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Mr_President's Profile - Community Messages
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» Mr_President replied on Fri Nov 7, 2003 @ 4:15pm. Posted in Paul Oakenfold @ Millenium Nov. 24th.
Coolness: 46475

I saw Oakenfold in '97 in a gaint convention center building in Toronto. He was absolutly kick ass back then. I am almost tempted to put my faith in him and hope he pulls out something crazy...

but i am doubtful
» Mr_President replied on Fri Nov 7, 2003 @ 4:13pm. Posted in Lockdown Flyers Are Out!.
Coolness: 46475
Flyer looks great BUT my name should be the biggest. I am the superstar! EVERYBODY LOOK AT ME!
» Mr_President replied on Tue Nov 4, 2003 @ 6:12pm. Posted in All Time Favorite Trance - Lockdown Set.
Coolness: 46475
I did say trance didn't I?
» Mr_President replied on Tue Nov 4, 2003 @ 5:16pm. Posted in All Time Favorite Trance - Lockdown Set.
Coolness: 46475
Hey y'all,

as some of you may have noticed, at lockdown I will be playing one of those sets with the tracks you love but are embarrased to admit. Yes thats right, I am going to be playing the most epic, hands in the air, chill down your spine trance. As a techno DJ this is a rare thing for me to do and for some reason Tipsy T seems to be one of the only guys that can get me to do it.

This is also going to be one of the last sets you are going to hear from me...ever (probably the last for you Montreal folks). I have been DJing for many years now (97-98) and have decided that it is time to hang up the decks. The strains of trying to get into Ivy League law schools and growing up have taken over and unfortunatly I do not have the time to persue DJing anymore.

That being said, I hope to see as many of you as possible at this event and would love to take any suggestions for tracks you would love to hear.

So what do you guys want to hear? Indulge me.

That being sai
» Mr_President replied on Mon Nov 3, 2003 @ 10:33pm. Posted in How to get a refund on a scream ticket?.
Coolness: 46475
Well actually the contracts on the back of the ticket don't mean too much.

When you sell a product (toy, cleaning supply, ticket to an event) your product is expected to meet the standars that you advertised it to hold. If it does not meet those standars the company can be sued. There is no legitimate contract that states a company can dupe a client and not refund their money. The no refund contract on most of those tickets applies to the company that printed the tickets (i.e. ticketmaster or admissions) and not the promoter.

As far as letting you in within a reasonable time that is also a part of providing you with what you paid for.

This IS the law. I can garauntee you this.

For referance, you can look up info on the Canadiuan Consumer Protection Act.

And as far as overselling, the promoter should have only printed enough tickets that the venue could legally hold. In many cases the rule is the limit of people allowed is the maximum amount of people one room could hold.
» Mr_President replied on Mon Nov 3, 2003 @ 4:52pm. Posted in How to get a refund on a scream ticket?.
Coolness: 46475
They have a legal responsibility to let oyou in if you bought a ticket...If they don't refund your money I would suggest gathering as many that are in the same boat and thinking about a class suit. They also have a responsibility to let you in within a reasonable amount of time.

If enough of you start complaining you will be heard.
» Mr_President replied on Tue Oct 28, 2003 @ 10:38pm. Posted in Pets.
Coolness: 46475
good luck with that paul...hard as hell to maintain and VERY expenisive...but, if you can get a good tank going, things look awesome!
» Mr_President replied on Thu Oct 23, 2003 @ 7:19pm. Posted in Looking for my brother.
Coolness: 46475
You don't need to have them arrested. You can have them committed to a inpatient rehab/mental illness facility if you can make the case that they are a threat to theselves or someone else. Unfortunatly, that is very hard to do and in many cases it is easier to get them arrested.

And just to clarify, drug use is not illegal. You could not have someone arrested because they are high. However, you could have someone arrested if they have drugs on them...

Best thing to do is to get them somewhere weher they cannot easily escape and secertly call 911 explaining you have someone who is need of serious help and they will send an abulance (and likley police too). Try if you can, to make sure there are no drugs in the premises because chances are they will search and you don't want to get yourself in trouble.
» Mr_President replied on Tue Oct 21, 2003 @ 6:14pm. Posted in For Jeff.
Coolness: 46475
I've got happy in my pants!
» Mr_President replied on Mon Oct 20, 2003 @ 12:21am. Posted in Who is Single?.
Coolness: 46475
» Mr_President replied on Sat Oct 18, 2003 @ 12:03am. Posted in Who is Single?.
Coolness: 46475

I have an STD with your name all over it!
» Mr_President replied on Thu Oct 16, 2003 @ 12:55pm. Posted in Who is Single?.
Coolness: 46475
Hey Nadine,

Whenevr you think you are ready to handle some monkey love, its yours...all you have to do is call ;)
» Mr_President replied on Wed Oct 15, 2003 @ 11:31pm. Posted in Who is Single?.
Coolness: 46475
Since when??

and the answer is yes
» Mr_President replied on Wed Oct 15, 2003 @ 11:06pm. Posted in Who is Single?.
Coolness: 46475
There isn't a night that goes by that I don't think the same thing
» Mr_President replied on Wed Oct 15, 2003 @ 10:57pm. Posted in Who is Single?.
Coolness: 46475
» Mr_President replied on Wed Oct 15, 2003 @ 10:53pm. Posted in Who is Single?.
Coolness: 46475
Who is single and going to Amnesia tommorow night?

Why do I ask?

You'll find out...


p.s Carlos I have my eye on you...

» Mr_President replied on Thu Oct 9, 2003 @ 1:29pm. Posted in Bowling for Columbine.
Coolness: 46475
It was a very good peice of fiction.
» Mr_President replied on Sun Oct 5, 2003 @ 11:21pm. Posted in i love trish..
Coolness: 46475
I think trish smells
» Mr_President replied on Thu Oct 2, 2003 @ 12:18am. Posted in Dj amalgam is lonely and horny.
Coolness: 46475
Oaul would have sex with anything that breathes...wait wait...Paul would have sex with anything.
» Mr_President replied on Tue Sep 30, 2003 @ 12:36pm. Posted in To all Americans living in Canada.
Coolness: 46475
I geuss I win
» Mr_President replied on Sun Sep 28, 2003 @ 11:38pm. Posted in To all Americans living in Canada.
Coolness: 46475
Alex you still have not responded to me so the arguement cannot continue...
» Mr_President replied on Sun Sep 28, 2003 @ 6:51pm. Posted in To all Americans living in Canada.
Coolness: 46475
Canada is definatly a better place to live then the United States for many reasons.

However, both are still both wonderful places to live.
» Mr_President replied on Sun Sep 28, 2003 @ 1:30pm. Posted in To all Americans living in Canada.
Coolness: 46475
"see the problem is Majority of americans SUPPORT Bush."

Bush's current approval rating is 52% accordinbg to the same polls that you would use to compare Blair's approval rating.

"but since majority of americans are naive, they'll believe anything that Bush throws at them, like these weapons of mass destruction, that their country is democractic, that Saudi Arabia had something to do with 9/11, that Israel treats the palestinians almost as bad as Hitler treated the jews."

I garauntee you 90%(or more) of Canadians would believe Cretian if he should proven intellegence (fabricated or not) that there was a terrorist threat to Canada.

"If you want to see HOW americans become this ignorant, you only need to look at high school marks from across the world. Tell me what you see coming out of america compared to the rest of the world?"

Yes the current American education system in the US is not to the standard it should be but I don't see how this makes everyone (or 90% of American's) ignorant about the world. The US still has a much better education system then any country in the middle eas, most of Asia and the majority of all countries in the world.

"Or, for an even more outrageous look, just download scenes from "Talking to Americans", hosted by Rick Mercier (This Hour Has 22 Minutes)."

Are you kidding me? You can't use political satire as proof of the American veiw. How many Americans do you think they interviewd in total? I bet the clips they showed were only 1/100th of those they interviewed.

"Lets face, its a world wide known fact that americans, FOR THE MOST PART, are ignorant. The proof is all there for everyone to see."

This is not a fact. All the proof you have shown so far is based on invalid arguements and TV shows. Wow.

"Just compare Bush's over all rating to Blair's, its comparing one population's idea of the war to another, and you'll notice a remarkable difference."

Big difference is that the UK was not attacked by terrorists and they are not as fearful of future attacks.

"But countries are nothing more than communities, and its the majority of that community that gives off the image of that community. Never forget that..."

The only thing that you have made clear is how ignorant you are. Countries are just communities. Communities are just groups of people. People are just humans. No matter how ignorant one may be, to say you hate them because they fall into a specific community of people is racist.

All Americans go back to america. All black people go back to africa. French go back to france.
» Mr_President replied on Sat Sep 27, 2003 @ 10:07pm. Posted in To all Americans living in Canada.
Coolness: 46475
tell him to contact me if he is interested in becoming a register voting democrat

» Mr_President replied on Sat Sep 27, 2003 @ 12:26pm. Posted in To all Americans living in Canada.
Coolness: 46475
"90% of all americans will tell you the USA IS the world"

That is ignorant statement. HAve you asked 90% of Americans if they think they are the world?

It is this uniformaed attitude that makes up the majority of people with anti american attitudes. I have met very few people who have answered the question why do i hate america with any valid reasons.
» Mr_President replied on Sat Sep 27, 2003 @ 12:49am. Posted in To all Americans living in Canada.
Coolness: 46475
I think Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeild should have to pay for the Iraq rebuilding out of his own pocket
» Mr_President replied on Fri Sep 26, 2003 @ 8:20pm. Posted in To all Americans living in Canada.
Coolness: 46475
holy shit?
» Mr_President replied on Fri Sep 26, 2003 @ 8:10pm. Posted in To all Americans living in Canada.
Coolness: 46475
holy shit?
» Mr_President replied on Fri Sep 26, 2003 @ 6:54pm. Posted in To all Americans living in Canada.
Coolness: 46475
"I will admit though, the US had three good presidents, Lincon, JFK, and Clinton. Lincoln for fighting slavery, JFK for scientific exploration, and Clinton for so very close coming to a middle east peace plan, and his excellent handling of the bosnia war.:

There were many other fantastic Presidents. Franklyn Rosevelt inherited the presidency during the worst economic crisis in history and helped the United States not only recover but BOOM. Jimmy Carter has done countless deeds in global and local charaties including being one of the primary members of Habitat for Hummanity. And there have been many others who have done great things.

"Sure, US based charity organizations help, but not the US government. The US government can't even help its own country, let alone another one at this point."

Where do you think these organizations get a majority of their funding from? Organizations such as the Red Cross get large amounts of funding from the government. The US also has peace keepers in many countries all over the world (esspecially in Africa) providing food and protection from viloent suppresive regiems.

"Can you think of any war in the past 63 years that the US fought for the good of the world (not including the bosnia war)"

You don't want to include WWII eh? How about the first Gulf War? Sure we had intrests in Oil but the truth of the matter the Iraq government was invading a soverign state that had no defense. And, how about you tell me what country has faught a un self-interested war in the past 63 years.

"Why do you think the US attacked Iraq and not North Korea"

I wish I could say. This most recent war in Iraq (and many other current events) is exactally what I am pleading for all Americans help with. The latest war in Iraq was led by a president who decieved his citinzary into believeing there was a clear and present danger. You cannot blame the the US people for believing their elected leader. If Jean Cretian told you that the Canadian government intellegence had absolute proof that the US was about to bomb Canada (as Bush claimed for Iraq), you would want someone to act and quick.

"From Iraq, the US can launch wars against the rest of the middle east and make the US look more popular to the arab people since the arab people never really liked Iraq anyways (but that backfired obviously)"

You are bang on it that regard. Iraq is an incredable strategic advantage. The reason it is all going to shit now is for three reasons.
A) people are beginnn the reasons behind the justification of the war were totally fabricated. Therfore support is diminishing (check out the polls on popular opinion of the war in april and then now...huge drop).
B) The bush administration went into the war way to quickly and without a proper plan for clean up and exit. Wesley Clark puts it best when he says simple, never gop to war without an exit plan.
C) Bush's unwillingness to cooperate with the UN and other allies is awful. The reason the current environment is so hostile is because instead of rebuilding, the Iraqi people are veiwing the occupation simply as that...a military occupation to strengthen the US.

Bottom line is Bush needs to be out. The United States is not as bad as all you believe it to be. Question everything you here and look at the other side of the arguement. I will not go as far to say that the US is anywhere close to perfect but what country (or person, or people) is?

Please do not hate ALL americans because they are americans. Infact please don't hate anyone at all. Hate is the most dangerous emotion in human nature. It accomplishes nothing.

Thats all I have to say for now
» Mr_President replied on Fri Sep 26, 2003 @ 9:47am. Posted in To all Americans living in Canada.
Coolness: 46475
Oh man...I am not going to get into it because I am supposed to remain diplomatic under all circumstances, but you guys are WAY off on so much of what you are saying. Check your facts carefully. Don't believe micheal more and the ultra left wing rhetoric many of you sunscribe to. Talk about following a leader without thinking.

Pick up some political science journals and learn about what the United States has actually done. Sure we have made some mistakes but the world is a much safer and better place because of some of the iniatives taken by the American ggovernment and people.

Canada could not survive without the support of America. The Canadian economy would crumble.
» Mr_President replied on Fri Sep 26, 2003 @ 12:47am. Posted in To all Americans living in Canada.
Coolness: 46475
What Canada needs is a next door neighbour that respects us and realizes how important our (I say our because yes I am also a Canadian) country is.

As long as Bush is in office that will not be the case..
» Mr_President replied on Thu Sep 25, 2003 @ 11:56pm. Posted in To all Americans living in Canada.
Coolness: 46475
As 2004 approaches so does the next US presidential election. The past 3 years have been extremely detrimental to our country and it is time that we demand change. George Bush must be ousted from office before he can do any more damage. As Americans living in Canada you still have a voice

Democrats Abroad is the official Democratic Party organization for some six million American citizens who live outside the United States. We work to support the aims and principles of the Democratic Party. We are recognized as a "state" committee by the Democratic National Committee and are represented on the DNC by eight members.

Democrats Abroad has committees in over 30 countries in Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas. These country committees are responsible for keeping Americans abroad informed of their rights and helping them to participate in the U.S. political process, even though they are far from home. Some country committees, such as Democrats Abroad Germany, are divided into local chapters.

Democrats Abroad aims to help all Americans living outside of the United States participate in federal elections by enabling people to register and request an absentee ballot as well as find information about candidates and elections.

There are Representatives in essentially every region of the Country. I personally represent the Montreal Chapter. The organization is spreading throughout the country with the common goal of putting Bush in his place: on the curb in front of the White House not in it.

I encourage all you Americans living abroad to contact us to get more info. We encourage contributions of time and or money but most importantly we want to help you to realize your rights as American citizens living abroad.

Here are some contact numbers for any of you who are interested in learning more about the organization;

Website: [ www.democratsabroad.org ]
General Canada Contact:
Joe Green
Democrats Abroad Canada
1-877-336-2008 (beyond the GTA)

Or you can contact me in the Montreal Branch;
Alexander Blackstock
Democrats Abroad Canada
Montreal Representative

Thank you for your time.
» Mr_President replied on Tue Sep 23, 2003 @ 11:23pm. Posted in looking for Tyrant email.... help me plz.
Coolness: 46475
» Mr_President replied on Mon Sep 22, 2003 @ 10:46am. Posted in Happy bday Eldee and I!.
Coolness: 46475
happy out of the womb day
» Mr_President replied on Tue Sep 16, 2003 @ 6:41pm. Posted in Summer plan.
Coolness: 46475
» Mr_President replied on Tue Sep 16, 2003 @ 6:38pm. Posted in Acting Agencies.
Coolness: 46475
fuckin eh!
» Mr_President replied on Tue Sep 16, 2003 @ 6:33pm. Posted in Acting Agencies.
Coolness: 46475
» Mr_President replied on Tue Sep 16, 2003 @ 6:31pm. Posted in Summer plan.
Coolness: 46475
been there done that

im talking about nadine of course
» Mr_President replied on Tue Sep 16, 2003 @ 6:31pm. Posted in Acting Agencies.
Coolness: 46475
absolute best thing to do, is find out where the movie's director is staying while in town...go there and seduce them...then claim that your prgnant and they are the father.

Works every time
» Mr_President replied on Tue Sep 16, 2003 @ 2:11pm. Posted in Acting Agencies.
Coolness: 46475
You don't NEED to be in actra to act...its a good idea however...

Regardless, Actra would be a good place to get a number for a reputable agency in your area. Give them a call.
Mr_President's Profile - Community Messages