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Adrianna's Profile
» Adrianna

36 year old scorpio female
From Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Is feeling frustrated tabarnak!...
Last On:Tue Nov 30, 1999 @ 12:00am
Profile Views:17,072
About Adrianna
Fuzzies:Ferrets! I love these manic weasly balls of energy and love. I wish I could sleep in a giant hammock with them every night and jump around with them all day. :D
Television:Simpsons! they are my god, everything in daily life can be referenced back to at least one episode (given they've been on the air forever and have had to cover every idea imaginable). Still, I'm obsessed to the point that I've named my rat Professor Frink (after the buck/rat toothed scientist) and have a giant Blinky (the cutest damn 3 eyed fish in the world) on my back. Anyway, bright colors and realistic satire is my world. I hope they keep the tales of the yellow people on coming!
I'm In These Pictures [ All 46 ]
Height:5' 4"
Hair Colour:Colourful
Body Piercing:Breast, Ear(s), Lip, Nose
Rel. Important:Not Much
Daily Diet:Other
Annual Income:Under $10,000
Want Children:Maybe Later
Life Style:City Slicker
Social Status:Couple
Languages:English, French
Political:Left Wing
Friend [ All 21 ] Friend of [ All 27 ]
Friend's Are Attending [ All 1 ] Future Events
Recent Moods [ All 30 ]
frustrated tabarnak!Apr 14, 2009
dizzyApr 12, 2009
blissfulApr 9, 2008
broke $Apr 6, 2008
annoyedMar 27, 2008
Latest Attending Events [ All 26 ]
2009-04-11-Rewire 5 : Easter In Mtl (274)
2009-02-07-The Final Raves'r'us: The Last Chapter Of A Great Story (252)
2008-12-06-Reign In Blood (263)
2008-09-05-Pyjama-Rama (100)
2008-05-09-Squiggles And Scribbles! (183)
2008-05-03-Digital Nomad: Multi-Loft Party (85)
2008-04-26-Never Never Land (82)
2008-03-22-Rewire 4: Enter The Bunny (253)
2008-02-23-The Digital Cafe (47)
2008-02-02-Raves'r'us 2 (181)
2008-01-26-Little Plastic Castle (136)
2007-09-08-Time Machine 2: Frankie Bones (112)
2007-07-13-Pussyvamp's House-warming Party (23)
2007-06-16-Hitched! (220)
2007-05-30-Psycore nite at Saphir / Indica, Iznogood, AnimA... (49)
2007-05-04-Dark Matters II (172)
2007-03-31-Back to the Groove (166)
2007-03-31-Oracle (97)
2007-03-30-Newmindspace - metro party - fête dans le métro (15)
2007-03-10-Clash (101)
Party Photos Of Attended Events [ All 9164 ]
Site Additions
25 image comments made.
Discussion Board History [ All 334 ]
Journals [ All 2 ]
2008-04-09 memo (0)
2008-02-08 um...I was told to start a journal (0)
Gallery Photos [ All 88 ]
Poems [ All 1 ]
2008-02-08 spanish flea (1)
Hi ! I'm Adrianna,

I probably don't know you but I'm happy to meet/talk/chill/trip out or dance with anyone-
(unless your an obvious douche bag, and I mean it has to be REALLY obvious-and even if you screwed up I'm usually good for second chances, no thirds though:P). I like to strike up conversations with strangers and am generally energetic, curious, giggly with a sense of humor that concerns ethicists, I also get distracted by shinny stuff (imagine a huge ridiculous smile here).

I live in NDG with my boyfriend of 6 years and his brother (he who is responsible for introducing me to raving), Pumba+Gustav the cats, Monty+Carl the rats and three ferrets Mojo, Nibler and Zuka...where just ONE BIG HAPPY FAMILY :D YAY! :P ummmmmmm...

I've only been going to raves for about 3 years now, compared to 8 years of punk rocking, so yes, I'm still relatively new to the community and don't really dance like or consider myself to be a "raver" but more as a candy punx (your colorful childish lunacy has softened my heart...what can I say...it works, you gotta keep a little Halloween in your rave culture, after all they're both all about the candy and running wild through the night, so yes rainbows do go with Frankenstein monsters and skulls should be lacquered with sparkely paint). Anyway (most of) the people are fucking awesome. the music's got a great beat and I always have a great time. I'm looking forward to having many more. Hope to see you around some night.
Member Comments
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» a_u_r_a said @ Sun Mar 8, 2009 @ 6:38pm
wassup freak, randomness on the borednet! spread amazingnezz! namaste
» Destructiva said @ Mon Mar 2, 2009 @ 2:50pm
We saw you walking in Ste Catherine :)
» LAZYHAWK said @ Sun Sep 7, 2008 @ 1:01pm
aha, i'm a little bit late? and yeah! katie and i've been lving near lionel groulx for about three months already. wallah. i got so surprised when she told me that she knew you! have a lovely day. :)
» ILL_EAGLE said @ Wed Aug 13, 2008 @ 4:06pm
Hello, I need to get in touch with Courtney ASAP. I was hoping you would have her number. Please message me as soon as you can if you have it. Thanks. Love! :-)
» PiiXiiE said @ Fri Aug 1, 2008 @ 12:06am
noo. im living with my mom again.. me and him broke up.. but im doing good :)
» PiiXiiE said @ Tue Jul 29, 2008 @ 10:16pm
Heyy.. Hows it going? remember me? :) (youppi's ex)
» Destructiva said @ Sun Jul 27, 2008 @ 11:11pm
Hola Adri, I hope everything is fine with you, looking forward to see again. :D
» ILL_EAGLE said @ Sat Jul 5, 2008 @ 11:18pm
Free Loft Party Tonight! You know the place! [ www.rave.ca ] :-D
» GODISDEAD_ said @ Thu Jun 19, 2008 @ 9:53am
Hey I saw you and your little rat friend in ndg the other day ! :P
» MunchinSushi said @ Sun Jun 8, 2008 @ 2:54pm
Hey Jana, Miss you! We should get together soon, next time I'm in Mtl! <3
» Destructiva said @ Thu Jun 5, 2008 @ 1:05am
Hey Psycho Bitch!!! have you seen yourself in the latest Trailer? :) You'll be featured in the Movie, I have a pending interview with you. See you when I get back from Mexico. xoxoxo
» Andy_Riot said @ Tue May 20, 2008 @ 11:18pm
I WAS TOTALLY THERE! IN THE FRONT! GAWD HOW DID YOU NOT SEE ME! Hahahaha. The Unseen were awesome "fuck ya!" I laughed everytime the lead singer would say that - he sounds so high school. Doesn't Nick 13's face look like a Halloween vampire mask? Everytime he'd raise his eyebrows (it's like his signature move or something) i'd be like AAAAAAAAAAAH he looks like some crazy vampire! TxAxNxD (oh ya, i kept yelling that over and over again humourously... Cuz i'm an idiot like that. No one seemed to find it funny... Bah!)
» Drawzika said @ Mon May 12, 2008 @ 3:59pm
sweet ^^
» Synchronicity said @ Sun May 11, 2008 @ 10:12pm
hihi, nice meeting you at squiggles, hope the acid was good. :p
» xXNeoXx said @ Sun May 11, 2008 @ 8:07pm
Awh! <3 Well youll prolly be seeing me around! I go out when I can :3
» Drawzika said @ Sun May 11, 2008 @ 10:20am
Hey, How are you ?
» xXNeoXx said @ Sun May 11, 2008 @ 10:15am
» nosferatu.ms said @ Tue Apr 29, 2008 @ 10:52pm
» evilkitkatbar said @ Sat Apr 26, 2008 @ 7:11pm
Thank tou so much for the present!!! I love it :D
» viciouspanda said @ Thu Apr 17, 2008 @ 10:04am
oh I remember you!
» MunchinSushi said @ Wed Mar 26, 2008 @ 10:25pm
Hey hey hey hey! OMG so sorry for the sketchtasticness last weekend! Was awesome to see you guys though! I may be up for a partyfree weekend this weekend if you guys wanna get together at some point, It would be nice to have some NON sketch time lol!
» verdammte said @ Wed Mar 26, 2008 @ 2:14am
[ www.rave.ca ] JANA!
» pussyvamp said @ Mon Mar 24, 2008 @ 9:27am
U were so cute at rewire... am I still your pet?? =P
» MunchinSushi said @ Thu Mar 20, 2008 @ 11:39pm
I should be there.... As long as I can find someone to meet me at central Station tomorrow night or Saturday Day. :)
» MunchinSushi said @ Tue Mar 11, 2008 @ 12:31pm
Rewire 4???
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