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» MattWood replied on Fri Dec 2, 2011 @ 7:10am. Posted in Reasons why Occupy Wallstreet failed.
Coolness: 39505
The fact that we are talking about these issues means that it was a success. Holding the public squares was simply a way of getting attention... now the ball has started rolling and we have to try to keep it rolling.

Don't let the images of stoned hippies shooting smack distract you from the fact that world governments are in complete collusion with corporate interests and they are amping up their efforts to bleed the 99% dry.
» MattWood replied on Tue Nov 22, 2011 @ 3:53pm. Posted in Pregnant Woman Miscarries After Police Assault at OWS Seattle.
Coolness: 39505
[ unicornbooty.com ]

This is fucked.
» MattWood replied on Tue Nov 22, 2011 @ 3:52pm. Posted in OccupyWallStreet.
Coolness: 39505
An important thing to remember: This movement is NOT against workers, or people who work hard to earn their success. There is a dangerous perception growing that OWS just wants to take money from working families and give it to lazy hippies and students with no direction in life. DESTROY THIS FUCKING IDEA.

Just because you exist doesn't mean you have a right to the same privileges as someone who works twice as hard as you. We don't want to eliminate the gap between rich and poor, we just want to reduce it. If you have to work 80 hours a week to support your family, that is fucked! We as a society can make life easier for everyone, it will just take some planning and serious discussion about how we spend our time and resources.

Everyone has a right to the essentials of life. We need to fight to rid our system of corruption and corporate influence. But that doesn't mean that everyone has a right to drive a mercedes and live in a big fancy house.
» MattWood replied on Wed Nov 2, 2011 @ 5:42pm. Posted in Call to War.
Coolness: 39505

Get up bitches. Pass the word to those with the skills.
» MattWood replied on Mon Oct 3, 2011 @ 5:55pm. Posted in OccupyWallStreet.
Coolness: 39505
Basdini you gotta learn how to communicate effectively. Bullet points man, not TLDR. Basdini's first wall of text basically said that in order for the protests to be effective they need to begin developing some real demands...i think that the ones proposed are a good starting point, they being:

1. Student Loan Amnesty.

2. Stop Foreclosures.

3. Defend and fully fund the social safety net. (Food Stamps, S-Chip, Head Start, WIC, Social Security, Medicare)

4. Pay for healthcare and social services with a 1% Wall Street Sales Tax.

If you watch the videos, the protesters are not all "hipsters". There's a lot of working class moms and people in business suits...don't make this a fucking fashion issue you idiots.
» MattWood replied on Mon Aug 8, 2011 @ 6:06am. Posted in The Future Sound Of Music.
Coolness: 39505
Song structures/time signatures/chord progressions are always gonna stay the same. But the sounds are gonna keep getting wierder. Spectral Morphing type processing will probably be the next big thing (after granular) which is cool because it means that synthesis and sampling are morphing into the same thing.
» MattWood replied on Thu Jul 21, 2011 @ 6:39am. Posted in Richie Hawtin's NAMM Review (Gear porn).
Coolness: 39505
Holy fucking fuck. So many sexy toys. Highlights for me are the Rhizome (Hardware Groovebox for VSTs) and the new stuff from Elektron and DaveSmith/RogerLinn.

[ blog.richiehawtin.com ]
» MattWood replied on Thu Jul 21, 2011 @ 6:38am. Posted in Hard Techno vinyls + DJ Mixer for sale.
Coolness: 39505
» MattWood replied on Tue Jun 21, 2011 @ 6:07am. Posted in Bitcoins!.
Coolness: 39505
» MattWood replied on Sat Jun 11, 2011 @ 8:51pm. Posted in Fight for the mountain !.
Coolness: 39505
Just out of curiosity...have you guys had a "music @ the mountain" day which involves music other than 140+ BPM psytrance/hardstyle/hardcore/dubstep?
» MattWood replied on Fri May 6, 2011 @ 4:50pm. Posted in Drama, Hate & Ex (boyfriend,girl friend).
Coolness: 39505

» MattWood replied on Mon Mar 21, 2011 @ 2:10am. Posted in say no to intervention in lybia.
Coolness: 39505
Alright, you have my attention now. I am going to look into these topics which you have mentioned namely the nature of Brzenksi's philosophy, that the 2009 Iranian revolution was an attempt by the US to overthrow Ahmadinejad, and that the recent demonstrations and (in Egypt and Tunisia's case) revolutions were US sponsored.

This is a pretty deep rabbit hole though, so it might take me a while to come back.

And I have to admit...I'm wary of the idea that the recent revolutions in Northern Africa have been entirely directed by US/"Imperialist" interests. When you have a rich dictatorial elite running a country where poverty is widespread, there is bound to be popular dissent.

Also, you use the term "Coloured Revolutions"...I have found the correct Wiki article, which you didn't link to correctly... and there's nothing in there about US backing. Only that the revolutions were often organized by students against authoritarian states.

Update » MattWood wrote on Mon Mar 21, 2011 @ 2:55am
So far...this Berzezinski guy doesn't seem very suspicious to me. You're gonna have to link me to some evidence that this guy has an evil imperialist agenda.

Just to give you an example of what I've found so far...here he is advocating for the wealthiest in America to give some of their obscene wealth to the cause of lessening class stratification. Or at least, give money to keep the poor from rioting. Either way I agree with that...he seems very well read. But anyways, I'm not passing judgement yet, I'll wait for you to give me some examples.

Or actually, here....I'll be more specific. Give me evidence to support your statement that "Brzezinski says that we should use these kids to take down the governments of countries that aren't following orders well enough in the so called 'empire'"

This is what I'm most interested in.
» MattWood replied on Sun Mar 20, 2011 @ 11:22pm. Posted in say no to intervention in lybia.
Coolness: 39505
I don't think it's valid to compare this situation with the one in Rwanda. In all honesty, how would international intervention have helped to put an end to murders which were fueled by decades of ethnic tension and conflict?

In Libya there is a clear good guy/bad guy situation, where a minority power elite is excercising unnecessary and brutal force on the general populous. There are clear strategic targets, and there exists a situation where intervention now could end a war before it starts.

In Rwanda, it was a civil war which had been brewing for a long time, and it was the Hutu majority attacking the Tutsi minority...it's pretty difficult to go into a country and say "hey you 90% stop murdering this 10%". Maybe there was more that could have been done...but it seems like it was a pretty no win situation.

Basically I'm saying that the two situations are completely different and to compare the two is a little bit too simplistic.
» MattWood replied on Sun Mar 20, 2011 @ 11:05pm. Posted in Have You Ever Met a Conservative you liked?.
Coolness: 39505
Originally Posted By GAMOS
I dont think "reducing wasteful spending" or "making social programs more efficient" are what differentiates Left wing and right wing political views.

Those are blanket statements everyone can agree on. The difference is that conservatives simply use those arguements to cut social spending or eliminate regulation all together, while normal people would actually work on streamline regulation and increasing efficiency.

Yar. I support trying to fix it rather than just choking it off.

If funds are being mismanaged, then figure out how to manage them better.

Top 3 area where money should be spent to ensure a healthy civilisation IMO: Education, Heath Care, technological research & development

Teachers, Doctors, and Researchers should be the highest paid people in our society.
» MattWood replied on Sat Mar 19, 2011 @ 4:03am. Posted in say no to intervention in lybia.
Coolness: 39505
At this point in time, the only military action that has been discussed is using fighter planes to establish a no fly zone over Libya, so that Ghadaffi can't BOMB HIS OWN FUCKING PEOPLE. Officials from the US have directly stated that they will not deploy troops on the ground.

I've started seeing a lot of this "DON'T INTERVENE!!!" screaming and hand wringing, mostly from nut jobs who spew off about zionist conspiracies and new world order secret societies and all that crap. I've even seen Ghaddaffi fan pages....fucking twisted. This guy has unleashed private security forces and militias from North Africa on his own people because they protested against his dictatorial rule, and people are heralding him as a hero just because he's in opposition to "western imperialists".

But frankly, those western imperialists happen to be in opposition to "murdering-your-people-because-they-voice-popular-dissent", and so do I. If canadian forces can help keep even 100 civilians from getting bombed then fucking rights.

Update » MattWood wrote on Sat Mar 19, 2011 @ 4:35am
From the Human Rights Watch website:
[ www.hrw.org ]

The Libyan government has prevented journalists and human rights researchers from gaining access to areas of fighting and places of detention, thereby preventing independent monitoring of government conduct. "Gaddafi would not impose an information blockade if his forces were treating people well," Whitson said.

"Libyan security forces' possible capture of Benghazi heightens concerns of more abuses as we've seen elsewhere in Libya, including killings and disappearances," said Sarah Leah Whitson, Middle East and North Africa director at Human Rights Watch.

“For the second time in a month, the Security Council has defied expectations and risen to the occasion by making clear that all options are on the table to prevent mass atrocities in Libya. We hope that from now on, the Security Council will consistently live up to its duty to protect civilians in Libya and beyond.”
Update » MattWood wrote on Sat Mar 19, 2011 @ 4:48am
Here is a very good editorial from an Al-Jazeera political analyst...

While I still maintain my point of view on the situation, this article makes me understand a little of where the other side is coming from in this discussion...notably regarding the history of strategic wars and regime changes in the region.

Read it: [ english.aljazeera.net ]

Now that the international community has given the Libyan revolutionaries a protective umbrella that includes a full range of military and humanitarian actions, it is incumbent upon the Libyan opposition to mobilise for mass action in every city and town both in the east and west and challenge the regime's militias.

The most effective and constructive way to use the newly mandated use of force by the UN Security Council is to use as little of it, as accurately, as selectively as possible, and ideally not use it at all. It is still possible for the threat of the use of international force, coupled with domestic popular pressure, to bring down the weakened regime.
Update » MattWood wrote on Sat Mar 19, 2011 @ 4:49am
And if you TLDR me then fuck you, I put a lot of effort into formatting this wall of text and selecting quotes so that it reads well.
» MattWood replied on Tue Sep 28, 2010 @ 3:53pm. Posted in Atari Teenage Riot @ Foufs - Sat. Oct. 2nd.
Coolness: 39505
Alright, who's ready?

» MattWood replied on Fri Aug 6, 2010 @ 1:24pm. Posted in Why do weird little bugs love Psytrance people so much?.
Coolness: 39505
Man I've seen some fucked up bugs at eclipse. Wiiiiierd bugs.
» MattWood replied on Fri Aug 6, 2010 @ 12:44pm. Posted in Meg Boat Security Beating Up Ppl!!!!!.
Coolness: 39505
Contact a lawyer. Take photos of the injuries. Don't think you're powerless. Some lawyers (if not all?) will consult for free and let you know how much it would cost to proceed and what your chances are likely to be in court.

It sounds like you have a pretty good case, especially if you have multiple witnesses who can attest to the fact that your friend entered the security's care unscathed and came out looking like a fucking punching bag.

And shit, if there were photos taken...that's probably impossible but if you could get ahold of those you could be looking at the easiest fucking case in the world.
» MattWood replied on Mon Jun 28, 2010 @ 12:41pm. Posted in Looking for turntables to buy!.
Coolness: 39505
Hmm...alright well we'll see how wednesday goes. I'll shoot you a pm if I don't sell them then.
» MattWood replied on Sun Jun 27, 2010 @ 8:03pm. Posted in Looking for turntables to buy!.
Coolness: 39505
I've got mine up for sale now...

Asking 1000$ but it's coming with Ortofon Elektro needles + carts (Om style).

[ montreal.en.craigslist.ca ]

I have someone coming to see them on wednesday, but make me an offer.

w (dot) matthew (dot) wood (at) gmail (dot) com
» MattWood replied on Sun May 16, 2010 @ 3:30pm. Posted in Double Dragon.
Coolness: 39505
Nicely done! Very cool party, nice new(ish) location, decent sound. I'm really impressed with the level of production from all the live acts!! Montreal has some killer up and coming talent.

The oldschool NES double dragon projector screen action was a nice touch....

» MattWood replied on Wed May 12, 2010 @ 2:55pm. Posted in ˚Overdrive˚.
Coolness: 39505
Lots of energy in that place this weekend. A huge thanks to everyone who helped out! It's great to see the community come together to create something so intense. And the music was good all night long!!! Really really sick. Until next time...
» MattWood replied on Sat Apr 17, 2010 @ 6:16pm. Posted in Electronic music production School in montréal ??.
Coolness: 39505
Welcome to Matt Wood's School of Techno!

How to make techno:

Step 1: Download samplebanks and DAW software
Step 2: Loop four kickdrums and a bassline
Step 3: Enjoy your millions of dollars in royalties monies.
» MattWood replied on Fri Apr 9, 2010 @ 4:44am. Posted in Tiesto Rocks.
Coolness: 39505
That was genius. Have you seen the original st sanders vids? So fucking good...

this one's pretty good too...

lulz lulz lulz
» MattWood replied on Tue Apr 6, 2010 @ 1:57pm. Posted in New Mix, New Myspace, New Website, NEW EVERYTHING HOLY SHIT.
Coolness: 39505
Thanks for the heads up! Wish I could edit it...but those links at the bottom should be working now at least.
» MattWood replied on Tue Apr 6, 2010 @ 1:21am. Posted in Trippy Ass Plants.
Coolness: 39505
Originally Posted By RECOIL
ah cool. I think those are called Sundews -though i could be wrong. they are carnivorous. they grow in swamps where the minerals in the spoil are poor, so they eat eat insects too =)

Yep, you are right. I actually found a video/gif sequence of one eating a millipede. It was awesome.
» MattWood replied on Mon Apr 5, 2010 @ 11:30pm. Posted in Trippy Ass Plants.
Coolness: 39505

Update » MattWood wrote on Mon Apr 5, 2010 @ 11:45pm
A few more...

This last one eats rats.

» MattWood replied on Mon Apr 5, 2010 @ 11:23pm. Posted in New Mix, New Myspace, New Website, NEW EVERYTHING HOLY SHIT.
Coolness: 39505
Greetings y'all.

Here's a tasty new mix featuring some of the best from the Aussie Psy-Tech school as well as some high-end progressive and progressive psytrance. If you like it feel free to hit me up on Soundcloud or Myspace (links at the bottom)! Or check out my brand spanking new pseudo-website soundcloud.com ] - Tribal Technology <-------------Click Here


#. Artist - Track Name (Mix) [Label]

1. Sensient - Tech Message [Zenon]
2. Monaque - ID [Vapour]
3. One Tasty Morsel - The Day I Blew My Rig Out [Zenon]
4. Grouch - Mayan Toolkit [Zenon]
5. Dic n Grant - Slower & Fatter [Unreleased]
6. Douglas Howarth - Would You Make Toasts With Me (Elfsong Remix) [Morphosis]
7. Cave - Endure [Spilo]
8. Quantize - Dimethyltryptamine [Echoes]
9. Ace Ventura - Dark Matter [Mikrokosmos]
10. Ace Ventura - Sao Paulo (Sensient Remix) [Iboga]
11. Ovnimoon - Kundalini of the Andes (Open Your Mind Mix) [Iono]

[ www.soundcloud.com ]
[ www.myspace.com ]
[ www.zentrix.ca">www.zentrix.ca ]

Update » MattWood wrote on Tue Apr 6, 2010 @ 1:56pm

Html fail. Alright here they are:

[ soundcloud.com ]
[ www.myspace.com ]
[ www.zentrix.ca ]

And here is the mix-----> [ soundcloud.com ]
» MattWood replied on Thu Apr 1, 2010 @ 3:56pm. Posted in Best Elementary School Play Ever.
Coolness: 39505
» MattWood replied on Thu Mar 25, 2010 @ 7:12pm. Posted in Anyone going to Flying Lotus/Lazersword/Benga tonight?.
Coolness: 39505
Thinking about it...25$.
» MattWood replied on Thu Mar 25, 2010 @ 5:32pm. Posted in Look what I made....
Coolness: 39505
= )

Glad you guys dig it! More is on the way...
» MattWood replied on Tue Mar 23, 2010 @ 6:10pm. Posted in Look what I made....
Coolness: 39505
[ vimeo.com ]

I'll post more videos as I progress with this stuff.
» MattWood replied on Fri Mar 12, 2010 @ 12:45am. Posted in We Need Sound Clashes Here in MTL.
Coolness: 39505
Whoa, alright...so a friend of mine who's into wierd leftfield hip hop shit apparently just got fifteen plates cut of one of his own tracks for 150$ at some place local. He got a deal because apparently there were some plates that the guy fucked up a little bit...but still....10$ or so a plate? Not too bad. I'll see if I can get more info.
» MattWood replied on Wed Mar 10, 2010 @ 10:18pm. Posted in Electronic Brain V.0.4.
Coolness: 39505
Woot! Excited.
» MattWood replied on Wed Mar 10, 2010 @ 10:16pm. Posted in Overdrive May 8th.
Coolness: 39505
Prism Code in full force.
» MattWood replied on Wed Mar 10, 2010 @ 10:15pm. Posted in We Need Sound Clashes Here in MTL.
Coolness: 39505
Fucking hell this sounds awesome! Recoil, thanks for the history lesson bruv, I love hearing about that kind of shit. I can totally imagine a modern day reworking of it though. All styles! No holds barred! Yeah yeah.
» MattWood replied on Wed Mar 10, 2010 @ 12:30pm. Posted in We Need Sound Clashes Here in MTL.
Coolness: 39505
That was fucking great. Definitely would love to see this in mtl.
» MattWood replied on Tue Feb 9, 2010 @ 11:46pm. Posted in Favorite Comic Book Series?.
Coolness: 39505
Does Sandman count? Sandman.
» MattWood replied on Sat Feb 6, 2010 @ 5:15am. Posted in INJUNCTION - INJONCTION -- pola the movie.
Coolness: 39505
Originally Posted By EL_PRESIDENTE
what's with the snowplow?

» MattWood replied on Wed Feb 3, 2010 @ 9:12pm. Posted in Whos the #1 artist youd like to see in 2010 (music visual art w/e).
Coolness: 39505
Originally Posted By SABINONSTOP
Kaya project
eat static

Hahaha...I think you know something... ; )
MattWood's Profile - Community Messages