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» Purple_Lee répondu dessus Thu 8 Aug, 2002 @ 2:51pm. Posted in Ravergeek!!.
Coolness: 238745
You are:70%Raver Geek

You're pretty evenly split. It doesn't matter what you're doing, you enjoy it all.Take This Quiz @ Space Monkey Mafia dot com

DAMN IT!!!!!!!!
» Purple_Lee répondu dessus Thu 8 Aug, 2002 @ 2:44pm. Posted in mushrooms.
Coolness: 238745
The best to calm your self on mush when you are tripping is to go some where quiet and dark. By doing this you reduce the things that will effect you. For me it is crawling into bed and listenimng to music. Better yet have a nice chat with someone on a topic that you find very interesting(you might forget that you are tripping)

» Purple_Lee répondu dessus Thu 8 Aug, 2002 @ 2:39pm. Posted in Some Help required in Montreal.
Coolness: 238745
Well if you like hard tech-house then Stereo is the place to be this Friday night with Big Al spining. The name of the night is Proton Sessions( ia m sure i spelled that wrong bwtf). The adress is 858 st Catherine est. Doors open at 2 am(best to go to Stereo Bar before 1 am and get the combo for the bar and Stereo...saves you money). The last couple of nights for the night has rocked!!! This is a night not to be missed, but that is just my option:)

» Purple_Lee répondu dessus Mon 5 Aug, 2002 @ 5:34pm. Posted in Next Party Proposal.
Coolness: 238745
Noah count me in for helping in any way. Just give me a call or leave a message on the site for me. I know of one sound person that can help also.

» Purple_Lee répondu dessus Mon 5 Aug, 2002 @ 1:42pm. Posted in I'm Horny.
Coolness: 238745
I have been horny for most of my life...don't see that changing soon either.


so if any lady wants to help out with the problem ...let me know:)
» Purple_Lee répondu dessus Mon 5 Aug, 2002 @ 1:38pm. Posted in Need Sympathy.
Coolness: 238745
As a kid i hated that i did not hear my birthday anounced over the speakers at school....my birthday is July 30th. Most kids where on vacation..so not that many birthday parties:(. I guess that is life.

» Purple_Lee répondu dessus Sun 4 Aug, 2002 @ 9:58pm. Posted in Natura 2002.
Coolness: 238745
I have to say that this was a great rave. It was once again back in the woods. The weather was rainy and cold on the friday night. there where a lot of people down on the dance floor, but i am sure that most at some point where tripping in their tents. The saturday was much better since the rain had stopped and the skies began to clear. The setup at the main area was great. Yes there was the normal phy art with the black light. i have to say the lighting under the trees where trippy or what? Left this rave still dancing. Huge props to the people who put this on. Looking forward to next years one:)

» Purple_Lee répondu dessus Sun 4 Aug, 2002 @ 7:49pm. Posted in Terra 2 17aout 2002.
Coolness: 238745
Thierry I am not missing your set. Looking forwatrd to it. I just have to warm up to some trance first. See you there.

» Purple_Lee répondu dessus Sun 4 Aug, 2002 @ 7:46pm. Posted in Scotts birthday at Mad hatters.
Coolness: 238745
Happy birthday Scott


(mine was July 30th)
» Purple_Lee répondu dessus Sun 4 Aug, 2002 @ 7:43pm. Posted in your name.
Coolness: 238745
My only problem with my own name is that people say it wrong. Most French people kill it trying to promounce it, but that is life. That is way I got the nickname Lee ( much easier for people to say)

» Purple_Lee répondu dessus Sun 4 Aug, 2002 @ 7:40pm. Posted in poison ivy.
Coolness: 238745
Pat I hope that you are feeling much better soon.

» Purple_Lee répondu dessus Mon 22 Jul, 2002 @ 9:12pm. Posted in Natura.
Coolness: 238745
Website for Natura

[ www.greencontinuum.com ]
» Purple_Lee répondu dessus Mon 22 Jul, 2002 @ 9:07pm. Posted in Natura.
Coolness: 238745
Okay folks this sweet rave is comming up this weekend. I am going for sure with my buddies. Now there are some other people that do want to come too, but they have no ride. We are thinking of renting a van for the weekend. If some one would be interested helping rent the thing then you have a spot. With talking with Noah(he might be going....still not sure yet) it would be fun to setup a ravewave village of sorts?? So if you are interested give me a shout at 482-5473.


For the people who don't know me my name is Liam

» Purple_Lee répondu dessus Mon 22 Jul, 2002 @ 9:01pm. Posted in Kitch Express.
Coolness: 238745
Okay folks!!!! I have to say that the party kicked ass!!! Huge props to you all for pulling off a sweet party. I was having a blast, but as some people might have noticed i had to take care of a my buddy. I missed alot of the night by being on the roof. From time to time i went down to see how things where going. The music was killer. My other friend who had not been to any parties in Montreal(he is from B.C.) was tripping on just the vibe only all night long. One the best parties he had been to in a long time. Once I had made sure that my buddy was okay i came back to the party. I have to say getting lost for 45minutes to an hour was interesting. I was very happy to meet up with Eric and Val who had a flashlight. The mass exit was so funny:). Once again huge props for this party. Looking forward to the next one.

Was sweet chilling at the tam tam's with everyone.

» Purple_Lee répondu dessus Sun 14 Jul, 2002 @ 4:14pm. Posted in Natura 2002 July 26, 27, 28.
Coolness: 238745
Folks this one is comming up very soon. On the web site they have put up some pictures of where the rave is being held.

Here is the link.
[ www.greencontinuum.com ]
I am not missing this one for sure.

» Purple_Lee répondu dessus Sun 14 Jul, 2002 @ 4:09pm. Posted in Work.
Coolness: 238745
Still riding my bike in traffic for a living:)

» Purple_Lee répondu dessus Sun 14 Jul, 2002 @ 4:07pm. Posted in Vanilla Coke.
Coolness: 238745
I liked it. Tried it yesterday.

Still i like Pepis twist better

» Purple_Lee répondu dessus Sat 6 Jul, 2002 @ 11:40pm. Posted in Party Comming Soon!.
Coolness: 238745
Cool I will come and see Noah:)

» Purple_Lee répondu dessus Sat 6 Jul, 2002 @ 11:31pm. Posted in The best thing to do when it's hot..
Coolness: 238745
finding a woman or man (depending on your life style)who has ac and then having a couple hour long wild sex get together...fruit and whip cream for added fun;)


even better if they have a pool too:)
» Purple_Lee répondu dessus Sat 6 Jul, 2002 @ 11:27pm. Posted in Hair.
Coolness: 238745
Ex gf asked me to wax the chest...i did
now that i have been single since dec i have not had the chance to grow the hair back ( i have been partying too much..hense dancing with no shirt on). I do like the smooth feeling of no hair( i can understand Pat's point of view). Yes you could say i am self concious, but who is not dealing with somre part of thier body?

Why am i sharng this with people in cyber pace i have no idea, but wtf:)

» Purple_Lee répondu dessus Sat 6 Jul, 2002 @ 11:21pm. Posted in Heat.
Coolness: 238745
Well on the first day ( Tuesday ) i lost 7 pounds do to the freaking heat. Problem being that i only wieght 135 pounds. Almost got heat stroke. By thursday I wanted to pickup and throw my bike at cars...Liam was bitchy.

But the heat wave has pasted.

» Purple_Lee répondu dessus Mon 1 Jul, 2002 @ 11:54pm. Posted in Stereo June 30th, 2002.
Coolness: 238745
I forgot to add that it was feaking hot last night at Stereo. At one point it was a huge sweat fest for sure. I know that Stereo has AC..so what gives?? (yes there where alot of people, but still)

» Purple_Lee répondu dessus Mon 1 Jul, 2002 @ 8:43pm. Posted in Stereo June 30th, 2002.
Coolness: 238745
Got in to the club and the music was pumping away like mad. The music this night was wicked. It was hard tech-house being spun. The best part it was the vocal kind, which I had not heard at Stereo in awhile. The vibe was wicked and very friendly. Some really great dancer that night too and most of them being woman. Was a rocking night once again at Stereo?

I can not remember at this point who the 4 Djs where that spun last night...still the music was hard and sweet.

» Purple_Lee répondu dessus Sun 30 Jun, 2002 @ 7:05pm. Posted in Raver Creed.
Coolness: 238745
I am sure that most of you might have come across this type of passage at some point? Well here goes

Our emotional state of choice is Ecstasy. Our nourishment of choice is Love. Our addiction of choice is technology. Our religion of choice is music. Our currency of choice is knowledge. Our politics of choice is none. Our society of choice is utopian though we know it will never be. You may hate us. You may dismiss us. You may misunderstand us. You may be unaware of our existence. We can only hope you do not care to judge us, because we would never judge you. We are not criminals. We are not disillusioned. We are not drug addicts. We are not naive children. We are one massive, global, tribal village that transcends man-made law, physical geography, and time itself. We are The Massive. One Massive.

We were first drawn by the sound. From far away, the thunderous, muffled, echoing beat was comparable to a mother's heart soothing a child in her womb of concrete, steel, and electrical wiring. We were drawn back into this womb, and there, in the heat, dampness, and darkness of it, we came to accept that we are all equal. Not only to the darkness, and to ourselves, but to the very music slamming into us and passing through our souls: we are all equal. And somewhere around 35Hz we could feel the hand of God at our backs, pushing us forward, pushing us to push ourselves to strengthen our minds, our bodies, and our spirits. Pushing us to turn to the person beside us to join hands and uplift them by sharing the uncontrollable joy we felt from creating this magical bubble that can, for one evening, protect us from the horrors, atrocities, and pollution of the outside world. It is in that very instant, with these initial realizations that each of us was truly born.

We continue to pack our bodies into clubs, or warehouses, or buildings you've abandoned and left for naught, and we bring life to them for one night. Strong, throbbing, vibrant life in it's purest, most intense, most hedonistic form. In these makeshift spaces, we seek to shed ourselves of the burden of uncertainty for a future you have been unable to stabilize and secure for us. We seek to relinquish our inhibitions, and free ourselves from the shackles and restraints you've put on us for your own peace of mind. We seek to re-write the programming that you have tried to indoctrinate us with since the moment we were born. Programming that tells us to hate, that tells us to judge, that tells us to stuff ourselves into the nearest and most convenient pigeon hole possible. Programming that even tells us to climb ladders for you, jump through hoops, and run through mazes and on hamster wheels. Programming that tells us to eat from the shiny silver spoon you are trying to feed us with, instead of nourish ourselves with our own capable hands. Programming that tells us to close our minds, instead of open them.

Until the sun rises to burn our eyes by revealing the distopian reality of a world you've created for us, we dance fiercely with our brothers and sisters in celebration of our life, of our culture, and of the values we believe in: Peace, Love, Freedom, Tolerance, Unity, Harmony, Expression, Responsibility and Respect.

Our enemy of choice is ignorance. Our weapon of choice is information. Our crime of choice is breaking and challenging whatever laws you feel you need to put in place to stop us from celebrating our existence. But know that while you may shut down any given party, on any given night, in any given city, in any given country or continent on this beautiful planet, you can never shut down the entire party. You don't have access to that switch, no matter what you may think. The music will never stop. The heartbeat will never fade. The party will never end.

I am a raver, and this is my manifesto

» Purple_Lee répondu dessus Sun 30 Jun, 2002 @ 12:38am. Posted in Party Comming Soon!.
Coolness: 238745
count me in but please let me now the date.

» Purple_Lee répondu dessus Sat 29 Jun, 2002 @ 11:18pm. Posted in Ether @ Stereo.
Coolness: 238745
To start off with this was one wicked ass party folks. Now for my review. The evening stated off being that it was going to start at 2 am instead of 1 am (saw that coming since Stereo normally opens at 2 am). We waited outside for Stereo to open(weather was nice). Kim got me a reduced pass for Stereo (ended up paying $10). I almost ran up to the dance floor once I got once over by the bouncer to see what the decorations where like. Now for what little decorations that Kirk6 could do, they did very well. So huge props to the people doing that job. Slyde set was great but I am not a fan of breaks, so I was not dancing that much (I was also hopping that my legs would still have some juice to dance on). Scott Russell….. Wow some nice beat matching and man can this guy play the drums or what? Arkin Allen set was great. Zaruba was great and a lot of fun to watch a live percussions (though near the end of their thing I was looking forward to some electronic music…still wicked job). Mini and Baby Dino sets rocked my world….HOLY SHIT was the music sweet (electro tech and acid house). For me the last part of the evening was better since I was really getting into the music. People wise it was nice mix of clubbers and ravers. The night at Stereo did over 400 people (I know this from talking with Jules from Kirk6). From what people where telling me that they all had a great time. The staff at Stereo was impressed by this night too. People where very friendly and smiles all around. The vibe was rocking along great. The music until the last beat was great. I can see Kirk6 getting some more shots at putting on things at Stereo. The few trance songs that where played near the end of the night brought a huge smile to my face. All in all it was a wickedly sweet evening full of music, people and the beauty of raving.

» Purple_Lee répondu dessus Wed 26 Jun, 2002 @ 11:08pm. Posted in ATTN: Noah.
Coolness: 238745
Thierry I really like the sticker....thumbs up. Nice prices too. That will look sweet on my bike:).

» Purple_Lee répondu dessus Tue 25 Jun, 2002 @ 10:35pm. Posted in SYNC! live at SAT.
Coolness: 238745
yup i was there, but left at 1 am to go to Stereo(got on to the guest list that night). I was looking for you Paul?? Saw Sarah and Ambear....got huzzs too:). I have to agree that it was Majorly hot in that place. They had the back door open, but closed it since some people where sneaking in...opps. The music was good. I was happy to hear Nuclear Ramjet spin. Loved the video show...cool. Saw a few faces that i have seen at other parties in the past...but sad to say I don't know thier names:(.

Next time i am going to stya the whole time.

» Purple_Lee répondu dessus Wed 19 Jun, 2002 @ 7:28pm. Posted in Sync! Live - June 21st Roll Call.
Coolness: 238745
Cool good to know about the style of the place. Looking forward to seeing you all there ..that is who shows:)

I am just the guy with the freaky tan:lol

» Purple_Lee répondu dessus Wed 19 Jun, 2002 @ 12:01am. Posted in Sync! Live - June 21st Roll Call.
Coolness: 238745
Okay folks who is going to this one??? I am for sure going to be there. By the way is the place large or?? Can we bring a blanket or??

» Purple_Lee répondu dessus Tue 18 Jun, 2002 @ 7:42pm. Posted in Hello.
Coolness: 238745
I want the crown this time...:lol

» Purple_Lee répondu dessus Mon 17 Jun, 2002 @ 10:34pm. Posted in Terra 2 17aout 2002.
Coolness: 238745
I pickup the flyer today...nice. Looking forward to this one folks:)

» Purple_Lee répondu dessus Sun 16 Jun, 2002 @ 10:32pm. Posted in What is Ravewave.
Coolness: 238745
This message board is to me a family of sorts. Yes most of us know each other. We see each other at raves or outside of raves. The best part is the friendships get stronger. A nice picnic or Gt with all the works would be great folks...so get with it:)

» Purple_Lee répondu dessus Sun 16 Jun, 2002 @ 2:58am. Posted in My new website!.
Coolness: 238745
Nice site there Thierry

*thumbs up*
» Purple_Lee répondu dessus Fri 14 Jun, 2002 @ 12:06am. Posted in Morphee presents Sync! Live - June 21st.
Coolness: 238745
Going to this one for sure too :)
» Purple_Lee répondu dessus Wed 5 Jun, 2002 @ 11:16pm. Posted in Mayan Mysteries 28th of september.
Coolness: 238745
This is going to be sweet
hehehe...my dance card is filling up nicely:)

» Purple_Lee répondu dessus Mon 3 Jun, 2002 @ 10:31pm. Posted in ETHER by Kirk6.
Coolness: 238745
I don't think so since there is no boze sold in Stereo ...only in Stereo Bar

but i am sure that Kirk6 could answer that question

» Purple_Lee répondu dessus Mon 3 Jun, 2002 @ 8:41pm. Posted in Terra 2 17aout 2002.
Coolness: 238745
Freaking right i am comming to this one too..Liam goes.........WEEEEEEEEE!!!! Some wicked parties coming up:)

» Purple_Lee répondu dessus Mon 3 Jun, 2002 @ 8:39pm. Posted in ETHER by Kirk6.
Coolness: 238745
Okay count me in on this night for sure. he he party in my fav place to dance:-). Man the music on the system is going to rock!!!!!!!!

» Purple_Lee répondu dessus Mon 3 Jun, 2002 @ 8:37pm. Posted in Lets all get togetha and partay.
Coolness: 238745
I can be a big kid when i want too.....sticks his tounge out!!!!! A little get together sounds like fun folks.

But i like the adult Vs kids things :)
Purple_Lee's Profile - Community Messages