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» ufot replied on Wed Oct 1, 2003 @ 6:16pm. Posted in montreal`s best kept secrets.
Coolness: 93305
I think, what is now known as "aux vivres", is actually already closed, though I haven't been up by it in a while... I used to like eating there a lot, but the last couple of times I went, I didnt feel very well after eating, so I stopped...

Ufot-for proper vegan food, and got sick in the process
» ufot replied on Wed Oct 1, 2003 @ 6:12pm. Posted in ok, last one fer the day here folks....
Coolness: 93305
hmmm, well then, that answers that...

goodnite all...

ufot-for sleep, and fell hard...
» ufot replied on Wed Oct 1, 2003 @ 6:06pm. Posted in ok, last one fer the day here folks....
Coolness: 93305
So now I wonder,

what would this site be like if there was a "live" chat forum...

any thoughts?

Ufot-for things that were live, even though u never were...
» ufot replied on Wed Oct 1, 2003 @ 5:20pm. Posted in Beleive.
Coolness: 93305

oh god, thankyou, for that was funny in a twisted "praise the lord" kinda way!
Amen to that then...

Ufot-aka mr.gruff
» ufot replied on Wed Oct 1, 2003 @ 5:04pm. Posted in A new generation/breed of Ravers?.
Coolness: 93305

those are some kool thoughts...to be perfectly honnest though, this thread was started as a halfjoke/afterthought of my ponderment last night. The need to catrgorize things and people is a pop-culture reality, I just thought it'd be fun to throw yet another "jam-word" in with "new-speak" in the mix...

oh well...

Ufot-for nothing, so who's paying the bill?
» ufot replied on Wed Oct 1, 2003 @ 4:33pm. Posted in A new generation/breed of Ravers?.
Coolness: 93305
wait a second...

I think a have a clone post'er, he's mimicking my every move!!!!

Ufot-strange double posts with no reason, I mean, c'mon, there's no clone here...
» ufot replied on Wed Oct 1, 2003 @ 4:32pm. Posted in A new generation/breed of Ravers?.
Coolness: 93305

how did you get that picture of my cousin wong???

Ufot-imaginary enemies, and won, but not for real
» ufot replied on Wed Oct 1, 2003 @ 4:30pm. Posted in A new generation/breed of Ravers?.
Coolness: 93305

how did you get that picture of my cousin wong???

Ufot-imaginary enemies, and won, but not for real
» ufot replied on Wed Oct 1, 2003 @ 4:29pm. Posted in Tofu.
Coolness: 93305


UFot-bravely against those darned meat eaters, but they ended up eating u!
» ufot replied on Wed Oct 1, 2003 @ 4:24pm. Posted in A new generation/breed of Ravers?.
Coolness: 93305
oh Cherry,

stop it, your such a silly jader :P

Ufot-more battles then most home cleaning devices
» ufot replied on Wed Oct 1, 2003 @ 1:28pm. Posted in A new generation/breed of Ravers?.
Coolness: 93305
... yes, the music....
» ufot replied on Wed Oct 1, 2003 @ 1:20pm. Posted in A new generation/breed of Ravers?.
Coolness: 93305

well, opinions are opinions, and in my opinion, all of the oldskoolers I know are still pretty positive in general, we didn't get jaded(especially not so fast anyways)so, I think things have changed, all fear the jaders of todays bl'underground scene.......

Ufot-jaders, but they came at u with glowstick knives!
» ufot replied on Wed Oct 1, 2003 @ 12:52pm. Posted in A new generation/breed of Ravers?.
Coolness: 93305
It all came together last nite, when I was thinking about the last couple of days, and the frustration I'd felt. It all came to a definition that made me come up with a word...

From now on(and u can all be in on this) I think negative, sulky, whiny, newskoolers could be called : "jaders" instead "r*vers". To me it just makes more sense, and sounds better too(since most r*vers in the traditional sense are extinct).

It dawned on me that true r*vers would never carry on this kindof attitude or spirit, and these newskoolers(not all newskoolers, just the nasty/angry/hurtfull) had to be a new "strand", since they all seemed so jaded, I thought jaders would be a good category/descriptive word(lol).

what do u think?

Ufot-battles with words, and were cut by your own...
» ufot replied on Tue Sep 30, 2003 @ 4:38pm. Posted in "Say it like it is" Day....
Coolness: 93305
Laughs at Cherry...
» ufot replied on Tue Sep 30, 2003 @ 12:46pm. Posted in "Say it like it is" Day....
Coolness: 93305
Big UP's 2 all the positive MAssive!!!!

Negativity=bad case of MTD
MTD=Mindframe Transmitted Disease

...most negative MTD's can be cured by regular doses of fun, occasional injections of happiness or spending time with people you care about/care about you.

Some negative MTD's that go untreated for a long time, turn the carrier into a shallow/negative/sad individual, causing them to loose friends & generally cease all or any enjoyment of own their life.

In some extreme cases, it can even distort any & all former life ambitions in the carrier.

If you think that someone you know or your partner is suffering from a negative strand of MTD, there is hope. Consult a comedian/entertainer or cute puppy dog or a tree or stuffed animal or past personal happy times for imediate treatment & assitance. There's still hope...

Ufot-The perscription is the drug of happiness!!
» ufot replied on Tue Sep 30, 2003 @ 11:17am. Posted in "Say it like it is" Day....
Coolness: 93305
Hey Rw Crew,

I just wanted to kinda explain some of the harsh comments I laid down here yesterday, it was monday afterall, so...

But seriously, I think that I lack the understanding that some of you may have as to the true root of all of the negativity and complainning that takes place on this board. I feel like I can't relate with how some younger people(younger than me anyways) are so negative, and complain constantly.

I'm kinda frustrated with this type of attitude, for I can't see why so many adopt it? There's nothing wrong with sarcasm, that I can even relate to, but constantly being negative sucks! Maybe some of you need to take a moment and reflect on your lives, maybe you're taking some pretty important things in your lives for granted.

Whatever, I don't post here often, and I have no interest in trying to change anyones opinions, habbits or interests, your life is your own, make it what you will. I just felt like saying it like it is; being positive may be more of a challenge, but it's a hell of a lot more redeeming and fun then being negative. Anyways, thats just my opinion...

Ufot-negative vibrations, and they whatched as u did...
» ufot replied on Mon Sep 29, 2003 @ 4:18pm. Posted in The main sucks on saturdays!.
Coolness: 93305

Seb, it was nuts, I woke up, saturday aft., first thing I did was take a couple of puffs wit my roomie, then I picked up my cat, big mistake man! I started to cough as I picked my cat up, he freaked out like I've never seen before, and sliced up me left hand pretty good.

Nyways, tanks fer da Cloud6 positiveness! My hand will heal... hey, did u hear about the jam going on during sat. and sunday @ the dog????

» ufot replied on Mon Sep 29, 2003 @ 2:44pm. Posted in The main sucks on saturdays!.
Coolness: 93305
RIght on seb, u rawk mang! :P

Ufot-the nagtivity wars have only just begun!!!!!
» ufot replied on Mon Sep 29, 2003 @ 1:35pm. Posted in The main sucks on saturdays!.
Coolness: 93305
to those who dis the main and the plateau...

seriously though, why are you people intent on bashing anything and everything, the negativity is out of control on this board, this sucks, that sucks, yap-yap-yap, SUCK MY ASS!!!

U'd think that some of you people were born complaining about things! F*cks-sake people, try an be positive once in a while, if you think the plateau sucks, imagine how bad people have it in third world countries, I heard THAT REALLY SUCKS!!

...some of you people sound like such spoiled brats/jealous mo-fo's! So u didn't get the appartment you wanted in the plateau, big frikin' deal! Wut is the mile end too trendy for you? Awe, wuts wrong, you think your little city called Montreals is being taken over by yuppies?

You wana know why living in the plateau will always be "cool" (god forbid that word from being miss-used), is cause bars are close by, young/outgoing people are close by, there are always fun-times to be had and the number one reason is: cause all of the boring and sad whiny people live in all of those other neighbourhoods where nothing ever frikin happens!

Don't like the way things in this city are going, do something about. If you can't do anything about it, then stay as positive as any human can in maintaining your "one-love, one-city" beliefs. You wana be negative, go to f*ckin Tdot and fester in your own pathetic pool of disssssssssaluuuuusionnnnnnnned peoples!

Montreal RAWKS Hard 4EVER!!!!
nEgative people suck, and they know it!
I'm out!
» ufot replied on Mon Sep 29, 2003 @ 10:05am. Posted in Da Bomb.
Coolness: 93305
Hey Ravewavers///

Sorry especially to Kreggz fer not being able to make it out to this last/special slingshot event, it was not meant to be. I was to drop in the plug n'play format, however I had badly injured my left hand earlier in the day, and was unfortunately, out of spinning condition.

I know that my tag partner, main-man-Kiff showed up and rawked some heads fer a bit, but I couldn't make it, and for that I'm sorry. To all who attended, I'm glad to hear that you had a fun time.

For those that were bored to tears, and felt like you had to post it on ravewave afterwards, yall shoulda left the parteh if yall were that bored, I mean geez, if you shit your pants, would you just sit in it and complain about it on ravewave, or would you do something about it, like change your pants???

Ufot-Whiny people suck-ass! Especially on monday mornings...
» ufot replied on Wed Sep 24, 2003 @ 5:56pm. Posted in My new dj name.
Coolness: 93305

why stop at one name when you can have several???

Ufot-many battles, and that damn skeletor still has your t-shirt@!!
» ufot replied on Fri Sep 12, 2003 @ 5:15pm. Posted in PrePartyPlot: Touchdown on Planet House!.
Coolness: 93305
Dj galaksy maxs out the positive vibes, big ups to all the support you shown m8, FUCKIN NICE ONE BROVAH!!!!!!!!

Ufot- many battles, but the galaxy is still a warzone....
» ufot replied on Fri Sep 12, 2003 @ 5:04pm. Posted in PrePartyPlot: Touchdown on Planet House!.
Coolness: 93305
Houston, we have a problem!!!!!

...This saturday nite, the 14th of September, The PrePartyPlot, hosted by Milton Clark will be having a very special guest, none other then underground house hard-hitting guru, Dj Dysklo.

A native of New Brunswick Canada, this producer/dj has been rawkin' underground grooves here in the local Montreal scene for the past three years. This show is not to be missed by any 246 new or regular listenners, as it will surely help get your saturday nite house groove on!

Check out the PrePartyPlot live, every saturday nite from 6pm to 8pm, only on [ club246.com ]

Milton Clark
[ www.club246.com ]
» ufot replied on Tue Sep 2, 2003 @ 1:11pm. Posted in location!! location!! location!!.
Coolness: 93305

I loved channel parties back in the day, they frikin rawked the house hard! Kirk6 has a nack for finding new locations that become recycled by other promotors, maybe you should ask them whats up with the rest of the parties????

uFot-many battles and won some, but the war is not over!!!!
» ufot replied on Thu Aug 28, 2003 @ 11:58am. Posted in cloud6 - september 6, 2003.
Coolness: 93305
um, as far as he knows, baby dino isn't booked for anything else on the 6th...

though there have been some reports from deep space that baby dino's blood was indeed copyed years ago while under the hardtekno influence of those invaders from zaxticon... maybe they cloned him and are making him spin at some other joint???

does anyone remember the days of invaders from zaxticon at Nexus??? oldskool baby dino!!!

Ufot-many battles, but the war never stops...
» ufot replied on Tue Aug 26, 2003 @ 8:59pm. Posted in Everything is going to shit.
Coolness: 93305
The first party I ever went to was this underground party at college deMaisonneuve in november '94, and I can tell you that it was totally different from the parties I went to in '95. The parties I went to in '95 were pretty different then the ones I went to in '96... and so on, and so on, only to say that I've seen the Montreal scene(both above and underground) transition through a lot of things, and granted the scene is acting pretty dead right now; if you have any interest whatsoever left in good music, good times & wikid vibes, I would venture to speculate that there are still "some" people in this city who are trying to make a difference.

Instead of arguing over speculations, y'all should be giving props to some of those people, aswell as supporting their events...nyways, just my opinion. I feel like if you've only been partying since '99 and are already jaded, that should be an indication of something...
» ufot replied on Wed Aug 13, 2003 @ 2:53pm. Posted in cloud6 - september 6, 2003.
Coolness: 93305
hey all...

Just a quick update, you can now see the flyers in the events calender section of ravewave, aswell as on the front page of [ kirk6.com ]

The actual flyers you can now see will be in stores as soon as this weekend alongside some snazzy cloud6 stickers!!!!

» ufot replied on Tue Aug 12, 2003 @ 1:24pm. Posted in Hostyn 2003.
Coolness: 93305
hey Ravewaver crew(s),

big ups to the eraproject fo pulling off another great outdoor event at camp Hostyn, nice one! This was a super fun party, even though I had been used and abused for several days(dj wise) and was pretty low on energy, I had a fun time playing in the beginning(trance/tech/housin'it out!) and enjoyed dropping a couple of drum&bass classics later on in the evenning wit mister Kiffah!

Nuff respect to all the Montreal Dj massive and crowd who showed up and helped make this one a real memorable party, what can I say, I had a great time! Next Hostyn, I promise I'll get there on time for my set :P

Until september, I'm going back underground to consort with some robots and overgrown toasters, much work is needed to be done on the time/weather machine, a very special cloud is quickly approaching the Montreal skies...

Special Thanks to : Mr.Sarcasmix(a real funguy!), toltech:keep on truckin' bro, Tomas hot skillz, needs a Fan:P + all era crew: a fine job by all you fine folks!, Philgood who didn't mind stopping to buy farm grown corn on the way back, good convos about the scene and change...
and to everyone else who helped make this party a funtime!!!
» ufot replied on Wed Apr 9, 2003 @ 3:26pm. Posted in BlueDog Thurs April 10th Milton's Acid ?.
Coolness: 93305

kool, ya you prolly caught me at one time or another in acid land, I can usually be found beat boxing in Dinosaur lane, with the ghost of baby dino....

ufot battles with echasketch, and it won, but afterall, it is made out of plastic, so who cares
» ufot replied on Wed Apr 9, 2003 @ 3:09pm. Posted in BlueDog Thurs April 10th Milton's Acid ?.
Coolness: 93305

this is wut I saw when I started to walk down the dinosaur acid lane the other day [ www.lycaeum.org ]
.... do funka-dee-tasty-dee-yummy=hello happy line????

ufot dublines from deelite?
» ufot replied on Wed Apr 9, 2003 @ 3:02pm. Posted in BlueDog Thurs April 10th Milton's Acid ?.
Coolness: 93305
oh you!!!!

gettin me all teary eyed here... well, I will pass on the message to Milton, but if ya can try and make it, it'd be kool to see ya anyways, plus that "freak" party Milto' would like to chat wif ya abouts....

ufot Heman, and he one, but comon, he's Heman!
» ufot replied on Wed Apr 9, 2003 @ 2:58pm. Posted in BlueDog Thurs April 10th Milton's Acid ?.
Coolness: 93305
Galaksy, stop the hate, come get a taste of acid wit me on thursday, break the routine, then go back to whatever pre-ordained weekly tings ya have going on next week////

Ufot shredder, and the turtles still ignored you
» ufot replied on Wed Apr 9, 2003 @ 2:53pm. Posted in BlueDog Thurs April 10th Milton's Acid ?.
Coolness: 93305
so you love milton eh?

Well then, come down wit Galaksy on thurs. if you dare, milton will be there, waiting to whatch you slap Galaksy's ass, then buy you both a shot, cause he's such a nice-guy push over...

how that for showing some love?

ufot wit jungle, d&b, but you couldn't escape the acid!!!!!!!
» ufot replied on Wed Apr 9, 2003 @ 2:34pm. Posted in BlueDog Thurs April 10th Milton's Acid ?.
Coolness: 93305

MIlton doesn't care about you either, since he doesn't even really know you, don't feel bad if you don't come, you have no reason to...

but I do think that you should slap Galaksy's ass...

ufot battles with love, she fot battles with hate
» ufot replied on Wed Apr 9, 2003 @ 1:51pm. Posted in BlueDog Thurs April 10th Milton's Acid ?.
Coolness: 93305
Thanks to all who replyed to this thread, I do beleive that this thrusday will be a fun times, I hope to see you all there... with little squares of paper???

Ufot musical battles your whole life, and know u spin?
» ufot replied on Tue Apr 8, 2003 @ 2:59pm. Posted in Pootie Tang.
Coolness: 93305
oh yeah!!! big ups to biggie shorty, WHATA-TA! CAPA-CHOW MY DAYMEE, CAPA-CHOW!!!

hehe, that movie is genius, and to think, the wayans had nothing to do with it, bhahah...ahem.

Ufot greater battles then whatching a funny movie!
» ufot replied on Tue Apr 8, 2003 @ 2:37pm. Posted in BlueDog Thurs April 10th Milton's Acid ?.
Coolness: 93305
oh, and I forgot to mention that GALAKSY RAWKS DA MOTHA-FUCKIN HOUSE!!!!!!

ufot many battles that were not as loud as this one...
» ufot replied on Tue Apr 8, 2003 @ 1:21pm. Posted in BlueDog Thurs April 10th Milton's Acid ?.
Coolness: 93305
For those of you interested, Milton Clark will be throwing down a session of yesterave acid madness, this thursday April 10th @ Blue Dog...

Cheap beer+smilin' friends faces all around+badass acid-house yesterave soundz=fun times!!!

Come be part of the equation, anyone interested in guest passes, you can email Milton at: miltonclark@hotmail.com

Hope to see some of you Ravewave crew there,
» ufot replied on Thu Apr 3, 2003 @ 2:31pm. Posted in I`m a failed vegetarian.
Coolness: 93305

I too recently went to the medecine man who told me I was low in iron, yet not aneemik yet... but, spinach once a week helps...

ufot wars worse then meat///////////////
» ufot replied on Thu Apr 3, 2003 @ 2:27pm. Posted in Gentile Skaters?.
Coolness: 93305
Anybody is welcome to come ride, if they want to ride wit us... even if you don't look classy, but you just want to ride, thats what we're about. But if you wana class it up, don't be shy is all...there is some sort of message in seeing a crowd of classy sk8rs ride arround, all "polite" like... :P

interested peeps can email me a hello @ ninjakid514@yahoo.ca


ps- ufot is tofu backwards ;P yee-haw
ufot's Profile - Community Messages