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» aLxzRed répondu dessus Sun 19 Apr, 2009 @ 12:13pm. Posted in Space Gathering 2009.
Coolness: 68835
You shouldn't be so defensive...

I'm just a humble student hoping to bask in your great wisdom.

Thanks for sharing your love and good vibes like that.

How silly of me to mention that Tibetans believed in 10 chakras not 7.
Obviously you all knew that, I'm so "pas report"

Maybe someday, with your great compassion I'll learn to stop asking questions and seeking truth.

Maybe then I can be Full of Love, Be Balanced, Positive and Spiritual like you people.

BTW feel free to ignore my posts and go on like nothing ever happen.
» aLxzRed répondu dessus Fri 17 Apr, 2009 @ 11:11am. Posted in Space Gathering 2009.
Coolness: 68835
I have another question that might be slightly Of topic (sorry). But I don't know where else I might get an answer. Does anyone here know a lot about Tibetan Buddhism?
I have taken a course in Vipassana and we learn in that school of Buddhism that chakaras are one of the forms of Hinduism that Buddha shed in his re-formation, so I have a reasonable doubt that the Dalia Lama "believes" in chakras, can anyone confirm or deny this with a source?

Mise à jour » aLxzRed a écrit dessus Fri 17 Apr, 2009 @ 12:34pm
Found a source, apparently the Tibetan Buddhists do have chakras, but not the same 7 as Hinduism (yoga), [ www.kheper.net ]
» aLxzRed répondu dessus Sat 11 Apr, 2009 @ 1:16pm. Posted in Space Gathering 2009.
Coolness: 68835
First of all I want to be VERY CLEAR, it is not my intention to "DESTROY" Space Gathering.
I would have never even gotten involved in this public discussion if it was not for 3 things;-

1) Banning my roommate (Eatingownbrain) from the discussion
2) Declaring that the Dalai Lama will receive $5/ticket
3) I seam to be the only one who can post a critic without being banned

Many years ago I boycotted Eclipse (2004?) and that same year everything went wrong. The Tech Safari team responded by simplifying and putting on a solid event the next year. I am happy they paid there dues and got there act together. They are now my favorite festival.

Having said that, I hope that Space Gathering gets it's act together too.

Now as far as concerns Space Gathering...

Space Gathering has had many problems over the years (lets try and remain civil and not get into details here). Problems are to be expected with a festival of this size. The biggest problems I see though is with how the problems are dealt with. There is clearly a lack of responsibility and accountability. Every year the festival grows without ever having addressed the basic problems.

The other thing I cannot condone/accept is the prevailing self-serving "spirituality"
A wonderful example has been provided by you Melilady...

Yin is Black, Female, Negative
Yang is White, Positive, Male

The basic philosophy is one of eternal balance between these forces.

It is nothing short of blasphemous profanity (self serving "spirituality") to;

1)Claim the Positive will win in the end
2)Invert the Positive, Negative/Masculine, Feminine
3)Superimpose your personal (western?) conception of good and evil to pervert this ancient philosophy to suit your argument.

Insofar as the censorship goes (rules on banning [ www.rave.ca ] )

Pleckobwoy and Eatingownbrain have personal, intimate first hand knowledge from last years Space Gathering. Where as you, Melilady, were not there, nor will you be there this year. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that it only happened once (2007?) that you were both involved in the organization and in attendance of the festival.

Unfortunately what Pleckobwoy and Eatingownbrain have to say is more relevant than what you have to say, Melilady.

Now...I hope that my critic is taken positively. I hope that Space Gathering is a success.
I hope that a sense of Organization, of Responsibility, of Accountability emerges.

I hope that everyone gets paid, I hope someone can produce a receipt from the Dalai Lama, I even hope that the organizers can make a profit for their troubles.

It would be my GREAT PLEASURE to be wrong.

If such is the case, I PROMISE to deliver a Public Apology.

It is true that the group of people organizing this festival is a good group of people. I know most of them personally, but I demand more than what has been delivered in the past.

Unfortunately the only tools I have at my disposal to demand more are this forum and a personal boycott.
» aLxzRed répondu dessus Mon 23 Mar, 2009 @ 2:03pm. Posted in Space Gathering 2009.
Coolness: 68835
I'm not sure why a "discussion board" is the wrong place to discuss opinions or concerns.
I have tried to discuss with a couple of the people involved one on one.

All I have received as an answer is that I'm negative for not approving of all that has happened over the years, even that I'm not welcome with my "negative" attitude.

I finally have an answer for that,

If it's raining out and I realize that rain helps the flowers grow that is being positive.
If it's raining out and I try and convince myself it's sunny then that's denial.

Ignoring problems is not positive, addressing these problems honestly and improving upon them is.
Banning and belittling the people with comments you don't consider positive is not open minded, it is censorship.

Anyways, I have decided not to attend this year.
» aLxzRed répondu dessus Mon 4 Aug, 2008 @ 9:10pm. Posted in Eclipse 2008: Solar Edition.
Coolness: 68835
Best eclipse ever, without a doubt. In fact it's hands down, the best all round party I've been to in the last 7 years. The music, the organization, the people, the music, oh sweet clear music.
Tech Safari has proven themselves to be the best organizers in Mtl bringing us a world class festival, worth every penny I paid.
Only complaints I heard were about GMS's set, but what did you expect ;)
I'll take a (cheesy?) star who parodies himself over an egoist "rock star" big name DJ any day.
The only question I have is what can they possibly do next year to improve on that?
» aLxzRed répondu dessus Thu 13 Dec, 2007 @ 10:26am. Posted in an 18-year-old snipped off his penis with garden pruning shears..
Coolness: 68835
I'd personally never consume datura, and the people who do generally know nothing about it. The toxicity is lower than the dosage, so unless you build your tolerance to the poison, you are being dying while very high, I can't think off any drug that would feel good if you were being poisoned at the same time.
» aLxzRed répondu dessus Thu 29 Nov, 2007 @ 8:26am. Posted in Best Goa or PsyTrance tracks?.
Coolness: 68835
Montreal's best kept secret - Cosmic Orgasm ;)
» aLxzRed répondu dessus Fri 23 Nov, 2007 @ 1:09pm. Posted in Devil Symbology and the Rave scene....
Coolness: 68835
I didn't see anyone mentioning that it use to be a symbol for the horned god, a symbol of fertility
» aLxzRed répondu dessus Mon 12 Nov, 2007 @ 10:37am. Posted in Toys contaminated with GHB.
Coolness: 68835
I thought GHB was naturally occurring in the body, not toxic, except with alcohol
» aLxzRed répondu dessus Mon 3 Sep, 2007 @ 1:18pm. Posted in Hey everyone...it's time for an.
Coolness: 68835
its very homosexual
» aLxzRed répondu dessus Mon 3 Sep, 2007 @ 1:18pm. Posted in Super Mario traduit pour le Quebec!!.
Coolness: 68835
cest vrai sa vous devriez vous en retourner d ou vous venez
» aLxzRed répondu dessus Mon 3 Sep, 2007 @ 1:16pm. Posted in Dan Ackroyd Confirms Ghostbusters 3!!!!!.
Coolness: 68835
Holy shit its incredible
» aLxzRed répondu dessus Wed 22 Aug, 2007 @ 10:35am. Posted in Red and I wars.. on rave.ca !.
Coolness: 68835
I'm NOT in a relationship with a 21 yr old girl, and public threads and secrets don't go well together...Kinda the same as calling the police...since they read the board anyways.

Mise à jour » aLxzRed a écrit dessus Wed 22 Aug, 2007 @ 10:37am
But like everything else I'm sure this thread is my fault ;)
» aLxzRed répondu dessus Wed 22 Aug, 2007 @ 8:19am. Posted in Red and I wars.. on rave.ca !.
Coolness: 68835
No No, That was the apology, not the fight... I guess I wasn't the only one confused.

Mise à jour » aLxzRed a écrit dessus Wed 22 Aug, 2007 @ 8:22am
Funny she knows nothing of my drug habits, I don't do drugs every day, she takes acid while she's pregnant...And I have the problem.
Mise à jour » aLxzRed a écrit dessus Wed 22 Aug, 2007 @ 8:40am
And NO it's NOT mine
Mise à jour » aLxzRed a écrit dessus Wed 22 Aug, 2007 @ 8:40am
Thank God
» aLxzRed répondu dessus Tue 21 Aug, 2007 @ 10:36am. Posted in Red and I wars.. on rave.ca !.
Coolness: 68835
Yur love?
WOW I'd hate to be your HATE
(just for you screwhead)
she'd never post the 19 pages anyways...way too crazy, I'm sure she's not even re-read it

Mise à jour » aLxzRed a écrit dessus Tue 21 Aug, 2007 @ 10:39am
I was done
» aLxzRed répondu dessus Tue 21 Aug, 2007 @ 10:19am. Posted in Red and I wars.. on rave.ca !.
Coolness: 68835
It's okay...she found someone to FUCK..she doesn't need to fight with me anymore ;)

Mise à jour » aLxzRed a écrit dessus Tue 21 Aug, 2007 @ 10:22am
Poor guy probably has no clue of the drama and shit coming his way
» aLxzRed répondu dessus Tue 21 Aug, 2007 @ 9:35am. Posted in Red and I wars.. on rave.ca !.
Coolness: 68835
I think she just needed the cool points ;)
» aLxzRed répondu dessus Fri 27 Jul, 2007 @ 8:40am. Posted in ***coming To Montreal***.
Coolness: 68835
I haven't been to any of the hotels but the 2 on Boulevard Cure Labelle aren't in mtl, they're off the island in laval, thus far from downtown. the hotel du manoir is downtown.
» aLxzRed répondu dessus Fri 6 Jul, 2007 @ 9:43am. Posted in Space Gathering.
Coolness: 68835
[ www.meteomedia.com ] - Meteo Inverness
Better and better every day.
» aLxzRed répondu dessus Thu 5 Jul, 2007 @ 5:04pm. Posted in Space Gathering.
Coolness: 68835
We'll do the sun dance ;P
» aLxzRed répondu dessus Thu 5 Jul, 2007 @ 8:53am. Posted in Space Gathering.
Coolness: 68835
» aLxzRed répondu dessus Mon 2 Jul, 2007 @ 10:48pm. Posted in Space Gathering.
Coolness: 68835
It's official...I'm going to Space. Now I just need a ride for me and my dog, and maybe a friend, Thursday or Friday. PM me.
» aLxzRed répondu dessus Wed 27 Jun, 2007 @ 8:13am. Posted in Festival De Music Electronik De La St-Jean Baptiste II.
Coolness: 68835
Hmm, all those Elite promoters that lost a lot of money to bring us a FREE party, and besides Quebec, Ottawa, Toronto, and Italy all the dj's came from Mtl.
Anyhow... It was amazing rocking the dance floor en famille
A great party that reminded me of ALL the reasons I love Montreal.
Keep it real.
» aLxzRed répondu dessus Thu 21 Jun, 2007 @ 7:05pm. Posted in Telus to buy Bell? WTF (discuss).
Coolness: 68835
» aLxzRed répondu dessus Thu 21 Jun, 2007 @ 6:59pm. Posted in miracle cures for stupid colds.
Coolness: 68835
Ginger, garlic and ginseng boiled for 45 minutes, serve with honey.
» aLxzRed répondu dessus Mon 18 Jun, 2007 @ 11:02am. Posted in 3 Police cars.....
Coolness: 68835
Or spit in the street, that's legal
» aLxzRed répondu dessus Fri 15 Jun, 2007 @ 9:03pm. Posted in 3 Police cars.....
Coolness: 68835
I think the law was maybe passed back when we threw the shit out the window, back when bodily fluids posed a bigger health risk...or maybe when chewing tobacco was "In"
» aLxzRed répondu dessus Fri 15 Jun, 2007 @ 2:13pm. Posted in 3 Police cars.....
Coolness: 68835
It's not that ridiculous of a law, your suppose to spit in the street, imagine if everyone spit everywhere?
» aLxzRed répondu dessus Thu 14 Jun, 2007 @ 9:48pm. Posted in help a girl out, and such.
Coolness: 68835
5 Steps for a girl to get a free bike;

1) walk around downtown with a big guy
2) wait for crackhead to offer bike for $20
3) ask him to get off the bike so you can see it
4) Make a big fuss about it being your bike
5) Guy makes menacing gestures, crackhead runs away

5 steps to a free bike
» aLxzRed répondu dessus Mon 11 Jun, 2007 @ 11:23am. Posted in Any fun online games?.
Coolness: 68835
[ www.conquerclub.com ]
Online risk with lots of maps,
Even a map of Mtl.
Hours and hours of fun
» aLxzRed répondu dessus Wed 23 May, 2007 @ 5:48pm. Posted in wheres alex ghautier (hostone).
Coolness: 68835
Noah's got a pretty good back-up system now, no such luck.
» aLxzRed répondu dessus Mon 21 May, 2007 @ 12:45pm. Posted in La scène électronique.. dans les maritimes?.
Coolness: 68835
[ rave.ca ] Tranci- New Brunswick
» aLxzRed répondu dessus Fri 18 May, 2007 @ 10:47am. Posted in Noah Hates Jews.
Coolness: 68835
German raw meat eaters ... Hmmm
» aLxzRed répondu dessus Fri 18 May, 2007 @ 10:16am. Posted in Noah Hates Jews.
Coolness: 68835
All Hail the German Eskimo (is that inuit???)
» aLxzRed répondu dessus Thu 17 May, 2007 @ 2:29pm. Posted in Who the FUCK is this POMPOM NOOB?.
Coolness: 68835
You think ?
Learn something new every day.

Time to virtually shit in my virtual pants at your virtual threats.

Oh no...you wouldn't dare post those photo's of me...lol
» aLxzRed répondu dessus Thu 17 May, 2007 @ 8:48am. Posted in Who the FUCK is this POMPOM NOOB?.
Coolness: 68835
Hey, lets form a small click of people who've been on [ rave.ca ] for a long time?
Lets insult and threaten to beat up anyone new, different or anyone we don't like.
Then when the "scene" starts dying we can blame the drugs.
Must be the drugs ! ! !
» aLxzRed répondu dessus Thu 17 May, 2007 @ 12:03am. Posted in The best internet acronym.
Coolness: 68835
» aLxzRed répondu dessus Wed 2 May, 2007 @ 11:44am. Posted in Who Really Rules ? Secret Societies....
Coolness: 68835
I was trying to get the list with-out asking.
Can I see the list?
Can I see the list?
» aLxzRed répondu dessus Wed 2 May, 2007 @ 11:06am. Posted in This sentence is - True or False.
Coolness: 68835
So Paraphrased,
"It is proven that the world is logical" - true
Thanks [ rave.ca ] geniuses that out class mensa idiots
Taking notes
» aLxzRed répondu dessus Wed 2 May, 2007 @ 10:46am. Posted in This sentence is - True or False.
Coolness: 68835
We should write a letter to mensa, I remember questions like this.
They'd have a better answer than either of us.
aLxzRed's Profile - Community Messages