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» Horus replied on Sat May 10, 2008 @ 7:53am. Posted in Drugs you tried ? /// Drug of choice ?.
Coolness: 40875
LOLOLOLOLOL toi pis Dr.Gonzo ça ferait des enfants... Particuliers? :-P
» Horus replied on Fri May 9, 2008 @ 11:02pm. Posted in Drugs you tried ? /// Drug of choice ?.
Coolness: 40875
cedric's drug of choice = anal fist fucking?
» Horus replied on Fri May 9, 2008 @ 11:00pm. Posted in Excerpt from the Economist: Almost made me throw up on the Go Train..
Coolness: 40875
Crunchy with smooothy, I like that.
» Horus replied on Fri May 9, 2008 @ 2:21pm. Posted in Excerpt from the Economist: Almost made me throw up on the Go Train..
Coolness: 40875
Originally Posted By GAMOS
I knew that rape went on as a tool and part of the spoils of war (duh). I just didnt know to the extent that it went on. I mean, sure, rape is phycologically traumatic, but imagine a girl being raped by ur own father in front of ur mother. Or imagine fucking a hole in the ground with razors in it. Like actually imagine. Like words can't even describe the feeling

And moohk, I really had a tough time understanding what you typed. But, just for the record, globalization, in its truest form and in the form used by The Economist, simply refers to the process of the equalization of prices of inputs, intermediates, factors of productions, and finished goods around the globe. You must be using the term out of context, because you won't find too many economists (or anyone who understands the issue) who thinks that is bad... In fact im pretty sure in the world of economists, it has been pretty much been accepted as a positive occurrence. So, if the Economist didn't take a pro-globalization stance, it wouldn't be called The Economist.

That in turns means turning people into a commodity. Think about that and go watch Alex Jones' Endgame movie, for an opposing but equally extreme, point of view. Then decide. Oh and I have a degree in Economics and use to read The Economist on a regular basis. We're just ALL about to get raped by international capital, but only figuratively for now.

The problem with the atrocities in Africa is this : violence and horrors have a great tendency to trigger a thirst for retaliation among the victims. It does not end. Let's just nuke Africa.
» Horus replied on Fri May 9, 2008 @ 2:05pm. Posted in things you never want to do again..
Coolness: 40875
Originally Posted By TAMALA
J'ai rêvé que je parlais d'hernies o_O

La codeine ca donne mal au coeur, ew!

C'est crazy ça! :)

Là tu viens d'en parler! Je suis le gars qui fait de tes rêves une réalité! :-P
» Horus replied on Fri May 9, 2008 @ 12:07pm. Posted in MMMMMushrooms.
Coolness: 40875
Originally Posted By DATABOY

D'habitude le placebo c'est pas justement lorsque tu t'attends à quelque chose pis "mind over matter" ça se produit? Parce que je m'attendais à ce que le trip soit fini n'ayant à peu près rien senti au cours des 4 premières heures. Pis là bang, confusion confusion confusion...
» Horus replied on Fri May 9, 2008 @ 11:23am. Posted in things you never want to do again..
Coolness: 40875
Me faire opérer par l'extérieur pour 2 hernies inguinales. En même temps. Pis avoir juste d'la ptite codéïne...
» Horus replied on Fri May 9, 2008 @ 11:17am. Posted in MMMMMushrooms.
Coolness: 40875

Confusion extrême et infernale pendant 4-5h? Pas ASSEZ? Et pourquoi ça a pris 4h avant de kicker? Tu as peut-être une idée?
» Horus replied on Thu May 8, 2008 @ 10:44pm. Posted in Drugs you tried ? /// Drug of choice ?.
Coolness: 40875
Entéka le speed des fois c'est lfun.
» Horus replied on Thu May 8, 2008 @ 10:41pm. Posted in MDA or MDMA?.
Coolness: 40875
Originally Posted By LANIE
On n'en trouve pas sur les étalages de toutes les pharmacies. Par contre, tu peux demander au gars au comptoir qu'il te commande une bouteille. Ça prend environ 1 semaine.

Ou bedon tu commandes ça des "states" chez par exemple nutraplanet avec un peu de r-ala pour son effet neuroprotecteur, ça prend à peu près une semaine mais c'est moins cher... ;)
» Horus replied on Thu May 8, 2008 @ 10:33pm. Posted in mdma - how much is too much?.
Coolness: 40875
De loin la meilleure chose à prendre c'est de l'acide alpha lipoïque. C'est l'antioxydant ultime, et en plus il envoie les nutriments spécifiquement dans les cellules maigres. C'est très utilisé en culturisme pour ces 2 caractéristiques. On le prend avant et pendant le trip mais dans le fond c'est une bonne idée d'en prendre à tous les repas. Il a des propriétés hypoglycémiantes modérées et c'est pourquoi s'il est pris pendant le trip il devrait être accompagné d'une boisson sucrée comme un jus, un gatorade, etc.

Son action pour éviter la neurotoxicité reliée aux amphétamines psychédéliques est d'ailleurs documentée scientifiquement. Charles a posté le résumé d'une recherche scientifique à cet effet ici à quelque part.

Personnellement j'achète ceci: [ www.nutraplanet.com ]

Tu peux le trouver au Canada mais à $10-$15 de plus, alors ça revient au même que de le commander aux USA. Prends-toi un ou deux flacons de 5-htp en même temps... Tu vas économiser! ;)
» Horus replied on Thu May 8, 2008 @ 9:10pm. Posted in MMMMMushrooms.
Coolness: 40875
Originally Posted By GLANDITH
C'est la première fois que j'entends parler de mush shooté...

Ouin, mais moi c'est la première fois que je vis un "trip"
» Horus replied on Thu May 8, 2008 @ 9:09pm. Posted in Drugs you tried ? /// Drug of choice ?.
Coolness: 40875
Je viens de préciser que j'ai dit le truc sur les Q.I. en DÉMONSTRATION de ce que c'est que "Basher sans savoir". Une DÉMONSTRATION de ce que Deadfunk et TOI Shindy vous avez tous deux faits à mon encontre avant que MOI je ne le fasse. Juste pour vous montrer.

Tu sais c'est quoi une DÉMONSTRATION? Si oui, tu dois arriver à SAISIR le fait que ce n'est pas ce que je crois vraiment. Tu interprètes ça comme moi étant hautain et tout ça. Je dis c'est une DÉMONSTRATION et non ce que je crois vraiment. Mais je sais pertinement comment l'inconscient fonctionne et je sais que ton opinion de moi est formée et que le fait que ça soit une simple DÉMONSTRATION bien que tu le saisisse intellectuellement, ne la changera aucunement. Ce qui est incorrect. Mais bon, passons.

Databoy ce que je fais c'est aucunement du trollage, tu saisis mal ce que je fais. Écrire pour la réaction c'est du trollage. Écrire pour l'effet de la réaction c'est complètement autre chose. Un jour tu me connaîtras peut-être. Y'a une personne sur ce forum qui a passé du temps avec moi un ti peu et qui me connaîtra probablement bien un moment donné. Tous ceux qui me connaissent vous diront 3 choses de façon unanime : je suis la personne la plus brillante qu'ils aient jamais rencontré, je les Aime totalement, et je suis la personne la moins prétentieuse qui soit.

Mais que veux-tu ici c'est l'internet et les impressions qu'on a sont pas nécessairement justifiées!
» Horus replied on Thu May 8, 2008 @ 6:58pm. Posted in Drugs you tried ? /// Drug of choice ?.
Coolness: 40875
Originally Posted By DATABOY
Dude, j'ai rien contre toi, ni contre l'info que tu propages... mais les réactions a tes posts sont plus que compréhensible. Que se soit pour provoquer ou autre, c'est pas cool de traiter les gens de cons (même s'ils font les cons ou disent des sottises), ça ne rend absolument pas service a ton message.

C'est que j'écris pas pour le message, ni pour la réaction ni contrairement à tous les faibles, pour ce que les autres vont penser de moi. J'écris pour l'effet de la réaction à ce que j'écris. =D
» Horus replied on Thu May 8, 2008 @ 5:18pm. Posted in MMMMMushrooms.
Coolness: 40875
Originally Posted By AMP_UP
Maudit que je suis content de mon intolérence aux drogues... donne-moi un gramme pi j'décolle en voyage astral...

Mais est-ce possible de détecter du mush shooté avant de l'acheter, ex: par la forme, la couleur, etc... ???

anyway, le "voyage" est repoussé de quelques jours, on a eu une ptite surprise ce matin: [ www.rave.ca ]

Ouain jpense que jvas l'envoyer dans un labo mon criss de mush à marde. J'peux ben passer $250 là-dessus, mon gars qui me l'a vendu va avoir la gueule à terre quand j'vas y dire EXACTEMENT kossé y'a d'dans. :-D
» Horus replied on Thu May 8, 2008 @ 5:16pm. Posted in Drugs you tried ? /// Drug of choice ?.
Coolness: 40875
I'll agree to stoop it when people will agree to stop responding to whatever I write with:

"nyuk nyuk nyuk nyuk. You are such an asshole" and such, just becaus *I* happen to write it.

Let's go back a little:

I like meth

Stupid says nyuk nyuk nyuk nyuk, without having a clue what is being talked about. Which entitles him to be called "stupid" but I had not at that point.

I point out that I am amazed at the bashers and haters' uneducatedness. I didn't say everyone, I didn't talk about shindy, I didn't NAME anyone, although most people with any sense would know I was referring to "stupid" above. I also didn't call anyone stupid or low-IQ or any such thing.

Then Shindy comes to the rescue of my basher and hater. Why? Most likely she has been using too much meth but didn't know it and was thinking the same thing as my basher/hater above, and she was really pissed when I pointed out the uneducatedness. So she goes learning about what you put into your body is a most unimportant matter and we have better things to do.

So, I go into eloquent terms about how bashing without knowing is basically displaying your own stupidity. And it is. And yes I got on a very fun-to-be-on moralistic high horse with some sarcasm and irony. I even provided a clear and very entertaining example of what Deadfunk did, which is bashing without knowing, but this time it was not applied to myself, which in the popular opinion around here is all cool and shit, but to Shindy and others. Oooooooooh, serious stuff that is. The example was when I said you are frustrated because your IQ is 75 and you are overwhelmed by the world around you and I understand that.

Just an example of bashing/hating without knowing.

It is, really really annoying, isn't it?

» Horus replied on Thu May 8, 2008 @ 12:15pm. Posted in Drugs you tried ? /// Drug of choice ?.
Coolness: 40875
Originally Posted By SHINDY
Originally Posted By Horus The uneducatedness of these bashers and haters never ceases to amaze me.

eu, en vrai, je veux pas être plate, mais y'a des trucs plus important dans la vie que "les drogues, leurs effets et le moyen de ce les crissers dans le corp"

Dit pas que les gens son pas éduquer... dit toi qu'ils ont juste choisit de s'éduquer sur des trucs moin TRIVIAL!!!

Tu n'es pas un chimiste... juste un DROGUÉ!!! reviens-en!

Oh mais chère Shindy,

Quand quelqu'un vient tenter de ridiculiser une autre personne, c'est soit un signe qu'il sait bien mieux que l'autre, auquel cas le ridicule peut être éducatif, mais dans le cas contraire, il ne fait que bien étaler sa propre stupidité. Sa facilité à juger les autres sans savoir, sans comprendre, d'un point de vue très étroit d'esprit, sans discernement ni perspective. C'est un peu comme un mongol qui traite une personne normale de "niaiseux qui parle tout seul" parce qu'il est au cellulaire pis le mongol comprend pas c'est quoi un cellulaire.

Et ça, voire ça, m'étonne toujours. Pas voir un mongol traiter un gars au cellulaire de niaiseux, c'était juste un exemple. Mais ce *TYPE* de comportement m'étonne toujours. Je dois circuler dans des éthers plus élevés, quoi.

Comme par exemple. Toi t'as aucune idée j'ai étudié quoi quand comment. T'as absolument aucune notion jsuis qui ni de mon éducation en chimie. Mais tu te crois à ta place de me critiquer sur des choses que tu sais pas. Comme le mongol pis le gars au cellulaire quoi. Mais c'est OK je comprends que la vie est pas facile avec un QI de 75. Alors déverse le fiel de ta frustration sur moi, je comprends très bien pourquoi, si bien que je comprends aussi pourquoi il te serait bien impossible d'articuler cette frustration qui vient d'être dépassée mentalement par le monde autour de soi. C'est correct, ça prend toutes sortes de monde pour faire un monde.

Quand on critique, qu'on juge, qu'on rit d'un autre. Au *MINIMUM* faudrait SAVOIR DE QUOI ON PARLE.

Sinon c'est juste un étalage de bassesse. Ça me fait penser à [ rave.ca ] tiens. :)
» Horus replied on Thu May 8, 2008 @ 12:04pm. Posted in MDA or MDMA?.
Coolness: 40875
Pharmaprix ownz.
» Horus replied on Thu May 8, 2008 @ 12:02pm. Posted in Drugs you tried ? /// Drug of choice ?.
Coolness: 40875
You mean *HERE* in a very drug-intense subculture, people are stupid enough to think that "meth" means smoking or injecting and not the drug methamphetamine which is, as you pointed out, so very common?

Oh ... My ... God.

The uneducatedness of these bashers and haters never ceases to amaze me.
» Horus replied on Thu May 8, 2008 @ 11:59am. Posted in MMMMMushrooms.
Coolness: 40875
Oui genre une batch de mush qui buzz pas, fait que le gars les shoote avec une marde... Pis là tu trippes fucking weird.
» Horus replied on Tue May 6, 2008 @ 7:15pm. Posted in MMMMMushrooms.
Coolness: 40875
C'est bon les mush, sauf que...

La dernière fois que j'en ai pris (5g, on m'avait dit qu'il était faible), je l'ai pris avec rien pantoute (mâchouillé les mush tout seul, on avait l'estomac assez vide pour que notre GHB ait embarqué en 30 minutes, avalé, chassé avec de l'eau...

Ça a pris comme 4h avant de kicker... Je pensais que c'était fini... On m'avait dit qu'ils étaient faibles. Pis finalement presque aucun visuel, un PETIT PEU de rires, pis une confusion d'enfer pendant 4-5 heures. Incohérence complète.

C'est pas du mush ça, c'est quoi?
» Horus replied on Tue May 6, 2008 @ 7:08pm. Posted in mdma - how much is too much?.
Coolness: 40875
Originally Posted By LACASSE.BOB
Mais combien de fois faut le rappeler !! Le best c
» Horus replied on Tue May 6, 2008 @ 7:01pm. Posted in Drugs you tried ? /// Drug of choice ?.
Coolness: 40875
Originally Posted By DEADFUNK
Originally Posted By Horus
4. Meth



What's funny about liking meth? It IS nice. Just don't get addicted.

What are YOUR faves, since you are entitled to laugh at others' tastes in drugs?
» Horus replied on Mon May 5, 2008 @ 8:06pm. Posted in The origin of drugs.
Coolness: 40875
Thought this vid was kinda interesging

» Horus replied on Mon May 5, 2008 @ 7:46pm. Posted in Drugs you tried ? /// Drug of choice ?.
Coolness: 40875
1. GHB
2. MDA
4. Meth
5. Shroomies, but not the batch I just had. Ugh.
» Horus replied on Mon May 5, 2008 @ 7:45pm. Posted in Ketamine/Attention/body-damage_side effect.
Coolness: 40875
Originally Posted By SCREWHEAD
I can totally atest to the memory and focus thing. Literally, after my first time doing K, I couldn't do math in my head anymore. When I was 6-7 years old, I knew how to calculate the tax for things in my head, before most kids even get to doing addition/subtraction in the double-digits. When I was in highschool, I could just look at an algebra formula, and I wouldn't have to "work it out", I'd just "see" the answer as if the teacher had written numbers instead of letters.

The day after I did K, I needed a piece of paper to work on sec.4 polynomial equations, and I had to check my math and answers 4-5 times each problem because nothing looked right and nothing made sense anymore. I'm only now starting to be able to do simple multiplication in my head, and it's been at least 5 years since I've done K..

I guess that means it's not very good for you?

But then again, we have the government and computers to think for us now, so it's OK right?
» Horus replied on Thu May 1, 2008 @ 6:25am. Posted in best Indian food in MTL?.
Coolness: 40875
I think if you go to Le Taj on Stanley near Sherbrooke, it will redefine your notion of SUPER GREAT FANTASTIC indian food.

» Horus replied on Wed Mar 26, 2008 @ 5:42pm. Posted in Foxy Methoxy... Anyone Heard Of This???.
Coolness: 40875
I had a half gram of this. Considering that the dose is less than 10mg, that was over 50 doses.

The first time I had it, I got a nice euphoric feeling, energetic, it was cool.

But after that, all I could get out of it was paranoia. I kept it around with me for a few years and then a few years back I threw it in the garbage seeing no use for it and not knowing anyone who liked the stuff.

EDIT: Although I snorted it more often than not. I have trouble remembering if it was any different taken orally.

At some point I felt the "body effects" which didn't feel nice. Nothing like E.
» Horus replied on Wed Mar 26, 2008 @ 5:39pm. Posted in All Nighter, and then E.
Coolness: 40875
What? I thought I was the narc?
» Horus replied on Wed Mar 26, 2008 @ 5:36pm. Posted in Drug experience overall, positive or negative?.
Coolness: 40875
Vive la consommation occasionnelle! J'ai dû prendre de la E 50 fois dans ma vie... Au cours des 12 dernières années... C'est une fois à tous les 3 mois en moyenne... Criss y'en a qui font ça dans une année... C'est sûr que ça doit maganer en tipépère!!! :o
» Horus replied on Mon Mar 10, 2008 @ 7:05pm. Posted in Someone give Horus a prize.
Coolness: 40875
Originally Posted By DJWOOD
Omg take GHB and acid its good for you really?

come on horus, your such a douche.. i may not be able to spell but atleast i don't say that i have powers of the gods...

geez... get out.

Eeef yu sey so, eet mosst bea trew sew eyll gat eut af eer. yeeew waan. yeewr brenpawaar iz teew mooche fewr mea.
» Horus replied on Sat Mar 8, 2008 @ 2:43pm. Posted in What's a Trance DJ to do???.
Coolness: 40875
Another one fails.
» Horus replied on Sat Mar 8, 2008 @ 2:37pm. Posted in What's a Trance DJ to do???.
Coolness: 40875
You show well your inabilities. And display them proudly.
» Horus replied on Sat Mar 8, 2008 @ 2:32pm. Posted in What's a Trance DJ to do???.
Coolness: 40875
Originally Posted By DEADFUNK
you are psonik (or something), right (version2minus1)

i remember talking to you before your set (you spun after tilz) at some party at the old bingo, you had a t shit with child-like letter that said "303"
» Horus replied on Sat Mar 8, 2008 @ 2:21pm. Posted in What's a Trance DJ to do???.
Coolness: 40875
Originally Posted By VERSION2MINUS1
Originally Posted By Masa
Eeep, Version2minus*1* O_o

LOL !!! OMG, that makes it version ZERO. Hehehehe.

As for the rest, you know what ? I don't have anything against the man, it's just that it's starting to sound like religious friggin' banter and I'm not feeling it right now. Nor ever.

I abide by constructive critism myself, so that means an exchange of views, ideas or opinions so I can see both sides of a story before forming my own opionion on whatever subject.

But when people (not Horus SPECIFICALLY btw) say they have the absolute truth about one specific subject and that we should ALL follow that train of thought, I get the fuck off the wagon.

That's why I cannot identify myself to one specific religion because it ALWAYS comes down to " my religion is better than yours for a number of reasons so follow me blindly and I'll show you why ".

That's pretty much how it's starting to sound right now.

It's actually pretty cool what you bring here. We agree on much more than you would like to believe.

But I have not shown anything here, I have merely explained that I have found something so great that words cannot ever do it justice.

What I offer is a true exact Science of Life, where there once was that brainwashing crap called religion. What I offer is the most independent, autonomous state of mind one can ever get. Certainly not what one wants to think is his own "independent train of thought" so validated by the brainwashed collective.

Seeing both sides of a story is useless unless the story is told using terms which coincide with objective Reality. But concepts are abstract constructs that have almost nothing to do with objective Reality and so, any conceptual view of the world is doomed to the bin of fiction. Even a fiction sanctified by the approval of billions of "independent" (LMAO) persons is still fiction.

I say that all truth is SHIT and LIE. There is no such thing as valid truth. Objective Reality is the only thing that matters and it has nothing to do with truth, which only exists in the fictitious world of concepts. Reality is out there, and any "truth" is in the mind. They are two separate, distict phenomaena and their ability to be one thing is nil.

Freedom of thought can only happen once you have destroyed the very terms on which your thoughts are based, because those terms have been rammed down your throat by the whole world around you and they are based on the fictitious world of concepts, totally devoid of any real consubstantiality with Objective Reality. Thus your "freedom of thought" is only real so long as you accept the terms on which it is based as utterly REAL. They are not, they cannot be. They are simply conventions. The only real freedom of thought happens when concepts cease to be the stuff of your mind and it can directly touch what IS. That is not hokus pokus, it's not voodoo or scientology. It is the natural ability of mind which has not been dirtied by inferior disinformational stuff: concepts.

You are right, identifying to a religion is dumb and nothing good will grow of it. Likewise, adhering to *ANY* school of thought is no better. Even the rational/materialistic flavor of the early 21st century. Even whatever other flavor you may favor. It's all still BULLSHIT, ALL OF IT.

Everyone is dead fucking W R O N G.

Only the Universe is RIGHT. Disconnect from any pre-existing thought forms and mind naturally connects to the Universe. Ah, the ego dissolution is something which most find very painful.

What's happening is that you are alone in front of a computer reading this stuff and you are interpreting it with whatever terms your mind is infected with to begin with. Such as "Horus is an asshole, therefore I must prove that he is wrong". Or anysuch, it does not matter. Only a truly blank mind can see what I speak of.
» Horus replied on Sat Mar 8, 2008 @ 2:05pm. Posted in What's a Trance DJ to do???.
Coolness: 40875
Originally Posted By DATABOY
[ www.thesecret.tv ]
That is less than a trinket compared to what I have found.
» Horus replied on Sat Mar 8, 2008 @ 12:37pm. Posted in What's a Trance DJ to do???.
Coolness: 40875
Oh, no.

When you will, one day, hear of my achievements, and I mean here those that HAVE happened and not even those to come, you will be utterly dumbfounded as to how they are even possible, let alone all of them by the same person. They will not be reported on as being of "Horus of [ Rave.ca ] so you will not readily see the link. Still you will marvel and wonder at what it must be like to be offered to benefit from such fantastically mind-blowing discoveries of wisdom and greatness as I have achieved. Well I am here and offer these discoveries in this most impoverished segment of humanity.

The same as when a bright light is shone into the darkest recesses, the creatures living therein scamper away, screeching their pain at the "awful presence" of such light. Yet, light is the source of all life. I shall keep on offering the benefits of this fantastic science which I have found, wherever I may happen to be, knowing full well that I will be called derogatory things. If you had found what I have found, you would do the same. Of course, you would not be you, either, for only one who is as I am can find what I am the only one to discover.

Each human has something unique to contribute to mankind. Those that contribute the more unusual stuff always get slammed for it. Such is mob mentality, such is the rule of mediocrity where any attempt at any degree of greatness is snickered upon. But I am impervious to all these things. Even my fantastic physical constitution and screamingly great mind are but trinkets. My value is not based on them. My value is based on my ability to love. To love even my enemy.

I can only hope that some of you eventually develop that. It is the very greatest ability and if it were possible I would give it to you. But it can only be acquired by the acquisitor, and not given as gift. It is a most arcane power and the wisdom to even seek it escapes even great minds.

I am not condescending. I merely describe the terrible poverty of the normal modern lifestyl and the extremely valuable wealth which I have stumbled upon, hoping that there be someone with enough goodness within to realize its value as it is being offered.

I ask absolutely nothing. I understand and pity your hatred. Sadly I can do nothing about it. Only you can.

I keep hoping that newer generations will be fed up enough of the old shitty drudge-life that they will turn towards something RADICALLY DIFFERENT. But rave people nowadays are just insecure souls trying to belong to a group in order to feel some degree of justification for whatever weaknesses they call "qualities". Still, there may be the occasional gem in the rough out there, who has had enough of the ever newer fresher dishes of S-H-I-T offered them by this world that they may be receptive to the only actual solution for a life of true greatness.

Greatness is part of every individual. Sadly, it is ever trampled underfoot and squandered in the favor of "belonging".
» Horus replied on Fri Mar 7, 2008 @ 7:31pm. Posted in What's a Trance DJ to do???.
Coolness: 40875
Originally Posted By STRIK_IX
And Whorus replies with yet another condescending statement... How about you go jerk it to some pics of your "muscular" body.

Sorry for derailing here, I know I poked the monkey, but the monkey is so swift to fling his poo that I find it mildly amusing and it takes away from the drudgery that is everyday work.

Oh so you think it's about our physical comparisons? Even though you put muscular between quotes, which only shows again your ignorance of the science of physique improvement. Someone as ignorant as you probably thinks real strength athletes grow 19 inch arms while staying super-lean year-round. Hah. But anyway:

I was known for incredible intellect long before I was for my body.

And I was known for my pure heart long before I got admired for my mighty intellect.

So either way, if you come close to me, you are little. The only place you aren't is here on the 'Net.

I'm not bashing you. Well have to start somewhere, and nature is not so generous to everyone as it is with me. EVEN my spending time to chit-chat with you is proof of the incredibly generous nature of my being. Even though you choose to hate on me for it.


Probably not, but whatever.

And Gamos, OK man, it's all good.
» Horus replied on Fri Mar 7, 2008 @ 6:43pm. Posted in What's a Trance DJ to do???.
Coolness: 40875
Originally Posted By STRIK_IX
Originally Posted By Horus
Originally Posted By Strik_IX Ahhhhh! Irony, gotta love it.
Figures you would say that. The irony is only in your mind. I never did make anything of any age difference.

Do you really want me to go back and quote all the "little ones" and other such condescending comments you made or are you gonna accept defeat for once?

As I wrote before, your thinking that "little one" can only mean age, is just another way that you show little-ness.

But that's fine. You're probably a "decent person" in real life. Being an asshole on the internet means nothing. Even being a little asshole.
» Horus replied on Fri Mar 7, 2008 @ 6:04pm. Posted in What's a Trance DJ to do???.
Coolness: 40875
Originally Posted By STRIK_IX
Ahhhhh! Irony, gotta love it.

Figures you would say that. The irony is only in your mind. I never did make anything of any age difference.
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