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Events Calendar - March 31, 2007
Oracle [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Sat Mar 31, 2007 @ 11:00pm till Sun Apr 1, 2007 @ 10:00am
Description:Mexkema presents "ORACLE"

10pm - 10am


(Nutek Records / Materia Records - Mexico / Spain)
1st Live performance in Canada & exclusive presentation of new material!!!

Bio Genesis is one of the most exciting new projects to come out from Mexico & Spain. Behind Bio Genesis are Mikeldi Murguia & Carlos Perez who were born in Mexico City, but are currently living in Barcelona. United since childhood, Mikeldi and Carlos have been making music together for a long time. When they were younger, they both started a rock band and played together in various local spots, gaining local fame for a few years. After a while of making music together, they got introduced to the electronic scene and started producing lounge, and more down tempo music, using several acoustic instruments as well as synthesizers and computers. Further on, they discovered psytrance and were instantly attracted to this new style of production. Bio Genesis is now known for their unique fusion of sounds and groovy style, which combines the more melodic elements, with experimental synth sounds. Bio Genesis has been releasing music with artists such as CPU, GMS, Mekkanikka, Xerox & Illumination, Sirius Isness, etc.


Mikeldi Vs Carlos
(Nutek Rec. / Materia Rec. / Bio Genesis - Mexico / Spain)

(Mexkema /Freaks Island Records, Mexico)

(Filthy Crew, Montreal)

(Neurobiotic Records/ Tech Safari, Montreal)

(Event Horizon / 24/7 Media / [ Psystream.net ] Montreal)

(Geomagnetic / Maia Records, San Fransico)

(Event Horizon / 24/7 Media, UK - Montreal)

Secound Room (chill beats & grooves):

Ekoplex (LIVE) & Djane Ena - [ www.ekoplex.engram.ca ] (TO / Brazil)

Pangea - [ www.pangeaproductions.org ] (N. Carolina USA)

itzamna vs kinich-acab (Mexkema - Mexico / Mtl)

Mat THC - [ www.techsafari.ca ] (Tech Safari/ St-Jérôme)

Jezabel Vs KiNeMaTik (MTL)

Aqaurius (MTL)


"we Polarize in order to Evolve
stabilzing Synchronicity
weseal the Matrix of Navigation
With the lunar tone of Navigation
we are guided by the power of Universal Sounds
we are a galactic Activation Portal"

Music Samples & Releases from Bio Genesis:

[ www.psyshop.com ]

[ www.psyshop.com ]

[ www.psyshop.com ]

[ www.psyshop.com ]

[ www.psyshop.com ]

[ www.psyshop.com ]

[ www.psyshop.com ]

LOCATION revelead 48 hours in advance! and more additions to the lineup to be announced!

[ www.nutek.org ]
[ www.twenty4seven.cc ]
[ www.materiarecords.com ]
[ www.maia.com.mx ]
[ www.psystream.net ]
[ www.rave.ca ]
[ www.psychonaut.ca ]
[ www.techsafari.ca ]
[ www.geomagnetic.tv ]
Room 1:
Bio Genesis (Spain, Barcelona) - Nutek Records / Planet Ben Rec
Ekoplex (Canada, Ontario, Toronto) - myspace.com - Ektoplazm
voided (Canada, Ontario, Toronto) - www.void.com
AkAt - www.myspace.com - Mexkema - Freaks-Island Records
DJ Rikam - www.myspace - Neurobiotic records/Tech Safari
Dreamtektor - Dream Technology
Drizzt - www.twenty4seven.cc - 24/7 Media - Event Horizon
FaUst (Psy Trance)
Horizon - www.twenty4seven.cc - 24/7 Records
Jezabel - Filthy Crew

Deco Artists: Julien Seyer
Extras:*Mind Altering Visuals by Faust (freaks island records)

*Psycehedelic deco environment by (freaks island records &


*Chill Area

*Crystal Clear Sound System

*12Hours of non-stop hi-tech psychedelic trance


Presale: $20 in advance
On the Door: $30
Available at [ www.psychonaut.ca ]

Contact & Info line:

MANU: 514-222-1249
GREG: 514-825-2055

LOCATION revelead 48 hours in advance!
Added:Tue Dec 5, 2006 @ 6:23pm by » Horizon
Modified:Fri Sep 12, 2008 @ 6:21am by » Horizon
Events Calendar - March 31, 2007
Contributing Members: » BoUnTee (28), » MR_LANE (21), » Dark_Pixie (19), » earthyspirit (19), » LuNe (18), » I.L.E (12), » Su3- (10)
Member Comments
» Atomic-garden said @ Wed Apr 18, 2007 @ 1:43pm
Nice party! Belle salle tres intime comme messe...
» Bio-genesis said @ Tue Apr 17, 2007 @ 6:59am
Its was killer times in Montreal and the party, thnx to everyone that was there!! Big Balagan
» MR_LANE said @ Wed Apr 4, 2007 @ 2:03pm
J'ai poster les pics
» I.L.E said @ Mon Apr 2, 2007 @ 10:59am
Great place. Good music. Killer deco.
» OtKun said @ Mon Apr 2, 2007 @ 10:32am
Merde ca va etre malade, Biogenesis c du gros calibre Preparez vous a du Full On com on l aime , PS: est ce kelkun a les foto de oracle j les trouve po, merci
» Count_Bandit said @ Mon Apr 2, 2007 @ 9:33am
i missed it by so little.... arrrghhhhhh c'tais tu le fun? irshhhh... where are those picssstures???
» Pan-do said @ Mon Apr 2, 2007 @ 8:07am
This was hell of a great party.Thx to the promotors they did good.bio-genesis was the right choice. and the place was perfect.
» Spex said @ Mon Apr 2, 2007 @ 6:45am
Drizzt :-) Bio Genesis :-) Cette petite salle intime :-)
» MeRriCk said @ Mon Apr 2, 2007 @ 5:15am
a shed transformed into paradise for the night ...and i hope you didn't dare miss the secound imaginary chill room:^^:mmmh heavenly place where i cud find peace within my innnerself
» Marie-Gazelle said @ Sun Apr 1, 2007 @ 9:10pm
c'étais un super matin en votre compagnie, méchante belle gang!!!!!!!!!!! Cé fou comme la musique est bonne et que le monde est beau dans un beau matin de printemps comme ça!! (On veut des photos!!!:))
» shanti said @ Sun Apr 1, 2007 @ 5:34pm
mais quel délicieux party!! bravo!!!
» perception said @ Sun Apr 1, 2007 @ 2:04pm
good fucking party! cant believe I went...who wants to help me with my homework :p
» tranceinmypants said @ Sun Apr 1, 2007 @ 11:18am
If anyone found a space gathering ticket, enjoy. :]
» Psilo said @ Sat Mar 31, 2007 @ 8:59pm
Major killer Massiv Havoc Ahead Capt. bus 57 from Guy station :} see u!
» Horizon said @ Sat Mar 31, 2007 @ 7:08pm
377 rue Richmond
» WassUpOnEarth said @ Sat Mar 31, 2007 @ 6:04pm
c clair que j'irais là si j'étais dans le coin de Mtl :'(
» Akibel said @ Sat Mar 31, 2007 @ 5:37pm
:( :( :( :( dansez et écoutez pour moi…… crotte!!!!!
» DirtyD said @ Fri Mar 30, 2007 @ 10:26am
full on full on lr lr................
» Kararma said @ Thu Mar 29, 2007 @ 1:30pm
BIOGENESIS pure Full on !!! Y Mexicanos, Cabrones!!!!
» FaUst said @ Thu Mar 29, 2007 @ 10:02am
Ça s'en vient ;)
» earthyspirit said @ Tue Mar 27, 2007 @ 8:31pm
Waking the dream will take making the dream. Believe!
» tONeb0Ogie said @ Tue Mar 27, 2007 @ 10:38am
I can't wait!! Ahhh I'm so expsyted! :) <3
» Purple_Lee said @ Sat Mar 24, 2007 @ 2:32pm
much needed bubble time alone
» eatingownbrain said @ Fri Mar 23, 2007 @ 3:48pm
mouahahahaha ;) this will be nice...
» Pixie-Dust said @ Fri Mar 23, 2007 @ 3:26pm
fuck yeah Ekoplex! and that sexy boy Julien's deco!
» MaSingularity said @ Fri Mar 23, 2007 @ 2:20pm
unseelie court his there
» heyho said @ Tue Mar 20, 2007 @ 9:11pm
OHHHHHHHH!YEAHHHH! It's going to be so good! Gracias amigos!
» Nilk0 said @ Sun Mar 18, 2007 @ 2:56pm
jespere que sa va pas foirer comme lotre fois...
» LuNe said @ Sat Mar 17, 2007 @ 4:42pm
manu! i hope you gonna be psychedelikely ready because it's gonna be your birthday! :) i can feel good vibrations already :P maktoub!
» DJ_Rikam said @ Sat Mar 17, 2007 @ 4:24pm
where will be the party guys? and the line up please... can t wait for this partyy! see ya boom!
» Sc0pi0 said @ Tue Mar 13, 2007 @ 8:35am
Ton link ne marche malheureusement pas jolie Faust :~(
» crazy said @ Mon Mar 12, 2007 @ 6:20pm
hell ya!
» a_u_r_a said @ Thu Mar 8, 2007 @ 1:06pm
shiiiiiit! cannot make it! booo!!! but its ok, my band is playing a show so i won't be totally dissapointed! have fun everyone
» anima said @ Thu Mar 8, 2007 @ 12:49pm
Buena Onda Por La Fiesta, Enjoy The Moment !!!
» PsYcHoTiK said @ Thu Mar 8, 2007 @ 2:11am
Hey jte dis vous autre... faut pas chialer contre les ti-namis... La question ici pour ceux qui l'avait pas comprise n'a rien a voir avec le party de Manu quia l'air malade, mais bien d'avoir tout les party a la meme criss de place... (avec en plus un son a chier et le beau planché de bois qui fait sauter la musique!!) Yen en fait pas d'autres problemes donc oui y vient de la, avant de parler de logique faudrais commenncer par en avoir... C'est comme dans l'temps avec l'église de pie9 ou le carting... tu t'écoeure daller toujours a la meme place et sa ajoute un ton de monotonie a la chose, qui joue nécéssairement sur la qualité du party... Pis ceux qui sont pas capable de comprendre sa b'en aller donc au aria passer vos nuits vous verrez surement pas la différence ...philosophique... Anyway... C'est vrai que c'est pas la place mais ce qui doit etre dit... ben doit etre dit... Lets-go Manu et Mexkema Rock-it-on!!! We gonna comme to say good bye and party with you wherever it is !!
» ZaRtAkA said @ Tue Mar 6, 2007 @ 2:12pm
bon bon les enfants....pas de chicane!
» VURT said @ Mon Mar 5, 2007 @ 3:18pm
je m'excuse mais ca chie le fractal : justement, si c'est d'la muzz qu'on veut, on s'en fout d'la deco, on veut d'autres places, comme dans le temps ou les producteurs se forcaient pour nous amener dans des catacombes [ quelqueconques...ca ] fait chier d'aller toujours au meme endroit, c'est pas ca un rave !!! C'est aussi d'avoir a chercher la place, de pas savoir (en tant que raver et non producteur) ou on va passer la nuit !! Ca faisait aussi partie de l'excitation ! BOUUUUH FRACTAL!!! Et pourquoi pas le dire sur la place publik ???? Arretez de faire vos petites vierges offensees, y'a des choses tellement pires que ca ! Vive la liberte d'expression :P
» manu said @ Fri Mar 2, 2007 @ 4:38pm
hola everyone this is going to be a two for one, it's my birthday and my good bye party. I really hope to see everyone there so i can say my goodbyes, give lots of hugs and show my love to all of the friends i've made here. Dj Akat...
» DraGon_Fly said @ Thu Mar 1, 2007 @ 3:54pm
Hehe faut pas capoter avec ca je pense que c'est normal de vouloir tripper a d'autres places, meme si un endroit possède la formule gagnante trop de party au meme endroit va finir par nous aliéner, pis c pas comme si le systeme de son était si formidable que ca non plus! et By the way ce party va Rocker !!!!
» AYkiN0XiA said @ Thu Mar 1, 2007 @ 9:25am
c'est parce que le fractal quand il est bien décoré est plus la même place du tout. au fractal on peut se permettre de transformer complètement la place parce qu'on a la disponibilité de la salle, mais aux autres places ça reste toujours une salle normale parce qu'ils ont pas le temps de créer une déco malade. pensez-y...
» PierredeLux said @ Tue Feb 20, 2007 @ 4:56pm
» Aikido_911 said @ Tue Feb 6, 2007 @ 11:32pm
This will be hot as Mexico!
» YGRIEGA said @ Tue Jan 30, 2007 @ 4:35pm
Right on time for my birthday!! supercheers!!
» Maygic said @ Fri Jan 26, 2007 @ 10:47am
OUUIIiiiioui!! Wana kickass time hé!... for sure!
» databoy said @ Thu Jan 25, 2007 @ 2:54pm
loco loco!
» Dark_Side_Rec said @ Thu Jan 25, 2007 @ 2:19pm
ya baby
» dreamtektor said @ Sat Jan 20, 2007 @ 11:01pm
Get your tickets everyone... This party will rock tha house
» BoUnTee said @ Wed Dec 6, 2006 @ 7:19pm
Killer line-up! BIOGENESIS!!!