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» DocSavage replied on Mon Nov 3, 2003 @ 1:06am. Posted in !_!_!_!_! - Scream - !_!_!_!_!.
Coolness: 90455
[ www.rave.ca ]

Hehe I was a rave flyer. Too bad no one in the party got to see me. I waited till I got to the front of the line and then saw them doing the bullshit bouncer random draw game and freaked out. I refused to pay money to be treated like a fucking shmoe, especially since I'd already missed Nostrum and Astral.
» DocSavage replied on Mon Nov 3, 2003 @ 12:56am. Posted in Lockdown: 29th of november.
Coolness: 90455
Did everyone see my halloween costume at Scream? (or more precisely OUTSIDE scream, in line, for like 5 fucking hours) :

[ www.rave.ca ]
» DocSavage replied on Mon Nov 3, 2003 @ 12:52am. Posted in !_!_!_!_! - Scream - !_!_!_!_!.
Coolness: 90455
Fuck that party.

Waiting in line for 4+ hours is BULLSHIT. That's all I have to say.
» DocSavage replied on Thu Oct 23, 2003 @ 8:05pm. Posted in Nov 29 -Youve Got Muzik! v2.0 ---.
Coolness: 90455
Nov 29th definately is a good night for Synergy Productions!!
» DocSavage replied on Thu Oct 23, 2003 @ 7:58pm. Posted in Lockdown: 29th of november.
Coolness: 90455
This is the fat evil twin brother of the Middle Man:

[ www.thehoya.com ]
» DocSavage replied on Wed Oct 22, 2003 @ 6:04pm. Posted in Lockdown: 29th of november.
Coolness: 90455
No need to be greedy. I get left one and you get right one. They're called PARTIES for a reason!
» DocSavage replied on Tue Oct 21, 2003 @ 8:48pm. Posted in Lockdown: 29th of november.
Coolness: 90455
I like boobies. Please be at the party so I can sqweeeeeze
» DocSavage replied on Sun Oct 12, 2003 @ 7:28pm. Posted in The Children of the Damned.
Coolness: 90455
I'm trying to track down all the people who were apart of the Children of the Damned gang, they threw some parties in Montreal a while back.

Thanks for any help

» DocSavage replied on Sat Aug 30, 2003 @ 1:42am. Posted in Friday Night Fight - November 28th 2003.
Coolness: 90455
Thought I'd also mention: This is a two room event featuring the best in jungle, tech, trance, and hardcore.
» DocSavage replied on Fri Aug 29, 2003 @ 11:16pm. Posted in What happened to PsychoFrogg?.
Coolness: 90455
I'm sure the very large security people will be very afraid of you. PHLECKTONIK knows where it's at, and I'll add my two cents: If a party gets shut down or cancelled because of a promoter's incompetance, then by all means demand your money back and never attend another event. But this was a clearcut screwjob from the beginning, and in these cases you take one for the team and hope some of your ticket money goes towards suing whoever broke the rules to shut the event down.
» DocSavage replied on Fri Aug 29, 2003 @ 9:45pm. Posted in Friday Night Fight - November 28th 2003.
Coolness: 90455
Promoters: Synergy
City: Montreal
Location: TBA 24hrs in Advance
Description: A full card of amazing matches for you to enjoy. The night will include:

Happy Hardcore Heavyweight Title Match
Fight to Determine the Undisputed Lords of Evil *This match will be a steel cage death match*
Fatal Fourway Gabber Elimination Match

and many more...

This will not be a half baked theme event. We will have a ring. The steel cage will be real, a real Happy Heavyweight belt will be given to the winner, and we will have Ring-girls. Of course, amazing sound and lights including lasers, projector screens, and lots of trackspots. If you were at Accelerated Culture, you know we don't skimp out! This time we'll be pleasantly packing the place!!!
Music: Full card to be revealed including International talent very soon.
Tickets: Earlybirds 10$, 15$ advance, 20$ door.
We'll announce ticket outlets soon.
Info: [ www.repenttokyo.com ]
[ synergy.xvi.com ]

Some of our past events:
[ www.rave.ca ]
[ xvi.com ]
[ xvi.com ]
» DocSavage replied on Fri Aug 29, 2003 @ 9:05pm. Posted in Best Montreal Gabber DJ?.
Coolness: 90455
Who's the best hardcore dj in Montreal? NUFF SAID!!!

*still fucking sexy as fucking hell*
» DocSavage replied on Mon Jul 7, 2003 @ 10:50pm. Posted in Source of LIght.
Coolness: 90455
Yah, for all the people saying the party sucked, here's all I have to say:

If you expected more from a $15 3-day event, then you're not the most realistic person in the world.
» DocSavage replied on Mon Jul 7, 2003 @ 7:54pm. Posted in Source of LIght.
Coolness: 90455
I spent the weekend REALLY drunk, and had a great time. My body is now one big sunburn, except for my penis which is still pale and white.

Nimi finished off the weekend spending 2 hours talking about her balls....

and that was my weekend.
» DocSavage replied on Thu Jun 5, 2003 @ 12:22am. Posted in Accelerated Culture.
Coolness: 90455
Hey everyone,

Sorry I haven't made any comments until now, I've been in a party-induced coma for the past week after 60 straight hours of coming to MTL, loading in all the sound and lights, partying, loading out, driving to Ottawa, loading in, partying again, loading out, then driving spree and adb back to Montreal for their flight. RETARDED!! Gah!

Just like to say that although the turnout wasn't as good as we would have liked, I still feel the party was a success. Expect more lasers, more international djs, and more free shit at future events in Montreal.

I'd like to take a moment to thank Noah and the Renegade Legion crew for helping make this event possible and allowing me to do something for the Montreal rave scene.

» DocSavage replied on Thu May 29, 2003 @ 8:30pm. Posted in Accelerated Culture - May 30th 2003.
Coolness: 90455
Haha Kawfin, if you come and I see you having a miserable time all night, I'll do that.
» DocSavage replied on Thu May 29, 2003 @ 12:26am. Posted in Accelerated Culture - May 30th 2003.
Coolness: 90455
Heh, I GUARANTEE a good time ;) The sound and lights are just retarded, the djs and live pas are all top notch. All we need now is a bunch of awesome people, so if all you'z from the board come, I think we're set!!
» DocSavage replied on Thu May 29, 2003 @ 12:24am. Posted in I'm a sexy mother fucker.
Coolness: 90455
What rave?

I was gonna be at the blapper but I had a party the next night with Satoshi Tomiie so I was out postering the fuck outta downtown missing all the nudity :-(
» DocSavage replied on Wed May 28, 2003 @ 2:37am. Posted in Accelerated Culture - May 30th 2003.
Coolness: 90455
If you want the 7-8 slot, then sure :-p
» DocSavage replied on Wed May 28, 2003 @ 2:27am. Posted in Accelerated Culture - May 30th 2003.
Coolness: 90455
The complaining wasn't about better or worse timeslot, it was about being able to play this event and still function for Flux. Me and Ian went over a bunch of slots, and he picked this one as the best for him at this event.
» DocSavage replied on Wed May 28, 2003 @ 2:25am. Posted in I'm a sexy mother fucker.
Coolness: 90455
I *am* Jay from Stile Project!
» DocSavage replied on Wed May 28, 2003 @ 2:23am. Posted in Accelerated Culture - May 30th 2003.
Coolness: 90455
Oh, I'm always willing to accomidate if the reason is valid - in this case our boy Neoform having to work on Flux all day Saturday. We've talked it out and decided to trade Neoform and Double Deckah's slots so ian can get some sleep in as well.

So to re-iterate:

10-11:30 DJ Neoform
7-8 Double Deckah

Thank you and goodnight!
» DocSavage replied on Wed May 28, 2003 @ 1:21am. Posted in Accelerated Culture - May 30th 2003.
Coolness: 90455
Nope, sorry boys and girls, lineup is set in stone to accomidate all sorts of complex mathematical equations you mere mortals could not possibly understand.

As for Neoform's set, it's a sweet ass spot considering it's in the main room and I still expect a large chunk of the party populace to still be there for it. It's a MASSIVE sound system, amazing light rig. If he doesn't want the set, I'll happily take it off his hands!
» DocSavage replied on Wed May 28, 2003 @ 1:15am. Posted in I'm a sexy mother fucker.
Coolness: 90455
» DocSavage replied on Wed May 28, 2003 @ 12:49am. Posted in Accelerated Culture roll call.
Coolness: 90455
Right now I only have Neoform, and he's one sorry ass ho ;(
» DocSavage replied on Wed May 28, 2003 @ 12:49am. Posted in Accelerated Culture roll call.
Coolness: 90455
The 30th is PRACTICALLLY june.

Come on, go. I need some hot bitches to be my hoes!
» DocSavage replied on Wed May 28, 2003 @ 12:48am. Posted in I'm a sexy mother fucker.
Coolness: 90455
Hehe thanks mom!
» DocSavage replied on Wed May 28, 2003 @ 12:43am. Posted in Accelerated Culture - May 30th 2003.
Coolness: 90455
Hey Tipsy, I didn't know you were from Ottawa!
» DocSavage replied on Wed May 28, 2003 @ 12:43am. Posted in Accelerated Culture - May 30th 2003.
Coolness: 90455
I'm the dumb one, Noah's on Crack, and Amalgam...well, Amalgam is Amalgam. Nuff Said!
» DocSavage replied on Wed May 28, 2003 @ 12:30am. Posted in I'm a sexy mother fucker.
Coolness: 90455
Just uploaded pictures to my profile! GIRLS, go get yer panties all juicified n shit!!!
» DocSavage replied on Wed May 28, 2003 @ 12:12am. Posted in Email Validation.
Coolness: 90455

And re: SPAM, last time I checked, the ravewave was a community site for people who attend Renegade Legion parties. So if you get 1 email every month and a half about a Renegade Legion event, how is that horrible? Last I checked, actually going out and raving is what this site is all about.
» DocSavage replied on Wed May 28, 2003 @ 12:07am. Posted in as if.
Coolness: 90455
» DocSavage replied on Tue May 27, 2003 @ 11:06pm. Posted in Accelerated Culture - May 30th 2003.
Coolness: 90455
7-8 in the main room is the sweet spot. Serenade them to the end and then bring the chicks who want more to your place!

*The king of morning sets*
» DocSavage replied on Tue May 27, 2003 @ 10:01pm. Posted in Accelerated Culture - May 30th 2003.
Coolness: 90455
Figure this though - buy your AC ticket in advance and use the 10 you would have spent on the door for a Flux or Freakzone ticket!
» DocSavage replied on Thu May 22, 2003 @ 9:09pm. Posted in Accelerated Culture - May 30th 2003.
Coolness: 90455
I am that mysterious young man with the twinkle in his eye that says hello would you like some candy?
» DocSavage replied on Thu May 22, 2003 @ 8:47pm. Posted in Accelerated Culture - May 30th 2003.
Coolness: 90455
That's too bad, I hear you're hot :-p
» DocSavage replied on Thu May 22, 2003 @ 6:26pm. Posted in Accelerated Culture - May 30th 2003.
Coolness: 90455
The video projector was supposed to be a surprise, you idiot!
» DocSavage replied on Thu May 15, 2003 @ 9:12pm. Posted in Accelerated Culture - May 30th 2003.
Coolness: 90455
Flyer design by Infektate aka rvucinich@hotmail.com

Paid 40 bucks for the already existing artwork about 9 months ago for a jungle party that never happened. 75% of our event designs were bought off people on [ deviantart.com ]
» DocSavage replied on Tue May 6, 2003 @ 6:10pm. Posted in Accelerated Culture - May 30th 2003.
Coolness: 90455
I dunno if i've touched on this in depth or not yet, but here's the scoop for anyone who wants to know what the deal is with our so called 'massive sound and lights' thing.

This event is part of the Accelerated Culture tour, which comprises of 2 dates- Friday in Montreal and Saturday in Ottawa for an event called Two Tribes.

Two Tribes is being held at Camp Fortune - a very large ski chalet with a 1200 person capacity. We're renting 2 vans and all the sound+lights for the weekend, so what you're getting is 4 rooms worth of sound and lights in 2.

We have our techs coming with a 'tap-in' fuse box which will make sure we have enough juice to run the beasts, although i wouldn't be surprised if we make all the lights in a block-radius dim to the bass beats :-p Never mind that we'll also be bringing 3 laser systems, 20 trackspot lights, some strobes, black light canons, arc-tubes, etc etc etc. The fact that the sound and light budget is passed between 2 events allows us to bring even more than we normally do.

In short: Epileptics may want to stay away. Regular people may want to bring popsicle sticks to keep from biting their tongues off just in case ;-P

» DocSavage replied on Tue Apr 29, 2003 @ 4:39pm. Posted in Doc Savage Kills again!.
Coolness: 90455

*Dissapears in a puff of logic*
DocSavage's Profile - Community Messages