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Oliver_TwisteD's Profile - Community Messages
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» Oliver_TwisteD replied on Wed Nov 15, 2006 @ 1:28pm. Posted in Zygote.
Coolness: 85880
havn't been to something like that in ages.
Thanks a million for bringing snares to town.. it's been way too long. i needed my fix. well satisfied-
danced my little heart out till i was blue in the face and near the point of collapse.
Fanny was fuckin fantastic!.. his cd is pretty good, but live he's something else. quite the odd mishmash-
ears ringing up to sunday night.. was getting kind of worried. felt like i was hearing the world through a decimator plugged into a ring modulator.. bad news, but all's back to normal. But hell! i can never get enough of that breackore-idm-nonsense.. keep pushin it fellas'
..you fuckin maniacs!!
» Oliver_TwisteD replied on Sat Mar 4, 2006 @ 10:52pm. Posted in Reel Life Cinema Thread!critiks/Palmares.
Coolness: 85880
oh shit!.. i love herzog. i'll have to see that one- so far i prefer his documentaries, just cause of the way he talks. He's very wise, filled with all kinds of strange stories and has a great accent. His director commentaries are by far the funniest.

also.. great news!!!

new Takashi Miike film is finally out..

Yokai daisenso AKA The Great Yokai War

i've been waiting to see this since i saw the preview over a year ago. Tonight's the night! :D
review to come..
» Oliver_TwisteD replied on Mon Feb 20, 2006 @ 10:54pm. Posted in Reel Life Cinema Thread!critiks/Palmares.
Coolness: 85880
ah, secretcinema is pretty cool- a close relative of KG, the site i was recomending. Give secret cinema a shot, if you like this whole torrent thing, i'll send you an invite to KG. you too lgzkrg- it's a pretty fantastic site. the best i've ever come across.

2 other worthwhile sites are :
[ www.horrorcharnel.org ] - for horror, cult, and any other random fucked up shit.
[ www.myspleen.net ] - for Cartoons!!! and other humerous stuff. Lots of great short compilations and the likes.

Everyone in the world should check out the show Monkeydust. a bbc cartoon, they made 3 seasons, never aired here for some strange reason .. incredibly heavy, hilarious and bitterly truthful. The creator just died of cancer a few months ago- probably the reason why it was so morbidly hilarious and cynical.. a great satire on modern day to day life. The change in animation style every few minutes is also a nice touch. Highly Recomended!!
» Oliver_TwisteD replied on Sun Feb 19, 2006 @ 5:11pm. Posted in Reel Life Cinema Thread!critiks/Palmares.
Coolness: 85880
ahaha.. Tetsuo!!
that's a fun one.. Has the same kind of energy as 'Electric Dragon 80,000V ' by Sugo Ishii (2001)
.. another one of those classic obscure japanese cyberpunk directors, doing his thing for about 20-30 years now.
I regret not hitting this thread earlier- i only noticed it was here last week or so. Looks like you know your cult cinema-! (^_^)
i see you're a tankgirl fan.. you into comics much? there's alot of fantastic trippy fucked up shit out there.. It's my personal mission to watch and read as much mind warping stuff as possible.
Not sure if you're into bit torrent any, but there's a few very special bit torrent sites, specializing in cult, arthouse and anything else outside the mainstream.. i've discovered hundreds of fantastic movies from such places.. and since it's a private tracker, everything is well seeded, there's a message board to discuss film, and the best part is the requests page- People have uploaded movies for me that i havn't been able to find ANYWHERE! Odd rare stuff!.. quite the fantastic bunch of people.
i look forward to more film talk in the future-
» Oliver_TwisteD replied on Wed Feb 8, 2006 @ 9:33pm. Posted in Old Gold Animation Fest.
Coolness: 85880
Hello good people whom i havn't spoken to in a really long time.. just a quick shout-out to let you guys know that myself and Dr.Jason are having a little get together to honour the amusing, dark and bizare trippy cartoons of old, with interludes of novelty music and songs about drugs from 1915-1940.
Should be a grand Ol' Kooky time!
» Oliver_TwisteD replied on Wed Nov 2, 2005 @ 12:15am. Posted in Boycott Gravity After Hours.
Coolness: 85880
i noticed alot of people bitching in the article comments about how drugs are illegal they have a right to take them from you blahblahblah . . that may be, but having a specially selected biker, selling drugs as soon as you walk in the door is even more illegal. why hasn't anyone busted em yet?! .. just out of spite
» Oliver_TwisteD replied on Mon Oct 24, 2005 @ 2:13pm. Posted in New Olsen Twins: The NAZI Twins.
Coolness: 85880
wow.. that is some seriously scary shit-
» Oliver_TwisteD replied on Sun Oct 16, 2005 @ 12:48am. Posted in man lives with 300 birds (some dead).
Coolness: 85880
That's the best little article i've read in awile :)
» Oliver_TwisteD replied on Sat Oct 8, 2005 @ 10:40pm. Posted in the mirror vs. the hour.
Coolness: 85880
because it has a better sex column. man bites dog is always awesome too.
» Oliver_TwisteD replied on Sat Oct 8, 2005 @ 10:37pm. Posted in Projet Usine 3.2 ! 8 octobre 2005 ,.
Coolness: 85880
nooooo- i wanted to go but my friends pulled a fast one and decided to go at the last minute without telling me.
sounds great - i hope a goodtime is had and that we'll see more events of this nature in the future.
» Oliver_TwisteD replied on Tue Oct 4, 2005 @ 10:28pm. Posted in where can i find old DJ fishead tapes?.
Coolness: 85880
I see him round work- His mixes are always quite enjoyable..
he's got a [ rave.ca ] account, you could always try messaging him- i don't know how often he checks here but it's worth a shot if you havn't already asked him.
» Oliver_TwisteD replied on Tue Oct 4, 2005 @ 10:17pm. Posted in Your favorite movie line.
Coolness: 85880
"It's the same old story.. Boy finds girl, boy loses girl, girl finds boy, boy forgets girl, boy remembers girl, girl dies in a tragic blimp accident over the Orange Bowl on New Year's Day"
-Frank Dreban, police squad-
» Oliver_TwisteD replied on Tue Oct 4, 2005 @ 10:15pm. Posted in The Picture Thread....
Coolness: 85880
Wow!!.. some of the hottest pores i've ever seen!
» Oliver_TwisteD replied on Tue Oct 4, 2005 @ 10:13pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 85880
» Oliver_TwisteD replied on Sat Sep 24, 2005 @ 12:13am. Posted in independant electronic labels.
Coolness: 85880
i have a long list of labels. . .
bug me for it on msn, or better yet, lets get a tidy demo together, pass me a stack and i will be more than happy to ship em out
» Oliver_TwisteD replied on Sat Sep 3, 2005 @ 12:58pm. Posted in guess who's running for US presidency??.
Coolness: 85880
That would've been awesome- he seems like a reasonable fellow. scares the hell out of me though
» Oliver_TwisteD replied on Wed Aug 24, 2005 @ 1:11am. Posted in exstacy is Baddd.
Coolness: 85880
Originally posted by MIKE JONES...
Christoph, if the same as i know, worked for FAB distribution which is workin with archambault ...
so maybe ..

Heheh, it's been awile since i've seen Christoph, perhaps i'll see him if he still works at FAB- i've got a meeting for a job there tomorrow morning- I hope it goes well :D
» Oliver_TwisteD replied on Wed Aug 24, 2005 @ 12:49am. Posted in wise use of acid.
Coolness: 85880
Originally posted by MIKE JONES...

if anyone has easy access to liquid l.s.d ;
PLEASE let me know
even if from Ottawa or somewhere far from Montreal i dont care, all i need is good l.s.d, not on blothers

I 2nd that!.. (if you find any, let me know :) .. i would love to chip in)
» Oliver_TwisteD replied on Tue Aug 23, 2005 @ 1:28pm. Posted in more videos of parking.
Coolness: 85880
.. He's like the next david blaine-
» Oliver_TwisteD replied on Mon Aug 15, 2005 @ 1:36pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 85880
ichi the killer
» Oliver_TwisteD replied on Mon Aug 15, 2005 @ 1:24pm. Posted in Bunny Tapdancer.
Coolness: 85880
Wow.. what a babe-! :D
(wasn't she in a manson video?)
» Oliver_TwisteD replied on Fri Aug 12, 2005 @ 12:02am. Posted in M O O G : The Documentary.
Coolness: 85880
try using VLC or Mplayer if you don't already- good on both mac and pc, free, and plays almost any file type. :)
» Oliver_TwisteD replied on Wed Aug 10, 2005 @ 7:23pm. Posted in M O O G : The Documentary.
Coolness: 85880
mhmmm.. found that last week on karagara- pretty interesting
» Oliver_TwisteD replied on Wed Aug 10, 2005 @ 2:35pm. Posted in new Boards Of Canada album.
Coolness: 85880
well damn! that's good news :)
» Oliver_TwisteD replied on Mon Aug 8, 2005 @ 9:47pm. Posted in Mr T and Me.
Coolness: 85880
Mr.T's Commandments !!

[ s42.yousendit.com ]

play it safe kids!.. you've got to be somebody! (or be somebody's fool)
» Oliver_TwisteD replied on Mon Aug 8, 2005 @ 9:41pm. Posted in Have you ever...
Coolness: 85880
i've taken a dump while smoking a joint and talking on the phone- someone just happened to call me while my phone was in my pocket. i generally don't go out of my way to hasslle people while i'm on the can- don't usually smoke joints on the can either- was just having one of those days where it seemed like a good idea.
most of the time when i'm on the can i either roll joints or think about things-
» Oliver_TwisteD replied on Mon Aug 8, 2005 @ 1:39pm. Posted in Mr T and Me.
Coolness: 85880
Ahhh!.. that's damn scarry-
speaking of Mr.T and Me.. i've got the original childrens book, about a little girl and her mr.T doll- quite odd. i also found a half hour Mr.T educational video on how not be a foooo- it's hilarious. called Be Somebody (or be somebody's fool)
and then there's his album "Mr.T's' Commandments" he sings some rad songs about not talking to strangers and avoiding drugs- i can upload the album to [ yousendit.com ] if anyone would like a copy
» Oliver_TwisteD replied on Wed Jul 27, 2005 @ 4:43pm. Posted in Is LSD back ?.
Coolness: 85880
Originally posted by MR. FROG...

from what I heard, this Fleur de Lys buvard is quite good!

it fucked me alright.. i kept on muttering strange sounds, then asking my friend if i made those sounds out loud or if it was just in my head. quite annoying actually- mild visuals i suppose.. nothing special, the clouds were pretty cool- it was too buzzy and twitchy though.. achy back also
real acid is a lot smoother.. i've tried acid 10 times now over the past 7 years- 7 trips out of ten was the exact same buzz as this stuff.. complete with the bitter taste and sore back. twice it was liquid.. very smooth, and once it was half a hit from a travelling hippy.. the smoothest trip ever- it was the only time i've ever actually seen things that weren't there. Also, It tasted like nothing, just made the tongue tingle a little..
» Oliver_TwisteD replied on Tue Jul 26, 2005 @ 8:09pm. Posted in MicroTrack Mobile Digital Recorder.
Coolness: 85880
Sweet!! i always wanted to improve on my worship..
» Oliver_TwisteD replied on Mon Jul 25, 2005 @ 4:07am. Posted in Fantasia Festival.
Coolness: 85880
Yeah.. survive style is a great movie- I downloaded it several months ago.. same with Izo, Three Extremes, Oldboy and a few others that have only played here within the past month or two- why must we wait so long to see good foreign films.. we're always 1-3 years behind. and even then, any mainstream theatre won't play them because the theatres are american owned and foreign movies aren't advertised here. It's all about the tight BitTorrent cult film communities!!
» Oliver_TwisteD replied on Sat Jul 23, 2005 @ 3:29am. Posted in Fantasia Festival.
Coolness: 85880
yeah, i went to see "Live Freaky, Die Freaky" the charles manson claymation.. i couldn't wait to leave, mostly because it felt like my chair was broken and my seat lowered more than it's supposed to-
the movie was fun, but that guy is no claymation/stopmotion master. Charlie's voice was really annoying too, done by the greenday singer.. he sounded like a bad Don King impression.
» Oliver_TwisteD replied on Fri Jul 22, 2005 @ 12:43pm. Posted in Is LSD back ?.
Coolness: 85880
ahaha.. nice! sounds like a good trip-
as far my trip on the 'Fleur de Lys' acid goes, i'd say it went pretty rough- as soon as put it on my tongue i could taste the bitterness.. my hunch that it was fake was true- it'll still fuck you up, but not in the same way as the genuine stuff.
most unfortunate !
» Oliver_TwisteD replied on Thu Jul 21, 2005 @ 8:48pm. Posted in Is LSD back ?.
Coolness: 85880
so how were the ones with the Fleur de Lys on 'em??
putting a flag or national symbol of any kind on acid is kind of a strange thing to do.. but alright, i just hope i don't start gibbering quebec slang midway through my trip ;)
turns out some friends of my sis ran into some, so hmmmm-
» Oliver_TwisteD replied on Tue Jul 19, 2005 @ 10:38pm. Posted in phinally: japan pics.
Coolness: 85880
Subway! "the natural ideal style of eating vegetable"
» Oliver_TwisteD replied on Tue Jul 19, 2005 @ 10:20pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 85880
» Oliver_TwisteD replied on Tue Jul 19, 2005 @ 10:13pm. Posted in Luke Vibert / Title iloveacid Video.
Coolness: 85880
Hah! sweet- nice one'
» Oliver_TwisteD replied on Tue Jul 19, 2005 @ 10:12pm. Posted in Saw 2 Trailer.
Coolness: 85880
I thought the first one was very lousy- Pure typical hollywood drivel.. It felt like i was watching CSI with a little extra gore thrown in for shock value- further more, full of plot holes for a movie that takes itself so seriously.. wouldn't the doctor realize that the corpse in the middle of the room was alive.. especially after being a few feet from him for several hours?
I'd say go for some oldschool (early 90's) hong kong CATIII films, if you want to watch some crazy violent shit.. a few good ones being "the untold story" "Ebola Syndrome" "Love to Kill" "Daughter of Darkness".. all filled with violence, gore, abuse, torture, rape, cannibalism and other fun things!
PS.. Don't eat the Mystery Meat!!.. it just might be the restaurant owner's children-
» Oliver_TwisteD replied on Tue Jul 19, 2005 @ 9:31pm. Posted in Is LSD back ?.
Coolness: 85880
Ahaha.. and i'm the same boat as seb and S.U.Ds.!
even a good blotter would be nice.. i've been looking for months!
:lol -cheers people-!
» Oliver_TwisteD replied on Wed Jul 13, 2005 @ 8:29pm. Posted in Compilation Project.
Coolness: 85880
ahaha.. i like the montreal 'rushhour' idea- it's pretty kean!
» Oliver_TwisteD replied on Wed Jul 13, 2005 @ 12:22am. Posted in Validation Is Annoying!!.
Coolness: 85880
Hah! sweet deal- You da man!
Oliver_TwisteD's Profile - Community Messages