue of the puppies from the river. They don't give a shit about anything except themselves

[ technolog.msnbc.msn.com ]

[ currentaffairs.ninemsn.com.au ]

" Freelance reporter Ljubica Vujadinovic, who has contacts within the Curcic Lug village, told ninemsn Ms Pavlovic was a neighbour of the teenage girl.

"The old lady is next door neighbour of the girl's family ... [my source said] they made a deal to make up that rescue story to 'save' the girl," Vujadinovic said.

Vujadinovic said she found her source by calling bars and other villagers in the area until she found someone who would talk to her.

"[The girl] can hardly bear to live with the reactions and everyone believes Pavlovic made this up only to try to help the girl and her family," the source was quoted as saying.

Bosnian police have tracked down the girl in the video but it is not yet clear if she has been charged.

Under Bosnian law a person who kills or tortures animals is punishable with fines ranging from $6900 to $16,000. "

Update » Trey wrote on Fri Sep 10, 2010 @ 9:19pm
whoa, those aren't the right currency. Here's a new quote

Under a newly adopted animal cruelty law in Bosnia, those guilty of killing or torturing animals can be punished by fines ranging from the U.S. equivalent of $19 to $6,400 dollars.
» Trey replied on Fri Sep 10, 2010 @ 4:02pm. Posted in What do you want?.
Coolness: 102885
I want this. The entire collection.

[ www.insectlabstudio.com ]
» Trey replied on Thu Sep 9, 2010 @ 12:14am. Posted in omg. i think im gonna puke....
Coolness: 102885
Originally Posted By RAKOON
And I like to add also that Lechat didn't puke yet

Originally Posted By lechat

oh do did I win?
» Trey replied on Wed Sep 8, 2010 @ 4:01am. Posted in your video of the day.
Coolness: 102885
^ if you like dance culture, you should check out this channel. [ www.youtube.com ]
their videos are very well produced.

» Trey replied on Tue Sep 7, 2010 @ 4:49pm. Posted in your video of the day.
Coolness: 102885
Pay attention at the 45sec mark. Liveleak has the audio

[ www.liveleak.com ]

» Trey replied on Tue Sep 7, 2010 @ 12:41pm. Posted in omg. i think im gonna puke....
Coolness: 102885
I can't afford to neutered my mother's dog, but I'm getting my daughter a video camera. Yes we have internet connection so you see we are not as backward as you think.

Wild dogs are numerous here, we can't afford to raise them. I need to put food on the table for my kids. Isn't the problem the solution in this case?

» Trey replied on Tue Sep 7, 2010 @ 12:27pm. Posted in omg. i think im gonna puke....
Coolness: 102885
Originally Posted By RECOIL

when people in this thread said the puppies felt fear and shock.. that is not anthropomorphism, fucko... that is a logical assessment of the reaction that any infant mammal would have, being torn from it's siblings and thrown into a river to drown.. fucking idiot. Charles Darwin published a book on this in 1872, demonstrating how humans' emotions are biologically inherited and shared with other mammals. This is why we speak of something ominous or frightening "raising the hairs on the back of our neck", or when we get goosebumps.. that is the same physiological reaction as a cat or dog bristling it's hairs in response to something frightening or upsetting.

just to add:

Anthropomorphism is wrongly apply in this case. The puppies feeling fear is not an anthropomorphic quality we magically give them. Animals do actually experience fear (among other feelings). If animals didn't have "fear" then all the preys would have succumbed to predators a long time ago.

What we are invoking in response of the girl's action is inter-species altruism. An example of inter-species altruism, [link=news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/7291501.stm]dolphin saves 2 whales.

[ news.bbc.co.uk ]
» Trey replied on Mon Sep 6, 2010 @ 1:49pm. Posted in 3D designs on t-shirt by Public Beta Wear.
Coolness: 102885
I thought it looked like a soccer ball and felt like kicking it.
» Trey replied on Mon Sep 6, 2010 @ 1:22pm. Posted in What do you want?.
Coolness: 102885
Originally Posted By LECHAT

noooooooo cest parfait. la chaleur est parfaite!! jveux que sa reste comme sa pour longtemps :D!!!

I regret my words... I want the HEAT back. I don't need sleep.
Trey's Profile - Community Messages