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Plan-C's Profile - Community Messages
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» Plan-C replied on Tue Aug 9, 2005 @ 4:04am. Posted in iPod Owners.
Coolness: 62815
levies are something the canadian government places on blank media, and mp3 players and stuff like that. The thing that makes it different from a tax is that the money goes to the Canadian Music Recording Association (or something to that effect) and that's redistributed to the artists. It's Canada's way of dealing with piracy - downloading and sharing music is technically legal because the artists are getting additional royalties through the levy. A lot of artists were pissed when they realized they got the short end of the stick.
» Plan-C replied on Tue Aug 9, 2005 @ 3:56am. Posted in Random emails from wannabe trance DJs.
Coolness: 62815
» Plan-C replied on Mon Aug 8, 2005 @ 8:05am. Posted in The Healthy Human Flesh Alternative.
Coolness: 62815
yea but the real thing is always so much better
» Plan-C replied on Wed Aug 3, 2005 @ 3:24am. Posted in What are you looking forward to?.
Coolness: 62815
debauchery in amsterdam
» Plan-C replied on Wed Aug 3, 2005 @ 3:19am. Posted in what does your mind gift you with?.
Coolness: 62815
Originally posted by PROVOKE...

It's inside all our minds,happens to everyone...
many times during one's sleep,the mind eradicates all sense of logic,leaving place to countless dreams and nightmares.It absorbes and absorbses and in the end,eyes wide shut,it decides to vomit,spewing every vile and beautiful thought in such a chaotic manner,that at times,you may cum or you may cry....what has your mind gifted you with recently?


i think he's trying to say like what's the first feeling - the one most prevalent on top of all the rest - you experience when you wake up on said day. That feeling is what your mind has recently gifted you with. Or that's what I understood from it...
» Plan-C replied on Tue Aug 2, 2005 @ 9:54am. Posted in Sick Jokes.
Coolness: 62815
i think fred beat you to it by a couple years actually. check the first post
» Plan-C replied on Tue Aug 2, 2005 @ 7:45am. Posted in I Love . . ..
Coolness: 62815
pretty voices
» Plan-C replied on Tue Aug 2, 2005 @ 7:44am. Posted in what does your mind gift you with?.
Coolness: 62815
» Plan-C replied on Tue Aug 2, 2005 @ 3:27am. Posted in douche!.
Coolness: 62815
ummm... to my knowledge a considerable amount of offenders throw up on the ride to the station... that's one of the things that people getting arrested have to look forward to - sitting in someone else's puddle of puke yum!
» Plan-C replied on Mon Aug 1, 2005 @ 11:08am. Posted in Stupid People are worse than Hot Coffee.
Coolness: 62815
i don't think it's so much that they were retarded enough to believe he was innocent, as they were retarded enough they'd get something from him for the verdict - too bad he's broke.
» Plan-C replied on Mon Aug 1, 2005 @ 7:18am. Posted in where does the hate go?.
Coolness: 62815
» Plan-C replied on Mon Aug 1, 2005 @ 7:14am. Posted in Thing we should all hate....
Coolness: 62815
» Plan-C replied on Mon Aug 1, 2005 @ 7:00am. Posted in Stupid People are worse than Hot Coffee.
Coolness: 62815
Originally posted by REGIMENTAL911...

that would take the fun out of trying to having sex with a 8 inch tall plastic doll.

i think the illegality of it would actually make it more exciting. comon, you think if child molestation were legit MJ would have as much fun doing it?

actually... he probably would
» Plan-C replied on Fri Jul 29, 2005 @ 10:20am. Posted in The Picture Thread....
Coolness: 62815
» Plan-C replied on Fri Jul 29, 2005 @ 9:55am. Posted in don't you hate ugly drug addicts.
Coolness: 62815
Originally posted by FLAKIE PASSION...

You guys make me sick
Vous etes tellement sur de vous et pathétique dans votre petit monde de merde.
Wow, j'aimerais mieux etre une crack whore completement défoncé que d'etre comme vous
Pourquoi vous faites pas un nouveau site genre [ superiorassholes.com ] Aucun d'entre vous en a quelque chose a foutre de toute facon. Having a hard time understanding french... ben manger de la marde.
vous etes tous vraiment plus laid que les filles sur les photos de toute facon
this thread make me sick
fuck you

^attractive bitchy english-hating drug addict?what's the verdict?

Originally posted by ScottyP...

I'm glad I understand french well enough to appreciate the stupidity of that said post

» Plan-C replied on Fri Jul 29, 2005 @ 9:39am. Posted in The Picture Thread....
Coolness: 62815
i don't get it... somebody fill me in...
» Plan-C replied on Fri Jul 29, 2005 @ 9:33am. Posted in the ultimate saphir rollcall thread.
Coolness: 62815
biggup gloryholes!
» Plan-C replied on Fri Jul 29, 2005 @ 9:13am. Posted in It's the Sticky Green Crack Tunnel!.
Coolness: 62815
haha... wood...
» Plan-C replied on Fri Jul 29, 2005 @ 7:09am. Posted in Vampires Blackmail Woman.
Coolness: 62815
i don't even know where to begin with this... it could take pages.
» Plan-C replied on Fri Jul 29, 2005 @ 7:07am. Posted in It's the Sticky Green Crack Tunnel!.
Coolness: 62815
Originally posted by -MDC-...

i find it very hard to believe that there are more pot-related car accidents than alcohol related ones.... very hard to believe...

unless you're not talking about fatal accidents, but fenders benders and shit included... but even so.. i'm quite certain alcohol related car accidents far outweigh the pot-related ones

they prolly confused the definitions of relation and coorelation. The latter being what they really intended. Of course there is a large number of accidents in which the people involved are stoned, more than accidents in which the people are not stoned or simplly drunk. Why? Well... perhaps if we were to interview all the drivers whether they wre crashing or not we'd come up with some kind of statistic that do indeed verify, that the majority of people regardless of what they're doing are stoned. Its fucking Canada eh!

I see where your comming from with that. I suppose for those who are predisposed to being psychotic, marijuana can cause problems. And I too sometimes get a little paranoid... actually, sometimes I get REALLY fucking paranoid when I smoke weed! Yet, when it comes down to that -like i've heard with many people i've spoken too about pot- people just quit and haven't had problems doing so. Registering into Rehab to me sounds a little extreme for that type of drug... but to each his own, I guess.

And in response to this, might I suggest that the reason Americans have to check into rehab is because our country (yes sadly it is my country...) thrives on stupidity and consequent irresponsibility/irrationality/denial and all that jazz. Soemthign goes wrong, shit blame someone else. Crashed your car dodging someone/somethign because you were drunk, no sweat hire a lawyer and sue whoever put it there. Get "addicted" to marijuana, well... sue your dealer i guess... but more likely check yourself into rehab because you're too pathetic to just quit it on your own. i mean shit, its weed - not crack or heroin. people who are addicted to pot havea much greater problem at hand, the inability to take responsibility for themselves and their actions.
» Plan-C replied on Fri Jul 29, 2005 @ 6:42am. Posted in Stupid People are worse than Hot Coffee.
Coolness: 62815
they should outlaw dolls for children too while they're at it. the dressing and undressing of babies only encourages child molestation.
» Plan-C replied on Fri Jul 29, 2005 @ 6:33am. Posted in the ultimate saphir rollcall thread.
Coolness: 62815
well... a close second anyways... or third lol. mmm holes are good...
» Plan-C replied on Thu Jul 28, 2005 @ 10:13am. Posted in Things that make you sad.
Coolness: 62815
trying to help someone you care about but knowing there's really nothing you can do
» Plan-C replied on Thu Jul 28, 2005 @ 3:50am. Posted in Zombies Envade Geeks at Tam tams.
Coolness: 62815
it's all about the skills! just ask napoleon dynamite. he knows...
» Plan-C replied on Thu Jul 28, 2005 @ 3:44am. Posted in Polyamory.
Coolness: 62815
man... they had it so easy... now 25% of usa has fucking herpes wahoo! i guess sex isn't really free anymore huh?
» Plan-C replied on Thu Jul 28, 2005 @ 3:42am. Posted in Fix my computer!.
Coolness: 62815
how much for your soul scotty? i'll give ya 2 dahraaaa!
» Plan-C replied on Wed Jul 27, 2005 @ 8:28am. Posted in i'm still bored.
Coolness: 62815
irrelevant post.
» Plan-C replied on Wed Jul 27, 2005 @ 8:27am. Posted in i'm still bored.
Coolness: 62815
i agree. that kept me entertained for the last 2 hours of work yesterday. i think i'm goign to return to that site right now as a matter of fact. biggups katie!
» Plan-C replied on Wed Jul 27, 2005 @ 8:25am. Posted in Polyamory.
Coolness: 62815
well of course those people with only one wife or worse yet none at all are going to condemn it. CUZ THEY'RE NOT GETTIN ANY :P at any rate, i think its been made clear that polygamy and polyamory are indeed very different though not necessarily mutually exclusive. i think Ian's comment that polyamory is a precept or conducive to polygamy is way off however.
» Plan-C replied on Wed Jul 27, 2005 @ 4:43am. Posted in scottyp b-day.
Coolness: 62815
i'm goign to amsterdam on aug3. i'll make a toast and drink a beer for you :D
» Plan-C replied on Wed Jul 27, 2005 @ 4:40am. Posted in Job.
Coolness: 62815
Originally posted by SEBASTIANPRELAR...

Originally posted by Chuckles...

thank god its only for the summer

GOD is choosing your job? How sad.

i think you took my post a bit literally. shall i rephrase: thank the circumstances of my situation in life that i will only have to work for the summer, and let me pray that the circumstances will lead to such a situation where i won't ever have to really work at all. unless its one of those "cool" jobs like video game testing
» Plan-C replied on Wed Jul 27, 2005 @ 4:35am. Posted in Polyamory.
Coolness: 62815
that's sorta what i was getting at. back in da day with patriarchal societies polygamy was common with men of power, as a sign of power and also as a mode of keeping their family in power by means of extending it to great lengths. and how about female circumcision??? that's even worse than the whole sewing pussy shut thing. it involves surgically removing the clitorris thus preventing women from ever enjoying sex - because we all know sex is bad right? not to mention it easily leads to infection and is incredibly painful. still a common practice in some african tribal cultures and sects of islam though...
» Plan-C replied on Tue Jul 26, 2005 @ 3:03pm. Posted in Polyamory.
Coolness: 62815
i think polygamy revolves more around the concept that men should have multiple wives because men are always able to ... further the reproductive process whereas when a women is pregnant she is incaple of further conception until after birth. to my knowledge polygamy came into practice as a method to increase the size of the family, and consequently the economic productive function of the family thus furthering the wealth of the [man] at the head of the family to greater success in society. polyamory explicitly states the concept of "love" at its forefront. polygamy more often than not has little to do with love and more to do with function. Although i'm sure that feelings (however strong they are) are implicit before one decides to marry his/her 6th wife/husband.
» Plan-C replied on Tue Jul 26, 2005 @ 11:02am. Posted in Job.
Coolness: 62815
work sucks. thank god its only for the summer
» Plan-C replied on Tue Jul 26, 2005 @ 10:03am. Posted in Your first rave/party.
Coolness: 62815
i guess it wasn't that long ago and mabye i shoudln't be posting in the oldskoolerz community but wutever. my first party:

I'd never been to a rave before and had heard all this hype about them being crazy parites where people would party all night. While electronic music didn't really appeal to me that much at the time, I was interested in experiencing something new and starting to drift form my rather close-minded punk/metal high school friends who thought it was necessary to always add their own little tidbits on whatever the other was listening to. So this girl at our school somehow hooked up a job selling tickets for this judge jules rave - i had no idea who he was or even cared. Me and my girlfriend each bought one, they were like 45 dollars or so but so worth it.

The party took place in front of the pyramids at Giza (cairo, egypt) on new years 2001. They had a massive light setup erected in the desert that was shining lights downward at all the partiers as well as illuminating the pyramids in the backround. I'd never had so much trouble getting to a party but we got there. That was a night i'll never forget... although it is a bit blurry cuz i was pretty trashed.
» Plan-C replied on Tue Jul 26, 2005 @ 9:52am. Posted in RAVE music ?!?!?!.
Coolness: 62815
Anyone heard that song "rave music" i can't remember it exactly since its been a while sicne i've listened to it. i think its either freeform or hardcore. The vocal sample is gold - captures everything about it :D
» Plan-C replied on Tue Jul 26, 2005 @ 9:47am. Posted in Phat pants.
Coolness: 62815
I've still got my first 2 homemade pairs which are nearly destroyed from raving. I've got another 4 that i got on sale at some store on st denis... i don't remember what it was called. I still think phat pants are the most comfortable things in the world - great for lounging, partying, carrying lots of stuff instead of a backpack etc. But yeah you see them less and less which sucks and consequently, people look at you more and more indignantly when you actually wear them. It's too bad they've been reduced to a purely candy phenomenon. Nonetheless, I still occasionally wear them to class @ mcgill and the professors and students all look at me funny.
» Plan-C replied on Tue Jul 26, 2005 @ 9:39am. Posted in 8/11 - i'm back! 33.3% extra poisoning.
Coolness: 62815
» Plan-C replied on Tue Jul 26, 2005 @ 8:46am. Posted in Cant sleep? Chant zee mantra!.
Coolness: 62815
i read this thread yesterday and went online to self-educate myself the concpet of astral projection. when i went to bed last night i had a dream that went something like this. I was going to bed, and reciting those words Ze-ev said to recite and thinking about my body the way that heather mentioned following the model for astrally projecting oneself. I floated out of my body and was moving through walls (this is in my dream still) and then woke up and was like whoa. then when i finally woke up this morning i was like "more whoa..". The more I thought about it, i realized that i'm pretty sure i've had this kind of experience before and never really knew what was going on and was hence rather frightened by it. i just think its facinating that the human mind can exist in 100 different levels of conciousness and we're really only very aware of the most superficial ones.
» Plan-C replied on Tue Jul 26, 2005 @ 8:36am. Posted in Free Breast Implants?.
Coolness: 62815
and some clamps to plug on those shiny brand new robust titties!
Plan-C's Profile - Community Messages