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» Gamos replied on Tue Nov 22, 2011 @ 7:27pm. Posted in vista FAIL.
Coolness: 93640
Originally Posted By MURDOCK_ROCK
that's hilarious!!!
You have such a keen observational sense of humor.
Have you ever considered stand up?

» Gamos replied on Sun Nov 20, 2011 @ 12:04am. Posted in Do you ever wish for bad things to happen to people you hate?.
Coolness: 93640
What would jesus do!
» Gamos replied on Sun Nov 20, 2011 @ 12:02am. Posted in Police Brutality in the News: John Pike.
Coolness: 93640

Heres a second angle. What a moron. There must have been like 150 cameras.

I'm more stunned than angry, to be honest. I'm also a little wierded out that no other policeman stepped in to do anything about it. Seriously...all the police there should be fired.

I kinda liked the way it reminded me of a rave. YOu always have some n00b or someone really fucked up, all like "does anyone have any water? Water! i need water! I need water man!"
» Gamos replied on Sat Nov 19, 2011 @ 9:21am. Posted in Do you ever wish for bad things to happen to people you hate?.
Coolness: 93640
1) Do you ever wish for bad things to happen to people you hate or have wronged you? or do you just forget about them, pretend they never existed, learnt your lesson, and moved on with life?

2) If something bad happened to them, would it make you smile a little? Would it make you happy? Or do you think the karma they got would be rather a somewhat hollow consolidation prize?
» Gamos replied on Thu Nov 3, 2011 @ 10:59pm. Posted in Omg Betty Was Right I Got Something Crazy In The Mail.
Coolness: 93640
Dude...I'm not joking.

Most people give up the competitive hockey by 18 because they have better things to do with their life. The only people left are those who

(a) are trying to get somewhere with the sport
(b) those who have nothing else better to do, either because being "good" at hockey was their entire identity and the only basis for any self-confidence

Assuming that you're not good enough to make a living playing hockey, that puts you in camp B. And that makes you a giant loser.

To that point...the best players go to the NHL. The second tier to the AHL or Russia or Sweeden/Finland. The third tier uses it to get a scholarship and an education. Ect Ect Ect. And at the bottom tier are losers like you who train and practice and play shitty hockey.

Seriously, if you think I'm joking...try and think of someone your age who trains as hard as hockey as you do for your varsity team who is worse at hockey than you. Can you? Didn't think so. Most people our age play for fun - on ponds or in beer leagaues.

» Gamos replied on Thu Nov 3, 2011 @ 10:47pm. Posted in work life balance.
Coolness: 93640
i work 10-12 hours a day, 5 days a week. Is it a little much? yup. Is the pay worth the trade off in work-life balance? no. But I love my job, and the people I work with, so I'm ok with it. Its not just about work life balance...

A wise man once told me a job is about 3 things:

The work you do
What you get paid for what you do
Who you work with

If you're happy with all 3, its the perfect job.
If you're happy with two, be happy.
If you're happy with one or less, its time to find a new job.
» Gamos replied on Thu Nov 3, 2011 @ 10:32pm. Posted in Omg Betty Was Right I Got Something Crazy In The Mail.
Coolness: 93640
No offense, but Canadian varsity hockey is such garbage. If thats your biggest accomplishment in life, and you like bragging about it...ahahaha. Man your life must suck.

Everything about you says huge loser....has anyone actually met this kid? Can anyone confirm?
» Gamos replied on Tue Nov 1, 2011 @ 6:29pm. Posted in Omg Betty Was Right I Got Something Crazy In The Mail.
Coolness: 93640
Originally Posted By NEUROMYTH
so you don't get money from the government?

No...I dont look like this, which is probably a pre-requsite for working at mcdnalds, st puberts, selling gas at esso, hotdogs at hockey games, or popcorn at movies, or whatever menial job you people do these days.

Speaking of which, I think this girl might be just your type. Let me know if you wanna be introduced. I;m more than willing to match make cuz its super PLUR, just like me.

» Gamos replied on Mon Oct 31, 2011 @ 9:12pm. Posted in Omg Betty Was Right I Got Something Crazy In The Mail.
Coolness: 93640
Figures...the government likes cutting cheques to white trash.
» Gamos replied on Sun Oct 30, 2011 @ 9:56am. Posted in Arrested Developement Is Back!.
Coolness: 93640
whats the link for watching b&b streaming?
» Gamos replied on Sat Oct 29, 2011 @ 9:33pm. Posted in Arrested Developement Is Back!.
Coolness: 93640
Why is no one talking about this?
» Gamos replied on Sat Oct 29, 2011 @ 9:26pm. Posted in Yummies, Smokies, and Drinkies.
Coolness: 93640
I like coconut curry
» Gamos replied on Sat Oct 29, 2011 @ 9:25pm. Posted in Want to party?.
Coolness: 93640
I like to party
» Gamos replied on Sat Oct 22, 2011 @ 1:17am. Posted in OccupyWallStreet.
Coolness: 93640
If you are fundumentally socialist, then then you believe that in a perfect world, taxes would redistrbute income st the top 1% gets 1% of the income, and so does the bottom 1% get 1% of the income. That obviously doesn`t work because it removes too many incentives. Most of us probably would call system un-fair.

So two question emerge:

First, what should the income shares of different population segments be? For example, how much does the top 1% deserve to take home? 10%? 5%? 2%?

And second, how should those population segments be divided? For example, one might suggest that teachers deserve to be in the top 5% and university professors and researchers in the top 2%.

If you look at the historical stats on the first question, and take shares back to where they were in the 1970, you shouldnt be targeting the top 1%, but the top 0.1% (one in every thousand). In Canada, thats those making over 1.7 million per year. Those between 0.1%-5% woul see their shares stay constant. While everyone below 5%, ie 19 out of 20 people, would see their shares increase.
» Gamos replied on Sat Oct 22, 2011 @ 12:31am. Posted in PLUR - what does it mean to you?.
Coolness: 93640
What is PLUR to me?

I think PLUR symbolizes the infancy and child stages of someones journey into the rave scene. Its nothing more, and nothing less. When you first start raving, the uniqueness of what happens and the vibe you feel at raves, and the experiences you live is captured by PLUR. Theres an innocence to living plur. Its almost like a child who believes in santa claus, or the tooth fairy. In their mind, its real. And to a large extent, at that point in time in your journey, and for the people you generally associate with, it genuinely *is* real. PLUR exists in all its wonder. And its beautiful and breathtaking. You should enjoy it, and live it, and experience it.

I think one of the reason no one of us truly shits on PLUR, even though some n00b starts a thred every 3 months or so, is because we all felt it once. We all went through that stage. Even if we didn`t call it PLUR, cuz junglists dont do that, we all still felt it. Even if we`re jaded as fuck now, we remember our plur stage. Its an awesome stage of the journey, just like a child opening presents on christmas morning. How sad it would be if ravers didn`t get the plur experience! It would be like telling a child that there is no santa claus!
» Gamos replied on Tue Oct 18, 2011 @ 7:52pm. Posted in Anxiety - shit got serious.
Coolness: 93640
Originally Posted By ALIENZED
For those who know me, this might come as a surprise, but early this year, I had my first panic attack. It came at a time when I was feeling pretty bad physically and I sort of freaked out, thought I was having a heart attack. It was like a bad trip, but then it happened a few times without any sort of drugs in my system. Without going into too much details it took a very real toll on what I perceive as being my 'health'.
A few actual physical traumas (cracked another rib and fucked up my back) and many months later, I can recognize the anxiety coming and I can recover from any 'attack' within seconds. but that's like, not good enough, it still happens. I stlll feel it.
Have any of you lived through anxiety and gotten over it? What does it take? What do you do?
Feel free to share stories, tips, insults, porn, etc...

I have clinical anxiety. It affects you on an everyday basis. For example, at my apartment, I'll pretend to get my mail so I dont have to ride the elevator with randoms, even though I don't actually mind riding with randoms. I also show up to work late almost everyday, even though I like work. I've skipped school presentation, gotten sick on purpose, etc. I also can't say hello to people I havent seen in a while, especially aquaintences, although I'm getting better than that. A lot of it is really silly. But a lot of it is practically difficult to deal with - like asking girls out when you have panic attacks, or public speaking when you have panic attacks, or peeing in urinals when you have panic attacks. So, no, you probably don't have anxiety.

Some things that work for avoiding panic attacks:

1) Breathing with your diaphram instead of with your chest. Slow deep breaths. Concentrate on breathing.

2) Learn to detach from your emotions and your mind. IE - if you learn perform either on autopilot (disengaging from the siutation) then you reduce the chance of a panic attack becase you're no long cauntiously thinking about the situation

3) Desensitize yourself/ Get confidence: Get lots of useless practice of whatever is giving you panic-attacks. For example, if you're afraid of public speaking, then join a club where you speak about useless shit in front of people you don't care about. If you have approach anxiety, find 100 girls you'd want to fuck, but otherwise don't care about and approach everyone of them. Eventually you desensitize yourself to the situation.

4) Perscription Drugs - I take beta blockers for particularly stressful situations I can anticipate in advance like Public Speaking, but I have friends who are on daily medication.

5) behavioral therapy
» Gamos replied on Sun Oct 16, 2011 @ 6:22pm. Posted in Hey I have a balls..
Coolness: 93640
lame thred is lame. What do all lame threds get replaced with?
» Gamos replied on Sun Oct 16, 2011 @ 6:21pm. Posted in Throw me a bone.
Coolness: 93640
Originally Posted By HOST-1
Your M.O.

Maybe when i talk. I'm a prolific writer. You should see how many online first dates I get.
» Gamos replied on Sun Oct 16, 2011 @ 12:11pm. Posted in Throw me a bone.
Coolness: 93640
That guy was high on mdma. He had gatorade, water, was smiling way too much, had his eyes wide open, and sounded like a clown
» Gamos replied on Sun Oct 16, 2011 @ 10:49am. Posted in OccupyWallStreet.
Coolness: 93640

I think he nailed the problem. When you think about it, the major demands are

1) Addresss income inequality through redistributional taxation
2) Close corporate loopholes and start punishing corporations for their misdeeds to society at large
3) Address long-term structural issues of competitiveness through a revamp of education with a focus on preparing students for technical post-secondary based degrees, and a better policy to address the outsourcing of jobs and technological innovation that are hollowing the middle class.

All these issues are common sense. Why aren't they making it though congress? The video above pretty much nails it. Take the money out of politics

Who we need is FDR II. What we need is a new deal II.
» Gamos replied on Sat Oct 1, 2011 @ 8:45am. Posted in Classifieds.
Coolness: 93640
» Gamos replied on Sat Oct 1, 2011 @ 8:44am. Posted in Listen to dubstep kids, it kills paedophiles..
Coolness: 93640
» Gamos replied on Sat Sep 24, 2011 @ 5:21pm. Posted in How can I find E?.
Coolness: 93640
I seriously just got this in my PM box:


Sorry to bother you but I am looking for lucy somewhere in Montreal or Ottawa! I used to get some from one of my friends but she recently told me that they bust the dealer in Ottawa! Just wondering maybe you can help me. I really appreciate"
» Gamos replied on Sat Sep 24, 2011 @ 5:16pm. Posted in My Life is Bullshit.
Coolness: 93640

ahaha...we're so spoiled and entitled!
» Gamos replied on Sat Sep 17, 2011 @ 1:56pm. Posted in Deodorant or antiperspirant?.
Coolness: 93640
I don't sweat much, so I never really had to worry about antipersperent. But I'm sure if its used once in a while rather than every day its a lot safer.

Also, brushing ur teeth is like saving by destroying, kinda like having airbags in a car, knowing that its possible the airbags will kill you. Or kinda like running knowing that theres a change it will fuck up your knees.

Antiperssperant is really trading health for comfort. Its a lot like eating mcdonalds instead of bringing lunch from home. Yah, it saves you some time and effort, but if you it everyday ur gonna just poisoninsg ur body. Or smoking because it helps you make friends. Sure you might find it easier to meet people, but you might develop lung cancer.
» Gamos replied on Thu Sep 15, 2011 @ 9:28pm. Posted in Deodorant or antiperspirant?.
Coolness: 93640
deodorant. Anti-persperant increases the odds of degenerative brain diseases. Pass.
» Gamos replied on Tue Sep 13, 2011 @ 6:50pm. Posted in Fucking Obama.
Coolness: 93640

Ahahaha...more like visit his Oral office. If you know what I'm sayin!
» Gamos replied on Mon Sep 12, 2011 @ 6:47pm. Posted in i don't want to remember 9/11.
Coolness: 93640
I see ur louis CK and I rasie you some Nik Swardson

80s Party!!! 80s! OMG!
» Gamos replied on Sun Sep 11, 2011 @ 10:20pm. Posted in You cannot use the internet as an excuse anymore.
Coolness: 93640
Originally Posted By DRNYARLATHOTEP
In this day and age, there are things that used to be acceptable which are no longer so. One in particular is the tired repeated use of "I'm different online than I am in real life". Bitch, the entire world, including your fridge, has access to the Internet. Online is as real as everything else. Being an ass online makes you an ass, period. You don't have two sets of personalities; if who you are on a computer is vastly different than who you are at home, you're just hypocrite.

Thank you.

I have anxiety, so Im actually super different online. Like at raves I'm usually the kid in the corner unless I'm high on drugs. Except for the one time I bought E, but it was actually Viagra. That time I was the kid with a raging boner in the corner.
» Gamos replied on Sun Sep 11, 2011 @ 6:35pm. Posted in i don't want to remember 9/11.
Coolness: 93640
There is only one to remember 9/11. With great tunes from:

» Gamos replied on Sun Sep 11, 2011 @ 6:29pm. Posted in No breasts no requests.
Coolness: 93640
» Gamos replied on Fri Sep 9, 2011 @ 2:23am. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 93640
» Gamos replied on Fri Sep 9, 2011 @ 2:20am. Posted in semantic ambiguity.
Coolness: 93640
Knock Knock
Whose there?
Boo who?
Don't cry. Its only a joke.
» Gamos replied on Fri Sep 9, 2011 @ 2:18am. Posted in i don't want to remember 9/11.
Coolness: 93640
On 9/11 2001, 3000 people in the wtc and 300 mil in america we're going their business as usual. And then BOOM! A bunch of hindus and idol worshipping terrorists clowns tried to kill them.

And then AMericans responded in the most curious way. Did they get angry? No. Did they try and get revenge? No. They did what any raver would do. They responded with PLUR. They extended love and respect to Iraqis and Afgans by helping them get freedom and democracy. And now the people in those countries are free to live in peace and love whomeever they want. If thtas not plur, i dunno what is.

And if you don't want to celebrate PLUR, ur not a real raver. Ur just a stupid virgin.
» Gamos replied on Thu Sep 8, 2011 @ 8:59pm. Posted in The Picture Thread....
Coolness: 93640
<3 girls with dreads. So sexy
» Gamos replied on Thu Sep 8, 2011 @ 8:58pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 93640
Originally Posted By DYNV
gamos, try that: [ www.rave.ca ]

Yeah. Thats right. I said it. Now wut, bitch.
» Gamos replied on Thu Sep 8, 2011 @ 8:50pm. Posted in How can I find E?.
Coolness: 93640
Originally Posted By KIRE
going on a rave related forum and asking for e, cliche' bro.

do what the new kids are doing and ask someone when you're at a party

I could stick around and get along with you, hello.
It doesn't really mean that I'm into you, hello.
You're alright but I'm here, darling, to roll at the party.
Don't get too excited 'cause that's all I want is E, hey.
Yeah, I think you're cute, but I really you should know.
I just came to fucking Roll, Ro-oll, Ro-oll, Ro-oll, Ohh ohh ohh ohhh

» Gamos replied on Wed Sep 7, 2011 @ 9:50pm. Posted in your stance on honesty.
Coolness: 93640
Aww thanks! i like you too :) *hugz*
» Gamos replied on Wed Sep 7, 2011 @ 9:46pm. Posted in How can I find E?.
Coolness: 93640
Lol...people on here are such assholes. Just ignore them. Theyre a lot nicer once you get to know them. Heres a couple points of helpful advice though:

First, send PMs to people who post a lot in the forums. YOu dont create a thread on a public forum for obvious reasons which were stated above. Anyways, people who post a lot on rave forums usually either deal, or can connect you to someone who can. Lots of drug dealers only post lots so they`ll get lots of PMs. Its actually a way to get a lot of new customers. You`re obviously new, so you didn`t know that. We`ll give you a break this time.

Second, you`re being really vague, and coming off like a total n00by just saying you want E. If you just ask for E, you`re gonna end up with the worst kind of E: shity yellow and brown sparkly E No-name E. And unless you`re a total noob u don`t want that shit cuz its usually cut with garbage like rat posion and draino. I`ve had friends die from taking yellow and brown Es. You have to specify a color and stamp brand when you PM people. I`ll trust you know the color code and trustworthy brands.
» Gamos replied on Wed Sep 7, 2011 @ 9:36pm. Posted in anybody else having problem with fb?.
Coolness: 93640
I`m having problems with ur mother right now. Maybe their related? Like I have trouble getting inside sometimes cuz the wait is just so long. I just keep waiting and waiting. And there when I finally get in there, I have trouble getting off sometimes cuz I`m never satisfied enough, you know? And sometimes i`m in there forever, just cuz i Have nothing better to do.

I know fb is installing a music sharing or dl service soon, so perhaps that has to do with it.
Gamos's Profile - Community Messages