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» ufot replied on Fri May 7, 2010 @ 10:19am. Posted in The noune problem.
Coolness: 93295
Au mere de la noune
Mon ami cliterrot
Prête-moi de ta noune
Pour écrire un mot
Ma chandelle est mole
Je n'ai plus de feu
Ouvre-moi ta porte
Pour l'amour de Dieu

» ufot replied on Fri May 7, 2010 @ 9:06am. Posted in Garbage!.
Coolness: 93295

Ufot-that's a lot of garbage
» ufot replied on Fri May 7, 2010 @ 9:00am. Posted in What makes a good bj?.
Coolness: 93295
Originally Posted By BLISSS
I dunno, lets ask Ufot...

yes lets... hmm... well, I've only ever given head to girls... but I heard you love sucking on your own cock ya filthy hog, so please slagotron el blisster-retardo, tells us how you make having a small and old wrinkled penis in your mouth a good time?

Ufot-let me step up to the plate, I'll home run your ass evertime
» ufot replied on Fri May 7, 2010 @ 8:56am. Posted in Ravewave Boring Threads.
Coolness: 93295
Originally Posted By DAF
and eldee is one handsome man, so good luck!

melo+eldar are like the cutest couple i've seen!

no doubt, just like the rat he is, eh bliss? once a rat always a rat? rat somewhere else!

Ufot-hollow heads aren't just a state of mind
» ufot replied on Fri May 7, 2010 @ 8:55am. Posted in There goes another dumb thread..
Coolness: 93295

Ufot-just saying...
» ufot replied on Fri May 7, 2010 @ 8:45am. Posted in Montreal Canadiens.
Coolness: 93295




Ufot-yes, lord stanley, we know you well
» ufot replied on Fri May 7, 2010 @ 8:39am. Posted in Ravewave Boring Threads.
Coolness: 93295
Originally Posted By BLISSS
melodie je t'aimes

get your own creep, she's taken... geez...

» ufot replied on Fri May 7, 2010 @ 8:37am. Posted in Montreal Canadiens.
Coolness: 93295
YA!!!! What a feel great win, the refs tried their hardest to break us, to throw the game, barely called anything at all, let the clock run down... Meh, worst refing I've seen almost ever. Our squeeker to open the game, their quick rebound, 2 periods later, deep in the third, LAps, GIonTA... and a win!!!

SAturDay, lets make cindy and his icecapades group tear up again, SHALL WE :D

uFot-we will, we will, ROCK YOU!
» ufot replied on Fri May 7, 2010 @ 8:31am. Posted in What makes a good DJ..
Coolness: 93295
amen Fishead!

Ufot-baller? really?
» ufot replied on Fri May 7, 2010 @ 8:20am. Posted in What makes a good DJ..
Coolness: 93295
Originally Posted By BLISSS
Na knows me, we've spoken many times in person and its always been pleasant. What I wrote wasn't meant as an attack, lets be clear, we're having a discussion here

Well actually I do get booked A LOT so if some new dj was looking for someone to reference they could actually learn from my career and how I work.

I obviously didn't mean it in an arrogant way, it was just an observation

It is what this thread is about afterall

well I've thrown 100's of parties and I've never booked him...Dosen't mean anything

I can tell you that as a dj I have probably worked with more promoters in this city than any other dj in Montreal

I don't actually see any reason why he wouldn't book me personally.

He's probably one of the only promotors in this city who HASN"T booked me yet

Well him and Bal En Blanc hehehe...


» ufot replied on Thu May 6, 2010 @ 6:01pm. Posted in The Host Problem.
Coolness: 93295
Originally Posted By NUCLEAR
It's not a virus...


Can a virus "hide" in a GIF or JPEG file?

The simple answer is "no". The complete answer is more complex.

GIF and JPEG (.JPG) files contain compressed graphical information. Every now and then, rumors arise that is possible to infect those files with a virus in such a way, that it will spread when you display one of these images. This is technically impossible -- no part of the GIF or JPEG format contains code that is executed by the viewer program.

It *is* possible to use the least significant bit of the color information for each pixel in GIF files to store additional information, without visibly altering the quality of the picture contained in the file. This is called "steganography" and is sometimes used to transmit secretly encrypted messages. Since a virus is nothing more than information, it is possible to "encode" it into a GIF file and transmit it this way. However, the recipients must be aware that the GIF file contains such hidden information and take some deliberate steps to extract it -- it cannot happen against their will.


So unless you take the JPG file, rename it to an executable and then run it which no one would ever do, then you don't have to worry. Your anti-virus software is just saying there is something embedded inside the image.

OMG!!!! :D

ufot- i <3 facts
» ufot replied on Thu May 6, 2010 @ 5:15pm. Posted in Ravewave Boring Threads.
Coolness: 93295
Originally Posted By LUKEPERIL
If you want epic threads, you have to start by being as strange and interesting as possible. Give the people what they want, a crazy ass topic that doesn't involve just hating on other members of the [ rave.ca ] community (did I just say community? I meant mess).

Or you can submit short stories. Everyone loves short stories.

The wind howled over the plain as a hooded rider, clad from head to toe in white robes, stormed towards the fortress. Unrelenting in his pursuit of something, an elusive enemy waiting to exist. It had been a long night, and the stains on his otherwise pristine garb bore testament to the events that had transpired. Trolls. Four of them. The stink of their blood clung to him still, turning his stomach which growled hungrily, barely tamed by the crusts of bread that served as an ersatz breakfast. He had only wounded them, and they were sure to alert their master to his passing - he could not say that he had left the fight unscathed. The harpies would catch up with him soon, and it was essential that he found shelter and a protected vantage point from which to take them out. His crossbow had been like a best friend to him these past days, but without any sort of bolt to fire he was as good as dead.

He was a white knight of the old school of bardic magic, and for these past weeks he had tried valiantly to rid the realm of these menacing spirits, these horrid creatures that mocked him and berated him, ignoring his accomplishments, out to get him. The Engineer, "the cutter of heads" bespeckled and paranoid, had infected his steed, who was stalwart despite the disease that racked away at him. Only his steward knew the full extent of the infection, the inevitable fate that awaited this brave horse, yet the foreboding sense of doom was apparent even to an animal unschooled in the arts of sorcery.

The trolls were products of the Engineer, once honorable men who had drifted far from the four values, warped by randomness and chaos, deprived of sunlight for too long, poisoned with the same affliction that had struck the town of Raveca, a town that no longer had room for white knights. Who was to save them now? They had been strangely accepting of the mutated creatures that now ruled the land. True, the land had seen untold prosperity, the people were happy, and the sarcasm and frivolity of the Engineer's craft had not gone unnoticed. "But what had happened to peace? To love? Where was the unity? Most importantly, why didn't they respect my works?" the rider thought, as the wind continued to whip his cloak into a frenzy behind him.

At last he arrived at the moat surrounding the keep, sounded his horn, and waited for a reply.

"Hamish? What business hath thee with the citizens of Pola?" called a familiar voice from one of the towers. The drawbridge began to lower, and soon enough the rider was across the moat and safely within the forecastle of the keep.

"The Engineer... he hath sullied by reputation! No matter how many times I try to persuade the citizens of Raveca that they have strayed from the truth, no matter how many times I try to enlist disciples with my bardic magic, I am still at the mercy of those mocking... Trolls! They aren't even human, why are they so well-received?" Hamish said, addressing the small militia that waited inside the keep's walls, smoking from cracked pipes, toying with crystals and powders capable of strong, yet surely dark magic.

A voice came . "Got any drugs?" it said. A wizened and decrepit looking youth dragged forward, bottom lip jutting out as her crazed eyes rolled in her head. Hamish felt wretched as he looked upon them. These were agents of the same forces it seemed. How could the corruption have spread so far. "N-n-no." He replied. "Don't you have enough?"

"We will help you defeat the trolls, if you help us make our theatre piece. It will show the citizens of Raveca our vision of the four sacred values, the PLUR." spoke another shadowy figure, clad in tinted spectacles, and grinning in an exaggerated manner beneath a slicked pate of black hair which shone in the light.

"You! I've seen so many paintings of you! It's as if everyone in Raveca has posed for portraits with thee!" Hamish exclaimed. "You hath posed even with my foes, those who would wish to sully my good name! The trolls!"

"Aye, it is I, Antonio the IVth, of Pola" the sharp looking (yet smelly) man responded. "You may join us if you wish, we believe we have the power to save the realm. But you must point out to the people of Raveca, every chance you get, that they are under rule by trolls, that their minds have been poisoned... but not like ours, which we've poisoned willfully and with every intention of having a really fun future with even more drugs and uh um. Well, they hate us too, that's what I'm saying essentially."

Just then someone spoke from high above. High on the parapet sat one of the harpies, laughing hysterically through his words of ridicule "LOL STFU NOOB YOU WISH 1111!!!11!1!1ONE!!1!111 YOU ARE A FAG".

"Host One! Nooooo!" Hamish cried, pulling out his crossbow. But he had no ammunition! He scrambled around and could only find his bardic weapon, the tablet of turning. Frantically he played several chords.

"IS THAT FROM LIKE 1998? WHAT A LAME TRACK!" it was another harpy, on the opposite parapet, "YOU'VE WALKED STRAIGHT INTO OUR TRAP" it was SourUltraFast, the black harpy. He was black. Like really black. Just in case you're wondering. Like his feathers and everything. Once they saw him everybody looked at him sort of funny and thought of stereotypes but they wouldn't stick.

Sure enough, he had walked into their trap. As he looked back at the plain through a slit in the wall he could see that the thread of his cloak had unravelled and trailed behind him for many miles. The thread had continued right up until here, where it had gotten tangled and confused amidst the brambles and started to fray.

The drawbridge shuddered and shook as a battering ram crushed through it, revealing several pink elephants with riders. The trolls had found him. "You're a has-been!" they cried. "A fool! Haha." Alas, it was the moderators, with the trolls in tow. And the engineer was with them, though he seemed so maddened by his disease that he was babbling incoherently... perhaps he hadn't been behind it at all!

The trolls approached Hamish, grabbed his arms, and held him still as the moderator showed him the mirror of truth saying. As he looked into it he saw a troll looking back. The reality dawned on him as he saw the reflections of those who held him, who were human in the mirror. "You mean... all this time..." he began.

And so it was that Hamish was cured of his delusion. The dreamworld slipped away and he saw that it was in fact he himself who had corrupted Raveca with his pride and arrogance, it was he who had poisoned the people with his proselytizing, and he was in fact no white knight at all, but just a smelly, putrid troll wearing a burlap sack. He saw that it would have been folly to appear in Pola at all, a definite end of career move. As he looked around him the scene changed. The spelling of the word scene also changed, into "since". And he realized that anyone could be perceived as a troll if one was sick enough with egomaniacal delusion and paranoia that he was the victim of persecution. He also realized it was time to get new plates for his tables of turning. Ones that weren't sort of shitty and uninteresting compared to everyone else's.

All this time the Peril lurked beneath the scene, in the sewers, coming up with bad short stories.

The End. For now.


Ufot=Luke's done it again :D
» ufot replied on Thu May 6, 2010 @ 5:05pm. Posted in Ravewave Boring Threads.
Coolness: 93295
Apparently not :

Dude, he's totally lying, I'd bet a beer on that shizzle, total BS...

Ufot-lies, they are funny when they are obvious...
» ufot replied on Thu May 6, 2010 @ 5:00pm. Posted in Ravewave Boring Threads.
Coolness: 93295
Don't worry Daf, I just wanted to put him in his place, and quite frankly, I'm more than confident that the vast majority of people on this board(bliss excluded) are more than computer savy to know this trojan is gaga-nothing.

I shouldn't have to resort to this behavior, but he really just pisses me and many other people off on this board and I'm tired of his cyclical BS rhetoric that never goes anywhere positive, and I'm pretty sure I'm not alone.

This board can be a fun place when he's not around, and I have faith that it could even be when he is, he just needs to switch gears, stop picking on people and forcing his inflated(sic) ego on us. I have no problems with people expressing themselves however they see fit, but for the love of christ, do it in a manner from time to time that is the least bit invasive, offensive and antisocial, otherwise, you can be surprised by peoples negative reactions?

We all share this board, and every now and then it goes south, and for regular contributors like myself, it's a complete turnoff, and it should not have to be, so...

Again, for the record, the trojan is benine, do not give into his totally unfounded fear mongering and uninformed banter, if you fine folks want real answers, spend five minutes with good ol' google or pm me.

Ufot=striving to make everything better, one bully at a time.
» ufot replied on Thu May 6, 2010 @ 3:53pm. Posted in Ravewave Boring Threads.
Coolness: 93295
ok ok, people, calm down, it's benine, it should do nothing and if you're really not sure, do a search on it's definition, check it's rating and follow the safely remove instructions...

Bliss, it was meant for your thread, and more specifically for you. STOP THE BULLYing.

To anyone else who is confused or unsure, message me, I can give you more details and re-assure you that the trojan is neither malicious nor destructive...

Ufot-zero kool out!
» ufot replied on Thu May 6, 2010 @ 2:24pm. Posted in The Host Problem.
Coolness: 93295
Originally Posted By BLISSS
& Like i said if you damaged my computer (and quite a few other peoples I guess), you could be held criminally responsable.

Do you ever think before you act man? How old are you again?

So now you're an expert on canadian cyber law eh? Or maybe, you're just GUESSING... Dude, if you can't stand the heat in teh kitchen, maybe you should stop posing as a chef...

Trust me, I thought about it, and let it stand as a warning, next round for you will be worms or a root kit, neither of which I imagine you actually know about and both of which I'm sure your antivirus software will definitely catch(haha)


Ufot-mess with the best, die like the rest...
» ufot replied on Thu May 6, 2010 @ 11:58am. Posted in What makes a good DJ..
Coolness: 93295
" Personally I've always stayed 100% ethical and always maintained my intergrity. "

HAHAHAHA... you mean online right?

@ Raw... totally mang, living off that is awesome! working in your field is awesome!

Ufot-hating today, i wonders why?
» ufot replied on Thu May 6, 2010 @ 11:47am. Posted in Dream Interpretation.
Coolness: 93295
Originally Posted By SOURULTRAFAST

i CAN'T!!!! after sucking Mary Hell's big dick, my lifes been one big unhappy love boat episode!!!

» ufot replied on Thu May 6, 2010 @ 11:46am. Posted in The Host Problem.
Coolness: 93295
Originally Posted By SOURULTRAFAST
And where are you going with this?

dude, he should listen to his own advice...

Ufot-make us happy, BUH BYE!!!
» ufot replied on Thu May 6, 2010 @ 11:40am. Posted in The Host Problem.
Coolness: 93295
Originally Posted By BLISSS
dude if you're not happy here, you can always log out

no one likes a rat

Oh the irony, stop being so racist!

Ufot-comon, you can win in your imagination flameboy
» ufot replied on Thu May 6, 2010 @ 11:39am. Posted in Dream Interpretation.
Coolness: 93295
Originally Posted By BLISSS
Ufot High school? No

But you're still there obviously lol...

Sorry you're so unhappy

blah-blah-blah... anything else?

and btw, lol'ing your own unfunny jokes online, totally weak...

Ufot-the king of boring is back
» ufot replied on Thu May 6, 2010 @ 11:36am. Posted in Dream Interpretation.
Coolness: 93295
Originally Posted By BLISSS
The fact that you seem so preoccupied with my life which I am incidentitally quite content with

Says a lot about the personal insastifaction your are probably feeling in your own life

I made my dreams come true, can you say the same?

your logic and dictation are completely incorrect... continue on the fail path please

Ufot-high school, did you graduate?
» ufot replied on Thu May 6, 2010 @ 11:34am. Posted in The Host Problem.
Coolness: 93295
Ya well, that will teach you to flame this board up bud, and I can guarantee you need to quarantine your pc, even if you think it's ok...

Ufot=push da webz and they may push back, troll!
» ufot replied on Thu May 6, 2010 @ 11:14am. Posted in Dream Interpretation.
Coolness: 93295
I think the trash represent your life, the truck represents you trying to avoid the reality of your life... just an idea, bud.

Ufot-dreams may come true, seen!
» ufot replied on Thu May 6, 2010 @ 11:09am. Posted in The Host Problem.
Coolness: 93295
Bliss is putting viruses on this board...

Btw, Bliss how's your computer running these days...(giggles)

Ufot-geez, I mean really...
» ufot replied on Wed May 5, 2010 @ 5:05pm. Posted in Epic Coalition. Whos the best dj?.
Coolness: 93295
Originally Posted By KISHMAY_PINAS
Reputable sources told me that Mary hell has male genitalia, and Milton Clark likes to perform fellatio on her.

damnit... the truth is revealed!!!

Ufot-royalties for the movie rights, can I has some?
» ufot replied on Wed May 5, 2010 @ 4:51pm. Posted in Epic Coalition. Whos the best dj?.
Coolness: 93295
Originally Posted By BLISSS
Bla bla bla, my name is Ufot, I like to insult people and post pics, generally create drama

But I can't take any commentary in return (which is all I did, comment on your beef)

Pathetic is the best word to describe you 4 sure

Quit starting drama and maybe the drama will go away

Honestely you're smarter than that man ;)

as long as you think you make sense boy, in your own little world, wtv...

ufot-ya right mr.walkway
» ufot replied on Wed May 5, 2010 @ 3:54pm. Posted in Epic Coalition. Whos the best dj?.
Coolness: 93295
Originally Posted By BLISSS
The word "rather" is key here...Too bad he's such a phony too my face and Mary's.

Me and her have discussed you in the past, and yeah she thinks your wanker, and I know now for sure you're a wanker

The fact is you did suck her dick to get a booking at her night. So show a little respect

PS Keep planting trojans on peoples computers, thats really awesome man hahaha...

Bliss... I dont get it man, are you getting some kind of pleasure out of making things up or stering the pot on this board? Does it make you feel better about yourself? Does it console you because your life doesn't? Whats your malfunction man? I'll be sure to ask Mary about your convo on my wankerness, as I'm sure I'll be pleasently surprised as to her version or lack there of(ya, we actually know each other in REAL LIFE). You want to keep digging dude, be my guest, though might want to consider stopping while you're just barely ahead...

For a reality check friendo, repeat the following meaning in your head the next time you face the man in the mirror :


[ 1.ca ] or evoking pity, sympathetic sadness, sorrow, etc.; pitiful; pitiable: a pathetic letter; a pathetic sight.
2.affecting or moving the feelings.
3.pertaining to or caused by the feelings.
4.miserably or contemptibly inadequate: In return for our investment we get a pathetic three percent interest.

Ufot-growing up, because some just can't
» ufot replied on Wed May 5, 2010 @ 11:44am. Posted in Epic Coalition. Whos the best dj?.
Coolness: 93295
Originally Posted By BLISSS
UFOT, its funny when Mary was booking you at her night, you were sucking her dick to get that gig

Then you turn around and disrespect. Says a lot about you man, just sayin

Um, first of all, I've never sucked a dick(have you?). Second of all, even though Mary hell has some pretty big balls, Im pretty that she actually does not have a dick. Third, that gif is funny and topic relative, infact Mary said she liked it herself when she saw it. Fourth and final point, for you hammmmish to call me out on "turning around and disrespecting" someone on THIS board, is down right dillusionally funny...


uFOT-you like trojans? how you like my tojans, bitch...
» ufot replied on Tue May 4, 2010 @ 2:56pm. Posted in Iznogood @ Machine Sam 8 Mai w/ Daddy G, Milton Clark+Destro+Sarcastic.
Coolness: 93295

Ufot-ca vas torche les amis@
» ufot replied on Tue May 4, 2010 @ 2:24pm. Posted in Epic Coalition. Whos the best dj?.
Coolness: 93295

uFOT=Jist saying fooks :P
» ufot replied on Tue May 4, 2010 @ 1:48pm. Posted in The Host Problem.
Coolness: 93295
Originally Posted By KIRE
yeah that virus was pretty ghey gotta love firewalls lol

hehehehe ;)

Ufoot-ohs noes, not dems trooojanz!
» ufot replied on Tue May 4, 2010 @ 1:41pm. Posted in The Host Problem.
Coolness: 93295
Originally Posted By BLISSS
its in the first page, it infects your computer just by your computer viewing it,

As soon as I scroll down the page, my anti virus says its blocked a virus that is now on my computer.

I unplugged my modem and ran a virus check

Its a trojan.clicker.frame.g virus

Trojans are capable of stealing information, including everything you type (passwords, bank sites, etc...)

If you didn't get an alert, you're infected just by having viewed the thread

Run an anti virus ASAP, could be too late though if you didn't get a warning

Ufot or Dynv did it, I don't know what the fuck those guys were thinking O_o

But thats some wack shit right there

Somtimes, you get what you put in, bud. Be careful, the interwebz are a dangerous place...especially for noobz ;)

Ufot-if it smells bad, maybe it rotten
» ufot replied on Tue May 4, 2010 @ 1:36pm. Posted in Epic Coalition. Whos the best dj?.
Coolness: 93295
Originally Posted By JOEY
Totally out of context, but does anyone remember that track Sean Kosa made called "Dj Hell can suck my dick"?

Got it on vinyl :)

Ufot-kicking asses since '79!!!
» ufot replied on Mon May 3, 2010 @ 12:02pm. Posted in The Host Problem.
Coolness: 93295
Originally Posted By RECOIL
yo wtf - I just got a trojan virus alert from Kapersky from an image someone has put on this page


Ufot-some threads are better left alone...
» ufot replied on Mon May 3, 2010 @ 11:46am. Posted in The Host Problem.
Coolness: 93295
Originally Posted By SOURULTRAFAST
Dude, I'm just sick and tired of his projections.

YA, I was just stating the obvious about this thread, not pointing fingers, just a general statement about this thread being the type this board is better off without... no matter how entertaining it may be to some, it rates as a heavy FAIL in my books...

Ufot-keep da webz troll free by dialing 1-800-BEEHAVE
» ufot replied on Mon May 3, 2010 @ 11:42am. Posted in The Host Problem.
Coolness: 93295

» ufot replied on Mon May 3, 2010 @ 11:28am. Posted in Montreal Canadiens.
Coolness: 93295
Beer taps just seem like a quality investment, for people who enjoy and drink beer often. Bulk buying beer by the litre saves money and having cold beer from a tap is just golden... Any self respecting man-cave-basment space should have one, with perhaps, a pingpong table and or pool table, giant flat screen with satelite feed... and perhaps, a console or 2 :)

Ufot=dreams about taps
» ufot replied on Mon May 3, 2010 @ 10:59am. Posted in Montreal Canadiens.
Coolness: 93295
Daf... Im just saying, if we continue down this path, I may have to get a tap installed at my place to keep up... :D

Ufot=dreams of beer taps, they can come true!
» ufot replied on Mon May 3, 2010 @ 10:47am. Posted in Montreal Canadiens.
Coolness: 93295
Awesome sunday win, seriously, les boys are making it happen! Subban, OMG!\!!!!! Such an amazing playoff run for a rookie, just awesome! Gill is a warrior, Halak is a wall, Berger makes me nervous and Camis goal from mid air flight, SICK!!!

Im pretty excited to see how upset Cindy gets when he comes into our house, guna break another stick cry-baby?

Ufot-GO HABS GO!!!
ufot's Profile - Community Messages