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AYkiN0XiA's Profile - Community Messages
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» AYkiN0XiA replied on Mon Sep 19, 2005 @ 12:28pm. Posted in Harvest Festival...
Coolness: 166780
vibalicious! psychedelicious!
all you rave people should get your asses to a real real party like this. this beats everything. to really feel like gods and godesses dancing together free abundance coming from everywhere and everyone is just the friend you've always been wishing for.
the deco was mad mad mad, and the vibe, the vibe... so real, like nothing i have experienced before.
thank you so much, and see you next year, harvest people!
» AYkiN0XiA replied on Thu Sep 15, 2005 @ 10:44pm. Posted in combien de planètes?.
Coolness: 166780
passez le quiz pour savoir de combien de planètes on aurait besoin si tout le monde vivaient comme vous...
[ www.earthday.net ]
» AYkiN0XiA replied on Thu Sep 15, 2005 @ 8:02pm. Posted in What are you looking forward to?.
Coolness: 166780
last outside party of the summer - harvest!
» AYkiN0XiA replied on Fri Sep 9, 2005 @ 7:20pm. Posted in Drugs.
Coolness: 166780
words are drugs that can drive people mad.
» AYkiN0XiA replied on Wed Sep 7, 2005 @ 11:35am. Posted in Drugs.
Coolness: 166780
is chocolate a narcotic?
» AYkiN0XiA replied on Tue Sep 6, 2005 @ 11:51pm. Posted in mdma - how much is too much?.
Coolness: 166780
and how much was too much?
» AYkiN0XiA replied on Tue Sep 6, 2005 @ 11:50pm. Posted in Drugs.
Coolness: 166780
we always say the same things
let's get more drugs
» AYkiN0XiA replied on Tue Sep 6, 2005 @ 4:44pm. Posted in Drugs.
Coolness: 166780
depends if you're intelligent or stupid...
» AYkiN0XiA replied on Wed Aug 31, 2005 @ 9:25pm. Posted in Harvest Festival.. whos going?.
Coolness: 166780
me me me! i want this trip to be possible. :)
» AYkiN0XiA replied on Tue Aug 30, 2005 @ 11:18pm. Posted in mdma - how much is too much?.
Coolness: 166780
...without also taking neuroprotective precautions.

what neuroprotective precautions should i take?
» AYkiN0XiA replied on Mon Aug 29, 2005 @ 11:15pm. Posted in mdma - how much is too much?.
Coolness: 166780
i hear a lot of ravers being all jaded and everything about mdma, like it's no big deal and just a regular drug to them. i am just starting to discover how good this feels, and wondering how much is too much?
see i don't ever want to be jaded and loose the state of bliss this brings to me.
» AYkiN0XiA replied on Mon Aug 29, 2005 @ 9:05pm. Posted in magnetic storm ??!!!.
Coolness: 166780
we were on the road coming back from the rainbow gathering, going at crazy speed on the 40... and we actually saw some aurores boréales. rien à voir avec celles du grand nord, mais c'était quand même super beau. :)
» AYkiN0XiA replied on Mon Aug 29, 2005 @ 9:01pm. Posted in when did you start to hate trance.
Coolness: 166780
i love trance, it makes me dance. :)
» AYkiN0XiA replied on Sun Aug 28, 2005 @ 9:16pm. Posted in Psyber Sound 2 - time to wakeup.
Coolness: 166780
ahhhh que c'était... mmmmm! merveilleux magique magnifique. ah my god. j'peux même pas le dire tellement que wow. merci tellement là. :)
» AYkiN0XiA replied on Fri Aug 12, 2005 @ 9:15pm. Posted in Whats YOUR Dream?.
Coolness: 166780
sometimes i feel like i am in a dream whithin a dream...

wake up from a dream, and live awake in your dream, that's lucid dreaming. ;)
» AYkiN0XiA replied on Fri Aug 12, 2005 @ 3:20pm. Posted in Happy Hardcore, Shooting star 4 ???.
Coolness: 166780
c'est tellement demain! :)
» AYkiN0XiA replied on Tue Aug 9, 2005 @ 12:30am. Posted in Nightfalls Away summer festival Au 27-28.
Coolness: 166780
de plus en plus bientot, faut remonter le topic avant de le perdre :p
» AYkiN0XiA replied on Thu Jul 28, 2005 @ 9:53am. Posted in Is LSD back ?.
Coolness: 166780
mm i want acid
» AYkiN0XiA replied on Tue Jul 19, 2005 @ 8:56pm. Posted in I love you!.
Coolness: 166780
» AYkiN0XiA replied on Tue Jul 5, 2005 @ 11:54pm. Posted in Festival 2012 with ATMOS !!! - July 9.
Coolness: 166780
c'est bientot c'est tellement bientot! :D
» AYkiN0XiA replied on Mon Jun 13, 2005 @ 11:22pm. Posted in Whats YOUR Dream?.
Coolness: 166780
je ne rêve plus; ma vision arrive quand j'ouvre les yeux, je prends le temps de viser, et puis j'agis.

les rêves c'est hot mais vient un point ou c'est pas assez, ou il faut plus que juste le rêve. genre l'action, l'évolution. :)
» AYkiN0XiA replied on Mon Jun 13, 2005 @ 11:05pm. Posted in Psy Paitings for Sale.
Coolness: 166780
what did you paint these on? and where do you get the paint?
i'm not looking to buy, but i want to make my own. ;)
» AYkiN0XiA replied on Wed Jun 1, 2005 @ 9:52pm. Posted in Why do you think ppl use drugs?.
Coolness: 166780
i don't agree with this, i don't think drugs make you someone else, nor connect you to something outside yourself.
the trip is from you to you. it is all you, only it is parts of you that are normally hidden.
drugs are a great tool for discovery.
» AYkiN0XiA replied on Wed Jun 1, 2005 @ 9:43pm. Posted in Energyze² @ Gravity.
Coolness: 166780
where's the LOVE?

madforbrad, no one needs the drugs to dance all night, i agree. but why bitch on those who take them? the only thing we have control on is our own self, so be happy and stop bitching, for fuck's sake, you're the one bringing the bad vibes in here. ;)

other than that... excellent party, i had not been in a hard event for a really long time and ahh man i love it! thanks everyone, you're amazing!

i love dancing in the morning!
» AYkiN0XiA replied on Sat May 28, 2005 @ 5:02pm. Posted in Energyze 2 28/05/05 by Trance-NRG.
Coolness: 166780
va tu y'avoir beaucoup de billets en vente à la porte ou on est mieux de se grouiller à arriver?
» AYkiN0XiA replied on Sat May 28, 2005 @ 11:11am. Posted in being sober.
Coolness: 166780
what about making music? it is like a drug to me, i always want more even though i just started, it feels like an addiction, like i have to do it. it makes me feel high, you know... or just like dancing, it's like a drug too.

i see the difference as it is not something you consume, it is something you do... but still feels like kick ass drug to me. :)
» AYkiN0XiA replied on Thu May 26, 2005 @ 10:16pm. Posted in Bad Trips.
Coolness: 166780
my first and worst bad trip happened with pot. i was at a friend's house and we just smoked a really fat joint, and i started feeling weird inside and immediately went to the bathroom, for some reason i needed to get away from the people. there i just looked at my reflection in the mirror and i felt completely detached from my body, as if i was just an image, lifeless, almost dead. it was the freakyest feeling ever, watching my body as a completely superficial thing that i hated, that i wanted to get away from.

eventually i went out of the bathroom but seeing the people made me feel even worse because i saw them all the same way i saw my self, dead, but unconscious of being dead, as if they were all playing a game but they didn't even know. everything they said sounded so unreal to me.

one of my friend noticed something was wrong and asked me about it, and i just said i want to leave this place, let's go somewhere else, but at the same time i was too scared to move from there, so i just started crying. at that point, all my thoughts led me to one thing; i had to kill myself soon because i had seen too much.
» AYkiN0XiA replied on Thu May 26, 2005 @ 9:36pm. Posted in how you degrade your brain matter ..
Coolness: 166780
does jesus degrade your brain matter?
» AYkiN0XiA replied on Thu May 26, 2005 @ 7:03pm. Posted in Acid Question.
Coolness: 166780
i do think the world is perfect, right here and now, if you look at it as an evolution,
evolution is the reason why we're here,
& everything makes sense,

i know there are a lot of things gross and icky to this world, and these things are and we can't ignore them and the only thing we can change is our perspective on them. which is a lot of what acid does anyways.

learn to enjoy everything. even pain there is a way to enjoy, in the sense that it shows us the other side of being alive. in the end all is experience, and that's what we're here for - learn and enjoy, learn to enjoy.

all the pain we can see and feel is the reason we are alive - to act on it and transform it into more love. if we'd live in a world where there was only joy, there would be nothing to do, no reason to act, no reason to live. so in that sense everything is perfect. but that's my point of view, and it may change someday too.
» AYkiN0XiA replied on Thu May 26, 2005 @ 6:41pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 166780
» AYkiN0XiA replied on Thu May 26, 2005 @ 6:29pm. Posted in summer.
Coolness: 166780
» AYkiN0XiA replied on Thu May 26, 2005 @ 4:59pm. Posted in summer.
Coolness: 166780
i see leaves in the trees, and people buying slushies, and kids skateboarding.
i even see guys running shirtless in the streets.
there will be a summer, and it's coming really really soon. ;)
» AYkiN0XiA replied on Thu May 26, 2005 @ 4:50pm. Posted in summer.
Coolness: 166780
regimental; yea but what's yours?
this could be a thread about visions for this summer :)
» AYkiN0XiA replied on Thu May 26, 2005 @ 4:30pm. Posted in summer.
Coolness: 166780
of course everyone prefers their own visions, it's our lives, it's who we are, ;)
» AYkiN0XiA replied on Thu May 26, 2005 @ 4:22pm. Posted in Acid Question.
Coolness: 166780
yes i think what happens with acid is always perfect, because you do your own trip, it comes from your brain. whatever acid uncovers was there in you, waiting for you to be discovered.

now i can't say anything about the way some people react to the truth they see. some just go crazy because they take too much and thay can't handle it, but that's their fault, thay've been looking for trouble by taking too much and thay get what they asked for.
» AYkiN0XiA replied on Thu May 26, 2005 @ 4:14pm. Posted in summer.
Coolness: 166780
prelar that's your reality, your visions... you make what you want out of it, personally i prefer mine ;)
» AYkiN0XiA replied on Thu May 26, 2005 @ 2:26pm. Posted in summer.
Coolness: 166780
i can't wait for the parties this summer, the magic of dancing under the stars, in the forest, surrounded by the most beautiful people and the best best music you've ever heard. i can't wait to feel the earth under my feet as we all trance to unity, energy, no walls around us, no walls separating us from all.

i can't wait for the sunrise to see all of you smiling, glowing with happiness of dancing free, right here and now, i can't wait, i can't wait!

i love you, let's fly all through the night, nothing can beat this feeling!
» AYkiN0XiA replied on Thu May 26, 2005 @ 2:19pm. Posted in Acid Question.
Coolness: 166780
i think it depends mostly on the acid itself,
some people say it kicks in faster if you smoke a joint after you drop the acid.

but know that whatever happens with acid is always perfect, that's the magic of it. anyways... if your acid doesn't kick in the two hours a movie lasts... i think chances are it won't work at all.

have a good one! :)
» AYkiN0XiA replied on Thu May 26, 2005 @ 2:11pm. Posted in being sober.
Coolness: 166780
in the perspective that everything we like can be seen as a drug, something that enhances your life, etc...
» AYkiN0XiA replied on Wed May 25, 2005 @ 3:41pm. Posted in wise use of acid.
Coolness: 166780
ok this is weird, i was sitting here sewing stuff and i got this flash of lucidity about acid, and i start writing and this comes out, and i felt like sharing cause i feel it is wisdom.

drugs like lsd that changes perceptions of the world.

you take the drug because you are not satisfied with what you see, you know and feel there is something else somewhere, but can't exactly figure out what, and how to get there. so you take the drug, you have a trip and the world changes before your eyes, inside your brain, you discover new landscapes, you open up to the unknown you've been longing for.

you get answers, not always the ones you would have wanted to get, but each trip is absolutely perfect, in the sense that your brain makes you learn what you have to learn.

the trick is, you can't do something valuable in this world if you take acid all the time because each time your perceptions change, your whole outlook on life changes, and you often find that the projects you have been working on don't fit with your perceptions anymore and you have to start all over in order to be happy with what you do.

so acid is a drug to take in really special times in the life. periods that are 'inbetween', when you find yourself faced with a blank sheet and have to start something new - better do it with a whole new perspective.
AYkiN0XiA's Profile - Community Messages