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Smile's Profile - Community Messages
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» Smile replied on Mon Oct 9, 2006 @ 1:27am. Posted in psychoactive 3.
Coolness: 43900
Thank you. time stopped. wonderful night.
» Smile replied on Sun Oct 8, 2006 @ 1:16pm. Posted in I miss.
Coolness: 43900
I miss hunter and gatherer societies
» Smile replied on Fri Jul 28, 2006 @ 12:03am. Posted in Sneaking into Parties.
Coolness: 43900
I'd say good job, enjoy the party and the nature
» Smile replied on Fri Apr 7, 2006 @ 3:17pm. Posted in what time is it?.
Coolness: 43900
You have such a wondrful mind anne-marie. You're right, people need to release their fear of change and open up to the variety and important details that surround us. Ignorance and ego stand in the way of curiosity and open-mindedness. All the athiests, scientologists or other skepticals out there recognize (through 'science') that it's the moon that creates the waves of the ocean, that our blood flows much faster during the full moon and that lack of sunlight causes depression. If this is all true and proven, how could the sun and moon not affect us in other ways, or even in every way? We're so insignificant compared to the universe, that's why ego is an illusion. I find it sad how people find ignorance funny and make useless and rude remarks because it pleases them. There's a difference between funny and just plain stupid. "Time" is just a word you can look up in the dictionary, and people still disagree on definitions. Life is subjective, people need to choose more positive perceptions of life.
» Smile replied on Thu Apr 6, 2006 @ 11:19pm. Posted in what time is it?.
Coolness: 43900
Everyone channels and analyzes time differently. I see how time is a form of organization between humans because we are too chaotic and disconnected to communicate without the structure of time. If humans channeled their energies differently we could easily live without "time" because our perceptions would be completely different and our communication levels would deepen with meaning. Some people seem to have gotten pissed off on this thread, why bother getting fursturated? Negative energy never helps anything, it just contributes to the misery of our world. I don't know about the whole stereotyped "hippie" thing, what does that have to do with time? If one wants to question the meaning and validity of time, they're more than welcome to, whether they shower or take mush or whatever "hippies" suspposetly do. Be happy and stop getting angry, it doesn't help anything. As for time, i have no answers. I take comfort in the fact that i probably don't know anything. Views and opinions can be beautiful, but they're not meant to be inflicted or forced upon others.
» Smile replied on Tue Apr 4, 2006 @ 9:44pm. Posted in Ombre Et Lumière.
Coolness: 43900
What a Wonderful, Magical night. I couldn't stop Smiling, Everyone was so Beautiful and the Music was Incredible. I'm so Pleased to have Shared that Night with such a Great Gathering of People... it was like Dancing in Nature Again. Thanks to Everyone who was there and who made it Happen. Life is Beautiful!!!
» Smile replied on Fri Mar 24, 2006 @ 11:04pm. Posted in Milk vs OJ.
Coolness: 43900
Milk has cow pus in it and it creates mucus. save the cows! drink juice
» Smile replied on Fri Mar 10, 2006 @ 2:35pm. Posted in Hair advice from you hair freaks please!.
Coolness: 43900
you can look up some natural herbal remidies that im sure are effective. plants are amazing and can be very powerful. you can just google it i guess. if you wanna dye it a natural red you can try henna dye, at least it'll look more red than black.... no matter what though, you're gorgeous, even if u were bald!
» Smile replied on Fri May 27, 2005 @ 1:50pm. Posted in What!? (Paris Hiltons Theory on Success).
Coolness: 43900
There's absolutely no reason to be jealouse of Madame Paris Ignorant Hilton. I mean, is she happy? Sincerely, genuinely happy and appreciative of life... I highly doubt it. The more money she makes the more she'll rot from the inside out. There's no fucking way i'd ever want to be in her shoes. The "american dream" she's living is actually a nightmare and we have the power of changing our supposed "nightmare" into a dream.
» Smile replied on Thu May 19, 2005 @ 10:47pm. Posted in Girls are like....
Coolness: 43900
I don't know what girls are like. I don't even know what I'm like. They're just lovely (except for for the ones that aren't of course).
» Smile replied on Sat May 7, 2005 @ 7:16pm. Posted in Bc.
Coolness: 43900
I went through the whole drugs alcohol party phase when i was fifteen, and now at seventeen, being sober is my bliss. I used to think that i was unhappy because of where i was situated (in a tiny town up north) and blamed everything on the people (or shortage of ppl) around me, but now i live in montreal and i really realized that it's not where you are but who you are, and what you coose to do with your surroundings. My perfect world would be in the middle of nature with all the people that i love and cherish, but that's not going to happen. Now im surrounded by concrete (which would have made me depressed two years ago) but i'm happier because i choose to love what i have instead of complaining about what i dont. Anyway my point is, you're in control of your own life and you're allowed to spoil yourself by doing with it what you please. I'm also an anglo and was massacred my whole youth because of my lack of french-ness. all the people i hung out with (or was forced to hang out with because there was no one else) spoke french.
As for BC, i've had many friends go down there for the 2 months of summer and pick cherries for money. they said they loved it and that there were many great people over there. they're going back again this year to cherry pick so it must be worth while. you should definitely visit it and you should definitely visit newfoundland aswell. BC may have more hippies in ceratin places but newfoundland's culture revolves around hospitality and friendhsip. they all love one another and love anyone who decides to drop by. :) Whatever you do, just persue your path towards happiness.
Smile's Profile - Community Messages