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» ufot replied on Tue Feb 9, 2010 @ 1:26pm. Posted in microwaves suck.
Coolness: 93235
Originally Posted By MASA
That is definitely a fun thing to do. I really should buy more of these Jiffy Pop thingies.
Tastes wayyy better than microwave popcorn too!

actually masa, I do it the old fashioned way, all you need is a pot, a lid for that pot, some olive or corn oil and popcorn... happens really fast, more fun that the microwave and it tastes better... also, once you've finished popping, you can use the heated pot to melt butter for the popcorn :D

fuck it, I'm making some popcorn now...

Ufot-yay for popcorn
» ufot replied on Tue Feb 9, 2010 @ 1:04pm. Posted in microwaves suck.
Coolness: 93235
I made a promise to myself that I will never own one, like ever... I have enough radioactivity in my life, I really don't need anymore, and I find food generally tastes better if you have to wait a bit for it to be ready...

I also rather enjoy popping corn on the stove and love my toaster, so no microwaves for me!

Ufot-I know, lets excite the water molecules!!!
» ufot replied on Tue Feb 9, 2010 @ 1:01pm. Posted in Journey To Ixtlan by Carlos Casteneda.
Coolness: 93235
Originally Posted By TARDCORE
Hey Raverz I have to hit up the ymca in a second to keep myself UNFATTENED however um I was wondering what you all are reading... ive been reading Journey to ixtlan by Carlos Casteneda which is this awesome book it gets me kind of shy to talk about the mature harry potter but Casteneda trips me out just reading his works whatever Harry Potter Vs Casteneda.

This is the Harry Potter Message Board

Wizards and Unicorns


his books were all lies, but they are still fun to read... I much preferred " a seperate reality ", the teachings of don juan... the egg with the tentacles..

Ufot-crazy shit weird mexican lies... peyote anyone?
» ufot replied on Tue Feb 9, 2010 @ 12:06pm. Posted in Cookies Vs Ice Cream, who will win?.
Coolness: 93235
Originally Posted By DRGONZO

oh and eww, marzipan.. :'( one of my mum's friends used to get a brick of marzipan for my brother and I every Christmas when we were younger.. It's once again, one of those things I figured I'd end up liking once I was a little older and a little wiser..

Dude, marzipan is sooooo gross... Never liked it, never will, tastes what I would imagine candles would taste like if you tried to eat them,....

Ufot-candles are not for eating
» ufot replied on Tue Feb 9, 2010 @ 11:53am. Posted in Quit PlayingGames With My Heaaaaaaaaart.
Coolness: 93235
Originally Posted By JOEY
How many of those have you had? I request photographic evidence lol

I charge a five dollar cover, you can come see the originals in my panda cave and I'll serve you some fried chicken and .99$ lemonade...

Ufot-knee highs never look right without stripes
» ufot replied on Mon Feb 8, 2010 @ 10:57pm. Posted in Cookies Vs Ice Cream, who will win?.
Coolness: 93235
I'm surprised as heck that none of you commented on the pac man cookies... don't they look good?

and just look how cute this ice cream monster is :

Ufot-<3'ing le iced creme since mile neuf sans et seventy neuf
» ufot replied on Mon Feb 8, 2010 @ 10:52pm. Posted in are you a sexaolick acro ?.
Coolness: 93235
Originally Posted By JOEY
Mais en quelle langue t'écris, bordel de merde?!?!?!? je comprends rien. jamais... lol

like he's the only one with this issue, there are a couple of people on this site that I've straight up given up on trying to understand, fuck trying to find the decoder ring, pick a language and ACTUALLY COMMUNICATE WITH IT, HOLY SHIT IMAGINE THAT...

Ufot-thinks Joey is "le" awesome
» ufot replied on Mon Feb 8, 2010 @ 9:35pm. Posted in Cookies Vs Ice Cream, who will win?.
Coolness: 93235
interesting argument, however, given that this is a hypothetical situation driven by a tough choice, let us assume that the parameters of said scenario would include functioning technology like fridges...

perhaps a couple of visual aids for the competition :

the cold stuff =

the doughy stuff =

Ufot-cookies are damn good though, seriously
» ufot replied on Mon Feb 8, 2010 @ 9:32pm. Posted in Cookies Vs Ice Cream, who will win?.
Coolness: 93235
Same line of question as last years popular beer vs sex, who would win if you had to pick between cookies and ice cream fo being the ONLY desert or snack you could eat for the rest of your natural life...


Ufot-personally, I think I would go with iced cream, though I might regret that decision eventually
» ufot replied on Mon Feb 8, 2010 @ 9:29pm. Posted in Quit PlayingGames With My Heaaaaaaaaart.
Coolness: 93235
the only thing that sucks harder than a Monday is a toothless hooker eating Jello pudding snack...

Ufot-life is what you make it, shake it or break it
» ufot replied on Mon Feb 8, 2010 @ 9:13pm. Posted in Des salauds.
Coolness: 93235
hmm... I completely forgot about beastiality, you may have a point there...

Ufot-gross ass stories about chicks, peanut butter and their k-9 friends :x

Update » ufot wrote on Mon Feb 8, 2010 @ 9:36pm
» ufot replied on Mon Feb 8, 2010 @ 8:45pm. Posted in Des salauds.
Coolness: 93235
Originally Posted By NUCLEAR
Damn... I'm a sexist creep...

Can I possibly beat that one sometime in the future?

I would say combo necrophilia and bigot and you might?

Ufot-jokes, laughs make em or break em
» ufot replied on Mon Feb 8, 2010 @ 5:21pm. Posted in Bob Gainey = Fired.
Coolness: 93235
oh well... I always backed and still back Bob, I think he did some great things in turning this franchise around and can only imagine that there's much to his departure that will not be clear for some time to come, if ever...

Thanks for some great years Bob, here's hoping that you colleague and friend pierre doesn't fuck it all up...

UFot-go-habs, go???
» ufot replied on Mon Feb 8, 2010 @ 2:03pm. Posted in Bob Gainey = Fired.
Coolness: 93235
DONT COUNT YOUR FIRINGS BEFORE THEY HAPPEN... 4pm press conference, Mackenzie has been wrong many times before, besides, stepping down isn't being fired, its gracefully bowing down knowing full well that the alternative is more embarrassing...

» ufot replied on Sat Feb 6, 2010 @ 2:50pm. Posted in INJUNCTION - INJONCTION -- pola the movie.
Coolness: 93235
Originally Posted By NUCLEAR
I don't take that back since welfare is abused by more then half of the people who get it.

I dunno man, that sounds kinda misinformed to me... :P

Ufot-threads like this one, gotta <3
» ufot replied on Sat Feb 6, 2010 @ 2:42pm. Posted in INJUNCTION - INJONCTION -- pola the movie.
Coolness: 93235
you should take back the welfare cases thing too, cause it makes you sound like a capitalist pig, which I thought you were against...

Ufot-money, it's a gas...
» ufot replied on Sat Feb 6, 2010 @ 2:34pm. Posted in INJUNCTION - INJONCTION -- pola the movie.
Coolness: 93235
Originally Posted By NUCLEAR
You're all really stupid... The movie isn't about ravewave at all. Some of the trailers seem to be like that but like always you're always basing everyone off the trailers. Antonino asked me to sponsor the movie and I said no.

woah... sort of Unnesessary, no one called you stupid?

C'mon, lets get back to spreading the love...

Ufot-geez, it's da interweb....
» ufot replied on Sat Feb 6, 2010 @ 2:18pm. Posted in INJUNCTION - INJONCTION -- pola the movie.
Coolness: 93235
Originally Posted By NUCLEAR
When people were interviewed they knew exactly what it was for. Antonino didn't hide the fact that he wanted to make this movie to anyone. I personally didn't want to be interviewed. I'm not really good in front of a camera. But some of the people who were interviewed did have some interesting things to say and some of those people wanted to see what other people were saying. Most of the people who were showing up for the movie knew they were in the movie and wanted to see it. I know all of my friends who have a part in it wanted to see it.

but that is precisely what I'm getting at man, why would anyone else other than you and your friends want to watch it, since it's about your friends? Why say it's about the nightlife, why not just say "these are our views" and have the movie poster be those people. Inside jokes are only funny for those inside, not for the whole world and they only apply to those who are inside... Anyways, this entire thing just smacks of bizarro creepiness...

mY Final notes:
-zero visible cohesion of direction or clear forethought for this project
-misrepresentation of said "Montreal nightlife"
-Falsified integrity by association with a government sanctioned and funded arts council
-Misappropriated and unaccounted for arts funds
-unclear direction or voice
-disregard for legal process or peoples rights, including artists rights for their material
-suitable price tag
-suitable release date(TBD)

Take it or leave, I'm not debating this anymore, you've made your opinion clear, it's ok for us to disagree, thankfully we don't all have to like the same things, especially on teh interwebZ...

Ufot-opinions are like assholes, we've all got one,....
» ufot replied on Sat Feb 6, 2010 @ 2:01pm. Posted in INJUNCTION - INJONCTION -- pola the movie.
Coolness: 93235
Originally Posted By NUCLEAR
UFot, my stake in the movie is 0$... I support people's projects. Especially when they are doing them for free.

I wasn't referring to a subsidy stake, maybe more of a speculative stake or future capacity///

You can support whatever you want Noah, just remember that free doesn't give bonus validity or quality to anything, it just means there's no price attached... Martyrs don't become icons because they do it for free...

Ufot-discussions open ideas to flaws and sometimes grows ideas from flaws
» ufot replied on Sat Feb 6, 2010 @ 1:55pm. Posted in INJUNCTION - INJONCTION -- pola the movie.
Coolness: 93235
Originally Posted By NUCLEAR
Why does everyone think the movie is about drug use? The movie is a promotion for Montreal and it's different nightlife scenes... It tells the story of the people and what they think about the whole nightlife scenes. Get over the drug use which everyone thinks the movie is about which is totally false.

ok, well if you were a hockey enthusiast and watched a documentary about your favorite team and it's city, would you think it to be valid or informative if the majority of opinions and voices heard were from first time spectators or little kids or drunk tweens? C'mon man, make some sense of what you are saying, I know you told me not to form an opinion on this movie because of the trailer, but if this documentary is supposed to represent Montreal's nightlife scenes, it might be the worst sell I've seen yet...

Ufot-logic comes and goes depending on peoples angles...
» ufot replied on Sat Feb 6, 2010 @ 1:50pm. Posted in INJUNCTION - INJONCTION -- pola the movie.
Coolness: 93235
Originally Posted By NUCLEAR
Yes I know how Americans are all paranoid about their image even though their image is horrible to most of the world. Personally I'd use one of the European or Asian video hosting sites for stuff like this since they don't have the same rules we do here.

Also they would have to get an American court to get something off youtube which is a little harder then getting a Canadian court to do it I think. Not positive about that one.

For sure overseas, there would be no problems, they probably don't even speak English.

Honestly Noah, I can't fathom why you are defending this so vehemently, the only thing I can surmise is that you have some stake in this that you are not divulging, which is fine but slightly hypocritical since you preach ultra transparency... Not every one is paranoid in North America, and if people want their image and or life kept private, IT IS THEIR RIGHT. You, nor I, nor anyone else can take away peoples rights to privacy concerning their own lives, and should desire that power over peoples privacy beware, that's a pretty slippery slope...

I am all for freedom of information and the right to public property, but some stuff is really better left in peoples basements and not no the web, that's my personal take. It's about tact, class and intelligence among other things, some of the best parts of organized society and civilized cultures...

Ufot-choices, make them or break them
» ufot replied on Sat Feb 6, 2010 @ 1:45pm. Posted in Des salauds.
Coolness: 93235

Ufot-grrrrroooosssssssssss osti!
» ufot replied on Fri Feb 5, 2010 @ 4:29pm. Posted in INJUNCTION - INJONCTION -- pola the movie.
Coolness: 93235
Ok Noah, all I'm saying is that the trailers should be clearly labeled if his intention was to simply grab peoples attention by shock footage. You're right in saying that everyone works differently, but those of us that would rather be taken seriously then brushed aside or injunctioned know that there are preset conduits for successful ventures. I can totally put aside my presumptions until I watch the final product(if I ever get to watch it), but it should be noted that with all of the current negative stigma this film is surrounded with, it may be tarnished indefinitely. The old saying that "any press is good press" is not true at all in real life; even those icons with seemingly infallible reputations can be struck down by the publics opinion based on even one seemingly insignificant instance. The same can be applied ten-fold for those even less recognized...

Ufot-bad is not as good as some would think
» ufot replied on Fri Feb 5, 2010 @ 4:13pm. Posted in INJUNCTION - INJONCTION -- pola the movie.
Coolness: 93235
Originally Posted By NUCLEAR
Can people stop basing the film on the trailers... The trailers were practice for the film. People need to make something in order to learn how to use the programs which are used to put together a movie. That is people's problems. A director can make a bad movie and then a good one after.

But Noah, basing the film on the trailer is the reason for trailers being necessary? It gives future prospect audience members a peak at what the film is about. Furthermore, trailers should not be practice for anything, they should be a formulated caption of the final product, aimed at enticing attention.

Ufot-who wants be a nothingaire?
» ufot replied on Fri Feb 5, 2010 @ 3:41pm. Posted in To all the TI master.
Coolness: 93235
802.11caca... wires come in handy for speed and security, the only time my shit has ever been hacked(that I know of) was on wi-fi...

Ufot-it's fast, but wired is faster
» ufot replied on Fri Feb 5, 2010 @ 3:22pm. Posted in INJUNCTION - INJONCTION -- pola the movie.
Coolness: 93235
Originally Posted By NUCLEAR

I love how people like to bash stuff they don't know much about. Everyone seems to presume the movie is like the music. It's not... It's supposed to be informative. To give real people's opinions on what they think of all the scenes that exist in this city.

Noah, interviewing some kid high out of his/her face doesn't offer an informed or coherent opinion(I've watched some of the footage and found it deplorable). Including, and this case focusing on, those types of "opinions" about Montreal's "underground scene" can only help dilute it's actuality and can possibly cause it harm by turning interested people away. This juvenile mentality of savoir-faire for producing a documentary film is transparent and presents a rather flawed image of it's subject matter, though this was perhaps Antonio's desire. From what I gathered from the trailer, the diversity and informativeness of those interviewed seemed rather narrow and uninformed. Anyone can go to parties and film people, interview them and then call it a documentary, but that doesn't make it and actual documentary film.

ANyways, there is no debate for me on this issue, as far as I am concerned, the footages current legal situation most likely could have been avoided if those responsible ACTED ACCORDINGLY, petty or not, it is what it is...

Ufot-growing up is not just a physical process
» ufot replied on Fri Feb 5, 2010 @ 3:45am. Posted in INJUNCTION - INJONCTION -- pola the movie.
Coolness: 93235
IMHO, people should have the right to say NO to being used in a film that may be damaging to their reputation, especially if it is against their will. If concerned parties, be it business owners or event partisans, contacted the producer or director of this film and requested their footage not be included and their requests were not met or even responded to, then injunction may be merited.

To say that people should not be having "fun" in their leisure time in public is ridiculous... even when a person consents to being filmed, they still have the right to reject the recording before it is screened. If a person never consents to being filmed, they still equally have the right to reject the footages use... Google map+street view=faces blurred? sound familiar, anyone????

It does not matter what the intentions of the film maker were in producing this film, what matters is if the film maker respected the process with which it can be assembled and eventually presented. There are tons of laws people may find flawed or completely irrelevant in todays modern times, and though some rules can be bent or broken, re-writing them entirely through a self-inducted creative artistic license, as memorable or as moxy as it may be, most often leads to begrudging failures...

the hard cold truth : chose your battles before you fight, don't bite off more than you can chew, there is nothing professional about an amateur...

Ufot-things like this don't happen by mistake...
» ufot replied on Tue Feb 2, 2010 @ 4:52pm. Posted in Techno Jeep.
Coolness: 93235
fake, but still kool, the track was made with teh car sounds, just not as seen in that vid...

Ufot-giving us the answer without posing a question
» ufot replied on Mon Feb 1, 2010 @ 12:15pm. Posted in Chat Roulette aka WEIRDEST SHIT ON THE INTERNET.
Coolness: 93235
[ www.montrealgazette.com ]

kanye must be so happy right now...

Ufot-leaky noses... ugh/....
» ufot replied on Sat Jan 30, 2010 @ 12:37pm. Posted in Chat Roulette aka WEIRDEST SHIT ON THE INTERNET.
Coolness: 93235
So I was on again last night for sometime, my latest incarnation being that of Buddha, and who should I stumble upon in between my spiritual advice giving?

Ufot-captain random, nice to meat you
» ufot replied on Thu Jan 28, 2010 @ 7:24pm. Posted in Your favorite Psy Deejay.
Coolness: 93235
Originally Posted By HOST.WUN
bumhole rungphonics for the jazz fusion and winkler helm fuckboat for the spazmodique

quoi le fuck???

Dorobo was ill back in the day when he played psy. so was neerav...

Ufot-oldtimers party hardly
» ufot replied on Thu Jan 28, 2010 @ 6:02pm. Posted in Your favorite Psy Deejay.
Coolness: 93235
there are still psy dj's in Montreal?

» ufot replied on Thu Jan 28, 2010 @ 1:39pm. Posted in Chat Roulette aka WEIRDEST SHIT ON THE INTERNET.
Coolness: 93235
so I decided to become a monster and log on for a while and have some fun, best answer so far...

Ufot=guys that scream like girls never gets old...
» ufot replied on Wed Jan 27, 2010 @ 11:46pm. Posted in Gingers have souls.
Coolness: 93235
I would say that he had a soul, but then traded it in for a psychosis... meh, kinda liked it, sorta hated it, one things for sure, if he was made fun of before, I highly doubt that his peers ceased their amusement at his expense after viewing this vid...

Ufot-hate on the souless gingers, they deserve it....
» ufot replied on Wed Jan 27, 2010 @ 8:24pm. Posted in BONNE FÊTE AWIANE!!!!! (tattoo carrotte).
Coolness: 93235
bonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnne fete!

Ufot-never guna give you up...
» ufot replied on Tue Jan 26, 2010 @ 12:19am. Posted in Chacarron where are you?.
Coolness: 93235
wtf... this thread gets the following video cause you guys asked for it...

Ufot-rock it samwell
» ufot replied on Tue Jan 26, 2010 @ 12:15am. Posted in Quebecore records promo video.
Coolness: 93235
nice fist pumping bud, "the situation" would be jealous :P

Ufot-nah bra, do it like this!!!!!
» ufot replied on Mon Jan 25, 2010 @ 11:39pm. Posted in Giving away our songs or not?.
Coolness: 93235
I think this subject will be debated for some time to come, personally for my work, it is at a level I'm comfortable with, but obviously I'm constantly trying to improve my sound. I have releases out, but haven't made a dime on them, I plan on releasing more tracks, and still doubt I will make money on them, for me what's more important is the recognition and audience capabilities via online proliferation and digital media, the after effects generate more revenue in the industry currently anyways... at least for the time being...

Ufot-128 it and if peeps want the 320 or higher, well, nothing in life is free?
» ufot replied on Mon Jan 25, 2010 @ 9:23pm. Posted in Die Antwoord.
Coolness: 93235
amazing, totally entertaining... can't hate on this dude, he's exactly what he wants to be...

Ufot-word up ninja
» ufot replied on Sat Jan 23, 2010 @ 6:23pm. Posted in who is going out tonight+what are you doing?.
Coolness: 93235
Marcus INtalex @ club Lambi FTW~!!!!

Ufot-10 years is a long time
ufot's Profile - Community Messages