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» Horus replied on Tue Sep 1, 2009 @ 8:49am. Posted in What color of E is ur favorite.
Coolness: 40910
Originally Posted By BASDINI
then don't do tabs,

just do MDMA, so much simpler, if you enjoy a speedy buzz with your E then take some speed too, but tabs as in extacy tablets are fucking bullshit, why would you do them?

A lot of caps aren't MDMA either, they just put some "legal E" crap in there with some licorice-smelling stuff. I've been had. For the last time. The only option is crystal MDMA in a bag. Now you're talking.
» Horus replied on Tue Sep 1, 2009 @ 8:41am. Posted in Why Don't We Categorize E's.
Coolness: 40910
Originally Posted By LAURENT
Yup Horus, Pillreports is the best ressource for identifying Es, hands down. It's also a good website to learn about test kits too. I cant believe that there's not more people actually owning some test reagents. It's cheap and worth it. If i was a big pill user i would certainly buy one of them.

My 2 cents.

I had one, didn't use it for years, and now I have another one on the way. Waaay too much piperazines sold as good stuff. That shit kills. And I think I have caps that are "legal E" whatever utter crap that might be.
» Horus replied on Thu Aug 27, 2009 @ 12:53pm. Posted in Why Don't We Categorize E's.
Coolness: 40910
I think it's been done: [ www.pillreports.com ]
» Horus replied on Thu Aug 27, 2009 @ 12:49pm. Posted in who has BZP and is it still legal?.
Coolness: 40910
BZP sucks.
» Horus replied on Thu Aug 27, 2009 @ 12:48pm. Posted in people selling censored disguised as censored.
Coolness: 40910
Originally Posted By NAMASTE
how do they test e? i heard the test kits are quite expensive, and have a limited number of uses....
but do you know of a way to test drugs for free?
i know people who would totally be interested of holding a tent like that at various parties, they just don't have the funds for it...

The kits aren't that expensive... Like $50 for 500 tests... At 10 cents a pop it's a good deal IMO.

Especially with all the *SHIT* pills around now... BZP instead of speed, and TMFPP instead of MDMA...
» Horus replied on Tue Apr 21, 2009 @ 9:14pm. Posted in l'âge et la drogue.
Coolness: 40910
Originally Posted By DAF
oh wow come on!! dit pas ça

y'a rien de plus stupide que de ruiner sa santé pour vouloir avoir un corps anormale (être maigre/petit n'est pas "normal"/équilibré", tu remarqueras souvent que ceux qui sont ainsi ont des problèmes de santé ou en on eu ou vont en avoir)

ma maraine fut accro à la cocaine et la cigarette pendant des années à cause qu'elle voulait garder son corps de "jeunesse" et aujourd'hui c'est l'une des femmes les plus malheureuse que je connais

c'est comme prendre des pilulles pour être heureux
prendre de la drogue pour avoir des amis
fumer la cigarette pour être cool
se faire vomir pour rester maigre

ce ne sont pas des comportements sains

Non mais se faire 200 trous dans face pour se trouver cool, ÇA C'EST BRILLANT!!! :)
» Horus replied on Fri Jan 30, 2009 @ 3:06pm. Posted in Hugs On Drugs - Or - Hugs Not Drugs?.
Coolness: 40910
A good hug feels almost as good as good drugs, and they are healthier for you. Although bad hugs might be even worse for you than bad drugs, so... Where does that leave us?

Oh yeah - Know your source. 8^D
» Horus replied on Fri Jan 30, 2009 @ 3:03pm. Posted in drugs now vs drugs before.
Coolness: 40910
The world would be a much happier place if high quality drugs were not so hard to find. :S
» Horus replied on Thu Jan 29, 2009 @ 9:09am. Posted in people selling censored disguised as censored.
Coolness: 40910
Originally Posted By SOURULTRAFAST
For a second, i though you were talking about 4-MTA. What a relief

Someone sold me pills, that were hm... Either purple or pink transformers. I had had the other of these colors before and they were OK. So anyway I go to this afterhours with my 5 pills, my girl has 2 or 3. The doorman starts patting me good and found my pills, threw them in the garbage. I thought shit, how are we going to be tripping with just 3 pills?

Well after 1.5 such pills I was sweating and sweating and sweating and not much else, they were BOUND to be 4-MTA, AKA PMA.

That doorman saved my life. Know your source.
» Horus replied on Thu Jan 29, 2009 @ 8:46am. Posted in Pro-Ecstasy article in the Economist.
Coolness: 40910
Very nice article. I find a couple paragraphs are of particular interest:

"But in the 1980s MDMA, which at the time was still unregulated, escaped its semi-underground psychotherapeutic milieu and began to be taken by young people for the sheer fun of it. In a panic, America’s Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), unaware of the therapeutic MDMA network, made an emergency classification in 1985 that placed MDMA in Schedule I—the most restrictive category for drugs with “a high potential for abuse” and “no currently accepted medical use”."

Actually the US government was made VERY aware of the therapeutic MDMA network, protests were abundant and they banned it anyway. Politicians.

"Ironically, once it became illegal, MDMA’s recreational use exploded. The UN estimates that at least 9m people—compared with 12m heroin and 16m cocaine users—consume round about 100 tonnes of MDMA and related compounds worldwide each year."

This amounts to an average of 11 grams a year per user. About 225mg per week. Seems like a lot to me for an average?

Looks to me like this research can't fail, after my own experiments.
» Horus replied on Thu Jan 29, 2009 @ 8:15am. Posted in drugs now vs drugs before.
Coolness: 40910
The thing - for me - about MDMA is that you build a tolerance to it fairly rapidly, whereas for some reason (maybe because it is more rare?) tolerance to MDA seems to build up less. Good MDMA doesn't do crap to me anymore except some mouth "action" at 500mg or so. But when I skip it for 3-4 years I can get a very good 3-4 times on it. Pure MDA in a bag is rare though, sadly.

And that ties in with "drugs before, VS now" where if you build tolerance, such as happens with "E", then of course everything seems of lesser quality now than before, due to the decrease in effect.
» Horus replied on Wed Jan 28, 2009 @ 11:34am. Posted in l'âge et la drogue.
Coolness: 40910
Il me semble effectivement que de consommer de la drogue à l'adolescence, avant 20 ans disons, c'est plus dommageable pour la psyché. Le corps OK il se régénère bien, mais vu que la personnalité est pas formée avant 20-21 ans, prendre de la drogue déformera ASSURÉMENT la personnalité par rapport à ce qu'elle serait autrement.

Pire, le fait d'être une certaine personne peut ne PAS naître dans un individu PARCE
» Horus replied on Wed Jan 28, 2009 @ 11:27am. Posted in 2cb.
Coolness: 40910
Although it would be possible to make accurately dosed caps fairly easily, say 20mg each, then dosing becomes problematic if someone needs 25mg or 30mg to get it just right. 40mg is said to be way too intense.
» Horus replied on Wed Jan 28, 2009 @ 11:24am. Posted in drugs now vs drugs before.
Coolness: 40910
MDA is just SO MUCH BETTER than MDMA... Innit?
» Horus replied on Fri Dec 26, 2008 @ 3:32pm. Posted in I almost got gay with a llama tonight.
Coolness: 40910
Is that eyeliner on the llama?
» Horus replied on Fri Dec 26, 2008 @ 3:32pm. Posted in Your mother doesn't call you on Christmas...
Coolness: 40910
Originally Posted By HOST_ONE
hilarious, right?

You're the one talking about it.

Real men don't give their mom their phone number. Or their daddy. Or brother and sister. They make their OWN life.
» Horus replied on Fri Dec 26, 2008 @ 3:30pm. Posted in Man-bags.
Coolness: 40910
Don't like rap but them are MEN not girlie-boyz.
» Horus replied on Fri Dec 26, 2008 @ 3:22pm. Posted in I couldn't find that old acid house thread....
Coolness: 40910
Totally. GREAT stuff. :)
» Horus replied on Thu Dec 25, 2008 @ 12:00am. Posted in kurse.
Coolness: 40910
Defending an opinion is one thing but lying to yourself and others is something else.
» Horus replied on Wed Dec 24, 2008 @ 5:44pm. Posted in kurse.
Coolness: 40910
Originally Posted By KISHMAY_PINAS
for the record you never mentioned how old you were when you dated the 13 yr old,
Conclusions are easy to jump to in this scenario

I was demonstrating the power of assumptions. Like, if someone is 40, you assume he was always 40. Yet I did mention that "when I did date a 13-year-old" which is clearly past tense. The reader made his assumptions, and of course the most ugly, evil picture people can paint of evil Horus is the one that gets painted in their minds. I know why and how but that's the advanced course.

Update » Horus wrote on Wed Dec 24, 2008 @ 5:46pm
I was simply demonstrating the power of subconscious/unconscious assumptions. Recognizing what happens between the ears is an important first step towards something great.

Great gift, I know. Don't mention it. I'm like that.
» Horus replied on Wed Dec 24, 2008 @ 5:41pm. Posted in Pictures of drugs.
Coolness: 40910
Some people like that stuff. But yeah, avoid pictures of you doing something illegal and that works. Having a digital picture of drugs for example, even saved on your PC, that means nothing. You can download that.

But say a hardcopy (from a development studio) of a film photo, that can be trouble.
» Horus replied on Wed Dec 24, 2008 @ 5:33pm. Posted in kurse.
Coolness: 40910
Originally Posted By STRIK_IX
Like you should talk...

Why? Coz I dated a 13-year-old when I was barely 16?
» Horus replied on Wed Dec 24, 2008 @ 3:32pm. Posted in kurse.
Coolness: 40910
Originally Posted By DRGONZO
Old enough to pee, old enough for me!

That is so sick. 8-O
» Horus replied on Wed Dec 24, 2008 @ 9:33am. Posted in kurse.
Coolness: 40910
Originally Posted By SHINDY
Le monsieur est l'adulte dans cette situation la, donc OUI C'EST MAL!!!!

Un adulte doit être responsable face a un enfant et agir comme tel. L'enfant ne sais pas encore ce qu'elle veut et CROIS que cela va la rendre heureuse, ou est perdu et cherche une figure de père ou, ou, ou FUCK LA RAISON ce n'est pas ok moralement. Je parle même pas de la loi la! Je parle de la morale NON ÉGOISTE, de penser pour un autre être humain, de penser plus loin que le bout de son petit nez.

Mais tu ne semble pas avoir atteind cette étape la...

Cibole j'ai 25 ans et coucher avec un gars de 15 ans je trouverais sa TRÈS mal.

Ben moi à 16 ans je couchais avec une fille de 26 ans et je trouvais ça TRÈS bien. :)
» Horus replied on Wed Dec 24, 2008 @ 9:24am. Posted in kurse.
Coolness: 40910
Originally Posted By TAMALA
MERCI, j'attendais que quelqu'un le dise..

ayoye man, so so wrong, elle a meme pas eu le temps de VIVRE encore

Originally Posted By shindy
Moi ce qui me dérange dans tout sa, c'est le "elle est mature blablabla bullshit".

A 13 ans, tu JOUE la maturité, tu la fake. Oui des pays marie leurs fille de 13 ans, mais pas ici. Dans la société dans laquel nous évoluons, 13 ans est encore l'enfance, peut importe ce que nous voulons croire.

J'ai u 13 ans, j'ai jouer la comédie comme bien des filles et me fesant croire a moi-même et a mon entourage que j'était adulte.
J'ai manger une crisse de claque itoo. Et j'ai VRAIMENT pas un souvenir heureux de cette époque la...

D'après moi, tu n'as pas idée a quel point tu as traumatiser cette pauvre petite fille pour la vie... c'est triste.

Ça, c'est une leçon sur le pouvoir des suppositions. Sur la stupidité qu'elles nous donnent, ces suppositions. Là je vous traite pas de niaiseuses. Mais je dis que vous sautez aux conclusions et que ça donne des réactions complètement déplacées.

La fille est traumatisée? C'est WRONG? Comment ça? Vous croyez que j'ai toujours eu 40 ans. C'est ça le problème. Vous SUPPOSEZ que j'avais pas à peine 16 ans quand j'étais avec. Mais vous autres, si une fille de 13 fait des orgies avec 3-4 gars pis 3-4 filles de son âge, pas de problème. Une fille de 14-15 s'envoie un gars de 40 ans, ÇA c'est MAL. Même si c'est ELLE qui initie l'affaire pis que le monsieur fait juste suivre. Entéka, si ça m'arrivait, ça serait pas moi qui ferais les premiers pas.

Mais c'est pas ça, l'affaire. L'affaire c'est que vous êtes remplis de normes arbitraires et très connes de ce qui est OK et ce qui l'est pas. Oui, les normes anciennes, celles qui venaient de la religion, étaient connes et arbitraires. Mais celles que vous utilisez sont encore PIRES parce qu'il leur manque un élément important : la constance. L'universalité. Un poids, une mesure et non 3-4.

Originally Posted By awiane
Et la plupart des ti culs peuvent se pogner ce genre de femmes??? haha je ne crois pas. Et dailleurs, je ne crois pas que celles-ci veulent d'un ti cul de 13 ans quand elles peuvent avoir les hommes qu'elles veulent.....huhuh

Non, justement. Moi j'ai eu cette chance pis ça a été extraordinaire, pis je peux pas souhaiter mieux aux gars et filles en adolescence. Ça peut être salutaire, aider à faire passer le sexe de "cochonnerie" à "se donner mutuellement à l'autre".
» Horus replied on Wed Dec 24, 2008 @ 7:41am. Posted in kurse.
Coolness: 40910
Sharon stone a 50 ans pas 40. Elle avait 40 dans basic instict...
» Horus replied on Wed Dec 24, 2008 @ 1:14am. Posted in I almost got teary eyed trying not squeal from cuteness overload.
Coolness: 40910
Hm, his stare does seem pretty vacant, except when he's acting.
» Horus replied on Wed Dec 24, 2008 @ 1:12am. Posted in kurse.
Coolness: 40910
Originally Posted By DRGONZO
.. Rapport??

Rapport qu'elles ont toutes 40, 41 ans. :)
» Horus replied on Wed Dec 24, 2008 @ 12:58am. Posted in kurse.
Coolness: 40910
Originally Posted By AWIANE
une vieille charrue desesperée c'est pas toujours winner.

Bof, Lucy Liu, Naomi Watts, Julia Roberts, Nicole Kidman, Tia Carrere, Ashley Judd, Mira Sorvino, comme EXEMPLES, je pense pas que beaucoup d'ados qui leur diraient non. Même sans leur célébrité, évidemment.
» Horus replied on Wed Dec 24, 2008 @ 12:38am. Posted in kurse.
Coolness: 40910
Originally Posted By DRGONZO
C'est qui qui dit que c'est parfaitement ok?
Mon frere a 14 ans, la folle de 40ans qui voudrait l'amener au lit, j'pense j'la tuerai.

Elle lui ferait une grande faveur, crois-moi.
» Horus replied on Tue Dec 23, 2008 @ 10:34pm. Posted in kurse.
Coolness: 40910
Originally Posted By AWIANE
j'imagine....vierge-non menstruee-planche a repasser style

ah ouin, pas de pwel de noune non plus.

Non, elle était très mature physiquement comme mentalement.

Après, j'ai été avec une bête de sexe de 26 ans mais sans coeur. Pis ensuite une bête de sexe de 36 ans qui avait bon coeur. Mais après tout ça, le coeur le plus beau (au figuré) que j'aie rencontré c'était celle qui avait 13 ans. Sauf ma blonde courante qui a 40 ans et un coeur aussi pur que la jeune de 13 ans, mais avec plus d'intellect.

Bref, le coeur ça a pas d'âge et aujourd'hui les gens sont tellement brainwashés par la norme, les normes, que même les "marginaux" d'ici sont offusqués à rien. Parzemp quand t'as 4 gars et 3 filles entre 15 et 17 qui font une orgie ensemble, ça c'est PARFAITEMENT OK.


Update » Horus wrote on Tue Dec 23, 2008 @ 10:36pm
Ah oui, j'avais 18 ans quand j'étais avec la belle de 36 ans et qu'elle m'a fait goûté aux merveilles de l'expérience au lit. Ce fut inoubliable. Quel privilège pour un ti jeune que j'étais à l'époque de me pogner une "vieille" de 36 ans trop belle pour rien et si parfaitement expérimentée.

Après quand j'ai eu son âge j'ai voulu retourner la faveur aux filles de la moitié de mon âge.

Là, désolé mais yé trop tard, ma blonde me suffit amplement. Mais si elle avait 15 ans je serais avec elle pareil, pas un mot à dire.
» Horus replied on Tue Dec 23, 2008 @ 9:02pm. Posted in drugs now vs drugs before.
Coolness: 40910
Cool, I like trolls. :)
» Horus replied on Tue Dec 23, 2008 @ 7:53pm. Posted in kurse.
Coolness: 40910
Non mais pourquoi une fille aurait pas le droit de sortir avec le gars qui lui plait et vice-versa? Une question d'âge? A-YO-YE. Y'a 60 ans les filles de 14 se mariaient avec des gars de 30 ans tout le temps. Pis y'a 600 ans aussi.

Cé tu correct, pas correct? Tabarnak, qu'on laisse le monde vivre. Moi quand je sortais avec une jeune de 13 ans on était capable de s'en calisser mais le monde venait pas nous écoeurer non plus. Le coeur a pas d'âge, mais ceux qui ont pas de coeur peuvent pas comprendre ça.
» Horus replied on Tue Dec 23, 2008 @ 7:33pm. Posted in drugs now vs drugs before.
Coolness: 40910
Originally Posted By MADFORBRAD
Anything involving importation will be more expensive and consequently lower in quality.Awareness has made smugglinh alot more expensive.Pharmaceuticals are only going to get better but i don't think narcotics or benzodiazapines have changed in 10 years. Methamphetamine has probably gone down in quality because of the restrictions on Ephedrine and other chemicals involved with the manufacturing. I'm pretty sure that there are enough economic/political reasons to argue that drugs are definately not what they were 10 years ago.

I did notice that drugs in montreal were particularly bad compared to out west but i haven't really done enough to flat out say that this is still or ever was a truth. I will admit that the people that use drugs , using [ rave.ca ] as my statistical sample, are getting dumber and dumber. This would however contradict the argument that drugs are getting better. Again this is just speculation especially since alot of people are french and thus would obviously be a little slow with or without the drugs.

Mange dla criss de marde tabarnak.
» Horus replied on Mon Dec 22, 2008 @ 11:58pm. Posted in My sincere condolence to Dj Wood !!.
Coolness: 40910
Originally Posted By SCREWHEAD
once again, from the entry on psychic vampires (which he is one of):

***LaVey advises that such people are psychologically draining (hence the term "psychic vampire") and should be dealt with mercilessly and discarded before they are permitted to take control of the lives of vital individuals.***

And it's not that I will suffer 10-fold. It's not a concept like karma or the wiccan 3-fold law; it's a personal thing. Satanism has zero to do with spirituality or other bullshit that mainstream religions spew out. If someone hurts me, there isn't some mystical force that's going to take care of them; *I* will handle it.

If someone is offended by what I say and decides to come after me, it's their perogative to do so, just like it will be mine to defend myself. Karma is just a pussy-out excuse for people too chicken-shit to actually do something about their problems, much like prayer.

I agree about the psychic vampire thing. Absolutely. I would say more, but this is not the place.
» Horus replied on Mon Dec 22, 2008 @ 10:40pm. Posted in My sincere condolence to Dj Wood !!.
Coolness: 40910
Level 8 is pretty good man, cast 'shield' once in a while, doh. :)

Update » Horus wrote on Mon Dec 22, 2008 @ 10:40pm
Maybe this whole thing happened because of mis-casting 'haste'?
» Horus replied on Mon Dec 22, 2008 @ 10:34pm. Posted in My sincere condolence to Dj Wood !!.
Coolness: 40910
Originally Posted By MICKOS
i can handle 2D8 of dmg before collapsing!

That's a lot. A battle axe does 2D8.
» Horus replied on Mon Dec 22, 2008 @ 6:35pm. Posted in speed.
Coolness: 40910
Mad talent man. Serious.

Here I thought you were offering leftovers. 8^D
» Horus replied on Mon Dec 22, 2008 @ 6:31pm. Posted in My sincere condolence to Dj Wood !!.
Coolness: 40910
Who's got a crack pipe to lend me? 8^D
» Horus replied on Mon Dec 22, 2008 @ 2:09pm. Posted in Bliss ?.
Coolness: 40910
LOL nice gif tho. :)
Horus's Profile - Community Messages