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» fishead replied on Sun Dec 4, 2011 @ 6:45am. Posted in Korn "we were dubstep before there was dubstep".
Coolness: 75810
Originally Posted By MUTANTE
well, the thing with these bands ( NIN ect ) is that they were "lucky" enough to produce their stuff with a bigger sound ( recording at least )and be way more mainstream ( smell like teen spirit is contructed the exact same way than head like a hole).
coz , of course, ,we're talking about agressive electronic music...
just get the elephant table ablbum compilation or the first chrome album (alien soundtrack/half machine lips move ) and you'll see what i mean.
the reason why i pointed out terminal cheesecake, for instance, is because a lot of metal band at the end of the 80's/early 90's ( death/grind or whatever, not glam or hard rock ) turned into dub and it was huge in the UK at that time so its just a "roue qui tourne".
now, do you really think these korn guys are not aware of all the publicity they gonna have over the net or the media by saying these things? this is the credit i can give them way more than the music itself.
and for dubstep, look outside the box and you might find some stuff you like ;)

Elephant Table is great over-view of the early 80s UK underground... and the international companion that came later (Three Minute Symphony) is pretty great, too... might I also recommend the Pathological Compilation... which was compiled by Kevin Martin (aka The Bug) back in the late 80s... and includes selections by Godflesh, Coil, Terminal Cheesecake, Carcass and Napalm Death... it really provides a great snapshot of the period that Mutante is talking about.

Bill Laswell is another guy who's been a huge pusher of dub for decades... and it's hard to overstate his influence... he plays bass on Herbie Hancock's Rockit, and according to most reports he's the guy responsible for getting Grandmixer DST and Hancock together... his work with Painkiller is incredible (the ambient dub versions of Execution Ground are phenomenal), and he continues to work on various projects... one could get seriously lost in his discography.
» fishead replied on Sun Dec 4, 2011 @ 6:07am. Posted in Korn "we were dubstep before there was dubstep".
Coolness: 75810
Originally Posted By BLISSS
Arguably the roots of modern day electronic breakbeat/dnb/dubstep whatever you wanna call it started with a band called MEAT BEAT MANIFESTO who did a track called "Radio Babylon" released in 1990

that one's a monster for sure... but a lot of credit should also be given to Adrian Sherwood and the ON-U Sound crew... especially when one considers the amount of remix work he did for pioneering electronic and industrial acts.

btw - have you heard any of the Perennial Divide material that Dangers did pre-MBM? I stumbled across the two 12" singles for dirt cheap - but had to part with a bit more coin when I finally found the full LP... very interesting stuff.
» fishead replied on Sat Dec 3, 2011 @ 9:48pm. Posted in Korn "we were dubstep before there was dubstep".
Coolness: 75810
Originally Posted By ZOMBIENATHAN
Bands like Ministry and Atari Teenage Riot were the ones to make waves crossing over electronics and metal riffs. Having glowsticks in a 'metal' show doesn't exactly translate to innovation. Korn is just desperate for attention.

I wouldn't throw that much credit to ATR on that front... especially when bands as diverse as Public Enemy and KMFDM were sampling Slayer before they came along...

and Mutante... I think Swans and Killing Joke probably rate a mention in your list, too... but I can't find much fault in the names you've suggested.... perhaps Controlled Bleeding - although their sound was a bit unpredictable (the record they did as Joined At The Head is killer!)...

and Gamos... exactly... it seems a shame that the dub element has been virtually phased out of what is getting called dubstep lately... reminds me a bit of the late 90's when jungle began to stagnate along the twin paths of tech-step and jump-up... the two styles found some degree of commercial success and inspired formulaic carbon copies of their respective hits... the chopped up patterns and intricate coding that had gone on in the earlier part of the decade slipped so far by to the sidelines that when Current Value's "In A Far Future" came out I felt like I'd been blindsided simply because it wasn't a straight two-step beat all the way through.
» fishead replied on Sun Nov 20, 2011 @ 8:43pm. Posted in British DJ new to canada.
Coolness: 75810
Originally Posted By MASHA_AGRICOLE
fuck psytrance

ooooooooops wrong htread :D

I don't think there's ever been a thread where that message didn't fit in.
» fishead replied on Wed Nov 16, 2011 @ 9:11pm. Posted in RAVE NEWS! Canadian Rave Scene Articles!.
Coolness: 75810

it's true!!
» fishead replied on Fri Oct 7, 2011 @ 8:00pm. Posted in Durp: what does it mean to douche?.
Coolness: 75810
this thread reminds me about how my friend Tracey used to refer to another friend's girlfriend as 'nozzle'...

when I asked her why... she said it was because 'nozzle' had sucked the shit out of him.
» fishead replied on Thu Oct 6, 2011 @ 7:50pm. Posted in Labels à Mtl.
Coolness: 75810
il y a aussi:
Oral (mtl - Akufen a fait ses débuts avec eux)
Alien8 (mtl - variés, mais ils ont sortis des disques par Tim Hecker, Thomas Jirku, David Kristian dans le passé)...
» fishead replied on Sun Oct 2, 2011 @ 11:35am. Posted in fancy salads.
Coolness: 75810
baby spinach, sliced apples, crushed walnuts (or pecans) + home-made vinaigrette (apple cider vinegar, olive oil, honey, cayenne pepper)

not particularly fancy - but it's pretty damn good... might be interesting with arugula, which could combine nicely with the cayenne in the dressing.
» fishead replied on Thu Sep 29, 2011 @ 11:43pm. Posted in OccupyWallStreet.
Coolness: 75810
Originally Posted By MURDOCK_ROCK
Ok hippy...
Easy to Say, but harder to explain...
If your bike got stolen by a black guy, would you want ALL BLACK PEOPLE TO BE JAILED for it???
would you go and picket in a black neighborhood calling them thieves?

Originally Posted By dj_dialect
YES....and uhhh, YES!

black people didn't steal your bike... it was a crew of psytrance peeps in blackface... they were bragging about how their dreads fooled you.
» fishead replied on Mon Sep 26, 2011 @ 7:54pm. Posted in PLUR - what does it mean to you?.
Coolness: 75810

I don't care what it has to do with tacos... there are certain words you just don't use on this board... and you done dropped one of 'em Flo...
» fishead replied on Mon Sep 26, 2011 @ 6:58pm. Posted in PLUR - what does it mean to you?.
Coolness: 75810
Originally Posted By V.2-1
According to someone, essentially, yes. Well, the dialogue went more along the lines of all musical styles can help you attain true spiritual enlightenment but nothing surpasses psytrance for the job since it was specifically created and designed for that purpose, yeah.

Draw your own conclusions from this as I have.

isn't that kind of like a dude saying "any penis can slide into a vagina, but nothing surpasses mine since it was specifically created and designed for that purpose." ??

hmmm... all this talk about psychedelic visions is giving me the urge to make insanity tacos and drink a bunch of absinthe while watching Altered States again...
» fishead replied on Mon Sep 26, 2011 @ 6:28pm. Posted in PLUR - what does it mean to you?.
Coolness: 75810
wait... so, forgive my poor translation skills, am I to understand that every single culture on the face of the planet - throughout eternity - failed to find true spiritual enlightenment until psytrance solved all the riddles and handed the keys to unlock the mysteries of universe to a bunch of people high on drugs and patchouli fumes?
» fishead replied on Mon Sep 26, 2011 @ 3:39am. Posted in PLUR - what does it mean to you?.
Coolness: 75810
Originally Posted By DATABOY
I think what FENGSHUI-ENGINE was trying to explain is that psytrance is designed to induce a type of hypnotic trance, with or without drugs. Maybe some peoples can go into trances listening to house music, but I dont think thats the point of house.

jump to the 3:30 mark... and check out Genesis P-Orridge's comments on a psychedelic dance music - I think you'll find that his comments are precisely about creating a music that generates trance states... just about any rhythmic dance music that is meant to produce some kind of collective euphoria will have a similar effect... hell, you don't even need rhythm... check out the sorts of thing that someone like Francisco Lopez is involved with (shows where the audience is blindfolded to further focus their mind on their sense of hearing - as well as promoting a state of awake-dreaming)...

hell.. you don't even really need sound - just fire up a turntable with one of Brion Gysin's DreamMachines on it and get your trance going that way... or look into some of the more difficult paths (ie: Sundance ceremony, Kavandi bearing... prolonged meditation)....

there are a lot of different ways to hit trance states... I seriously pity those who have only managed to find one - and believe that their one single route to a mystical state is the only real one.
» fishead replied on Thu Sep 22, 2011 @ 7:04pm. Posted in PLUR - what does it mean to you?.
Coolness: 75810
» fishead replied on Thu Sep 22, 2011 @ 12:05am. Posted in PLUR - what does it mean to you?.
Coolness: 75810
picture of plur...

» fishead replied on Tue Sep 20, 2011 @ 10:26pm. Posted in PLUR - what does it mean to you?.
Coolness: 75810
y'all know the whole PLUR thing was pretty much just a means to convince the authorities that all these peaceful raver kids had adopted some kind of lifestyle - instead of coming to the conclusion that people had taken drugs that made them all get along while they were high.
» fishead replied on Mon Sep 19, 2011 @ 10:12pm. Posted in Deadmaus punched out by a Dj.
Coolness: 75810
Originally Posted By HOST.WUN
Dubfire is the only tolerable house/trance/garbage , the rest can ingest feces.

they can all ingest Pee Bear's mutant anal ticks...

[ www.comicartfans.com ]
» fishead replied on Mon Sep 19, 2011 @ 9:41pm. Posted in Deadmaus punched out by a Dj.
Coolness: 75810
Originally Posted By NEUROMYTH
so what you're all saying is this isn't good music ?

well... now that I've actually listened to some of it... it's safe to say that's EXACTLY what I meant...

that first track makes me think of Moments in Love by Art of Noise - with its balls cut off.
» fishead replied on Mon Sep 19, 2011 @ 9:10pm. Posted in ISR 20th Anniversary Party- Brooklyn - October 1.
Coolness: 75810
sucks... so many friends are going to be there...

+++ the Portishead curated All Tomorrow's Parties is happening in New Jersey that same weekend... double fucked... really wanted to get catch some of that, too.... Manorexia, Swans, Shellac, Public Enemy... ULTRAMAGNETIC MCs???... plus the ISR 20th...

can't believe I left my passport expire.
» fishead replied on Mon Sep 19, 2011 @ 9:06pm. Posted in Durp: what does it mean to douche?.
Coolness: 75810
in English, however... douche is a vaginal rinse...
» fishead replied on Mon Sep 19, 2011 @ 8:58pm. Posted in Deadmaus punched out by a Dj.
Coolness: 75810
Originally Posted By SCREWHEAD
deadmau5 now is like moby was back in the late 90s/early 2000s; it's not so much that he makes good music, it's that he makes music that's so weak, watered down and pop-accesible that the mainstream latches onto it and he becomes the electronic version of Britney, the Spice Girls or NSync; the 'safe' artist you can talk to your grandmother about over thanksgiving dinner and she'll know who you're referring to.. kinda like what Bal en Blanc is to actual raves; the socialy-acceptable garbage that's one step removed from being Brian Adams or Nickelback.

even when I wasn't into the stuff moby was churning out, I could never fully hate on the guy (although I do feel that he owes a lot to Alan Wilder's recoil project... he did guest vocals on the Bloodline album, which featured a cut called Electro-blues for Bukka White - and is pretty much the prototype for the blues-infused tracks that got him mainstream success with Play)... That said, back in the day, moby was very approachable online... and he's made some pretty ballsy career moves and some amazing music (the Demons/Horses 12" he did as VoodooChild is one of the best acid records of alltime)... and the 7" on Subpop where he covers Mission of Burma and Devo is brilliant.

Anyhow... there's a lot of people who are only out there to cash in, but I've always had the impression - even when I loathed what he was doing - that he's always stuck to his guns musically.

as for 90% of the people liking deadmau5... fuck no... I doubt 90% of the people like breathing... hell, there's probably more than 10% of the population that don't enjoy hetero sex... and I don't think there's any music that's more popular than breeding.

Anyhow... always nice to hear about a cunt getting punched out.. especially if said cunt took the first swing.
» fishead replied on Fri Sep 16, 2011 @ 8:53pm. Posted in Deadmaus punched out by a Dj.
Coolness: 75810
Originally Posted By DYNV

it's even funnier when conversations arise with other DJs... not so often anymore - 'cause in the filesharing era of instant gratification people don't need records anymore... but... back in the day when I found sought after shit during my digs... things like this happened...

crappy DJ: you spend a lot of time in record shops... ever see a copy of French Kiss by L'il Louis?
me: pulled one of the dollar bins yesterday...
crappy DJ: WHAT?!?!? I'll give you $20 for it...
me: no.
crappy DJ: Why not? You probably won't even play it!!!
me: of course I won't.
crappy DJ: Then SELL IT TO ME???
me: no.
crappy DJ: WHY NOT?
me: because I won't play it... and you will... and then I might have to hear it... and I like not having to hear it.
crappy DJ: You're an ASSHOLE!!

(pretty much verbatim)
» fishead replied on Fri Sep 16, 2011 @ 7:24pm. Posted in Deadmaus punched out by a Dj.
Coolness: 75810
Originally Posted By BLISSS
I have no problem with the guy being successful, good on him for that, I take issue with the way he acted towards the dj at the after party.

Years back I got hired at the W Hotel by some dude who used to hang out at Blizzarts. Anyhow I show and start playing my electro and who comes up and starts harrassing me, fucking BRUCE WILLIS. Now no doubt that guy is more successful than I am, but he really got on my nerves requesting COUNTRY MUSIC and slamming my selection. So I told him "Look Bruce I dont go tell you how to act in your movies, so dont tell me how to do my job, who requests country anyway?"

Needless to say I got fired hehehe...but you get the point. Just cause you're famous dosent give you a licence to be a cunt.

it's a shame Mr. Oizo hadn't released that Bruce Willis Is Dead track yet... that would have been hilarious...

...as would have been dropping the 12" mix of Willis' own Respect Yourself...

(I actually have a sealed copy of an album by Bruce Willis - it's in the "purchased to prevent it from ever being played" section of the archives)
» fishead replied on Fri Sep 16, 2011 @ 7:04pm. Posted in Poll - doom metal lovers?.
Coolness: 75810
fuck all y'all...

SLEEP might not be the originators... but they're the kings...
...and I'm not sure if anyone will ever top this for full-on stoner-sludge-epicness....

Update » fishead wrote on Fri Sep 16, 2011 @ 7:15pm
oh yeah... and MUTANTE is 100% spot on about SWANS... precursors to so much... brilliant, brilliant catalog... all the early albums are pretty much essential listening...
I remember listening to their FILTH album when I was working in the back-room of a record shop - and a metalhead friend came in and start asking who was ripping off Godflesh. He was stunned to find out that what was playing predated Godflesh's PURE album by almost an entire decade (btw - PURE is amazing, too).
» fishead replied on Fri Sep 16, 2011 @ 6:58pm. Posted in Deodorant or antiperspirant?.
Coolness: 75810
Originally Posted By DATABOY
You smell what you eat. It doesnt matter how many times you wash, If you eat a lot of garlic, onions or certain spices... you will smell like those ingrediants.

100% correct... I remember a friend of mine, who was coming down with a cold, went on a binge of eating raw garlic (due to its many health benefits)... after having a hot bath, the whole apartment would have a garlic smell....

good thing I'm not a vampire...

I do agree with the anti-antiperspirant comments in this thread, though... it seems unnatural to block your pores from the natural process of sweating. I can get with masking the odor and killing bacteria - but clogging up the surface of your skin with (possible) toxins, to prevent your body from sweating out other toxins...

just seems like a bad idea.
» fishead replied on Fri Sep 16, 2011 @ 1:09am. Posted in tracks like this ?.
Coolness: 75810
Originally Posted By MUTANTE
this is generation star wars but check for limited editions 1990-94, its even better in my opinion

personally... I think it's all about Low On Ice...

and... not totally electronic, but... fuuuuuuckkkkkk.... Slowdive are incredible.
» fishead replied on Mon Sep 12, 2011 @ 10:39pm. Posted in tracks like this ?.
Coolness: 75810
some artists you might find interesting - or maybe you won't... but here's a sampling of tunes...

The Tuss... one of those projects Aphex released on Rephlex... and again most people didn't know it was Richard D. James until it was out of print...

Seefeel... Spangle is an all-time classic - appears on the second Artificial Intelligence comp that Warp released... the series that pretty much gave IDM its name.

Emotional Joystick... fantastic shit from Wisconsin that seems to have slipped under the radar... now doing rather different work as part of All Tiny Creatures... this cut is on the first 12" he released on Zod... the whole record is fucking amazing.

HTRK... new release that I've been digging the hell out of... chill, but a bit dark and brooding...

oh yeah... this Harmonizer release is forthcoming, but there's an audio sample at the bottom of the page...
[ softwarelabel.net ]
» fishead replied on Wed Sep 7, 2011 @ 8:53pm. Posted in First Of The Year (Equinox) - Skrillex - fucking brilliant vid.
Coolness: 75810
I know Skrillex helped out with programming on this album, but if he's responsible for the shit that goes on in the chorus on this cut... then I'll cut him some slack...

I'm still not sure if this is mindblowingly retarded (which is bad) - or retardly mindblowing (which is great)... but is both retarded and mindblowing (which is confusing, and fun)...

» fishead replied on Wed Sep 7, 2011 @ 12:29am. Posted in Frosh Week.
Coolness: 75810
Originally Posted By DYNV

nah... just regular trance... not enough fluo-bullshit on 'em for them to be psy.
» fishead replied on Tue Sep 6, 2011 @ 8:46pm. Posted in Frosh Week.
Coolness: 75810
Originally Posted By ZOMBIENATHAN

Honestly though, can't we just use the 'right' word? Like 'Fuck those shoes are stupid ugly' ...

Sweet cunt of Satan, those shoes are made of trance!
» fishead replied on Mon Sep 5, 2011 @ 7:31am. Posted in what is the best Aphex Twin album?.
Coolness: 75810
Originally Posted By FLO
Would you care to sell one? :)

you don't build a hoard by selling records... check discogs - Epitaph repressed it last year... the puke splatter ones I've got are going for about 4x the price of the repress.
» fishead replied on Sun Sep 4, 2011 @ 11:09pm. Posted in You cannot use the internet as an excuse anymore.
Coolness: 75810
Originally Posted By BONUSBEATS
So, if I understand correctly, you guys are currently making a live demonstration of what was said before in the thread. So, this thread is like a complete course on Internet retardation and its consequences in real life (fucking with people's jobs, gigs, mothers). So, it's all educational...right?

nah... we're all hard, pipe-hitting gangsters in real-life, too... walkin' with a swagger, beatin' each other up with baseball bats, bibles, torahs, qurans and retractable batons...

look out your window... can't you see it's chaos... don't you see the writing on the wall?

behind a keyboard everybody is hard like fake tits... but in the real world everybody is lookin' at their feet, being careful not to tread on the other guys toes.

it's internet drama... and it's almost exclusively on the internet... like the kids that used to talk shit at recess, but couldn't stick around after school to settle a score because they had to rush home to check out Thundercats or Inspector Gadget or some such shit.

I don't have beef with any of you... but look at this thread objectively and you'll realize it comes across like some kind of passive-aggressive bromantic lover's spat...
» fishead replied on Sun Sep 4, 2011 @ 2:31pm. Posted in what is the best Aphex Twin album?.
Coolness: 75810
Originally Posted By MUTANTE
Polygon Window
good mix of introspective melodies and dancefloor friendly.

agreed... Quoth has been slipping into sets quite a bit lately...
actually, a fair bit of his stuff has been - as evidenced by the three tracks by RDJames in this radio mix I did for CKUW in Winnipeg a couple of months back...
[ soundcloud.com ]
» fishead replied on Sun Sep 4, 2011 @ 1:31pm. Posted in what is the best Aphex Twin album?.
Coolness: 75810
the Dillinger Escape Plan version of Come To Daddy is classic... being in the right place at the right time meant that I've got two copies of the limited 12"... 'cause I roll like that...

some fave cuts...
Ventolin (Deep Gong mix by Luke Vibert)
pretty much all of the Caustic Window material
Analog Bubblebath #3
Analord #4 (Crying in Your Face & Halibut Acid are great!)
» fishead replied on Sat Sep 3, 2011 @ 11:56pm. Posted in First Of The Year (Equinox) - Skrillex - fucking brilliant vid.
Coolness: 75810
not as good as...

» fishead replied on Wed Aug 31, 2011 @ 10:11pm. Posted in free party dj's ?.
Coolness: 75810
Originally Posted By MOLOCH
Well I for one have never seen your face any fucking where.
And god knows I've been around.

perhaps you've just been *really* lucky....
» fishead replied on Wed Aug 31, 2011 @ 9:42pm. Posted in Greatest thing ever.
Coolness: 75810
hell... fuck... no...


if you don't like this... then you probably don't like Faygo either...

need more details??
[ www.pitchforkmedia.com ]
» fishead replied on Tue Aug 30, 2011 @ 10:18pm. Posted in free party dj's ?.
Coolness: 75810
I remember the good ol' days...

DJs got money, bread, drinks and lap dances*...

where did it all go wrong?

*I'm told that female DJs were often provided with complimentary moustache rides in lieu of lap dances...
» fishead replied on Tue Aug 30, 2011 @ 8:30pm. Posted in free party dj's ?.
Coolness: 75810
there ain't nothin' free... words of wisdom from Keva Rosenberg.

» fishead replied on Mon Aug 29, 2011 @ 10:57pm. Posted in Beat Freakz presents The BoomBap Cats.
Coolness: 75810
sweet line-up... caught BoomBapCats when they opened for the BrownBagAllStars a while back... should be a solid show, and once again... the variety you guys are showcasing on the webcasts is pretty impressive.
fishead's Profile - Community Messages