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» Gamos répondu dessus Wed 7 Sep, 2011 @ 9:31pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 93630
made: someone at work is gonna show me how to do the proper form for squats tomorrow. People are so nice. I have to be less afraid to ask for help.
Made: hockey tomorrow. Can't wait to hit the ice!
made: Pay day tomorrow!!!
ruined: i'm clearly disapointing a manager who went to bat for me. Time to pick it up a notch.

Originally Posted By SPARKLZ
I should probably clarify. With the workload I'm gonna have piled on me this semester, coupled with me trying to save as much money as possible to take off on a trip once I graduate in the summer.....yeah, I'm gonna be a hermit lol But I'm strangely okay with it because it's a necessary evil right now =D


When I was in this situation, my solution was doing free stuff, or stuff that costs less. It beats being a hermit, and its amazing how much fun you can have. House parties instead of pubs. Going for walks with friends, followed by making hot chocolate at home. Board game nights. etc. Lots of [ rave.ca ] is part of the answer too :P

My favorite activity of all was the gym. YOu have no idea what kind of shape you can get into when you have no money, lots of free time, and cut back on partying / fast food. School gyms are free to use. YOu have lots of free time when you're not studying. And eating healthy at home is cheaper than eating out. Groceries are so much cheaper if you cut out the junk too! The best part was that using the gym became a virtuous circle of sorts.

I know this sounds crazy, but if you have the discipline do it 4 days a week for 6 months, you`ll notice every part of your life significantly changes for the better and it becomes part of the routine. Interaction with profs, girls, strangers is so much better. You get an energy boost. You become happier. You get more confidence. Its kinda like a drug.
» Gamos répondu dessus Wed 7 Sep, 2011 @ 9:08pm. Posted in Someone beat me to the most breast grabs!!!.
Coolness: 93630
Originally Posted By MELODRASTIK
Soon mine will be full of milk, watch out Girl, MILK FIGHT!

Congratulation jism!
» Gamos répondu dessus Wed 7 Sep, 2011 @ 9:07pm. Posted in Frosh Week.
Coolness: 93630
Originally Posted By MASA
I think I do?

Lemme try:

These shoes are hella virgin.

ahahaahaha. I'll give props when props are due.

Well done sir. Well done.
» Gamos répondu dessus Wed 7 Sep, 2011 @ 9:05pm. Posted in the quote/sentence of the day.
Coolness: 93630
You have to be willing to get happy about nothing.

Being good at business is the most facinating kind of art.

- Favorite Andy Warhol quotes
» Gamos répondu dessus Tue 6 Sep, 2011 @ 8:37pm. Posted in Frosh Week.
Coolness: 93630
virgins the new gay/faggit. Gay is homophobic, and derrogatory. But black people can call black people nigger. Gays can call each other fags. Girls can call each other bitches. And we can all call each other virgins, since we we're one once.

And really, when you think about it, the words are interchanable

Faggit bitch -> Virgin bitch
Thats so gay -> Thats so virgin
Your so fucking queer -> Ur so fucking virgin
gay asshole -> Virgin Asshole

Do you know what I am saying?
» Gamos répondu dessus Tue 6 Sep, 2011 @ 7:21pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 93630
» Gamos répondu dessus Tue 6 Sep, 2011 @ 7:19pm. Posted in Frosh Week.
Coolness: 93630
Wut a bunch of asshole virgins. Its tuesday, after a long weekend. I'm hung over, sleep deprived, and all in all its just not a happy morning. And as I get off the bus, on the 3 block walk to work, I get accosted by a bunch of 18 and 19 y/o virgin dufuses. "Shinerama, Shine Shine arama." They made my migrane worse. They were aggressively pan-handling for money. They have no fucking idea what cystic fibrosis is. I hate them so much. At least homeless people pan handle quietly, and in a pasive, non agressive fashion.

THe worst part is that you can tell all these frosh are total virgins. Like the 18 y.o dude trying to impress the girls, all like "yo brah, a nickle is all it takes I know you got change for your coffee" You know what virgin? Its gonna take a lot more than that if you wanna get ur dick sucked. Dumb-ass pussy bitch. And the peppy girls trying to be cool among their new clique. "Hi sir. Its a great cause. Would you like to donate?" No you dumb ass whore. I don't.

And then on the way home. the fucking engineers. Don't even get me started on these clowns. If you took the biggest ugliest virgins in every high school across the country and put them in school together, you get an engineering cohort. And you know what? Drinking lots of beer, and being really loud doesn't make you any less of virgin. It just makes you a drunk, loud ass, douchbag virgin. Assholes.

Let me walk to work, and home from work, in peace. Let me drink my coffee in peace. Is that too much to ask?
» Gamos répondu dessus Tue 6 Sep, 2011 @ 12:02am. Posted in What are you listening to right now?.
Coolness: 93630

I would like some milk from milkman's wife's tits
» Gamos répondu dessus Mon 5 Sep, 2011 @ 9:28pm. Posted in your stance on honesty.
Coolness: 93630
honesty if for virgins
» Gamos répondu dessus Mon 5 Sep, 2011 @ 9:27pm. Posted in Someone beat me to the most breast grabs!!!.
Coolness: 93630
I stopped watching after 30
» Gamos répondu dessus Mon 5 Sep, 2011 @ 9:22pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 93630
Originally Posted By SPARKLZ
I'm suspecting alcohol was involved.
Or at least God I hope it was :P

sure. lets go with alcohol... :P

Oh well. Everytime I look at them I start laughing. bleh. DOn't do acid kids. Or you become like this guy. Ok...my food is on fire. My smoke detector is going off again. Gotta go.
» Gamos répondu dessus Mon 5 Sep, 2011 @ 7:04pm. Posted in First Of The Year (Equinox) - Skrillex - fucking brilliant vid.
Coolness: 93630
Does a lot of his stuff sound the same these days? Sure.
And is he over-hyped? yes.

That doesn't take away from some of his tracks being fun and enjoyable to listen to. My name is skrillex was awesome when it first came out. Slats Slats Slats is good too. Scary Monsters is a fun track as well. All are quite different from each other IMO.
» Gamos répondu dessus Mon 5 Sep, 2011 @ 6:08pm. Posted in Why do people take drugs?.
Coolness: 93630
I take drugs for two reasons. One is fun, which is obvious. And the second is Growth and Problem Solving, which I explain below.

In my experience, drugs can do one, or both, of the following things:

1) Make things more obvious, so we can see "truth" more easily

michael vipperman

Drugs can blow up what’s already happening to larger than life proportions. By exaggeration, truth becomes more obvious: motives and relationship dynamics we usually just ignore come to the surface, and the superficial pleasures of places may no longer be sufficient to blind us to their faults, which are now experienced on a much larger scale. Similarly, I’ve had several respondents talk about romantic relationships that they realized were doomed because of a trip: they were together for the wrong reasons to begin with, but until they took psychedelics, they lacked the insight to realise that they don’t actually like each other all that much. First they sobered up, then they broke up.

There are some common insights which often occur to people during psychedelic trips. Things like… we are all connected; trees contain recursive geometry; nature is awesome; love, empathy and compassion are very important. When described in writing like this, these things seem obvious, but sometimes experience is necessary to catalyse our understanding. The classic psychedelics simultaneously increase our perception of significance while improving our ability to think both clearly and abstractly, helping us to see what we should have seen all along.

Not all insights gained are experienced as good things. Sometimes, self-critical observations become dominant. For instance, you might realize that you’re lazy, filthy, selfish, effluent, unprepared or disrespectful. Some people realise they have a poor diet, get insufficient exercise, have a bad living situation or a weak social support network, etc. These sorts of insights are often on the margins of our consciousness and can be accessed by act of will; the psychedelic seems to cut out the middleman, so to speak, confronting us with our lives and surroundings whether we want to confront them or not. While this may be unpleasant, sometimes it provides just the slap in the face we needed in order to start fixing things.

2) Removes all our mental blocks and inhibitions, thus returning us to our child like, idealized, innocent state.

This allows for truer self-assessment of the blocks themselves and how they are affecting us, who we are, who we want to be and the choices were making because it removes the lenses with which we frame our probelms, life objectives, the world and our relationship to it, etc.


When I was suffering from serious depression, I found a night of mdma or shrooms dealt with the problem for 4-6 months, allowing me to continue with life. The first time I took M, I noticed that my outlook and approach to life literally changed within two weeks. I can't explain it, but it was the turning point in my life.

Even now, whenever I feel the symptoms starting to creep back, I can deal with them in a single night. A lot of is that I'm able to really reflect on drugs and get to the epicentre of the problem and create a plan to deal with it, and commit to the plan. I'm not saying my life magically becomes perfect the day after, but when you can actually create a plan that you believe you can execute, and commit to doing so, depression brought on by hopelessness tends to disapear.

I'm able to make commitments on drugs that I actually keep. Its really easy in life to identify whats wrong in life, and what you should instead be going. And like smoking, its really easy to "decide to quit" for a day or two. But more often than not we relapse. The biggest life decisions I've made have been on mdma and shrooms.
» Gamos répondu dessus Mon 5 Sep, 2011 @ 5:03pm. Posted in First Of The Year (Equinox) - Skrillex - fucking brilliant vid.
Coolness: 93630
Meh, its a good track. Skrillex is a good producer. Haters gonna hate.
» Gamos répondu dessus Mon 5 Sep, 2011 @ 4:57pm. Posted in Room for rent in a loft.
Coolness: 93630
Originally Posted By MASA
Urinal in your home --> Awesomesauce.
Think of the possibilities, peeps. Shave a few seconds off your morning routine :D

I'm with Moloch. It's an awesome loft, and an equally awesome roommie. Cop it, peeps :D

If you think thts awesome, try pissing in the shower while brushing ur teeth. Saves like 5 minutes!
» Gamos répondu dessus Mon 5 Sep, 2011 @ 2:10pm. Posted in The Picture Thread....
Coolness: 93630

» Gamos répondu dessus Mon 5 Sep, 2011 @ 1:23pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 93630
Made: ITs hoodie weather!!!
ruined: I bought these on a no-return arangement. Honestly, where teh fuck do I wear these? Fuck Gamos, you are fucking so stupid sometimes.

Made: Ottawa is starting to feel like home a little bit.
Ruined: Still miss the besties back home
» Gamos répondu dessus Sat 3 Sep, 2011 @ 12:51am. Posted in semantic ambiguity.
Coolness: 93630
Are you Ian? - Pablo

Has anyone here seen my friend Katie Mein? - Gamos
» Gamos répondu dessus Sat 20 Aug, 2011 @ 2:50am. Posted in Deadmau5 with Excision and Zeds Dead and others - September 29-Oct 1.
Coolness: 93630
aww, my bad. I think I managed to get tickets to the Toronto show :P
» Gamos répondu dessus Sat 20 Aug, 2011 @ 2:47am. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 93630
Ruined: Wow, panic attack. Flashbacks are fucking traumatizing :(

Made: I got hit on twice today :)

Ruined: I have no idea what to do. I clearly missed out on the flirt memo.
» Gamos répondu dessus Fri 19 Aug, 2011 @ 2:03am. Posted in Deadmau5 with Excision and Zeds Dead and others - September 29-Oct 1.
Coolness: 93630
tickets are 50$. Forgot to mention that. IMO 50$ is worth the price to see excision and zeds dead. Deadmau5 is like the free bonus show :P
» Gamos répondu dessus Thu 18 Aug, 2011 @ 10:11pm. Posted in Anyone looking for a roomate in September ??.
Coolness: 93630
Originally Posted By SPARKLZ
C) I feel like a queen amongst my subjects when I look at the general populace of Verdun

<3 <3 <3
» Gamos répondu dessus Thu 18 Aug, 2011 @ 7:19pm. Posted in DUB FX [AUS] LIVE w/Flower Fairy [UK] @ Belmont Aug 19.
Coolness: 93630
Ottawa is tonight! Soy excited!

Mise à jour » Gamos a écrit dessus Fri 19 Aug, 2011 @ 2:08am
Dub-FX = amazing. People who were at dub-fx = far less amazing.

I honestly hate that dubstep has become so trendy. THe people it is attracting are degenerate assholes. Straight up.
» Gamos répondu dessus Thu 18 Aug, 2011 @ 7:19pm. Posted in Deadmau5 with Excision and Zeds Dead and others - September 29-Oct 1.
Coolness: 93630
Excision, deadmau5, feed me, zeds, Tommy lee & aero @ Métropolis

3-dates: September 29, September 30, October 1.

Seems like a pretty fair price...17$ a dj or so.
» Gamos répondu dessus Sat 13 Aug, 2011 @ 1:48pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 93630
made: New hoodie

Made: Finally had the guts to try acid and then kandi flip. Interesting. Super fun, but way too long of a trip for my liking. I might do it once more, just because I felt I didn't get the most out of the trip from a spiritual and growth perspective, but I much prefer shrooms and hippie flipping :P

Made: Shambhala - Stanton Warriors, Excision, ZedsDead, Skrillex, Mimosa, Dubconcious, Justin Martin, Nu Mark, Excision, Askillz, basement freaks, pimpsoul, Glitchy and Scratchy, Bassnectar :)

Made: Lateral job transfer to an area doing something I think i'm gonna like :)

Made: Lost 7lbs
» Gamos répondu dessus Sat 13 Aug, 2011 @ 1:37pm. Posted in Foxy Methoxy.
Coolness: 93630
Seems to be gaining some popularity out West based on my observations when I was there last week. Friends that had tried it said it was "really good, amazing"

Has anyone started to see it gain popularity out east?
» Gamos répondu dessus Sat 23 Jul, 2011 @ 5:58pm. Posted in anyone have a login for jstor?.
Coolness: 93630
jstor is non-profit. Im not saying there isn't a lot of people getting overpaid there, but philosophically, the goal is to distribute academic journals to its members for the lowest possible fee.

I think a lot of the fee is redirected via royalities and licence agreements to the publishers.
» Gamos répondu dessus Sat 23 Jul, 2011 @ 5:11pm. Posted in Amy Winehouse.....Dead.
Coolness: 93630

this is how i found out
» Gamos répondu dessus Fri 22 Jul, 2011 @ 7:19pm. Posted in Google+.
Coolness: 93630
hey fred, can u pm me an invite?
» Gamos répondu dessus Fri 22 Jul, 2011 @ 7:03pm. Posted in anyone have a login for jstor?.
Coolness: 93630
Originally Posted By FLO
Out of curiosity, where do you work? I wonder which institution still pays full subscription to scientific publishers, especially Jstor. A huge university library, maybe?

BTW I checked the Jstor subcription of my former lab, but it's limited to maths and computer science domains (no philosophy).

I work for a self-funded research institution. I think the subscription is like $50 000 per year. Thats like 250$ per researcher per year, which is pretty low.
» Gamos répondu dessus Fri 22 Jul, 2011 @ 6:46pm. Posted in The Ministry of the Boner Police.
Coolness: 93630
Dear Ravewaver

Hope you're well.

The purpose of this thread is the announcement of a job competition. The Ravewave minister council (consisting of the ministers of Sketchy Situations, Plur, and Awkward Situations, in addition to the President and Vice-President) are now accepting applications for the minister of the boner police. If interested, please submit an application package below.

Minister of PLUR
» Gamos répondu dessus Mon 18 Jul, 2011 @ 7:08pm. Posted in No drama no posts.
Coolness: 93630
Originally Posted By ALIENZED
As ministry of something, I demand a referendum to decide on A_X_Cell new "Whore, cheap" status

You can be the head of the ministry of "cheap-whores and st huberts club - West Island chapter"
» Gamos répondu dessus Mon 18 Jul, 2011 @ 4:47pm. Posted in Re: Guy Turcotte.
Coolness: 93630
I think the jury made the right decision. What kind of state of mind would you have to be in to murder your own kids? You'd have to be fucked up and crazy. Unless your a sociopath. And this guy wasn't that. He's gonna feel guilty the rest of his life. I dunno, I think its a fair verdict.

I wouldn't feel scared sitting next to the guy. I doubt he's going to kill someone else. And hes shown remorse. If he wasn't in control of his actions, is unlikely to commit another crime, and is sorry about what he did...well, whats the point of locking him up?
» Gamos répondu dessus Mon 18 Jul, 2011 @ 4:42pm. Posted in Mcdonalds on Mckay & St Catherines.
Coolness: 93630
FUCK YAH!!! BATMAN!!!!! I was actually thinking about the father who killed his daughters boyfriend in saskatchewan cuz the boyfriend got his daughter hooked on morphine (he was 26 and she was 16).

But Batman is better. Only 1 more year!!!
» Gamos répondu dessus Mon 18 Jul, 2011 @ 4:40pm. Posted in anyone have a login for jstor?.
Coolness: 93630
i have accesss through work. I can email you specific papers if you know what you want
» Gamos répondu dessus Mon 18 Jul, 2011 @ 4:29pm. Posted in Louis C. K..
Coolness: 93630
I am endeavoring, ma'am, to construct a mnemonic circuit using stone knives and bearskins

» Gamos répondu dessus Mon 18 Jul, 2011 @ 4:06pm. Posted in Louis C. K..
Coolness: 93630

AHahaha...you should totally do spock for haloween next year. Get on the spaceship. Stop. Get off.
» Gamos répondu dessus Mon 18 Jul, 2011 @ 4:01pm. Posted in Louis C. K..
Coolness: 93630
You look like spock in your avitar
» Gamos répondu dessus Mon 18 Jul, 2011 @ 4:00pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 93630
MADE: Promotion at work!! Wut wut! W00000t w000t w000t

made: Things are kinda starting to work with that girl.

ruined: Got drunk. Wrote stupid and embarassing fb msgs to friends.

made: decided to stop drinking. 12 weeks of detox for alcohol
» Gamos répondu dessus Mon 18 Jul, 2011 @ 3:54pm. Posted in Louis C. K..
Coolness: 93630
alex's psi is through the roof. As per usual
Gamos's Profile - Community Messages