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Events Calendar - May 7, 2011
Pandemonium Warm Up -- Southwild Live Et Cosmic Orgasm Live [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Sat May 7, 2011 @ 9:00pm till Sun May 8, 2011 @ 9:00am
Description:En remplacement de Dark Prophecy il y aura un warm up pour le Festival Pandemonium

SOUTHWILD LIVE ACT (Wild Things Records - Germany )
[ [ www.wildthingsrecords.co.uk ] ]
[ [ www.myspace.com ] ]

Southwild is the new side project of Jay from Rastaliens, a veteran psytrance producer from the Black Forest in the deep south of Germany who now resides in Toronto, Canada. Throughout many years of production, mastering, and DJing, Jay has found his own unique style of high-quality ‘twilight’ psytrance: slightly dark, a little twisted, super groovy and spaced out, with a spark of insanity! Granular represents a free taste of Southwild’s upcoming debut album. There will also be several appearances on different labels such as Peak Records, Mind Funk, and many more–so keep your ears open for further releases! All tracks written, produced, and mastered by Jay/Southwild at Trailer Park Studios, Toronto, 2010

COSMIC ORGASM (Psykonexus,Canada) - LIVE!

[ [ www.myspace.com ] ]

Cosmic orgasm is a duo project from Orbit and 1.61805.They have started two years ago, sharing ideas and technique. By uniting computer and hardware generated music, they focused on doing an incredible and one-of-a-kind live act. From dark full on to pure psy-trance, their music is like rolling thunder on a vast and endless space feild.

Line UP:

21h00 @ 23h00 : Alakazoo dj set

23h00 @ 12h00 : E.T. dj set

12h00 @ 02h00 : Phaunos vs Soursweet dj set

02h00 @ 03h30 : Cosmic Orgasm Live!

03h30 @ 05h00 : SOUTHWILD Live!
::: Wild Things Records - Germany :::
[ www.wildthingsrecords.co.uk ]

05h00 @ 06h00 : Psyrenity dj set

06h00 @ 07h00 : Danin djset

07h00 @ 08h00 : Akibel dj set

décp par Psychedelic Sanctuary Creations

15$ à l'avance
20$ à la porte

50$ pour un billet pour la soirée et un billet Pour le festival Pandemonium (du 8 au 11 juillet) limite de 30 billet seulement premier arriver premier servis

Billet en vente au :
Psychonaut, 154 Rue Prince-Arthur E
[ www.psychonaut.ca ]

Endroit révlé 24h à l'avance sur facebook

[ www.facebook.com ]
Room 1:
Le Druide (France, Côtes-d'Armor) - soundcloud.com logic-vision.webs.com disasterpeacerecords.com
southwild (Canada, Ontario, Toronto)
Akibel - www.facebook.com
Cosmic orgasm - www.reverbnation.com
D@NIN - www.souncloud.com - Logic Vision Records - FK13prod
Psygourmet - Logic Vision
Wizard of Odds (E.T.) - soundcloud.com - Sketchy Labs / Mechanimals
Added:Tue Apr 26, 2011 @ 3:43pm by » alakazoo
Modified:Fri May 6, 2011 @ 8:49pm by » alakazoo
Events Calendar - May 7, 2011
Member Comments
» Atomic-garden said @ Wed May 11, 2011 @ 8:11am
Nice party!
» VURT said @ Sun May 8, 2011 @ 7:48pm
Ouais très daccord que c'était une super belle vibe!!! très bon party merci! :)
» alakazoo said @ Sun May 8, 2011 @ 2:34pm
un gros merci a tout les dj's pour leur excellente musique et a tout le monde qui sont venu c'etait vraiment une belle vibe :)
» Drizzt said @ Sat May 7, 2011 @ 9:30pm
Party: 4584 Papineau. See you there!!
» Akibel said @ Sat May 7, 2011 @ 4:22pm
un ptit party de taureau avec leurs amis... ça va donner du pied :p
» AlienZeD said @ Thu May 5, 2011 @ 9:10pm
what happened to Blizargon?
» Akibel said @ Thu May 5, 2011 @ 11:51am
pour ceux qui connaissent pas Southwild..... ça va etre psychedelikement intéressant :p
» Purple_Lee said @ Wed May 4, 2011 @ 8:24pm
i'm sure it will be a wicked one...have fun folks
» Akibel said @ Wed May 4, 2011 @ 10:36am
en remplacement de Dark prophecy, manquez pas Southwild et Cosmic Orgasm Live :p
» Akibel said @ Tue May 3, 2011 @ 8:03am
mah aller mettre un brin de lumière matinale à ce ptit party là moi, mais juste un brin ;)
» Atomic-garden said @ Mon May 2, 2011 @ 8:13pm
[ www.wildthingsrecords.co.uk ] Les videos sont débiles avec une excellente qualité sonore!
» thejaycore said @ Mon May 2, 2011 @ 4:08pm
Sick... jaime bien cette place mais jespere que vous allez faire dekoi pour rafraichir la place fesai chaud un peut la derniere fois... :)
» psyfuckingtrance said @ Mon May 2, 2011 @ 2:58pm
:) yeah