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» ufot replied on Fri Dec 5, 2003 @ 3:22pm. Posted in Most underrated dj's in Montreal.
Coolness: 93235
Hey Naw, funny how most if not all of the Dj's on that list are:

b-without any demo or promo's (not including sarcastic, whom we all love, and who might be underated by some, but no one on this board.

if you're a closet music producing freak, that never plays out, maybe you should consider making a demo sometime and giving to say, oh I dunno, promoters or club owners or bar managers....just a thought...and learning french would proly help you as well, cause this is a french included kinda place, ya know...

Ps-do any of these guys even exist?
noah pred

cause, I've never heard of any of them, though that doesn't surprise me, PROMO'S! I don't know about you "Naw" but my psychic booking powers never really worked...
Ufot-comments, like...
» ufot replied on Fri Dec 5, 2003 @ 3:02pm. Posted in T-Dot.
Coolness: 93235

Ufot-doing it twice to make sure they saw!!!
» ufot replied on Fri Dec 5, 2003 @ 1:05pm. Posted in I hate T.O....
Coolness: 93235
actually, that took me about 2 minutes.... gotta love windows paint! lol

Ufot-being silly on a friday afternoon
» ufot replied on Fri Dec 5, 2003 @ 12:45pm. Posted in I am disturbed..
Coolness: 93235
wow, Mr allen Poe, eat your heart out!!! hehe, nah but serious, thats some crazy shit....

Ufot-for cheese, cause it was the only things that was real...
» ufot replied on Fri Dec 5, 2003 @ 12:44pm. Posted in I hate T.O....
Coolness: 93235

Ufot-wanting to be a hero that does bad things?
» ufot replied on Fri Dec 5, 2003 @ 12:27pm. Posted in Kirk6, Kops Crew and Level 4 present 2K4.
Coolness: 93235
All crew, 26 dayz and the countdown goes on...!

Ufot-being like a candle and melting all over tha place!
» ufot replied on Fri Dec 5, 2003 @ 12:23pm. Posted in I hate T.O....
Coolness: 93235
i dunno, I think Tslop sucks camel ass, I've been there many times over the years, and I gotta say, Tslop's the least frikin Canadian city in Canada; I mean seriously, it sucks. I dunno, in my opinion, Tcrock's got nuttin on Mtl, like nothing!

...ya know, like which would you drive, the funky 70's chevrolet SS or a 1987 ford taurus??

Ufot-to clear those United for Freedom eyes...
» ufot replied on Thu Dec 4, 2003 @ 4:38pm. Posted in ELEVATION at LEVEL after-hour.
Coolness: 93235
To all Ravewavers who've read this thread,

on behalf of Kirk6 anyways, none of our crew has, or EVER will, do anything like this. This is the work of someone who is obviously not part of our crew, that much I can say with total confidence.

I will not however, speak on behalf of our two other crews accept that I would be extremely surprised to find out it was from either of them.

Kirk6 has been throwing quality events for years now, and has earned it reputation because of the time and effort we put into each and every event, collaboration or not! We would never willfully jeopardise our reputation or the soulfull ingredients that make up our team & faithfull crowds.

We have never nor will we ever ill-will any other promotors in this city based on the fact that they as well may be launching events durring a similar time frames as ours.

I also would have no problems with finding out who this bitchy is, seeing as how it would reflect badly on their character, this is as Galaksy so rightly said, this is something that none of us in the scene need, now or ever.

» ufot replied on Thu Dec 4, 2003 @ 4:25pm. Posted in Playstation 2, X-box, or Gamecube ?.
Coolness: 93235
If anyone needs modifications for either xbox or Ps2, please message me, I might be able to sort ya ;)

Ufot-giving darned secrets away...
» ufot replied on Thu Dec 4, 2003 @ 12:23pm. Posted in Kirk6, Kops Crew and Level 4 present 2K4.
Coolness: 93235
Yo, this is like life after love man, like that calender will change in sequence with your hearts lil'dudes and dudettes...

Ufot-sounding like cher while whatching the ninja turtles new series...
» ufot replied on Wed Dec 3, 2003 @ 11:48am. Posted in Which songs actually TOUCH you?.
Coolness: 93235
combined with the video, Johny Cashes version of Hurts pretty emotional, I used to be a big NIN fan, and was a little weirded out by the thought at first, but with closer examination, I realised, Johny did a bang up job, and with the visuals in the vid, pretty erie shit, it's like he knew his time was up or someting...

Ufot-tears from emotional musak...
» ufot replied on Wed Dec 3, 2003 @ 11:38am. Posted in Favorite Authors.
Coolness: 93235
-Feodor Dostoevsky (Crime & Punishment is one of my all time favorites)
-Tom Robbins (funny ass books, soo kool!)
-George Orwell (1984...etc)
-William Gibson (best cyberpunk, hands down!)
-M.Bulgakov (The Master & Margarita, soooooooo good!!!)

Ufot-for the right to read...2+2=5?
» ufot replied on Tue Dec 2, 2003 @ 6:25pm. Posted in Kirk6, Kops Crew and Level 4 present 2K4.
Coolness: 93235


Ufot-being wikid excited about this parteh!
» ufot replied on Tue Dec 2, 2003 @ 6:08pm. Posted in Elevation 2004.
Coolness: 93235

Ufot-till the sun came up, but didn't stop there!
» ufot replied on Tue Dec 2, 2003 @ 6:00pm. Posted in Elevation 2004.
Coolness: 93235
NO doubt SEB, for real, I just couldn't help myself after that last comment he made, wtv, no beef, no hard feeling, I was just being silly :)

Ufot-for the right to parteh!
» ufot replied on Tue Dec 2, 2003 @ 5:50pm. Posted in Kirk6, Kops Crew and Level 4 present 2K4.
Coolness: 93235
ya.... sure seb, we'll see what we can do...;)

Ufot-not doing anything to your back?
» ufot replied on Tue Dec 2, 2003 @ 5:49pm. Posted in Elevation 2004.
Coolness: 93235
you can always go to the low budget party instead :P

Ufot-being silly on a tues/ afternoon
» ufot replied on Tue Dec 2, 2003 @ 4:55pm. Posted in mtldnb.com.
Coolness: 93235
the site is not down, things just need to be sorted, but you can still access it by using this link:

[ www.urbansoundresistance.com ]

Ufot-not paying yearly fees?
» ufot replied on Tue Dec 2, 2003 @ 4:35pm. Posted in Duck Tape !!!.
Coolness: 93235
I once fixed my car exhaust pipe with duct tape, it worked great for a couple of months, then the hole came back...:(

Ufot-being a ghetto car mechanic
» ufot replied on Tue Dec 2, 2003 @ 12:08pm. Posted in Kirk6, Kops Crew and Level 4 present 2K4.
Coolness: 93235
Does a duck have wings? OFCOURSE, it's a NYE thang!!!!

Ufot-gettin ready fo that shizzle ma nizzle!
» ufot replied on Mon Dec 1, 2003 @ 4:55pm. Posted in Holly Fuckin Cat Fish!!!!.
Coolness: 93235
I bet if you had those suckers in sea land, there'd be some missing baby's pretty damn fast!

Ufot-falling in love with those darned giant cat fish
» ufot replied on Mon Dec 1, 2003 @ 4:12pm. Posted in THE RAVE SCENE: the present vs. the past.
Coolness: 93235
I wana see that old footage of Bob Dole falling off the stage after leaning against that podium, frikin hillarious stuff!

Ufot-being totally not related to the thread...
» ufot replied on Mon Dec 1, 2003 @ 4:11pm. Posted in Holly Fuckin Cat Fish!!!!.
Coolness: 93235
Alright, fine, have it your way, I'll get u a big cat fish, but if the heads missing, I just want u to know, that i had nothing to do with that, mkay?

Ufot-for be-headding your cat fish friends...
» ufot replied on Mon Dec 1, 2003 @ 4:09pm. Posted in Kirk6, Kops Crew and Level 4 present 2K4.
Coolness: 93235

Like u know it, mkay!

Ufot-not believing the hype, cause damn son!!!
» ufot replied on Mon Dec 1, 2003 @ 3:58pm. Posted in Holly Fuckin Cat Fish!!!!.
Coolness: 93235

Ya, for sure, letme just grab my fishing rod, and away we go!!! Does it matter if it's head is missing?

Ufot-for those poor decapited giant cat fish
» ufot replied on Mon Dec 1, 2003 @ 3:50pm. Posted in Kirk6, Kops Crew and Level 4 present 2K4.
Coolness: 93235
This aint your regular NYe parteh, dis be a new level shizzznit! This one's gunna burn one down in da history books!

Ufot-the feeling of being wasted while sobber?
» ufot replied on Mon Dec 1, 2003 @ 1:55pm. Posted in Holly Fuckin Cat Fish!!!!.
Coolness: 93235
they should get big ones like that at Beaver Lake, that'd be sick!

Ufot-feeding them garbage, cause u bet that those big ones love to eat garbage...
» ufot replied on Mon Dec 1, 2003 @ 1:49pm. Posted in Holly Fuckin Cat Fish!!!!.
Coolness: 93235

I had no clue that cat fish could get this big!!!!

Like wtf!!!
u can check the article out on [ CNN.com ]
Ufot-for cat fish, cause they were huge...
» ufot replied on Mon Dec 1, 2003 @ 1:42pm. Posted in post your dreams here.
Coolness: 93235
nice one man, pretty crazy stuff!

The only dream I can remember of recent dayz was this weird one, that(big surprise, a reocurring theme in my dreams) involved robots. There was this green robot guy in a green suit, going arround Montreal, selling this weird puter virus that you upload to your toaster, it flashes a bunch of shit which erases your entire capacity for short term memory.

So no one was remembering anything about how all these robots were infultrating everywhere, like all of the sudden, all these robots were replacing people at their jobs an shit, and the remaining humans that were outside and stuff, all had like tv-snow in their eyes, like you couldn't see their pupils an shit, they were just walking zombies...

ANyways, I woke up just after I was being chased by a couple of those stupid green suited pimp bots, shooting purple lazers and yelling closed source code obsenity slang at me...gotta love seperate realities...

Ufot-those damn green pimp bots, "...no I don't want a dose of the hottest new virus, mkay?"
» ufot replied on Mon Dec 1, 2003 @ 1:26pm. Posted in Holly Fuckin Cat Fish!!!!.
Coolness: 93235

I had no clue that cat fish could get this big!!!!

Like wtf!!!
u can check the article out on [ CNN.com ]
Ufot-for cat fish, cause they were huge...
» ufot replied on Mon Dec 1, 2003 @ 11:53am. Posted in proud to be a veggie cook.
Coolness: 93235
...I've been a vege-head for a couple of years now(no meat, no chicken, no fish), and think it's kinda an up and down sorta thing. If I don't have a certain amount of protein or other needed nutrients in a week, I get really tired, low on energy and sluggish.

But, if I eat well durring a week, I usually feel like a million bucks! In general, I'd have to say that as a vegetarian(on average), I have a little less energy. But I feel a lot better in some ways, since I stopped eating meat...

...course, not that it really matters anymore these days, I think whatever you eat, unless you live on a farm, you're pretty much fucked. I've had tons of conversations in the past couple of years, about GMO's and transgenetically modified tings, and whatever, truth is, I don't think anyone really has a clue as to what the long term side effects of eating that shit is...

Ufot-again intestinal disintigration!
» ufot replied on Fri Nov 28, 2003 @ 5:41pm. Posted in THE RAVE SCENE: the present vs. the past.
Coolness: 93235
well... thats the thing, it depends on what kind of an "event" u want to throw...

these days, u have to work with the city of montreal, or face the possible wrath of not...

free allnite venues eh? never heard of em...

Ufot-things like miscomunication
» ufot replied on Fri Nov 28, 2003 @ 4:46pm. Posted in Lockdown Rollcall!!!.
Coolness: 93235
Have fun everyone!!!Im sure it will be one hell of a good time...

Ufot-for not going...
» ufot replied on Fri Nov 28, 2003 @ 4:45pm. Posted in Favorite Beer.
Coolness: 93235
ok, I like this one...

-belle geule rouse
-stella artois
-McEwans Scotch Brew(mmmmmmm scotch-beer!)
-Molson Export (party regular)

mmmmm, beer.... I love beer.... ya..... THANK GOD ITS FRIDAY!!!!!

Ufot-being silly off of a couple of beers!
» ufot replied on Fri Nov 28, 2003 @ 2:10pm. Posted in THE RAVE SCENE: the present vs. the past.
Coolness: 93235
;) we're on the same side here mate, no worries and no disses in this house, was just saying...

Ufot-for a scene that will live forever
» ufot replied on Fri Nov 28, 2003 @ 2:00pm. Posted in THE RAVE SCENE: the present vs. the past.
Coolness: 93235
Check out :
[ www.kirk6.com ]

Ufot-keeping secrets...
» ufot replied on Fri Nov 28, 2003 @ 12:49pm. Posted in THE RAVE SCENE: the present vs. the past.
Coolness: 93235

Mister Naw, perhaps you should do a little homework, cause bud, you do sound like a jerk off, no ofense...action is my middle name!

and peterparker, there are still TONS of venues in this city, and that is a current and plain FACT!

» ufot replied on Fri Nov 28, 2003 @ 12:37pm. Posted in Ufot Vs Rice Maker- FULL ON WAR!!!!.
Coolness: 93235
... after the second bowl, Ufot realizes whats happenned, and yells in aguish!!!

Ufot-peopel who snuck dirty meat into rice dishes!
» ufot replied on Fri Nov 28, 2003 @ 12:06pm. Posted in Ufot Vs Rice Maker- FULL ON WAR!!!!.
Coolness: 93235
...through the cover of nite, Ufot seperated ways with Cyren, he needed to get closer to the rice maker, and he could only do this alone...

Ufot-not killing the rice maker in his sleep...
» ufot replied on Fri Nov 28, 2003 @ 11:51am. Posted in THE RAVE SCENE: the present vs. the past.
Coolness: 93235
...from a promotor stand point, I would just like to correct a very current misconception, it is not harder to get suitable venues. Many think that, and it's a great excuse for promotors to be lazy, but not all of them are.

To find a suitable venue, takes time & more often then not a mode of transportation to scout with. Trust me, there are tons of "suitable" venues in this city, but if a promotor wants to settle with an old, already used venue, they can, it's their choice///

PS- Hey Naw, one of the reasons I talk about the "oldskool" dayz a lot is cause to me, scene wise, it's kindof like my hometown would be, ya know, it's where I'm from, and even though I'm looking ahead, and most definately living in the "now", I can't help but think/talk about my home town from time to time, and I don't think that's sucha bad thing.

Ufot-apathy, and almost lost cause Tv was so "entertaining"...
ufot's Profile - Community Messages