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» Horus replied on Fri Mar 7, 2008 @ 5:41pm. Posted in What's a Trance DJ to do???.
Coolness: 40895
You know, Gamos... You actually did just call me a pedophile.

I know, it is humor.


Mind goes towards evil so easily no?

How about we don't give a fuck that I am 40, and rave and enjoy the fucking candy.
» Horus replied on Fri Mar 7, 2008 @ 5:40pm. Posted in I Can Has New Lolcats Thread.
Coolness: 40895
Teh deodirant lolz.
» Horus replied on Fri Mar 7, 2008 @ 4:40pm. Posted in Doomsday is coming!.
Coolness: 40895
Thanks for the tips my friend, I shall have to turn pages. :)
» Horus replied on Fri Mar 7, 2008 @ 4:38pm. Posted in What's a Trance DJ to do???.
Coolness: 40895
Originally Posted By MASA
Even better, I think you get a full-on regular egg... Y'know, with all the creamy filling...

Whoa you guys are on a roll. OK one for you too... XD

Seriously those things are scarily yummy on a good roll... =O
» Horus replied on Fri Mar 7, 2008 @ 4:36pm. Posted in Take care girls, nouvelle drogue du viol.
Coolness: 40895
Originally Posted By MELOODIE
beurk.une bière forte que j'aime c'est la Leffe blonde

Ah OUI! ÇA c'est de la bière !! YUM!!! Avec le sushi la pizza, n'importe quoi... :)
» Horus replied on Thu Mar 6, 2008 @ 9:14pm. Posted in What's a Trance DJ to do???.
Coolness: 40895
Originally Posted By GAMOS
Originally Posted By pussyvamp be nice to me why??? Now I'm confused. lol

Horus thinks your the hot bartender who can spin like a dreidel (usually i say spin like tiesto, but apparently thats an insult on these boards) that was the subject of the conversation.

Bingo! For that I will give you a Cadbury egg @ Rewire. :)
» Horus replied on Thu Mar 6, 2008 @ 6:30pm. Posted in What's a Trance DJ to do???.
Coolness: 40895
Damn I better be nice to pussyvamp then. :o
» Horus replied on Thu Mar 6, 2008 @ 4:02pm. Posted in Take care girls, nouvelle drogue du viol.
Coolness: 40895
Originally Posted By DAF
l'évolution de l'individu.

Je suis d'accord avec toi, si seulement il y avait évolution! je veux dire, violer une femme ou un homme ça date de l'âge des cavernes!

j'ai 0 confiance en l'évolution de l'individu. désolé.

Je te comprends. De toutes façons c'est une affaire, ben, individuelle alors avant que la totalité de la population évolue au-delà de l'homme des cavernes, y'en a un bout à faire... On a sûrement le temps d'une ptite guerre nucléaire ou une épidémie de chépatropquoi.
» Horus replied on Thu Mar 6, 2008 @ 3:53pm. Posted in Doomsday is coming!.
Coolness: 40895
Originally Posted By RAISINLOVE
I have a thing for post-apop movies and books, and from the synopsis, this doesn't look like anything new at all... however, it looks fucking incredible! Fans of the Resident Evil movies will also probably get a big kick out of this one.

Have you read "Lucifer's Hammer" by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle? Read your socks off man, pretty funky apocalypse right there. REALLY VERY well-written. Grips you from one cover to the next and doesn't let go. Superhighlyrecommendedman.
» Horus replied on Thu Mar 6, 2008 @ 3:49pm. Posted in Take care girls, nouvelle drogue du viol.
Coolness: 40895
Originally Posted By DAF
haha non moi non plus j'approuve pas la vengeance, c'est pour ça j'ai fait un update! de mon dernier post.

Effectivement, la violence appelle la violence mais ce n'est pas NÉCESSAIREMENT la chose à faire. Par exemple un pédophile qui se fait prendre et va en-dedans, il va y goûter rare, je te jure. Mais est-ce là un exemple pour le reste de l'humanité? Ceux qui le violent lui ne se montrent guère mieux que lui. Ça ne mène nulle part. Mais bon, ces cas-là (et tous les autres horreurs) sont des problèmes de société sans solution de société.

La solution c'est l'évolution des individus au-delà de ces choses et c'est pas "l'enseignement moral" à l'école ou la maison qui va y faire quelque chose. Malheureusement. C'est bien plus que "savoir la différence entre le 'bien' et le 'mal'". La plupart de ces tordus le savent parfaitement et c'est justement ça qui les attire à ces gestes : "C'est MAL"... :'(
» Horus replied on Thu Mar 6, 2008 @ 3:44pm. Posted in What's a Trance DJ to do???.
Coolness: 40895
Originally Posted By UFOT
Awesome!!! THANKS xD (that show roxored)

aND, thats kool, I thought u looked familiar... wut was ur name when spinning? Do u remember wut parties we played at? U prolly saw me tag wif Iznogood? Those morning sets were awesome, some great morning raver crowds, and I certainly churned out the cheese-master-extreme morning trance back then... hehhe... my signature ending track for a while was "little white puffy clouds" and a def sig track of mines from back them was the cignus X "theme orange"

Ufot-ahhh,..... yesterave HAX!

Oops I remember enjoying little fluffy clouds in the morning... Very trippy at the end of a roll...
» Horus replied on Thu Mar 6, 2008 @ 3:42pm. Posted in Doomsday is coming!.
Coolness: 40895
Originally Posted By VERSION2MINUS1
Wow. Don't have sound at work but just the visuals gave me chills.

And Kate Beckinsale...*thinks of Underworld movies*...miam.

The movie does look awesome. Hopefully it's not just hype.

It's British, so it probably delivers more than it promises... ;)
» Horus replied on Thu Mar 6, 2008 @ 3:41pm. Posted in Take care girls, nouvelle drogue du viol.
Coolness: 40895
Originally Posted By VERSION2MINUS1
Why do I have the vague impression this board is becoming like my inbox ? Full of spam and chain letters about GHB rapes and Microsoft going to charge you a dollar each time you use Word.

Three words for you :

As for the current trhread, girls should ALWAYS take care of themselves, GHB or not.

Wait, it's about ROHYPNOL not GHB. It's supposedly the NEW thing.

Well, whatever, same difference.

I pity your inbox. :P
» Horus replied on Thu Mar 6, 2008 @ 12:07pm. Posted in Take care girls, nouvelle drogue du viol.
Coolness: 40895
Le rohypnol a toujours été la drogue du viol, et non le GHB. La raison est simple : le GHB a un goût infect et on doit quand même en mettre plusieurs ml dans un verre. Le rohypnol se dose en quantités beaucoup plus faibles et n'a ni goût ni couleur ni odeur.
» Horus replied on Thu Mar 6, 2008 @ 11:51am. Posted in Sexy or Scary?.
Coolness: 40895
She's cute!
» Horus replied on Thu Mar 6, 2008 @ 11:47am. Posted in What's a Trance DJ to do???.
Coolness: 40895
Dude, you so have to listen to "By your side" by The Thrillseekers... Brilliant. I mean it's the kind of track that brings girls & guys together with just the twinkle of an eye... It played at MP3 one time and like, I swear, everyone fell in love with everyone... LOLz

I got the whole 3CD thing off some torrent site...
» Horus replied on Thu Mar 6, 2008 @ 11:30am. Posted in What's a Trance DJ to do???.
Coolness: 40895
Originally Posted By AERIAL_RAVER
Trance is ok.
Sometimes I listen to it at home, but in parties, I prefer more repetitive stuff to go in hyperspace. ;)
I find old trance without the 5-minute long breakdown is more fun ;)
Except Airwave. Because that tune is special ;)

Hahahaha Yeah Airwave is like totally up there!

XCell you should get VA - World's Greatest Trance... It's a 2007 mix 3CD set... The first 2 CD's are excellent and bound to give you that feeling in spades.

Old school is so nice... Orbital anyone?
» Horus replied on Thu Mar 6, 2008 @ 11:22am. Posted in Doomsday is coming!.
Coolness: 40895
Oooooooooooooooh yeah. :)

British movie, too. =D
» Horus replied on Wed Mar 5, 2008 @ 3:09pm. Posted in What's a Trance DJ to do???.
Coolness: 40895
Ah, but Goth and Emo were dead the moment they were born, so at least Trance one-ups those! YAY!!!! XD
» Horus replied on Wed Mar 5, 2008 @ 1:49pm. Posted in What's a Trance DJ to do???.
Coolness: 40895
Originally Posted By MASA
I hear "Parade of the athletes" is overcrowding bargain bins in music stores all over the world.

Yeah, that's probably crappy.
» Horus replied on Wed Mar 5, 2008 @ 1:41pm. Posted in What's a Trance DJ to do???.
Coolness: 40895
Uh I have them all. Are you referring to "In Search of sunrise 2"?
» Horus replied on Wed Mar 5, 2008 @ 1:40pm. Posted in What's a Trance DJ to do???.
Coolness: 40895
Damn, will I have to pop 3 E's and light up a few glowsticks on top of my Tiësto CD for someone to have a condescensation with me?
» Horus replied on Wed Mar 5, 2008 @ 1:34pm. Posted in What's a Trance DJ to do???.
Coolness: 40895
Originally Posted By TAMALA
Bored *yawn* where's Horus when you need him? He should have a discussion with this guy, I'll bring the popcorn :D

OK cool where do we start? Which Tiësto CD should we play, PatMarco09? =D
» Horus replied on Tue Mar 4, 2008 @ 10:18pm. Posted in emergency february ** change in your mind.
Coolness: 40895
Originally Posted By MOOHK
february party beings NOW·it's never too late for february.

february is difficult and maybe we can romanticize together how its the toughest month, but really, isolation and debt and fear, confusion, disorientation, loss, grief, absence, alienation, dislocation, depersonalization, separation and sorrow are every day. every fucking day. right now. yeah, i like to holler for february for something to cry for, but that's just cuz i'm trying to holler in a way that it feels like someones' hollerin back.

hello, how do you do, it hurts, yeah , and all that... awake, though. awake and making meaning like i don't take it for granted cuz empty don't serve me nothin but more cages , and goddam i want liberation

physically impossible. the impossible 's hope , hope like heart bursting, bustin out . my emergency february sentiments were always "year 'round", it is a state of mind ....

not just a state of mind. socio economic status trap nothing boxes, too . nop, i don't think we can just hold hands and meditate and hold hands and plur it out.. some people can afford to eat and some people can afford to think and speak but some people be condemned, invisibilized and dispersed in such ways into oblivion , worse, self-negation ...

» Horus replied on Tue Mar 4, 2008 @ 10:16pm. Posted in Drugs Are Amazing.
Coolness: 40895
I am simply demonstrating how you are programmed. How you have no free choice over your reactions. How I can just push a button and have you all frothing at the mouth.

Is that freedom? Free will? You seem like a bunch of raving automatons to me.
» Horus replied on Tue Mar 4, 2008 @ 10:12pm. Posted in Ghb.
Coolness: 40895
Bon truc, l'affaire de rincer le charbon avec de l'eau distillée. Dans le temps j'ai 1 litre de GHB qui est devenu noir. Snif.
» Horus replied on Tue Mar 4, 2008 @ 9:59pm. Posted in Drugs Are Amazing.
Coolness: 40895
Originally Posted By MASA
FF7 rocked indeed, but my fave FF will always be FF3 (US / FF6 JP)... Post-apocalyptic world FTW (^^)

And Mr Horus sir, 5 bucks says you haven't read that second book (on the erowid website). I'm taking a wild guess here that this book doesn't condone supratherapeutic doses, and it's probably more a critic of the biased US drug classification system.

Now once and for all : clinical-grade GHB may not be bad for you, IN SMALL DOSES. Now, feel free to gorge on it all you want, BUT STOP PUSHING THE DRUG AS IF IT'S GOD'S GIFT TO YOUR OVERINFLATED BICEPS AND UNDERDEVELOPED CRITICAL SENSE!

I hate fitness freaks, their egos, and their tendency to justify abusing every goddamn crap in order to get more "volume".

Yes, you and your peers are all filled with hatred, so very quick to shoot it at anything which does not justify YOUR view of things.

That's what I'm teaching here. Showing you how quick and easy you are to judge and hate.

» Horus replied on Tue Mar 4, 2008 @ 5:42pm. Posted in Rave.ca through the imaginary DJWood-izer.
Coolness: 40895
Originally Posted By ARSENIK
Originally Posted By Horus
Originally Posted By Mico
While you're giving me this lesson, can you explain to me the definition of "condescending"?

It was humor.


petit conseil devien jamais humoriste

Ah mais si mon surnom avait été "captain obvious" ça aurait été drôle. :)
» Horus replied on Tue Mar 4, 2008 @ 5:40pm. Posted in What's a Trance DJ to do???.
Coolness: 40895
Originally Posted By DATABOY
You want trance, check out "Dig Deeper" with DANNY HOWELLS on march 28th at Stereo.
There is an other one on the 16th of may, Its called: Leave in Trance 2, feturing JOHAN GIELEN, MAD, NICK PILON and more...and its at Circus.
The fireman party's are a blast and they happen every 3 months, You'll hear trance wall to wall, ranging from cheeze to outstanding. The last one was last friday.

Yeah and I missed It... WwaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaa :'(
» Horus replied on Tue Mar 4, 2008 @ 3:12pm. Posted in What's a Trance DJ to do???.
Coolness: 40895
Originally Posted By TRANCEBITCH
yes i get what ur saying but dnb, electro, house for example... don't build up into anything... theres progression in trance... it's uplifting... thats what i like about it.. I don't get bored on the dancefloor...

There is a unique vibe about trance, good trance. These punks around here like to play cool and be into the new stuff and talk down the other stuff. It's mob mentality and "we're cool and you're not"... bleh
» Horus replied on Tue Mar 4, 2008 @ 9:18am. Posted in Drugs Are Amazing.
Coolness: 40895
Edukayshun for the feeble-minded. Yes, YOU.

[ www.ceri.com ]
[ www.erowid.org ]
» Horus replied on Sat Mar 1, 2008 @ 8:01pm. Posted in Someone give Horus a prize.
Coolness: 40895
Originally Posted By STRIK_IX
Originally Posted By Horus
I need no prizes. My life is fantastic enough, nothing will or can change that in any way whatsoever.

Not to burst you bubble, but DIEING could very well change that... So could a freak accident that leaves you paraplegic and the list goes on...

Yeah, I feel like an asshole today, I'm moving my cousin... IN THE FUCKING SNOW!

Not when you control life itself. :)
» Horus replied on Sat Mar 1, 2008 @ 10:19am. Posted in Someone give Horus a prize.
Coolness: 40895
Oh you guys are good at dishing out virtual abuse.
» Horus replied on Sat Mar 1, 2008 @ 10:18am. Posted in Drugs Are Amazing.
Coolness: 40895
Of course! :)

It could not be any other way, sadly.
» Horus replied on Sat Mar 1, 2008 @ 12:44am. Posted in Drugs Are Amazing.
Coolness: 40895
who ruses with me?
» Horus replied on Sat Mar 1, 2008 @ 12:43am. Posted in Someone give Horus a prize.
Coolness: 40895
Shouldn't you be dancing at this hour anyway?
» Horus replied on Sat Mar 1, 2008 @ 12:27am. Posted in Someone give Horus a prize.
Coolness: 40895
I need no prizes. My life is fantastic enough, nothing will or can change that in any way whatsoever.

Prizes, lol. Ridicule, LMAO.

Mob mentality. Demonstration of low-lifeness. Bravo.

You know, you are all participating in my teaching EXACTLY the right way though. So yeah, I'm pretty happy about your performance. Learn from it.
» Horus replied on Sat Mar 1, 2008 @ 12:25am. Posted in Drugs Are Amazing.
Coolness: 40895
Originally Posted By MASA
Ah yes, the gentle giant paradigm.
Have you tried humility?

I am the epitome of humility. That is the core of my being. That is where my strength comes from. That is why all your insults and all of KhonoliO's brilliantness do nothing to me.
» Horus replied on Fri Feb 29, 2008 @ 11:12pm. Posted in Drugs Are Amazing.
Coolness: 40895
Originally Posted By MOONDANCER
No matter how much intelligence he may or may not have he lets himself be dictated by his ego(even in the face of us clueless shallow youths though he's better-than-einstein) and that's when it all turns into a little pile of shit.

Yes, you would suppose that.

Just as most people are genuinely surprised, no, flabbergasted when I, a man of imposing musculature, go out of my way to do gratuitout kindness to others. Strangers. Why? Because most people, given physical superiority, are assholes to other people, and most smaller people imagine that they would do the same thing if only THEY were big and strong.

So yeah, it figures that someone with a prideful personality would project "ego" on one who says he has done much. But if one HAS done much, he shouldn't even say so, because what? That's wrong? That's prideful? Do you see how you people are impossible to talk to, since if I don't answer then I admit I am wrong, and if I do, then there is another fault to see in my response and so on and so forth. No, the only way to be accepted by your mob is to be reasonably mediocre. That is the unwritten law of group membership the law of cattle.
» Horus replied on Fri Feb 29, 2008 @ 11:07pm. Posted in Rave.ca through the imaginary DJWood-izer.
Coolness: 40895
Originally Posted By MICO
While you're giving me this lesson, can you explain to me the definition of "condescending"?

It was humor.

Horus's Profile - Community Messages