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» HumanBoing replied on Sun Sep 17, 2006 @ 3:35pm. Posted in metal!!!.
Coolness: 40160
And now a bonus question "Who played the drums on Immortal's "Battle in the North" album? -Demonaz? -Horgh? -Abbath?"
» HumanBoing replied on Sat Sep 16, 2006 @ 2:53pm. Posted in frosh.
Coolness: 40160
Well you can always tag along but I think you need to be a McGill student to have the frosh wrist-band and the free drinks and club entries that come with it... but I'm no expert.
» HumanBoing replied on Sat Sep 16, 2006 @ 2:50pm. Posted in Screwhead - Keeping Music Evil 3.
Coolness: 40160
Fuckin' great mix ! *headbangs away*
» HumanBoing replied on Wed Sep 13, 2006 @ 3:40pm. Posted in Shooting At Dawson College.
Coolness: 40160
I don't think would-be mass murderers would be very concerned with legality... It's like drugs, prohibition will not stop certain items from being available.

Four things that can be done: -accept that sometimes people will get shot out of the blue.
-arm everyone, reasoning that psychopathic killers are a minority and will be outgunned by the sane people.
-disarm everyone and install airport-like security in all public places (x-ray, metal detector, the works)
-move to Canada... doh!
» HumanBoing replied on Wed Sep 13, 2006 @ 3:04pm. Posted in Shooting At Dawson College.
Coolness: 40160
I blame gun control.
» HumanBoing replied on Wed Sep 13, 2006 @ 1:51pm. Posted in Shooting At Dawson College.
Coolness: 40160
That's messed up...
» HumanBoing replied on Sun Sep 10, 2006 @ 8:09pm. Posted in Your Favorite Torrent sites and why?.
Coolness: 40160
I usually use isohunt and torrentspy.
» HumanBoing replied on Sat Sep 9, 2006 @ 1:58pm. Posted in Fat kid almost falls out of a ride while his mother laughs her ass off.
Coolness: 40160
It's Cartman!
» HumanBoing replied on Fri Sep 8, 2006 @ 4:42pm. Posted in Smelly Girls.
Coolness: 40160
Originally Posted By __PHOENIX__
Demezriel: Props to the avatar... I haven't seen Orz in the longest time :)

You are a *happy camper* !
» HumanBoing replied on Thu Sep 7, 2006 @ 7:33pm. Posted in Smelly Girls.
Coolness: 40160
"You smell like sot and poo."
» HumanBoing replied on Thu Sep 7, 2006 @ 10:51am. Posted in Whats ur pick up line.
Coolness: 40160
Very nice! How much?
» HumanBoing replied on Tue Sep 5, 2006 @ 9:54pm. Posted in mushrooms.
Coolness: 40160
If your trip is going left forget trying to go to sleep, and leave that milk in the fridge.
Get away from things that might be stressing you such as too intense or annoying music and loud people, and just face what the mushroom's throwing at you. Know that it will be over quite soon, don't worry if the clock seems locked into position, and try not to tumble into a pit of self-pity.

Always Go With The Flow , this means do not fight the experience, do not resist, let the shrooms do their stuff and it'll be over quite soon. Stay steady as a rock, do not pay heed to your mind's rambling and focus on your breath and the silence between each thought.

If the trip is just mildly unpleasant, then a conversation with a good friend can shift your mood, and a change in scenery or music can also do the trick.

The shrooms are your friends :D
» HumanBoing replied on Fri Sep 1, 2006 @ 10:20am. Posted in I'm not gay or anything, but.....
Coolness: 40160
No it's worksafe. lol, poor dude...
» HumanBoing replied on Wed Aug 30, 2006 @ 10:34pm. Posted in Zappa on Crossfire 1986.
Coolness: 40160
Zalla's da man ! That was great :)
» HumanBoing replied on Tue Aug 22, 2006 @ 8:05am. Posted in What If Drugs Where Legal?.
Coolness: 40160
Thanks for the link !
» HumanBoing replied on Thu Jul 13, 2006 @ 1:53pm. Posted in Hardtech Track.
Coolness: 40160
Oooooooo YeS ! This is bangin' psy-tek ! Love that weird main synth, and the percussions sound very good.

But yes this is has nothing to do with what is commonly know as hardtekk :) (Which may be a good thing hehe)
» HumanBoing replied on Tue Jul 11, 2006 @ 6:03pm. Posted in PCP In Food.
Coolness: 40160
I know there's PCP in Alto's poutines, there's no other explanation as to why I eat those so often...
» HumanBoing replied on Tue Jul 11, 2006 @ 5:58pm. Posted in Le coup de Zidane.
Coolness: 40160
That headbutt was worth loosing the final hehe.
» HumanBoing replied on Fri Jun 30, 2006 @ 9:25am. Posted in drugs and disposable income.
Coolness: 40160
I learned to smoke small joints to get the most out of the weed I buy (which is never more than a gram or two at a time) so that's rather cheap. Shrooms are dirt cheap, and acid is relatively costly I guess but I don't need more than a hit now and then so all in all drugs don't have a big impact on my budget. This is likely to change if I ever find a reliable source of authentic ketamine haha.
» HumanBoing replied on Wed Jun 7, 2006 @ 12:29am. Posted in looking for a job..
Coolness: 40160
I'll pay you .40 cents a day if you go by the name of "Frankus Maximus the Third", interested?
» HumanBoing replied on Sat Jun 3, 2006 @ 1:40pm. Posted in Roger.
Coolness: 40160
[ www.youtube.com ]

Quelle importance donnez vous à la syntaxe?
» HumanBoing replied on Wed May 24, 2006 @ 8:07pm. Posted in Tom Cruise Kills Oprah.
Coolness: 40160
Everytime I see this I cant help replaying it at least three times hehe.
» HumanBoing replied on Wed May 24, 2006 @ 11:02am. Posted in Peirce the bridge of your nose.
Coolness: 40160
I'd rather go with the lasers in the eyes thank you very much...
» HumanBoing replied on Sun May 14, 2006 @ 9:38pm. Posted in Cartoons.
Coolness: 40160
Hehe reminds me of high school.
» HumanBoing replied on Sun May 14, 2006 @ 8:16am. Posted in The Great K Debate....
Coolness: 40160
RedVodka, that price is about right. But know that ALOT of what is sold as K is actually PCP. So I wouldn't worry about the price but rather about what kind of white powder you're getting.
» HumanBoing replied on Wed May 10, 2006 @ 10:31pm. Posted in fun.
Coolness: 40160
it was a warzone for a while. Now it's turned into a junky crosswords hah
» HumanBoing replied on Tue May 9, 2006 @ 1:33am. Posted in Best song ever!!!!.
Coolness: 40160
Haha, excellent !
» HumanBoing replied on Mon May 8, 2006 @ 8:44pm. Posted in NASA audio samples inside.
Coolness: 40160
Thx, definetely some usable stuff there.
» HumanBoing replied on Mon May 8, 2006 @ 8:41pm. Posted in Cubase.
Coolness: 40160
I gave Cubase a few tries, but it indeed seems to be complicated for nothing. The built in audio editing features are nice but dispensable if you have SoundForge or Wavelab, and the interface is so unsexy. Ableton live on the other hand seems really good although the mixer and routing is awkard compared to FL Studio, and the plugins it comes with are average.
» HumanBoing replied on Mon May 8, 2006 @ 8:35pm. Posted in Haha - Not Work Safe.
Coolness: 40160
For fuck's sake Frank... agh
» HumanBoing replied on Mon May 8, 2006 @ 8:32pm. Posted in Great news!.
Coolness: 40160
What I love about this thread, is that it brings the best out of everyone.

So how was the affair settled in the end?
» HumanBoing replied on Sun May 7, 2006 @ 6:32pm. Posted in Great news!.
Coolness: 40160
The time your going to be working as a consultant, Thog will be working on the dotcom website (in theory) which could eventually become a source of revenue for you both. If you (Neoform) is spending your time working for the other company, that's time your not spending working on your parternship project and thus more work will be required of Thog , hence it's not absurd that he gets a share of your revenues. All this is based on the assumption that Thog will be working extra to cover the work you wont have time to do due to your counseling post.
» HumanBoing replied on Sun May 7, 2006 @ 2:24pm. Posted in Blue Diamond Lab tested.
Coolness: 40160
Beware, too much sobriety and you could end up as a chartered accountant.
» HumanBoing replied on Sat Apr 29, 2006 @ 4:49am. Posted in Silent Hill 2006.
Coolness: 40160
The FX and audio are very good, but some of the acting and the dialog is just cringing. What the hell made them think it would be a good idea to add in shakespearian language and that whole "cult" thing. Trying to explain it all nice and simple for the masses, the whole point behind silent hill is that what happened and what's going on to the protagonists is shrouded in ambiguity and mystery. The main character is too much of a screaming irritation, they should have told her to shut up and just LOOK terrified (but I guess the average joe wont understand that someone is firghtened without the bouts of screaming) . The girl just doesnt know how to act even remotely scary, all the inhabitants of silent hill really don't have a clue on how to act spooky (or act at all) actually the only people who did a decent job was the husband and the policeman, for the two least important roles in the movie.

Lots of cool CG scenes though.
» HumanBoing replied on Thu Apr 20, 2006 @ 12:41pm. Posted in Boards of Canada's new ep.
Coolness: 40160
Nice :) That vid is great !
» HumanBoing replied on Sat Apr 15, 2006 @ 12:19am. Posted in let's snort crack.
Coolness: 40160
Personally I'm for pluggin fungus.
» HumanBoing replied on Thu Apr 13, 2006 @ 9:51am. Posted in Hallucinations have you ever shared one.
Coolness: 40160
Yeah, me and a couple of friends were tripping on some good ol' mush and at one point we started hearing a bunch of REALLY LOUD bells, out of nowhere in my appartement. We all looked up and around at the same time, and confirmed with each other that we were hearing the same thing, and then it stopped after a few seconds.. This has puzzled us ever since, we still don't understand how it was possible. It was pretty late at night, and there's no church or anything near the building, and the bells sounded like something out of a dream or a fantasy movie. Another time with a friend on some blotters we were talking about a subject and I had a mental image form of it, and when I described it he was astounded since he had seen exactly the same thing at the moment. Or another time a group of us all thought we were 5 when we were actually 4, and we kept recounting and were all astounded at each time that there was only four of us (I guess we counted mr. mush as the fith hehe). The bells really have us perplexed though.... really bizarre.
» HumanBoing replied on Sat Apr 8, 2006 @ 12:45pm. Posted in Hallucinogen > Shpongle Dj Set: April 29.
Coolness: 40160
T'will be a T w i S t e D night!
» HumanBoing replied on Mon Apr 3, 2006 @ 11:44am. Posted in Mental Hospital Phone Menu.
Coolness: 40160
That's in a track from Hujaboy's latest album, fun :)
» HumanBoing replied on Sun Apr 2, 2006 @ 1:53pm. Posted in Fullon Trance.
Coolness: 40160
Some mindless fullon trance for your hair :

[ www.rave.ca ]

Made using D'Cota, Sytrus, Zeta+, Vanguard, and a mountainload of other VSTs.

HumanBoing's Profile - Community Messages