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» Mico répondu dessus Sat 27 Dec, 2003 @ 4:33pm. Posted in Drugs produced in the human brain.
Coolness: 150590
Either way, it would be cool if humans could regulate how much seretonin and dopamine their brains could release.
» Mico répondu dessus Sat 27 Dec, 2003 @ 4:27pm. Posted in I Hate . . ..
Coolness: 150590
going to parties sober.- It just isnt the same.
» Mico répondu dessus Wed 3 Dec, 2003 @ 11:47pm. Posted in Seriously, folks........
Coolness: 150590
Alex is a jaded junglist.. word, thanks for da' joint B
» Mico répondu dessus Tue 2 Dec, 2003 @ 8:54pm. Posted in LOVE vs. HATE.
Coolness: 150590
Lol, gold nimi, gold!

The movie unfortunatly is just a final exam - or project, should I say, that is incomplete. Maybe when it's fully edited, i'll be able to find a way to post it up to show everyone.
Well, even though I was expecting more feed back (and more elaborate reasons behind their oppinion)... The end result is more or less the same.
It is true, love and hate are just a balance, with no hate or no love, the balance is tipped. Ying and tha' Yang. Atleast a couple saw this, and at the same time I liked how some felt that Love was stronger than Hate, while some felt the opposite. In the end, even though I only got six reply's, no matter who has an oppinion on the matter, wether there's 20 peoples thoughts on the subject, it all ends up equal.
Considering the story of Left-hand Right-Hand, one being Love, the other being Hate. If one eliminates the other, no matter who wins the battle, your gonna end up with a handicap.

Don't confuse Love with Lust. Don't use Hate for your inabillity to express your misunderstandings.
» Mico répondu dessus Tue 2 Dec, 2003 @ 3:08pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 150590
Made: Found a song that i've been looking for over a month
Ruined (my week): No sleep
» Mico répondu dessus Tue 2 Dec, 2003 @ 2:55pm. Posted in LOVE vs. HATE.
Coolness: 150590
Well, from the looks of it... Everyones caught up in some trance about Love, or they just seem to Hate everything.
This reminded me of a movie my friend is doing for her film class. The movie is preety much a survey or documentary with regards to what people believe resides more in their hearts and the world they reside in; LOVE? or HATE? The end result was very interesting and quite touching mind you. I would just like to see if your posts can produce the same result.
The random people interviewed each had to awnser a couple questions, which I would like anyone here to answer as well.

-Do you think there is more Love or Hate in this world? Why?
-How do you feel about the media with regards to what they portray of the world (more love? or more hate?) Why?

Im not sure if there were anymore questions than that... either way, SPEAK Yo' MIND!
» Mico répondu dessus Sun 30 Nov, 2003 @ 5:59pm. Posted in live. love. learn. die..
Coolness: 150590
Exactly... Learn from Living, be aware that Love makes you want to Die- when it dies ofcourse... and i'm sure most of us know that Love sure as hell ain't Imortal.
"It's better to have loved and losed than never to have loved at all."
Why? Love to me is a natural drug that can fuck you up more than any chemical brewed in a bathtub. Love to me is something that we're all conditioned to experience. A weakness in the mind, that we for some strange reason all of us want to let be exploited.
From what i've seen in my still-young life; Love is just a high that we never want to let go of, and being able to foresee the pain without it, makes us feel pain with it, knowing it can go away. And once it's gone... well, i'm sure you can understand.
However, I am in love (*blushes*) and though I would do anything for that Love, it has brought me more anxiety, fear, and pain than any speed can do to me on a sunday morning.
I'm sure if it were to die, which I hope it doesn't, I would be saying the same sentimental shit you are; wiping my tears away saying that was the bestest thing that ever happend to me.. Seeing that death of Love, that pain, makes me want to never have loved at all. I rather focus my energy on Love for other things, than love on someone else.
"If I talk to much... do you mind, just... giving me a smack across the face?"
» Mico répondu dessus Sun 30 Nov, 2003 @ 4:41pm. Posted in THE RAVE SCENE: the present vs. the past.
Coolness: 150590
Originally posted by CZARCAUSTIC...

ok i've been partying since !>!>!GH#($ and all you fuckers that think shit is dead LIKE GET A FUCKING LIFE Point finale. shit IS BANGIN every fucking weekend if you dont like it anymore FINE go watch a fucking movie.

Maybe we should stay home? But I can say for myself I rather party. Maybe some of us have no method of returning the favour like some some promoters or dj's or even artist who design the enviroments we escape into. But what about the typical "party-goer", all he can do is buy a ticket and have as much fun as he/she can possibly can. Thing is though, this all to mentioned Jaded aspect of the scene; makes the typical raver(or whatever) feel unwelcome and uncomfortable, why the fuck should we continue partying if it's just going to be bad vibes?
Point is, everyone likes this lifestyle. And sorry to say, just becuase there's a massive scene in Montreal, with parties Bangin' every week, doesn't mean these parties are any good. And honestly I believe that a line of K or Coke is going to make things any better.
However, knowing Steve (the way I think I know Steve) he's just being sarcastic...
» Mico répondu dessus Sun 30 Nov, 2003 @ 12:08am. Posted in live. love. learn. die..
Coolness: 150590
Soyfunk, I wouldn't say that were/ they're obviously smarter or witty than you are. Because that's obviously not true.
It looks from my pedastle that people are either vain and pompuse, or that people are (the total opposite) humble and insecure. Considering "they're products of babylon", they are certainly condition to being either "screw-heads" or the "doomed" (for anyone who has seen "where the buffalo roam"), either way, "People can't get off these tracks they're laid on"- some guy. Meaning, that for some, in their lives they can't chose their own fate, they only get what's handded to em'.
It's always good to see those who question nature, those who are aware of pros'/ con's about life. Those that do what they believe in rather than what they're made to believe- or "think" they believe.
meh. what the fuck am I talking about.
Live.Learn.Die. I suppose you can Love something somewhere long the way, as long as isn't human.
» Mico répondu dessus Sat 29 Nov, 2003 @ 11:42pm. Posted in THE RAVE SCENE: the present vs. the past.
Coolness: 150590
Yea, I guess you can say the rave scene is dead, killed by sketchpads.
When I first started partying, I felt a sense of wonder and magic a sense of blissful escape. When my group of friends suddenly started partying every weekend, I started to get tired of it all- not because that I went so much that I needed somethign else. But because of the discomfort that I felt when I knew all the songs, steps, people( to a certain degree). It lost the thing I thought partying was supposed to represent. Partying to me is to live with something you know, always being able to expect something new; new music, new people, new venues, new conversations, just whatever that I hadn't felt before, even though I kne what to expect. Now I have to say the scene has become overused, and broken down. Perhaps we shouldn't look into the past for solutions, and just live with what we got. But I'm sorry, what we got now sucks ass, and it's good that someone brought this to an open forum. And even though most people seem to be saying the samething (with the wonder, and the magic, and the whatever else of the ol' school, and the old days..), it would seem that going to our roots is our only
solution. Plur, anyone?
Ofcoure I can see it now: Plur!? Yarf! But hey, Is it me, or are those candykids the ones living the scene like were describing it should be. Whatever, I don't think I could go back to running around asking people what their names are, and how many parites they've gone to. I just think that's the scene we grew up with, and the scene that kept us here.
» Mico répondu dessus Sat 29 Nov, 2003 @ 11:04pm. Posted in death at aria?.
Coolness: 150590
Seriously, for all we know the guy dies of an ulcer! The way that article portrayed the situation didn't really give anyone much insight of what happend... "Yea uhh, the guy gave us trouble, we did what we had to do, and uhh, badda bing badda boom, the guys dead, I don't know what happend."
Anyways, the way I see it, this is probably gonna be used as some propaganda to aid the cause of closing afterhours.
» Mico répondu dessus Sat 29 Nov, 2003 @ 10:50pm. Posted in live. love. learn. die..
Coolness: 150590
Originally posted by SOYFUNK...

and of course life is subjective

personaly i like to romantacise the crap out of everything, live inside my little fog of metaphores, epic adventures of tearing up evil ninjas, demons teasing me to join them, scream out that i'm a pointless procrastinating artist each time i try to make a point, this dead friendship that i'm trying to string along...

Well said- and quite poetic I might add *applauds*

Life has to be overdramtised; without drama, life just isn't interesting.
And ofcourse, the sad thing of a subjective reality is that you really don't know what the fuck is going on.
Live.Learn.Die... don't waste your time on love. Unless you really enjoys comedowns.
» Mico répondu dessus Sun 23 Nov, 2003 @ 11:24pm. Posted in Who's your fave ravewaver today?.
Coolness: 150590
My fave ravewaver is Gaston. He's da real shit. Msg me sometime you ugly mofo!!
» Mico répondu dessus Sun 23 Nov, 2003 @ 11:10pm. Posted in internet persona.
Coolness: 150590
I don't know if I'm any different on the net or in person... The only thing I know is that I talk to much either way.
Ananlysing somebodys internet persona versus their actual personality shows what/how they think versus how/what they portray themselves to be. However, both personas are apart of their identity. One way or an other... who really gives a shit who I am or who you are. Were all 'da man' to some, and fucking loosers to everyone else.
(It's a good thing) = )
"Blah Blah Blah"
» Mico répondu dessus Sun 23 Nov, 2003 @ 10:56pm. Posted in I want a suicide girl.
Coolness: 150590
Yea.. suicide girls must be great.
Woe em'. Fuck em'. Dump em'.
And then they do the dirty work of getting out of your life.
» Mico répondu dessus Sun 23 Nov, 2003 @ 10:52pm. Posted in break-ups.
Coolness: 150590
- Avoid Drugs
- Avoid Therapists
- Embrace Mastubation
And little sarah, it will last as long as long as you care. And that is totaly up to you.
» Mico répondu dessus Sun 23 Nov, 2003 @ 10:44pm. Posted in you all rawk.
Coolness: 150590
Your right Dan... Were all ingenius, but you my man excede the rest.
"When shoelaces leave you perplexed... The wisest thing to do is to invest in velcro."
Keep on rock'n Dan.
» Mico répondu dessus Sun 23 Nov, 2003 @ 9:21pm. Posted in I Hate . . ..
Coolness: 150590
when I need to say something important, nobody's listening...
» Mico répondu dessus Thu 20 Nov, 2003 @ 4:12am. Posted in I Hate . . ..
Coolness: 150590
I hate you, I hate them... I hate everybody who has a problem with me. FUCK YOU!
» Mico répondu dessus Thu 20 Nov, 2003 @ 4:12am. Posted in What are you thinking about now?.
Coolness: 150590
How useless thinking is
» Mico répondu dessus Thu 20 Nov, 2003 @ 4:11am. Posted in all i gotta say is....
Coolness: 150590
» Mico répondu dessus Thu 20 Nov, 2003 @ 4:10am. Posted in What did you learn today?.
Coolness: 150590
I learned that... Life is subjective, and that no objective point of view can change that.
» Mico répondu dessus Fri 14 Nov, 2003 @ 3:51pm. Posted in Sub Culture Rollcall November 14 th.
Coolness: 150590
» Mico répondu dessus Fri 14 Nov, 2003 @ 2:22pm. Posted in What dj/live act do you wanna see?.
Coolness: 150590
Infected Mushroom
Anabloic Frolic
Chemical brothers
Daft Punk
X-Dream... again
Concord Dawn
Fisherspooner... again
» Mico répondu dessus Thu 13 Nov, 2003 @ 1:13pm. Posted in All Around Awesome Words.
Coolness: 150590
» Mico répondu dessus Thu 13 Nov, 2003 @ 2:20am. Posted in All Around Awesome Words.
Coolness: 150590
Flagrant(what now Jono!?) Flabbergast & flabby
» Mico répondu dessus Thu 13 Nov, 2003 @ 2:12am. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 150590
Ruined: Going to french class
Made: Knowing going to french class helps mico pass
Made: Seeing old friends at school
Made: That beer I drank during break
Ruined: The fact that the beer i drank made me think harder than I actually had to.
Ruined: People who don't know you hating your guts.
» Mico répondu dessus Thu 13 Nov, 2003 @ 2:09am. Posted in The Picture Thread....
Coolness: 150590
That is the freakiest thing I have ever seen!
» Mico répondu dessus Thu 13 Nov, 2003 @ 2:08am. Posted in Things that piss you off.
Coolness: 150590
a runny nose.
Don't make me a stick facial tissue up there!
» Mico répondu dessus Thu 13 Nov, 2003 @ 1:54am. Posted in patriotic raver accesories.
Coolness: 150590
It's raver-propaganda!! Burn them all.
» Mico répondu dessus Thu 13 Nov, 2003 @ 1:52am. Posted in Flaws in the matrix.
Coolness: 150590
Who gives a shit. The movie blew hardcore ass monkey anyway, who cares if Smith had a shadow when the others didn't, sheesh.
» Mico répondu dessus Thu 13 Nov, 2003 @ 1:38am. Posted in How old is too old...
Coolness: 150590
I think to old is when that first glance makes you shudder. *yak*
» Mico répondu dessus Tue 11 Nov, 2003 @ 12:31pm. Posted in I Hate . . ..
Coolness: 150590
What she said.
» Mico répondu dessus Tue 11 Nov, 2003 @ 12:30pm. Posted in Things that please you!.
Coolness: 150590
Final Fantasy 7 for psx.
The first swig of a cold Blue dry.
The completion of a bomb that ive been planing for sometime.
» Mico répondu dessus Tue 11 Nov, 2003 @ 12:28pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 150590
eyeball piercing.
» Mico répondu dessus Tue 11 Nov, 2003 @ 12:27pm. Posted in What did you learn today?.
Coolness: 150590
I learnt that arguing or debating about a subject that neither side have any evidence or basis to prove their point... is absolutly useless. Unless ofcourse you want to use their baseless statements to further speculate that subject, which in itself is useless...again.
"God doesn't exist!"
"Prove it!"
Fuck that shit.
» Mico répondu dessus Tue 11 Nov, 2003 @ 12:04pm. Posted in If you were to launch an....
Coolness: 150590
Fuko! (r)
» Mico répondu dessus Sun 9 Nov, 2003 @ 12:14am. Posted in I Hate . . ..
Coolness: 150590
I hate conclusions that leave you wanting more.
» Mico répondu dessus Mon 6 Oct, 2003 @ 8:44pm. Posted in New Name.
Coolness: 150590
how about...
I know its a little vulgar, but maybe u can some kindda play on words... if not- meh.
» Mico répondu dessus Mon 6 Oct, 2003 @ 4:40pm. Posted in Things that piss you off.
Coolness: 150590
Being threatend by people who know you.
Mico's Profile - Community Messages