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» Trey replied on Wed Oct 8, 2003 @ 7:06pm. Posted in too cold....
Coolness: 102885
hm.... 2 threads
» Trey replied on Wed Oct 8, 2003 @ 7:05pm. Posted in too cold....
Coolness: 102885
Vanilla Ice but i forgot the name of the song
» Trey replied on Tue Oct 7, 2003 @ 12:26pm. Posted in New comic idea.. need help.
Coolness: 102885
^^dope idea

and the bad guys would be.........???
» Trey replied on Sun Oct 5, 2003 @ 2:45pm. Posted in Roy Critical After Mauling.
Coolness: 102885
No more Siegfried & Roy jokes on Conan'O'Brian now..
» Trey replied on Fri Oct 3, 2003 @ 11:36pm. Posted in your Search Engines being hijack?.
Coolness: 102885
( since there is no spam forum in this board,
im gonna rant here).

i spend the last 2 hours fixing my IE, cuz some
sort thing is redirecting all my search engines

[ www.tweakxp.com ]

then i fount out that this insidious "hosts" file
is also hiding in windows/help

bloody hell, it was so annoying. now
for some drinking and windows update
» Trey replied on Thu Oct 2, 2003 @ 3:40pm. Posted in Acting Agencies.
Coolness: 102885
^^^^wow, u got some dope skills!
» Trey replied on Wed Oct 1, 2003 @ 4:56pm. Posted in SCREAM : The halloween party ! RollCall!.
Coolness: 102885
isnt this party gonna be at the sugar shack?
» Trey replied on Wed Oct 1, 2003 @ 4:38pm. Posted in A new generation/breed of Ravers?.
Coolness: 102885
a ranting since I can't put my thoughts in a coherent manner.

I often ponder where the old skoolers are
and what they are doing. Why they left and didn't come back. What happened to all the crews?

Today, all aspects of the "rave scene" have grown so much i still have trouble catching up
and grasping it all.

But i like watching the "new generation" of ravers because they remind me of my time, and I reminisce about the best days of my life.

There's a pattern to this ravelife and the
cycle keeps repeating it. Alot of people go
through stages. I assume the majority experience
their first all night party during their

During our teenage life, we wonder who we really
are, it is a very fragile but resilient period
in our lives. I think that the negative feeling you get, maybe after partying for a few years, is that you finally realize that life has alot
more to offer than that of the intense high and utopian rave atmosphere.

The scene will never be the same for the reason that it is progressing. But you longed for your time; to be like it was...you can't linger. The problem might not lie with the new breed of 'jaded' ravers, but more reflectively on your perception. You have to acknowledge the situation, progress, and then achieve something. Rise High
» Trey replied on Tue Sep 30, 2003 @ 4:24pm. Posted in Eateries on St-Denis.
Coolness: 102885
shameless plug on my family's restaurant!

Citizen ( asia food ), 1670 St-Denis, right next to St-Sulpice.

At lunch, it 8.50$-10$ special*, thwere are like 8,9 dishes (most known thus order by most folks =/
includes salad or imperial roll.
There are tastier stuff on the menu tho; if u like seafood, try the squid rings (like oignons rings) with beer.

*xcluding tax, drinks, n tips.
» Trey replied on Tue Sep 30, 2003 @ 4:07pm. Posted in bums, yeh yeh yeh.
Coolness: 102885
There this bum or homeless i should said...
around ndg, westmount area.

there are story about him, dont know if its true.

He was a stockbroker, went to ivy league school, lost his kids in a auto accident, and he went into despair.

Or he's rich, but he lives a homeless lifestyle cuz everyone want a piece of his fortune.

He has really clear blue-gray eyes.
» Trey replied on Tue Sep 30, 2003 @ 3:58pm. Posted in Bruce Campbel in Montreal!!!!!.
Coolness: 102885
....this.....is....my boomstick!!!

damn! Bruce Campell is such an entertaining thespian
» Trey replied on Tue Sep 30, 2003 @ 3:55pm. Posted in "Say it like it is" Day....
Coolness: 102885
people use the net to vent their anger

dont take anything too seriously on message boards
» Trey replied on Sat Sep 27, 2003 @ 10:51am. Posted in waterworld.
Coolness: 102885
bleh... nothing extraordianary.. pretty regular.

i got up at 5 am and met my friend and catch the party in the morning. I wasn't inspired to dance, (sober) so i just sat on the side.

however, i got almost poked in the eye with a lightstick twice!! ggrrrr......... and then this guy try to juggle and his lightsticks just flew eveywhere.
» Trey replied on Thu Sep 25, 2003 @ 5:43pm. Posted in #1 graphic web design art skool in Mtl?.
Coolness: 102885
stranded on a pacific island was allusion to sitting in front of the PC, learning at home

----Yes i know going to skool is not the same as work experience. The only thing preventing me to go to school is the huge student loan i hav to pay afterward.
» Trey replied on Thu Sep 25, 2003 @ 5:41pm. Posted in #1 graphic web design art skool in Mtl?.
Coolness: 102885
As long i can get my hands on the softwares.
I can learn by myself and i will have no problem in designing. Everyone tells me to go to art skool.

I was looking at going to skool for motivation, and meeting, networking people in the field.
» Trey replied on Thu Sep 25, 2003 @ 5:34pm. Posted in #1 graphic web design art skool in Mtl?.
Coolness: 102885
so more power to ya if you can do something like that on your own, id bow down if i saw it.

ill member dat and then u can come work for me. heh

This is how i foresee it. I go to an employer, a web design company or watever.

"So u know how to fish?"

"yes. im specialize in deep sea fishing."

"it says here that u can dive 300 feet with just a snorkel, a speargun and harpoon a tuna, a barricuda, and even a shark?"


"you never work for a fishing fleet tho... and what diving skool did u go to?"

"umm... i did not go to dive skool. i was stranded on a pacific island and i learned myself..."

"well, im sorry sir but...
» Trey replied on Tue Sep 23, 2003 @ 4:53am. Posted in PLUR is a four point philosophy.
Coolness: 102885
this belgian beer is Stella Artois and its been perfected since 1366. Cheers!
» Trey replied on Tue Sep 23, 2003 @ 4:47am. Posted in #1 graphic web design art skool in Mtl?.
Coolness: 102885

either u guys are on russian crack or are coders...

Much would i want to learn languages and coding; html, c++, pearl, php, java. etc... i just dont have the knack for it, i just won't get it.maybe short term memeory loss. But im a visual artist at heart, thats y flash is so intriging.

oh yeah, Infinitum Phantom console is a joke!
» Trey replied on Tue Sep 23, 2003 @ 4:18am. Posted in PLUR is a four point philosophy.
Coolness: 102885
drinking belgian beer at 4 am

im too drunk t othink about a wiity comment

yea plur to evey1
» Trey replied on Mon Sep 22, 2003 @ 4:43am. Posted in #1 graphic web design art skool in Mtl?.
Coolness: 102885
im thinking about going back to skool in
graphic arts. but im dumbfounded about which
skool will give u a REAL education.

Theres so much i can learn from just having fun with the softwares n tutotials from books n the net. but u i need to learn from industry people and pros in the field.

So which skool in Mtl has the Best graphic program?

i dont want some photoshop course, which any1 can learn themself.
I want to specialize in Flash, i started to learn it but when it came to actionscript... hard to homeskool urself.

This site [ www.2advanced.com ] is wat i want too achieve. (after skool and like years in the field), it's the best web company i seen. check out their portfolio.

thanks for ur advice n help
» Trey replied on Wed Sep 17, 2003 @ 11:38pm. Posted in Army drug testing.....solutions?.
Coolness: 102885
yea my friend is joining the reserves,

but he's worry that he might not
be accepted cuz of substance ummm... experience.

so he wants to know;

1.If the Reserves have severe policy on that
2. How long does THC, amphetamines; speed, mdma,
stays in ur blood
» Trey replied on Tue Sep 16, 2003 @ 3:57pm. Posted in Acting Agencies.
Coolness: 102885
i did this one summer for fun n i didnt network at all, but u never know wat is going to happen unless u get out therr.

One time, i was just sketching in my drawing book on set and this guy came out n said nice drawing! Turns out to be the director n i ended doing pre-production work in TO. U can also try to do work in catering, costumes, make-up, chauffeur, if u have any skills in those fields but it helps to know people.
» Trey replied on Tue Sep 16, 2003 @ 3:49pm. Posted in Acting Agencies.
Coolness: 102885
GO herr [ www.actramontreal.ca ]

If u want to start acting, go to a theatre school n attend acting workshops... but its great to start out as an extra or backround performer. The pay is pretty good n you meet people, get to see wat being on set is like.

Andrea Kenyon n Associates, 7535 St. Denis; got only 2 job from them.

Shock Casting, 600 Peel; i was a regular extra for a teen show on ytv (thankfully cancel n not rerunning) , i even got a commercial once.

Remember that Casting Agencies DO NOT advertised.

Like someone said b4, u need to network. Find out wats shooting in Montreal, find out which casting agency they using, call them, bug them, tell u want to be an extra in this so n so. Or send directly ur CV to the production.

If u ever so befriend the crew like teamsters or assistant directors, get their numbers, ask them wat future project they are gonna work on.
» Trey replied on Sat Sep 13, 2003 @ 7:25pm. Posted in the state of affair with.....
Coolness: 102885
Galaxy High was so trippy!!!

[ www.aowz68.dsl.pipex.com ]

u hav to hear their intro song
» Trey replied on Wed Sep 10, 2003 @ 3:42pm. Posted in virus help!.
Coolness: 102885
well its not a anti virus software, but get this
anyway a spybot from (its free)

[ www.safer-networking.org ]

ill just copy n paste from their site..

''Spybot - Search & Destroy can detect and remove spyware of different kinds from your computer. Spyware is a relatively new kind of threat that common anti-virus applications do not yet cover. If you see new toolbars in your Internet Explorer that you didn't intentionally install, if your browser crashes, or if you browser start page has changed without your knowing, you most probably have spyware. But even if you don't see anything, you may be infected, because more and more spyware is emerging that is silently tracking your surfing behaviour to create a marketing profile of you that will be sold to advertisement companies. Spybot-S&D is free, so there's no harm in trying to see if something snooped into your computer, too :)''
» Trey replied on Wed Sep 10, 2003 @ 3:37pm. Posted in St-Viateur Bagels.
Coolness: 102885
its been a long time since i had bagels

but i like fairmounts better.
» Trey replied on Fri Sep 5, 2003 @ 8:47pm. Posted in Does anyone here Liquid?.
Coolness: 102885
To the thread starter, u might want to
scope this out;

[ www.acidreign.com ]
» Trey replied on Fri Sep 5, 2003 @ 7:42pm. Posted in Does anyone here Liquid?.
Coolness: 102885
scooped out the reflective site...

wow, all this stuff we did as kids turn
into a technical sub-dance culture, so weird.

Myself , i just dance and i dont really think
about the moves,

Wish i didnt stop (raving) tho, coulda been a pro by now. =)
» Trey replied on Fri Sep 5, 2003 @ 6:09pm. Posted in Does anyone here Liquid?.
Coolness: 102885
for the kids interested in the vid.....

[ www.houseofrave.com ]

thanks for the link girl.
i didnt know rave dancing got so technical.
Its called Liquid dance? I think it is a hard style to learn, i think most people dance that way cuz it feels natural, .
» Trey replied on Mon Sep 1, 2003 @ 4:38pm. Posted in Emergency film help needed!.
Coolness: 102885
A rave is a party where people go to listen to some great music and dance all night long, simple as that.
» Trey replied on Mon Sep 1, 2003 @ 4:32pm. Posted in location!! location!! location!!.
Coolness: 102885
hi kids

k i was wondering this for awhile...

why is it parties these days are held in the same recycle location?
is it that hard to find a good place?
did the city put a law or something?

i use to work for Channel (they had amazing parties but are now long defunct )and i told never to have parties at the same places
(another story,another time perhaps).

part of the fun going to a rave was finding its location and it was place u never thought of...
mini mall, airplane hangar, military barracks,
old werehouses, 3 floor small twisted lofts, etc.. -yes within Montreal limits
» Trey replied on Mon Sep 1, 2003 @ 4:23pm. Posted in Emergency film help needed!.
Coolness: 102885
i can tell you some stories how raves were
9 years ago... how it was young and unspoiled.
» Trey replied on Mon Sep 1, 2003 @ 4:16pm. Posted in trance girl....
Coolness: 102885
kids and their toys.....
people don't need all that gadgets; glowsticks, vicks, weird colored ball, etc...

just get up and dance.
» Trey replied on Sat Aug 30, 2003 @ 1:51pm. Posted in New Moon Festival tix to sell/give out.
Coolness: 102885
ok peeps i got ur messages, i reply; check them
and give me a shout.

leave me a number also where i can reach you!

damn if these tix go to wasted.
» Trey replied on Thu Aug 28, 2003 @ 6:19pm. Posted in New Moon Festival tix to sell/give out.
Coolness: 102885
yeah so bad planning on my part and noone
really wants to drive there... i dont think
we'll make it, but i got 4 tix... =(

anyone wants to go to the Festival

u can have mine; i got 4, gimme 30$ for them all or watever; beer , volka.

sent me a pm for those who are interested.
» Trey replied on Thu Aug 28, 2003 @ 1:43pm. Posted in Raelians are annoying!.
Coolness: 102885
you know the Raelians did use to promoted
werehouse party monthly called Nesskus
(or something like that)in Montreal.

i dunno about the djs/music (but it was electronic), cuz i never went but they also had weird circus act and all the usual hippy stuff.

I think it was the Raelians attempt to recruit happy raver kids into their doctrine. heh
» Trey replied on Thu Aug 28, 2003 @ 1:36pm. Posted in what are you today.
Coolness: 102885
...1st one

biased bitch who loves to whap bears

...one mo try

punctual rat who loves to sniff lesbians
» Trey replied on Tue Aug 26, 2003 @ 9:48am. Posted in when are we ready for drugs?.
Coolness: 102885
religions can be a drug, a little hope, false promises to help one cope with life.

they stuff religion dogma down ur throat as soon u can learn to talk.

With drugs, unless ur weak will, u made a conscious decision to take it. U can't be ready for it, there is no training school for recreational substance use. its how u deal with it aftermath that will alter ur perception.
» Trey replied on Tue Aug 26, 2003 @ 9:31am. Posted in Things that make you sad.
Coolness: 102885
Forgeting to empty all the pockets in ur pants b4 throwing them in the washer...

[ ...com ] back later to find smashed yellowish white powder stuff in a small seal proof plastic bag.
» Trey replied on Mon Aug 25, 2003 @ 1:06am. Posted in Push The Limit 3.
Coolness: 102885
air conditioners were great.

i had the best times during dnb sets.
Trey's Profile - Community Messages