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EggmanRobotnik's Profile - Community Messages
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» EggmanRobotnik répondu dessus Sat 30 Jan, 2010 @ 10:58pm. Posted in Comment on the last movie you saw.
Coolness: 31340
J'ai vu le film Québecois-Français 'Le bonheur de Pierre'. Excellent film!
Pierre, professeur de physique quantique, hérite d'une auberge au Canada. Il quitte Paris avec sa fille Catherine pour un petit village du Québec. Michel, le maire du village, qui aimerait garder l'auberge pour lui, va mener une vie d'enfer à Pierre et sa fille, venus chercher le bonheur à Sainte-Simone-du-Nord.
Pierre reste toujours positif, peu importe ce qu'il arrive. J'aime tellement ce personnage! J'aimerais lui donner un câlin! Et philosopher avec lui
«Le bonheur n'est pas une destination mais une façon de voyager».

Un de mes moments préférés est quand le [spoiler censuré] se fait bouffer.
» EggmanRobotnik répondu dessus Sat 30 Jan, 2010 @ 12:05pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 31340
@Deadfunk : I have also Fallout 3 on my laptop, but I wanted to play an older game. Also, it takes less of my battery juice when I'm in the bus...
» EggmanRobotnik répondu dessus Sat 30 Jan, 2010 @ 2:09am. Posted in Good Torrent for Photoshop CS4 64-bit.
Coolness: 31340
I have Photoshop CS4 Portable, and it works fine on 64bit Vista. I have no idea if there's something that's not on the 'need an installation and a crack' version. It seems pretty identical.

You can find it in direct download for free on the web, no crack needed since it's the 'Portable' version and you can launch the program from hard disk, SD-card or a USB key :)
» EggmanRobotnik répondu dessus Sat 30 Jan, 2010 @ 1:57am. Posted in now thats ironic, you idiot..
Coolness: 31340
There's some funny stuff sometimes in the horoscope. That's why some of my friends and I read it. Last week for example, it said 'You'll take pleasure to exchange with opposed sex, maybe a little too much to the eyes of your loved one. His jealousy would bring you to hell's doors!'. Ahahah
Yaaay! I'm going to hell!

'Avoid going to the mall today'

It sometimes fit my day/feeling. 1/5 of the time I think.
» EggmanRobotnik répondu dessus Sat 30 Jan, 2010 @ 1:39am. Posted in What do you want?.
Coolness: 31340
Originally Posted By SCREWHEAD
that iPad is finally an apple product that I really want.. though it looks kinda small in that person's hand...

the only thing I don't like about it is that it's 1024x768 resolution.. so it's 4:3 "old TV" shape.. I'd have prefered if it was a wide-screen resolution like 1200x800 and been more like a sheet of paper or a magazine page..

Though they say you can't multi-task D:
But if there would be a way to use it like a Wacom on Photoshop, I would want it.
Right now, I have a Nintendo DS original and a DSi, so I'm fine with touch screens!
» EggmanRobotnik répondu dessus Sat 30 Jan, 2010 @ 1:17am. Posted in What are you listening to right now?.
Coolness: 31340
I'm listening to 'Go Into The Water', by Dethklok.
» EggmanRobotnik répondu dessus Sat 30 Jan, 2010 @ 12:49am. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 31340
Made : I made guacamole for the first time! Tasted awesome. And I played No More Heroes and (ironicaly) Fallout 2 all day.
Ruined : I felt tired almost all day.
» EggmanRobotnik répondu dessus Sat 30 Jan, 2010 @ 12:45am. Posted in Wtf.
Coolness: 31340
Speaking of shit...
» EggmanRobotnik répondu dessus Sun 24 Jan, 2010 @ 2:23pm. Posted in Wtf.
Coolness: 31340
@Smashley506 : Oh my, this one's hard to beat! A true 'motherfucker'

Solar-powered Bibles sent to Haiti
Posted Tue Jan 19, 2010 2:39pm AEDT

As international aid agencies rush food, water and medicine to Haiti's earthquake victims, a United States group is sending Bibles.

But these aren't just any Bibles; they're solar-powered audible Bibles that can broadcast the holy scriptures in Haitian Creole to 300 people at a time.

The Faith Comes By Hearing organisation says its Bible, called the Proclaimer, delivers "digital quality" and is designed for "poor and illiterate people".

It says 600 of the devices are already on their way to Haiti.

The Albuquerque-based organisation says it is responding to the Haitian crisis by "providing faith, hope and love through God's word in audio".

The audio Bible can bring the "hope and comfort that comes from knowing God has not forgotten them through this tragedy," a statement on its website says.

"The Proclaimer is self-powered and can play the Bible in the jungle, desert or ... even on the moon!"

Tens of thousands of Port-au-Prince residents are living outdoors because their homes have collapsed or they fear aftershocks following Wednesday's quake.

- Reuters

Dunno for you but I thought WTF when reading this.
On the moon, heh? That awesome! I mean, you can hear it even in space!
» EggmanRobotnik répondu dessus Sat 23 Jan, 2010 @ 9:26pm. Posted in Drive Through Port Au Prince.
Coolness: 31340
But it doesn't want to load... shitty dial up.
Show it to me tomorrow night!
» EggmanRobotnik répondu dessus Sat 23 Jan, 2010 @ 8:07pm. Posted in What book are you reading?.
Coolness: 31340
The Graveyard Book, by Neil Gaiman

It's like the Jungle Book, but in a graveyard.
The main character, Nobody Owens, lives in a graveyard, being raised by ghosts.
» EggmanRobotnik répondu dessus Sat 23 Jan, 2010 @ 7:39pm. Posted in Wtf.
Coolness: 31340

Pression ulcer lvl 4
» EggmanRobotnik répondu dessus Sat 23 Jan, 2010 @ 5:55pm. Posted in qui as un boss cool mais vraiment cool et pourquoi....
Coolness: 31340
J'ai rarement vu ni parlé à mon boss, mais il donne des chandails et des goodies à l'image de la compagnie à ses employés! Bon ok, y'a pleins de compagnies qui font ça...
Mais vu que c'est une compagnie de test de jeux vidéo, c'est tout de même du video game related stuff.
» EggmanRobotnik répondu dessus Sat 23 Jan, 2010 @ 5:41pm. Posted in Fairies.
Coolness: 31340
Hey listen!
» EggmanRobotnik répondu dessus Sat 23 Jan, 2010 @ 5:30pm. Posted in who is going out tonight+what are you doing?.
Coolness: 31340
Not going out tonight... Might watch Dr House and/or continue some of my Photoshopings. I never remember on which channel and when are the programs I watch...
There's one I know though : Inspecteur Gadget, 21h30, Télétoon Rétro. lol
» EggmanRobotnik répondu dessus Sat 23 Jan, 2010 @ 3:53am. Posted in The HappyFlameBoy BadTyping Thread.
Coolness: 31340
¡pǝǝlq oʇ sǝʎǝ ʎɯ sǝʞɐɯ ʇı ¡lıʌǝ sı lolooʞıʞ ˙ƃuıʎɐs ǝɹ,noʎ ʇɐɥʍ ɟo ƃuıɥʇ ɐ puɐʇsɹǝpun ʇ,uop ı ¡uɯɐp ɥo
» EggmanRobotnik répondu dessus Sat 23 Jan, 2010 @ 3:30am. Posted in mommy there's a girl i like but i don't know what to do.
Coolness: 31340

I just had to...
» EggmanRobotnik répondu dessus Sat 23 Jan, 2010 @ 3:24am. Posted in drunk.
Coolness: 31340
I don't remember the site's name, but I was drunk and I clicked on an ad and it brought me to a VAMPIRE chat site. It really SAID it was for vampires. I did some RP with the people on, using my own Vampire the Masquerade character. There was a dude asking me if I was really a vampire, a real one. Of course I answered yes! He then started to ask questions about vamps. I think he really believed me.
» EggmanRobotnik répondu dessus Tue 19 Jan, 2010 @ 3:08pm. Posted in anyone really want to pimp their ride?.
Coolness: 31340
If only we had enough space in our garage...
» EggmanRobotnik répondu dessus Tue 19 Jan, 2010 @ 3:55am. Posted in Le but de la vie selon vous....
Coolness: 31340
Originally Posted By MONO
what lenguage is? i want to answer but i dont know. ¿que chingados dice?
This thread is mostly in French. You can answer in English, most people know it.

Originally Posted By keyminder
a mieux...toujours mieux...
Mieux? Et comment mieux? Si je relance le débat en posant ces questions : Est-ce que l'humain évolura pour le mieux ou pour le pire? Qu'est-ce que le transhumanisme et le post-humanisme nous réserveront-t-ils?
» EggmanRobotnik répondu dessus Tue 19 Jan, 2010 @ 3:35am. Posted in my trip to bc with Jesse aka runa 1 (drama).
Coolness: 31340
Wow... last time I've seen such a thread it was on Eggman Empire's Forums I think... Amazing XD
I don't know who's right or wrong though I do have a little idea of it after reading, but I guess it's not important anymore... is it?
» EggmanRobotnik répondu dessus Mon 18 Jan, 2010 @ 1:00pm. Posted in bad sleeping habits.
Coolness: 31340
Physical exercise can unexpectedly cure many things. Not only getting laid would surely make you happier and then more relaxed, but at the same time it could cure your sleeping pattern.
Or a big tickle fight!
» EggmanRobotnik répondu dessus Mon 18 Jan, 2010 @ 12:39pm. Posted in weird things you eat....
Coolness: 31340
Oh Fred that pic is awesome XDDD

I add curry powder on almost anything I eat at home or at my best friend's. On pâté Chinois, on any pasta meal, soup, mashed potatoes, stew, quiche lorraine, etc.

I put a lot of ketchup in any sandwich I eat. A sandwich without ketchup is not a good sandwich for me. I mean, the sandwich must be bleeding al lot of ketchup.

Can't think of anything else 'weird' for now.
EggmanRobotnik's Profile - Community Messages