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» Trey replied on Fri Nov 14, 2003 @ 6:38am. Posted in Another Kirk6 event??????.
Coolness: 102910
^^^^funny stuff Kiffah

nice of you to look out for the little one.
Next time, u roam to saphir, gimme a shout.
Was gonna go yesterday..but tonite there're
3 good place to go ; Blue Dog, Subculture, or Frie-Daze...

i think i know who da sweet missus,
i dig her web design style.
» Trey replied on Thu Nov 13, 2003 @ 10:18pm. Posted in some question! :O.
Coolness: 102910
my mom drop me in a vat of crystal meth when i was just a baby...

now i need to take amphetamines on a regular basis to fight my urge to destroy everything and everyone.
» Trey replied on Thu Nov 13, 2003 @ 10:13pm. Posted in Crystal Method....
Coolness: 102910
Sona huge megaass flyers almost decapited
me while i was walking down the street...

does it really need it to be that big?
» Trey replied on Thu Nov 13, 2003 @ 10:04pm. Posted in Another Kirk6 event??????.
Coolness: 102910

wat the hell happened to kirk6 website?!?
» Trey replied on Thu Nov 13, 2003 @ 4:10pm. Posted in hey...new...from t.dot.
Coolness: 102910

originaly posted by spider

that is sad.
but then i guess that means i'll own everyone, hehe.

but yeah....good dancer doesn't have to mean a popper or whatever....
it would be interesting to see what the styles are like in montreal.

i went to one club the weekend i was in [ montreal...ca ] Aria...
nobody there could dance. i met maybe one or two guys that were aight.

Well if u come here to dance to impress n be glorify, then you're going to be dissapointed.

No one here cares how you dance. You could be the
best in the world... but no one is going to form a circle around you. There's certainly won't be
any dance battle. When montrealers danced they danced for themselves...

however if u want to help promote urban dance culture, then you are welcome to do so.
» Trey replied on Thu Nov 13, 2003 @ 3:50pm. Posted in hey...new...from t.dot.
Coolness: 102910
sadly there is hadly any poppers, tutters,
or liquiders here..

but there's alot of good dancers here...
montrealers just move to their vibes and styles..
» Trey replied on Wed Nov 12, 2003 @ 4:32pm. Posted in hyperlink text or waevea u call it.
Coolness: 102910
Not all of us are geeks.

-or raise with a home computer.. my parents
can barely afford food.
» Trey replied on Wed Nov 12, 2003 @ 3:15pm. Posted in hyperlink text or waevea u call it.
Coolness: 102910
that is one click too much!

(not everyone is gonna know that)
» Trey replied on Wed Nov 12, 2003 @ 3:00pm. Posted in Where does our money go?.
Coolness: 102910

if you return all the empty beer bottles
nicely stacked up next to your fridge you
can pay me back the 20 u own me.

ha dont worry man..i don't need $.
im good till after New Years.
» Trey replied on Wed Nov 12, 2003 @ 11:45am. Posted in hyperlink text or waevea u call it.
Coolness: 102910
can we put a link in our comment or signature that opens a new window?

if yes, is in html right?

i hate to click when someone post a link and
then i have to click backspace to get back to RW...
» Trey replied on Wed Nov 12, 2003 @ 11:37am. Posted in Liberty.
Coolness: 102910

originally posted by POOKIE

or you can just go to the kirk 6 and level 4 party..... and not pay 50$$ ^_^


that comment deserves a free beverage
» Trey replied on Wed Nov 12, 2003 @ 2:30am. Posted in Kirk6, Kops Crew and Level 4 present 2K4.
Coolness: 102910

2 k's as in


4 as in level 4 ....2k4 !!
» Trey replied on Tue Nov 11, 2003 @ 2:34pm. Posted in What is The Meatrix?.
Coolness: 102910
what is your fucking point?

you think that is offensive? i eat meat.
» Trey replied on Tue Nov 11, 2003 @ 1:06pm. Posted in Kirk6, Kops Crew and Level 4 present 2K4.
Coolness: 102910
This party will be the dopest gathering on New Year's eve!!!!

try not to puke ...i dont want to clean it up ;)
» Trey replied on Tue Nov 11, 2003 @ 12:41pm. Posted in What is The Meatrix?.
Coolness: 102910
2 000 000 fish that die from lack of oxygen in
water due to nutrient pollution. Hog factories
are a large source of nutrient pollution.

u see that brown stuff? it's manure and the pipeline just sprung a major leak.

"Some say we must have industrial production of pigs in order to supply the market. That is not true. There are roughly 60,000,000 hogs in inventory in the US today, about the same as in 1915.

What is different is that the industry has taken production away from the traditional family farmer. Now the profits from hog production are siphoned from the farming communities for the benefit of corporate executives and stockholders living in cities like New York and Los Angeles.

Worse yet is the manner in which the animals are treated in the industrial process. Sows are forced, in most cases, to live in tiny cages, so small they cannot turn around. Most pigs never see the light of day or breathe fresh air. It is reported that the pig shown in this picture never received any veterinary care. "

I reiterated what i posted ealier in this thread.
This is how i like my [ www... ] so cute.

...knowledge be our blades, and our strife against nefarious fiends be our honor. -trey
» Trey replied on Mon Nov 10, 2003 @ 4:03pm. Posted in new to town.
Coolness: 102910
Anyways, thanx for welcoming me, fellow party kids!
Anyone know any good parties that are soon, and where?

come to kirk6/level4/kops new year's party!!!
» Trey replied on Mon Nov 10, 2003 @ 11:26am. Posted in What is The Meatrix?.
Coolness: 102910

the point of the meatrix was not propaganda
against omnivores and carnivores and meat eaters..

it was against large corporated farming...
and cruelty against animal.

i eat meat sometimes, but i prefer to have my
beef to be raise in open space/green pastures,
not in a orwellian hive cells.
» Trey replied on Mon Nov 10, 2003 @ 10:18am. Posted in Grimskunk @ the medley.
Coolness: 102910
capulets and montagues...
» Trey replied on Mon Nov 10, 2003 @ 10:11am. Posted in Time to get sloooooooooooshed!.
Coolness: 102910
newsflash; ummm....doesnt the world end on april 29th? u know judgement day, apocalypse...
» Trey replied on Mon Nov 10, 2003 @ 9:58am. Posted in My House.
Coolness: 102910
i suspected there's something fiendish about you Heather

» Trey replied on Mon Nov 10, 2003 @ 9:40am. Posted in boring tonight, quebec sucks.
Coolness: 102910
This law has been in effect for 2-3 years.
The game publishers have been advised for the same amount of period.

it is only now that the law has been enforced.
if any... blame the game publishers for being lazy.
» Trey replied on Fri Nov 7, 2003 @ 8:12am. Posted in would like to work.
Coolness: 102910
Soyfunk u still havent answer if ur willing to work in the restaurant biz.

my extended family (cousins) have 1 fastfood
stall, 1 'chic' resto downtown Montreal
and the other ones are in Brossard/South Shore.

Anyway i will contact them and see if
any position are available. Ill get back to you.
» Trey replied on Fri Nov 7, 2003 @ 7:56am. Posted in would like to work.
Coolness: 102910
Do u have any work experience in a
Asian restaurant/cuisine?

Do u want to work as a disher/cook help/ waiter?
» Trey replied on Thu Nov 6, 2003 @ 11:31pm. Posted in caffeine.
Coolness: 102910
damn all this caffeine talk...
now look wat u all did

im stepping out in the COLD to
go to Tim Hortons. (since its the only cofee place near me)
» Trey replied on Thu Nov 6, 2003 @ 11:16pm. Posted in Another Kirk6 event??????.
Coolness: 102910
^really huh?

im so gonna get you on New's Year

muahaha... fear the monster..i hope we get a good one.
» Trey replied on Thu Nov 6, 2003 @ 10:53pm. Posted in Why do you rock....
Coolness: 102910
^^^cuz she makes me late for work and
meetings with friends.
» Trey replied on Thu Nov 6, 2003 @ 4:59pm. Posted in Another Kirk6 event??????.
Coolness: 102910
Are we gonna have a monster this new's year?
» Trey replied on Thu Nov 6, 2003 @ 4:57pm. Posted in caffeine.
Coolness: 102910
working at Newsroom once..
they try to open all night to see how well it goes. My firstday/night, i decide to try EVERY
single caffeine drink they had. ( iwas practicing to make drinks). I was all over the place.
» Trey replied on Thu Nov 6, 2003 @ 3:04am. Posted in chinese noodle./... joints.
Coolness: 102910
Did u eva go to a small cookery anywhere..
and the food u order is not even average;
the nooddles soup are warm, not boiling, too
much starch flour in sauce, shrimp undercooked, etc?

you go up to the chef and slam ur plate on the
counter and said; "this food is not even worthy
of street dog!" then the chef screams and picks
up his kitchen knife and goes after you...

then u push the boiling pot all over the floor,
and a general fight ensues worthy of Hong Kong Cinema. Did u eva notice how easily the furniture breaks?
» Trey replied on Wed Nov 5, 2003 @ 9:26pm. Posted in Geek Help.
Coolness: 102910
dont get a AMD....
i dont trust AMD last one overheated and melted
the heatsink fan right off and it felt on my graphic card...
or maybe i got a cheap battery thats y it die

anyway i got my new pc at 1529 sherbrooke street west. they have good package deal. I think its called MC computer & electronic, near Concordia

u dont want to go to a place that is cheap.. cuz those are "overnight" store and u will get low quality part and not all part will be COMPARTIBLE.

u dont want to go to a xpensive place like laser majestic cuz they cater to business, and place like that charge way too much.

for the record.. im not a geek or as my friend
at IBM Software Enginnering call it, the new alpha male. hahaha =p
» Trey replied on Wed Nov 5, 2003 @ 8:29pm. Posted in Why do you rock....
Coolness: 102910
^^^^because she is who she is and she's real, nuff said
» Trey replied on Wed Nov 5, 2003 @ 5:05pm. Posted in Another Kirk6 event??????.
Coolness: 102910

please attention everybody.

this press conference shall begin...
well after many days, investment in time and manpower
our search for the missing container has not been fruitful.
the chance of recovery this infamous tupperware is very slim.

the crew at kirk6 and me personaly are deeply saddened for the untimely
death of the cake container. All the cakes in Montreal are heartbroken
to have loss a outstanding member of the cake rave community.

baby girl Amanda....all of our hearts and care goes out to you.
A memorial service will be held at the Old Port this sunday.
There will be a 21 gun battleship salute.
We would appreciate mourners to bring a handful of flour to the event
to cherish the memory of our beloved cake container.

thank you lady and gentlemen

» Trey replied on Wed Nov 5, 2003 @ 4:35pm. Posted in Matrix Revolutions.
Coolness: 102910
well my geeky friend from IBM software engineering in T-dot icq me that from all the geeks who saw it last night; that the movie suck.

Not being a geek myself n since i know him since 6th grade, i tend to trust him in all form
of thing geeky and since the Matrix is a movie made for geeks
i shall not go see it anyway unless someone drags me therr.
» Trey replied on Wed Nov 5, 2003 @ 1:32am. Posted in favourite locations.....
Coolness: 102910
***in Montreal....

for warehouse= its between where Sir.cus (june 96) or Pure (summer '94) was. both great parties.

for rented venue= Palais des Congres

***out of town...
Rocky Point Park, Warwick, Rhode Island (amusement park with rides and game, food stalls fully staff!!!!) oh it's on the coast so theres a beach too.
» Trey replied on Tue Nov 4, 2003 @ 5:10pm. Posted in New Year Resolutions.
Coolness: 102910
Eliminate glowsticks on a string from parties...

Bahhh!!!! eliminate glowsticks from parties altogether

u dont NEED glowsticks to dance. gaahhh..
will people eva learn?
» Trey replied on Tue Nov 4, 2003 @ 5:08pm. Posted in the mushroom and the caterpillar.
Coolness: 102910
opium was really big back then..
of course alot of merchant fleet were mad
when United Kingdom banned opium...
» Trey replied on Tue Nov 4, 2003 @ 4:49pm. Posted in Another Kirk6 event??????.
Coolness: 102910

yesterday night...sorry i only drank 3 mug
cream beer from friday's loft party..
but it was too warm.. euuww...

And for the New Year's party
absolutely No cake container allowed!!!!!

hahaha ;)
» Trey replied on Tue Nov 4, 2003 @ 4:29pm. Posted in video footage of RAVES.
Coolness: 102910
i was watching a tape of Cloud 3 like 3 weekend ago.so funny.

i have 3 tapes; megabyte ( montreal '97) which i filmed. Baby Blue (boston'94, Cosmic Baby! fun time), and
forgot name but the 3rd one it was a Hardcore party in Manhattan, NYC.( '94)
All vhs, and all old and of very bad quality. and all of them are lost somewhere among my stuff...
» Trey replied on Tue Nov 4, 2003 @ 4:11pm. Posted in New Main Menu.
Coolness: 102910
y'all should c wat nymph does in the wee
morning arounds 4, 5 am... when he test
his new codes.. surfing on RW became a
traumatic experience...i shall speak of it no more...
» Trey replied on Tue Nov 4, 2003 @ 1:05am. Posted in chinese noodle./... joints.
Coolness: 102910
the best ones are the ones ur
mom, aunt, or grandma makes. yum!!!!

err.... noodles that is not joints. ;)
Trey's Profile - Community Messages