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» Trey replied on Wed Nov 26, 2003 @ 7:34pm. Posted in tatoos? piercings? get a Skar !.
Coolness: 102885

since everyone herr seems to be open minded about body modification, Ima gonna share my skarification.
this is mine skar done by imho numero one bod mod artist in the world, Lucas Zpira (from Avignon France).

this is the straight cut done with a surgical scalpel. I froze my leg b4 the operation with EMLA.

u see the 10 spots and the 11th one on the right, dat is skin peeling.

skaring is not dangerous if done by a pro..however u must have alot of patience and a high threshold for pain. Trust me u will go through a world of pain. I was still bleeding for 4 days after the cutting.

edit; well actually it is dangerous...u just have to be careful and take real good care of urself.

thanks for reading, expand ur mind and choice. :)

nb; pics are taken by a digi of actual black&white photos. no scanner.
» Trey replied on Wed Nov 26, 2003 @ 12:52pm. Posted in Slick Styled Steel.
Coolness: 102885
if in doubt...

go get a skarification. i have a nice one. i should post it.
best body modification style IMHO.

too bad there is no skarification artist in Montreal who is qualify.. :(
» Trey replied on Wed Nov 26, 2003 @ 12:35pm. Posted in what's.
Coolness: 102885
^^burn, scorch, incinerate :smokin

good vibes are good for one'soul , but they are harder to come by these days...
maybe a little incentive would help.. ;)
» Trey replied on Tue Nov 25, 2003 @ 12:06pm. Posted in Favorite Beer.
Coolness: 102885
rice rice beer! Sapporo

actually rice is only a sub ingredient to malt, hop, and yeast.
» Trey replied on Tue Nov 25, 2003 @ 1:44am. Posted in what's.
Coolness: 102885
originally posted by ME,

2003-11-20 22:43:37
because girls...are my favorite drugs!!

nothing can bring you greater euphoria than the company of a female

originally posted reply by i am a cracker
2003-11-20 23:25:27
here here

***Its a beautiful day in the neighbourhood**


yep girls are my drugs,
except for Hayley (aka i am a cracker)
she is like a chemical weed, or a bad tab of acid, or 80% pure heroin. :lol
» Trey replied on Tue Nov 25, 2003 @ 1:13am. Posted in Electronic High II ... December 20th, 2.
Coolness: 102885
yes i am old skool, im still in the old skool vibes
i came from the past in a time machine

funny, i keep asking peep djs to make me mix tapes, mix tapes!!!! who use tapes today? haha
i forget everything is less ghetto, more techno. (mpegs, pc, cds, )
» Trey replied on Tue Nov 25, 2003 @ 12:39am. Posted in Electronic High II ... December 20th, 2.
Coolness: 102885
formely known as Mini-Mono?

holy fuk, haven't heard him in super long!
» Trey replied on Mon Nov 24, 2003 @ 1:05pm. Posted in New Mix.
Coolness: 102885
it's pretty dope.

nice backround mix to listen too when working on the comp or household work.
» Trey replied on Mon Nov 24, 2003 @ 1:54am. Posted in Who's your fave ravewaver today?.
Coolness: 102885
mine fave ravewaver certaintly is never going to be the thread starter.
» Trey replied on Sun Nov 23, 2003 @ 11:11am. Posted in electro booty ad.
Coolness: 102885
"that 1st video gives me great pleasure"

i second dat. that some booty shaking
» Trey replied on Sun Nov 23, 2003 @ 11:09am. Posted in ~~~the cheap past !!.
Coolness: 102885
bah... this is suppose to be rave related thread.. no personal computers. even then they arent cheap!

posted by Poison Candy

i wonder what electronic or other music acts nowadays are gonna be big in the next 10 years

really depends on the crowd in the scene..
of course the electronic genre has grown exponetially...

10 years ago...peeps & promoters were really pushing drum and bass.. even at a 2 room party.. giving jungle the bigger room even tho progressive/hard house was pack. then it got really big and strong after mid 90's.
Now today.. DnB has grown back smaller...

i guess every genre is on a roller coaster ride.
» Trey replied on Sun Nov 23, 2003 @ 10:37am. Posted in Why do you rock....
Coolness: 102885
^^^^ cuz she's a fighter!!!

"come and get some!"
"u feel lucky today punk?"
"lets dance bitch"
» Trey replied on Sun Nov 23, 2003 @ 10:31am. Posted in music dedications.
Coolness: 102885
i am dedicatng Mama Said Knock You Out
by LL Cool J to Heather P.
» Trey replied on Sat Nov 22, 2003 @ 12:52pm. Posted in I Love . . ..
Coolness: 102885
I love baby girl 'Manda, criminal Heather, crazy Hayley, and sneaky Yasmine.

now girls, go wash my car!!
and bring meh beer and sneakers!
» Trey replied on Fri Nov 21, 2003 @ 10:17pm. Posted in Kirk6, Kops Crew and Level 4 present 2K4.
Coolness: 102885
originally posted by GREY POOPON

Baby Dino vs Milton Clark, with MC U-fot

bahaha i would love to see that pull off.
» Trey replied on Fri Nov 21, 2003 @ 3:18pm. Posted in De La fer Ma Soul!!!!!.
Coolness: 102885
monster kanawake 103.7 fm
always plays old classic rap/hip hop
» Trey replied on Fri Nov 21, 2003 @ 3:15pm. Posted in ~~~the cheap past !!.
Coolness: 102885
Ufot... retire? old?
bah...im not old thanks to the cryogenic sleep chamber.... miss like years of the rave scene...
if i eva found out the mo fo who put me to sleep...
anyways.. we can't make the same mistake thrice...we need to sent out good vibes upon the new generation.

i never get tired to hear that story...so good.
liquid [ acid....ca ] sunshine...space language...

wat about seeing Nirvana
at Foufounes for 5$. thats a good one too.

» Trey replied on Fri Nov 21, 2003 @ 2:14pm. Posted in ~~~the cheap past !!.
Coolness: 102885

anyone wanna try the capsule? it's only a decade old. I'm sure it is still good.
» Trey replied on Thu Nov 20, 2003 @ 10:43pm. Posted in what's.
Coolness: 102885
because girls...are my favorite drugs!!

nothing can bring you greater euphoria than the company of a female.
» Trey replied on Thu Nov 20, 2003 @ 10:36pm. Posted in what's.
Coolness: 102885
this girl name _______________

hnmmm..... actually it changes everyday

because girls are fun and if i need to explain
that to you, then you need to take up seppuku.
» Trey replied on Thu Nov 20, 2003 @ 10:12pm. Posted in gOd debate part DEUX.
Coolness: 102885
well this debate is boring
everyone is on the same side.
» Trey replied on Thu Nov 20, 2003 @ 3:05pm. Posted in gOd debate part DEUX.
Coolness: 102885
thats right elven girl

there 2 obstacles humanity must face.

1. the Uranium Barrier; all advanced sentient intelligent civilations will stumble upon element 92, thats Uranium. Oh yea, uranium is really cool, like it can give us almost limitless energy/ressources or blow us up in a big ball of fire. Thus we must rise about our social differences unless we want mutual destruction.

2. The Ecological Collapse Factor; this one is easy, it is called POLLUTION. The problem is technology is way ahead of social development. All industrial and wanna be indutrial nation-states contributes to pollution, however it takes a planetary type goverment/policy/ measures to combat this REAL, EXISTING problem. Super mismatch, boy are we screwed.

-helas...we are still fighting for a piece of dirt cuz some ancient book says so... If we still pray in our hearts to god, allah, jesus, or whoever to have a better future, then we will ultimately fail.

Humanity as a race, must achieve and progress, to rise high and beyond. We must control our own destiny. We, ourselves, must achieve godhood.

ps- oops forgot about the next ice age. bleh.. i need more cough syrup..
» Trey replied on Thu Nov 20, 2003 @ 2:22pm. Posted in gOd debate part DEUX.
Coolness: 102885
There are several mass extinctions during mother Earth lovely lifetime.

250 millions years ago, the Permian period ended with 96% of all plant and animal species wiped out. The Trilobites, master of the planet, were decimated.

There have been 5 massive extinctions, and there
is a pattern; It happens every 26 millions years, take a few.

The Cretaceous period (the thunder lizards) ended 65 millions ago.

The Eocene period ended 35 million years ago.

anyway i digress, wat were we debating? oh yeah god. hmm.... if anything one must stop thinking along the lines of humanity...If anything mother Earth is our goddess. She nourish us in her bosom for like 1 million years ever since we can walk on 2 feet.

But now we are stubborn little teens, defiling her blood... umm oceans i mean. Boy she's gonna be piss off.. sending hurricane which suparses our biggest energy source, a hydrogen bomb, by a hundredforth, and all our little beach houses gone.

We are nothing but a wedge of paint on Mother Earth's canvas and she can just wiped us out like that... and that is truly godly...

ps- we still have 10 million years or so before the next mass extinction.
» Trey replied on Thu Nov 20, 2003 @ 9:16am. Posted in hi.
Coolness: 102885
i had this nasty cough since friday...
been stuck at home, venturing out only for work.

damnit... everytime i cough it hurts like hell.
fucking nasty virus. i gonna need lotsa kiwi fruits and citrus juice.
» Trey replied on Thu Nov 20, 2003 @ 8:47am. Posted in I always wished I could....
Coolness: 102885
I always wished I could understand girls
» Trey replied on Thu Nov 20, 2003 @ 8:40am. Posted in sleeping patterns.
Coolness: 102885
wow, for the last few days...

went to sleep at 11:30pm ish and woked up 8:30am ish. perfect for a 9 to 5 job. too badi dont have a 9 to 5 job.
» Trey replied on Wed Nov 19, 2003 @ 5:23pm. Posted in How to not have my house smell like pot?.
Coolness: 102885
don't toke cuz u want to go to sleep.

take a physical activity like submission fighting or squash. something intense.

you will feel exhausted but u your body will feel good and u will have a nice sleep.

i wish i can take my own advice.
» Trey replied on Wed Nov 19, 2003 @ 1:39pm. Posted in Fight fire with fire Phase 3.0.
Coolness: 102885
oh gawd...

it is far more scary than the Ring
» Trey replied on Tue Nov 18, 2003 @ 8:58am. Posted in Kiwwing Hilary!!.
Coolness: 102885
you are weird Jiggawat

weird in a nice way...
» Trey replied on Mon Nov 17, 2003 @ 1:44am. Posted in psychedelic renaissance?.
Coolness: 102885
do u want soldiers on LSD like
they did in Vietnam?

do u want the scientic community on LSD?
and they tell us that we live in
10 spacial dimensional universe...
» Trey replied on Sun Nov 16, 2003 @ 3:06pm. Posted in All Time Favorite Trance - Lockdown Set.
Coolness: 102885
i have 2 request....
chances are u dont have them but ill give it a shot.

Malfunction - N-joi
Whizz - Hypnosis

they were my 2 favorites tracks back in the days.. havent heard it in years...
» Trey replied on Sun Nov 16, 2003 @ 12:17pm. Posted in Hullabaloo - Enchanted.
Coolness: 102885
T-dot rave flyers hasn't change over the years.... =/
» Trey replied on Sun Nov 16, 2003 @ 12:12pm. Posted in no live sets at epoc ???.
Coolness: 102885
[ forum.psyfreaks.ca ]


**hmm... after reading the thread... the promoters
seem super sketchy!! i can't believe this still goes on in the rave scene.

israel trance community

[ forum.isratrance.com ]
» Trey replied on Sat Nov 15, 2003 @ 6:00pm. Posted in Sub Culture at L corridor basement.
Coolness: 102885

there's a rw user name aZn Doll.
maybe it's her? the number of asian
in the scene can be counted on 2 hands.
good hunting.
» Trey replied on Sat Nov 15, 2003 @ 2:06pm. Posted in Sub Culture at L corridor basement.
Coolness: 102885
originally posted by GREY POOPON

About the beer thing. We had plenty of Blue, molson dry and ex, but I guess you just stuck to your apartment. That's what we served the homos that weren't partying with us. MMsowaayy!!!

it's cool...i could not come party earlier due to the fact that my friend was spinning elsewhere.
My bad, shoulda stash up on beer beforehand, but it was already 11. Last saturday, the dancehall party, i think they had plenty of beer...

the question...why would you have hex in the first place? That thing is a vile, unscrupulous aberration. Strangely enough, it remedy my sore throat.
» Trey replied on Sat Nov 15, 2003 @ 12:52pm. Posted in Milton Clark on Crescent????.
Coolness: 102885
i didn't even get drunk last night...

so tonight i have to make it up. no beer.
Hard liquor all the way.

Kiffah and Milton Clark, you betta burn the house down!!!
» Trey replied on Sat Nov 15, 2003 @ 7:56am. Posted in Frie-Daze at the Tango Dance hall.
Coolness: 102885
noooooo beer in bottle is not even safe!!
see Subculture review.

bah best beer was at my friends loft. chilling.
» Trey replied on Sat Nov 15, 2003 @ 7:51am. Posted in Frie-Daze at the Tango Dance hall.
Coolness: 102885
...great musik all night.
the djs were into the groove. Baby Dino and Iznogood rocked. Too bad they weren't many peeps or most left early.
really too bad cuz is the wikkest wood floor you'll ever dance on. It is all smooth and melifluous,
you don't walk, you glide across the room. It is a Tango dance studio after all.

the beer here also was tasteless. wtf is with sucky beer friday nights..

dopest track of the night was the White Stripe techno remix!
» Trey replied on Sat Nov 15, 2003 @ 7:38am. Posted in Sub Culture at L corridor basement.
Coolness: 102885
came downstairs from 2nd floor, telling u
kids to stop banging on the furnace.

nice little underground basement party...
it's a sweat box. Didnt stay long enough to
listen to the music so i can't really review.
the beer was unphantomly digusting..wtf is hex?

happy to meet some of you, see the faces behind
the postings, except maybe for one person, i dunno.

highlight of the night; Jenny's Soul Food!!!
» Trey replied on Fri Nov 14, 2003 @ 12:16pm. Posted in Another Kirk6 event??????.
Coolness: 102885
no doubt

wikkid that's where Subculture is.
gonna get waste tonite. I need some SOUL FOOD too.
Trey's Profile - Community Messages