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» Optimist_pRhyme replied on Wed Dec 4, 2002 @ 9:04pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 52645
not if youre in prison!
» Optimist_pRhyme replied on Wed Dec 4, 2002 @ 9:03pm. Posted in Whats Your Favorite Song Today?.
Coolness: 52645
(whats the name of that morcheeba song that goes, "we can live in fear, or extend ourselves to love... we can fall below, or we can rise above." i only have it on tape and it doesnt have a track listing.)

as for my fav track today...

Body Rock ~ Andy C

» Optimist_pRhyme replied on Wed Dec 4, 2002 @ 8:59pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 52645
dont drop the soap.
» Optimist_pRhyme replied on Wed Dec 4, 2002 @ 8:57pm. Posted in Religion fucked it all up.
Coolness: 52645
as for a blasphemy,
i think it should only be used as a term to describe when someone uses "gods" name for their own purposes...
ie, fundraising for their church, or rallying people for war against another country/religion.
» Optimist_pRhyme replied on Wed Dec 4, 2002 @ 8:55pm. Posted in Religion fucked it all up.
Coolness: 52645
the problem with relgion, is the same problem with philosophy(since in all reality they are the same thing, but im sure most churchs would disagree)
and that problem is that it is all a matter of opinion/perspective. so how can someone tell you what to believe? they can only offer their opinions and hope you understand/accept them.

my main problem with "religion" is that some religious people try to force it upon others.
which in my opinion is a "sin."
» Optimist_pRhyme replied on Wed Dec 4, 2002 @ 8:50pm. Posted in cool as ice :).
Coolness: 52645
Purple Lee wrote: "NOW this is one drug that i will never try along with Coke."

that just made my day. thanks.
» Optimist_pRhyme replied on Wed Dec 4, 2002 @ 8:29pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 52645
id rather cut off my own finger then...
» Optimist_pRhyme replied on Wed Dec 4, 2002 @ 8:29pm. Posted in Words of wisdom.
Coolness: 52645
you can pick your friends...

and you can pick your nose...

but you cant pick your friends nose!
» Optimist_pRhyme replied on Wed Dec 4, 2002 @ 8:25pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 52645
» Optimist_pRhyme replied on Wed Dec 4, 2002 @ 8:25pm. Posted in The Crush Thread.
Coolness: 52645
i know, i know...

*takes a bow*

i just dont know where i come up with this stuff!
genious i tells ya' pure genious.
» Optimist_pRhyme replied on Wed Dec 4, 2002 @ 8:21pm. Posted in The Crush Thread.
Coolness: 52645
i want to be friends with a hairy girl's little pink...
it sounded funnier in my head i guess...

(im so creative and original!)
» Optimist_pRhyme replied on Wed Dec 4, 2002 @ 8:00pm. Posted in Skittles rush Tonight! Special guests!.
Coolness: 52645

» Optimist_pRhyme replied on Wed Dec 4, 2002 @ 7:54pm. Posted in The Crush Thread.
Coolness: 52645
crushes are useless.
no point in getting emotionally attached to someone you hardly know. cause all you do is set yourself up for disappointment.
either from them not living up to your expectations, or from them hurting you.

isa is right, best to just keep the fun between your friends. friends with benefits are best.
no muss, no fuss.

but i do have a crush on that picture of isabel!
where/when was that taken?!?
» Optimist_pRhyme replied on Wed Dec 4, 2002 @ 2:04pm. Posted in Liquid DANCE!.
Coolness: 52645
that was pretty mad, but it was more popping and locking then liquid. although he incorperated some liquid into it.
the slow motion shit was the coolest.
» Optimist_pRhyme replied on Wed Dec 4, 2002 @ 12:58pm. Posted in Things that piss you off.
Coolness: 52645
how happy simple people are, in their simple lives. so content. Grrr.
» Optimist_pRhyme replied on Wed Dec 4, 2002 @ 12:55pm. Posted in wtf is up with peoples bitching.
Coolness: 52645
im done. thats why i was trying to change the topic...
but kalfwin and isabel keep bringing it up! j/k.
but i do realize that enough, is enough.

and ive said all that i have to say on the subject.
» Optimist_pRhyme replied on Wed Dec 4, 2002 @ 10:32am. Posted in mr meth.
Coolness: 52645

why do ya think hes so bitchy all the time?
» Optimist_pRhyme replied on Wed Dec 4, 2002 @ 10:27am. Posted in CKy - Freestyle Chinese Rap.
Coolness: 52645
"ill take swords for 100, alex."

"thats s words."

(and its called being nostalgic)
» Optimist_pRhyme replied on Wed Dec 4, 2002 @ 10:19am. Posted in cool as ice :).
Coolness: 52645
"im here because im addicted to weed."

"man, this is some bullshit!!"

"weed is not a drug, i sucked dick for coke..."

"i seen him!"

"ever sucked dick for weed?"

"Boo this man!"

» Optimist_pRhyme replied on Wed Dec 4, 2002 @ 10:01am. Posted in wtf is up with peoples bitching.
Coolness: 52645
why does this topic make you so mad isabel?
» Optimist_pRhyme replied on Wed Dec 4, 2002 @ 9:59am. Posted in wtf is up with peoples bitching.
Coolness: 52645
Actually. Kalfwin and Myself were the only ones on this page to mention anything about it.
and before kalfwin replied to my post we werent even talking about it.

so in all reality you and kalfwin are the only ones still talking about it. *lol*
plz, dont get mad, i was just joking around.
» Optimist_pRhyme replied on Tue Dec 3, 2002 @ 10:55pm. Posted in wtf is up with peoples bitching.
Coolness: 52645
what if i told you i was a Plur loving punker hippy?
» Optimist_pRhyme replied on Tue Dec 3, 2002 @ 10:53pm. Posted in Hulla - Digital Outlaws.
Coolness: 52645
11 dayz!
» Optimist_pRhyme replied on Tue Dec 3, 2002 @ 10:52pm. Posted in Skittles rush Tonight! Special guests!.
Coolness: 52645
why isnt there a bullet train between ottawa and mtl. it would make my life so much more enjoyable. BOOURNS!

oh well. have fun without me!
» Optimist_pRhyme replied on Tue Dec 3, 2002 @ 10:47pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 52645
best when fresh and warm.
» Optimist_pRhyme replied on Tue Dec 3, 2002 @ 10:45pm. Posted in cool as ice :).
Coolness: 52645
negative attitudes are what CAN ruin the rave scene, drugs just begat the negativity.

The scene is all a matter of perspective.
to someone whos first party was last weekend or the week before. It is all just begining.

I choose not to let sketchy jib faces ruin parties for me. and ruin the scene.
no matter how hard they try.
» Optimist_pRhyme replied on Tue Dec 3, 2002 @ 8:40pm. Posted in cool as ice :).
Coolness: 52645
i dont think he was talking about her specifically, but more the mentality she is putting forward.

Though he put it Very harshly.
i cant disagree with most of what he is saying. since it was a very accurate, informed and realistic post.

ignorance about drugs is one of the main problems. people not talking about the reality of what can happen to you and how addictive they are is another of the problems.

when i first entered the world of chems, i had no idea what i was getting into.
i had no idea about the dangers involved.

Things here are getting a little too agressive for me... since we are all just friends, right?

lets just try to keep the bitching about drugs, or the bitching about people bitching about drugs to the drug prevention forum.
» Optimist_pRhyme replied on Tue Dec 3, 2002 @ 8:15pm. Posted in wtf is up with peoples bitching.
Coolness: 52645
when we enter the rave scene, we are like children reentering the world (hence the term kandi kid.)

but as we age and grow through that phaze of our life we learn and expand our minds.

but during that learning process some of us forget the main lessons to be learned in the rave scene. the most simple and pure lessons.

PEACE ~ dont fight with each other, and TRY to get along even if you dont like/agree with someone.
LOVE ~ we all need and deserve it,
so give it! and you will receive it.
UNITY ~ We are all one tribe, we are all one people.
to grow and prosper we need to LOVE and RESPECT each other so we can live together PEACEfully.
RESPECT ~ Respect other peoples choices of music/opinions/lifestyle/clothing/etc, just because you dont like it doesnt mean its bad.

Such a simple concept. But so easily forgotten.
And PLUR is so cliche these days. And people automatically assume youre new to the scene if you still believe it. I won’t let this feeling go.

Though it is always a struggle to live up to the ideals of PLUR,
It is the effort that counts.
» Optimist_pRhyme replied on Tue Dec 3, 2002 @ 8:05pm. Posted in wtf is up with peoples bitching.
Coolness: 52645
i can ALWAYS tell a past meth user.

its not so much the physical effects that i hate.
if you wanna destroy your body, then youre the only one who is getting hurt.

the MAIN problem with meth isnt what it does to your body.

its what it does to your mind...
and your "soul"(i hate using the word since i sounds so "religious" and i dont believe in organized religion, but it gets the point across best.)

Meth will make you evil.(i hate using that word as well, since it is so black and white but its the most appropriate word i can think of.)

meth damages your brain in ways that we cant even understand. In time it WILL make you bitter, self serving, and mean.

Im not exagerating.

Though some cases are more extreme then others.
it eventually engulfs ALL who play with it.

crystal is evil.
it is the cancer of the rave scene.
people are always saying how the scene is "dead."
i dont believe it is, but the reason so many of its children have forgotten the lessons that the scene can teach us.

is mostly because of crystal.
and ice is just really pure crystal.
(i also believe that coke, k, and pcp are to blame as well)
» Optimist_pRhyme replied on Tue Dec 3, 2002 @ 2:17pm. Posted in my new avatar.
Coolness: 52645
» Optimist_pRhyme replied on Tue Dec 3, 2002 @ 2:12pm. Posted in Things that give you hope....
Coolness: 52645
the fact that this forum was successful.
and isnt filled with...
there is no hope.
I hate my life.
we're all doomed.
life is pointless.
and depressing sh*t like that.

and the fact that today is blindingly bright out!

» Optimist_pRhyme replied on Tue Dec 3, 2002 @ 1:55pm. Posted in Appetite Loss.
Coolness: 52645
Ahhh! you need to eat meg,
your really slim as it is...
and you dont have the body fat to survive without eating. so your body will start stripping muscle and eventually bone for the energy to keep your body moving. so go eat something.
» Optimist_pRhyme replied on Tue Dec 3, 2002 @ 1:51pm. Posted in sleep depravation.
Coolness: 52645
Galaksy maybe right, since the moon has alot to do with our planet's gravity, which can screw with sleep patterns. i think it also has to do with the changing in the pressure/weather. This time of year is always really screwy for me. All i want to do is sleep.
but for some reason, i dont.
» Optimist_pRhyme replied on Mon Dec 2, 2002 @ 9:50pm. Posted in Nightmare before Christmas.
Coolness: 52645
true dat,
Marcus could skool Capital J.
» Optimist_pRhyme replied on Mon Dec 2, 2002 @ 9:44pm. Posted in Things that scare you.
Coolness: 52645
or maybe the bubonic plague.
» Optimist_pRhyme replied on Mon Dec 2, 2002 @ 9:40pm. Posted in Sometimes you wanna go....
Coolness: 52645

"tick like a bomb,
tick, tick like a bomb,
and just explode...

or act like a bomb,
and just go BOOM!"

» Optimist_pRhyme replied on Mon Dec 2, 2002 @ 9:37pm. Posted in Things that give you hope....
Coolness: 52645
dont say that meggie...

there is always some hope.
otherwise whats the point in breathing in and out?
why eat, why sleep, why go to school?

Because there is a point. There is a goal.
you have just lost sight of it at the moment.

you are strong. and can overcome what ever it is that has engulfed you at the moment.

It maybe ontop right now.
but there are sunny days ahead.
There will always be beautiful blue sky days. and no matter how down you feel. there will always be an up. you just have to look for it and try for it. cause sometimes its not in reach right away. but There is a Point to it all.

you just need to try to get there.

and stop drowning your sorrows in drugs.
cause that solves nothing!
» Optimist_pRhyme replied on Mon Dec 2, 2002 @ 9:29pm. Posted in The WHY thread?.
Coolness: 52645
julie: he used to be called, "long dong silver."
but the crocodile got more then his hand!

amalgam: cause they get in the way, and its WINTER, right now... and having a direct wind tunnel right to your nads isnt any fun at all!
» Optimist_pRhyme replied on Mon Dec 2, 2002 @ 9:23pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 52645
stupid fuckin' gravers *slut the words together to make it one)

» Optimist_pRhyme replied on Mon Dec 2, 2002 @ 9:11pm. Posted in wtf is up with peoples bitching.
Coolness: 52645
^^ thank you muchly, dan mah man!

and julie, im glad that you can laugh and joke around about it, but that picture makes me really sad. since if you didnt have
the will power that you do,
That Could Be a picture of YOU!

that was at one time, a real person, with a life and family and friends...

now, she is just a sketch of the person she once was,
not really there at all.

see how it kind of looks like her face is collapsing in on itself...


taking serious subjects too lightly can be incredibly dangerous.
Optimist_pRhyme's Profile - Community Messages