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» Intoccabile replied on Mon Jan 22, 2007 @ 2:28pm. Posted in TwistedWave 3 | January 27th, 2007.
Coolness: 64990
This is gonna be Siiiiiiiiick !
» Intoccabile replied on Mon Jan 22, 2007 @ 2:18pm. Posted in Shopping for a bong.
Coolness: 64990
People !

Tell me where I should go shopping for a bong

Nothing too fancy... you know.
» Intoccabile replied on Thu Jan 18, 2007 @ 10:16pm. Posted in Kegel exercises.
Coolness: 64990
They're fun aren't they ?

I do them all the time : at work, in the metro, while making music, even while eating

Tighten, relax, tighten, relax...

So who's into Kegels here ???
» Intoccabile replied on Thu Jan 18, 2007 @ 8:45pm. Posted in Magnetica -20 of january 2007 - PSY & DnB @ Fractal.
Coolness: 64990
Bought my tickets today

whoop whoop

Update » Intoccabile wrote on Thu Jan 18, 2007 @ 8:56pm
And I have to say... the lineup is fuckin quality !

Twisted bass, IDJ and beat concierge reppin

Lookin forward to hearing Host one's set ! Golgo 13 as well

astie ça va kicker des culs !
» Intoccabile replied on Thu Jan 18, 2007 @ 12:16am. Posted in Making THAT decision : music vs school / career.
Coolness: 64990
^^^ yep totally agree

Sound advice from Scotty P and DMTio !
» Intoccabile replied on Wed Jan 17, 2007 @ 7:50pm. Posted in need green !.
Coolness: 64990
» Intoccabile replied on Wed Jan 17, 2007 @ 11:53am. Posted in its a fact: people are still having sex!.
Coolness: 64990
A sexual act that involves more than one person : outrageous !
» Intoccabile replied on Wed Jan 17, 2007 @ 11:51am. Posted in its a fact: people are still having sex!.
Coolness: 64990
Sex ???

» Intoccabile replied on Wed Jan 17, 2007 @ 12:17am. Posted in need green !.
Coolness: 64990
I need mushrooms ( again ) in order to make shroom brownies

Anyone wanna deliver ? pm me

How come I can't find mushrooms when I need 'em goddammit !
» Intoccabile replied on Tue Jan 16, 2007 @ 8:09pm. Posted in Making THAT decision : music vs school / career.
Coolness: 64990

Oh !

I think you're on to something there ^_^
» Intoccabile replied on Tue Jan 16, 2007 @ 5:47pm. Posted in Making THAT decision : music vs school / career.
Coolness: 64990
How many people here have had to make that difficult decision ?

Having to choose between school / a promising career in your field of study and music is a headache isn't it ?

Combine the two ? Can be done. I don't know many people who can pull it off tho !

Music imo is a full-time job in itself... especially if you play out at the same time... promote events, etc. Well, that's what I think.

My question to the dj's and producers would be : what have you chosen or what will you choose ? Music or your career ( read : financial security and peace of mind ) ? Is music a hobby for you or did you decide to leave school in order to make your dream of succeeding in the music industry a reality ?
» Intoccabile replied on Mon Jan 15, 2007 @ 3:16pm. Posted in Fighting Communism.
Coolness: 64990
The concept of a state-funded communist entity ( since the military is not financially independant from our government ) within a larger capitalist entity seems just a bit problematic to me.
» Intoccabile replied on Mon Jan 15, 2007 @ 2:48pm. Posted in Fighting Communism.
Coolness: 64990
Let's try to be a bit more specific here.

In what way is the military a " communist group " ?
» Intoccabile replied on Mon Jan 15, 2007 @ 12:54am. Posted in Job for a non french speaking person..........
Coolness: 64990
I'm looking for a job for someone who doesn't speak french.

Any ideas ?

Anything but telemarketing !

Thank you
» Intoccabile replied on Wed Jan 10, 2007 @ 10:52pm. Posted in Kissing after oral sex / ass to mouth.
Coolness: 64990
I'm asking this question to guys and girls indiscriminately


Are you okay with this ?

Or is brushing one's teeth mandatory after oral sex ???

It's true that it depends on one's hygiene... if you've got " peanuts " stuck in your ass-hair then you might not want to kiss

I know a lot of people who find it dirty and wouldn't kiss after oral sex or ass to mouth

Opinions / experiences / rants in this thread please
» Intoccabile replied on Mon Jan 8, 2007 @ 9:37pm. Posted in Mushrooms : need'em !.
Coolness: 64990
So anyone who can fix me up send me a pm please

thankies ^_^
» Intoccabile replied on Mon Jan 8, 2007 @ 4:07am. Posted in Citizens 2 (putting the 'C' back citizens).
Coolness: 64990
I'm finally back from a hectic week-end of total debauchery ( which started with Citizens 2 ) so I can finally write a little review of how it all went down !

Sick party !

The venue was nicely packed at 11. People kept pouring in well after that point. The sound was good, a bit of distortion near the end though. It was my first time hearing Melodie behind the decks and she killed it, Seismologik did a fuckin great job on the decks too. Special cameo appearance by regimental on the mic ! Best part of the night : Seismo back to back Mana, that was just too sick.

No sexy barmaid but hey, you can't have everything can you ? Still, great service and smiles all around.

It is a nice venue. I felt it was well decorated and spacey. I like. People, if you have the chance to go to the next one, do it !

Ok now I need to go to sleeeeeeeeeep
» Intoccabile replied on Wed Jan 3, 2007 @ 1:33pm. Posted in CITIZENS 2 (Winter Session) @ ALIZE (05-JAN-2007).
Coolness: 64990
Can't wait ! ^_^
» Intoccabile replied on Fri Dec 22, 2006 @ 2:28am. Posted in Eclipse 2007: Electronic Music Festival: July 27-28-29-30.
Coolness: 64990
Fookin hell

Just saw the pics for last year's event


Update » Intoccabile wrote on Fri Dec 22, 2006 @ 2:29am
for this year's event, sorry
» Intoccabile replied on Tue Dec 19, 2006 @ 12:41am. Posted in Have you ever loved someone to the point you were ready to do anything.
Coolness: 64990
epic psytrance remix avec un builup de kicks qui dure 10 minutes = teh win
» Intoccabile replied on Tue Dec 19, 2006 @ 12:38am. Posted in Smurf if...
Coolness: 64990
I would totally smurf Neijya
» Intoccabile replied on Tue Dec 19, 2006 @ 12:28am. Posted in Have you ever loved someone to the point you were ready to do anything.
Coolness: 64990
lmao where the hell does that come from ^^^^^^^^^^^

My parents were listening to that when I was a kid
» Intoccabile replied on Mon Dec 18, 2006 @ 8:17pm. Posted in Au sujet des raves et de leur institutionnalisation....
Coolness: 64990
@ HTID_Psy-Meth : C'est comme tu dis ! Il y aura toujours l'underground... C'est vraiment important, je dirais même plus, c'est vital que l'underground persiste dans ses valeurs et que le " sens " des raves soit maintenu.

@ indigoajna : Juste une hypothèse comme ça... Je crois que l'incapacité de certaines personnes à vivre le PLUR tient à une " insensibilisation générale "... j'ai parfois l'impression qu'on devient de plus en plus incapables de vivre certaines choses... l'amour par exemple, que l'on vient à confondre avec le cul, ou encore les raves, qui deviennent de simples " shows ". Et on aime à se complaire dans cette insensibilité.
» Intoccabile replied on Mon Dec 18, 2006 @ 7:51pm. Posted in Au sujet des raves et de leur institutionnalisation....
Coolness: 64990
J'aurais besoin de votre opinion sur quelques points concernant les raves et leur institutionnalisation.

Dîtes-moi si vous êtes d'accord ou non, et assortez votre réponse de quelques commentaires si ça vous tente !

Ok, go !

1. Mon premier point est un constat simple : l'institutionnalisation des raves, ou autrement et peut-être mieux dit, leur récupération par ce qu'il faut appeller " industrie de la culture " ( le continuum des grosses compagnies de promotion qui, allant à l'encontre de l'esprit des raves d'antant, sont dans la " biz " pour faire de l'argent... et rien d'autre ). Évidemment, l'institutionnalisation des raves n'est pas intégrale. On peut constater l'action diffuse mais continue et tout-à-fait encourageante = mon sens d'une marge, d'une frange de promoteurs qui continuent à produire des événements dans l'esprit des raves d'antan. L'institutionnalisation plus ou moins intégrale des raves est un constat qui a souvent été répété, mais il n'en est pas moins valide.

D'accord ou non avec cette idée de l'institutionnalisation des raves ???

2. Mon deuxième point est que les raves, avant leur institutionnalisation bien sûr, représentaient, en quelque sorte, l'" Autre " de la société, son négatif, c'était le " monde à l'envers ", avec ces valeurs de Paix, Unité, Amour, Respect... avec cette musique qui était rien moins que le négatif de l'esthétique commerciale ( évidemment des chevauchements existaient, c'est une question complexe )... etc. etc. Ce qui est important à retenir ici c'est que le party rave d'antan constituait un " espace négatif " qui se définissait dans ses excès en opposition non pas à la société dans son ensemble, mais au " monde administré ", au monde du travail, des conventions, des obligations. Le rave, en tant qu'espace négatif, était aussi un espace subversif.

D'accord ou non ? Ça fais-tu du sens ?

3. L'institutionnalisation des raves signifie ( ne vous gênez pas pour me reprendre ou me corriger, ou encore me compléter ) leur renversement en espace AFFIRMATIF ou positif ( au sens qu'Herbert Marcuse donne au terme, mais je ne sais pas si êtes familiers avec ses écrits ). L'espace rave n'est plus un espace qui se définit en opposition au monde administré, il en est un prolongement. Les symptômes du renversement de l'espace rave en espace affirmatif sont multiples... La liquidation du PLUR, et le remplacement du PLUR par des valeurs plus en phase, avec la société administré, plus consonnantes si on veut... La multiplication de la règlementation et ce en vue d'intégrer et de contrôler un phénomène conçu comme vaguement menaçant et dangereux... D'une esthétique négative, qui se définit en opposition aux canons commerciaux, on passe à une esthétique plus affirmative, plus commerciale ( mais évidemment, il faut éviter de généraliser ), moins sauvage et choquante... Le travail de concert des promoteurs avec les forces de l'ordre ( là aussi, il ne faut pas généraliser )... La liquidation du SENS des raves, qui devient, si on se réfère à Marx, un simple temps de reproduction de la force de travail ainsi qu'une sorte de soupape de sécurité de la société...

Croyez-vous que l'institutionnalisation de l'espace rave ( ie sa mise au pas ) et que la liquidation de son sens ( on rit du PLUR aujourd'hui... ! ) a fait de lui un espace affirmatif / non subversif, une sorte de complément organisationnel du monde administré, excentrique, un peu fou, parfois difficile à contrôler, mais que l'on tolère à cause de sa fonction, bien pratique, de soupape de sécurité sociale ???
» Intoccabile replied on Mon Dec 18, 2006 @ 6:33pm. Posted in ATTN: All psytrance DJs.
Coolness: 64990
Come on now people, hating on psytrance is old school.

What's up with this childish behaviour all of a sudden ?

Why is there a need for jungle dj's to hate psytrance ? And vice-versa ?

I'm all for constructive criticism, but this kind of behaviour migh be unhealthy for all concerned.
» Intoccabile replied on Mon Dec 18, 2006 @ 12:29pm. Posted in 15 Penis Facts.
Coolness: 64990
" penile rupture "

Sounds painful
» Intoccabile replied on Sun Dec 17, 2006 @ 10:17pm. Posted in 15 Penis Facts.
Coolness: 64990
Then it's our job, as men, I mean, as undisputed masters of the sexual arts ( ho-hum ^_^ ) to make them feel comfortable and want to let go.. If a girl holds back it means I'm not doing something right.

Hey Angus, you ever met a squirter ?
» Intoccabile replied on Sun Dec 17, 2006 @ 10:10pm. Posted in Would you do porn ???.
Coolness: 64990
" But as I mentioned in a previous post in this thread I try ideally to cleanse myself of perversion and try not to have sex because I do not want to have a child, or take birth control. "

" Cleanse myself of perversion "... this bit of your post is, well, extremely interesting.

Could you elaborate ?

What do you mean exactly ?

One could argue that we are part animals ( ie the characterization by Aristotle, among others, of man as an animal that has language / logos / reason : animale rationale ), hence made for perversion... no ?

Is it even possible for us to transcend perversion, it being one of the key components of " human nature ", and if so, how ?
» Intoccabile replied on Sun Dec 17, 2006 @ 9:48pm. Posted in 15 Penis Facts.
Coolness: 64990
" A large number of women can't even orgasm, period... "

I hear this a lot, and I've read about it, yet I've never ever met a girl who could not orgasm... To be honest, and I know you'll find me a bit weird for saying that, but I'd like to meet a ( nice ) girl who cannot come...

How many guys on this website have come across girls who couldn't come ??? This is my question for today.
» Intoccabile replied on Sat Dec 16, 2006 @ 9:41pm. Posted in Would you do porn ???.
Coolness: 64990
I was thinking... We totally need a LOCAL version of bangbus.

That would be sick.
» Intoccabile replied on Sat Dec 16, 2006 @ 9:08pm. Posted in Would you do porn ???.
Coolness: 64990
From what I gather, when a girl does porn it gives her a special status ( especially if she's really really fit ) in the eyes of males, like, oh shit, did you see her video, man, I sure would tap that ass !

No ?

The problem would be with the other females who would perceive that girl as a " whore "
» Intoccabile replied on Sat Dec 16, 2006 @ 8:44pm. Posted in Would you do porn ???.
Coolness: 64990
Well, would you ?

Anyone here involved in the porn industry ?
» Intoccabile replied on Sat Dec 16, 2006 @ 8:08pm. Posted in Our health system : your views.
Coolness: 64990
In this thread, we talk about our health system.

Do you think it's becoming too big for it's own good ?

It's true that an increasing amount of ressources is injected, every year, into our health system.

And what about the legal aspect of some practices some of you might have witnessed in hospitals, namely keeping people against their own will or tying them to a chair or bed because they don't want to stay quiet, etc.

Any ideas of what could be done to improve our health system ?

So yeah, anything that's on your mind and that's related to our health system, please post it here !
» Intoccabile replied on Sat Dec 16, 2006 @ 4:50pm. Posted in What Is This....
Coolness: 64990
Contemporary Art.

Now you just need some kind of theory to justify or explain this image and you're in business.
» Intoccabile replied on Fri Dec 15, 2006 @ 6:35pm. Posted in ATTN: All psytrance DJs.
Coolness: 64990

That is all.
» Intoccabile replied on Thu Dec 14, 2006 @ 8:05pm. Posted in SO WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOIN' FOR NEW YEARS???.
Coolness: 64990
There is NO WAY I'll be going to some cheesy party just for the new year... ffs might as well stay home and listen to movies with a few friends.

Where is Rhys playing ? Might go there if the rest of the lineup is ok.

Any loft parties you people know of ???
» Intoccabile replied on Wed Dec 13, 2006 @ 3:27pm. Posted in Les décorations de Noël gonflables..
Coolness: 64990
Yeah what's the deal ! Y a un père noel de 15 pieds de haut à côté de chez nous, qui me fait penser au Marshmallow man dans Ghostbusters 1, avec des petits crisses de lutins gonflables, genre, tsé là, c'est supposé mettre le monde dans le mood de Noel ces cochonneries là !


But my biggest problem with them is that they stay on ALL THE TIME

People turn the lights off during the day but these monstruosities consume great amounts of electricity
» Intoccabile replied on Mon Dec 11, 2006 @ 1:06pm. Posted in Great local female producers ( electronic music ).
Coolness: 64990
Well her tune with Subtone is quite good.

And I'm sure she's got some new, interesting material that we haven't heard yet

I know Rue produces as well

Come on now

There must be more local female producers
» Intoccabile replied on Fri Dec 8, 2006 @ 4:05pm. Posted in Great local female producers ( electronic music ).
Coolness: 64990
Yes indeed and her stuff is pretty good ! She was interviewed a couple of weeks ago by LaPresse... There are some snippets of her album on her website... now if I can just find the link !

Update » Intoccabile wrote on Fri Dec 8, 2006 @ 4:07pm
» Intoccabile replied on Fri Dec 8, 2006 @ 3:52pm. Posted in Great local female producers ( electronic music ).
Coolness: 64990
I'd like to get to know more female local producers.

I know Mini released her album recently and it's nothing revolutionary but it's quite good !

Who else ????

Any female producers on [ rave.ca ] ???

Thanksh !
Intoccabile's Profile - Community Messages