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» ufot replied on Wed Jun 19, 2013 @ 3:30pm. Posted in the board is 'le dead'.
Coolness: 93305
I forgot this place existed!!!

Ufot-Where the fuck am I again?
» ufot replied on Thu Oct 6, 2011 @ 8:57am. Posted in OccupyWallStreet.
Coolness: 93305
I think people have a right to be upset about how the "system" works and how the government's either unwilling to re-examine the process or simply chooses to ignore the peoples outcries. Whether this will change anything or start a revolution of sorts has yet to be seen, either way, we were never promised a fair world in the first place, were we...

» ufot replied on Wed Jun 15, 2011 @ 12:53pm. Posted in Why'd you start DJing?.
Coolness: 93305
I became obsessed, then I became more obsessed... guess what, I'm still pretty obsessed... that's pretty much it... also, it feels great to make people dance and enjoy themselves...

» ufot replied on Tue May 10, 2011 @ 9:27pm. Posted in Sunny Streets V2 - mixed by Dj Milton Clark.
Coolness: 93305
So without further adieu, the long awaited volume two of Sunny Streets, a bit more oomf, a lot more sun and some sweet urban funk... house heads get on this!!!!

Get mix here >>> [ www.rave.ca ]

Ufot-can keep us up, but not down, this smile is never a frown
» ufot replied on Sun Apr 17, 2011 @ 10:35pm. Posted in Euphoria ~ Mixed by Milton Clark.
Coolness: 93305

A brand new mix of downtempo euphoric music, beautiful ambient layers of minimal techno and tech house, enjoy... :)

Get mix here >>> [ www.rave.ca ]

Ufot-they can't replicate. Or can they?
» ufot replied on Mon Apr 4, 2011 @ 8:42pm. Posted in SYNTHETICATE ~ Mixed by Milton Clark.
Coolness: 93305
In the future, we are plastic, dive into this synthetica forum of sound, this is a blend of synth heavy layers of music...

Get the mix here >>> [ www.rave.ca ]

Ufot-we cannot escape our plastic fate.
» ufot replied on Wed Feb 23, 2011 @ 4:15pm. Posted in Is tim hortons racist?.
Coolness: 93305
I drink TH often, cause it's cheap and close to work and gets the job of making me somewhat awake done...

Now if we're talking taste, Cafe Olympico in the mile end, just wow... the best on the island IHMO

Ufot-Olympico Latte FTW!!!
» ufot replied on Tue Feb 22, 2011 @ 6:43pm. Posted in Is tim hortons racist?.
Coolness: 93305
I got blanked last year, not one f'ing win... so far this year, I'm zero in 4 :(

Ufot-I think the employee teef da winning cups!
» ufot replied on Sun Feb 20, 2011 @ 12:36am. Posted in fl;uck offf los chep promtoaz.
Coolness: 93305
hey neuromyths...

check out this awesome remics I can has for u...

[ tinyurl.com ]

Ufot=yurp, da tinterwebz iz deying
» ufot replied on Fri Feb 18, 2011 @ 6:59pm. Posted in Fuck-off cheap promoters !!! (like Hexa-5).
Coolness: 93305

Ufright-there's a disturbance in this thread... I haven't felt it since...
» ufot replied on Fri Feb 18, 2011 @ 4:11pm. Posted in Fuck-off cheap promoters !!! (like Hexa-5).
Coolness: 93305
"Mais peut-etre que comme dit milton on devrait laisser tomber le flambeau?
Parce que Milton clark, fuck off, j'ai vraiment pas le feeling que j'ai laissé tombé le flambeau."

First of all, I didn't point fingers, but on the subject, I have for some years, felt somewhat guilty of dropping the torch, so don't blame yourself. When I started throwing events with my friends more than a decade ago, I did so with a lot of hopes, naivety and love. We made mistakes, we learned, we grew. What I didn't do properly was spread the knowledge I gained from my years as a promoter. Instead, I chose to focus on my music with the blind faith that the younger kids would pick up where I left off. I would never venture as far as to say that no one did so successfully, obviously some did, but it became obvious to me as the years went on that the quality in general and organization just wasn't the same.

I can't tell any of you what makes a successful party, nor can I tell you what direction you should venture to take, that's entirely up to you. What I can tell you is that if you throw a party with the intension of rocking the kids in this city and promoting a music you love and believe in, then you are doing it for all of the right reasons and it will be a success even if you lose money. If you throw a party to make money, I don't think you aren't doing it right and your party will probably have sucky vibes. It should never be about the money, EVER. Yet, on the subject of money, I think it is important to be REALISTIC, as in, REALLY REALISTIC. It's important to plot out best and worst case scenarios, budget accordingly, wrap your plan around that budget firmly, do the math, check the numbers, check the numbers a second time then have someone else check the numbers. Why is this step important if you aren't throwing it because of the money you ask? Because, if you budget yourself properly and formulate a plan around that budget, you will :

a)probably not lose money.
b)lose way less money than you would without a well balanced budget.

This is not a certainty, but in my experience, it really-really helps. Furthermore, KNOW YOUR STRENGTHS, if you aren't good at budgeting, find a friend that is, ask for help. Don't know how to deal with permits or the city, ask a friend, ask for help. You need people to help when throwing events, people to count on, a network of people with different strengths for different tasks. Finally, respect your commitments to people, if you promise a price to a dj, pay it(personally I would pay even if there was a loss), if you cannot pay it cause the party made you completely broke, find some alternative that you can both agree upon as compensation. Don't ask or expect dj's or live acts to play for free or booze, it's unkind and disrespectful. Artists will never ask you to formally understand the time and money and dedication involved their honing their craft, but don't make it seem worthless. Make standard local rates part of your budget and work from there, let them know they have value when you book them and act accordingly when the event is done.

Anyways... I could keep suggesting stuff, but this is just what I know, just how I feel. I'm not a promoter anymore and I know things in this city have changed like a lot, but I think the fundamentals are still the same. A scene is only as healthy as it's biggest/brightest contributers, I can't stress that enough. Rather than bitch about each other, it'd be nice to see you work together, because if you did, who knows, raves might become accountable again some day, and maybe promoting would make sense again, maybe people would get paid, maybe more kids would come... just my opinion...

Ufot-we are all cogs in the wheel that is our reality
» ufot replied on Fri Feb 18, 2011 @ 12:40pm. Posted in Fuck-off cheap promoters !!! (like Hexa-5).
Coolness: 93305
I remember there was a time when dj's got paid proper, and promoters made enough money to keep throwing parties... guess they were just doing it right back then...

Ufot-sometimes, the torch gets dropped, sometimes it gets thrown in the garbage.

Update » ufot wrote on Fri Feb 18, 2011 @ 12:50pm
and thought I realize my comment isn't very constructive, I just think this whole 20$ business is pathetic, really pathetic. We used to pay LOCAL DJS a bare minimum of 100-120$ for a 1.5hrs set at a rave, how is it that in less than 10 years that rate has gone down?
» ufot replied on Wed Feb 16, 2011 @ 1:08pm. Posted in Would you add me !!!.
Coolness: 93305
I just blocked and reported you! :D

Ufot-jokes, sometimes they are just jokes...
» ufot replied on Tue Feb 1, 2011 @ 11:54am. Posted in whats your best hangover remedy ?.
Coolness: 93305
personally, I feel the best hangover remedy is quite simple... start drinking again. On days when it's bad, I only feel normal once I have a couple of years, as goes the vicious cycle of fun...

Ufot-mmmm, beer
» ufot replied on Tue Feb 1, 2011 @ 12:53am. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 93305

Ufot-vanilla is dandy, but chocolate be handy
» ufot replied on Wed Jan 5, 2011 @ 9:39am. Posted in headphones for boot camp djs?.
Coolness: 93305
Originally Posted By HOST.WUN
Milton still has mine :( want them back

Sir! I received your message during the holidays but was alas too aloof and or busy to make heads or tails of it... They are not in my possession, as last remarked wence we last spoke of this matter. I will again inquire with my ex, but as we are not on the best of terms, said response may linger deafly... this was over 2 years ago Alex, for shame.

Ufot-nothing lasts forever
» ufot replied on Tue Dec 28, 2010 @ 2:00pm. Posted in Limouzine Magazine w/ Frankie Bones Feb 4th 2011 RAVE.
Coolness: 93305

Ufot-epic things
» ufot replied on Sun Dec 26, 2010 @ 5:32pm. Posted in The Bricks ~ Mixed by Milton Clark.
Coolness: 93305

Number 63 for the record, this mix is an awesomely sweet blend of house, tech house and minimal, enjoy the fullness of getting the feel for the bricks. Dedicated to all of the street youth in London!~

get mix here >>> [ www.rave.ca ]

Ufot-we can stop, but we won't
» ufot replied on Fri Dec 24, 2010 @ 11:44am. Posted in Digital Perversion ~ Mixed by Milton Clark.
Coolness: 93305

Possibly my last mix for 2010, I give you digital perversion, a blend of house, techno, trance and all things twisted!!! Get your perversion on!

get mix here >>> [ www.rave.ca ]

Ufot-we are all perverted sometimes
» ufot replied on Tue Dec 21, 2010 @ 4:02pm. Posted in traktor -vs- serato.
Coolness: 93305
Originally Posted By MOEBIUS
Ok, tout depend si tu veux performer (Serato) ou que ton logiciel fasse la moitié de la job pour toi (Traktor) ... Perso quand je vois un DJ sans headphone, je me dis que I-tunes peux faire la même job.
Et je vais contredire Mutante sur un point, par rapport aux convertisseur, car j ai un amis (Bass-ic) qui a force de recherche, s est apperçu que ce que le monde recherche (et qui serrait theoriquement possible), c'est d utiliser la carte serato avec le logiciel de traktor qui gere quand même mieux les crates (fichiers ou sont localisés les morceaux). (Et si Serato ne créent pas
un bouton UNDO sur leur prochaine version, j'vais les bouder et chercher a utiliser l interface Traktor°

Donc si tu veux acheter Traktor, je dirais que c'est parceque tu veux utiliser les effets- le sampler pour les loops, et que l interface te plait...

Maintenant pour "mixer" c'est clairement Serato, et si beatmacher te pose probleme, tu download Audacity, et modifie le tempo de tes morceaux.

Moebius, I kindof totally disagree with you on the mixing point, you don't have to rely on synch to mix for you in traktor, it's an OPTION. And as far as itunes doing the same job, that's just silly, itunes is like fisher price dude, it in no way can be compared to traktor other than the fact that both programs play mp3s...

Furthermore, the Audio 8 external sound card is superior to the serrato box IMO, I've owned both, but if you don't trust my judgement or knowledge, you can always look up what the industry leading dj's and producers say... you can do a lot more with the audio 8 then you can with the serrato box...

Finally, performance isn't just mixing, it's now a level up, so if you start combining loops, samples and efx, you're performing at a different level, in some senses, you aren't just mixing, you're actually live remixing...

Ufot-we are what we use
» ufot replied on Tue Dec 21, 2010 @ 3:38pm. Posted in traktor -vs- serato.
Coolness: 93305
Originally Posted By MOEBIUS
Ok, tout depend si tu veux performer (Serato) ou que ton logiciel fasse la moitié de la job pour toi (Traktor) ... Perso quand je vois un DJ sans headphone, je me dis que I-tunes peux faire la même job.
Et je vais contredire Mutante sur un point, par rapport aux convertisseur, car j ai un amis (Bass-ic) qui a force de recherche, s est apperçu que ce que le monde recherche (et qui serrait theoriquement possible), c'est d utiliser la carte serato avec le logiciel de traktor qui gere quand même mieux les crates (fichiers ou sont localisés les morceaux). (Et si Serato ne créent pas
un bouton UNDO sur leur prochaine version, j'vais les bouder et chercher a utiliser l interface Traktor°

Donc si tu veux acheter Traktor, je dirais que c'est parceque tu veux utiliser les effets- le sampler pour les loops, et que l interface te plait...

Maintenant pour "mixer" c'est clairement Serato, et si beatmacher te pose probleme, tu download Audacity, et modifie le tempo de tes morceaux.

Moebius, I kindof totally disagree with you on the mixing point, you don't have to rely on synch to mix for you in traktor, it's an OPTION
» ufot replied on Tue Dec 21, 2010 @ 3:23pm. Posted in looking for djettes!!!.
Coolness: 93305
ya... personally I think this idea is trite and way played out, but I'd be interested if it had a twist, like all guys have to dress up like girls and vice versa, or you could stun folks by doing tasteless and dated wet t-shirt stuff.... jello wrestling? maybe make the guys wear aprons? iron clothes? sweep? gender/roll reversal?

I've never cared about the sex of a dj, all that's ever mattered were the skillz and the sound, through frankly, the whole special treatment thing I think did more harm than good, but wtv, in a man's world, that's just how the cookie crumbles, right ladies?

Ufot-yawn, is it time to sleep yet?
» ufot replied on Thu Dec 16, 2010 @ 8:07pm. Posted in Psy DJ for Sunrise.
Coolness: 93305
I could rewire brains with morning trance, but it wouldn't be psy...

Ufot-dinos were babies once
» ufot replied on Wed Dec 15, 2010 @ 3:28pm. Posted in Dave Dialect makes the charts on Beatport!!! KRAFT DINNER FOR ALL!!!.
Coolness: 93305
call 1-800-DIAL-COLLECT!!!!!! BRAP!!!!

UFot=we're sorry, the number you have dialected is too kool for your mom!
» ufot replied on Tue Dec 14, 2010 @ 12:45am. Posted in The Fade ~ Mixed by Milton Clark.
Coolness: 93305

So this is a downtempo mix of house, breaks, tech house and minimal, all about getting faded, enjoy!

get mix here >>> [ www.rave.ca ]

Ufot-we be fading up in here
» ufot replied on Fri Dec 10, 2010 @ 11:44am. Posted in Beware.
Coolness: 93305
Originally Posted By HOST.WUN
Hooker in a wheelchair.


Ufot=charlie, you are one fucked up guy!
» ufot replied on Fri Dec 10, 2010 @ 11:15am. Posted in Beware.
Coolness: 93305
I try to stay away from anything containing aids...

Ufot-I don't roll with that!
» ufot replied on Tue Dec 7, 2010 @ 1:15pm. Posted in Free Bacon!!!!!!.
Coolness: 93305
No shit, seriously, check it out...

"I run a small restaurant and we have about twenty back of frozen bacon that have reached their expirey date, but have been frozen the whole time. limit 1 per person, i want to spread they joy.

call any time before midnight - Kate - 5147065206

Merry Christmas! "

Originally posted on CG : [ montreal.en.craigslist.ca ]

Ufot-mmmmmmm, bacon!
» ufot replied on Sun Dec 5, 2010 @ 7:23pm. Posted in traktor -vs- serato.
Coolness: 93305
Personally, I've owned both and think Traktor is the absolute bomb! But I guess it really depends on what you wana do, I'm addicted to sampling, looping and using a lot of fx, I also use a midi controller, so Traktor is my total choice. If you wana emulate being a vinyl dj, and want to keep things simple, Serato is gets the job done.

Ufot-I plow my musical fields on a daily basis
» ufot replied on Sat Dec 4, 2010 @ 11:40pm. Posted in Cut Wires ~ Mixed by Milton Clark.
Coolness: 93305

So this is my 60th mix, and it's dedicated to people who are coming home from a party, as in, are feeling shaky, feeling

get mix here >> [ www.rave.ca ]

Ifot=isn't there a U missing in there?

Update » ufot wrote on Sun Dec 5, 2010 @ 1:00pm
In a drunken haste, I uploaded the wrong mix... my most sincere apologies for that silly business... ANd without further ado, here is Cut Wires!

Get actual mix here >>> [ www.rave.ca ]

Ufot-mistakes make us normal
» ufot replied on Wed Dec 1, 2010 @ 11:57am. Posted in Weird Shapes ~ Mixed by Milton Clark.
Coolness: 93305
Thanks mang! Long time sir, how goes life in the Ontariario? I'll upload the tracklisting 2nite, meant to last night, but ended up recording another new mix :P

Ufot-and then, she said, WTF?

Update » ufot wrote on Wed Dec 1, 2010 @ 7:02pm
ask and ye shall receive!!!


kool dj dust - back to the future
aux 88 - voice modulation(anthony rother remix)
ruede hagelstei - emergency
ezequiel sanchez - going to dance(catz n'dogz remix)
mount kimbie - mayor
siriusmo - blaue sonne
oliver koletzki & fran - arrow and bow(marek hemmann remix)
oculus - echo
omar - feeling you(henrik schawrz remix)
modeselektor - art & cash(sbtrkt remix)
andhim - patty sue(super flu suncreams remix)
lee jones - yoyo
basti grub - willbefine
luca lozano & sacha robotti - bartok
» ufot replied on Tue Nov 30, 2010 @ 6:39pm. Posted in House Fiction V1 ~ Mixed by Milton Clark.
Coolness: 93305

This is the first part of a 3 part series of mixes dedicated to house music, stream, download, share and enjoy...

get mix here >>> [ www.rave.ca ]

Ufot-can't stop, won't stop, can't
» ufot replied on Mon Nov 29, 2010 @ 6:10pm. Posted in Weird Shapes ~ Mixed by Milton Clark.
Coolness: 93305

This is a downtempo, experimental and atmospheric mix for chilled out activities, tracklist will be uploaded soon, enjoy!

Get mix here >>> [ www.rave.ca ]

Ufot-we won't die, we just multiply
» ufot replied on Wed Nov 24, 2010 @ 3:00am. Posted in is it normal when.
Coolness: 93305
Originally Posted By KIRE
LOL @ gamos and

I WANT TO TRY THAT @ basdini

i realized theres SO MANY fuckin names for drinks people could be like " dude you ever have the " nazi auschwitz" ? (sp?) n i'd be like "NAW MAN WHATS THAT
" " well dude its like shot of tequilaa, 3 different kinda of rum shots and you gotta chew the tequilaa worm before drinking the glass with all that mixed"

have you ever heard of the NAPPY DAWG !??! BASICALLY YOU.... anyway haha

irish car bomb is a cool name tho so thumbs up

No offence dude, but if you've never heard of an Irish car bomb, I have a hard time believing ya didn't get drunk off of 12 beers lad...

Just saying...

Ufot-erm, yap...
» ufot replied on Tue Nov 23, 2010 @ 5:31pm. Posted in is it normal when.
Coolness: 93305
being able to drink a 12 without getting drunk or buzzed normally means you're tolerance for alcohol is at a high point, essentially meaning you drink too much or too often. It is at this precise moment where you should consider one of the two following options:

1. SLOW THE FUCK DOWN!!! Cause though liver transplants are possible, they are not cheap and can have permanent side effects on your life, such as cutting out the possibility of conducting said favorite activity! (ie. drinking)

2. SWITCH TO BOOZE YOU PUSSY!!! Once beer no longer has the magic, it's time to step up your game and take it to the next obvious level, hard liquor. Rum, whiskey, scotch, gin, vodka... don't be shy, find a new love, you know your love for beer will never fade away, like a jealous lover, it'll be back before you know it, so just experiment in the hopes of achieving drunken bliss.

Also, for those of you whom this anecdotal response angers or for those of you who actually think they may have a drinking problem, there's always :

[ www.na.org ]


[ www.aa.org ]

Ufot-remember kids, sometimes it's better to quit while you can; for everything else in life, there's abuse...
» ufot replied on Tue Nov 9, 2010 @ 3:59pm. Posted in Best rave club in Montreal?.
Coolness: 93305
Originally Posted By RAWALI
Ritchie Hawtin is playing stereo on the 19th.... jus' sayin...

might acctually hit up stereo for the first time ever.

...just stay away from circus... it's just... bad vibes

Adam X is playing January 1rst 2011 at circus :(
If it was stereo I would be way less indecisive...

» ufot replied on Thu Nov 4, 2010 @ 7:02pm. Posted in FEAR & PANIC ~ Two new mixes by Milton Clark.
Coolness: 93305
So this is a two part mix series I just recorded, dedicated to new and old sounds from the world of techno. The first part is a downtempo(126bpm) experimental style, the second part is just a pounding techno adventure(130bpm)... Enjoy

Part one:

Get mix here [ www.rave.ca ]

Part two:

Get mix here [ www.rave.ca ]

Ufot-bring that bleep back!
» ufot replied on Fri Oct 29, 2010 @ 4:05pm. Posted in Death of Technics Tables.
Coolness: 93305
Originally Posted By CUTTERHEAD
syntax error ? dude get out of that block format of yours. witch is known to be best ? digital photography or film (noise/artifacts wise)

same for music.

ufot wat tl;dr

your statement about new rare metal is a fallacy implying digital has some sort of special components. analog is only bigger in quantity of earth metal and use direct "writing" compare to "buffered" ones with digital. work your explaination up a notch , kids with epods makes a mess with the wires at the parties , wax has about 100y of inexhausted usage. because sony claims their mp3 rocks lps doesnt means etune is a real 1:1 alternative

lots of trackmasters where discontinued using a bigger format of the cartridge , making them not retro compatible with the old cartridges.

imo its a way to cut throat the market before phasing it out.


Cutter, first of all, take a chill pill. Second of all, the syntax was a joke... Third of all, you can say things like "IMO Analogue is far superior to digital", but that still won't change the fact that Technics are stopping production... Fourthly, you are comparing one media mode to a completely different one, complete fail there, sound vs video???

And the new metal joke was meant in the form of a new conduit for sound signals... geez... relax ta noune...

Ufot-king of opinions online, are the same offline too...pssshhhh...
» ufot replied on Fri Oct 29, 2010 @ 1:44pm. Posted in Death of Technics Tables.
Coolness: 93305
Originally Posted By CUTTERHEAD
you cannot compare digital and analog , unless its to claim digital yeild worse results with less hardware.

analog should never be phased out , its a physical aspect of life that ought to be developped alongside digital.

definitely will take over this market if they phase it out


Dude, I can totally compare them because they are both usable methods for dj's... I wasn't talking about sound quality, I wasn't opening a debate here, I was comparing two methods used by DJ's... And as far as I'm concerned, unless some new rare metal is discovered, I'm pretty sure that Analogue has been pushed to its limit(though I'm sure you'll try to prove that statement wrong)

@ Wally : I'm pretty sure parts will be available for a long time to come and the aftermarket most likely will be around till we stop breathing, TT's are tanks with tons of spare parts ;)

» ufot replied on Fri Oct 29, 2010 @ 1:39pm. Posted in Traktor Kontrol S4 DJ System.
Coolness: 93305
Originally Posted By RAWALI
cracking? couldnt that just be the buffer of the soundcard that's too low?

Could be that the buffer is too low, could be that there isn't enough memory available for the tracking... could be a loose connection...

Ufot-that's about it
ufot's Profile - Community Messages