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News (Media Awareness Project) - CN AB: Column: Keep Off The Grass
Title:CN AB: Column: Keep Off The Grass
Published On:2005-11-11
Source:Calgary Sun, The (CN AB)
Fetched On:2008-01-15 08:50:45

Doing Drugs With Kids Is Nothing But Dopey

We all hope that our children pick up our good habits and avoid our
bad ones. That's why I don't understand why some people go out of
their way to teach their kids dumb stuff.

For example, a recent magazine article examines parents who smoke dope
with, around or beside their kids. Most of these parents grew up in
the '70s and now have teenagers themselves. Sure, the '70s were tough
- -- smack dab between the rebellious '60s and the pointless, indulgent

I was there myself, eating Pop Tarts and Space Food Sticks, and
wearing enough polyester to smother a small nation.

Something I didn't do was drugs. No honestly. Not even a little bit
curious. Oh, they were around. From time to time the smell of
marijuana would waft down the halls of my high school, although we
were never sure if it was coming from the kids huddled by the back
door or the English department office.

Now the problem is the kids who made dope part of their lives 30 years
back now have teenagers of their own.

My own father set the bar pretty high -- he didn't smoke or drink, and
didn't take any drugs stronger than aspirin.

He didn't even drink coffee, fer crying out loud. I don't want to give
you the impression I grew up in a house where we wore buckles on our
hats and shoes, and referred to each other as "Thee" and "Thou."

My father was also in the newspaper business and had seen a lot of
people in the newsroom wreck their lives with booze or pills. Drugs
were around back then -- a lot of them stronger than marijuana -- but
they were only discussed in whispers.

I never started, but other people my age never stopped smoking

Twenty-five years later, they have their own kids who wonder why daddy
comes back from the garage smelling funny and then eats a whole pan of
Rice Krispie squares. Or worse -- mom or dad light up in front of the
kids, or let them smoke pot in the house because they want them to
"try drugs in a safe environment."

Sounds to me like self-indulgent old stoners trying to justify setting
a bad example.

It's always easier to bring others into your weaknesses than change
your behaviour. Too bad it has to be your kids.

Frankly, when I see someone my age smoking a joint, my first thought
is "how sad," like a faded jock still wearing his high school team
jacket or a former prom queen wearing clothes 20 years too young for

At best, dope is something you should grow out of, not pass back to
your kids.

I know I'll hear from all kinds of people about how marijuana is less
harmful than alcohol or tobacco.

And there's no doubt medical marijuana has a use. I'm in favour of
anything that takes away real pain. But then I think of all the cars
driving around with a handicapped sticker on them. And then you see
the guy get out and sprint into the store. How many people are going
to reach for a joint when an aspirin will do?

I'm a great believer in giving people the freedom to do any dumb thing
they like, as long as it doesn't harm anyone else.

But smoking dope with or in front of your kids?

You'd have to be stoned to think that was a good idea.
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