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Zark22's Profile - Community Messages
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» Zark22 replied on Sun Jan 12, 2014 @ 9:24pm. Posted in facefuckbook.
Coolness: 37945
Originally Posted By SCREWHEAD
[ www.theverge.com ]

Third time I post this.

Paul: "You're married, you live in a nice neighborhood and you're happy. What's your secret?"

Justin Macroy: "I started having more success when I stopped feeling like my life was a narrative. Once you let go of that idea, you stop seeing yourself as the most important thing in your 'narrative'. You see yourself as a component. There's no arc to my story, there's no climax or anti-climax. Once I let go of all that, I became happier."


If you insist that your life is a drama about you, that's what you'll get and you'll suffer.

And yes, I'm also not on Facebook. I could either join or ride it out 'till it really dies and gets replaced by Instagram or whatever else.
» Zark22 replied on Wed May 8, 2013 @ 11:34am. Posted in On meurt.
Coolness: 37945
What's worth mentioning is that [ rave.ca ] has advantages over Facebook. It's not here to hawk your personal info to advertisers. That camp counselor job interview lady won't snoop on it looking for conclusions to jump to based on who you know and where you go and what you looked at. In fact the whole basis of it is pro-privacy because let's face it, there's a huge witch hunt against - heaven forbid - enjoying yourself at someone's loft.
» Zark22 replied on Mon Oct 8, 2012 @ 12:54am. Posted in Who remembers this?.
Coolness: 37945
Originally Posted By FLO

old enough? :)

9:02 most epic drum fill ever. EVER.
» Zark22 replied on Thu Jul 5, 2012 @ 1:54am. Posted in ☆ Dj School Montreal ☆.
Coolness: 37945
I think this is a sign of the times. There was no DJ school before because modern DJing was relatively fresh as an art form; it was like a folk culture, it was in the air, it was happening. Everyone's loft roommate was a decent DJ with real turntables (you had to be decent to compete), so chances are you had a live-in teacher. You learned by getting your hands on the common gear, experimenting, observing the good DJs out in the field, asking questions, and learning hard lessons from making an ass out of yourself in the real world.

It's like jazz. In the 60s, there was no jazz school. You learned it by living in the culture, studying the professionals by ear, going to jam sessions, getting booed off stage, practicing 9 hours a day with tears in your eyes and coming back fit to beat everyone at the cutting competitions.

Now it's taught at Concordia by snobby white intellectuals to slackers who don't care and won't use it.

Wait long enough, they'll also teach DJing at Concordia to whoever wants to complete their credits. Take death metal guitar there too, why not. It'll make you a well-rounded person. ;)

Update » Zark22 wrote on Thu Jul 5, 2012 @ 2:05am
Yes, it sounds bitter, and it's not that I have a problem with this DJ school, for all I know it's pretty good...I just think art gets cheapened when it's academicized. It's like admitting the growth is over, the art is set and it's all rules now.
» Zark22 replied on Fri May 4, 2012 @ 11:27am. Posted in Montreal filmmaker on trial for "moral corruption"??.
Coolness: 37945
Anybody know about this?

h ttp://ca.movies.yahoo.com/blogs/wide-screen/remy-couture-quebec-filmmaker-going-trial-corrupting-morals-192903311.html

Rémy Couture got arrested and is going on trial in MTL this December because his special effects were too good in a horror film. A fiction horror film.

The charge is "moral corruption and the production and distribution of obscene material". The case is costing Rémy thousands of dollars to defend and the estimated cost of prosecution is estimated to reach $1million for Canadian taxpayers.

This is the first case in Canadian history relating to artistic content created solely by consenting adults and created entirely by legal means.
» Zark22 replied on Thu Mar 16, 2006 @ 11:41pm. Posted in Favourite Genre of Electronic Music?.
Coolness: 37945
One might say....

....that the correct question is "Under what category can I tolerate every artist sounding the same?"
» Zark22 replied on Sat Mar 4, 2006 @ 2:24am. Posted in dreamworld.
Coolness: 37945
A room with dim lighting, a couple of chairs, a plant or two and several doors.

Behind one door is the world and it's 1999.
Behind the second door is the world in 1988.
Behind the third door is the world in 1979.
Behind another door is the world in 1969...another has 1954...one with 1905...etc.

Imagine yourself naked in a bubble of warm, soft white/pink/blue light. You are all cuddly, warm, feeling at peace, floating... You have everything you need... You don't feel hungry or thirsty... You are like a child in the womb... You see other people in their life bubble.. You smile, they feel at peace too, just like you! But you don't feel the need to communicate with them. After all, what would you tell them? You already feel their peace! You are just happy, feeling good, comfy...

That can actually be done. But it's gonna cost ya!
» Zark22 replied on Thu Feb 16, 2006 @ 12:48am. Posted in New Ren & Stimpy Episodes.
Coolness: 37945
No, those aren't new, they're a couple of years old but the DVD of those episodes is coming out in March so I hear. Unlike the classics, they're full of sex, puke and caca jokes.

Basically, the whole thing was back in John K's hands this time. (In case you don't know the story, John Kricfalusi was the show's originator. Nickelodeon TV fired him in 1992 for pushing the crazy-and-disgusting factor too far, but since the show was popular, they produced more seasons themselves and lame ones at that.)

This time around, JK and company did away with the kid audience approach and went full-on 18+. Some people say it's not as good.
» Zark22 replied on Thu Jan 19, 2006 @ 12:59am. Posted in sober party.
Coolness: 37945
Remember those Shalom psy parties a few years ago? They made you take your boots (shoes?) off when you came in. Those were among the most sober-looking raves I'd seen.

I can easily picture a no-booze-no-xtc-no-ciggs party. And I'd go to it. It would be all about the music and the atmosphere for sure.

Problem is, it would end at 12:30am as people begin yawning and saying they have to get up early tomorrow. :D j/k
» Zark22 replied on Wed Jan 18, 2006 @ 5:25pm. Posted in Dialects Birthday Bonanza!!!.
Coolness: 37945
That bottom picture is amazing; that's the exact moment I said "Tony, the cops are here."
I hate that top picture. My eyes are only that red because of the smoke and such.

re: the fundraiser, stay tuned...
» Zark22 replied on Tue Jan 17, 2006 @ 12:22pm. Posted in Dialects Birthday Bonanza!!!.
Coolness: 37945
hope they at least didn't get fined and the promoters had the courtesy to put any of the partys income towards getting buddy there a new keboard???

i would be hella mega pissed like you wouldn't belive....

just outta curiousity...

was it plugged in at the time?

Oh yes it was. As soon as I discovered it was wet, I turned it off and unplugged it right away so it wouldn't crackle and explode. I turned it upside down and this DELUGE of beer poured out of it, and I thought, man this thing's finished. The repair center for Korg stuff is all the way out in Baie D'Urfe on the TransCanada. I took it way out there, yesterday morning, by bus in the freezing cold. The guy looked at it, took it to the back, came back, raised one eyebrow, shook his head, and started with, "Listen, I'm gonna be honest with you" and the verdict was grim and terminal.

Did someone say FUNDRAISER?? :)
» Zark22 replied on Mon Jan 16, 2006 @ 4:34pm. Posted in Dialects Birthday Bonanza!!!.
Coolness: 37945
Some girl who was way too drunk spilled her drink all over my Korg keyboard.

Totalled it.

$600 down the tubes.

I have to buy a new one. I'm not a happy Ninja now.

It was a hella fun party but what a crowded, alcoholic debacle. I was never in so much doubt that I'd be able to find all my things and go home. I was never really into booze, but seeing certain individuals get so trashed has now turned me off of it completely.

High points: Meeting people I'd only read posts from before.
» Zark22 replied on Thu Dec 22, 2005 @ 6:36pm. Posted in Let's Do Lunch In Orbit.
Coolness: 37945
zero-grav parties = next big thing.
» Zark22 replied on Mon Aug 29, 2005 @ 11:09pm. Posted in when did you start to hate trance.
Coolness: 37945
Started hating it...
...about a couple of months before I started to LOVE IT ALL OVER AGAIN!!!

If you get sick of something, take a break, then come back to it.
» Zark22 replied on Mon Aug 9, 2004 @ 1:14am. Posted in old school cartoons.
Coolness: 37945
You're all fools for missing Harvey Birdman Attorney At Law (Sat 11pm English Teletoon) - it had the Shaggy and Scooby pot bust, Grape Ape in prison, the Flinstones in a mob scandal, rockin'!
» Zark22 replied on Thu Aug 5, 2004 @ 1:11pm. Posted in Raves!.
Coolness: 37945
Hmm..."rave"...hard to replace an old word, eh?
"Party" doesn't seem right, sounds like a 6-year-old's birthday.

actually i'm in a high school, and nobody thinks raves are cool. they are all "fresh" and "chillin in da club"

Eccchhh!!! Just sick.
» Zark22 replied on Thu Aug 5, 2004 @ 12:50pm. Posted in A warning to all that shave.
Coolness: 37945
Just so you know...all that text was posted years ago on [ tranceaddict.com ] probably originally came from somewhere else.
» Zark22 replied on Sun May 23, 2004 @ 1:27am. Posted in The Corporation.
Coolness: 37945
I use McDonalds' washrooms to put on Halowe'en makeup for late October parties. That's basically it. I heard they make most of their money off their price markup of Coke and not their food, which is screwy enough.

The Corporation is indeed a must-see. Not because you're supposed to believe everything in there, but because it forces you to think a little more.

I think I could go on and on about the increasing polarization of political thought and the good-vs-evil rhetoric that everyone uses to describe power structures these days, but I'd rather not right now.
» Zark22 replied on Sun Apr 11, 2004 @ 11:18pm. Posted in SEX or MUSIC?.
Coolness: 37945
*ahem* back on topic...

Some real world anecdotes regarding losing sex or music:

Friend of mine (musician) had surgery 'down there' for a tumor, and was told that he'd probably never fuck again, ever. It hurt him but he got over it and went on with his life and kept a positive attitude.

I've had some near misses with deafness, one of which was an accident at a rehearsal that nearly conked my ears out. I thought I'd never be able to do mixes anymore. The instruments sitting in my room seemed useless, it's like my whole room turned into a dungeon; I went out with my folks to dinner, the car stopped next to another car with some chick moving to the beat, enjoying it so much, and realized what I could end up without. I thought that dinner would be my last meal. I felt out-of-touch with the world as I knew it.

Thankfully I'm alright now. (And so's whatsisface with the surgery, his plumbing is running now too.)

Y'see, you have sex every so often and you spend most of your time doing other things. But music - it's everywhere, and if you've grown up on it, you're emotionally attatched to it for life.
» Zark22 replied on Sat Apr 10, 2004 @ 1:59am. Posted in New wave of body decoration.
Coolness: 37945
Note that the story underneath is "Doctor disciplined after breast implant death"; so just imagine a botched job on your [ www. ]
» Zark22 replied on Tue Apr 6, 2004 @ 12:29am. Posted in dj war ???.
Coolness: 37945
Bleh...I wish I could edit posts here...some of that was redundant and off topic. :/
» Zark22 replied on Tue Apr 6, 2004 @ 12:25am. Posted in dj war ???.
Coolness: 37945
Well well....

Healthy competition is good. I mean competition as in so-and-so-is-really-good-so-I-gotta-do-better, so everyone raises the quality margin. What's NOT good is elitism and snobbery.

I can understand the viewpoint of not wanting to let a scene become too big, i.e. the saturation point where it's everywhere all the time, then people get sick of it because they're overexposed to it, and the scene loses its hip edge. However...

Originally posted by [SCREWHEAD]...

...we live in a society where TV and movies lead you to believe that unless your a superstar, your existance is worthless. As much as someone can say that they love music and they ONLY spin "for the music" and that they don't want fame, well, that's just complete and utter bullshit. Why else would they be into a form of entertainment that's known to draw anywhere from 50 to 5000 people? They could be just as happy sitting at home spinning for themselves or listening to the music they love, but they actually just want fame, recognition and attention.

(good post, BTW)

So you've got a contradiction - How does one become big enough to be 'somebody' but still remain elusive like a well-kept secret? The Montrealers' way of solving that problem is to resort to high-school cliquism. 'We're hot, you're not invited.'

Props to all of you who try to break out of that mindset. I should also point out that it's no accident that most of the best DJs are the happiest ones, 'cause their minds aren't clouded by that kind of bitterness.
» Zark22 replied on Tue Mar 23, 2004 @ 9:17pm. Posted in Accepting demos for upcoming events.
Coolness: 37945
I'm up 4 it...check your email ;)
» Zark22 replied on Tue Mar 23, 2004 @ 2:17pm. Posted in FS: Stanton Turntable STR8-50.
Coolness: 37945
Stanton STR8-50

- belt-driven straight-arm.
- includes Gemini headshell + Stanton 500-II cartridge
- very good condition
- asking $130 negotiable

further details email:
» Zark22 replied on Mon Jan 12, 2004 @ 12:40am. Posted in Is It Me?.
Coolness: 37945
[ Umm...ca ] someone explain what a rave scene was doing in a Dr. Seuss movie? The guy must have died before there was any such thing!

I've been an extra in a movie or two, not club scenes though. Three words about some filmmakers: No Research Whatsoever! There was a protest scene where it was clear the assistant director (who was the one barking out orders) had never seen a protest before.
» Zark22 replied on Thu Jan 1, 2004 @ 8:10pm. Posted in Indie Rock and Emo: A Definition.
Coolness: 37945
Originally posted by SPOOKY...

indie is like, independant rock, which is usually a term aplied to bands that suck and do nothing but whine about not getting a record deal. They've formed a whole comunity of talentless bands who should have stayed in their parent's garage.

Ahh that's harsh...

Well I'll say this much: The puropse of going independent is to be freed from the restrictions that are imposed by a distribution system that is run based on popularity, profit margins, demand-creating tactics and modular functionality (i.e. a 3 minute song of this genre fits in this spot for this purpose etc.)

But once you're given that freedom, put it to good use! Don't flood the underground with underworked, unoriginal and uninspired output just because you want a shot at the spotlight.
» Zark22 replied on Wed Dec 24, 2003 @ 2:43pm. Posted in blood and guts.
Coolness: 37945
So now Dawson's back to the way it was when I was there...oh great.
» Zark22 replied on Wed Dec 24, 2003 @ 11:37am. Posted in blood and guts.
Coolness: 37945
i want to know why every meat eater i've ever met tries to force blood and guts down my throat.

My experience has been just the opposite. For a while I was going out with a vegetarian, I never criticized her for her choices, if anything I respected the level of discipline it takes not to eat meat. Meanwhile, she and her friends used EVERY OPPORTUNITY to make snide remarks about that fact that I eat meat, like I'm some sick heartless fuck. Meanwhile I was about 6 feet and weighed 127 lbs, so we're not talking about someone who can fuck with his diet to just shut people up.

And she did it for 'political reasons'. I didn't have the mind to tell her that we're ALL slaves of some system in one form or another, and no, we're not at the top of the food chain; we're WORM CHOW after we're dead, get used to it. (Unless of course you get filled up with formaldehyde during the gruesome embalming procedure which I read and won't go into detail about now.)

But I'll say this much, I can relate to the "love your friends, don't eat them" sentiment, and I'd prefer that the animals are treated well in their lifetime which sadly is not always the case.
» Zark22 replied on Mon Dec 22, 2003 @ 12:20am. Posted in Electronik High part deux.
Coolness: 37945
Who was spinning in the psy room around 2:30? No shit the dancefloor was packed, I love it packed like that; it was awsome! I was there earlier when it looked all empty and I was starting to run out of hope; the place only filled up around 1am-ish.

Awesome murals, coloured to glow in the blacklight, nice. Good oldskool NFB on the screen :) Damn good sound, too. Excellent choice of location; roast goat anyone? Seven bucks!

Props to Soyfunk being his usual cartoonish self, hehe. What's his website where he posts the fisher price tapes?

One of these days I should take the time to properly meet everybody; I see a lot of the same faces at quite a few of these things.
» Zark22 replied on Sun Nov 30, 2003 @ 10:34am. Posted in THE RAVE SCENE: the present vs. the past.
Coolness: 37945

Look at the attitude here. How about saying the scene IS IN NEED OF IMPROVEMENT instead of calling it DEAD?

Give some people with ambition a reason to put work and ideas into revitalizing the scene, instead of giving them the vibe that they're "wasting their time".

Accept the fact that things will change, and look for ways to make something great come out of these changes. Use the problems as opportunities to find solutions and make new heroes in the process. And don't diss the noobs, they're the ones who are going to pick up the energy and improve the scene, not the jaded stay-at-homes who don't care anymore.
» Zark22 replied on Fri Nov 28, 2003 @ 7:16pm. Posted in Lockdown Rollcall!!!.
Coolness: 37945
sighhh....for reasons that take too long to explain, will only be there in spirit, who wants my ticket?
» Zark22 replied on Fri Nov 7, 2003 @ 1:13am. Posted in All Time Favorite Trance - Lockdown Set.
Coolness: 37945
Ok, once you're headed down that road...some oldies but all goodies:

DJ Marc Aurel - Running [Dumonde Remix]

Lange - Drifting Away [original mix]
(I'm warning you, it's so sugary it'll probably rot your teeth, but it's worth it)

Svenson & Gielen - Beauty Of Silence
(boy will this one rot your teeth!)

Cygnus X - The Orange Theme

Marco De Govia - Things That Matter

Riva - Time Is The Healer [Armin Van Burren Remix]

Corderoy - Sweetest Dreams [Greg Murray Vox]
(cavities cavities cavities!!)

and if you dare, and can find it,
that Look To The Sky song from Dance Dance Revolution. hahaha!!
Zark22's Profile - Community Messages