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» ufot replied on Fri Nov 14, 2003 @ 2:09pm. Posted in Milton Clark on Crescent????.
Coolness: 93235
K seriously though!

I wana see some of you ravewave crew there, even if it's just for a bit, cause I know yall are scenesters and wutnot, so, just pass by, grab some cheap drinks and free t's to start your nite right, mkay?

and once again, this event is FREE!!!!!!!!!!

Ufot-for a lil' kitten, cause no one else cared about 'm!
» ufot replied on Fri Nov 14, 2003 @ 12:41pm. Posted in For All The Happycore Lovers !!!.
Coolness: 93235
I'm not! I'm helping throw a Montreal NYE party, but good luck with your party!

Ufot-HHC cause it sucked ass!;)
» ufot replied on Thu Nov 13, 2003 @ 11:55am. Posted in Where does our money go?.
Coolness: 93235
Billz!!!! crappy, un-welcome billz of all kinds, thats where a lot of my money goes! There's nothing cheap about living on your own...freedom is an expensive comodity...

Ufot-being afraid of the toaster, "did u see what he did to that bread!!!"
» ufot replied on Wed Nov 12, 2003 @ 5:48pm. Posted in google.com.
Coolness: 93235
though I'm sure you savy webserfers know this lil' joke, but go to google and do a search for weapons of mass destruction...

Ufot-being silly on a wednesday nite!
» ufot replied on Wed Nov 12, 2003 @ 3:24pm. Posted in Where does our money go?.
Coolness: 93235
aight there samurai, u got it...good idea by the way, I'd totally forgotten about those frikin bottles.. :P

Ufot-bringing bottles back, cause there were too many!
» ufot replied on Wed Nov 12, 2003 @ 2:10pm. Posted in Ripped in half.
Coolness: 93235
hooray for photo-chop////

Ufot-silly pron cause it was silly...
» ufot replied on Wed Nov 12, 2003 @ 1:49pm. Posted in Milton Clark on Crescent????.
Coolness: 93235
Incase yall didn't check out the events calender info on this lil parteh, it's free!!!! FREE!!!

so I expect some of the RW crew to come represent!

Ufot-Crescent house battles wit smoothness!
» ufot replied on Wed Nov 12, 2003 @ 1:23pm. Posted in Where does our money go?.
Coolness: 93235
I wish I didn't spend as much money as I do on smokables, cause I think I spend prolly a bit too much...

Ufot-smoking cheaprer things?
» ufot replied on Wed Nov 12, 2003 @ 12:22pm. Posted in Where does our money go?.
Coolness: 93235
I had a wikid paying job all of last year, and all I have to show for it now is stack upon stacks of wax...

I think I spend too much on vynil sometimes, then other times, I don't think I spend enough... at one point I was buying vynil before food, literally...

Ufot-being a starvin marvin cause u couldn't eat ur wax
» ufot replied on Wed Nov 12, 2003 @ 12:02pm. Posted in Where does our money go?.
Coolness: 93235
I sometimes find my finances dissapearing faster then I recall spending, and for whatever reasons, this usually happens more often then not on weekends(I can guess a couple of those reasons).

What do you guys spend your money on? Do you think you budget well? Have any of you been able to save over twenty dollars at a time?

Ufot-being broke? Wait a gosh darn secong here!
» ufot replied on Tue Nov 11, 2003 @ 5:37pm. Posted in the future?.
Coolness: 93235
yes, they got a pretty kool site, but I think that image just kinda struck me as a little strange, wtv...

Ufot-the real things, or was it the fake ones?
» ufot replied on Tue Nov 11, 2003 @ 4:31pm. Posted in Milton Clark on Crescent????.
Coolness: 93235
ya, no dress code, t-shirt giveaway and cheap booze, wut more could u want! And ofcourse, there's the added bonus of walking out after all drunk, and laughing your ass off at everything you see, cause Crescent street is so damn funny!

Ps-the last time I was on crescent was on a board ride, and some ugly street cop stopped me and threatenned to give me a ticket!

Ufot-for the right, 2 PARTEH!!!!!
» ufot replied on Tue Nov 11, 2003 @ 4:27pm. Posted in How old is too old...
Coolness: 93235
ya, that sounds pretty fucked up...

Ufot-things worse than rotten cabage
» ufot replied on Tue Nov 11, 2003 @ 3:59pm. Posted in Milton Clark on Crescent????.
Coolness: 93235
I wouldn't have believe it myself if it hadn't been posted, yet here it is:

[ www.droyd.com ]

Ufot-dancing to house on crescent street!!!
» ufot replied on Tue Nov 11, 2003 @ 3:52pm. Posted in How old is too old...
Coolness: 93235
me thinks that the law and ones personal life are 2 different things; given as many examples as could be offered, I'm pretty sure the same results we show up, it's a case per case basis type of thing.

No 2 relationships are ever really the same, so I think it depends on the people involved...limits to age differences are a personal choice aswell, everyone has them(limits that is).

Ufot-questions like, where are the onions...
» ufot replied on Tue Nov 11, 2003 @ 2:38pm. Posted in What is The Meatrix?.
Coolness: 93235

Most of us grow up eating animals without realizing where meat comes from and how it gets to our plates. Meat is a funny word because it doesn’t tell you much about your food. For example, what does a hamburger animal look like, or a hot dog animal? Or a bacon animal? Hamburger is really ground up cow and bacon is really strips of pig flesh and a hot dog is really a mishmash of dead animal parts. When you think of food that way, it certainly makes a difference, doesn’t it?

Some people think that the animals they eat were raised on farms where they lived their days basking in the sun, munching on tasty food and running around enjoying themselves. But today most animals are raised on factory farms in dark, crowded, smelly sheds, usually unable to even turn around because there is so little room. Their babies are taken from them almost as soon as they are born, frequently never allowed to play, stretch or feel the sunlight.

Cows are branded with hot irons that burn a mark deep into their flesh so people can tell them apart. They don’t give them anything to kill the pain. Have you ever burned yourself? Do you remember how much it hurt?

To mark pigs, some people cut off pieces of their ears!

Many pigs go crazy from having to live inside the smelly, crowded sheds. Sometimes this causes them to bite each other’s tails. To keep this from happening, people cut off their tails without any pain killers.

Before they are transported to be killed, pigs sometimes get their noses broken with baseball bats or sledge hammers. People think that this will keep them from biting each other when they are crammed into the trucks.

Chickens, turkeys and ducks all have the ends of their beaks and bills cut off or burned off and chickens and turkeys have their toes cut off – all without painkillers. People do this to keep them from hurting each other because they fight when they are crammed into tiny cages in filthy, smelly sheds. It is not natural for them to live like this and they get all stressed out over the terrible way they are forced to live.

When cows and pigs are taken to slaughterhouses where they’re killed, they’re often forced onto crowded trucks with an electric prod. This is a big stick which gives them a very painful shock. Those who are too weak or sick to walk, are dragged by chains or pushed with bulldozers.

Killings animals to eat kills us too! The top diseases in the United States are heart disease, cancer and stroke—all of them strongly linked to meat. Your chances of getting these diseases when you are older are very small if you stop eating animals early in life.

Using animals for food is also very bad for the environment. When land is used to raise animals instead of crops, precious water and soil are lost, trees are cut down to make land for grazing or factory farm sheds, and chemicals are used to fatten up the animals quickly and then end up in streams and in the earth. Besides that, pigs and cows produce a lot of waste that pollutes the environment.

People who don’t eat animals are called vegetarians. More and more people are becoming vegetarians today because they don’t want to be a party to the cruelty involved in producing meat, they are concerned with the environment and their own health.

Some people become vegan (pronounced VEE-gun) and don’t use any animal products at all – including milk, eggs, leather, wool, etc. They know that animal products cause great suffering to the animals. For instance, egg-laying hens have an awful life – even worse than the chickens who are raised for food! These hens are crammed into tiny cages – six to eight in a cage. The cages are stacked on top of each other in huge factory farm buildings. Hundreds of thousands of chickens live in just one building. The buildings smell so bad that you can barely breathe in them, but the chickens have no choice. Many die in their cages because they can’t get to their food or because other chickens trample them.

Male chickens can’t lay eggs, so when chicks are born for egg-laying, the males are thrown into the garbage alive or are ground up while still alive to make chicken feed.

Dairy cows also suffer terribly. They are forced to give much more milk than their bodies were intended to give. They are given growth hormones so that they can produce more milk that they would have given during their entire lives in only 8 days. They are hooked up to milking machines for hours and this is very hard on their bodies. They have to have babies every year in order to produce milk, but then their babies are taken from them right away which is very upsetting to them. They get worn out after only four years and are sent to slaughter. Most of them become hamburger meat.

As long as there are grains, nuts, fruits, beans and vegetables around, nobody has to eat animals. You can start slowly by cutting down on the amount of meat that you eat, or you can change your diet overnight! It’s important though that you replace the meat with other proteins. To learn more about becoming a vegetarian, visit the Vegetarian Resource Group. PETA will be happy to send you free information on becoming a vegetarian along with great veggie recipes. You can even take the VegPledge and make a pledge to move towards a plant-based diet over the next 60 days.

If your parents want you to eat animals, share your feelings with them and get some books on vegetarian nutrition which you can read together. You may have to compromise, which is OK. Eating fewer animals is a big help too.

A vegetarian diet is healthy not just for you, but for your whole family. Ask your family if they are willing to eat vegetarian meals once or twice a week. Borrow a vegetarian cookbook from the library and volunteer to help prepare a vegetarian dinner once a week for your family.
» ufot replied on Tue Nov 11, 2003 @ 2:37pm. Posted in the future?.
Coolness: 93235
hehe...oops, forget this one, it was the second "accidental"
» ufot replied on Tue Nov 11, 2003 @ 2:26pm. Posted in the future?.
Coolness: 93235
I have no clue who this kid is, I just thought I'd post it cause it was an interesting picture...
binary kid blankets, I think thats starting them kinda young, don't u guys?

Ufot-strangers like that guy, u know "1101010011010001001001011101010010001001"
» ufot replied on Tue Nov 11, 2003 @ 2:03pm. Posted in the future?.
Coolness: 93235

Ufot-digital soldiers, but u were one two!
» ufot replied on Tue Nov 11, 2003 @ 12:55pm. Posted in Flash Mizzob...BIIIIITCHEEES.
Coolness: 93235
with the way that riot cops are in this fair city, I'm not so sure that the lattest trend of "flash mobbing" is such a good idea, I can imagine things getting ugly pretty quick...

Ufot-being killed by riot cops
» ufot replied on Tue Nov 11, 2003 @ 12:15pm. Posted in time to start some arguing.
Coolness: 93235
...existance is not measured by belief and opinnion, existance is part of a reality(ours in this case). In reality, if there's no way to proove somethings existance through some type observation/experiment/conclusion supported by evidence, then it is simply a theory.

So, god does exist, in theory, but only because people believe in that theory. For those who don't, god may have never existed at all.

Ufot-making sense, cause u were still on ur first coffee...
» ufot replied on Tue Nov 11, 2003 @ 12:07pm. Posted in What is The Meatrix?.
Coolness: 93235
...resources, resources, resources...beyond ora's and dead flesh, what does it cost/require to produce it as a food source(meat that is)? As in, is it more efficient to grow feilds of rice and wheat or use empty feilds for livestock maintenance, living, then finally proccessing...?

further more, do people need meat to survive these days? And if the answer is no, then why is produced in such large quantities? Even further, if it is produced in such high quantities, what is the quality control like? How efficient is it at screening unwanted bacteria's or mutations? Are todays drugs actually breaking down meat genetics at it's base?

Who knows, I don't think you can trust much these days, food wise I mean, but I'm happy that I've stopped contributing, for now(since I have no clue if I'll ever eat meat again) to a very large scale problem; larger then this message board could ever handle anyways...

Ufot-dying from infectious mutated plasma microbes
» ufot replied on Mon Nov 10, 2003 @ 5:02pm. Posted in Exploding CDs.
Coolness: 93235
well said Scotty, well said...

Ufot-Exploding HHC cd's, gross!
» ufot replied on Mon Nov 10, 2003 @ 5:00pm. Posted in time to start some arguing.
Coolness: 93235
ok... true, but there will always be opposites, in anything and everything. The people who's lives are enriched by organized religion, which I previously mentioned, are not "extremists", though I don't doubt that some of them could be...

I'd go further and say, that if it weren't for "extremists", we wouldn't have had as many of those wars, mass genocides, school-yard disputes, and much of the biggotry found in this world...
» ufot replied on Mon Nov 10, 2003 @ 4:37pm. Posted in time to start some arguing.
Coolness: 93235
... it's the time old tradition of people needing to have faith in something greater then themselves, or anyone else on this silly little planet...makes it easier to forgive and forget, since we are cursed with flaws, by those beautifull gods, we can never be like them, only look upon them for spiritual guidance, etc...

er something like that, religions explain tons of things about our planet, where we came from, where we should be headed, whats wrong, whats right, but if there is one thing I have learned from religions, and I speak in general, is that they really do help some people lead amazing lives, and who knows, without their faiths, maybe things would be worse...

Ufot-for donuts, and god said, "no!"
» ufot replied on Mon Nov 10, 2003 @ 4:27pm. Posted in time to start some arguing.
Coolness: 93235
... here's some frikin methodoligy: prove god exists with some real evidence of him, his actions etc. Do that and I'll eat my own (god approved)frikin hat!

Ufot-god, cause he was so godlike....
» ufot replied on Mon Nov 10, 2003 @ 4:22pm. Posted in Exploding CDs.
Coolness: 93235

this is a pretty dumb thread, so I was wondering if any of you have had the pleasure of putting a cd in the microwave(preferably an HHC cd)...

it's a pretty short, but kool thang to see...
Ufot-exploding cd's cause u were board our of ur tits...
» ufot replied on Mon Nov 10, 2003 @ 4:15pm. Posted in What is The Meatrix?.
Coolness: 93235
boo, foodchain!

Ufot-superiority complexes, cause the fox's were all dead...
» ufot replied on Mon Nov 10, 2003 @ 11:18am. Posted in What is The Meatrix?.
Coolness: 93235
Hey Spooky,

those comments are as funny as they are dumb...
You seem to be convinced of something, to bad you can't explain it properly or at all really, but good luck with you convictions, I'm sure they'll help you in life...

Ufot-ignorance, but couldn't stop laughing...
» ufot replied on Mon Nov 10, 2003 @ 11:10am. Posted in What is The Meatrix?.
Coolness: 93235
my sister sent me this link not too long ago, I think it's wikid! I stopped eating meat a couple of years ago, and I feel fine.

I'm not convinced that just eating GMO vegetables(I'm guessing, since most of the vege's I eat prolly are) is any better then combining it with a regular does of transgenetic/hormone pumped meat; but I do feel good knowing I play less of a personal role in the big nasty picture of supporting corporate food production...

Ufot-dying of intestinal cancer, and lost, cause nothing is pure anymore...
» ufot replied on Fri Nov 7, 2003 @ 6:51pm. Posted in All Time Favorite Trance - Lockdown Set.
Coolness: 93235
» ufot replied on Fri Nov 7, 2003 @ 2:16pm. Posted in Another Kirk6 event??????.
Coolness: 93235
just incase in RW crew forgot, the Czar-man frikin rawks!!!! golden sprinkles of softly sweat text to back the inevitable===NEWYEARz MADNISSSS
» ufot replied on Fri Nov 7, 2003 @ 2:11pm. Posted in Dis Saturday, Club246 PrePartyPLot!!!.
Coolness: 93235
Yo RW Crew!!! This saturday, Milton Clark's PrePartyPLot on [ www.club246.com ] will be host to a very special guest, broken crew's silent dagger, Dj MelOn!!!!!!!

FOr those of you who don't know, Milton Clark hosts the PrePartyPlot every saturday nite 6-8pm, live & direct from studio 206 in downtown Mtl. So ya, before you step out for your Saturday nite adventures, be sure to tune in to [ Club246.com ]

Ufot-4 crazy radio, cause it's frikin fun!
» ufot replied on Thu Nov 6, 2003 @ 5:02pm. Posted in Another Kirk6 event??????.
Coolness: 93235
but ofcourse!!!!!!

Ufot-mascotts, but they won, cause man, they were big!
» ufot replied on Thu Nov 6, 2003 @ 4:49pm. Posted in Another Kirk6 event??????.
Coolness: 93235
k, but what about sully, what happenned to him?

Ufot-2 keep this post on the first page :P
» ufot replied on Thu Nov 6, 2003 @ 4:48pm. Posted in my gum has XYLITOL.
Coolness: 93235
I saw on the discorvery channel yesterday that a new study has proved that chewing gum actually improves your reaction time whilst driving or performing similar tasks, it does so by stimulating the cerebral cortex, due to chewing it(the gum that is, not the brain).

It's also(gum that is, not the brain) now being used to help the recovery of patients fresh out of intestinal operations, because it helps rebuild the stomach & intestinal tracks necessary fluids...

weird eh?

Ufot-trying not to die from aspertame, cause being hit by a truck would be messy'er
» ufot replied on Wed Nov 5, 2003 @ 4:22pm. Posted in Another Kirk6 event??????.
Coolness: 93235
as always heather, you're right...

Ufot-fer freeing the cake, like tibet!
» ufot replied on Wed Nov 5, 2003 @ 4:18pm. Posted in Another Kirk6 event??????.
Coolness: 93235
Hey the no-cake containers isn't my rule, but it makes sense, since the one that was left at Cloud6 some how disapeared... a sad thing really, it seemed like a rather sturdy and faithfull cake container...

Ufot-Cakes, cause who brings a cake to a rave?
» ufot replied on Wed Nov 5, 2003 @ 3:52pm. Posted in All Time Favorite Trance - Lockdown Set.
Coolness: 93235
Energy 52-Cafe del mar 98!!!!! WOOT!!!

» ufot replied on Wed Nov 5, 2003 @ 12:05pm. Posted in favourite locations.....
Coolness: 93235
One of my all time fav. locations was from back in the day, 96-97 this big fuckin wharehouse, turned rave venue out on hochelaga blvd. I think it was called circus(the venue that is) and there were some ill parties there, one of my all time favorites, 3D(prana played a disgusting set!)

anyways, thats definately one of em. I'll try and think of others, though it's all kinda "cloudy" up there... :P

Ufot-many raves, and then etewbodcns f...ya!
ufot's Profile - Community Messages