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» Vegan répondu dessus Tue 3 Feb, 2009 @ 11:15pm. Posted in Stereotypes concerning ravers and raves.
Coolness: 38895
Originally Posted By THE_BIG_JO
I have to say that the stereotype that irks me the most is that all electronic music is known as "techno" (see the flyer for the bal en blanc from 2 years ago, they had a "techno" room with nothing but trance dj's...)

» Vegan répondu dessus Tue 3 Feb, 2009 @ 9:13pm. Posted in Light UP and Juggle Store.
Coolness: 38895
I want a staff from them so badly. They look amazing. The all-lights are really worth it too, ask him about them, you can program all sorts of different patterns..
» Vegan répondu dessus Tue 3 Feb, 2009 @ 9:11pm. Posted in Light UP and Juggle Store.
Coolness: 38895
THEIR STUFF IS THE BEST! Get the all-light. I don't know if you were at Black Magick or not but I was spinning the poi I made with his all-lights, I had it on strobe rainbow most of the time.


Made completely in Montreal...
» Vegan répondu dessus Tue 3 Feb, 2009 @ 9:09pm. Posted in I am not a poker dealer.
Coolness: 38895
but I like it.
» Vegan répondu dessus Tue 3 Feb, 2009 @ 9:01pm. Posted in Pan's Lab.
Coolness: 38895
The Fall looks really good.
» Vegan répondu dessus Tue 3 Feb, 2009 @ 8:54pm. Posted in Stereotypes concerning ravers and raves.
Coolness: 38895
Oh! Oh! A lot of people seem to think that nobody over 25 goes to raves.
» Vegan répondu dessus Tue 3 Feb, 2009 @ 8:38pm. Posted in Stereotypes concerning ravers and raves.
Coolness: 38895
Drugs. I get just a little bit annoyed every time someone heard I go to raves/spin poi etc and they say something like "so you do E?" or "Well I don't do E so I wouldn't go.." AS IF I DO IT. Gr, very annoying. I just calmly explain, "No I don't do E, not all ravers do E. Some people do drugs at parties and some don't. I'm sure there are a lot more sober people at raves than at the bar." If someone is actually rude about it, I say something more like "How do you figure that the human body requires pills to go dancing? Do you mean to tell me you've never done mild physical activity for several hours? Is there a very deep ass-groove in your couch or something?"


Oh that and when people call all electronica "techno", that is irksome.

Mostly I just giggle about it and correct them.
» Vegan répondu dessus Tue 3 Feb, 2009 @ 6:12am. Posted in Things we say are true but they really aren't.
Coolness: 38895
Originally Posted By N.A
if people want to see him as a color rather than a human, i give a shit.

Me too!

Originally Posted By N.A
So, we have people discussing a man's color, instead of a man's accomplishments.

yay for robotic masses!

Originally Posted By N.A
yes yes, i should abstain from posting, like should have 9 months ago, but some things are more important than not risking the consequences.

I WOULD HAVE TO AGREE WITH THAT MYSELF. Some things *are* more important, AREN'T THEY.
» Vegan répondu dessus Tue 3 Feb, 2009 @ 5:31am. Posted in Pan's Lab.
Coolness: 38895

I liked the movie. The ending made me unhappy but I don't think the point of a movie has to be happy... I'll never forget the part where the beautiful dark haired resistance woman (I can't remember her name) slashes the captain and saves the day.. she was so <3
» Vegan répondu dessus Tue 3 Feb, 2009 @ 5:28am. Posted in a really awesome day.
Coolness: 38895
Here's some vegan porn to increase the awesomeness of your day:

» Vegan répondu dessus Tue 3 Feb, 2009 @ 5:23am. Posted in Pan's Lab.
Coolness: 38895
good luck with that ending.
» Vegan répondu dessus Tue 3 Feb, 2009 @ 5:07am. Posted in Bringing PLUR back in 2009.
Coolness: 38895
I veganplur all over you:

Mise à jour » Vegan a écrit dessus Tue 3 Feb, 2009 @ 5:17am
Aw Recoil - we still have parties like that in Vancouver and Calgary! The great energy and straight-upness and different types of elecnotechnotronica in different rooms. Montreal just has a big scene and the genres get a bit separated. We would have two rooms: one with breakcore, IDM, tech, dub, psytrance, hardcore, whatever - and another one decked out in crystals and pillows etc with downtempo/ambient etc. Sexy parties. No smoking and good food too. People's things being stolen was almost unheard of (it happens rarely). Fighting is uncool at the parties, just doesn't happen. Maybe I happened to be lucky enough to go to the best long stream of parties in the past 7 years, I don't know. But that's what it was/is like. I've been to some wonderful parties here too though.

I see nothing un-plur about Eclipse for example, or The Longest Night.
Mise à jour » Vegan a écrit dessus Tue 3 Feb, 2009 @ 5:20am
I think it's unfair to say raves are a breeding ground for violence.

What are bars. Come on, there is WAY more violence/stupid energy at bars.
» Vegan répondu dessus Tue 3 Feb, 2009 @ 4:51am. Posted in english VS french.
Coolness: 38895

» Vegan répondu dessus Mon 2 Feb, 2009 @ 10:04pm. Posted in Bringing PLUR back in 2009.
Coolness: 38895
..I like teh plur...
» Vegan répondu dessus Mon 2 Feb, 2009 @ 7:16am. Posted in nutella.
Coolness: 38895
Originally Posted By HOST_ONE
That sounds awesome ^^^

although I probably would replace all the vegan ingredients for
the hardcore stuff, but the rest of it sounds great, flaxseed & cashew butter..
mmmmmmm :p

I don't understand what other ingredients would be more "hardcore"? Lol... if you want less nutrients and taste, go for it...

All those ingredients ARE the hardcore ones ;) Every single ingredient in that recipe (except for the baking soda which you could take away if made differently) is prime.

Every time I give my cookies (of different varieties) to people it's the same damn thing, they say it's the best cookie they've ever had, and they ask me what is in it. Stupid fucking world.

I mean seriously wtf is wrong with that recipe, just because it doesn't contain drugged up animal byproduct doesn't mean it's not awesome, or that you can't eat it and be perfectly happy with it. The best cookie I ever had was a giant gooey double chocolate raw vegan cookie with a layer of sweet almond butter in the middle. I was an omnivore and wasn't thinking "oh I MUST replace something in this, because it can't possibly be any good"... no.. I was like.. "ooo, chocolate, thank you! ...SHIT THIS IS GOOD."

Anyways I wasn't talking about the whole vegan thing in the first place, I saw a thread with a foodie theme and I am a foodie so I contributed what I know. So get over it.

Mise à jour » Vegan a écrit dessus Mon 2 Feb, 2009 @ 7:20am
StrangeDahlia - I think chocolate dipped yam chips, apple chips or banana chips would probably be better than chocolate dipped potato chips.

If you're interested, Crudessence is having a party with chocolate fondue at it this month. Their chocolate is wow.
» Vegan répondu dessus Mon 2 Feb, 2009 @ 7:03am. Posted in Trolls.
Coolness: 38895
YAAAAAAAAAY someone doesn't hate me *blows party whistle*

But I don't see how that's the worst music ever though, I quite liked it. I love old folk type stuff.
» Vegan répondu dessus Mon 2 Feb, 2009 @ 6:45am. Posted in social tips ?.
Coolness: 38895
Hehe, yeah we can avoid that. I have non-vegan friends too though and as long as they don't post some insane hate article or express an actual enjoyment from hurting animals, then it's easy to get along. In all honesty I don't really like talking about that stuff unless someone asks me about it (or starts shit in forums :P).

Holy shit man I just went to check out pornogrind and based on the names of the songs alone, I know I could never go for it. It's, heh, against all my morals (except for sex). Er... hurray for AR death metal/grindcore? lol

I'm sure there are some forms of metal we can both agree on for going and seeing ^^ I also like EBM. I like most forms of electronica. There are hardcore nights at Saphir and a few other clubs/bars too.
» Vegan répondu dessus Mon 2 Feb, 2009 @ 1:15am. Posted in social tips ?.
Coolness: 38895
So does that mean you don't like Therion!? I'm sorry but we can't be friends anymore... ;) I play metal music, but it's with me singing opera/folk style and nylon-string guitaradded XD Though I do whatever genres separately from metal too.

What is pornogrind like? I've never heard of it before. I like grindcore though. I'm open to pretty much anything, even cheesy abnoxious power metal if the musicianship is really good :)

Let me know when something is going on, I'm can be pretty shy around other metalheads for some reason. Maybe helping someone else get over their scene nerves will help get you over your own scene nerves?
» Vegan répondu dessus Mon 2 Feb, 2009 @ 12:22am. Posted in social tips ?.
Coolness: 38895
I went to some very special intentional dance gatherings in Vancouver where there were (theoretically) no drugs (which includes no smoking and no alcohol). There was NO TALKING in the dance hall, everyone communicated through movement, eye contact, etc. It was a life changing experience for me. Now one of my favorite things at parties is that connection when dancing around with one or more other people I don't even know, making eye contact and consciously feeling "it" together. I think that after the first time you push yourself over that barrier, it becomes so much easier.

Please don't ever take speed.

I'm a metalhead and I've been too shy so far to go out to any shows in Montreal. Would you take me to one? I like dark types especially - death metal, speed metal, operatic/gothic/symphonic/folk.


N.a. - Weed is a drug. Acknowledging that doesn't make it any worse or better. It's like when people say that alcohol is not a drug. Of course it is... but that doesn't make it good or bad. Nice set last night by the way :) I got in some good flailin'.

databoy - :P
» Vegan répondu dessus Sun 1 Feb, 2009 @ 6:02pm. Posted in nutella.
Coolness: 38895
If you guys dig nutella, you may also melt for this... *DROOOOL* Cashew butter, and cashew butter/chocolate cookies!! =D =D =D *mouthgasm*

[ www.dkimages.com ]

[ dietdessertndogs.files.wordpress.com ]

Gluten Free Cashew Chocolate Chip Cookies

2/3 cup (scant) organic cashew butter (at room temperature)

1 Tbsp. organic coconut butter, melted

1 Tbsp. tahini (sesame paste), at room temperature

1/8 cup (2 Tbsp.) pure maple syrup

1 tsp. pure vanilla extract

1/4 cup ground flax seeds

1/8 tsp. ground cardamom

1/4 tsp. baking soda

pinch sea salt

1/4 cup dairy-free chocolate chips

Preheat oven to 350F. Lightly grease a cookie sheet, or line with parchment paper.

In a medium bowl, blend the cashew butter, coconut butter, and tahini until perfectly smooth. Add the maple syrup and vanilla and stir to mix well.

In a small bowl, stir the flax with the cardamom, soda, and sea salt. Sprinkle this mixture over the cashew butter mixture, and stir to blend well. Gently stir in the chocolate chips.

Using a 2-ounce scoop or tablespoon, scoop batter onto cookie sheet about 2 inches apart. Wet your palms, and flatten each cookie slightly (they will spread a bit as they bake).

Bake for 10-12 minutes, until lightly golden. Allow to cool completely before removing from cookie sheet (these will firm up as they cool). Makes 8 irresistible cookies.

I've also heard that almond butter is godly, though I haven't tried it yet (but almond milk [Almond Breeze or home made] is AMAZING)

[ www.domestifluff.com ]

p.s. how do you post pics right to the thread?
» Vegan répondu dessus Sun 1 Feb, 2009 @ 5:48pm. Posted in Trolls.
Coolness: 38895
Hahaha. Have you read my posts in the thread that was started against vegans/vegetarians based on our "moral superiority"? I think most people hate me now. Aw :( I still haven't decided if I care.

Anyways between that and my staunch stance on having reasonably non-smokey air at raves, I've managed to get a lot of people to see me as a troll.
» Vegan répondu dessus Sun 1 Feb, 2009 @ 5:44pm. Posted in Things we say are true but they really aren't.
Coolness: 38895
Originally Posted By BLISSS
I can't believe this went from Barack Obama to a discussion about my cock to a discussion about Mickos and Reggie's fascination with feces

Whats next, Basdini's love affair with goats?

Lol. I saw the subject of the first post and thought this was going to be an interesting discussion, until I saw the next posts.

Anyways Blisss I think there are a lot of other people who feel the same way about Obama's skin color. I think encouraging the issue about the fact that Obama is not completely white was somehow part of the media's (won) attempt to steer discussion away from more important issues. I could be wrong. What do you (people who are actually interested in this subject and not just here to stir up fighting) think?
» Vegan répondu dessus Sun 1 Feb, 2009 @ 5:38pm. Posted in Mwwwwwwuah..
Coolness: 38895
Basically this means that people who are at work have to not come on this site at all to be safe. It's not the biggest issue in the world, but it's still not beneficial to the site itself.
» Vegan répondu dessus Sun 1 Feb, 2009 @ 5:36pm. Posted in Models Needed | Recherche modèles.
Coolness: 38895
If you are using non-animal tested makeups I'll do it :)
» Vegan répondu dessus Sun 1 Feb, 2009 @ 5:32pm. Posted in Trolls.
Coolness: 38895
Originally Posted By STRIK_IX
only person on this board I have no respect for is you.

But but what about meeee? XD
» Vegan répondu dessus Sun 1 Feb, 2009 @ 5:25pm. Posted in social tips ?.
Coolness: 38895
Originally Posted By BASDINI
"Vegannibal and DynV sitting in a tree "K" "I" "S" "S" "I" "N" "G"..."

"Vegannibal and DynV sitting in a tree.... "K" "I" "S" "S" "I" "N" "G"..."

I'll kiss whoever the fuck I want, basdini/Mickos, but thanks for giving me the go-ahead. =D
» Vegan répondu dessus Sun 1 Feb, 2009 @ 9:36am. Posted in Twistedwave 4 !!!.
Coolness: 38895
That was GOOD, @!(&^!#*!#%&^$!

..for me. How was it for you?

The music was diverse and innovative and off the hook! We were stomping and flowing and flailing around like it was the last night before the Earth gets blown up. I would have liked even more decorations and black lights, though I liked the trippy mirror room going into it. I liked the various platforms too. There's something awesome about people dancing on platforms and walkways, gives texture to the stomping floor.

I loved the music in both rooms. What a beautiful progression too... hardcore as the last set of the night, that was lovely. I'm always freaking out until the last song, I like being able to stomp around until the last moment (I love ambient too but for some reason I like it off in a separate room better, or as the main music of a party itself, as opposed to morning/wind down music but that is a personal feeling).

I loved the people. I felt a very intense and inviting energy from everyone there (and I was sober, so nothing but my perception of their expression to influence my feelings on it).

Also, it did NOT GET TOO SMOKEY. *wooooo yay* until the end of the night anyways, then I was starting to think about my future gas mask.
» Vegan répondu dessus Sun 1 Feb, 2009 @ 9:13am. Posted in social tips ?.
Coolness: 38895
Hey! Would you like to go to a party together? I don't take drugs at them either. I always go alone and just melt into the energy of a party but actually going with someone might be interesting!

The great thing about parties is that in general, people don't judge you for being a bit shy or awkward, and it's perfectly OK to not know how to dance. Just flail around, that's what most people are doing anyways. It's about feeling good, not impressing everyone else. In fact if you are flailing around without any dancing skill, many people tend to think you are even cooler for being a carefree flailer. If you just feel like sitting there, that is fine too. There are different ways to enjoy a party. You do have the right to sit, and be quiet, and not talk to anyone :) Nobody (who's worth your caring) is going to judge you badly for that.

Another one of the great things about raves is that you don't need to know anyone or have an entourage to be accepted, like you might in a bar. There seems to be a bit more of a communal feeling in the scene and people are open to being friendly with new people, even if you are shy or awkward. When I see an "awkward" person it even endears me to them, I don't know why. It's just so cute. Flying Vermacelli Monster only knows, I have my odd moments too, which I'm sure are taken way better in the rave scene than "mainstream" culture.

We can grab some dinner or tea or something and then go to the party! Do you like chess?
» Vegan répondu dessus Fri 30 Jan, 2009 @ 2:10pm. Posted in PETA to rename fish "sea kittens".
Coolness: 38895
Originally Posted By DRNYARLATHOTEP
I'd do it to make people stop helping the hypocrites.

In 2007, Virginia's Department of Consumer Services released information on the number of animals PETA killed versus the number they were able to send for adoption.

In Virginia alone, on the 1997 animals they had received, they had send 17 for adoption. The rest? You guessed it. They killed them.

So no, they don't save more animals than they have killed.

it was even worse last year. Just check the Virginia Public records request: [ www.petakillsanimals.com ]

And you're wrong when you think everyone already know that PETA is less than consistent. People like Pamela Anderson and those naked ads still make it seem like PETA is a friendly organization and most people will argue in their favor. Most people will hear PETA's message that if you're not WITH them, you're a heartless bastard. And so they side with them without paying attention.

Yeah it's horrible, we (AR peeps who are not with PETA) feel that PETA and H$U$ takes away attention and money from more legit, non-for-profit and wonderful organizations who, unlike PETA, practice what they preach.

When I said they still save animals is that they have turned some people vegan, which saves animals. But they are still hypocrites for killing the animals that could have been spayed and neutered and given to the adoptive homes that were waiting for them. I agree that animals should not be bred domesticated, but adopting an animal in need is different.

They are hypocrites in other ways too! Did you know that they settled for welfarism with KFC Canada?? I won't get into the details because I don't feel like being pissed off now. PETA flaunts a "total liberation" motto, but don't follow it. They support ALF but then fall for welfarism? Inconsistency! Vegans are probably more pissed off with PETA than non-vegans are.

You're right, most people don't know. I guess I just assume everyone knows they are an inconsistent organization, just like I always assume that people know that protein is in everything including vegan food XD I still get shocked every time someone asks me where I get it hahaha.

At the same time, you can't blame the animals, vegans, or the rest of the AR movement for what PETA does. There are many hypocrites in all movements and all different types of organizations. I like to consider people and organizations on a case by case basis.

Originally Posted By DRNYARLATHOTEP
it's as sickening as people buying carbon credits from Al Gore's company :)

!? oho, I have not learned much about this. Could you tell me please?
» Vegan répondu dessus Fri 30 Jan, 2009 @ 9:53am. Posted in PETA to rename fish "sea kittens".
Coolness: 38895
I would set up a stall next to them for the organization "Friends of Animals" that is based out of NYC because they are very responsible, honest, tactful, true. They're non profit and really have a clear motto.

Why would you put up a sign "animals killed by PETA" though? Do you actually care about those animals or are you just trying to get a rise out of people?

I know it's true but it's kind of pointless putting up a stall just out of spite when everyone already knows that PETA is less than consistent. If you actually care about the animals that PETA is harming, you'd make another booth with an alternate A.R. association that IS honest etc. (though to be fair to PETA, they have probably saved more animals than they have killed, but I think any, ANY other organization could do better in their place)
» Vegan répondu dessus Fri 30 Jan, 2009 @ 12:52am. Posted in Toronto Humane Society Advertisements.
Coolness: 38895
» Vegan répondu dessus Thu 29 Jan, 2009 @ 11:51pm. Posted in An interesting take on vegetarianism..
Coolness: 38895
Originally Posted By PALY
Thanks for acknowledging my post
Response too long and repetitive -- Denied
Your diagnosis -- Brainwashed

Thanks for choosing [ Rave.Ca ] we appreciate your business and hope to hear from you again!

What if I'm right and you're wrong
What if you knew it all along?

Thanks for acknowledging my post
Response too short and thoughtless -- Denied
Your diagnostic -- Brainwashed

Thanks for choosing apathy. The livestock industry appreciates your business and hopes to hear from you again!

lol. I'd like to know who I've been brainwashed by? My info seems to all match up, with many scientific studies to back it up. Good night and have fun dying of heart disease and cancer! :)
» Vegan répondu dessus Thu 29 Jan, 2009 @ 11:39pm. Posted in An interesting take on vegetarianism..
Coolness: 38895
Originally Posted By BETTY_HAZE
yo dude i almost never eat meat... i eat almost always raw in my daily routine and i would say during seasons, 85% of my food intake is fucking pure organic food grown in my OWN garden.

go tell your shit to someone else..

i wasn't talking anymore about your cause or whatever i totally agree w/ you on that.

i just find you annoying in your approach.. your relationship must be fucked up or inexistent if you want to apply your living to others this way.

good luck 4 the bf or gf! hah

anyhow we got it. you are vegan. it's your passion and you love it.

that is not the point, again. (yes the vast majority of my food is local too, yay for having your own garden, I wish I had one). tell me, do you have a problem with the first post?

again im not trying to apply MY living to others, I only wish they would stop applying THEIR violence on others.
» Vegan répondu dessus Thu 29 Jan, 2009 @ 11:24pm. Posted in An interesting take on vegetarianism..
Coolness: 38895
Originally Posted By BETTY_HAZE
you say you didn't know nothing about vegan ism or vegetarian diet before you were 20?

wow you don't go out often or read right?

I lived in Calgary Alberta. Most people there do not know what vegans are. It's an amazing thing for someone to even GO vegan in Calgary. If you were there, you would understand. It's not like Montreal.

Originally Posted By BETTY_HAZE
so before your "conversion" you were not a compassionate carrying person if i follow your logic..?

you were only ignorant.. that's it/ once you knew the truth you changed...

You missed every thing I said, dincha? ;) I never said I was not compassionate. I was totally compassionate. I was ignorant at the same time. Then I found out some truth, and since I was compassionate, and open minded to learning new things, and reasonable, I adapted to the new knowledge with some changes.

Originally Posted By BETTY_HAZE
THAT'S WHAT IT'S CALL A INTERNAL PROCESS. you did your own realizations and you decided to apply them BRAVO!!!

BUT so i repeat you fail to really change people's mind on here.. so stop being so upset.

I'm not so upset. How do you figure. I am sitting here behind a monitor and you have no idea whatsoever what my demeanor is like. From this end, to me, it looks like you're all jumping up and down hysterically waving bacon and images of gory animal abuse in the air. So, chill :)

AGAIN, I didn't come on here to change people's minds. I came on here to counter the hate/preaching that was spewing from the original post.

Originally Posted By BETTY_HAZE
i chill and i don;t go out imposing my views or my theory on any shit...

Tell it to the first poster, not me.

Originally Posted By BETTY_HAZE
i just try to live by my rules in MY life.. isn't enough?

Not enough for the animals who are being tortured, no. And not enough for me, since I care about their suffering.

How's that for honesty?
p.s. lol, what you said is like saying "I'm a serial killer, and I keep babies in sensory deprived cages where they can't turn around... but I just try to live by the rules in MY life... isn't it enough?" ... :P lol. insane people.
» Vegan répondu dessus Thu 29 Jan, 2009 @ 11:14pm. Posted in An interesting take on vegetarianism..
Coolness: 38895
OK I'm actually going to respond to my this because it's the only thing I've seen here that even comes close to a reasonable discussion.

Originally Posted By PALY
how about other carnivores?!
Isn't it cruel for a deer to be eaten alive by a pack of wolves?
Or for a zebra to have its jugular veins pierced by a lion?
How about the snakes that strangle their prays and eat them whole?
Isn't that cruelty? What are we doing that is so different from any of those natural behaviors?
Are you gonna go tell 'em how bad and cruel they are?
Of course we live in greater societies, so we can't hunt anymore. We found another way, it might not be perfect, but nothing is.

About the carnivorous animals - they are carnivorous, and have no choice in the wild but to eat other animals. They also don't have them in prisons their entire lives before eating them. I know the wild is not a cozy happy friendly place, but, it's also the wild and some animals have to eat others for SURVIVAL. In today's society, we do not have to use other animals for our survival. In fact, humanity will survive longer if we do not.

We have evolved to a place where we SHOULD be able to know better than to harm and exploit others if we do . not . need . to. So if you guys think our brains are so much better than the other animals, we should be able to use those huge intellects to take care of everything and take care of ourselves, not recklessly fuck it all up.

Originally Posted By PALY
Instead of bitching, why don't you find a better, more humane way of raising and killing the animals needed to feed our society? Keeping in mind that we are not in 1850 anymore

There are now too many humans on earth for this. I say, stop fucking breeding ourselves and that will solve a lot of problems. Also what is raising and killing "humanely"? I realize that some ways are worse than others, but really for me no type of imprisonment and unnecessary killing merits the term "humane", or a better term, "acceptable". Exploitation is not reasonable when it's not needed. Keeping animals for food is also not reasonable or "humane" to the future generations of humans because of the environmental repocussions. Well, you know I could come up with a billion reasons and go on about this forever.

Originally Posted By PALY
Since this cause means so much to you and you already know we're not going to turn vegan anytime soon, you should definitely concentrate on finding a solution to one problem instead of trying to save the world.

One step at a time kids!

Vegan IS a first step. It's not all we need to do, it's the bare minimum. I do not think I'm actually "doing anything", I'm just doing a lot less harm than most people. Trying to do the least amount of harm as I can. Yes, that does make me a nice person. Not "better" necessarily and not flawless, but I'm doing it because I care about what happens to others around me, not only myself. If you can't understand that and just want to diss it somehow, it's really your problem and not mine.

I didn't come in here trying to turn people vegan (though that would be an unexpected but nice outcome). I came in here defending against someone who was trying to turn everyone AGAINST veganism.

I came in here defending against someone who was trying to turn everyone AGAINST veganism.
I came in here defending against someone who was trying to turn everyone AGAINST veganism.

The first post was the real preaching.
The first post was the real preaching.
The first post was the real preaching.

Get it now? It's nice that I can just happily copy and paste that without saying anything, munching on my chocolate/maple/pecan rice cream.

Seriously that shouldn't have to be repeated so many times but it's something pretty vital to this conversation, how I'm not the one who went off preaching/hating, I suggest, again, you all read the opening post of this thread. Look who is preaching. This was a response to some very stupid uneducated attacks from some dipshit who knows nothing about veganism but goes on like he does. Typical.

If ya don't mind, I'm off to play some chess and poker, eat this delicious lentil/pecan/date spread I made over thin sesame crisps and basil with hemp hearts sprinkled liberally over it. Then I'm gonna have some cashew butter and goji berries, do my evening stretches, finish writing the song I made today, and fall asleep holding my guitar and stuffie, sucking my thumb.
» Vegan répondu dessus Thu 29 Jan, 2009 @ 10:14pm. Posted in Cat to adopt before Feb. 1st. URGENT!.
Coolness: 38895
Lol Gamos thinks he is funny. Well, he is but I'm laughing at him, not his photos. wooooowhhHHEWOOO that was mean! XD hehe

Mise à jour » Vegan a écrit dessus Thu 29 Jan, 2009 @ 10:15pm
I hope you take it in stride, Gamos. XD
» Vegan répondu dessus Thu 29 Jan, 2009 @ 10:10pm. Posted in Cat to adopt before Feb. 1st. URGENT!.
Coolness: 38895
If you can bring her without me coming too, that would make it soooooo much less stressful on my part. Is that a possibility at all?

Masa - thank you for your concern.

Everyone still please look for a good home because my place is not so big or accessible to the outside, and kitteh needs out sometimes yah know... so my place is just temporary I think.

Lol Gamos thinks he is funny. Well, he is but I'm laughing at him, not his photos.
» Vegan répondu dessus Thu 29 Jan, 2009 @ 10:04pm. Posted in Cat to adopt before Feb. 1st. URGENT!.
Coolness: 38895
Originally Posted By ARMANI
That's not a threat, I'm serious. If she's not gonna come get the cat, unfortunately that's what I'll have to do.

Vegan: tomorrow morning/early afternoon would work for me. PM me your address and phone number please girl, that'll be easier to fix up something that way.

So you could bring her here tomorrow morning? >>check your PM
» Vegan répondu dessus Thu 29 Jan, 2009 @ 9:51pm. Posted in Cat to adopt before Feb. 1st. URGENT!.
Coolness: 38895
Originally Posted By MASA
PM fail. again.
And it's really sad you use the SPCA thing as a threat. IMHO.

wtf is your problem? either help us out, or stfu.

Mise à jour » Vegan a écrit dessus Thu 29 Jan, 2009 @ 9:59pm
Oops I'm sorry masa I didn't mean to get mad at u :( I thought u were getting mad at me :( I see now what you were saying disregard this message...
» Vegan répondu dessus Thu 29 Jan, 2009 @ 9:50pm. Posted in Cat to adopt before Feb. 1st. URGENT!.
Coolness: 38895
!! Dude I have no money, how can I pay for a taxi?! I'm sorry honestly I thought you were going to come drop her off some time. I literally have NO $ for a taxi. I have to work all day tomorrow. Could you What time in the day tomorrow could you drop her off? What is the window? If not, what times on Saturday work? Saturday for me looks like... late afternoon.
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