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» EggmanRobotnik répondu dessus Thu 17 Jun, 2010 @ 11:46am. Posted in Wanted : Joueurs de Go.
Coolness: 31335
Il y a environ 2 ou 3 ans. Mais j'ai pas rejoué depuis au moins un an. J'ai pratiquement tout oublié, comme la plupart des jeux de société parce que ma mémoire m'aime pas.
» EggmanRobotnik répondu dessus Thu 17 Jun, 2010 @ 11:38am. Posted in Colored Bacon.
Coolness: 31335
I want green bacon!!! Zombie bacon!!!
» EggmanRobotnik répondu dessus Thu 17 Jun, 2010 @ 2:54am. Posted in Votre idéal chez l'autre?.
Coolness: 31335
Mon mec à moi...
Cheveux longs détachés (noirs, verts, bruns, roux ou dorés), faut du poil facial. Plus grand que moi (facile), style vestimentaire de préférance metalhead ou style punk années 80. Faut pas qu'il soit maigre! Ni un muscle man. J'ai un faible pour les bedons! Les yeux... c'est joli peu importe la couleur. Plus vieux que moi (de quelques mois ou jusqu'à 15ans gros max).

Connait bien l'anglais et le français. Il faut qu'il aime les jeux vidéo, internet, la musique (tout sauf le rap, le pop et le hip hop), les dessins animés et les films fantastiques/bizarres/horreur/sci-fi. Avoir une bonne connaissance dans ce que je viens de nommer est un atout. Ce serait préférable qu'il aime faire aussi des activités à l'extérieur une fois de temps en temps. Savoir jouer à des jeux de rôles et aimer lire serait aussi intéressant! Ah oui, faut qu'il aime les sushi et les fruits de mer, ainsi que le chocolat!

Drôle, sadique, cynique et ne craint pas de dire ce qu'il pense. Aventureux, imprévisible... Pas hyperactif, du moins pas tout le temps. Faut qu'il soit une pute à câlins aussi!
Il est curieux d'essayer de nouvelles choses, que ce soit un mets ou du sado-masochisme. Il est plus dominateur que dominé. Fuck le Too Much Information!
» EggmanRobotnik répondu dessus Thu 17 Jun, 2010 @ 1:30am. Posted in the dream thread.
Coolness: 31335
I wish I could remember all my dreams! That would be so cool! Here's a recent one I had time to write down:

It's about friends, zombies, and a wheelchair.

My dream began in a rave. It's the morning and it ended. I say goodbye to people and I put on rollerblades to get back at Fred and Louis' place. Strangely in my dream, Boulevard Pie-IX looks more like Chemin Chambly in Marieville, near the gym and the bowling/bar place.
NOW I realize it is a dream because my first thought when I'm at destination is that Louis must be somewhere around his appartment OUTSIDE. He was indeed outside at the back of the apt. block, preparing stuff like a pool, plants and a tent. I say hi and tell him as a semi-joke that I could sleep in the tent whenever I wanted. He says yes. That's cool, I wouldn't have to bother anyone to sleep in Mtl!

I went to the front of the apt. There was a bigger pool and a deck leading to a door at the apt. (in my dream the apt block is totally different from reality). There was a few people around, talking. Then I thought I saw Louis but my mind decided suddenly it was in fact Fred going out on his bike. I don't have time to say hi he's already far.
I decide to go see Louis, but this time by going through the deck and apt. I was impressed I had no difficulties to move with my inline skates. I notice there's a lot more people inside and I recognize some relatives of my two friends. I look at a window that gives behind the apt but I can't find Louis. I decide to stay inside 'cause the sun's too strong. There's a blurry moment when I see Louis and he's telling me jokes, then suddenly my shirt is gone to reveal my swimsuit. I felt embarrassed.

Back in the apt, there's now quite a lot of people, talking, laughing, etc. It must be around 5 or 6PM. Suddenly some of them become ZOMBIES and are attacking the livings. Avoiding the zombies, I try to find Louis without success. I get out the fastest I can! I run to the street and find a WHEELCHAIR. I don't question my logical sense in my dreams but I needed one apparently. So I use it to get away. Maybe I thought it would be less dangerous to use the breaks on the wheelchair because I'm not yet able to break correctly with rollerblades *shrugs*.
While rolling away, I call Fred and tell him the situation. I turn on a smaller street and I meet a dead end so I break suddenly (my dream demonstrating me why I needed that damn wheelchair!). There's an old couple to my right. Because I'm on a wheelchair they think I'm old too and the woman starts talking... I wake up.
» EggmanRobotnik répondu dessus Thu 17 Jun, 2010 @ 12:34am. Posted in What makes you say «OMG WANT TO TRY!!!» at this year's E3.
Coolness: 31335
Originally Posted By CLOUDEUR
Oh and Zelda will have me sold only if you don't need to save a fucking princess AGAIN! I mean come on, how many times a Princess can be kidnapped by the same guy OVER AND OVER

Well, unlike the Mario Bros series, Zelda characters are almost never the same characters. In a certain game it will be ancestors of Link/Zelda/etc., or successors. The timeline of the series is really weird.
» EggmanRobotnik répondu dessus Wed 16 Jun, 2010 @ 11:57pm. Posted in Wanted : Joueurs de Go.
Coolness: 31335
C'est d'origine chinoise mais les termes utilisés sont japonais, je trouve ça drôle.

J'suis vraiment poche au go. La stratégie et moi ça fait quatre mille!
Mais j'aimerais bien y rejouer une fois. Je te préviens tout de suite, tu vas gagner facilement contre moi.
» EggmanRobotnik répondu dessus Wed 16 Jun, 2010 @ 11:39pm. Posted in chill ta moule logo.
Coolness: 31335

There ya go! Again, if there's anything, tell me :D
Do you want a background for the logo or a color, or just transparent?

All these are royalty free. They come from my mind and my ideas are free :)
» EggmanRobotnik répondu dessus Wed 16 Jun, 2010 @ 9:58pm. Posted in What makes you say «OMG WANT TO TRY!!!» at this year's E3.
Coolness: 31335
Originally Posted By SCREWHEAD
Portal 2, Deus Ex 3 and Dead Space 2 are really the only things I'm all that excited about..

Ever since playing Mirror's Edge, the average FPS just really does absolutely nothing for me anymore, even stuff like Gears of War that's a 3rd person shooter.. sure, the graphics are nice, but it's just another game of futuristic soldiers with guns.

Big. Fucking. Deal.

Same with Crysis 2.. sure, nice graphics, cool environment, but again, wow, ok so you have a super-suit that lets you do all sorts of crazy shit - you're still just a soldier with fancy technology.

My only fear with Deus Ex is that it will be more like the 2nd than the 1st.. The 2nd just totally didn't get my interest, but the 1st was an awesome first-person cyberpunk RPG.. they'd better not focus on making it a totally linear FPS with character upgrades..

all the new Nintendo stuff is OK, but really Nintendo are the Apple of the hand-held world; read this comic and mentally substitute the iPride device with a DS/DSi/DSXL/DS3D/etc: [ theoatmeal.com ]

The games also, I mean, yeah ok new donkeykong, new metroid, new kid icarus, etc. etc. etc.. the part of me that feels nostalgia is thinking "Awesome, I loved these games when I was younger!", but the rational, thinking part thinks "We're not 1988 anymore. I've played all of these games before, they only look nicer now. wiggling my arms around like I hit my hand with a hammer is not innovative gameplay, it's waving your arm around like a spastic.".. it just really feels like they're just relying on the nostalgia factor to get people to buy something, rather than risk developing actual new games with new gameplay concepts.

Some games/franchises I could really see sequels/remakes as upgrades that could use some sprucing up, but the way Nintendo are going with the Apple-style "Let's release a new console every 6 months!" aproach makes me really think that they're only reviving/milking these franchises because it's a guaranteed sale and not because they have any new/original ideas.

I'm also really not into gimicks in general; Kinnect (or whatever the fuck they're calling Natal now), the Sony Move, the 3D DS, the new "ultra-motion-plus" crap for the Wii.. man stop with fucking add-on gimics that are just re-hashing the same old, over-done games, but NOW you have to move your ARMS!!! Fuck off, I Don't want to move my arms and work up a sweat, I want to sit down, relax, and get into a well-written story with plot and atmosphere and depth/surprises, not spend 15 minutes dancing like a retard and waving my arms around to get through a game with as much depth as a kiddy-pool.

Indeed, but this always been kinda the case with Nintendo and Sega. Well you know all the shit they created for their consoles. Guns, Sega motion control mat, motion control stuff (ex. maracas for Dreamcast), 3D controllers, 3D goggles, microphones, link cables, cassette recorder, 32X, 64DD, rumble paks, expansion paks, etc.

I agree they're overdoing it now, all of them.
They want to keep their consoles alive the longest possible (even if that means to upgrade them, letting the people with no high speed Internet access or with an old console to stay with the old crap).
I know, I'm one of thees stupid people buying all the consoles of my favorite company as long as they have a good difference between them. I'm a Sega/Nintendo console collector and as a collector, I feel thrilled to get 'em all!
So yeah, I like that when they come up with a new idea, but damn, not every 6 months like you say!! I'm getting sick of that. The day I saw the GBA Micro I was totally «WTF», now I'm starting to get used. A disk drive here, a cooler there, a Wii Motion Plus with that game, a guitar with that one.
One day, they'll sell their consoles with no controller and no AC adapter, I tell you.

As for the games, as long as they're good, I don't mind they re-use the characters. Nintendo is very good at making series of games like that (Sega is another story...). Especially with Mario. When I first played Super Mario Galaxy, I felt the same way I did the first time I played Super Mario 64. It's magic! I had tears in my eyes, no kidding!

I'm really happy that Rare is making a new DKC game because Rare's series always rocked (except on hand-helds and on Xbox). Zelda Skyward Sword, well, I'm not quite sure yet for that title but I'm not really affraid: Zelda games never if not rarely got a critic under 80% except the non-Nintendo ones, *coughs*Philips*coughs*CD-i*coughs*.

I forgot to mention Portal 2, I really can't wait to try this too!
» EggmanRobotnik répondu dessus Wed 16 Jun, 2010 @ 8:47pm. Posted in chill ta moule logo.
Coolness: 31335

Not the definitive colors but that would look pretty much like that. Personnally I prefer la moule souriante. If you want details, colors, anything changed, tell me!
» EggmanRobotnik répondu dessus Wed 16 Jun, 2010 @ 5:19pm. Posted in What makes you say «OMG WANT TO TRY!!!» at this year's E3.
Coolness: 31335
Twisted Metal? Awesome!

We get to know more about the Nintendo 3DS:
«Like the DSi, the 3DS features a built-in camera, but in this case it features two lenses on the outside, allowing players to take 3D pictures». I remember back in the end of the 90s when the Game Boy Camera had won the Guiness World Records for the smallest digital camera. Now they include three cameras inside a powerful portable console and it's even stereoscopic!! Ah technology, I love you.

«Nintendo 3DS hardware is designed so that even when not in use, it can automatically exchange data with other Nintendo 3DS systems or receive data via the Internet while in sleep mode. »
Another something new! The DS systems weren't allowed to communicate while in sleep mode. I wonder what interesting things devs will think of with that new feature.

There will be a telescopic stylus coming with it! Interesting!
«A port that accepts both Nintendo 3DS game cards and game cards for the Nintendo DS™ family of systems, an SD memory card slot, an AC adapter connector, a charging cradle terminal and a stereo headphone output jack. »
And backward compatible with the DS systems. I'm like the one who bought a Game Boy, a Game Boy Color and wants now to buy the Game Boy Advance. It's the exact same thing.
Game Boy/Pocket - Nintendo DS/Lite
Game Boy Color - Nintendo DSi/XL
Game Boy Advance/SP/Micro - Nintendo 3DS

For some people it's an apple, for me it's a fat mustachioed plumber and a fat mustachioed scientist.
» EggmanRobotnik répondu dessus Wed 16 Jun, 2010 @ 2:05pm. Posted in What makes you say «OMG WANT TO TRY!!!» at this year's E3.
Coolness: 31335
Hello gamers (I presume if you clicked on this thread), the Electronic Entertainment Expo has now begun and is already promitting great stuff for the next year quarters.

Being a huge Sega and Nintendo fan, I stopped yesterday at Nintendo's E3 website to check rapidly (in fact slowly with my dial up connection...) what's up. After a good 20 minutes of loading, which seemed like 2 hours, I fell on a DONKEY KONG COUNTRY title!!! Dunno for you but I LOVED the Donkey Kong Country series, especially the first one.
They're also showing exciting titles such as a new Kirby game, a new Professor Layton, Metroid, PokéPark Pikachu's Adventure (finally a good-looking adventure/action Pkmn game!), ZELDA, Resident Evil for 3DS, Metal Gear Solid demo for 3DS and Epic Mickey (a dark post-apocalyptic themed Disney game, I'm really looking into it)!

I don't know why, but I feel someone's going to make a new Battletoads game. I have no idea, it's just a feeling. And I have a feeling also it would be a complete crap.

Tell us about your E3 hypes!
» EggmanRobotnik répondu dessus Mon 14 Jun, 2010 @ 1:15pm. Posted in What are you listening to right now?.
Coolness: 31335
I'm stuck with that tune these days

And the more I listen to it, the more I think this would fit for a Ghostbusters videoclip
» EggmanRobotnik répondu dessus Mon 14 Jun, 2010 @ 12:53pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 31335
Made: I watched Maniac Cop and Troll. I laughed a lot ^^
Made: I played a Genesis game called DJ Boy. You're on rollerskates and you gotta kick the asses of other rollerskaters. Suddenly, as a boss, a huge momma appears and throws pancakes/waffles at you!
Made: I laughed some more!
Made?: Dead Space is scary!!
Ruined: Want more sleep...
» EggmanRobotnik répondu dessus Sun 13 Jun, 2010 @ 9:53am. Posted in Bat shit crazy Mexicans..
Coolness: 31335
'Cause it's uncommon here, they look 'crazy'. Something like that. What's all about the bat shit anyway?
» EggmanRobotnik répondu dessus Sun 13 Jun, 2010 @ 4:14am. Posted in Biking In Montreal.
Coolness: 31335
Pedobear is missing everything!
» EggmanRobotnik répondu dessus Sat 12 Jun, 2010 @ 10:04pm. Posted in post a picture of yourself RIGHT NOW trying to stare at your tongue.
Coolness: 31335
DSi pictures! Yaay!
It's pretty hard! I can't see it!

Got it, but in a bloody way...
» EggmanRobotnik répondu dessus Sat 12 Jun, 2010 @ 9:22pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 31335
Ruined: Might not be going to Montréal tomorrow because I MIGHT not have a place where to sleep... Like, I'd like to know things in advance so I can arrange stuff... I feel like saying FUCK YOU and KICK SUNDAY IN THE FACE (WITH MY ENERGY LEGS) and stay at home. But I don't want to stay home. I wanna rollerblade and have a nice afternoon at Mont-Royal. Made: And then Francofolies with a friend Monday.
» EggmanRobotnik répondu dessus Fri 11 Jun, 2010 @ 7:27pm. Posted in Ca vous donne le goût d'aller souper ?.
Coolness: 31335
C'qu'on sait pas, c'est que le proprio a en fait une grosse truie comme animal de compagnie... Bah en tout cas, ce serait drôle. :)
» EggmanRobotnik répondu dessus Fri 11 Jun, 2010 @ 6:25pm. Posted in Quoi le fuck????.
Coolness: 31335
Originally Posted By DAF
if the baby, let say, has pulled the dog whiskers, and that day, the dog didn't felt like being poke, he just decide to respond

also, dogs unfortunately have the tendency to get jealous really quick if you don't know how to train them to accept another living thing in the house

my sister was attacked in the face by the neighbor dog when she was innocently playing with him, like she usually did everyday

though that day the neighbor dog didn't felt like being kissed by a cute little girl of 8 years old that he usually love

and she almost lost her eye because of that attack, and half of her face was disfigured

she was lucky though, and everything healed fine and she has almost no scars (except tiny ones under her eye)

it's really sad but it happens. the dog neighbor was the sweetest thing alive, though one day he snapped, and the neighbor was force to kill it (and thank god my sister survived)

having a 21 days old baby strap to a chair on a floor next to a dog considered the closest cousin of the wolf, is not super smart, even if your dog is the most gentle thing alive. you never know what could happen

really a sad story

A few of the several reasons I hate dogs
» EggmanRobotnik répondu dessus Fri 11 Jun, 2010 @ 5:43pm. Posted in Ca vous donne le goût d'aller souper ?.
Coolness: 31335
Nice! C'est pour attirer les curieux! Et puis ça risque de marcher avec moi quand j'aurai de l'argent XD
» EggmanRobotnik répondu dessus Fri 11 Jun, 2010 @ 5:12pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 31335
Ruined: I always seem not to be able to do everything I want in a single day. That frustrates me.
Made: Continuing my drawings!
» EggmanRobotnik répondu dessus Thu 10 Jun, 2010 @ 1:58am. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 31335
Made: Pâté chinois avec mon ingrédient secret!
Made: Drawing cool stuff
Made: Watched Astro Boy on Télétoon Rétro *nostalgia tears*
Ruined: Can't wait getting back to work... I need muney...
» EggmanRobotnik répondu dessus Wed 9 Jun, 2010 @ 8:37pm. Posted in Comment on the last movie you saw.
Coolness: 31335
Originally Posted By SCREWHEAD
June 8th 1984, a little movie came out that some of you may have heard of before...


It's 26 years old today, and the effects still look better than almost every other movie that's come out since! Nothing looks fake, nothing looks "too CG".. And the tripple-threat comedy of Bill Murray, Dan Ackroyd and Harold Ramis together makes it one of the funniest movies ever as well!

I'm never going to get sick of this movie

Well the stop-motion monsters could have been better but I agree that the rest of the FX are awesome :)
I've read somewhere that no computer at all was used. Great job. We did stop motion and drew on 35mm at college. That was freakin' long and tough! and ugly. lol
» EggmanRobotnik répondu dessus Tue 8 Jun, 2010 @ 1:18pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 31335
Originally Posted By LECHAT
ruined: eurh.. jsais pas quoi faire =/..
jdois prendre une decision et si jdis oui jvais etre heureuse pendant un bout et cest sur jvias avoir mal dans comme 2 mois.. mais sa risque de me prendre du temps pour etre heureuse apres..
si jdis non jvais avoir mal maintenant et je sais vraiment pas combien de temps sa va me prendre pour men remettre aussi...

est-ce que etre heureuse pour 2 mois sa vaut la peine de rallonger le temps que jvais etre triste? =/

peu importe sque je choisis de faire jvais avoir mal pareil

dileme :(

Dis-toi, si c'est vraiment ce que tu veux, ce ~deux mois de 'bonheur'. En vaut-il vraiment la peine? Est-ce un vrai bonheur? Est-ce utile dans ta vie? Est-ce ce que ce bien peut rapporter du bon ou bien du mauvais à quelqu'un d'autre? Te sens-tu coupable de faire cette action?

Si le mal est pareil dans les deux cas, je dirais vaut mieux en profiter de ce bonheur. Mais ça c'est mon opinion.
» EggmanRobotnik répondu dessus Tue 8 Jun, 2010 @ 12:53pm. Posted in Quoi le fuck????.
Coolness: 31335
Hmm, dog food. Why did a dog attack a strapped baby? Makes no sense to me.
» EggmanRobotnik répondu dessus Sun 6 Jun, 2010 @ 7:30pm. Posted in Wtf.
Coolness: 31335
Oh shit! It's Laksmi's re-incarnation!

I'd like to see x-rays of that child. The bandage down there, was it a head that got removed?
» EggmanRobotnik répondu dessus Sun 6 Jun, 2010 @ 4:58pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 31335
Originally Posted By SCREWHEAD
If your phone/service provider uses smart cards, you should just be able to put your old one into your new phone no problem, phonebooks and SMS are stored in a universal format.. I've gone from Nokia to LG to Sony Erikson to Nokia to Motorola and never had to re-enter my phonebook info (still have the same chip from my first phone in 1998)

J'ai cru qu'en mettant la carte SIM dans le nouvel appareil ça ferait comme tu dis, mais j'avais rien dans ma liste, (mes messages textes sont dans la mémoire du Nokia, pas dans la SIM) :S.
Quand je remets la carte SIM dans mon Nokia, mes numéros apparaissent. Y'a pas moyen de transférer les contacts de mon Nokia à mon LG via Bluetooth, j'ai tout essayé.
J'ai le choix sur mon LG de sauver les numéros sur la carte SIM ou la mémoire du téléphone. Au moins je me dis que c'est pas comme si j'avais une centaine de contacts à re-rentrer, juste une quarantaine.
En tout cas, ou c'est Rogers qui est pas fin, ou c'est moi qui fait de quoi de travers. Ma mère, Dan et moi on a tous un LG Poop, on a tous mis notre vieille carte SIM dedans et on a tous dû re-rentrer nos contacts.

Made: I noticed I can put any music as a ringtone with my new cellphone. Even those that last over 60 minutes XD
Made: I've seen one of my bros I haven't seen for a while! He got a kid and she's so cute!
Made: He lent me some Sega Genesis games and music CDs :3
Made: J'ai été à mon tout premier show d'humour! Mario Jean! :D
Made: Salade grecque pour dîner :P
» EggmanRobotnik répondu dessus Thu 3 Jun, 2010 @ 11:54pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 31335
Made: Randonnée au Mont Royal demain avec du people du comité Vieux Dragon :D
Made: Got my new cellphone. LG Pop. And it's not as crappy as it sounds!
Ruined: My old cellphone was a Nokia and the contacts transfer via bluetooth to my PC then via my new cell phone isn't possible. Guess LG doesn't use same kind of file. J'dois re-rentrer mes contacts à la mitaine D:
» EggmanRobotnik répondu dessus Thu 3 Jun, 2010 @ 12:23pm. Posted in A new Canadian Copy Right Bill.
Coolness: 31335
I vote for Canada's Pirate Party :P
» EggmanRobotnik répondu dessus Wed 2 Jun, 2010 @ 11:34pm. Posted in so I'm in my backyard chillin right now....
Coolness: 31335
I don't have a long enough phoneline to be connected outside :S
Anyway inside is more fresh than outside!

Originally Posted By RECOIL

It says it's private!
» EggmanRobotnik répondu dessus Wed 2 Jun, 2010 @ 11:21pm. Posted in est-ce quia des mecs musclés? demoiselle en detresse HELP!!!!!!!!!!!.
Coolness: 31335
Scuse mais... c'était trop tentant! Demoiselle en détresse, 'HELP!!!', déménagement.. :

» EggmanRobotnik répondu dessus Wed 2 Jun, 2010 @ 10:41pm. Posted in Do you remember what first attracted you to the scene?.
Coolness: 31335
Hope I won't fall in the «music was better 3-4 years ago» in ~2013...
Though I do believe music was better in the 70's, but that's a matter of taste, I love psychedelic progressive stuff. But then the metal in the 80's :S
And then VGM and avant-garde weird metal in the 90s-2k...
And Drum & Bass! AAAARGH! *splode!*
» EggmanRobotnik répondu dessus Wed 2 Jun, 2010 @ 9:34pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 31335
Ruined: My 1 hour and a half walk to get to one of the nearest towns got me two annoying blisters
Ruined: Those blisters revealed that I need new running shoes >:(
Made: rollerblading all day in Marieville! Didn't feel the blisters
Made: I went to see some friends still at high school. :)
» EggmanRobotnik répondu dessus Wed 2 Jun, 2010 @ 9:17pm. Posted in Wtf.
Coolness: 31335

» EggmanRobotnik répondu dessus Wed 2 Jun, 2010 @ 1:10am. Posted in Wtf.
Coolness: 31335

» EggmanRobotnik répondu dessus Tue 1 Jun, 2010 @ 11:59am. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 31335
La journée que je vais aller voir un doctor, c'est parce que je me serai peté la yeule et cassé quelques côtes.
» EggmanRobotnik répondu dessus Tue 1 Jun, 2010 @ 11:43am. Posted in Flames war are the spirit of Ravewave : ).
Coolness: 31335
Chiâler/réagir ça donne jamais rien. Le FORT agit. Le FAIBLE réagit.
» EggmanRobotnik répondu dessus Tue 1 Jun, 2010 @ 11:40am. Posted in Go outside RIGHT now. What do you smell?.
Coolness: 31335
St-Henri is a smoke filter!

Right now I smell rain, cool humid air and farm shit.
» EggmanRobotnik répondu dessus Tue 1 Jun, 2010 @ 12:51am. Posted in so I'm in my backyard chillin right now....
Coolness: 31335

Here are my birds! From left to right: Chopper, BBQ, Whitebeard, Black-Funeral-Doom-Metal and Chico. I think BBQ will die this year, she seems to have stopped to give eggs and she's already 3 years old.
» EggmanRobotnik répondu dessus Tue 1 Jun, 2010 @ 12:17am. Posted in Israeli Soldiers (Animals) attack Canadian Humanitarian.
Coolness: 31335
I think all that Gaza thing is some kind of lab test over humans. What would happen if we let humans in a closed area with no resource. Or some kind of shit like this.
EggmanRobotnik's Profile - Community Messages