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» Trey replied on Fri Mar 25, 2011 @ 1:22am. Posted in say no to intervention in lybia.
Coolness: 102910
Even without a home PC, I still get dragged into [ rave.ca ]

I'll post some information as concise as possible to have a better overview of the Libya situation. I'm not here to persuade, just elucidating the scenario for myself and those who are interested.

1. Should nations be involved in the internal affairs of other sovereign state?

A.YES!!!: "state sovereignty is not a license for a dictator to murder his citizens."

In 2005 World Summit, Responsibility to Protect was agreed by UN member states.
[ www.responsibilitytoprotect.org ]

basically it is this:
-That each individual state has the primary responsibility to protect its populations from genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity and ethnic cleansing. And it is also a responsibility for prevention of these crimes

-That the international community should encourage or assist states to exercise this responsibility.

-The international community has the responsibility to use appropriate diplomatic, humanitarian and other peaceful means to help protect populations threatened by these crimes. When a state anifestly fails in its protection responsibilities, and peaceful means are inadequate, the international community must take stronger measures, including collective use of force authorized by the Security Council under Chapter VII.

B.NO!!! :John Stuart Mill, 19th century British philosopher, more or less said that:"armed intervention for the sake of protecting civilians and promoting human rights and democracy. For anyone committed to human dignity, this tradition claims, democracy and human rights must derive from self-government, not laws and regulations imposed by foreigners, however well meaning."

Pardon my hazy history, but I believe that democracy born of national strife and liberation movements, like the French Revolution, is a stronger democracy, than those imposed by foreign nations, like Afghanistan.

The problem with YES!!! is that...

RtP is: "It applies only to those committing mass atrocities -- genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity, and ethnic cleansing". But after embargoes, freezing assets, sanction, the member states should use only military as a last resort. I think that the quick decision for Resolution 1973 [ www.un.org ] is because what happened in Bosnia in the 1990's. There were atrocities in the Balkans before Nato acted. You certainly don't want to repeat that mistake.

The thing is... how do you decided which hot spots to implement Responsibility to Protect? Why are we seeing action in Libya, and not Ivory Coast for example? In Libya case, NO ONE LIKES HIM. Not even the Arab League, nor Organization of the Islamic Conference. No one veto the resolution, just absentee.

Also, if successful, the new government could find itself that the only way to rule is by on-going support by foreign nations. So effectively, it's doesn't really have sovereignty but becomes a client/puppet state.

The problem with NO!!! is that...

just to name a few... Armenia, Cambodia, Darfur, Congo, Chile, Palestine.. might as well just put all of Africa in there. It's like a disease or poverty, just because you ignore the problem, it won't go away. Every nations have their reasons for intervention or non-intervention [ www.rave.ca ]

Gamos had a great post: Not all countries have the (tradition or established) institutions to a successful representative democratic government. This is why there's intervention in Libya, by themselves the rebels can't succeed. They don't even have the logistics. And Gaddafi is just crazy enough, and already done so, to fire live ammunition on peaceful protests.

Also, if successful, the new government could find itself that the only way to rule is to rule like its previous government. That is to be autocratic and rule by might. So it's a vicous circle.


Finally, well there won't be one finally. 'cause it's late and I need to go to sleep.
» Trey replied on Thu Mar 24, 2011 @ 10:57pm. Posted in lobster poutine FTW.
Coolness: 102910
Forget the lobster, or seafood, for the moment. It's just nice that Hughes represent Montreal & Quebec and won. Poutine was 'headline' because it's the most recognizable dish. I think it's great that he won, whether the secret ingredient was Canadian lobster, beans, or eggplants.

Lobster poutine were the judges least favourite dish. His other dishes, like the Jerk lobster, which
apparently is very "quintessential Montreal", were more impressive.

here's a torrent of the show [ ] Iron Chef season 9 ep.2
» Trey replied on Wed Mar 23, 2011 @ 4:46pm. Posted in say no to intervention in lybia.
Coolness: 102910
I think nation states shouldn't be involved in other nations internal matter. I.e. Libya civil war.
» Trey replied on Wed Mar 23, 2011 @ 4:43pm. Posted in Libya: A War We Shouldn't Believe In.
Coolness: 102910
[ www.independent.co.uk ]


Inside the Disunited Nations...

Arab League

What they said: The League's head Amr Moussa, caused ripples on Sunday when he condemned the air strikes on Libya, saying: "What we want is the protection of civilians and not the bombardment of more civilians."

What's the impact: His comments were the first sign of splits in the coalition, and undermined Western assurances that the action on a Muslim nation had Arab backing.

What's are the motives? Arab leaders are walking a diplomatic tightrope over Libya, with many League members facing their own protests and keen to keep the international community on-side. But the mostly Muslim nations also have to consider domestic opinion, which has previously been vehemently against the military interventions in Iraq and Afghanistan.


What they said: The Chinese government has expressed "regret" at the air assault, and state media compared the military strikes on Libya with action in Iraq and Afghanistan, calling it "armed action against sovereign countries".

What's the impact: Practically, not much, as it chose not to use its veto when the UN Security Council voted last week. However, as an emerging world power, developing nations look to China as an alternative voice to the West.

What's are the motives? China has a long history of staying out of what it says are other countries' internal affairs, in the hope that the nations will repay the favour when China comes under fire for its repressive political system and human rights abuses. It also relies heavily on the Middle East for oil, and has to balance its economic interests.


What they said: Prime Minister Vladimir Putin was scathing yesterday, calling the UN resolution "defective and flawed", adding that it "resembles medieval calls for crusades".

What's the impact: Like China, Russia also opted not to wield its veto at the UN, but Mr Putin's harsh comments come as Barack Obama tries to improve ties with Moscow.

What's are the motives? Mr Putin said the action showed Russia is right to boost its defence capabilities, and indeed military posturing is a large factor, with Mr Putin also keeping an eye on a presidential poll. Russia also tends to avoid getting entangled in other nations' affairs.


What they said: Prime Minister Recep Erdogan said UN action must not turn into an occupation and Nato "should only enter Libya to determine that Libya belongs to Libyans and not to distribute its natural resources and richness to others".

What's the impact: Turkey is so far opposing a Nato military strategy that would allow the alliance's participation and possible lead in the intervention, throwing the operation into turmoil as European nations urged a united front.

What's are the motives? Some diplomats claim Turkey was angered by its exclusion from an emergency summit to discuss the crisis in Libya, and there have been protests in Ankara, right. Turkey is the only predominantly Muslim Nato member, thus its support is crucial to the alliance, keen not to alienate the Islamic world.


What they said: Germany argued at the UN that the no-fly zone carried risks – Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle has told parliament that "any military operation brings civilian victims".

What's the impact: Germany abstained at the UN Security Council, but its decision not to take an active role has more domestic impact, with some analysts saying it has isolated itself from Nato allies, France and Britain.

What's are the motives? German public opinion is firmly against military intervention of any kind, and with crucial state elections this year, commentators have suggested Chancellor Angela Merkel, right, is looking to boost her popularity. The country is also bogged down in the war in Afghanistan, which is deeply unpopular at home.

United States

What they said: "Our consensus was strong and our resolve is clear," Barack Obama has said. "In the absence of an immediate end to the violence against civilians, our coalition is prepared to act and act with urgency."

What's the impact: There was little appetite on Capitol Hill initially for another military intervention and caution over the no-fly zone, so there was relief from Britain and France when the US finally put their weight behind the operation.

What's are the motives? Washington was determined not to be caught on the wrong side of history, watching as a dictator unleashed violence against his people, but the US has taken a back seat in the diplomacy, keen not to be seen as pushing "regime change" which battered its standing in the Muslim world after Iraq and Afghanistan.


What they said: "It's a grave decision we've had to take," President Nicolas Sarkozy said at the weekend. "Along with our Arab, European and North American partners, France has decided to play its part before history."

What's the impact: France opposed military action in Iraq, and for Britain and the US, their involvement has helped boost the operation's credentials as a global push rather than unilateral action.

What's are the motives? President Nicolas Sarkozy's enthusiasm is partly domestic. He is floundering in the opinion polls before the presidential election next year, and was much criticised at home for France's early stumbling response to the pro-democracy revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt. Libya has been a perfect opportunity for Mr Sarkozy to appear pro-active, energetic and statesmanlike.


What they said: "He continues to brutalise his own people and so the time for action has come," David Cameron has said. "We have to enforce the will of the United Nations and we cannot allow the slaughter of civilians to continue."

What's the impact: Britain and France were the two nations spearheading the diplomatic push for a no-fly zone and strong action against Colonel Gaddafi and their armed forces are leading the operation, although the US is playing a key role in the military strategy.

What's are the motives? Britain, like the United States, has been bruised by the Iraq war, while the current government has also suffered from revelations of the links between the establishment and the Gaddafi regime, as well as arms sales to Arab nations that are meting out heavy punishment on protesters, including Bahrain.
» Trey replied on Wed Mar 23, 2011 @ 4:29pm. Posted in lobster poutine FTW.
Coolness: 102910
Quebec chef wins Iron Chef with lobster poutine

[ www.cbc.ca ]

I was going to post this in News Postings and Articles section, but then I realized I could make more people hungry in the General section.
» Trey replied on Tue Feb 22, 2011 @ 7:21pm. Posted in your video of the day.
Coolness: 102910
» Trey replied on Sat Feb 19, 2011 @ 4:28pm. Posted in Where to Find a Trillon Dollars.
Coolness: 102910
but but gunboat diplomacy is so effective.
» Trey replied on Sat Feb 19, 2011 @ 4:25pm. Posted in Cops gone wild, Egypt style.
Coolness: 102910
Egypt was pretty tame for a regime change.. err... government change. The other countries; Bahrain, Yemen, Libya, etc... are using more force. What happened (first in Tunisia, as a protester, Alaadine Kmat set himself on fire) in Egypt is sending shock waves in the Near East and Middle-East.

Sorta like what happened during the French Revolution, sending a geopolitical earthquake to the rest of Europe.
» Trey replied on Sat Feb 19, 2011 @ 3:31pm. Posted in The Picture Thread....
Coolness: 102910
if you think that's epic, read up on the [ ]

Oh mother nature, why though poison thee with such sumblime delicacies
(some bottles aren't supposed to be there, the non-absinthe ones)

» Trey replied on Fri Feb 11, 2011 @ 3:45pm. Posted in Your best Tower Defense Game?.
Coolness: 102910
Skibi's Castle TD from Warcraft: Frozen Throne.

After each wave of creeps, you play different mini games (like Mario Party). You get a chance to earn extra gold on how well you do and thus, improve your builder and towers. It's been years since I played the map.
» Trey replied on Fri Feb 11, 2011 @ 3:16pm. Posted in Donald Rumsfeld memoirs reveal no regrets over Iraq.
Coolness: 102910
Addressing charges that he failed to provide enough troops for the Iraq war, he wrote: "In retrospect, there may have been times when more troops could have helped." But Rumsfeld insists that if senior military officers had reservations about the size of the invading force, they never informed him, the Post said.

That's so much BS. Rumsfeld wanted a lighter and more mobile army. While it's nice to swiftly KO your opponent, you need staying power. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and his Deputy Secretary of Defense, Paul Wolfowitz were fighting with Army Chief of Staff, Eric Shinseki about the numbers of troops needed to invaded and occupied Irak.

[ www.globalpolicy.org ]

Mr. Wolfowitz, the deputy defense secretary, opened a two-front war of words on Capitol Hill, calling the recent estimate by Gen. Eric K. Shinseki of the Army that several hundred thousand troops would be needed in postwar Iraq, "wildly off the mark." Pentagon officials have put the figure closer to 100,000 troops.
» Trey replied on Fri Feb 11, 2011 @ 2:54pm. Posted in Cops gone wild, Egypt style.
Coolness: 102910
They are the (now ex') President's thugs, the corrupt police. Egypt is a police state ever since Mubarak took over 30 years ago. With Emergency laws for 3 decades, they can arrest anyone they want.

All those pro-Mubarak rallies were organized by them (out of uniforms), trying to incite.. umm created chaos. Thus, trying to instill a sense of fear if Mubarak lose power. But thankfully, the Egyptians made it through but it's not over.
» Trey replied on Fri Feb 4, 2011 @ 4:11pm. Posted in Cops gone wild, Egypt style.
Coolness: 102910
oh wow
» Trey replied on Fri Feb 4, 2011 @ 4:05pm. Posted in energy drinks.
Coolness: 102910
I drink them on occasion for the 1 hour boost and flavour, but not that much.

I like Rockstar Mocha, Monster Loca Moca abd Mean Bean. I used to drink Bawls and the sugary syrup of Red Bull, the Asian version. I dislike the carbonated Western version. NOS is way too strong, it's like 10 cans of coca-cola.
» Trey replied on Fri Feb 4, 2011 @ 3:45pm. Posted in GIF Thread!.
Coolness: 102910
Originally Posted By KORHAL
I feel really bad for that poor wheelchair guy :(

It was the wheelchair guy fault. He missed the elevator, and smashed the door a couple time in his frustration. He paid the ultimate price for not having the patience to wait for the next one.
» Trey replied on Fri Feb 4, 2011 @ 3:29pm. Posted in The NEW My Dream Thread.
Coolness: 102910
Dream started me being a commander in the army and calling a tactical strike... some sort of mustard gas. Then (fast forward) me and 3 survivor trapped in a wooden cabin surrounded by hundreds of zombies.

Suddenly it was all quiet, so I HAD to OPEN a sliding window shutter. Unfortunately, super prowling mute zombie bit one of the survivor. And we're like fuck. Moments later, we find out that crystal meth starved off the infection, as long you keep doing it...

So I'm stuck in a wooden cabin, with 3 people doing meth, surrounded by the undead horde of hell. I pointed the uzi at the last 3 survivors, and dream ends there.
» Trey replied on Fri Feb 4, 2011 @ 3:08pm. Posted in How much time do you spend on the forums?.
Coolness: 102910
5-8 hours per month... it's easy to be offline when one doesn't have a computer for ~3 months.
I miss Slashdot, and music in general.
» Trey replied on Fri Feb 4, 2011 @ 2:59pm. Posted in NewsFlash - No one gives a shit about Databoy's posts.
Coolness: 102910
better to say(post) something than say(post) nothing at all.
» Trey replied on Fri Feb 4, 2011 @ 2:55pm. Posted in Cops gone wild, Egypt style.
Coolness: 102910
(at the 43 seconds mark)

[ www.snyar.net ]
» Trey replied on Fri Jan 7, 2011 @ 12:26pm. Posted in Bottled Water Labels Lack Key Data.
Coolness: 102910
My cousin had a restaurant on St-Denis. They would have pitcher of iced (filtered tap) water with slices of lime/lemon in it. I should look into those filtered things.
» Trey replied on Fri Jan 7, 2011 @ 12:15pm. Posted in the paparazzi.
Coolness: 102910
oh my bad. I didn't realized dancing was exclusive to raves.
» Trey replied on Fri Jan 7, 2011 @ 11:54am. Posted in the paparazzi.
Coolness: 102910
There's nothing wrong with going to a rave once in a while. I'm sayin' there other stuff you can do in life. Add some variety.
» Trey replied on Fri Jan 7, 2011 @ 11:47am. Posted in the paparazzi.
Coolness: 102910
Originally Posted By SCREWHEAD
[ memegenerator.net ]

haha, hilarious.
guy's older than me and still go to raves. There's like scene for older people but they listen to house. But once you're past 30, you should do other activities than raves. Oh wait, nvm, let him stay at raves, I don't want to see him anywhere else. ha.
» Trey replied on Thu Jan 6, 2011 @ 5:13pm. Posted in Wtf.
Coolness: 102910
I can tell it's from here. By the beautiful women and the poutine. haha
» Trey replied on Thu Jan 6, 2011 @ 5:05pm. Posted in Bottled Water Labels Lack Key Data.
Coolness: 102910
Until there is a Walkerton outbreak from bottled water, I don't think people will worry. I find it's funny people who buy bottled water such as Dasani and Aquafina. Those brand filtered water from public municipal supplies.

EDIT: I'm not much better though. I drink "eau de source", but use tap water for ice cubes.
» Trey replied on Thu Jan 6, 2011 @ 3:52pm. Posted in Wtf.
Coolness: 102910
just by watching those videos, I want to go to the gym. for the 2nd time today.
» Trey replied on Thu Jan 6, 2011 @ 2:58pm. Posted in the paparazzi.
Coolness: 102910
Originally Posted By AERIAL
I didn't officially accuse anyone. Seriously. I'm suspicious, that's all.

what you did was "character assassination". [ en.wikipedia.org ]

I could say your fascination with tentacle rape porn, and the genocide of human beings is your way of coping with social anxiety disorder. Ofc I don't have any facts, I don't know you, and I'm not a therapist. But you know I'm "suspicious" and not officially accusing of you of SAnD.

» Trey replied on Thu Dec 30, 2010 @ 5:27pm. Posted in RAVE NEWS! Canadian Rave Scene Articles!.
Coolness: 102910
article from the Hour (spring/summer(?) of 1993).

» Trey replied on Tue Nov 2, 2010 @ 10:39pm. Posted in Three montreal Youth killed by Train....
Coolness: 102910
The passenger train wasn't even schedule to be traveling at that time. Unfortunate circumstances.

Normally, no train should have been travelling on those tracks in the middle of the night. The Montreal-bound train that struck the youths had left Toronto on Saturday night; it was delayed three hours because of a separate fatality involving a Go Transit passenger train near Toronto, Via Rail said.

[ www.theglobeandmail.com ]
» Trey replied on Mon Nov 1, 2010 @ 9:34pm. Posted in 18 Hour Illegal Rave In London.
Coolness: 102910
remember H2O?
» Trey replied on Mon Nov 1, 2010 @ 9:07pm. Posted in 1 000 Euro$ for night at the Museum + magic mushroom tea.
Coolness: 102910
Whatever pleases you, do carry on, Solipsist.
» Trey replied on Mon Nov 1, 2010 @ 9:01pm. Posted in Dj Pauly D!!!!!! Ottawa Wut!!.
Coolness: 102910
very scary!
» Trey replied on Mon Nov 1, 2010 @ 8:53pm. Posted in ~for everyone downtown~.
Coolness: 102910
Just don't move south of the tracks in NDG, near Upper Lachine and St-Jacques, that was the area I was talking about. ha
» Trey replied on Mon Nov 1, 2010 @ 8:49pm. Posted in Qui se rappel du rave: CREAM avec Daft Punk pis Bran van 3000?.
Coolness: 102910
I vaguely remember, but I think I went. Was there any other big event at the Tennis Stadium in the late 1990's?

I know that whatever party I went too (got in for free,'cause I was working for rival promoters). I stayed at most one hour, chilling in the outside area. Then I called a couple non-ravers friends, (everyone needs those), asked them to come pick me up at 4am. Needless to say, I was already super jaded by then, and I knew it was over (well for me at least).
» Trey replied on Mon Nov 1, 2010 @ 8:33pm. Posted in ~for everyone downtown~.
Coolness: 102910
Originally Posted By AWIANE

there are bad people everywhere in mtl, ............it doesn't mean it's rich that there is no problem at all, just like MH said, rich area = doesn't mean safe.

Exactly. Doesn't matter where you move to, shit just happens. Sketchy people are everywhere.

I thought I live in a good area. But last Friday, some guy got shot in the leg at a Halloween party. Last year, after Christmas I think, a man with links to the Mafia got gunned down. Both were on the street that I walked down to just to go to the depanneur.
» Trey replied on Sun Oct 31, 2010 @ 8:49pm. Posted in RAVE NEWS! Canadian Rave Scene Articles!.
Coolness: 102910
Originally Posted By SCIPIO

You need to branch out, buckle down, and start writing more stories that are thoroughly rooted in the Montreal rave scene. Start an email account, say something like gossip@ravenews.ca, so people can send in tips and stories. No names, no locations. Get enough people contributing crazy shit they witnessed (Think [ Gawker.com ] blind items section), and you'll no longer have to creatively re-invent the stories you find on [ Yahoo.com ] to fit the Montreal rave community.

Yes, make him the Gossip Girl of the nightlife scene.
» Trey replied on Sun Oct 31, 2010 @ 8:42pm. Posted in 1 000 Euro$ for night at the Museum + magic mushroom tea.
Coolness: 102910
Who the fuck knows what they put in the Soma they're offering at the Berlin's museum. The reporter wroted that they suspected it was this: [ www.erowid.org ]
Didn't think people give a shit about the reputation of a mushroom species.
» Trey replied on Mon Oct 25, 2010 @ 10:49am. Posted in 1 000 Euro$ for night at the Museum + magic mushroom tea.
Coolness: 102910
[ af.reuters.com ]

Berlin museum offers night on a magic mushroom

BERLIN (Reuters) - Visitors to Berlin's Museum for Contemporary Art can book themselves a night in an installation created by artist Carsten Hoeller at a cost of 1,000 euros (889.6 pounds) as of November 5.

The installation, which includes a floating hotel room on a platform shaped like a mushroom, gives guests an "opportunity to dive into the world of soma," the museum said.

Soma is a mythical drink with powers to heal, enlighten and provide access to the divine, according to the beliefs of Vedic nomads in northern India during the second millennium BC.

It is no longer known what soma was made of, but research suggests the fly agaric mushroom, more popularly known as "magic mushrooms," may have been the ingredient responsible for its effect. This provided Hoeller with the inspiration for his fantastical installation.

The exhibition, which explores how to achieve enlightenment and the role given to science and myth in society, will be open until February 6 next year.

(Reporting by Michelle Martin; Editing by Steve Addison)

some stuff by Carsten Hoeller. I couldn't find the "floating mushroom hotel room" at the Berlin Museum.

I think this one are a series of slides at the Tate Modern (London).

This one is somewhere in Milan.
» Trey replied on Sat Oct 23, 2010 @ 11:52am. Posted in The Picture Thread....
Coolness: 102910


» Trey replied on Thu Oct 21, 2010 @ 10:06pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 102910
yeah I know. I mean the first 5 minutes of the whole episode 1 'cause, at the time I posted, I only watched the first five before I had to leave.
Trey's Profile - Community Messages