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MaSingularity's Profile
» MaSingularity
a.k.a. "samy"

43 year old virgo male
From Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Is feeling twilight time!!!...
Last On:Fri Jun 7, 2019 @ 2:07am
Profile Views:29,305
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Height:5' 9"
Hair Colour:Black
Religion:Not Religious
Rel. Important:Somewhat
Daily Diet:Other
Want Children:No
Life Style:Suburbanite
Social Status:Couple
Languages:English, French
Music [ All 2 ]
winter (Psychedelic)
3:47 min @ 320 kbps, 0 comment
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Inner (Psychedelic)
3:32 min @ 160 kbps, 0 comment
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twilight time!!!Mar 28, 2011
psy ta vie!Mar 24, 2011
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a gum under a shoesDec 17, 2010
suck this!Dec 14, 2010
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The First Tenet: Understand the mortal world, and shelter those who cannot live in it.
In a world where poverty, tragedy, crime, violence and despair rule, one must shelter all those who are of the dreaming. Wither they are Kithian, or Thallain. They are creatures of the Dreaming too and deserve our protection.

The Second Tenet: Understand the supernatural world, make and break alliances as necessary.
The “prodigal” races are outside of what we really are. Yet they can bare truth to what it really means to be unseelie sometimes. Despite them not being what we are, they can give illuminating insight to situations that maybe out of our scope. But don't tarry long in their territories.

The Third Tenet: Harvest Glamour and prepare for the approaching of Endless Winter.
Mortals come and go, Glamour is free, but Winter is coming. If you want a chance in hell to survive it, you better be prepared. Admit the truth, if we want to be on the top of the food chain, we have to feast on the weak. Gather Glamour anyway you can.

The Fourth Tenet: Overthrow the Seelie Court and nobility.
For too long have we been denied our rightful place in the seasons. For this, Winter may be longer than it has ever been, or even Endless. Every chance you get to bring down a Seelie ruler, do so. They are the ones that have truly brought the Endless Winter upon us. If they all fall and Winter comes, then perhaps we will survive long enough for spring to come again. If it ever comes again.

The Fifth Tenet: Fulfill the Ritual Obligations of the year, culminating in the rituals of Samhain.
Mortals deface what the yearly rituals mean, forgetting the darker side of their festive holidays, buying into things about some fat man who brings them gifts, or that some kid was dumped in a horse trough cause his parents couldn't get any other place to sleep. But we know better. These rituals keep us alive, they remind us of the old days, whiles preparing us for the on coming winter.

The Sixth Tenet: Spread chaos, revolution and anarchy.
Change is good. But Change isn't enough, for our survival in things we must do more. Chaos keeps things lively, pushes new sources of glamour and confuses the hell out of mortals and the nobility. Revolution keeps those damn Seelie bastards on edge, all the better to knock them down when they aren't looking in the right direction. And Anarchy? I think we are being redundant here, but even I like a good firebombing.

The Seventh Tenet: There is no tenet number seven. All Hail Discordia!

banality his my worse fear!

~a vicious fighter and a vicious lover, absolutely dedicated to his pack. You are pushed to anger by disloyalty and injustice and have a tendency toward sudden, periodic bursts of wild behavior~
Member Comments
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» Atomic-garden said @ Mon Nov 3, 2014 @ 8:55pm
Salut Sam! Je te souhaite un bon voyage en Asie! Profites-en à fond mek! ON se revoit en 2015 Buddy!
» ORBITE said @ Sun Oct 20, 2013 @ 10:35am
MaSingularity = malade!!!
» Beruska said @ Mon Oct 7, 2013 @ 8:15am
<3 contente de t'avoir vu samedi!! <3
» Atomic-garden said @ Fri Jan 4, 2013 @ 8:43pm
gros! c'est quand ton prochain set?!?
» Akibel said @ Wed Dec 12, 2012 @ 9:05am
Mr. maSingularity xoxoxo
» Akibel said @ Mon Oct 15, 2012 @ 9:36am
moi jveux que tu en écoutes encore + des docu comme la semaine passée ;) hehhehehe
» Akibel said @ Tue Sep 25, 2012 @ 11:50am
yéééééé :) faisait longtemps hééhéhéhéh
» MaSingularity said @ Tue Aug 7, 2012 @ 7:47pm
» MaSingularity said @ Tue Aug 7, 2012 @ 7:46pm
mouahaha lol
» Pan-do said @ Tue Aug 7, 2012 @ 9:59am
samsam sam samsam sam samsam sam samsam sam samsam sam samsam sam samsam sam samsam sam samsam sam samsam sam samsam sam samsam sam samsam sam samsam sam samsam sam samsam sam samsam sam samsam sam samsam sam samsam sam samsam sam samsam sam samsam sam samsam sam samsam sam samsamsam sam samsam sam samsam sam samsam sam samsam sam samsam sam samsam sam samsam sam samsam sam samsam sam samsam sam samsam sam samsam sam samsam sam samsam sam samsam sam samsam sam samsam sam samsam sam samsam sam samsam sam samsam sam samsam sam samsam sam samsam sam sam???
» Akibel said @ Tue Jul 3, 2012 @ 4:41pm
té y'ou donc ?
» Akibel said @ Thu Apr 19, 2012 @ 9:59am
ouin ben j'ai faite le tour de tes picks un peu partout là... j'en suis venu à la conclusion que t'ai un foutu beau bonhomme ^.^ xoxooxoxoxo
» perception said @ Tue Apr 17, 2012 @ 5:13pm
Feel better!!!! xox
» Akibel said @ Fri Jan 13, 2012 @ 9:23am
on va se chéquer le booty ce soir à psybass !!!!! yeah !!!
» HighdroXy said @ Sun Nov 20, 2011 @ 4:39am
» HighdroXy said @ Wed Sep 28, 2011 @ 11:12pm
» Akibel said @ Mon Jul 18, 2011 @ 10:16am
moi aussi jtaime vrm pas mal pas pire pantoute ^.^
» Horizon said @ Wed Jul 13, 2011 @ 12:31pm
Ahhhh I realized your talking about my prog set, hehe. thanks bro.
» InnFekchun said @ Wed Jun 22, 2011 @ 10:27pm
» HighdroXy said @ Tue Jun 14, 2011 @ 12:14am
Hey hey !
» BoUnTee said @ Wed May 18, 2011 @ 9:09pm
C'est reciproque! On se voit samedi!
» BoUnTee said @ Sun May 15, 2011 @ 7:40pm
Hello Sammy! Ton Abyss est vraiment exotique! Nice avatar btw :) A bientot!
» Pan-do said @ Fri May 6, 2011 @ 10:36am
HA HA HAGACE!! m'eh. Vien me voir bientot on finit mon remix electro et tu gagne FL si on gagne!! FL !!
» Pan-do said @ Thu May 5, 2011 @ 1:36pm
Kess tu fais fucker? On va perdre notre quest si tu te log pas sur msn!!!
» Akibel said @ Wed Apr 27, 2011 @ 10:14am
ce qui fait que c'est moin dur me lever le matin après 10 jours de vacances, c'est que tu sois là avec moi :p xoxoxooxoxo
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