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» Vegan répondu dessus Tue 17 Feb, 2009 @ 12:42pm. Posted in sick fuck tortures cat in youtube video.
Coolness: 38995
Do you not know how to read, deadfunk, it takes more plants to be omnivore than if the plants themselves were consumed. Put two and two together. It's not that hard.

How is sharing information shitting on people. Propaganda is spreading false information, right? I haven't done that. Please tell me where you think I have done that.

I'm not against anyone at all... I wish the best for everyone. The more information that is out there and shared, the better IMO. What do you think I have to personally gain from sharing this info? It's certainly not popularity.

Maybe it would have been easier for a lot of people who were part of social movements to shut up, be quiet, and have everyone like them... but they chose to stand up for others anyways. For some reason, certain people just aren't able to stand there silently while they witness serious injustices that could be avoided.

Yes, talking about it IS the way to bring change. Sure the majority of people might not take to it, they've grown up being used to whatever they were indoctrinated with.. but there will always be people like me who were just waiting to find the info and make some changes.

N get off of that ageist crap, please, children are often much more intelligent than adults.
» Vegan répondu dessus Tue 17 Feb, 2009 @ 12:30pm. Posted in Montreal Canadiens.
Coolness: 38995
I'll just be very upset when the Flames beat the Canadiens... mostly because of morale for the cities... Calgary is like our arch enemy in the scheme of things (ok I know I know I shouldn't be pitting Canada against itself... oh hell!)

I'll just be thinking of those drunken redneck assholes celebrating. COME ON, BEAT THE FLAMES, ARGH!
» Vegan répondu dessus Tue 17 Feb, 2009 @ 12:08pm. Posted in a question for myself.
Coolness: 38995
There are some very shallow (yet muddy, so dark, so you can't see that it's shallow) pools and lakes...

OH I just realized... Jesus was living around the Dead Sea.. right.. right!?? Well.. people float in the Dead Sea. It's actually very hard to go under water there because of all the salt or something. I've heard it's pretty trippy. That might have had something to do with it.
» Vegan répondu dessus Tue 17 Feb, 2009 @ 12:04pm. Posted in sick fuck tortures cat in youtube video.
Coolness: 38995
You're right karma.millie, plants can feel. All living things can. They can't feel on any comparable level to what animals can, though. There is a lot of scientific evidence to prove that. Even if we did not have that evidence, and plants did feel as much as animals do (even if they feel *more* than animals do), it's still causing less suffering to eat the plants themselves, since that consumes less plants than if they were fed to animals first.
Originally Posted By

bla bla bla bla, again, pointless propaganda!

The information I share is of no benefit to me, so no, I don't see how it could be propaganda. Propaganda is generally used by people, a government, *companies* (like the livestock industry) who have something to lose or gain from you.
» Vegan répondu dessus Tue 17 Feb, 2009 @ 11:42am. Posted in a question for myself.
Coolness: 38995
only if there were some super sturdy lily pads.

edit: and only if Jesus wasn't made up 200 years after his death like it seems he was. Oh history, it's written by the victors.
» Vegan répondu dessus Tue 17 Feb, 2009 @ 11:18am. Posted in sick fuck tortures cat in youtube video.
Coolness: 38995
My post is long and thought-out, so if you don't want to read it, don't (or skim to the part that applies to you).

Originally Posted By DRNYARLATHOTEP
The only way to stop hurting anything is through Inedia (breatharianism). ;)

Originally Posted By thread
Vegetarians and the like are simply in denial about their own existence.

You are an animal. You must kill other living things in order to live.

If you think that's cruel, then you should stop living.

I can respond to those both at the same time:

...when breatharianism becomes a reality, I'll look into it more. Until then, I'm going to consume the things that have no NOCICEPTORS. The point is to minimize harm caused as much as possible. Life requires other life to live. The life we consume to live ourselves does not have to have nociceptors (developed pain receptors) that all animals have, and plants DO NOT have. Yes, they may feel on some level (and I believe they do), but not in a comparable way to animals (which includes all vertebrates and invertebrates). In any case, you have to kill many more plants to feed an animal and eat it/its products, than to get the nutrition first hand from the plants themselves.

Originally Posted By human_disease
You know, to be completely honest with all of you, I was going to say the same thing Miche ended up saying. But, I didn't want to start another stupid pointless debate.

Yeah it's difficult being in the minority, no matter how good your intentions are or what you say, "the other side" will probably not take it seriously and you're right, it feels pointless. I felt like the contradiction was too blatantly absurd not to point out.

Originally Posted By trey
by calling people hypocrites and such, disfavor you.

I'm not trying to make friends by pointing out hypocrisies and fallacies, just like when I counter anti-homosexuality, egocentricity, or any other form of bigotry. There are bigger issues at hand than my personal popularity.

When I was first responding to the pro-harm posts, I specifically pointed out that I was not personally against anyone, etc etc and I chose my words very carefully and was super kind about it. Then I was jumped on, attacked more, and was like "OK then, fuck you too, no more sugar coating, blabla" and maybe I should have stayed nice despite the ignorant attacks, I shouldn't have sunk down to their level.

Originally Posted By trey
You have no more moral rights, nor do I, or anyone else in, to tell another human how to live their lives.

You have no moral rights to tell (or force) other animals how to live their lives. I don't consider other peoples' freedom to torture others as a real freedom.. it's an ABUSE of freedom. Who's freedom is in more dire need of being protected - the people who cause suffering to others, or the victims of that abuse, who are being deprived of their ABSOLUTE freedoms?

I think it's a very fair question to ask, and thing to point out... why do people think it's not OK in one circumstance to torture an animal (the cat in the video) when it's unnecessary... but that it is OK to torture an animal in other circumstances where it's also unnecessary?

Originally Posted By trey
It's preposterous that you've accused people of advocating animal torture because they eat meat. People won't listen to what you say, no matter how interesting it is, because of your bellicose posts.

Well if someone is actually creating the demand and paying for the torture of other animals, then yes, that's what it is. People always hate the bearer of bad news. It keeps being diverted into a personal thing, and I only care to talk about the facts.

Originally Posted By trey
People characterized pets and animals differently. Maybe a cat brings a lifetime of joy while the cow is a necessity to live. People give different values to different situations.

Pets ARE animals. A cat is a cat is a cat, whether its in your home or in a lab being chopped up and hurled around to test pointless shit on... a sentient being is a sentient being is a sentient being... a beagle is still a beagle when it's getting lethal chemicals poured down its throat, that could have been tested in other ways. A chicken has all the nerve endings and feelings that a puppy does.

None of them are a "necessity" to live. Nutrients are a necessity to live, and NONE of them have to come from animals.

Originally Posted By trey
Do you realized, perhaps, that you're pushing an extreme Vegan world view, not you care so much about the welfare of animals, but because it's a detriment to your mental well being?

Huh? Of course I care about their welfare, that's why I try to defend their right to be free and not tortured by us...

Hah, veganism is not the extremism here... the extremism is the abuse that happened to the cat in the video. The extremism is the abuse that happens, UNNECESSARILY, to every single animal that is abused, pointlessly by humans. Useless, cruel, extreme violence like what happened to the poor cat.

Originally Posted By trey
I agree that we need animals more than they need us. It's unfortunate about the horrible condition in factory farms. You have to think about the problems in the long run and different angles, about logistics and economic, not just about what's right and wrong or natural.

Exactly. Our inefficient system of livestock versus the efficiency of feeding our society on a vegan diet... the fact that honey bees are disappearing when we need them to pollenate, and now more than ever we have to stop feeding 90% of the soy and corn that's grown in this continent to livestock and instead feed it to HUMANS to get the most we can our of our land... instead of cutting down the rainforest, increasing pollution to harm our future generations... to stop using all of our hard earned TAX money on SUBSIDIZATION OF THE LIVESTOCK INDUSTRY... especially now that we are in a state of economic difficulty.

I've come to this frame of mind because of looking at all the different sides. I'm an advocate of science, logic, reasoning. This isn't a spiritual/fad thing for me (though I'm not dissing the people who are). It's important to take all the different things into account. Every time I do, the logical solution is veganism. It can't solve all the world's problems but it would sure help with a lot of them.

Originally Posted By trey
If our evolutionary predecessors didn't eat meat, then their brains would've growned. We wouldn't have tools, nor languages. We wouldn't be here talking.

I wonder, then, how those vegan tribes managed to grow and develop like we did. Our brains developed a certain way because of the nutrients we received, not where we got them from. Most people don't know that you can get absolutely all of the same (and often more) nutrients from a vegan diet, which is why they keep the old fallacies.

Mise à jour » Vegan a écrit dessus Tue 17 Feb, 2009 @ 11:21am
karma.millie - well if the animal who went into the hamburger was tortured (which it almost definitely was), then yes that would be causing an animal to be tortured. This isn't a personal attack at all it's just a fact :(

...and if farm animal abuse was posted, the reaction would NOT be the same unfortunately (as we've seen in other threads).
» Vegan répondu dessus Tue 17 Feb, 2009 @ 10:34am. Posted in A question for Bliss.
Coolness: 38995
Originally Posted By V.2.0.MINUS.1
Thirsty ? How about a cold refreshing bottle of

Bigots are pathetic.
» Vegan répondu dessus Tue 17 Feb, 2009 @ 1:08am. Posted in Free rave?.
Coolness: 38995
Yeah you're right. I like (her) eyes a lot though.
» Vegan répondu dessus Tue 17 Feb, 2009 @ 1:04am. Posted in Free rave?.
Coolness: 38995
Gorgeous I think. Photoshopped tho?
» Vegan répondu dessus Tue 17 Feb, 2009 @ 1:03am. Posted in Free rave?.
Coolness: 38995
Originally Posted By MICO
O rly?

^^ I want ^^
» Vegan répondu dessus Tue 17 Feb, 2009 @ 12:59am. Posted in A question for Screwhead.
Coolness: 38995
Originally Posted By DYNV
Hahahahahaha ! That was so fucking hilarious. XD

Yeah it deserves an award *happy sarcasm*
» Vegan répondu dessus Tue 17 Feb, 2009 @ 12:56am. Posted in sick fuck tortures cat in youtube video.
Coolness: 38995
Heh. How do you figure I'm falling for anything?

You guys speak your piece and I speak mine.

I saw it as absurd that you can all cry over one animal who is being harmed but condone the mass torture of others (even of the same species). So I commented on it instead of being a "good little silent observer".

I couldn't care less if you aren't OK with someone else posting a perspective that's different from your own.

Some things don't deserve to be left alone... like animals (including humans) being abused. Or should the animal abuse video that you guys just cried over be left alone?
» Vegan répondu dessus Mon 16 Feb, 2009 @ 11:32pm. Posted in sick fuck tortures cat in youtube video.
Coolness: 38995
Originally Posted By MICO
When are you going to learn that we don't really care, and that half the time we're just baiting you?

When are you going to learn that your baiting me is so overdone/juvenille and not upsetting me?

From your messages and reactions to what happened to the cat in the video, it looks like you *do* care. So, by seeing those reactions to the video, I said "heh!" and thought "these people should walk their talk".
» Vegan répondu dessus Mon 16 Feb, 2009 @ 11:23pm. Posted in sick fuck tortures cat in youtube video.
Coolness: 38995
Originally Posted By PUSSYVAMP
Miche, just because we eat meat, doesn't mean we would sit there and torture a cow, bashing it's head against the wall and smacking it over and over again and shit. Ok, I know animals bred for food are often raised in very inhumane conditions, and I'm sorry about that.

How do you figure you don't torture a cow if you pay someone to do it for you, when you don't even need to do it?

Originally Posted By PUSSYVAMP
But ppl are meant to eat meat. It's the natural order of things.

Something being in the "natural order of things" doesn't make it right, especially now that we've gone beyond the natural order of things.

Factory farming is not in the natural order of things. Getting all the nutrients you need to survive and be healthy IS in the natural order of things, and we don't need to consume animals and their byproducts to do it.

Ever since when has consuming another species' maternity fluid in the natural order of things? Seems more like a perversion of nature to me.

Originally Posted By PUSSYVAMP
You have a right to be a vegan, but other ppl have the right to eat meat if they want to.

You also have the right to go to another country and fuck a 9 year old where it's legal, but that doesn't make it OK :P That's also "in the natural order of things".

Natural does not = good

Even if you think something being natural should justify everything, there are humans who live naturally, in the mountains and jungles, without consuming any animals at all.

Originally Posted By host_one
You're like epitome of thick skulled...first off we're implying that the cats should have their rightful revenge on these assholes, I never said I would hurt or torture them myself.

Are you telling me that none of your household cleaning products/shampoos/conditioners etc were tested on animals, and that you've never bought standard dog/cat food?

Originally Posted By host_one
Secondly, if we wanted a Peta lecture we'd ask you for it, you coming on here calling us hypocrites we'd ask you to do it.Just stfu.

Hahaha where did Peta come into this? Talk about obscure references... go do some research and learn that most vegans aren't a part of Peta, and don't agree with a lot of the stuff they do...
» Vegan répondu dessus Mon 16 Feb, 2009 @ 10:27pm. Posted in sick fuck tortures cat in youtube video.
Coolness: 38995
Host_One, cows/chickens etc have the same amount of nerve endings and feelings as cats do.

Also, dogs/cats are horribly abused and murdered, even worse than in the vid, to "test" for products that you use like household cleaners etc (I doubt you only buy products that were "not tested on animals"). PLUS they are senselessly beaten, abused, tortured, for the kibbles and bits that are fed to your own precious kitties and puppies! PLUS, those cats/dogs often end up in the catfood/dogfood itself.
» Vegan répondu dessus Mon 16 Feb, 2009 @ 10:22pm. Posted in sick fuck tortures cat in youtube video.
Coolness: 38995
I find it FUCKING AMAZING how you people can get go "aw no the poor cat" and want to harm the sick person who did those things to it...

BUT YOU DO THE SAME EXACT THINGS TO OTHER ANIMALS and other cats. Then you get mad at people like me who say "don't treat animals that way!" and call us "self-righteous bitches" if we try to convince you not to harm other animals pointlessly... so maybe you're all "self-righteous bitches" and "imposing on someone else's freedom" by trying to stop people from abusing cats! (hah)

Wow. Just wow. Good job on consistency there.
» Vegan répondu dessus Mon 16 Feb, 2009 @ 10:15pm. Posted in Free rave?.
Coolness: 38995
I like tits too but I think "tits or gtfo" sends a message that that's the bulk of a female's worth.

N be nice to kandy kids <3 they are so snuggly.
» Vegan répondu dessus Mon 16 Feb, 2009 @ 10:09pm. Posted in Stupid speed!.
Coolness: 38995
Originally Posted By HOST_ONE
Those same ppl who like sticking squids in their vagina's?

Poor squid.
» Vegan répondu dessus Mon 16 Feb, 2009 @ 9:50pm. Posted in Stupid speed!.
Coolness: 38995
I don't "call it" made from pine nuts, it IS. Unfortunately for you, you've never tried it. To you, Host, it looks like diarrhea. to everyone who's tried it, it tastes and feels like heaven ^^
» Vegan répondu dessus Mon 16 Feb, 2009 @ 9:46pm. Posted in Stupid speed!.
Coolness: 38995
Did he get scurvy!??
» Vegan répondu dessus Mon 16 Feb, 2009 @ 9:30pm. Posted in Stupid speed!.
Coolness: 38995
If it's nasty, why do you do it? Anyhoo! Keeping with the flow of the thread:

raw vegan dehyd pizza with pine nut "cheez" OMNOM. ^^

raw vegan lasagna with dehyd seed crackers ^^

here's one with pesto n roasted peppers n direct kalamata action

and another one...
» Vegan répondu dessus Mon 16 Feb, 2009 @ 9:13pm. Posted in Free rave?.
Coolness: 38995
Originally Posted By STRANGEDAHLIA
Yeppers, because the Cops will definitely want to hear all about people doing fire shows without licenses in unregulated environments.

especially if those people don't have licenses. maybe they will.
» Vegan répondu dessus Mon 16 Feb, 2009 @ 9:12pm. Posted in Stupid speed!.
Coolness: 38995
I'm sorry, are you guys under the impression that you're upsetting me?
» Vegan répondu dessus Mon 16 Feb, 2009 @ 9:05pm. Posted in Stupid speed!.
Coolness: 38995
Originally Posted By HOST_ONE
^^ there's your tofu lady

I don't eat tofu ^^ or any other soy, lol.
» Vegan répondu dessus Mon 16 Feb, 2009 @ 8:46pm. Posted in Stupid speed!.
Coolness: 38995
Originally Posted By GAMOS
Whats the draw in doing it if you don't want to stay up late? Like Im confused why you chose to do speed...what are the effects that would make you want to do it?

Aren't there physically and mentally addictive qualities in it?

Originally Posted By jojo_bizarre
Well each time a vegan post a tofu shit and tries to convert us, well you post the most greasy food you can find :D

When has anyone ever posted tofu here? The only vegans I know don't eat tofu. Of course, soy is spiked in most omnivore food.
» Vegan répondu dessus Mon 16 Feb, 2009 @ 8:27pm. Posted in Free rave?.
Coolness: 38995
Excellent :) We can have a few fire dancers then.

Ashley, I can bring some food too... like fruit kabobs and hummus or something.

I have 3 (maybe 4) 4 foot long blacklights I can bring, 2 2foot blacklights, and a lot of material for wall hangings depending on where the venue is. This includes a ton of dark thick material that might help block out morning sunlight.

I think the shadowing idea was a good one. Clandestine Lab - Wonderland on the 28th seems like a very good one to do it at.
» Vegan répondu dessus Mon 16 Feb, 2009 @ 8:17pm. Posted in Free rave?.
Coolness: 38995
I think the photos I provided were sufficient, version, but just in case you need me to reiterate:

and music/singing but that'll be with live sets in the future.

Mise à jour » Vegan a écrit dessus Mon 16 Feb, 2009 @ 8:19pm
Just to be fair after your chauvanistic (sp?) response... lol... "stfu or gtf out"
» Vegan répondu dessus Mon 16 Feb, 2009 @ 7:49pm. Posted in Free rave?.
Coolness: 38995
I don't see parties here as being very expensive (for the most part) ... in the west they are often much more expensive, because I think the government makes it a lot harder for them to happen, bigger license fees imposed etc. I keep finding amazing parties that are around the 10 dollar range, which is super cheap. When they *do* cost a lot, they are also a mind-blowing art gallery (i.e. Mainframe etc) and worth every penny. The DJ's and visual artists still work for next to nothing.

Free venues... there are many in this great town... so many places from our heritage that society no longer wants. It's OK, *we* still appreciate them and they are just waiting to be put to good use :)

Mise à jour » Vegan a écrit dessus Mon 16 Feb, 2009 @ 7:52pm
Oh and Ashley if you would like, I can provide some entertainment.

» Vegan répondu dessus Mon 9 Feb, 2009 @ 2:25am. Posted in Windows is dangerous.
Coolness: 38995
» Vegan répondu dessus Mon 9 Feb, 2009 @ 2:24am. Posted in I can see everything.
Coolness: 38995
I AM IN LOVE WITH THE FUNKY TALKING CHICK. She is so awesome. How can someone be that awesome. <3<3<3 I wanna hold your hand...
» Vegan répondu dessus Mon 9 Feb, 2009 @ 2:15am. Posted in my trip to bc with Jesse aka runa 1 (drama).
Coolness: 38995
Originally Posted By SOURULTRAFAST
for fuck's sake... it's quite logical to post bacon pics in a bacon thread, right? C'est pas dur à saisir non?!?

...and what do you think would happen if I posted a thread about vegan food?? I'm sure many people would get their tits in a knot and post a bunch of pictures of gored animals etc. But that wouldn't be considered "preaching"... lol...

Originally Posted By blisss

hahahahaha. Yeah I guess I would ignite socks, if they were made of kevlar and stuck on the end of chains... :D
» Vegan répondu dessus Mon 9 Feb, 2009 @ 12:25am. Posted in my trip to bc with Jesse aka runa 1 (drama).
Coolness: 38995
Originally Posted By HOST_ONE
Initially you had nothing to do with this situation until you called me a prejudice tool, princess.
Just stfu, stop replying to me.

I wouldn't have defended gays if you hadn't attacked them by using a prejudiced slur as a simile of the word "stupid".
» Vegan répondu dessus Mon 9 Feb, 2009 @ 12:21am. Posted in my trip to bc with Jesse aka runa 1 (drama).
Coolness: 38995
Originally Posted By SOURULTRAFAST
It's not anyone who posts pictures of food on almost every messages they post here with clear subliminal intentions,

Riiiiight and when you do it from the other side, it's not?

Mise à jour » Vegan a écrit dessus Mon 9 Feb, 2009 @ 12:23am
Mickos: je ne suis pas nee vegan (too bad).
» Vegan répondu dessus Mon 9 Feb, 2009 @ 12:18am. Posted in my trip to bc with Jesse aka runa 1 (drama).
Coolness: 38995
How do you figure I wasn't being spoken to? Were you just having a conversation with the air?
» Vegan répondu dessus Mon 9 Feb, 2009 @ 12:16am. Posted in my trip to bc with Jesse aka runa 1 (drama).
Coolness: 38995
Originally Posted By MICKOS
fuck that im vaginanibal

chill ta moule

wtf is that?! LOL
» Vegan répondu dessus Mon 9 Feb, 2009 @ 12:09am. Posted in my trip to bc with Jesse aka runa 1 (drama).
Coolness: 38995
Originally Posted By HOST_ONE
You have a pretty snarky attitude there hippy, why don't you cool your socks before they ignite.

I often respond as I'm spoken to.

I don't ignite socks, I ignite kevlar :)

I'm not a hippy, but I don't take that as an insult... I kinda like hippies. They tend to be really nice people.

Shit, all this defending myself has gotten me hungry for a veganana split:
» Vegan répondu dessus Sun 8 Feb, 2009 @ 11:38pm. Posted in my trip to bc with Jesse aka runa 1 (drama).
Coolness: 38995
I don't need humans for sex. My vegan food gets me off very nicely thanks (I hope you can tell I'm being silly/joking around).

Host - thanks for calling me Joan Baez, she is amazing.

I was born Jewish too, fuckwad, and I can call people out for being prejudiced ignorant disgusting fools if I want to. :)

I don't eat tofu, lol.

I love how if someone posts about bacon etc, they're just posting about food, but if someone posts vegan food, it's "preaching".

Hahaha. This thread keeps getting more and more ridiculous.

I'll remind you that you're the one who started talking about veganism here ^^ hahaha

I'll be happy to drop it if you are... lol..
» Vegan répondu dessus Sun 8 Feb, 2009 @ 10:29pm. Posted in my trip to bc with Jesse aka runa 1 (drama).
Coolness: 38995
Originally Posted By HOST_ONE
why don't you turn it into a thread about vegan food? Or about how nothing else compares to it? Like the other 16 threads you've done that in ;)

What, you mean, like this? spicy vegan peanut eggplant soup:

I wouldn't have done it if you hadn't said it... good job on getting me going, hahaha!!

It's in good jest when I post food, in humor, and in appropriate threads WHICH ARE ABOUT FOOD. I'm not *trying* to make the topic turn towards vegan food, that's not why I posted it... People post about food they enjoy. I post mine. It was also in blatant comedic retaliation to the comedic anti-vegan posts that were put up after the conflict.

So why are YOU starting a discussion about it, in a thread that has nothing to do with vegan food (which has nothing to do with anything it seems, anyways)?

Where did you get 16 from?

Originally Posted By HOST_ONE
and don't use the word nazi, I'm a jew, you're in no position to say that to me.

People with nazi mentality can be born to any denomination. Being born Jewish doesn't make you immune to being a prejudiced tool.
» Vegan répondu dessus Sun 8 Feb, 2009 @ 10:11pm. Posted in I can see everything.
Coolness: 38995
Has anyone else noticed that it's photoshoped? XD

maybe it's not but those are some pretty unique proportions and lighting.
» Vegan répondu dessus Sun 8 Feb, 2009 @ 9:03pm. Posted in Boy Or Girl?.
Coolness: 38995
To prespond (new miche-ism! yay) anyone who has nothing better to add to the convo than "your posts r too long wahhhhh". If you don't like my detailed posts, don't read them. Or scan to the part that addresses you.

Originally Posted By DATABOY
Where you raised by wolfs or what?

I think if he was raised by wolves he would probably have a much more reasonable and practical view towards life.

Originally Posted By DATABOY
Does insulting peoples make you feel good?

Putting down others makes bullies feel better about themselves. Supposedly 80% of all bullies were once bullied themselves. People who abuse others (like parents->children) were often abused themselves.

Originally Posted By gamos
I dunno if they would have. I think a lot of how you end up is based on the nurture you get through childhood. Im not saying being a jew causes you to make positive contributions to society. I think that theres somethign within the religious culture of Judaism that makes children in those families more likely to pursue and excel in education, work hard, and want to be successful in whatever they do.

Yes it's in the culture, not the religion.

Originally Posted By gamos
As far as wars and religion, IMO they serve as a backdrop to create passion for the cause because its an identity people hold on to quite strongly. Its much like nationalism in secular culture. Look at the american was on Iraq. By using "attacking freedom" Bush was able to invigorate the nationalistic pride of the citizenry into supporting it. Religious wars are no different.

Exactly. If it weren't for religion, it would be a lot harder to get people to kill one another. It could still be done, but not as easily. GWB&co were very good at it, scaring everyone into terrorizing civilians to protect themselves from terrorists. XD

Originally Posted By gamos
To Miche's point, Jew's weren't exactly in the best position on the wealth tables until quite recently. They were discriminated against a lot; before and after WWII. So I dunno if you can simply point to the culture of professionals within the community. Thats a recent phenomenon.

I'll try to explain it better. I know Jews were poor until very recently. They had to try extra hard and place a large value on education BECAUSE they were poor/persecuted, because they needed to be superior in academics to survive. Now we all have equal opportunity, but the family-encouraged importance put on education and study still remains from those many generations of harder times.

Did you know that even when my parents were going to university, there was actually a limit on the amount of Jews that were allowed to study at McGill per year? Crazy, eh? Even in very recent history, people who were born Jewish were forced to try extra hard if they wanted to succeed.

It's like when you take a cold shower and then jump into a room temp pool. The water seems much warmer than if you didn't take that cold shower first.

Originally Posted By cutterhead

Oh this is fun. Where did Indian reincarnation come into this thread? Did I miss something? Please, someone help me out here... XD

cutterhead, all the other animals evolved with non-heterosexual members too.

Originally Posted By cutterhead
some of you here really shows why half of the nation is deamed to be extinct : theyu have no survival skill.

Tell it to my apocalyptic provisions.

Originally Posted By cutterhead
go ahead pollute you stupid life . while the normal people try to advance and evoluate , your profanity to evolution sikens me.

Your saying that I profane evolution is a profanity to evolution. Now please evolve out of hatred and into some kindness... no, you don't have to smoke pot and have sex with trees to do that, everyone is capable of it, tree-fucker or not. XD

Originally Posted By cutterhead
people dont want to argue wit you cacaboy ,

hahahahah (I'm not laughing WITH you, cutterhead)

Originally Posted By cutterhead
cause they know reasoning with convinced vegan/tree huger/new nature religion/open to fuck anything/payed out record hippy shit, is useless like you sleigh of hand comments.

Wow, someone makes a lot of very silly assumptions. Where did you get the idea that I have a religion? You don't need to believe in supernatural things to love nature or value kindness etc.
How about waiting until you know someone better before claiming you know every aspect of their lives, based on nothing but assumption?

Please learn: omnisexuals and bisexuals aren't open to fucking ANYTHING. That's like saying that a heterosexual person is open to fucking *anyone* of the opposite gender.

Originally Posted By cutterhead
meanwhile i read
"why don't you turn it into a thread about vegan food? Or about how nothing else compares to it? Like the other 16 threads you've done that in ;)
and don't use the word nazi, I'm a jew, you're in no position to say that to me."

I feel slightly bad about laughing at someone who's obviously sick so I'm going to try to restrain myself.

16? That's a very exact number XD I post my vegangasms where it's (IMO) appropriate and for fun, without any thought of steering a convo to it. It's not hurting anyone so get over it. Observe, vegangasm creamy pumpkin pies, wahaha:

Mise à jour » Vegan a écrit dessus Sun 8 Feb, 2009 @ 9:22pm
cutterhead - Transgendered surgeries are not covered by public health funds. Those people pay for them out of their own pockets. They are not taking our health care money. There are a few harmful vile industries that are, though, but I won't get into it.

You misdirect your anger. You can transform it into something more positive if you put your mind to it.
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