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» m4xom4x replied on Fri Dec 22, 2006 @ 11:31pm. Posted in The Hacksaw Division show starting Friday the 13th!.
Coolness: 44420

$00$ $00$

Update » m4xom4x wrote on Thu Dec 28, 2006 @ 9:06pm
A traveler from a distant Star escaped from a dying world looking for a way to extend his own life. Body decaying and weak, he couldn't prevent his own demise apparently his all specie was becoming instinct so he traveled... searched the galaxy, looking for a way to cheat death and... he came to a world rich with life, where he encounter a primitive race, humans, a specie which with all his power and knowledge could maintain indefinitely... he realised within a human body he had a chance for a new life _
» m4xom4x replied on Fri Dec 22, 2006 @ 8:19pm. Posted in The Hacksaw Division show starting Friday the 13th!.
Coolness: 44420
Brump! Brump! Brump! ('-')y-~~
» m4xom4x replied on Fri Dec 22, 2006 @ 5:30pm. Posted in Dope Drum and Bass Mixes by Host One!.
Coolness: 44420
7H4NK5 50 50 MUCH!
» m4xom4x replied on Fri Dec 22, 2006 @ 5:26pm. Posted in I hate christmas.
Coolness: 44420
Originally Posted By BETTY_HAZE

ps: it's crazy how americans like threes.. like just in williamsburg there's 7 different stand!!
and it's all threes coming from... quebec! and majority of times it's quebecois people who sale it...

» m4xom4x replied on Fri Dec 22, 2006 @ 5:42am. Posted in The Hacksaw Division show starting Friday the 13th!.
Coolness: 44420
d^_^b bOOM! cHELAQ! LAQ! bOOM! d^_^b
» m4xom4x replied on Fri Dec 22, 2006 @ 5:39am. Posted in Screaaaaaaaaaaam to me Rodriiiigueeeeezzzz !!!.
Coolness: 44420
that's so funny! *watching unwrapping present* (,,)(='.'=)(,,)
» m4xom4x replied on Thu Dec 21, 2006 @ 11:13pm. Posted in Have you ever loved someone to the point you were ready to do anything.
Coolness: 44420
How Soon Is Now for 71P0U

» m4xom4x replied on Thu Dec 21, 2006 @ 6:35pm. Posted in remember this?.
Coolness: 44420
I want one!
» m4xom4x replied on Thu Dec 21, 2006 @ 6:33pm. Posted in BRAP! ANOTHER Host One Mix UP!.
Coolness: 44420
Cant wait to listen to that stuff Brrump-Up!
» m4xom4x replied on Wed Dec 20, 2006 @ 9:48pm. Posted in The Forum is Majority English or/ou Le Forum est majorité quebecois ?.
Coolness: 44420
» m4xom4x replied on Wed Dec 20, 2006 @ 8:54pm. Posted in The Forum is Majority English or/ou Le Forum est majorité quebecois ?.
Coolness: 44420
» m4xom4x replied on Wed Dec 20, 2006 @ 10:33am. Posted in Transformers Trailer!@!@!!!@!@@!%#@%$#$@.
Coolness: 44420
WoW awesomE o__-
» m4xom4x replied on Wed Dec 20, 2006 @ 10:07am. Posted in Hypocrisy ?!!?.
Coolness: 44420
Originally Posted By EL_LEADER_MAXIMO
Betty Haze: props for the ghostbusters, but please no more autoplay!

I like autoplay, it intentionally suits it's intendment Q(-.-Q)

Update » m4xom4x wrote on Wed Dec 20, 2006 @ 10:14am
It's more interactive Q(-.-Q)
It's Brilliant when used adequately, which is the case here Q(-.-Q)
It's a way of expressing yourself when someones tells you to ShuT-Up Q(-.-Q)
» m4xom4x replied on Wed Dec 20, 2006 @ 12:11am. Posted in Hypocrisy ?!!?.
Coolness: 44420
Originally Posted By BETTY_HAZE
non. in fact i stink. i'm a loser.

(>'-')> Luck is a loser's excuse for a winner's position
» m4xom4x replied on Tue Dec 19, 2006 @ 11:28pm. Posted in Hypocrisy ?!!?.
Coolness: 44420
@-_-@ Betty_Haze the Queen of RaveWave @-_-@
» m4xom4x replied on Tue Dec 19, 2006 @ 8:27am. Posted in Idiocracy.
Coolness: 44420
I really had a blast watching Office Space, very funny. Concerning Idiocracy I've try to find the dvd at the local movie-shop but nothing on the horizon (x_x)
» m4xom4x replied on Mon Dec 18, 2006 @ 2:36pm. Posted in New Host One Mix Up!! Boh!.
Coolness: 44420
Me to Host_One, I find it very interesting that we like the same type of d&b. When listening to The Hacksaw Division show it has happened quite a few times that you've selected a Tek-Step chone and I mostly got in some kind an altered state of consciousness as in hypnosis, catalepsy, or ecstasy. On the last special featuring Regimental I've cranked the speaker volume so loud that the window near the subwoofer cracked from one end to the other and had to replace it. I like all kind of d&b you know the different styles but the stuff that you select is as far as I'm concerned for advance level listeners and there is many of us on the Internet seeking for this kind of industrial cosmic sound. Big Up to you and your crew and thanks for sharing the music < $00$ >
» m4xom4x replied on Mon Dec 18, 2006 @ 1:53pm. Posted in Let the Bodies Hit the Floor!.
Coolness: 44420
Benny Hinn: Let the Bodies Hit the Floor!

» m4xom4x replied on Sun Dec 17, 2006 @ 11:42am. Posted in New Host One Mix Up!! Boh!.
Coolness: 44420
KooL, I'm downloading it right now, Thanks (>^_^)>

Update » m4xom4x wrote on Sun Dec 17, 2006 @ 11:44am
KooL, I'm listening to it right now, Thanks (>^_^)>
Update » m4xom4x wrote on Sun Dec 17, 2006 @ 1:03pm

» m4xom4x replied on Sun Dec 17, 2006 @ 12:59am. Posted in Got myself a MoNoM3.
Coolness: 44420
Originally Posted By VOLO
how is your monome working out

The pad itself is not very useful in a studio environment, but for improvisational loop performance it's the shit. Lets be honest here, the MONOM3 with his kool aesthetic and flashy 8x8 leds is quite good looking. Pretty much everything that the MONOM3 does a midi controller can do but the MONOM3 is the girl with the kool kamouflage mini-jupe, top-less with kool tattoos all over her chest and the midi controller is the girl with the long dress waring a high turtleneck. You just need to pickup the setup that fit the occasion (´ー`)y-~~

Update » m4xom4x wrote on Wed Jan 3, 2007 @ 1:45am

» m4xom4x replied on Fri Dec 15, 2006 @ 11:01pm. Posted in The Hacksaw Division show starting Friday the 13th!.
Coolness: 44420
d-_-b 7h4nk5 for 7h3 R4694 jun69L3 from 7h3 1n7ern3t V1LL463 d-_-b

» m4xom4x replied on Fri Dec 15, 2006 @ 8:35pm. Posted in The Hacksaw Division show starting Friday the 13th!.
Coolness: 44420
(\_/) On-L1n3 & L1st3ning v3ry LoudlY (\_/)

Update » m4xom4x wrote on Fri Dec 15, 2006 @ 8:50pm
(\_/) Th3r3 1s 4 f3w of US 4round Pl3n37 34ar7h L1s73n1n6 7o 7h1s W1ck3d 5ound (\_/)

Update » m4xom4x wrote on Fri Dec 15, 2006 @ 9:30pm
($_$) Don'7 und3r 3s71m473 7h3 pow3r of 7h3 1n73rn37 n37work. W3 4r3 L1st3n1n6 7o y0u r16h7 now 4nd you 4r3 d3L1v31r1n6 7h3 g00ds 4s 3xp3c73d ($_$)

Update » m4xom4x wrote on Fri Dec 15, 2006 @ 9:32pm
» m4xom4x replied on Fri Dec 15, 2006 @ 12:21am. Posted in Subdomains With Your Username!.
Coolness: 44420
Awesome :)
» m4xom4x replied on Fri Dec 15, 2006 @ 12:16am. Posted in Subdomains With Your Username!.
Coolness: 44420
Awesome :)
» m4xom4x replied on Thu Dec 14, 2006 @ 1:20pm. Posted in what would you do it.
Coolness: 44420
What are we gonna do with all the trouble heads who can barely fit in today's society ? I'll send money to Sun-Youth or better than that, I'll go to the SPCA and adopt a poor little Dog... This will surely cleanses my mind from all the Urbain Suffering that Surf the Streets of Montreal. Thank God we have those charity organisations who can relieve us from the poor.

It's that time of the year were we should be able to open our heart and welcome the less fortunate but in reality some of us prefers to organize a plot to gently fire someone from his job. Who cares anyways about a guy who has missing teeth, presented itself awfully, smells BO, wears bad clothes and on top of it does a very bad job. I guess it's no ones responsibility. He's the master of it's own struggle, isn't he ?

Looks like this guys is poor, he also might need a bit of help, I mean, just some plain human help but it looks like hes not at the right place to get such empathy, in a corporate world where machine heart are more valuable than human heart this guys has no chance of surviving, or very little. It's funnier and more entertaining to gossip about someones misery than to take action to find solutions.

Let misery rules this Earth, let the poor get poorer cause a machine needs no love what it needs is machine man with machine heart that will generates quarterly profits for eternity. The poorer the easier to dispose off, slavery of the mind for all the classes under the Bourgeoisie.

The middle class worker wont help the lower class dude cause they're already struggling with there own financial issues, living in a poor neighborhood and having to share some space with the less fortunate is a despite for the middle mind. They don't wanna share the same desk. But as you can see, the middle class is fading and un-doubtably gets poorer every year.

The decision of firing someone is purely financial it as noting to do with human suffering or salvation of one's soul. It's no one responsibility and you know the rules of the game, whit just a bit of hypocrisies anyone will get away with it (///_v)
» m4xom4x replied on Thu Dec 14, 2006 @ 12:02pm. Posted in The Parking Meter Flaw...
Coolness: 44420
They better fix this as soon as possible...
» m4xom4x replied on Wed Dec 13, 2006 @ 8:16pm. Posted in Balls of Steel.
Coolness: 44420
Maybe you would more fancy a BUM from Big Gay Follower ///^{o_o}^\\\

» m4xom4x replied on Wed Dec 13, 2006 @ 7:58pm. Posted in Balls of Steel.
Coolness: 44420
Militant Black Guy

» m4xom4x replied on Wed Dec 13, 2006 @ 6:45pm. Posted in Real-live NES game!.
Coolness: 44420
» m4xom4x replied on Wed Dec 13, 2006 @ 6:39pm. Posted in Balls of Steel.
Coolness: 44420
Negs Urban Sports (Big Stranger Rodeo)

» m4xom4x replied on Wed Dec 13, 2006 @ 6:04pm. Posted in Balls of Steel.
Coolness: 44420
Negs Urban Sports ( Urban Sprinting )

» m4xom4x replied on Wed Dec 13, 2006 @ 5:40pm. Posted in PS2 vs PS3.
Coolness: 44420
Here is the proof again that Sony is aiming at his own foot with a baseball bat, what a bunch of bad learners, no wonder their stocks are going down the drain (///_v)
» m4xom4x replied on Wed Dec 13, 2006 @ 2:18pm. Posted in How I'm learning to speak french....
Coolness: 44420
» m4xom4x replied on Wed Dec 13, 2006 @ 1:46pm. Posted in Balls of Steel.
Coolness: 44420
The Bunny Boiler Clip 2

» m4xom4x replied on Wed Dec 13, 2006 @ 1:20pm. Posted in Balls of Steel.
Coolness: 44420
The Bunny Boiler

» m4xom4x replied on Tue Dec 12, 2006 @ 11:02am. Posted in lookin for bud around monkland.
Coolness: 44420
So... It goes a little something like this. Get out of the house, take a look around, see all the beautiful Trees all around, so majestic. Go up North on Rosslyn till I reach Westmount Ave. Walking around the neighborhood, chilling like a villain and looking for some flavors. Anyways, turn left, facing West, walk through Villa-Maria school yard and exit from the front gate you'll end up right on Monlkland and Decarie. Monkland RoX, I just love it. It's where I go to get an IceCream fix at Ben & Jerry, they have all the flavors I need. The bagel place makes the best one in the neighborhood. Also you'll find a few places where you can have a good selection of pints. Cheers. I love Monkland Street, I love the Monkland neighborhood. It is where real Montrealers meet for kool a gathering ;>

» m4xom4x replied on Tue Dec 12, 2006 @ 10:21am. Posted in Samurai Jack the lost ravers episode.
Coolness: 44420
Samurai Jack is so funny, that was an amazing episode :>
» m4xom4x replied on Mon Dec 11, 2006 @ 11:43am. Posted in Disco Slut Date Rape Drug.
Coolness: 44420
F$%$CK! DIALECT c'te TracK là à l'arrache bein raide man $00$ 7h4nk5 f0r 5h4r1n6 $00$
» m4xom4x replied on Mon Dec 11, 2006 @ 11:15am. Posted in Karin Marks's disdainfulness.
Coolness: 44420
Westmount's felled trees trigger anger

ALAN HUSTAK, The Gazette
Published: Monday, December 11, 2006

The trees are gone, but environmentalists continue to bark.

Westmount's decision to clear cut more than 120 trees and bushes in Sunnyside Park is expected to be questioned by representatives of Save The Park! Sauvons le parc! and other concerned citizens at tonight's city council meeting.

Trees that brushed seven to 18 metres high against the lookout in the park below Summit Circle were felled by the public works department about two weeks ago.

One of the trees was at least 100 years old.

"We respect trees, but a park is a park, not a forest," Westmount Mayor Karin Marks said last week.

"Sunnyside Park was designed in 1931 as a park with trees, benches, walkways and with 20 markers pointing out scenic vistas. Over the years the trees have self-seeded. They grew very tall, very skinny and blocked the views. The larger trees had serious rot and any tree that is dangerous comes down immediately,'' Marks said.

"We do not want the park to become an urban forest like Summit Park is. We're investing money to redo the site as a park," she added.

That doesn't satisfy environmentalists like Gabrielle Korn, a spokesperson for Les amis de la montagne, an organization that works to conserve and enhance Mount Royal's green spaces.

"It's a shame there had not been an ongoing maintenance in the park and the situation was allowed to deteriorate," Korn said.

"It was a mix. Some trees were healthy, some were dead, and because we can't go back in time, clear cutting is a very dramatic, very drastic move.

If pruning had been done on a three-to-five-year basis, the sight lines would have remained open and the integrity of the park maintained, Korn added.

''Under the circumstances, it was the only measure that could be taken," Korn said.

Patrick Barnard, a member of the National Association for Olmsted Parks, another conservation group, opposes the clear cutting and plans to raise questions at tonight's meeting.

"This was vintage green space that was neglected by the city of Westmount and by the city of Montreal," Barnard said.

"The major issue that cannot be brushed away is that if you see trees as a liability, you get rid of them. Trees are not a liability. Only two of those trees were dead.

"Those woods survived the ice storm. They were not lousy trees. After they were cut down, between 30 to 50 cords of wood were taken away. The wood was good. You cannot sell rotten cords of wood," Barnard said.

Others in the exclusive neighbourhood have complained that the park had become dangerous at night, attracting undesirable elements. To protect their security, the trees had to be cleared, area residents said.

"It is one of those projects that looks rough now, but wait until the tree-planting is finished. It will look amazing," said Bruce St. Louis, Westmount's general manager. In the spring, we will be replanting trees that won't grow as high, but will attract birds, he said.

"Many of the larger trees were not healthy and could not be pruned. They were in rough shape and had to come down.

''The final landscaping plan will allow us to preserve the wooded area below the belvedere as a park, keep the mature, healthy trees, and open up the views," St. Louis said.

Source: The Montreal Gazette
» m4xom4x replied on Mon Dec 11, 2006 @ 10:54am. Posted in Question de principe et de respect ....
Coolness: 44420
Ce que je peux en déduire c'est qu'il faut se méfier des belles présentations car il arrive trop souvent que le brillant qui orne l'emballage n'est qu'une illusion de la réalité de son contenu. Au fond de l'amitié réside souvent un goût âpre, désagréable et amer, une odeur nose et abonde. On ne consomme pas toujours le bon type d'amitié. Certaines personnes sont tellement avides de celle-ci qu'elles sont prêtes à s'engouffrer d'amitié sans même se préoccuper de la qualité celle-ci. Le résultat des mauvaises fréquentations sont accablantes. Il faut apprendre de ses erreurs et ne jamais faire de compromis sur les dates périmées. La qualité n'a pas de prix.
m4xom4x's Profile - Community Messages