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» The_Deamon replied on Thu Oct 9, 2003 @ 7:45pm. Posted in Crazy Movie Night 10?.
Coolness: 49785
I wouldn't mind doing movie night at my place. Spooky knows how big it is, and how comfy my couch is.

Thing is, i mostly work nights ( 12h30 to 9pm ) monday to thursday with one extra saturday during the day shift.

If you guys don't mind doing this a friday night, saturday night or sunday-- all day thing, no problem.

» The_Deamon replied on Thu Oct 9, 2003 @ 11:27am. Posted in Bruce Campbel in Montreal!!!!!.
Coolness: 49785
Fake being from a school newspaper, and call the production company.

All i can think of right now.
» The_Deamon replied on Wed Oct 8, 2003 @ 11:06pm. Posted in I think....
Coolness: 49785
Jumping on trampolines while having modified senses is a recipe for serious injury, but like all things like that, it "always seemed like a good thing" to do at the time.

But one thing : i'm sure it would be wicked.
» The_Deamon replied on Wed Oct 8, 2003 @ 11:03pm. Posted in Drinking Alone.
Coolness: 49785
Drinking to numb your problems or your emotions is always a maximally nocive thing to do, that's all.

( yo chelsea, check em messages ;p,.,.)
» The_Deamon replied on Wed Oct 8, 2003 @ 7:55pm. Posted in Drinking Alone.
Coolness: 49785
Well, it does depend.

Drinking at home to get drunk is not so hot.
Having a shooter or a glass of your fave liquor while chilling is good, so is getting a beer sometimes in the evening.

It's when you start getting multiple beers/drinks that you should start getting worried. Especially if you are alone.

That's big Dave's 2cents for you chealsea..
» The_Deamon replied on Mon Oct 6, 2003 @ 9:14pm. Posted in The Rocky Horror Picture Show..
Coolness: 49785
I dunno. I would probably got on a saturday night, since i don't work on sundays... and every time there's a rocky, people get back to my place for some boozin'and music. Hell, a friend of mine kinda made a girlfriend because of said get together on the "after rocky".
» The_Deamon replied on Mon Oct 6, 2003 @ 9:12pm. Posted in Crazy Movie Night 10?.
Coolness: 49785
yo, i want time and place.

I totally want to get into one of em movie nights, if by any luck i ain't working that night.

» The_Deamon replied on Fri Oct 3, 2003 @ 10:21am. Posted in The Rocky Horror Picture Show..
Coolness: 49785
broke as usual Fred.... broke ass after buying the latest thing he needs. ;p
» The_Deamon replied on Thu Oct 2, 2003 @ 11:43pm. Posted in The Rocky Horror Picture Show..
Coolness: 49785
Maybe she is, but all artists are a little shot in the head, no? ( me, i don't know her personally, but i did saw her in some parties, and i have a bunch of goth friends with livejournals...)
» The_Deamon replied on Thu Oct 2, 2003 @ 11:42pm. Posted in The Rocky Horror Picture Show..
Coolness: 49785
october 30th, 31st and November 1st 2003





» The_Deamon replied on Thu Oct 2, 2003 @ 6:05pm. Posted in The Rocky Horror Picture Show..
Coolness: 49785
Magenta's in it this year again? mmm.... she posted something in the montreal community livejournal, i'll go check.

You actually went out with her? Dude, it's like, wow. The world is so small sometimes, it's crazy.
» The_Deamon replied on Thu Oct 2, 2003 @ 4:32pm. Posted in The Rocky Horror Picture Show..
Coolness: 49785
"asshole gets it, slut gets it, rocky doesn't get it"

"Hey asshole, do something real useful... like picking up only one shoe.."

Man i love this thing. as soon as they post the time and place, maybe we should organise something for the gang, maybe get some people in here "Rocky horror"-deflowered.
» The_Deamon replied on Wed Oct 1, 2003 @ 8:50pm. Posted in The Rocky Horror Picture Show..
Coolness: 49785
October again, and this means that once again around that time of the late october, people will flock to a late night movie featuring much dancing, beefcake , panthyhose, one perticular asshole and one gigantic slut.

Yes baby, it's time for the ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW!!! So who's coming this year?
*puts on tranny party hat and starts doing the time warp*
» The_Deamon replied on Wed Sep 10, 2003 @ 5:59pm. Posted in WWooooups, MS did it again....(READ!).
Coolness: 49785
And now for everybody's late night joy and entertainment, Microsoft has... well... did it again. Apparently ANOTHER hole has been discovered that, if used, can lead to any virus or bored script kiddie to 0wz0r your windows NT,2000 and XP box.Since you all probably know how blaster was.. well.... nasty to pretty much everybody, here's the general informations you will need to know ( in the links section ).

And now, all passengers please send your browser to [ windowsupdate.microsoft.com ] and pray the patching servers don't crash before some new and improved worm 0wz0rs your box.

Just being helpful. And being not letting go of a good smack to send in the general direction of microsoft... hi hi hi

[ windowsupdate.microsoft.com ]
[ www.microsoft.com ]
[ www.microsoft.com ]
[ slashdot.org ]
» The_Deamon replied on Wed Sep 10, 2003 @ 1:27pm. Posted in Montreal Porn.
Coolness: 49785
Unless you got a good, solid, on-demand 8 inches, forget about it.
» The_Deamon replied on Wed Sep 10, 2003 @ 1:16pm. Posted in Man, Man, Manhattan..
Coolness: 49785
hell, i'dd go with you guys and chip in, since i never been in the big apple myself. And i wanna see the bronx man. The bronx is like, this quasi-legendary place for me.

And they say there's only one place you can get the best hot dogs too...
» The_Deamon replied on Wed Sep 10, 2003 @ 1:14pm. Posted in virus help!.
Coolness: 49785
Most viral infections nowadays make it their first priority to nuke the shit outta conventional antiviral software.
» The_Deamon replied on Wed Sep 10, 2003 @ 1:13pm. Posted in The Pirate Thread.
Coolness: 49785
Speaking of pirates, i still have that flag,and it's still taking care of my servers while i'm gone to work.
» The_Deamon replied on Tue Sep 9, 2003 @ 12:39pm. Posted in Kirk/Cloud 6.
Coolness: 49785
Can't believe i had to pass that because i'm motherfucking broke, because of some motherfucking wedding in "nowhere-sur-le-richelieu" , that i had to leave because my lift was going early BEFORE all the chicks got drunk, and hence didn't even get a godamn OPPORTUNITY to get some of that "wedding boo-TAY".

*goes to grumble in a corner* mmumble mmumble....
not fair...
» The_Deamon replied on Tue Sep 9, 2003 @ 12:33pm. Posted in uglyravers.com.
Coolness: 49785
so anti plur man. Shit this stuffis massively weird.
» The_Deamon replied on Tue Sep 9, 2003 @ 12:31pm. Posted in Montreal Porn.
Coolness: 49785
funny enough, i know some people that are ctually in the pr0n biz, i almost admined the whole web operations from one of those dudes.

But it is true. Sometimes i really, REALLY feel i'm getting too old to be a raver, especially since all the cool chicks i meet all seem to be still in high school.

Talk about a bummer man.
» The_Deamon replied on Wed Sep 3, 2003 @ 11:09am. Posted in Does anyone here Liquid?.
Coolness: 49785
Azrael, if the quality of people has gone down to people that judge based on the way you dance, then it means the high school ambiance has polluted the place down.

But then again, someone will say that most people in raves ARE high school kids. *sigh* How depressing.
» The_Deamon replied on Wed Sep 3, 2003 @ 10:46am. Posted in My Dick.
Coolness: 49785
Yeah noah enjoys sex
Shit there must be something wrong with him!
Better call the nunnery!

Ohhh.... chicks in naughty nurse's uniform....
» The_Deamon replied on Wed Sep 3, 2003 @ 10:43am. Posted in Does anyone here Liquid?.
Coolness: 49785
You got a clip of that liquid dude? I'm curious about this. Frankly, the reason i goto raves is amongs other things that nobody gives a shit about how you be dancin.
» The_Deamon replied on Wed Sep 3, 2003 @ 10:41am. Posted in I need a whore to warm up my bed.
Coolness: 49785
How about stopping the hate?
» The_Deamon replied on Tue Sep 2, 2003 @ 10:54pm. Posted in now back from /dev/null.
Coolness: 49785
Dude, ask noah, you do know me, a little. Hell, i even paid you lunch at rubens once.
» The_Deamon replied on Tue Sep 2, 2003 @ 7:41pm. Posted in Free Internet.
Coolness: 49785
yeah, i betcha they'll have the cheapest wireless accesspointswith easely breakable encryption for this. Would be a typical thing for them to do.
» The_Deamon replied on Tue Sep 2, 2003 @ 7:32pm. Posted in My Dick.
Coolness: 49785
Poor.... pooor noah. Being kept horny as a goat all day...nothing to do but shag, shag... and shag again...

Now now.... let's not start bitchin too much...
» The_Deamon replied on Tue Sep 2, 2003 @ 7:27pm. Posted in now back from /dev/null.
Coolness: 49785
Hey there. I am now back from my imprisonment in the lands of nothingness and back onto this board. This is simply a quick message to say "HUZZAH" and "See you at cloud if i can score tickets".

Dave the friendly sysop.
» The_Deamon replied on Tue Sep 2, 2003 @ 7:25pm. Posted in STARTING to look for colocs.....
Coolness: 49785
The gig : I currently live with my father, down in ST-HENRI , in a very nice 7 1/2. My father is leaving town in approximatly 6 months. So in approximatly 6 months, i will take on colocs.

The place is close to downtown, with accessibility to the wasteland busses ( 10 minutes walk to lionel groulx ) , 2 metro lines, dep at the corner of the street, very easy to walk from there to downtown.
» The_Deamon replied on Sat Jul 19, 2003 @ 6:31pm. Posted in I have a problem.
Coolness: 49785
My best bet would be to see what kind of substance said sparkles came in...

Was the sparkles stuff waxy?
Was it oily to the touch?

Cutting the goop that holds it together is always a good start, but all depending on the size of the pigmentation, you may have some pigmentation left even after clearing that. It's simply because the particules of color will sometimes meld with the fabric ( kinda like putting flour on a brand new black t-shirt: it somehow always stays in).

I wonder if having the garment sry washed could help though.
» The_Deamon replied on Sun Jul 13, 2003 @ 1:28am. Posted in I hate Queen B.
Coolness: 49785

I was getting kinda freaked out.
» The_Deamon replied on Sun Jul 13, 2003 @ 12:55am. Posted in I hate Queen B.
Coolness: 49785

jess is almost as cool as dave b.

he's hip
he's groovy
he's got plur
he loves to party!

eeeuuu..... My Name is David. My family name starts with a B. I am pro-plur.I love to party. And i think i know you sharon, from 2 years ago.

Somehow, that just seemed weird. I assume you talking about ANOTHER david?
» The_Deamon replied on Wed Jul 9, 2003 @ 7:54pm. Posted in For All You IRC Junkies Out There.
Coolness: 49785
I used to be quite the chatter, back in the days. But then, i somehow kept associating with really strange people over the network, and it was never really phazing me at all.

It's like,l i actually had friends with cyber relationships, cybermarriages and cyberchildren.

But then, things ( of course) got even weirder. It got to the point that i was a confidente for a married woman in california. It's a long story, but in part of my advice, she ditched the husband, and had a man from oiho move to california, they got married and are now living a BDSM relationship . Even got invited to the marriage, but alas i was just a young punk and had no way to get all the way on the west coast.

when i told the big assed whole story to a friend of mine, which was admittedly jaded and a waaayy bigger chatfreak than i was, he stopped to bang his head on the concrete floor 19 times. Then he told me that i seriously needed to chill on the chatting.

I concurred.
I just do message boards now.
» The_Deamon replied on Wed Jul 9, 2003 @ 4:10pm. Posted in adobe illustrator help?.
Coolness: 49785
I'm surprised you haven't heard about the gimp yet Kira. It's a unix/linux program simply called "the gimp" ( for Gnu Image Manipulation Program or something like it ).

Think of it as a free and very powerful photophopper for linux/unix. Lots of places use it because it's free and it does 90% of what photoshop does.
» The_Deamon replied on Wed Jul 9, 2003 @ 1:04pm. Posted in adobe illustrator help?.
Coolness: 49785
I would use the gimp, but that's me.
» The_Deamon replied on Mon Jul 7, 2003 @ 6:03pm. Posted in if you're from the west island.
Coolness: 49785
Omg, the great WASTELAND discussion shows up it's ugly head once again! [ www... ] i am so glad not to live in the borderlands ( lachine ) anymore.

The wasteland is bad. The northern wasteland ( mahbee ) has strange things, such as discarded thongs in the busstops, or so i hear.
» The_Deamon replied on Mon Jul 7, 2003 @ 2:31pm. Posted in Source of LIght.
Coolness: 49785

Me, spooky, Sorin and Helena ( Fred's sister)
packed up everything including the big ass pirate
flag tent because we were splitting. I dunno if
you talking about the girl's tent ( aka mimi,
frederique and whoever that other chick's name
was, i stupidly forgot) it was still there and
standing when we split at 11:30.

All the stuff that was inside the pirate flag
tent got moved to andrew's tent behind the white
painball house .

BTW, a quick question :
Should i bring the big ass pirate tent back again
at another outdoor festival like this ? i've
been told it kinda saved a lot of people and was
kinda nice because several people could rest
without having to crawl inside their tent god
knowns where and all. Thing is, the fucking thing
is kinda huge to bring.
» The_Deamon replied on Mon Jul 7, 2003 @ 9:38am. Posted in Source of LIght.
Coolness: 49785
Like Sorin said, thankfully we didn't get lost, although the map was just too basic and had absolutly NO geographic locations for us to refer to ( aka, take the 112 east AT BLACK LAKE).

The mud, ohhh man the mud. Not counting the fact that there was 2 overflowing portapotties making taking a dump a mission impossible.

Water? thankfully, we wnet back and got ourselves a few gallons at the closeby IGA, otherwise we would have been in problem.

Music ? Oh, you mean the stage that had a fluctuating power supply and absolutly no roof. or that table at the other end of that road over there? Course the goa stage had the roof and the good power supply, figures.

Seriously, i think i had more fun actually getting there with the b-movie-zombie fog and going to sit in the river than most of the last night, since all my shit got soaked in my tent. And some of these DJs weren't that good.

if the organisation wasn't so lacking i might have more positive comments. But as is , this party gets a 6/10 from the deamon.

» The_Deamon replied on Mon Jun 30, 2003 @ 10:27pm. Posted in IRC chat (#ravewave).
Coolness: 49785
/me plonks onserver*
The_Deamon's Profile - Community Messages